371 Responses to MID WEEK OPEN THREAD…

  1. dontblamemeivotedukip says:

    Felt I had to share this comment from order-order


    The Git at the Gobshites Rest • 17 minutes ago
    “Its typical lefty doublespeak.
    So lefties wont get judgemental about people who join ISIS but go ballistic about people joining UKIP.”

    How much more does this apply to the BBC?


  2. BBC delenda est says:

    Current series “Treasures of the Indus”, in which, so far at least, the BBC whitewashes Islam.

    “BBC religions. Mughal Empire (1500s, 1600s)
    Last updated 2009-09-07

    There had been Muslims in India long before the Mughals. The first Muslims arrived in the 8th century.

    Gujurat mosque, a one-storey stone building with arches along its facade Ahmedabads Jama Masjid (Grand Mosque)
    was built in the 15th century in Gujarat ©
    In the first half of the 10th century a Muslim ruler of Afghanistan invaded the Punjab 11 times,
    without much political success, but taking away a great deal of loot.

    A more successful invasion came at the end of the 12th century. This eventually led to the formation of the Delhi Sultanate.

    A later Muslim invasion in 1398 devastated the city of Delhi.

    The Mughal Empire grew out of descendants of the Mongol Empire who were living in Turkestan in the 15th century.
    They had become Muslims and assimilated the culture of the Middle East, while keeping elements of their Far Eastern roots.

    They also retained the great military skill and cunning of their Mongol ancestors,
    and were among the first Western military leaders to use guns.”

    That is what the BBC has to say, note that these Asians have somehow become “Western military leaders”.

    There are dissenting opinions.

    And many other where the disgusting behaviour of these animals is treated at length in graphic detail.
    Muslims are enemies, simply because of their beliefs.


  3. Cranmer says:

    Unless I am mistaken there was no mention of the migrant situation on the 2pm R4 news today, despite Denmark closing its rail/road links with Germany. Has the BBC decided that the ‘science has been settled’? Does it prefer to report nothing at all than anything negative? Or has it just got bored with the whole thing?

    In any case, here’s a little snippet of what’s been going on at Keleti Palyaudvar in Budapest. Migrants chanting ‘ – you!’ at the police during a disturbance of some sort. Apologies if posted before.


  4. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    Didn’t see this on our state broadcaster……………………


    • Mr A says:

      Wow. So there are THOUSANDS of “far-right” people in Italy?

      Seems unlikely. More like “concerned citizens.”


      • taffman says:

        The reporter says “Truly a massive rally” – not much on our media about this ?
        We will soon hear Germany start squealing. Then Merkel and our AlBeeb will badger Cameron to take in more of her migrants.


    • David Brims says:

      ” Anti Fascist counter demonstration.” They’re the true Fascists, they’re the ones who name call, bully and intimidate, all for the sake of ”equality,”


  5. Grant says:

    BBC website has a piece about 26 MPs having their expense debts written off by IPSA. In the narrative, it only refers to Conservative MPs. In the list of MPs after the narrative, 12 of the MPs are Conservative and 12 are Labour. That is such blatant bias it is quite pathetic.


  6. Aborigine Londoner says:

    Obviously there are no child corpses to photograph today so alBeeb highlights the terrible plight of (attention hungry, self-serving, self-promoting) barrister who received an ‘abusive’ message on linkedin!


    Of course if you read the whole story she solicited the reply and a proper barrister says “it doesn’t make him sexist; it is just perfectly natural behaviour.” But don’t let that get in the way of your male-bashing Beeb!

    I’m more astounded that a barrister has skin thinner than Tesco Value Toilet paper. I’m sure all the major law firms will be on the look out to hire her especially now they know she will air her laundry in public if she feels she has been wronged.

    Not exactly a victory for equality.


  7. ray_f says:


    picture shows a “square-jawed police officer with close-cropped hair nuzzling a young Syrian boy.”

    The photo, taken by BBC Radio 4 journalist Manveen Rana was retweeted and favourited thousands of times. Rana snapped the picture near a crossing in southern Serbia, where a group of migrants including Syrians and Iraqis had arrived after walking all night.
    Lucky you would think
    However she said on Radio 4
    [“Bear this on mind next time you thought Serbs are [genocidal] people,” one Serb commented, while another said: “Finally some truth about Serbs, that is the true face of Serbia, not all 90’s propaganda.” There was also criticism of Western media and of the BBC in particular – many Serbs feel they’ve been unfairly portrayed in the media.”]

    The message seems to be: You thought we were mass murderers, but you were wrong. Look at me cuddling a refugee. The BBC is its own worst enemy.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      I presume the Serbs are wanting to move them through as quickly as possible!

      If they are not careful though pictures like this might make the migrants want to stay in Serbia!


