I was amazed by a story that the BBC ran earlier today on Radio 4 Today.
Social services in Kent are struggling to cope with an increase in the numbers of unaccompanied child asylum seekers. Bernie Gibson is managing director of the agency Compass Fostering.
The central issue here was the lack of good foster homes for …Eritrean immigrants. (All boys. mysteriously) The BBC shared the concern of Ms Gibson. I’m surprised the BBC does not put them all up in Broadcasting House.
I caught an item on BBC Today programme on R4 around 6.40am which was classic BBC bashing of the one ethnic group the BBC cannot tolerate – White people. This morning it was Australians that were in the firing line and the line being sold was that Australia has a major issue dealing with the fact that “White redneck” Aussies are so racist. Quite incredibly generalising and patronising. Naturally the treatment of Aborigines was brought up as was a stat they were ’20 times more likely to be in prison” that Whitey. I wonder are they 20 times more likely to commit certain types of crime? We will never know because the BBC were out on a mission to simply blacken the reputation of White Australians.
Well then, as another day dawns the BBC becomes more and more overt in its SUPPORT for the swarm of third world immigrants queuing up to storm the Channel tunnel and get into the UK. Yesterday they joined in the general left wing outrage that Cameron used the “S” word! How DARE he refer to these find upstanding people in such terms. I’ve noticed at least TWO BBC presenters – Stephen Nolan and William Crawley – piously bleating that we need to “understand” the “desperation”of these “poor people” How ridiculous and how BIASED. If they don’t like ‘swarm” may I suggest Cameron tries “infestation”?
When it wasn’t baiting Australians this morning, the BBC was turning its gaze on Israel concerning the death of a Palestinian infant in an arson attack blamed on Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Now then, such an arson attack is utterly unacceptable I am sure that Israel will do everything possible to apprehend the culprit. But as in ALL these cases it gives the BBC the pretext to then BASH Israel. So the commentator the BBC produced on the Radio 4 Today programme around 6.50am sneered that Israel plays lip service to dealing with settlers who commit such crimes and only REALLY does anything when the media focus on. Such a vile slur on the reputation of the Israeli legal and policing system contrasts with the BBC’s indifferent approach to Palestinian savagery such as the slaughter of the Fogel family. In the BBC world view, Israel can never do good, it is ALWAYS wrong.
“iPlayer is swarming with people,” one source, who asked to remain anonymous, told MediaGuardian. “They’re throwing more and more people at it – a classic mistake – while McKinsey suits run around carrying wads of paper and trying to look important. The BBC often tries to be a software development company, and fails every time.”
Channel 4...’Human Swarm’...We all like to think of ourselves as individuals, but this eye-opening documentary, presented by Jimmy Doherty, reveals new evidence that suggests we actually behave like a herd of animals
Cameron talks of a “swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean, seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain” and Labour’s kneejerk dog whistle response is to try to shout him down and berate him for what they like to portray as racist or divisive and inhumane language.
Now it’s my guess that most people are with Cameron on this and don’t think the language used in any way suggests that he thinks the migrants are ‘insects’ and dehumanises them in an ‘incendiary’ fashion as Labour suggest.
In effect Harman, Burnham, Corbyn and all the rest are doing exactly what Brown did when he attacked Gillian Duffy calling her ‘a bigoted woman’ when she used the word ‘flocking’ to describe how the immigrants were swarming over here from Eastern Europe.
Perhaps they should all start to apologise, head in hands style, to Cameron.
Labour can’t help themselves, they see an opportunity for a bit of mud-slinging and pious grandstanding and they jump in with both feet without a single thought entering their little heads. They know there is huge public concern about immigration, they know this is one of their major weaknesses having let in swarm upon swarm of immigrants whilst lying through their teeth about the numbers, they know something serious needs to be done and yet instead of coming up with a serious policy they decide instead to make an opportunistic attack on Cameron to try and score political brownie points…and yet the public must look on at this and think what a bunch of contemptous little chancers.
The BBC hasn’t noticed though and gives Harman and Co all due respect without challenging their pretentious and sanctimonious posturing.
This was the BBC’s top story for much of the day and although they haven’t had time to check back on Labour’s own record on such utterances they did have time to slam Farage who also mentioned immigrants ‘swarming’ around him on ITV in the morning and comb the records for other Tory utterances of a similar nature.
