Following on my post explaining the situation, here are the tweets. Some will be screenshots or some other form of publishing because the actual tweets have been deleted after the BBC staff member responsible was caught. With one exception, there are no retweets here, as that’s a separate debate. A comprehensive research project if far beyond my means, but just scanning through so many of them tells me that for many BBC employees, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Note the trends on certain issues.
Because some people seem to keep missing the point, let me repeat: This is not meant to prove that all tweets are biased, nor is it meant to prove that all BBC staff are 100% of the Left. Many BBC employees are fairly responsible with Twitter, and do not tweet their political opinions at all. This is meant to prove that those who do freely tweet their personal political and ideological opinions are nearly all of the Left. Nearly every department of the BBC is represented here, both on air talent and editors and producers behind the scenes. This also demonstrates that in many cases the line between official and personal accounts has been blurred so much as to be essentially non-existent, contrary to BBC guidelines. The whole thing needs to be trashed and re-examined.
This is mostly all thanks to the keen eye of DB, without whose vigilance this would not have been possible. I just kept a list as the sheer volume of them began to reveal certain patterns, before starting to search the feeds myself. Other contributors are: Craig, Reed, Jeff W, Guest Who, Laban, Notasheep, BBC Waste, David Vance, ChrisH, and yours truly. (Apologies if I missed anyone.)
Kaye Adams, BBC Scotland radio presenter
KAYE Adams, the BBC broadcaster, has been accused of being unfit to present a top current affairs programmes after she tweeted that Boris Johnson “should p*** off back to boarding school”.
The former presenter of Loose Women, the ITV talk show, who presents a popular Radio Scotland show, was on holiday in Tuscany when she made a series of expletive-filled Tweets about London’s mayor. She has now apologised and deleted the comments from her Twitter site.
Paul Adams, BBC Washington correspondent
Also, when reporting from the Republican National Convention, Adams made 10 tweets, all negative, and for only one day, Aug. 30. From the Democrat’s convention, he made 30 tweets over three days, Sept. 4-6, all positive, including the #DNC2012 hashtag. The RNC hashtag was absent from all of his tweets.
Sarah Afshar, Senior producer for Newsnight
Anita Anand, BBC Radio and TV presenter
In case anyone isn’t sure who Anand is, a charming photo of her can be seen here. The other person in that photo is the star of his own R5 Live show, Richard Bacon.
Here’s a screenshot of Bacon telling his followers to check out a vicious anti-Palin article by her personal womb inspector, Andrew Sullivan.
Wendy Bailey, former BBC Radio broadcaster, producer Children in Need, and lots more.
Ros Ball, BBC Parliament correspondent (with an activist statement photo on her Twitter page)
Bob Ballard, BBC Radio commentator on swimming and diving
Mark Barlex, BBC On Demand editor, tweeted from the BBC College of Journalism account(!)
The “gift” is the video hosted on the BBC website of that Iraqi reporter throwing a shoe at George Bush.
He’s talking about the Newsnight report on the inauguration speech which the BBC edited to make the President sound more Green-friendly.
Mark Blank-Settle, BBC College of Journalism social media maven
Claire Bolderson, BBC presenter
Peter Bowes, BBC correspondent in the US
Jane Bradley, BBC Midlands Current Affairs producer