      • chrisH says:

        You can see why the BBC approve of such pictures.
        No need for CRB checks-the uniformed branch of the BBCs “Childrens Services Directorate” must be loving this.
        If only Savile had been issued with a uniform eh?
        The BBC-utterly hypocritical gulls for Islam and its “passion for children”


      • Essexman says:

        When we visited Belgrade last year , every one was Hideously White , & I never saw one ethnic .The Serbs were very friendly .We went to the 3 Carrots ,Irish pub , right opposite the TV station , that Clinton /Blair / Nato, had bombed .Its left in its bombed state, as a reminder to what we did . I was always against , the “War ” with the Serbs , it was totally ridiculous , as we are all on the same side. They are Eastern /Greek/ Orthodox , & no threat to Protestantism , unlike the ROP or even the Popes mob ,which thinks it is Top Dog in the Christian World .


        • BRISSLES says:

          No black/brown faces – or any migrants in Japan either. Wouldn’t suit the BBC, they’d parachute in Reeta Chakrabati quicker than you can say sushi !


    • Geoff says:

      Sits back and waits for the truth behind the picture to come out, which will be unreported by the bBC…

      A picture doesn’t always appear to be what it is, a phographer will fire off numerous photos of one scene within seconds, much like the picture that is used of Farage is always the one that makes him look like a demonic idiot. This may well not be what it appears to be.


    • Rufus McDufus says:

      ‘Square-jawed and close-cropped hair’ as if they’re trying to make out he’s some sort of thug? I await a description of someone with a wide flat nose, frizzy hair and thick lips.


    • The Old Bloke says:

      Now, what are the chances of a “refugee” child wearing the same clothes as that boy that “drowned” last week in Turkey? From the picture above and of the pictures of the little boy “drowned” quite high:

      Note the shirt has no collar, note it is the same colour, note the sleeves are the same length, note the trousers are the same colour, note the length of leg is the same, note the hair length of the child, note the hair cut of the child and note the height of the child. In another photo of the “drowned” child, some sort of pattern/writing can be seen on the front of the shirt when being carried by the Turkish policeman.

      This young lad gets about somewhat doesn’t he, especially as he is supposed to be dead. Pity we couldn’t see his shoes now isn’t it?


  8. shelly says:

    That kid could be his Nephew for all anyone really knows.
    I no longer believe anything the msm spew out.


  9. nogginator says:

    After not reporting the protest in Rotherham highlighting the continuing issue of Islamic child gang rape, or the riot by Islamic adherents afterwards
    BBC now decides to report? … that the police think those type of protests are … “unhelpful”
    South Yorkshire Police have claimed demonstrations against failures to adequately investigate child abuse are costing the force too much money. The chief constable and the crime commissioner (PCC) dubbed the protests “unhelpful” and say they should stop. But one protest group said they had a right to highlight police “failings”.

    “Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of Britain First, said:
    “South Yorkshire Police’s call to end demonstrations for monetary reasons is indicative of where their priorities have lain over the last 16 years, not with the children of Rotherham.
    “Recent reports state that South Yorkshire Police are still failing the children of Rotherham as reports of similar cases continue to flood in and 160 police officers are under investigation for ignoring the victims pleas –
    it is therefore no surprise that the police want these protests stopped.”
    “If Britain First has to take to the streets to highlight the failings of South Yorkshire Police in order to protect innocent children then that is what we will continue to do.”

    Whether Britain First or not … we should not, “shoot the messenger”.


  10. Thoughtful says:

    You really really need to watch this:


  11. nogginator says:

    Beginning of last week, I posted about the Islamic Hijrah (emigration jihad as per Mohamhead) re the refugees
    BBC News – EU plans for member states to accept 160,000 new asylum seekers represent a … “drop in the ocean”
    Vice Chancellor. Sigmar Gabriel said “450,000 people had arrived in Germany so far this year, with 37,000 in the first eight days of September.”
    Soooo ….
    Look on the bright side Sigmar! … They won t have any themselves, but “Saudi Arabia Offers to Build 200 Mosques for Syrians in Germany” 😀
    How many have they funded here in the UK?


  12. nogginator says:

    Sweden! … (shakes head)
    Pro-refugee rally draws 10,000 in Gothenburg

    Be on the Al BBC later 😀
    Will all those in Germany get EU passports?.


  13. taffman says:

    Al Beeb reporting “Terror arrests reach record high”
    I bet its those ordinary every day ‘nice’ men again. There’s more on the way .


    • ray_f says:

      Yes I see it on the web page. Just above the report about the chicken with no head who lived for 18 months. How can that happen. Apparently, most of a chickens brain is near to the neck. It’s OK about the terrorist threat, MI5 had set its threat level to SEVERE only, It means a terrorist attack is ‘highly likely’ No problem there then.


  14. nogginator says:

    After watching the constant BBC and Ch4 news refugee narrative, I was just going to watch those poor impoverished, women , small children, and elderly struggle to get to a train …… no wait
    (I think kristian guru murthy was trampled in the first frame)


    • taffman says:

      What is the train driver saying ?


    • ray_f says:

      Am I imagining all this, or is Europe being invaded by hordes of Barbarians. They don’t look like families of Doctors and Lawyers to me. Is this really what are leaders are allowing to happen? What the f**k is happening. I will wake up tomorrow and it will all have been a nightmare. To quote a great film ‘if you don’t like it, why don’t you crawl back to that shithole where you came from’


  15. AsISeeIt says:

    Ali Bongo’s Ol’ Snack Bar!

