This programme is one that should see the new DG in the dock at OFFCOM if any BBC programme would.
Evan Davis has ensured that the BBC has taken sides in one of the biggest political and economic arguments of the times. The BBC has become openly political and partisan.
A programme that was dreamt up as a clever ‘Trojan horse’ to ‘nudge’ us into accepting a certain economic viewpoint was allowed to go too far and become what amounts to a blatantly obvious piece of propaganda for the Labour Party’s spending, or is that ‘investing’, plans.
It should, I would assume, have been a subtle bit of agitprop that told a story, made its point but not say that point aloud, it should have ‘led’ the viewer to reach the desired conclusion himself…but the BBC being the BBC it doesn’t trust the British public to make the right decision so it spells it out for them…spend money now!
Evan Davis is investigating the condition of Britain’s Infrastructure…he finds it is in a dire state, of course….and in need of great deal of money to be invested in it.
This will not only help provide jobs and economic growth now…but future proof us when the population reaches 70 million….he tells us.
No mention of the immigration that Labour imposed upon us that makes 70 million a likely figure….and upon which we can heap much of the blame for the hugely expensive upgrades in infrastructure needed now….the estimate in the programme is, purely for energy, telecoms, water and transport improvements, that it will cost £500 billion by 2020….and that excludes other projects needed such as schools, housing and hospitals to cope with the flood of new people.
So not only has Evan’s Labour Party spent ruinously when in government and landed us with a huge bill hanging over us now but it has left us a legacy that is going to bankrupt us or turn us into a third world economic basketcase as the economy cannot pay for all the necessary infrastructure to cope with the influx of immigrants.
But don’t worry says Evan….the cost is a mere nothing in the scale of things…and even if you object to new construction, don’t worry…because once it’s built you’ll love it, you’ll be content!
Here is a taste of Evan’s thinking and the conclusions he proposes….it is essentially a Labour Party political broadcast giving unqualified backing to Labour’s own policies.
As I said, if he’d been clever he’d have left it at telling us of the crumbling infrastructure and the future problems that will arise from that and then allowed us to start thinking ‘maybe something should be done’…but he kept going and decided to lecture us in what is as he says an area in which there is a great argument.
He has ensured that the BBC has taken sides in one of the biggest political and economic arguments of the times. The BBC has become openly political and partisan.
Evan Davis speaks:
‘Britain faces an almighty challenge…key parts of our infrastructure are wearing out and all over Britain it is the same story. Much of our civil engineering that’s holding our country together is not up to the job.
Britain needs some serious work.
It won’t be easy and it won’t be cheap.
But if we’re ambitious for our future there’s no better time to get on with the job of building it than right now!
Should we be doing a lot more of this work (building infrastructure)…I know I’m biased…because I like it….but isn’t there a case for investing far more in infrastructure to get Britain ready for the future?
Forth Road Bridge….although it cost 1.5 billion it is a useful fillip to the local economy at a difficult time.
Infrastructure is one of the most effective ways of creating jobs.
Many believe there’s a lesson for Britain today and we should be digging our way out of a slump.
There’s a big argument over that.
But it makes an awful lot of sense when the economy is in the doldrums.
How much would it cost?
To keep the water, energy, telecoms and transport systems alone up to scratch and keeping pace with the growing population will cost £500 billion by 2020.
Don’t we have to spend more to give our economy space to respond to change?’
Davis occassionally tries to keep to the script…ie this is a programme that is trying to suggest we build infrastructure for ‘the Future’…but keeps letting his true reasons slip out….it is all about spending for ‘growth’….or alleged growth…and no idea where the money comes from to start with.
A more partisan programme, openly supporting a Labour policy, would be hard to find.
If the Tories don’t start acting on programmes like this and stop the BBC from airing them they deserve everything they get…which is probably a big fat zero vote in 2015.