Harman herself was once quite concerned about ‘cheap workers’ and ‘labour’ coming from abroad undermining wages here….surely she meant the poor, the needy, the desperate and oppressed…surely she should be talking of the human stories of each immigrant and not callously dismissing them as mere faceless ‘labour’ or ‘cheap workers’. Such divisive, dangerous and toxic language from Harman.
The BBC could of course have pointed out that Harman’s own son wasn’t above exploiting the migrants…is this ‘dehumanising’ them?…
‘Paddy Power has been accused of a crass stunt mocking the Calais immigration crisis as it emerged the acting Labour leader’s son was part of the team that created the poster.
Harry Dromey, the son of Harriet Harman, works for the advertising team which took a lorry to Calais carrying a poster urging foreigners to “jump in the back” if they were good at sport.’
Curious that she now villifies Cameron for a single word about the very same people her son exploited so callously for amusement and profit…a single word that in the dictionaries is just as applicable to people as to insects or animals….eg...(a swarm/swarms of) A large number of people or things: a swarm of journalists
Labour are getting a free ride from the BBC on this, the only up side is that most people watching are capable of making up their own minds and it’s not the chancers from Labour that are coming out on top, after all it wasn’t so long ago that Burnham was boasting of his ‘tough stance’ on immigration…
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Burnham said: “We were in denial. We were behind the issue all the time, and myths were allowed to develop. There’s still an ambivalence among some in Labour about discussing immigration. I’ve been accused of dog-whistle politics for doing so.
“But it was the biggest doorstep issue in constituencies where Labour lost. People aren’t racist, but they say it has increased tension, stopped them getting access to housing and lowered their wages.”
Labour still in denial about immigration and still claiming others are dog whistling when it is they themselves that are trying to whip up a storm with some self-righteous mud-slinging smears.
Good to see the BBC giving them a credible platform to throw the mud from.
The BBC has forced out journalists who helped uncover Jimmy Savile’s horrific child abuse because bosses regard them as ‘traitors’, a senior reporter said today.
Meirion Jones claims whistleblowers have been either squeezed out or moved into dead-end roles after they helped expose the paedophile.
Mr Jones, who has left the corporation after 23 years, says that management refused to sack anyone but instead would ‘drip poison’ about him and ‘make life hell’ for others they considered ‘traitors to the BBC’.
He told Press Gazette: ‘People said they won’t sack you after Savile but they will make your life hell. Everyone involved on the right side of the Savile argument has been forced out of the BBC’.
The award-winning investigative journalist was told there was no place for him at the BBC three days after finishing a documentary of Fake Sheikh Mazher Mahmood.
He said: ‘I went to an employment lawyer. He said if you sue the BBC you will win. However it will take a year and the BBC will settle on the steps of the court.
‘I thought about it and I thought I’ll take voluntary redundancy and go in that case.’
His colleague of 23 years Liz MacKean, who worked on the Savile story documentary with him left in spring 2014.
She told Press Gazette: ‘I didn’t feel encouraged to stay. I felt I would do better to work outside the BBC.
‘There were still so many people who have been shown to be on the wrong side of the story who have stayed.’
Mr Jones claims that Tom Giles, who the Panorama editor in charge of the ‘What the BBC Knew’ Savile documentary was also ‘squeezed out’ into a strategy role ‘going nowhere’.
He says that former BBC head of global news Peter Horrocks, who took over at the height of the scandal was also ‘squeezed out’ because he ‘forced through’ the Panorama.
Mr Horrocks is now in a senior role at the Open University.
But several others involved in the scandal managed to keep their jobs.
Aunty has lifted up her skirts and flashed her racy knickers at us…..well, her bloomers anyway.
This is an interesting look at what is an open secret…the BBC’s tight rein on what it thought was appropriate for the audience to be allowed to watch or listen to…From The Independent….
“This, unless you understand exactly what they’re trying to do, is crap, and pretentious crap at that.” That’s the dismissive verdict BBC assessors gave to rock band T-Rex, back before they were famous.
The existence of the BBC Talent Selection Committee, with its idiosyncratic – and often plain wrong – views was one of the great revelations of BBC: The Secret Files.
This documentary’s presenter Penelope Keith made her name in The Good Life, but Margo Leadbetter’s snootiness was as nothing compared to the various memos that emerged from the Written Archives Centre vaults in Caversham. Back in the days when the Corporation had a broadcasting monopoly, it acted as a gatekeeper to the British public and success without its approval was virtually impossible.