    Fergal Keane is a particularly annoying BBC foreign correspondent – and he has quite some competition there – it turned into a premier league since the corporation let loose its virtuous battalions upon the migrant crisis

    Keane probably aims for that lyrical tone of old Erin ‘….and so they came, the old, the young, one on crutches, one young man carrying his elderly mother on his back…’

    To me this is unctious crap, but I suppose, each to his own.

    What I found additionally uncomfortable about our Fergal’s recent Greek shoreline encounter with another boatload of call-them-what-you-will was his description of their ‘cries of relief’ on arrival on the coast of Europe.

    I feel Mr Keane sanitised somewhat for our consumption

    In fact the occupants on the large rubber dinghy shouted (I translate) Allah is great.

    Yep, that’s what they shouted Fergal, begorrah begorrah!

    Islamic invasion, anyone?


  16. Dazed and Confused says:

    So this is what we’re going to know as “mainstream” from Monday onward, after the idiot Labour Party elect Jeremy Corbyn……How will Al-Beeb justify this from their new “dear leaders” friends and supporters?


  17. Aborigine Londoner says:

    So now the BBC report Many Dead in Turkish City.

    No doubt so we think it’s ok to leave a refugee camp there and open our arms to welcome anybody who’s ever been near the continent.

    Helpfully the BBC include:

    “The body of a 10-year-old boy killed in the violence was being kept in a refrigerator by family members because restrictions on movement meant they could not take him to the mortuary, the BBC was told.”

    Missed photo opportunity there! Was the source the same one that said Alan Kurdi’s dad fled from Syria?


  18. logiebored says:

    Out of the blue, and with nothing directly from Syria recently, we have Ian Pannell reporting on suspected chemical weapons being used on Syrians, something that has been suggested some time ago, and a video dated from MARCH 2015. Why is this? Oh yes, they tail the report with “Is it any wonder that so many of these people…….” which leads into more ‘refugee crisis’ propaganda.


  19. BRISSLES says:

    Well, I suppose the apple sellers and banana growers are doing a brisk trade.


  20. Cranmer says:

    My Hungarian’s a bit rusty but the driver in that clip was basically saying ‘why are you being so stupid’ followed by some extremely choice Hungarian swearwords. I couldn’t catch the bit at the beginning. The title of the clip is ‘today’s migrants throwing stones at train drivers’.


  21. Al Shubtill says:

    I was watching Look North last night, our local BBC news, it had a piece about what people in this area were going to be doing to help these “refugees”, who are coming here. There was an interview with the principal of Queen Ethelburga’s School, an independent day / boarding school near York, who said that they would be offering 20 boarding places (gratis) to Syrian children. The fees for boarders are circa £10,000 per annum.
    The reporter from LN clearly thought this wonderful; I formed a slightly different opinion – if this private school was able to offer 20 such places; then why not give them to 20 academically gifted, British kids from poor backgrounds? The ones who could could really fulfil their potential if they attended such a school, instead of falling through the cracks of our defective state education system.

    The next feature in the piece was concerned an older couple from Harrogate, who were going to house a “refugee” in their own home. WTF? If they are so full of the milk of human kindness, why not take in a homeless ex-serviceman? Or foster a British child whose had a dreadful start in life?

    What is this obsession with wanting to help foreigners at the expense of your own folk who are in need? Why are there so many people in this country, from the top of our f*****g government (via our Overseas Aid budget) down to clowns like these three in Yorkshire, who seemingly prefer to offer support to anybody and everybody ahead of their fellow Brits?

    Charity begins at home, all these tw@ts need to realise it: or soon we won’t have a country we would want to call home.


    • ray_f says:

      “Half the people wouldn’t visit their grandmother’s grave…then they go and throw flowers at the coffin of some bird they’ve never met” -Noel Gallagher on Princess Diana’s death.

      A straight talking manc who noticed something very weird.


    • Essexman says:

      I hope the migrants they take in ,shit all over their house , if they have daughters , or grand daughters , they will be all muslim within 6 months . Those nice people looking after “nice” migrant`s will probably be murdered within a year .


  22. Geoff says:

    bBC Points West spends 7 minutes with studio guests remembering Bristol’s first black ward sister, Princess Cambell who has sadly died. The guests recall how she overcame adversity (read racism) to reach the position. She was also the first black employee of WD & HO Wills.

    Indeed, we see what a humerous and lovely lady she was from a 2011 interview, when she was awarded an MBE, but then the bBC describe her as an ‘activist’

    Two questions here, if we were so damned racist how did she manage to attain the positions she did, and if it was so bad why didn’t she return home, or even retire there and why is a black death more newsworthy to the bBC than any other? IMO such story’s are actually racist and provoke bad feeling. I’m sure most of the patients she looked after during her career didn’t care or even notice her colour.

    High time the bBC looked beyond colour, the rest of us mere more deep rooted mortals are expected to….


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      But it can’t look beyond colour. It’s an institutionally racist organisation in the true sense of the phrase.


