Funny how the BBC hasn’t given this more profile…

“MPs have demanded that the BBC reveals details of all commercial deals its journalists have with other organisations, amid fears of an increasing number of conflicts of interest affecting their work.

The Corporation is under pressure following The Mail on Sunday’s disclosure two weeks ago that senior BBC journalist Roger Harrabin, acting on behalf of the BBC, accepted £15,000 in grants from the University of East Anglia, which was at the heart of the ‘Climategate’ scandal, and then reported on the story without declaring this interest to viewers.

Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s ‘environment analyst’, used the money from the Tyndall Centre (which includes the University of East Anglia’s Centre for Climate Change Research) to fund seminars on behalf of BBC senior management in 2002-5. Mr Harrabin did not derive any personal financial benefit.”


I was on the BBC earlier today here (45mins in)discussing some of the comments made by Conservative David Gauke concerning the “morality” of paying cash and also in tax avoidance.  As ever with the BBC there is an agenda and in this case the meme is naming and shaming “the wealthy” who dare to limit their tax exposure in a lawful manner. I asked the BBC presenter if those who have ISA’S should also be hounded or if this was just class war? I asked  if she knew that David Gauke is married to a Tax Avoidance lawyer. Don’t think she did. They don’t do their homework on these issues, they simply kneejerk into hang the “rich” and to hell with the consequences. Felt she was sympathetic to the soak the rich agenda of the Trade Unionist.


BBC News in paroxysm of joy at the news that the CPS have announced that eight people, including Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, will face a total of 19 charges relating to phone hacking, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.

The two ex-News of the World editors are to be charged in connection with the accessing of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler’s phone messages.

I caught the PM coverage of thison Radio 4 at 5pm  and one could be forgiven for thinking that these allegations have already been proven and that all these folks are going to prison. The undisguised pleasure in the BBC voices at this news was remarkable and I noted their praise for Alan Rushbridger, presented as hero of the process, and of course they guy in charge of their print end . Coinciding with the end of Leveson today I have rarely heard the BBC anti-Murdoch machine sounding so triumphalist.


Before the 2003 Iraq War Russia, China, France and Germany opposed the US resolution to ‘legalise’ the war. 

The BBC fully endorsed their stance because it opposed the war itself.  No questions were ever asked about why any of these countries were opposing the resolution….was it for some humane anti-war reason or the reality…a grubby backing of a murderous dictator for commercial and geo-political reasons.

The vetos were therefore themselves ‘illegitimate’ being based upon self interest rather than wider considerations such as the desire for a peaceful and humane resolution.

If such vetos are allowed then it negates the whole purpose of the UN as a world ‘policeman’ which arbitrates world affairs through a moral and legal framework..not on whether a country has trade deals  with another.

Scroll forward to the present and  Russian and China are refusing to back UN resolutions that attempt to pressurise Syria to come to terms.

This time though the BBC find their opposition not to its liking and gives its backing to the ‘rebels’ which might also be considered a strange volte face….how often have we been lectured that the US helping Islamist Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan lead to the creation of Al Qaeda?

Now the Islamists are flavour of the month fighting for ‘freedom’.

Peter Hitchens in the Mail spells it out.


BBC Censorship: US Gun Laws, Gun Crime, And Reality

Most people here will have noticed that the BBC has gone overboard this week with the hand-wringing over US gun laws. The same agenda – US gun laws are too permissive, gun ownership laws lead to a high homicide rate, etc. – has spread across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting, from the website to radio to television. All of it from the same angle: too much gun ownership, ordinary citizens probably shouldn’t be allowed to own guns, and all that. Not a single report or interview – as far as I’ve been able to find, and defenders of the indefensible are welcome to correct me and point out the exception – coming from the opposite viewpoint. Anyone seen a Beeboid challenge someone who says US gun laws need to be much, much stricter, or similar?

The BBC also made a big deal out of the President turning up in Colorado to pose as the caring leader, uniting us all under the banner of Hope, that the Beeboids know He really is. Not a single raised Beeboid eyebrow or sarcastic aside at how this might be a nice bit of political opportunism in a tough election cycle. He’d never do that, would He?

With all the whining about US gun laws and gun crime, there’s really something else you need to know. The BBC, of course, is censoring this news, refusing to tell you about it. Mark Mardell seems to have been on vacation for the last couple of weeks, so there isn’t even a word of wisdom from the BBC’s top man in the US, whom you are supposed to trust on these things.

Here’s a perfect example of what the BBC doesn’t want you to know about US gun laws and gun crime. It even concerns the President’s adopted home town, so one would think the Beeboids in the US would be aware of it:

Chicago Homicide Rate Worse Than Kabul, Up To 200 Police Assigned To High-Profile Wedding

As Chicago residents face a murder rate that, thus far this year, is worse than U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Chicago Police Department has assigned at least 100 officers to secure the wedding of White House advisor Valerie Jarrett’s daughter.

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Malia and Sasha arrived in Chicago Friday evening ahead of the Saturday wedding of Laura Jarrett, which will be held in a backyard in the city’s Kenwood neighborhood. And that wedding is, expectedly, set to be a high-security affair.

This is the HuffingtonPost, folks. So the Beeboids know all about it. And this can’t be dismissed simply as extra security for the President, happens all the time.

The directive for police to cover the Jarrett wedding arrives at a time where Chicago is facing a surge in its homicide rate. The Daily pointed out in a Friday column that more Chicago residents — 228 — have been killed so far this year in the city than the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan – 144 — over the same period.