This power dynamic was evidenced by an extraordinary mountain of begging letters, signed by everyone from a penitent Tony Hancock to a humble-sounding Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones and Enid Blyton, who was effectively banned from the airwaves for nearly 30 years, because someone decided her stories lacked “literary value”.
Oh, how times have changed! Now it’s the Beeb that’s forced to write begging letters in an attempt to justify its continued existence.
The BBC Talent Selection Committee…its decisions idiosynchratic and often plain wrong…yep..how times change….still, they did send Donnison into exile in the Antipodes….someone must recognise talent when they see it.
Peter Allen was having a discussion (about 2 hrs 37mins) about Calais and the migrant attempts to rush the border (astonished to hear the BBC say maybe 500 have actually made it through the tunnel!)…he had 4 politicians on to give us their views…no one from UKIP though.
Allen referred to the Nicky Campbell phone-in which I hadn’t heard. Allen said that there were some extreme views being voiced which he thought might have worried Labour’s Mike Gapes. I have quickly run through Campbell’s programme and as far as I can make out the BBC seems to have filtered out most anti-immigration callers…the ones I did hear were concerned about immigration but expressed sympathy for the migrants and one suggested that the solution was to build the economies and stabilise the countries where the migrants were coming from. Hardly worryingly extreme or extremely worrying. The other callers were either truckers, politicians or several who were pro-immigration…one of whom, maybe Allen’s ‘extremist’ (unlikely I know), wanted the borders kept open because it is our nation’s, no doubt fascist, behaviour that has caused all the world’s problems and resulted in the migrant crisis…therefore we must pay!
Whilst Allen thought Gapes might be worried about people having ‘extreme’ views (Allen didn’t elaborate on what they were) it turns out Gapes wasn’t worried at all because he knows that phone-ins such as Campbell’s attracts right-wingers who are out of work with nothing to do except be angry about the world.
So now we know…the sheer contempt he has for most people of this country. His patronisng and arrogant, unpleasant attitude is exactly what we have come to expect from the Left…and why Labour loses and will keep losing elections…they have a total and utter disregard for the People’s opinions, they hold them in complete contempt and are absolutely dismissive of their views.
Fair-do’s Allen did stand up for the callers and even the Tabloid Press which might possibly be representing the views of the many rather than being the people who get the blame for ‘whipping up anti-immigrant feeling’…of course those who want to control immigration don’t have considered and coherent reasons for their stance…its just racism, stupidity and prejudice.
Gapes was in the Home Office from 2001 to 2002 so I suppose he feels some responsibility/guilt for the car-crash immigration policies that Labour passed onto the Tories.
Campbell told us that it is all about women and children and suffering…and he managed to slip in a quick soundbiote for climate change….things can only get worse as the climate does and forces people to flee their burning hot countries…the ones not under metres of flood water….guess he had a tick list of things to mention.
The debate about migration is very narrow, as you can tell from Campbell’s thoughts There is very little about the real impact of migration upon the country and just when do you draw the line on numbers. It was interesting to hear the 4 politicians, Labour, Tory, SNP and Clyde Cymru, all being to varying degrees accepting of immigration and essentially a de facto open border, not one of them represented the views of what must be the majority of the people in this country. They all take the easy, non-controversial route of expressing sympathy for the migrants saying we must look at this as a human tragedy essentially not a security issue and yes, the numbers must be controlled…but of course they refuse to state a number or how it will be done.
Oh, and if you’re an immigrant and you want help setting up home or just a bed for the night, or someone to pay for your kids’ education and healthcare contact Mike Gapes, Member of Parliament for Ilford South….and see if he puts his money where his principles are…I’m guessing you’d better find a nice warm doorway to sleep in……
If you have a query or a problem then please get in touch with Mike. You can contact Mike’s office in many ways:
I was listening to BBC Today this morning on Radio 4 for my sins and around 6.40am on came Lyse Douchet with a fulsome tribute to Obama’s horrific deal with the Mad Mullahs in Iran. Her take on it was that because Obama had willed it, and because the likes of the UN Security Council and the EU had also piled in, the fact that it has NOT gained approval from the US Congress is a pesky detail that will surely be resolved.
Gosh – I remember the BBC taking issue with George W Bush anytime he tried to go it alone with out Congress approval but when it’s Obama….ah…different story. Lovely Lyse went on to inform us listeners “it is good to be back in Iran”. Let’s hope she was wearing her veil.
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