  23. Cranmer says:

    This article on the BBC obviously can’t sugar-coat what’s going on in Hungary.


    However, there’s plenty of subtle propaganda to indicate which way they want us to think. The usual Hungarians bad, Germans good, etc.

    It’s relentless. The Greeks also get criticised. ‘Local authorities have been overwhelmed by the migrants who have been forced to live in squalid conditions’. Forced by whom? Nobody made them go there.

    I am well and truly sick of this.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      I like this bit in the BBC ‘report’:
      About 300 managed to run to a nearby motorway, chanting “Germany, Germany”. As darkness fell, they were walking, escorted by police, towards Budapest, 170km (105 miles) away.

      followed shortly by:
      A shortage of buses to take them to a new registration centre just 2km away

      So, the Hungarians are implicitly blaimed for not providing buses to save the migrants/colonists/invaders a short walk yet the same people are sufficiently motivated and happy to walk the 170km to Budapest?

      Also note the carefully chosen photograph. It’s nearly all men but Shami and Ahmad have been asked to be at the front to emphasise the women and children angle. Meanwhile, Ibrahim is on the phone placing his order for the new iPhone 6S.


  24. Alex says:

    Okay, at least they’ve reported it but could you imagine if this were white Christian teachers? The story wouldn’t be quietly slipping down the page, it’d be frontline news for days with endless analysis from ‘experts’. Remember how the BBC and the Left were in uproar when anyone even suggested that the Trojan Horse affair was happening on a wide scale? I think we all know what is happening within much of Islamic ‘education’ in this country. And I think we know what is happening in many mosques throughout the land. Perhaps if the BBC and the the rest of the craven leftie cretins stopped lying and admitted the truth, we might be able to confront head-on what is a problem of epidemic proportions. I ‘wonder’ whether Islamic ‘teachers’ such as these two gonads have anything to do with the huge rise in Islamic extremism and jihadiwaddies running off to join ISIS scum? One thing is for sure; the BBC will never discuss such a connection; they’re too busy reporting Islamaphobia!



  25. Grant says:

    I just saw a trailer on MORE4 for a documentary about ” The Brits who are fighting ISIS “. Didn’t get the detail , but wonder if the BBC ever even report this ? The Brits in the clip were all hideously white, of course.


  26. Cranmer says:

    I think we are in a really bad situation now. At best, the flow of migrants is going to continue, slightly abated perhaps by winter, with eastern Europe becoming a corridor; the word passed back to the middle east and north Africa to join the exodus.

    Or, there is going to be something which tips public opinion against the influx. It’s hard to say what this could be. A terrorist attack or some sort of outbreak of mass violence would be explained away by the media; I think it’s more likely opinion will slowly change as public services etc become simply unable to cope. Result: either the implementation of some sort of European wide Australian model of immigration, and/or military action in Syria.


    • Alex says:

      Islam will be the cause of the next world war. It has begun. If they get hold of a nuke, then we’re in trouble!


    • Geoff says:

      We’re doomed Capt. Cranmer, even our ‘own’ get uptight about some comment about their picture on Linked in and again our MSM are getting their knickers in a twist over it.

      One has to ask, would her/the MSMs reaction have been the same if 1) A woman had paid her the same complement 2) A non middle aged man or 3) A Muslim ?

      Remember these feminists belong to the same group to as those who are willing to open their homes to immigrants, educated idiots prepared to forsake the future of their country and future offspring for their own blind principles…


  27. chrisH says:

    Good article here re the Palestinians surfing the dead body of that three-year old…par for the course of endless Muslim grievance hustling, and taking the perpetual piss from the Western Gulls and Shills of Niceness.


    Why do we pay the likes of Bowen and Fisk to talk such shite, when such as Ryan tell the truth…inconvenient though that is.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      If you allow enough people into your country from the Third World, eventually your country will become as the Third World.


    • ray_f says:

      It describes them as school teachers, but it was at a Birmingham Islamic Center. That’s not a school by any definition. I have noticed RoPers like using weapons when fighting, usually sticks and canes. And several tend to attack one person. They are good torturers but crap fighters. Unless its women or children.


      The Irish guy in the stripy shirt won. There is more of them than shown here.


  28. Cranmer says:

    I am so fed up with this ‘humanitarian’ argument – with everybody on social media, the news etc trying to outdo each other to show how much they care. Though I’ve been avoiding social media, I’ve just had to reply to someone who claimed Mr Kurdi and his family sailed all the way to Greece from Syria in a dinghy. People are just hearing what they want to hear now; all rational debate is out of the window. I would like to share the images of the stone throwing crowd in Hungary on social media, but I know this will just get excused by the social justice warriors.

    I once got sent on a St John Ambulance course and one thing I remember was being taught about ‘triage’ – how to prioritise the giving of help in the best possible way. Sometimes it means ignoring those that are screaming the loudest. It’s a pity we as a society seem to have lost the ability to do this.


  29. G.W.F. says:

    Muslim women are beautiful, especially Pallies, says the BBC. Too much attention paid to whites and blondes.
    We are beautiful too, say immigrants to the BBC.