The war zone-like statistics are not new. As WBEZ reports, while some 2,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, more than 5,000 people have been killed by gun fire in Chicago during that time, based on Department of Defense and FBI data.

More than 5000 people. How many of them in random acts of mass murder by lunatics like the guy in Colorado or Loughner in Tucson? Pretty much zero. (Gang activity and drive=bys aren’t really the same thing at all, even when innocents are killed in the process.) That’s a body count high enough to make any Beeboid’s head spin, so Chicago and Illinois must have pretty lax gun laws, right? Must be sub-machine guns and RPGs for sale on every corner, a free shotgun with every Slurpee at the local 7-11, right?

Er…no. Illinois and Chicago have just about the toughest, strictest gun laws in the country. In fact, the local county currently has a law banning the very kind of assault weapon the Colorado lunatic used. And yet, Chicago has a much, much higher rate of gun murders than the whole State of Colorado: 120. That includes murder by other means, like stabbing, which means that the number of murders with actual guns is even lower. But that doesn’t help the BBC’s anti-gun agenda, so they don’t bother to check it out and instead push partisan propaganda at you.  Hell, even Washington, DC – the President’s current place of residence (when He’s not golfing or on vacation with rich white folks, that is) = with something like 12% of the population, has more murders per annum than Colorado. And DC also has very strict gun control laws. They’ve even tried to ban people from keeping a loaded handgun in the house for self defense, never mind buying a semi-automatic weapon and a high-capacity magazine.

Of course, there’s one very important difference between the victims in Aurora and those in Chicago and DC. The vast majority of the people shot and killed in Chicago and DC were black. The President isn’t going to be giving a Hopey speech to their families any time soon, I can assure. And it won’t even occur to single sycophantic Beeboid to ask why not. It also puts all the BBC long faces and rending of garments over the troop deaths in Afghanistan in perspective, no? Not such a high body count when taking reality into consideration. But I digress.

Furthermore, while the BBC spent all that effort discussing gun laws and gun crime, did anybody bother to ask how many guns Timothy McVeigh or the9/11 mass murderers or the 7/7 mass murderers needed? No? Funny, that.

Just a couple months ago, some lunatic went on a rampage with a knife in a grocery store in Salt Lake City. Utah, of course, has slightly more “lax” gun laws than Chicago or DC, but that isn’t going to prevent some idiot from grabbing a kitchen knife and running around with it. Even the BBC knows that. So a legally armed private citizen shot the f@#$er before he killed too many people. Again, the BBC won’t be bringing this kind of thing up because it doesn’t fit in with the Agenda.To balance out the constant stream of people advocating stricter gun laws, where are the guests saying that the massacre could have been stopped if somebody in the theater had been carrying?

There’s plenty of evidence – even begrudgingly admitted by the liberal New York Times – that European countries with more guns per capita have lower murder rates. But then, those countries are probably more homogenous, eh, BBC? Oh, my, better tone down the racism inherent in those facts.

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. That’s good enough for the BBC, and they don’t want you to think any different.


Interesting report on the BBC Today programme this morning concerning the nature of those “rebels” fighting the Assad regime. You see the BBC has embedded a reporter with the “rebels” fighting for the “Syria Free Army” as they cross from Lebanon into Syria. It appears that those who seek to bring down Assad fall into two groups; the first is Muslim but it wants to see a pluralist Syria that will take care of minorities such as Christians; the sec0nd is Salafist that wants to see an Islamic Emirate created. It’s clear that the BBC have taken the side of the “rebels” and as Peter Hitchens opined yesterday in his column in the MoS…

” Could this be why the BBC, which has cast aside all impartiality over the Syrian crisis, behaved so repellently when a terrorist bomb killed several leading Syrians on Wednesday?
There was an exultant tone in its coverage of these killings, summed up by the phrase ‘a stunning development’ to describe the murders on Radio 4’s The World Tonight. The tone of voice used was not coldly neutral, but excited. I thought we were against Islamist terror. Not so long ago we were engaged in a war against it. I also thought we were against assassination as a weapon of war. I also thought the BBC had admitted it got carried away over the Arab Spring. It’s doing it again now in Damascus, but there’s still time to grow up and calm down. The same goes for Foreign Secretary William Hague, who seems weirdly anxious to abandon the Christians of Syria to some horrible Islamic regime, probably preceded by some real massacres.”

When British troops go to places like Iraq and Afghanistan to try and liberate people from Saddamite and Taliban tyrannies, the BBC are there to oppose them in moral hectoring tine. But when Islamic tyrants move against regimes like Assads the BBC is there to cheer lead for them. Isn’t that odd?


There are a few Conservatives that the BBC quite likes and Tim Yeo is one. (Bercow is another). Yeo’s Eco- zealotry is the reason for BBC admiration and he was given a very easy ride on Today this morning (7.13am) as he attacked his own colleagues in the Treasury for not putting further subsidy into green energy.

Tim Yeo, chairman of the energy and climate change select committee, said: “The Treasury has clearly intervened in the draft bill in a way that will put up bills to consumers and put off investors by increasing their risks. “This is exactly the opposite of what the Treasury says it wants,” he told BBC News.

So, Yeo and the gang are trying to get a pre-emptive strike in and place the blame on the Treasury for the consequences of the sheer lunacy of their own eco-cultism. Yeo knows that as consumers see energy prices rising they will look to attribute blame and since the Green movement knows it is bang to rights on this it hopes to shift that blame elsewhere. Roger Harradin joins in the act here.