Toby Brown, BBC News Channel producer
Am reading an essay on American capitalism and it’s effect on women. 50% jealous of academia. 50% glad to be out of it…
— Toby Brown (@browntoby) April 19, 2012
Mario Cacciottolo, BBC journalist
Jenny Clarke, BBC Radio Manchester
Shut up going on about how great Manchester is George Osborne. We know it is and flattery will not buy our votes. Now kindly fuck off.
She soon got caught out, tweet and entire account deleted before we could get the embed code. Original tweet url was:!/jenrclarke/status/120849989885902848. She then set up a new account @jennyfleur88. Tweets protected now.
Katie Connolly, ex-BBC US correspondent. From Newsweek to the BBC, now works at a Democrat strategy group, worked on the campaign to re-elect the President. Go figure. Lots of tweets, too much to post here, but Craig’s list and full analysis can be read here. Highlights:
this palin speech is more like a stand up routine, esp with the redneck jokes 1,273,863,138,000.00 via TweetDeck ouch. sarah palin calls us the lamestream media. #palin #nra RT @chucktodd: FOIA-requested Todd Palin related emails involving Palin’s time in office in Alaska now up on 1,265,387,931,000.00 via TweetDeck My boss Jon Meacham responds to critics of our Sarah Palin cover photo 1,258,492,120,000.00 via TweetDeck
She regularly corresponded with a number of JournoListas, and RTed their groupthink as often as possible.
Matt Danzico, BBC News reporter in the US, and former Obama campaigner. His Twitter page has both the disclaimer and the BBC logo wallpaper
(UPDATE: Forgot to mention this last one is from before Danzico worked for the BBC. This was from back when he was working for the 2008 campaign. Usually people go work for a political party or campaign after a stint at the BBC. I included this to demonstrate both his consistency and as an example of what is not an obstacle to being hired as an impartial journalist.) Several more can be seen here. Tom Donkin, journalist for BBC News Online Magazine
Gavin Esler, newsreader, presenter for Newsnight and Dateline
Stephanie Flanders, BBC Economics editor
Matt Frei, ex-BBC, now with C4, former anchor of BBC World News America
Leah Gooding, newsreader for BBC Newsround (Screenshot because Jude Machin changed the avatar after complaints, relevant tweet deleted.)
Jim Hawkins, BBC Radio Shropshire (One of many presenters who uses his “unofficial, personal” account as the official one for a BBC show)
Rhys Hughes, BBC Radio 1 producer
Here’s what his avatar was until DB posted it last week and somebody told Hughes to clean up his act. 
Katty Kay, anchor, BBC World News America and pundit in official BBC capacity on MSNBC and other show
Rachel Kennedy, BBC News editor
Screenshot because Kennedy deleted the tweets after Guido Fawkes linked to DB’s post on them and it gained wider attention. Same goes for this one:
Dominic Laurie, Business presenter for Radio 5 Live
Brian Limond, “controversial” BBC Scotland comedian
“Would Prince William write to FIFA on behalf of the Scotland team wearing poppies? No. Cos he thinks ENGLAND won the war.” This message was quickly followed by; “I’d love to slide a samurai sword up Prince William’s arse to the hilt, then yank it towards me like a door that won’t f@*king open.” This was eventually followed by another anti-Royal family message: “Absolutely f@*k England and its royal wee family living it up while pensioners freeze to death.”
Tweets deleted after complaints. More here. Sue Llewellyn, BBC social media expert
This is the only Retweet in this collection, included here as evidence of the groupthink regarding Sarah Palin, and particularly the blood libel so many BBC journalists and other staff tried to push. Even one of the BBC’s experts in social media felt free to retweet such a thing. Now for an original tweet:
Jude Machin, BBC journalist, formerly US-based, now in UK (See Leah Gooding above) Screenshots because it’s all been sent down the memory hold after she got caught, then got caught again, then got caught again.

James Macintyre, former BBC Question Time producer, now political editor for Prospect magazine and Ed Miliband’s biographer
Chris Mason, BBC political correspondent
Screenshot because his Twitter feed archive wouldn’t go back far enough

Paul Mason Newsnight economics editor
John Mervin, BBC News New York business editor
Link goes to Time magazine article about how “Conservatives have lost touch with reality”
Claudia Milne, editor BBC News Online US edition
Fallows was Jimmy Carter’s speechwriter and is a popular Left-wing pundit
Daniel Nasaw, US-based feature writer for BBC News Online Magazine
Matt Prodger, BBC Home Affairs correspondent
Mark Sandell, editor World Have Your Say, BBC World TV and World Radio
Joan Soley, BBC News Pentagon correspondent (note BBC News wallpaper despite “my views” disclaimer)
Regarding one of the Republican presidential candidate debates:
Brett Spencer, Radio 5 Live Interactive editor Screenshot because he deleted the tweets after being caught.
Allegra Stratton, Newsnight political editor
Jeremy Vine, Radio 2 host, Eggheads presenter, former Newsnight journalist (and another one who uses his “personal” account as the official one for his BBC show)
Sarah Walton, journalist for BBC Look North
Tim Weber, ex-BBC business & technology editor for BBC Interactive, now Director at Edelman
Lucy Williamson, BBC Seoul correspondent
Screenshots because Twitter feed archive doesn’t go back far enough:

Plenty more here.
And there you have it. Come see the bias inherent in the system. I’ve actually lost count of how many tweets there are and how many Beeboids are represented. Someone else will have to do it now since my eyes are all bleary from laying this out.
For balance, here’s one which appears to be from the Right by James Landale, BBC News political correspondent (h/t Jim Dandy)
Oh, and apparently Andrew Neil is on the Right, and Nick Robinson used to be in his youth. Balanced or what?