  30. Cranmer says:

    Dear BBC, how are we supposed to know if Muslim women are beautiful or not, when the supposedly most devout ones are all wearing veils?


  31. Pollystuscanyvilla says:

    “Refugee crisis: how does Europe solve a problem like Viktor Orbán?”

    …is the Guardian Headline.


    Isn’t it concerning that a person with a difference of opinion is considered a “problem” by the left. Sort of language extremists use. Oh hold on…


    • John Anderson says:

      Viktor Orban is not the problem – he is the only one with any idea of the solution – starting with defensible borders around Europe.


      • wronged says:

        The reason the migrants don’t want to stay in Hungary is that they know, that in Hungary only 8% of asylum seekers become accepted as naturalised citizens.

        The migrants are well informed, but by whom?


  32. Al Shubtill says:

    BBC Look North tonight – Prince Charles was at Armley Prison in Leeds today, he was there as patron of a charity which he founded. It aims to help Muslim prisoners by helping them to not reoffend when released. In the course of the report an amazing statistic was revealed – 20% of all inmates in prison in the U.K. are. Muslim! WTF! Do the Beeb not realise that when they produce stats like that, it undermines their cheerleading to allow half of the Middle East to move here if they wish.


    • Grant says:

      Since less than 5 % of the population is muslim, it proves that the criminal justice system discriminates against them. Simples ( if you are a Beeboid ) .


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Or, if non-beeboid: that they commit crime at a rate which is out of all proportion to the number of them that are in the country.


        • Grant says:

          Well, I know which one I would plump for ! The reality is that the figure would be higher than 20% ,but for the reluctance of the police and authorities to charge and prosecute for fear of being accused of discrimination.


      • Grimer says:

        Don’t be silly, it’s all to do with inequality and poverty. That’s why I used to rape, kill, plot terrorist attacks, etc when I was unemployed.


  33. BRISSLES says:

    If anything I am p…….ed off that migrants want everything NOW ! they haven’t the intelligence to realise when they land on Lesbos that tens of thousands went before them, so supplies (except bananas) and sympathy are in short supply. The Youtube clips showing they want they want they want is particularly obscene – WHY didn’t being vocal and show this unity in the countries they’ve come from ? instead of demanding their rights and complaining how they are being treated once they’ve set foot in Europe. What DO they expect ? Its hard not to sympathise with the police on the Macedonian border, faced with hordes trying to get through in a violet manner, and of course the cameras pan on crying children. Pity they didn’t show some guts back home. Complaining about the rain, – ok I’m sure the money they spend on their mobile provider would have paid for a raincoat in preparation for the journey. We’re told they’ve fled with nothing, all got their mobiles though !!


  34. Roland Deschain says:

    They’re not exactly being subtle on the News at Ten. Chemical weapon reports from Syria, IN CASE YOU WONDERED WHY PEOPLE WERE FLEEING SYRIA. Yes, we get that. What we want to know is why so many are coming HERE and why the f**k the powers-that-be think it’s a good idea just to let them.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Perhaps the BBC might like to explain why if there is so much danger there was Mr Kurdi able to return to show reporters his children’s toys, and then return again later to bury his family?


  35. The Old Bloke says:

    Now, what are the chances of a “refugee” child wearing the same clothes as that boy that “drowned” last week in Turkey? From the picture above and of the pictures of the little boy “drowned” quite high:

    Note the shirt has no collar, note it is the same colour, note the sleeves are the same length, note the trousers are the same colour, note the length of leg is the same, note the hair length of the child, note the hair cut of the child and note the height of the child. In another photo of the “drowned” child, some sort of pattern/writing can be seen on the front of the shirt when being carried by the Turkish policeman.

    This young lad gets about somewhat doesn’t he, especially as he is supposed to be dead. Pity we couldn’t see his shoes now isn’t it?


  36. Dave S says:

    Some thoughts not culled from the media.
    This is a serious crisis and one I did not expect before 2020. I have no doubt it is part of Isis strategy to flood Europe with people and infiltrate their own at will. No other explanation really fits. Isis are taking heavy casualties and this is a counter attack manouvre. Whether Turkey is complicit or not will be seen soon.
    The liberal media is out of it’s depth. It cannot continue to manipulate reality much longer. The majority by far are young men of military age and they look well fed and are ready to use violence.
    Our political European class is also useless. Day by day this is becoming clear. Pious hopes and unrealistic targets are all they can offer.
    There is another inviolable rule of life. The persons in charge at the beginning of a real crisis are always replaced by others through necessity. We can expect the current lot to go fairly soon .
    Putin and Russia are key players now whatever the media thinks. Russia will not allow chaos on it’s borders and is determind to preserve Russia as a nation state so I expect Hungary and the other old East to behave in a way that Russia will find acceptable even if it means breaking up the EU. For the purpose of this I include Ukraine, Bylorusse and the Balkan and Baltic States in this . This is reality not useless alliances like Nato and useless political dreams like the EU and Schengen borders.
    We will have to see how this develops but it looks bad and I am not optimistic at all. Of course I could be completely wrong but it is unlikely.


    • taffman says:

      Answer ? Vote UKIP


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Very solid post, DS. It is also why Putin and Russia are hated by the U.S. and the E.U. liberal, internationalist elites.


    • Mr A says:

      I do wonder what will happen with countries like Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. They are currently resisting this migrant wave and are being thoroughly hauled over the coals by the EU because of it. But it seems pretty obvious that the EU is losing power (andwill almost be fatally destabilised once the wave is settled), so I wonder if they will go it alone, make a mini-Federation or, despite past enmities, have some kind of “arrangement” with Russia. Putin seems to be pretty switched on with all this and despite the MSM branding him a dictator he hasn’t made many predictions that haven’t indeed come to pass.

      And as far as Putin is concerned, I know very little about him. But considering the BBC hate him I can only feel drawn to him as they seem to hate everyone I like, like Farage, Viktor Orban and the “far right” (yet when you hear his speeches never actually seems to say anything far-right) Geert Wilders.


      • David Brims says:

        ” Far Right ” in the LibLabCon mind is someone who’s white male British or European Christian who believes in traditional values.


        • Anne63 says:

          Unlike the “controversial”, “divisive”, “far left” Jeremy Corbyn, that “some people think” should be running the country.

          The good news, and we need some, is that if “JC” is elected, and it seems he will, the entertainment value should be immense.

          Cameron, who I despise, should at least be able to tear the humourless nut case to pieces.


        • John Standley says:

          The political spectrum according to the BBC:


          *Interchangeable according to the journalist’s personal prejudices.


      • 60022Mallard says:

        Good comment article in the DT financial pages yesterday – if someone can link to it for me.

        The EU North South financial divide and Germany’s productivity (wage squeeze) gain at every other countries expense to which is now added the East West divide (probably really middle v. the rest as the U.K. and Ireland have an opt out) over migrants is opening up ever more fault lines in the behemoth.

        well worth a read.


      • Stuart Beaker says:

        Mr Farage is just a middle-of-the-road conservative, really. The branding and vilification of him is the real extremism, practised by his opponents.


    • ObiWan says:

      “…The majority by far are young men of military age and they look well fed and are ready to use violence.”

      Well, we’re going to find out soon enough. A month from now, or six months or a year… if there really are Islamic State ‘sleepers’ in amongst Merkel’s Migrants, Europe will definitely get to know about it one way or another.

      My suspicion is that you are probably right – Islamic State have doubtless smuggled into Europe hundreds of their footsoldiers, masquerading as ‘refugees’ (you know, those hooded, malevolent thugs the BBC portrays as ‘poor, desperate’ ‘doctors’, architects’, ‘teachers’ and ‘writers’ every night on the TV).

      Perhaps when they’ve had their fill of raping white, underage European girls they’ll get around to their real mission: to bomb, behead and otherwise terrorise free democracies towards Islamic State’s aim of a strict Islamic Sharia European Caliphate.

      Time, as ever, will tell, but a betting man – given how we’ve seen how this kind of thing has already played out with our muslim ‘enrichers’ in several European countries – might already favour certain odds.


  37. Alex says:

    Do we really need to know that Corbyn’s supporters cheered at one of his rallies? The BBC are rooting for this socialist throwback idiot.



    • Grant says:

      And the BBC never refer to his age. Could you imagine if he was an evil Tory, every BBC question would be ” Mr. Corbyn, do you not think you are too old to lead the Conservative party ? “.


  38. AsISeeIt says:

    “You’re an organic North Londoner”

    This was Jon Snow to Jeremy Corbyn on Channel 4 News last night. I’m not sure precisely what Jon meant by that – and I suspect he may have misspoke somewhat (possibly distracted by his own dinner party shopping list) – but I do know he likes what he sees of Corbyn. Here’s another chap who has a world view exactly in line with the left-liberal media – and he’s a metropolitan near neighbour.

    As Anne McElvoy wrote in the Evening Standard yesterday ‘With Emma Thompson on the march and Corbyn back on the scene, the dining tables of Islington are politically fired up again’

    Were you perhaps wondering why the BBC were pushing so hard on the migrant issue?

    ‘North London has got its mojo back’

    ‘Its the crowd Tony Blair once appealed to, when the Blairs were just another ambitious legal couple living in Richmond Crescent’

    And the often grumpy with challenging interviewers Corbyn was more than happy to acknowledge Jon Snow’s membership of his tribe ‘Well, you’re a cyclist too’


    • Grant says:

      But Corbyn is from a wealthy family brought up in a manor house in Wiltshire. Did Jon Snow not ask him about that ?


      • 60022Mallard says:

        Never bothered to look up Corbyn on Wikipedia before, but pleased to note he is out of the standard jelly mould of most “senior” (in position) politicians in never having done a real job in his life.

        A real mould breaker! Not.


        • Grant says:

          Mallard, yes. I have seen photos of the house he was brought up in. Big enough for about 100 refugees !


        • Mr A says:

          I also find the “man of principle line” amusing. He holds the record for voting against his own party (500 times I believe). I’m all for MPs defying the whip but when someone spends most of their working life suckling on the public teat by representing a party he clearly doesn’t believe in, they’re not a man of principle.

          It’s like me, a UKIP voter, joining Labour because I get offered a safe seat then taking pride in voting against everything they push forward. Either join a party you agree with or start your own! Ah, but no decades of income by doing that…..


  39. AsISeeIt says:

    Hard cases make bad law

    That’s an old legal adage with a lot of truth to it

    But you can always rely on the BBC to focus with a peculiar intensity on just those hard cases when it has a point to push

    So it is – judging perhaps that we have migrant fatigue – this morning the BBC boldly climbs aboard another of its rich stable of hobby horses – euthanasia


  40. Aborigine Londoner says:

    Breaking news: The BBC have identified a threat to British Culture.

    ISIS fighters among the “refugees”? Immigrant rapists and paedophiles? Plans to Isamify Europe?

    Wait for it………….


    I kid you not. The BBC think the biggest threat to British culture is Eggs Benedict.

    You couldn’t make it up (But the BBC can)



    • wronged says:

      Now they are openly extracting the urine out of this mother country. Best thing is to laugh at them.

      I’d be very interested to know the composition of the employees of Albeeb.
      For example, the numbers employed in terms of
      a) personal political preferences
      b)the sex make up male/female/transgender
      c)the pay of each individual employed and who are self employed
      d)the religious orientation
      e) their country of birth

      Given that Albeeb is is a public body and that I, as a taxpayer pay their wages, some or all of this information should be in the public domain, in particular with those employees who deliver the news/documentary items.

      Balance not bias should be reflected in a National broadcaster, if they have nothing to hide then reveal the above. Transparency and accountability is essential in maintaining credibility in public bodies.


  41. Dave666 says:

    Serious faces on the sloths faces as they take yet another angle at illegal migrants. It’s Kent and a property being used to house “unofficial” migrants. That’s illegal not “unofficial” BBc. The twist is it’s for teenage illegals, so that’s OK then. Then for no reason on to a classroom, strangely for the BBc that is completely white with the teacher busy brain washing the kids into what “refugee” means.


  42. nogginator says:

    BBC News BBC1 8.20
    Report goes to infant schools to see small children, being brainwashed about what is a “migrant” and
    … who are the “poor refugees” by our shameful, national “ministry of truth”.
    Unsurprisingly, no-one even tries broaches the subject of why? … as the children are deemed well able to be force fed
    the “national narrative”


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      To be quickly followed by lessons explaining how they are personally responsible for the slave trade and the holocaust.


  43. AsISeeIt says:

    Virtue signalling again

    BBC Breakfast sports presenter Mike Bushell is getting us ready for the Rugby World Cup
    “I hope Fiji stay in the competition a long time”
    Apparently they have some good tribal songs of which our Mike approves and he is keen to share his ‘like’ with we Licence Payers.

    Of course what he doesn’t do is to share with us which national team he would like to see make an early exit from the competion so as to make space for his Fijian favourites.

    You see that’s the problem with virtue signalling. It is just like Facebook ‘likes’. You like but you daren’t dislike and as such it it is completely worthless other than as an empty token gesture of self-virtue.

    Don’t get me wrong, sport in this sense is not important – but the principle of BBC bods courting cheap favour in this way too often spills over into important social and political issues. The presenters show virtue but run for cover when it comes to the down side.

    Yeh! take in more migrant kids… what about poor white kids to suffer in overcrowded classes with their teacher struggling to communicate as half the class don’t have English…? Well that’s like asking which team should drop out to keep Fiji in.


    • Grant says:

      And I am sure Mike would also appreciate that they make great soldiers in the British Army !


    • deegee says:

      Are there any Indians in the Fiji Rugby Team?

      Is it important for the BBC to note that the current Prime Minister of Fiji former Commodore Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama, Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, staged a military takeover on 5 December 2006 against the prime minister that he had installed after the 2000 coup? Is it important that the constitution was suspended in 2009?

      The 2015 Index of Economic Freedom ranks Fiji as mostly unfree. Couldn’t imagine the BBC forgetting to remind us of these details in other contexts.


    • Essexman says:

      Thank God ,that ITV , have exclusive right`s to the RWC , they will not shoe horn , dim bint reporters for PC reason`s into a man`s game , unlike the evil BBC. Ironically the BBC`s main Rugby presenter , who they have totally humiliated in other Sports , John Inverdale , is ITV`s main presenter for the RWC . He will not have the PC Starzi on his back on ITV either .


  44. Guest Who says:


    Luckily, Lord Hall Hall, Danny, James, Hugs, Mary, James et Al (see what I did there?) are ethical sweethearts, if oddly described by a Labour-headed committee post-Pollard as a ‘sack of rats’.

    Unique. And vital. Don’t forget vital.


  45. The Old Bloke says:

    A racist attack on Whites in London?


    • Demon says:

      These scum should be rounded up, stripped of their British passports and immediately returned to their (or their parents’) country of origin. Being born here is not enough if you don’t behave like you’re British.


  46. BRISSLES says:

    Er, last night Huw Edwards on the news interviewed Ronnie Wood in the studio about his latest book (?), this morning Vicky Derbys has some bloke called Prof Green, a rapper (who he ??) talking about depression and his latest book – not one mention this morning of the migrant crisis on the Beeb – has it gone away ? Over on Sky at least we’re told whats happening and how many more are invading Europe on an hourly basis. Interesting to note that Lebanon is collapsing under the weight of migrants, how long before we are all living under cardboard in Europe ? I sense that a war is not far off.


    • Geoff says:

      Thats the 3rd outing that the bBC have given millionaire Ronnie Wood, Steve Wright, The One Show and now the news all to ‘plug’ his ‘new’ book, which is from what I can see just excepts from his diary’s. Keeps him in booze I guess!

      Would somebody please explain rap to me and the high esteem given to ‘rappers’ Every other musical genre has passed after about 5 five years, yet this tuneless shouting over someone else’s music has been around for decades.

      Maybe its just me!


      • David Brims says:

        ”explain rap to me.” Its poetry for retards.


        • Al Shubtill says:

          I once overheard an old chap offering his opinion to his grandson, about the rap music the young lad watched and listened to – “It’s just black people talking fast.”


      • wronged says:

        Yes by all means Goeff.
        Rap music is a meaningless wordy drivel with words which depict the singer as being thick. It is a tuneless barrage of words which are difficult to interpret. Teenagers seem to understand them better though. Apparently they have societal meanings in which words like ‘nigger’ are acceptable but only if sang by a black person. It is further encumbered with interspersal array of swear words.

        The Beeb often find this music acceptable to play on its ‘music’ channels. Although I have yet to have heard it on Classic FM.

        In my opinion, rap should have a c posited at the beginning because it is CRAP!


        • chrisH says:

          Yes, most of it is.
          Which is why Euroland loves it so.
          That said, Eminem-Marshall Mathers-speaks more truth about the way that the world went, all the way up to 2003 or so…I`d argue that his upbringing,and his response to it: is a case study in how the liberal left fucked the US white trash over…and over again.
          His lyrics re 9/11…his radical prophetic Christianity…and his facility with words that (even Dylan acknowledges) is as good as it gets…deserve to be taken seriously.
          Can tell you now-he was a sensation from 1998-2003, and we live with the fact that HIS voice was the last communal one worth taking seriously.
          I enclose a link to a precursor of his…those lyrics deserve attention…they were way ahead of many of us, and we now live in a world where THEY were heard…but Jesus and the Old Testament were binned.

          PS-you don`t have to agree with it all, but there`s enough there to get you thinking.


      • Stuart Beaker says:

        Rap is fascism to music – the oompah band for teens. \hence much loved by the left.


      • Essexman says:

        Ronnie Wood , has not had any alcoholic drink for 5 years. I saw him the other night , playing with Rod , & Kenny Jones .


        • BRISSLES says:

          Oh God, I need Sinatra, …. NOW ! words that I can make out and understand, and music that I can dance/fall asleep/make love/chat/and eat my dinner to !


        • John Anderson says:

          OT Ronnie Wood is a great player – and artist. And an engaging guy with it. But he is rubbish at pool – or was when out having Guinnesses etc in the local – I once suggested he might prefer to turn the cue round and whack the ball like with a bat or club, he’s do better that way.


  47. oldartist says:

    I caught a few minutes of “This Morning” today and what a surprise: The migrant crisis. The argument being put forward, and obviously supported by the interviewer, was that there is a blurring of distinction between economic migrants and refugees. The counter argument that this could be because of most them are economic migrants was not even considered.
    I fully expect, “there is no such thing as an economic migrant” will join the long list of BBC promoted double speak along with, “a black person can’t be racist”, etc…


  48. nogginator says:

    BBC Reports this – Migrant crisis: People treated ‘like animals’
    An Austrian who filmed the video said the migrants were being treated like “animals” and called for European states to open their borders.

    but not this …
    “A Polish blogger named Kamil Bulonis was a witness to the refugee chaos at the Italian-Austrian border,
    and he described how the Muslims attacked his bus and covered it in feces, and how much chaos they are causing:
    ISIS recruits shout “Allah Akbar” in Refugee trains going to Germany ”


    • nogginator says:

      Illegal Immigrants Push Forward on Into Germany & Austria


    • Roland Deschain says:

      It’s funny how when “Footage emerges of migrants being thrown bags of food at a Hungarian camp near the border with Serbia” it makes the top of the BBC’s news page, but did anyone see footage of “migrants” refusing food, or setting fire to presumably donated clothes getting such prominence on the BBC? Or, indeed, any prominence?


      • Anne63 says:

        I saw it. It immediately occurred to me that those fine people are going to be somebody’s neighbour within a few weeks.

        No doubt Germany will hang on to the highly qualified ones and ‘encourage’ the others to move on. Probably to the UK.

        It’s all going to end in tears – here and in Germany, in spite of the above. I’m watching Denmark.


    • deegee says:
