Re. Telegraph’s traineeships only open to candidates from black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority backgrounds.
Sounds a tad racist to me.
For some time now the DT has been drifting leftward in their eagerness to avoid being seen as stuffy Tories. It’s also a kind of snobbery: we are so NOT like those hideous bigoted readers of the Mail. So middle-class dahling, quite ghastly..
I think the DT’s master plan is to break The Guardian by stealing its readers. The flaw is that they’re losing their own readers even faster. Nothing they report from the USA can be believed and much of their European coverage is going the same way.
Mind you, their sub-editors still have a sense of humour. A couple of days ago one page had a long piece describing how horrible Viktor Orban was for not welcoming immigrants and next to it was a report about police in Germany arresting half a dozen immigrants on terrorist charges.
Sometimes I get tempted to subscribe to the Telegraph but when I see it spouting anti brexit crap similar to the Al beeb Post aka the Guardian I give al Telegraph the swerve . Shame
Mr D enjoys the Telegraph’s sudoku and so we get the free copy at a certain supermarket when we go. It’s the general knowledge crossword on a Saturday that we buy it for. We also rarely disagree with Charles Moore but read anything else in the Telegraph isn’t worth the time.
Debs – same with me and Private Eye which went downhill some years ago, but I do enjoy doing their crossword. Fortunately it can be downloaded for free from their website.
Many years ago, a Marxist acquaintance described to me how ‘the job won’t be done until the Daily Telegraph and the Morning Star are exactly the same’. It seemed an absurd thing to think, but 30 years later and it has come to pass…
So, according to the Beeb Tusk says (What he said was probably taken out of context by the BBC anyway): “he does not like Brexit and sometimes he is furious about it.” Is there no realisation on his part that if the EU had actually taken on board the concerns of British citizens, instead of the not interested bully boy tactics they used, the outcome might have been totally different?
Maybe people should listen to the genuine fury in this country of those who do not seem to hve a platform, those who watch a man who broke into a pensioners home and threatened him become celebrated by thieving benefit criminal scum with fags hanging out of their mouths openly putting flowers and illiterate threatening messages against someone elses property, in the street with no action taken against them, those who watch a certain religion attack our values and culture and say “we are taking over” and physically attack those who object, this fury is mounting, just let us see what will happen on May 6 a non violent march let us just see who will attack it when British people march to protect their rights let us see who will turn up with their faces masked to attack freedom of speech
The shrine to the burglar is a continuation of an invasion of the pensioner’s neighbourhood.
His neighbours will be concerned for him so it is quite insulting to them, to keep passing the crimbo-shrine.
It’s presence isn’t passive aggression, it’s aggression.
Apparently the police say the ‘travellers’ are within their rights to create a shrine. Dubious, but OK then, why not find out where they are nicking the flowers from?
Exactly so, Chalky. He is now having to work a lot harder until the end of March next year because he and other EU leaders gave David Cameron such a poor reform package that the UK Electorate rejected it.
President Tusk, that is how it goes in Elections and Referendums. You must know that as a former politician.
Exactly, ChalkyWhite. If Cameron hadn’t been sent home with next to nothing from his negotiations and his tail between his legs and the EU had taken our referendum and dissatisfaction seriously they might have put the brakes on their stampede into federalism. Like many Leavers I know it was the undemocratic EU Commission and overarching endless removal of little bits of sovereignty that made me cast my vote as I did.
Who cares ? Can always get another journo . They choose to be there as glorified tourists of other people’s misery and make money out of them as do their employers . I’ve never been in a war but I’m fairly sure it ain’t nice and ain’t fair .
Fed, I don’t like to see journos killed, imprisoned or silenced in any way if they are good at their job and are not ripping people off. A free, fearless and inquisitive press that has real integrity is a good thing for society, in my view.
However, I remember a film about – I think – James Nachtwey (a photographer) that was broadcast on TV some twenty to twenty-five years ago. The guy came across as a nutter, an adrenaline junkie hooked on the buzz he gets from war. He is not alone. It is as you say.
Marie Colvin, if I recall correctly, spoke honestly about that in a series on BBC Radio 4 not that long before she was killed. She recognised the problem and tried to keep it in check for herself and her family. I would prefer that she was still around.
The journalists who go chasing that sort of thing do not always know the risks. I remember when a youngster got himself killed in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s – doing it to win fame and fortune via each 10×8 used by a newspaper for £25-£30 a print. The wise ones find out about the risks first and evaluate them. Even then things can go wrong with best and most careful of people.
May 6 Speakers Corner : march for freedom of speech, (and no doubt will be infested with a certain religion who already infest the place), protesting for our right to speak freely and demand OUR rights that our forefathers fought and died for
Sod Facebook. I’m still waiting for the instruction manual on the Sky remote control / CD player remote control / my not very smart phone / and for help in figuring out all those little pictures on the top line of my pc keyboard. (there are two with sun symbols and a minus and plus sign – any ideas ?)
“for help in figuring out all those little pictures on the top line of my pc keyboard. (there are two with sun symbols and a minus and plus sign – any ideas ?)”
Sorry Brissles I can’t help you. The only keys I use on that row are “delete” and “prt scn”.
Brissles, thank you. Having looked at that row and the symbols I now know that the little sun makes the screen darker and the big sun makes it brighter. The three speaker keys are for mute, quieter and louder. Now to play with the other keys.
One good one is that in Chrome, they sneaked in a ‘repeat last process’ by F4, because everyone moaned a lot!
And I’ve only just worked out how to change my job to ‘Retired’ in LinkedIn; another Friends Reunited sort of place to read about very little worth knowing.
Oooh thank you RJ. I suppose I should have pressed them, and yeah ! it works. Sadly I’m the age where I fear pressing buttons in case everything goes into meltdown and then I cant retrieve anything !!
Completely fair. Several of them varied from the embarrassingly inept to the inappropriately avuncular and the downright ignorant. Hope tomorrow’s bunch are much sharper.
I liked this one as well
“The demographic target audience for radio 1 are mostly out shooting and stabbing each other so no one will be listening any way.”
A Have your say is open
“What do you want the BBC to investigate?”
Oh hangon, they don’t allow open comments there !
Dear BBC,
Would you “investigate” for me just how the hell you choose your news priorities before you do a news programme or bulletin?
Who decides, who sets the language used, and when why do you decide to neglect to mention it?
Bloke falls from Trump Tower+newsworthy.
Travellers take over Taunton Park and Ride, Sweden in flames, France with train strikes rolling on a weekly basis?=not so newsworthy.
Why so Beeb?
Michael Portillo‘s jumps to Channel5
His new doc on ‘Hidden Histories of Britain’ starts 20 April on Ch 5 at 9pm.
First episode details #JosephMerrick & #Jacktheripper.
Later there is a prog on abandoned Suffolk atomic base Oxford Ness
Thanks for that info Stew. It should be interesting – I think his railway programmes are excellent and one of the few things worth watching on the BBC. He seems to have really found his feet as a presenter and puts most of the “professionals” to shame.
I enjoy some of them Lobbie, though I find he’s been infected by al Beebus “enrichment” disease (possibly through osmosis) he mentions the “diversity” and “cosmopolitan” nature of certain places he visits. I recall he was always glad and effusive when he (rarely) came across it in Russia, the Ukraine, Georgia and other states in that locale; I don’t remember him mentioning it when he went around India’s railways though.
BBC 2. Great Indian Railway Journeys.
Was quite amused to hear the sheer hypocrisy of Michael Portillo.
How wonderful was the The Swadeshi movement, part of the Indian independence movement and the developing Indian nationalism.
An economic strategy aimed at removing the British Empire from power and improving economic conditions in India Which unfair trade practices, flooding the market causing unemployment, leading to a boycott of English textiles
Anyway , cause of the Indian rebellion.
Not understanding Indian religion and Indian traditions and trampling over and Indian pride….
Viktor Orban has been voted in THREE times, and has been Hungarys main continual leader now since 1998.
As long as Blair and Aherns /Clintons Good Friday Appease Greasement.
Since Arsene won the League with his Invincibles, i`m reliably informed.
AND, he was quite an important leader and organiser when Hungary shook the Soviet Union off its back in 1989.
So, a bit of a hero really. Sorry Beeb, out of step as ever.
Good Guido comment
“The BBC are far more politically powerful than any party.
They have their own policies and their own agenda.
Driven by several hundred Common Purpose brainwashed managers.”
Way back in 2006 Nick Robinson as political editor of BBC news at 10 said on the news about Tony Blair’s speech in Las Angeles “This is what the Prime minister MEANT to say ” Completely candid in showing that he / BBC was manipulating the information. And to add insult to injury the BBC highlighted and distorted a very small part of the speech that related to Israel which had little bearing on the content of the whole speech.
Maybe Nick should have said
“Do not adjust your sets – Normal service from the BBC means you will hear people who are mainly overpaid, virtue signalling, naive, unpatriotic, self satisfied, self hating, sneering, sexually deviant, elitist twats”.
And that,s only in a nutshell
BBC re[lied “As a freelance broadcaster, Radzi is free to take on other work outside of Blue Peter.
Radzi is not a presenter in News and Current Affairs,
where his job would mean he could not talk in public about his political views.
His appearance on Question Time was in a personal capacity
and he was not representing Blue Peter or the BBC Children’s department.”
Not reported in the Media but I have reports about negotiations in Oman between MI6 and the Russians, which have concluded with a deal where the SAS, MI6, CIA and Mossad officers caught in the Jobar-Zamalka pocket are set free in exchange for the surrender of the Douma pocket were its thought many more SAS, CIA and MI6 officers reside. It looks like they have already been put on buses travelling north, with thousands of their Islamic friends. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will then be invited to look at Douma. It looks like the bombing is off, World War Three averted.
Also they took Yulia Skripal from Salisbury District Hospital shortly after my last report on Monday.
Meanwhile, Newsnight interviews a Pro-EU Russian (extremely rare in Russia) who claims that the Russian state poisoned him twice but failed to kill him on both occasions. But the poisonings didn’t seem to make the Russian Pro-EU political parties popular enough to gain any members in the Duma.
Thank you Richard Pinder. I have followed your notes with great interest and admiration. No one has mentioned these SAS, MI6, CIA and Mossad officers. I wonder if their many Islamic friends will find their way to Britain where few questions will be be asked about their immigration status.
It I get emails, but Googling the key details I get this which was posted on Sunday:
It looks like it could involve at least 6 SAS officers, or even more than 100.
Notice how the BBC always use white people to promote not having children and to destroy the nuclear family but when they show Muslims they love showing a big Muslim nuclear family?
They may as well just come out with it and say “white people stop breeding to help multiculturalism take over quicker”.
Couldn’t sleep so switched on earphones and from the start, he spent nearly half an hour dredging up every leftie journo he could muster to denigrate President Trump, Macron and finally, in exasperation, Treeza, posing leading questions, ignoring answers as usual!
Rhod Sharpe used to be a great broadcaster
… but he became infected with libmob mentality, so now his progs are very biased.
And once long ago Dr Karl was a nice guy who was usually right.
(Rhod Sharpe rarely says but his show is always broadcast from his house in Connecticut, USA))
An ex-chief executive apologised after three female staff made claims of inappropriate behaviour.
Who is this “ex-chief executive” they speak of? Why have they not mentioned his name? Why no mention of the chief strategist who resigned too for grabbing woman by their neck and sticking his thumb into their mouth?
Classic BBC omission of news. Compare that to the over reporting of Harvey Weinstein who got mentioned in just about any BBC article until he became a household name.
@Tabs “the ex-chief executive” perv is Justin Forsyth (formerly No10 worker for Gordon Brown)
The “Save The Children’s Chief Strategist” perv is Brendan Cox (got his job cos of friendship with Forsyth)
as mentioned “In 2015/16, a serious incident involving a senior staff member was flagged up to the Commission “
Yorkshire Post does mention Cox
But it trying to spin its next bit “A commission in loneliness set up by Mrs Cox has been wound up. The work will be continued through a parliamentary group led by Rachael Reeves…
… Turn to pg7 blah, blah, to constituency of MP Jo Cox, murdered by a RIGHT WING FANATIC Thomas Mair ….tribute to …….Post’s campaign praised …blah..blah.. Editorial : …shape the work of Jo Cox”
Ironic libmob claim to care about loneliness, when “Giving false witness” as they monster political opponents with boo-wood labels like “far right” is their MO.
Note the white guy with the expensive camera in the top right-hand corner taking photos of the enrichment. BBC provocateur with pocket money from Soros?
Orban has always maintained that he is ensuring his country remains Christian. Sadly he could find his country becoming a little oasis surrounded by neighbours who have become governed by Islamic extremists in the coming decades.
The Today programme bigging up (encouraging) air-strikes on Syria following the most recent gas attack on E. Douma. However, there has been no proper questioning as to the perpetrator of those attacks whch, in my judgement, might well have been made by the jihadist ‘rebels’ who have been proved to possess them. The immediate presence of their friends, the so-called White Helmets, was suspicious, and the staged event of a few people being hosed down was ludicrous and unbelievable. In her interview with an Army general, who outlined how he would destroy Assad’s chemical weapons (!), the Hussein woman failed to ask him how he would get rid of the chemical weapons held by the jihadists.
Al beeboids fixated with Facebook . Assumed every one uses it – which in Blighty is not the case. If you are stupid enough to put your life into a computer you deserve what happens to it. I am conscious of the files on me being harvested on this site so every so often I might disinform… but not lie to you fellow reader. For instance I might claim to be a Moscow centre troll dedicated to the otherthrow of the West – or maybe I’m not …
They sent that gob shite Robinson to the EUreich HQ . Didn’t listen to it all but it seemed the krauts will lose out more than Blighty as they make stuff and we don’t. The city of London always adapted despite rabid warnings .,
Bias as always – anti brexit is a given. Even when the beeboid asked plaintively whether we might change our mind and stay in the kraut politician sounded like he wanted to say “ what a dumb question you smug git”
Fear you are right, Martin. And now the Russians say they will retaliate against the Western launch source/s, or sites. So we could be sliding into WWIII over the next few days or weeks.
Get your panic buying in early – push up that tesco share price.,at least the next big shooting war won’t last long. I’m guessing we re a fairly low value target these days apart from the American based . But I hope the Russian targeting committee has a sense of humour ., I d be happy to make a few suggestions ….
We might be on the brink of war led by Trump, Treezer and Macron.
Three leaders who desperately need a war to combat increasing unpopularity at home.
I once had hopes for Trump and objected to the BBC lying about him.
Now I don’t give a damn – he is just another leader ready to waste the lives of his soldiers playing regime change in the Middle East.
Not according to Richard Pinder above – something to do with the SAS, MI6, CIA, Mossad, Russians and Oman – although I can’t make head nor tail of it – all hush hush apparently or maybe the latest conspiracy theory or fake news – difficult to tell.
Ps the BBC itself seem to be fighting with the Syrian Rebels and acting as their propaganda wing.
BoBotC, Peter Ford, former ambassador to Syria (see GW’s posted link to a BBC Scotland interview) mentioned one of our soldiers being killed in Syria recently. Think I heard – must have been via the BBC on R4 – that the soldier was one of a small squad of SAS (4?) sent out there as ‘Advisors’ to help in the ISIS ‘clear up’.
Richard P. seems to have a couple of battalions of SAS out there in addition to MI6. Positively crowded in Syria if so. No wonder Assad is winning, there’s no room for any opposition.
Funny how “AGW/Climate Change is the greatest threat we face” but then it is not and “terrorism is the greatest threat we face”. Then, suddenly that, too, is off the agenda and “ISIS is the greatest threat we face”. Then, they are done or done for and we go back to “AGW/Climate Change is the greatest threat we face”.
Funny how a major joint military initiative against Syrian chemical factories and stocks (do they even have many after seven years of war?), however carefully targeted, may, actually almost certainly will aggravate all three of those “greatest problems we face”.
President Assad could go on TV and point all that out and offer the Western ‘allies’ an inspection into the Douma atrocity. I wish he would.
We have endlessly been shown the same few minutes of children apparently battling to breathe/ being hosed down I hope our government knows who they are, who hit them and with what. We have been lied to so often, I wouldn’t believe a thing BBC or Itv tell me.
They all hate Assad. And they don’t like Russia. But boy, have we been turning up the heat with glee.
Like you, I don’t believe anything coming out of Syria.
The only friends we have there are the Kurds, and they are currently under attack from our Nato “allies” the Turks.
Why is no-one suggesting we take out the islamist Erdogan before he re-establishes the caliphate? It would make more sense than trying to destroy the Assad regime, which is no threat to us.
Libmob said Obama’s reign would bring racial harmony when in fact race relations got worse under him, perhaps the worst they have been for decades; the weekend where five Police were shot by Black Lives Matter activists was the nadir.
Maybe the race card was just too tempting to play with Obama which made him unaccountable, and accountability is crucial in politics. Nobody dare say anything lest they be accused of racism. Equally with Mayor Khan no satirist would dare criticise his countless flaws lest they be accused of racism or ‘Islamophobia’, even though his ridiculous policy to decrease stop and search has cost lives – mostly those of minorities.
I imagine bad and incompetent people are distributed fairly evenly amongst all groups, but give someone malevolent a weapon as lethal as the race card and they really can wreak havoc.
Of course no research will ever be done into this and to even raise the question is thought crime. Race relations laws violate the principle that all should be equal under the law, the principle anti racists fought so hard for in the first place.
“I imagine bad and incompetent people are distributed fairly evenly amongst all groups..”. But they do seem disproportionately attracted to the ‘livelihood’ of politics though and then onward and upward with their offspring’s joining the gravy train of incompetents.
In one of the countries in Gulliver’s Travels they do not let highly intelligent people work in government, for their potential to do wrong is multiplied immeasurably. Blair is very clever and look what he did to us.
Interesting piece of propaganda on the BBC website today: ‘How ancient DNA is transforming our view of the past’ It’s part of an ongoing series to undermine the concept of European identity by suggesting that there is fundamentally no such thing as ‘White’ people; a previous installment made the ludicrous claim that ancient Britons were dark skinned – see The scientist behind the research has a respectable pedigree, even if you think the subject matter questionable. However, even this is not enough for the fanatics of the BBC, who include a link to a letter published on discredited fake news site, Buzzfeed, by 67 ‘academics’. A number of bizarre, sixth-former arguments are put forward to explain (sic) that race and even gender are just social constructs with no basis in genetic reality; yes, that old chestnut so beloved of Marxist summer schools circa 1985. However, few of the ‘academics’ have relevant credentials, with most being ‘professors’ in such panty-waste subjects as sociology, wimmin’s studies and African-American history. But then, most BBC staff are of such low-calibre as not to understand the difference between scientific research and rants from social networking sites.
Yup. And within the favourite ‘we all came from Africa’ argument lurks the ‘so if Africa came home to Europe, that would be only natural’ conclusion. Or am I being overly cynical?
It fits the current European mindset so nicely -at least that of the political and media elites.
The underlying propaganda wasn’t that “under” was it? It’s the same technique used for “ what does it mean to the English / British / fedup ?” You always know where that “ discussion “ will end.
The enemies of white Blighty know there are kids growing up who don’t know what our country was once like when it was ours .
It’s the same technique used for “ what does it mean to the English / British?”
I’ve given up being provoked over that one. When asked I reply that it’s an inate concept, and if they need to have it explained they won’t understand the explanation. So far that’s always shut them up.
TOADY highlights: Nick Robinson is on a taxpayer-funded European tour like some of his BBC colleagues (with the exception of Webb & Naughtie who get to go to north America) and meets a Brit who is a Director at BMW Motorcycles.
Nick wishes to undermine Brexit.
The components for BMW engines, we are told by said Director, whizz around Europe across several borders before the are assembled into the finished product which then – again possibly – journeys across several borders to dealers and the customer. All by diesel fuelled truck.
Our Nick fails to ask at that point about Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change which – our politicians here and in the EU, among other groups, tell us – is ‘the greatest threat we face’. He also neglects to ask about all those nasty NOXies on the effects of European asthma sufferers and others who growing up with health and breathing problems. Oh dear.
Never mind, Nick. At least you have undermined something or other.
Will he be calling into VAG headquarters while he is there to see what fines the EU has placed on a major German company for deceiving (knowingly) emissions test . I believe the fines in the US are in the billions potentially. Are these polluting vehicles being taken off our streets ? Come on BBC why arent you investigating a real story ??
The bias is so clear its unbelievable.
BBC journo engages a nifty bit of ‘one degree of separation’ views not his own….
.@nytimes on @realDonaldTrump: “Mr. Trump has spent his career in the company of developers, celebrities, grifters, cons, sharks, goons and crooks. He cuts corners, he lies, he cheats, he brags about it, and for the most part, he’s gotten away with it…
At the risk of annoying Trump fans on here, I think Sweeney missed some: broadcasters, media manipulators, PR bods …
Some on here use the nickname ‘GameShow’ to refer to a particular TV presenter but it could equally be applied to President Trump.
President Trump knows how various ‘systems’ work and now he’s the one with the power to tweak most of the sliders and push most of the buttons or even rip out the ‘mixing desks’ altogether.
Still think the only reason for the ‘transition period’ is to allow more time for Germany to allocate its surplus “refugees” to the UK. Those the Visegrad 4 refuse to take.
GUEST- Both NYT and WashPo have to have at least one new anti-Trump story every day. There’s probably a rule it has to be out there before you’re allowed to use the coffee machine.
And if you still don’t have one by end of shift they make you walk home.
And if you’re a new Affirmative Action journo at the beeb, wondering what to write, well, now there’s a BIG help!
Ann Coulter
5 hrs ·
Retweeted J Burton (@JBurtonXP):
In the violent chaos of post-regime-collapse Syria, all the innocent civilians who will be blown up, shot, beheaded, drowned, burned alive by roving jihadi militias can die with the comforting thought that “Hey, at least I wasn’t killed by a chemical weapon!”
Looking at the photo of Anna, I reckon I could get even money at the bookies that the reason she’s not going to have children is due to the fact that she can’t because she used to be a bloke called Andrew.
third, who knows – in this day and age? The phrase from American cartoons came to mind ‘She ain’t no oil painting’ but she had a winning smile and sense of humour, if not time, on her side.
What I was musing on though was how – in this age of equality – it might work out if we do end up in a World War. Traditionally in the past, women are against war, because their babies are involved. They have carried the boys who go off to fight and die and also have carried the girls who may have no chance of a future husband, assuming, that is, that they do not die in any bombing of their homeland. We ‘are all now equal’ – up to a point – and women are increasingly in the military, including some of my relatives. I wonder if, and how, that maternal instinct will be affected.
I have also been struck how some of the most strident voices for war in the media, well actually the BBC on Radio4 to be precise, are female. Mishal Husain has been mentioned quite a bit on this Thread. She has seemed positively gleeful at times on TODAY about the prospect of the UK being involved in new military action.
A touch of ‘the Nachtweys’? Maybe, in a distant sort of way, although she is unlikely to be sent out to a war zone and will cover it from the safety of her studio.
Perhaps Beeboids of a Labour Party or Left-Libby persuasion, want a Conservative PM to be involved in a war again in order to even things up with the disasters – with the exception of Sierra Leone – of Blair & Brown through 1997-2010?
Yes, G.W.F. – from the point of view of a Syrian, the West seems to be absurdly fastidious about some methods of killing. But I suppose we are trying to contain the waging of war within vaguely “civilised” boundaries.
But what are we going to do when they cross the red lines? In any Arab/Muslim dispute it is always dangerous for the West to take sides. We should stay out of it, but if we’re going to support anyone, it should be secular regimes like Assad’s. I know he’s a murderous dictator but he isn’t interested in the death of the West like the alternative Shi’ite or Sunni fanatics are.
The BBC home page is a real treasure trove this morning.
Under “More things we love”, we’re offered a ‘beautiful love story [unfolding] between two young Muslims”. Displaying an astonishing lack of sensitivity, they’ve titled it My Jihad: A Bus & A Burka. Synopsis:— ‘To find the girl of his dreams, Nazir goes along to an Islamic speed-dating evening. But all he finds are women keen to know how he’d support a wife financially and, as Nazir isn’t able to support himself financially, it’s all a little disastrous.’
Hmmm. Disastrous like the recent case of Munir Mohammed and Rowadia El-Hassan, who met on the dating site and swapped propaganda and execution videos before being jailed for 26 years? Disastrous like this romantic sojourn in which the lovestruck couple researched how to make ricin and an explosive called ‘Mother of Satan’?
Probably not.
Anyway if that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can read:
— How two gay men were told a bar was for ‘mixed couples only’. It’s the second most important story on the home page.
— How a BBC presenter slipped during an interview with some swimmers (3rd highest story).
— Or how the actress Bryce Dallas Howard “was scared to ask for more pay”. (She’s the daughter of director Ron Howard; net worth estimated on various sites at around $15 Million.)
— Or about someone who “went through the menopause at the age of 11”.
— Or about the secret behind gospel music’s success.
— Or disabled music fans who face ticketing barriers.
— Or the hidden story of India’s ‘abducted grooms’.
— Or about an abortion clinic safe zone imposed by Ealing Council.
Terminal, I gather there’s some news around that President Assad has agreed to an inspection in Douma/Duma and that the OPCW Inspectors are already on their way there.
Funny thing, the BBC do not seem to be interested in getting it onto their web-site if it is true.
Up2 — good question. I don’t know how deep it all goes. But the BBC are masters in unjoining the dots as we know.
Some revealing info affecting the current Syria situation from General Wesley Clark (former NATO Commander): Regime change in seven Middle East countries planned:
Terminal, yes, I have seen that before. Not sure how I take it or Wesley Clark himself. There definitely does seem to be something strange going on over Syria and its Civil War, especially after all we learned from Afghanistan, Gulf 2 and Libya.
I note that the oil price went up over $71pb last night, no doubt on the back of talk of Western military strikes in Syria.
Note to BBC:
You get quite excited once in a while, usually some days after it has happened and the market has turned, about a shift of things like the oil price over its significant markers such as 40, 50, 70, 75, 100, etc.. You might like to think about a comment from your Business or Economic Editors right now?
If you do, you might like to ask them ‘Who benefits from this jump in the oil price?’
But if the West want to rein in Putin, pushing up the oil price is no way to go about it. What do they think paid for the kit his troops are using in Syria?
We’ll always read never ending stories about how stupid Donald Trump is because the stories are written by the MSM and the MSM is overwhelmingly left-wing.
We were told that George W Bush was an idiot and shown non-stop clips of his spoonerisms, Ronald Reagan was shown to be a buffoon of an actor capable only of talking to chimps, even though Maggie Thatcher rated him very highly.
Bill Clinton on the other hand is now lauded as a statesman and brilliant leader even though he was responsible, along with Alan Greenspan, for bringing about the whole financial crisis that engulfed the West ten years ago. He was a philandering sex-pest who lied and lied until he was eventually impeached as POTUS……never mind though, lets make his loving and totally innocent wife the next President.
You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Don Trump has managed to become the most powerful man on the planet and I’m still to read one decent article about him in the MSM.
More fool them.
So because the cowardice of MPs the last time chemical weapons were used Blighty can’t do anything until they vote next week . In the meantime the America’s will be ready to press a few buttons – together with their new best European friends -the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
But maybe that’s a good thing . Particularly if there’s another dodgy dossier about or America wants to get back in the Syria game after Obama ran away taking his red lines with him .
I’m looking for promotion from my armchair general rank . Whatever happens al beeb will blame brexit
You could make a very good argument that Obama and his complete disaster of a foreign policy was directly responsible for the mess that we now see in Syria.
Seems to have been missed by the highly trained professionals at the BBC.
Obama’s red line. with chemical weapons and his lack of action……it’s been mentioned by a few people during interviews over last few days on R4, by the interviewees not the BBC interviewers and what is the BBC response – they just ignore it and carry on with the discussion. Why’s that then?
And this morning Ms Hussain discussing potential action over chemical weapons was talking to chap (seemed sensible) who was making the point we need to check our facts first, he then went on to explain we had a poor record of on ground facts, mentioned Iraq..Ms Hussain cut him off and said can we stick to the point…how dumb is she?
Fortunately he came back to his point..’we need better on the ground info before making a decision’ – based on our past actions (Mr Blair)
It really is shocking how gormless the work experience girl is . Never listens to an answer or does a logical follow up – just reads the questions on the clipboard .
Or does our Mishal have an agenda, like colleague Carolyn Quinn, and prefers to forget those inspections and the surrendering of various chemicals by Assad?
Let’s just assume that Assad did not think too carefully and actually surrendered the chemicals to the UN Inspectors instead of destroying them in front of said Inspectors. If that is the case (I’m not saying it was, btw) do we have evidence of their destruction by the UN?
Actually, I do not think that President Assad would be that stupid but sometimes strange things happen when people are put under different pressures. The UN Inspectors may well have pointed at legitimate stocks in Assad’s pharma enterprises and have said “That, that, this and oh, that over there, they could be used to make ABC Nerve Agent or XYZ gas. They must go.”
Well, there’s the recipe. It’s known to the Inspectors. Maybe others are around at the time (not necessarily all totally on the side of the President, then and/or now) and it is known to them. Careless talk and the recipe gets passed on until it falls into (the wrong) hands that carry out the Douma attack for reasons know, unknown or reasonably assumed.
It is very like the Skripal poisoning. Many possible culprits, many possible motives.
Never mind carefully finding out facts, seeking the truth. Wild assumptions, a wild rush to execute judgement. It’s Putin and Assad ‘wot dun it’.
Lots of posts above about how the state funded leftist BBC is more powerful then any single political party, perfectly true of course. In the USA although there is no DIRECT state funding but most of the leftist media eg CNN are run as loss leaders by large corporations who get rewarded by Democratic politicians for their uncompromising leftism by favourable deals in the various states.
The parallels between the attempts to get rid of President Trump and Brexit are striking. In the USA , the democrats have completely subverted the legal system in their attempts to get him. It’s is astonishingly brazen and yet the corrupt MSM only support the never ending groundless attacks and never mention the corruption behind what is going on.
Over here the Remainiacs elite are not quite so brazen but their aim is the same, to subvert the democratic choice of the people and the BBC is at the forefront of this.
What do these anti democrats think will happen when they succeed in thwarting the will of the people? Are they so arrogant that they haven’t even considered it? Or do they think that all those denied their democratic rights by a powerful elite will meekly comply and carry on as before? I wonder if it has ever crossed their minds that there might be resistance to their wishes and , having seen democracy trampled in the mud , this resistance may not necessarily be nice, well behaved, polite protest but something much nastier. If it is they will have only themselves to blame.
DJ Nick ( “its our job to educate them”) Robinson played the useful idiot to The Germans on his Licence Tax funded jolly to Berlin, from where he spewed forth this morning.
First up was an ex personage of the British Museum offering an insight to the general disbelief of Germans that the referendum result on Brexit could not simply be overturned !
He went on to BMW as mentioned earlier to hear a tale of extensive journeys a fairly simple part of a BMW motorcycle takes across many borders wandering it would seem aimless as a cloud … future implying ( post Brexit )to become stuck at Customs posts.
Logistically, any buyer sourcing a part with such tortuous journeys would simply be replaced………Rous……..pronto like.
Nick deserves a future standing alongside the EDSTONE!
Al beeb tried to big up the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday agreement . Didn’t hear too much about terrorist murderers being given a free pass .
In fact thankfully it went by unnoticed -.probably because of the amoral Blair and Clinton being involved. Neither will ever realise our toxic they are.
Al beeb will always love them though .
I used to carry parts for Steyr to and from Austria when it was outside of the EU . There was paperwork (T forms ) but the only problem would be lazy bullying customs officers .
Danke Up2………..which reminds me on the theme of ” The Germans” that a colleague had the job of welcoming a visiting German academic to a conference in Glasgow. He was named Gerhard Lippe.
All went great with the intro until…………………”and now its over to you Herr Lippe.”
Last Saturday’s Radio4 FooC contained a pre-Hungarian election report where the correspondent Nick Thorpe @NickFT predicted Orban* would get his comeuppance,
“A twist in the tale”, “No safe seats for Orban”, “there have been many corruption allegations”, “if Orban wins”, “a battered boxer”
Then he admits “Fidez seem unassailable, with over 40%” ..and begs “but if opposition party voters put aside their second preferences and invest in the strongest opposition candidate, the govt could THEORETICALLY lose”
* (The actual spelling has an accent Orbán, but BBC always get that wrong)
– The China correspondent Marcus Ryder went to to see the premiere of the “Black Panther” movie wearing his Obama T-shirt which the crowd admired (I’m not making this up)
Actually he moved from BBC Scotland to work for the Chinese State broadcaster.
Mostly the Beeboids resorted to making themselves the centre of the story instead of the culture they are supposed to telling us about.
Title of show was “Mixed Societies”
Fooc got infected ages ago . Don’t laugh but I used to listen to it religiously since being a kid 40 years ago for a fair opinion of what’s going on in the world . Now it’s just another bias source and an opportunity for beeboids to slip their mates a few bob for cliches about kids wearing Man U shirts and crystal blue seas… and chuck it the anti British theme
Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!
Certainly not impressing the more considered of the non-left commentariat. And, without presumption, me.
But then over here we have the BBC fronting up Mishal ‘not enough dead Jews’ Husain to smooth the path for some good ‘ole boy to sit astride his nuke waving a stetson.
Very thankful for President Xi of China’s kind words on tariffs and automobile barriers…also, his enlightenment on intellectual property and technology transfers. We will make great progress together!
I don’t listen much to Radio 4 these days, because it’s one agenda after another, so I listen to LBC to and from work. What struck me was the number of callers to both Iain Dale and Nick Ferrari who pointed out the inconsistencies in blaming Assad/the Russians for the chemical attack. Yet neither of them wanted to know – it was clear Assad did it and that was that.
I do take some comfort in that the thinking public don’t seem to be buying it, but I’m not sure why Trump is. Maybe he has access to reports we don’t see, but I’m no longer prepared to accept politicians’ word for it.
Fair enough a knife found in a park might be a weapon
but misplaced gardening equipment often have they been used in crimes ?
Operation Sceptre is about takling knife crime.
Image caption
Patrick Hannon and Jake Archer had been for a meal before going to Jake’s Bar in Leeds
A gay couple were refused entry to a bar when bouncers told them they let in “mixed-sex couples” only.
Patrick Hannon, 30, and Jake Archer, 25, had enjoyed a meal before heading to Jake’s Bar in Leeds for a drink at about 22:00 BST on 24 March.
‘Some people might say: ‘Gas’ attack eh? Pretty easy thing to simulate. Hose down a few casualties – but don’t remove any chemically infused clothing, mustn’t risk offending religious sensibilities. Zoom in on children, always good for max emotion. Much arm waving, lots of shouting, 10/12 carriers per stretcher. No dead bodies….
Anyone would think they’d been exposed to Novichok. Still, at least that means they’ll be back on their feet in a week or two.
Just turned on Jeremy Vine to hear him laughing about a religious leader who was found in bed with a married woman – “God told him to do it”. This terrible sect makes women keep quiet in meetings and cover their hair!
Finally the BBC gets to mock Islam!
Hardly, it turns out to be a Christian sect, so that is fair game. Cowards.
bBBC Hospital programme Tuesday evening: Nottingham Hospital rejected patients needing operations for 8 weeks before they finally considered sending them to private hospitals instead.
‘Our’ NHS, ‘envy of the world’.
Small stabbing this morning in vibrant East London. No discription of stabber or stabbee so I conclude both non white . Weather improves next week so should be back to the normal killings rate.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Oh Bugger! Just missed out!
Sod it ! I was cooking the dog’s dinner.
Rufus – I’ll bung you a fiver for heads up. I’ve been awake for days waiting for this and nodded off for a minute. .
I know how you feel – the tide was out and it took me ages to crawl up the beach!
Lobster: I enjoy your posts so much that I’ll be sure and give you a shout out at the awards dinner.
Oh! My wife just told me there are no awards for first.
Will. – please don’t let it go to your head. Having been a firster I know the temptations of fame.
WJ, you do get ‘a podium’ ….
…. but you have to give it back.
No keepsies.
Thanks – I’ll look forward to the dinner, as long as I’m not on the menu!
Well, I’ve been first before and it’s not all that’s a cracked up to be…
I’m going for second now. That will be something to gloat about..
Yippee – 48th – so that’s a win/win according to the Abbott Colouring Book for children!
Thank you fans! I want to thank my guardian, the BBC, CNN, The pocket Book of Guradian Mistakes, The BCBB, NNC, and everyone who knows me!
My fee for this intervention is £600, the normal tax-funded splurge handed out by our state broadcaster for any idiot belching rubbish!
Re. Telegraph’s traineeships only open to candidates from black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority backgrounds.
Sounds a tad racist to me.
For some time now the DT has been drifting leftward in their eagerness to avoid being seen as stuffy Tories. It’s also a kind of snobbery: we are so NOT like those hideous bigoted readers of the Mail. So middle-class dahling, quite ghastly..
I think the DT’s master plan is to break The Guardian by stealing its readers. The flaw is that they’re losing their own readers even faster. Nothing they report from the USA can be believed and much of their European coverage is going the same way.
Mind you, their sub-editors still have a sense of humour. A couple of days ago one page had a long piece describing how horrible Viktor Orban was for not welcoming immigrants and next to it was a report about police in Germany arresting half a dozen immigrants on terrorist charges.
Sometimes I get tempted to subscribe to the Telegraph but when I see it spouting anti brexit crap similar to the Al beeb Post aka the Guardian I give al Telegraph the swerve . Shame
I get the feeling the owners are a bit hands on
Mr D enjoys the Telegraph’s sudoku and so we get the free copy at a certain supermarket when we go. It’s the general knowledge crossword on a Saturday that we buy it for. We also rarely disagree with Charles Moore but read anything else in the Telegraph isn’t worth the time.
Allison Pearson is always on the ball – one of us!
Janet Daley is also worth reading.
We sometimes get the weekend one for the TV as well, which is a bit stupid, because we haven’t watched any live news since October last year.
Has Mr D tried The Times Sudoku books, Deborah? Always a little challenge too far, and utterly addictive!
(And has he ever spotted a ‘swordfish’, because I certainly haven’t..;0)
We will give them a try, thanks Scroblene.
For sudoku you can’t beat Big Issue.
Round here it’s pronounced “Beeg Eeshoo”.
Debs – same with me and Private Eye which went downhill some years ago, but I do enjoy doing their crossword. Fortunately it can be downloaded for free from their website.
Charles Moore, if I recall correctly, is a firm and dedicated BBC Licence Fee objector. Another one of us.
Many years ago, a Marxist acquaintance described to me how ‘the job won’t be done until the Daily Telegraph and the Morning Star are exactly the same’. It seemed an absurd thing to think, but 30 years later and it has come to pass…
And, Ian, in some ways the EU and the UK (and perhaps the US) have swapped places with Russia and the USSR and its satellite States.
Hey! Let’s be careful out there today.
So, according to the Beeb Tusk says (What he said was probably taken out of context by the BBC anyway): “he does not like Brexit and sometimes he is furious about it.” Is there no realisation on his part that if the EU had actually taken on board the concerns of British citizens, instead of the not interested bully boy tactics they used, the outcome might have been totally different?
Maybe people should listen to the genuine fury in this country of those who do not seem to hve a platform, those who watch a man who broke into a pensioners home and threatened him become celebrated by thieving benefit criminal scum with fags hanging out of their mouths openly putting flowers and illiterate threatening messages against someone elses property, in the street with no action taken against them, those who watch a certain religion attack our values and culture and say “we are taking over” and physically attack those who object, this fury is mounting, just let us see what will happen on May 6 a non violent march let us just see who will attack it when British people march to protect their rights let us see who will turn up with their faces masked to attack freedom of speech
The shrine to the burglar is a continuation of an invasion of the pensioner’s neighbourhood.
His neighbours will be concerned for him so it is quite insulting to them, to keep passing the crimbo-shrine.
It’s presence isn’t passive aggression, it’s aggression.
Apparently the police say the ‘travellers’ are within their rights to create a shrine. Dubious, but OK then, why not find out where they are nicking the flowers from?
In that case I will create a shrine to all my dead domestic appliances outside Police HQ!
Well said anna
Exactly so, Chalky. He is now having to work a lot harder until the end of March next year because he and other EU leaders gave David Cameron such a poor reform package that the UK Electorate rejected it.
President Tusk, that is how it goes in Elections and Referendums. You must know that as a former politician.
F**k him!
Who actually cares what Tusk thinks? And what has the Good Friday agreement to do with him?
I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave some moments ago.
Exactly, ChalkyWhite. If Cameron hadn’t been sent home with next to nothing from his negotiations and his tail between his legs and the EU had taken our referendum and dissatisfaction seriously they might have put the brakes on their stampede into federalism. Like many Leavers I know it was the undemocratic EU Commission and overarching endless removal of little bits of sovereignty that made me cast my vote as I did.
My attempts to run little quizzes on here appear to be doomed to failure, so entries are now closed on this one:
The thing I found strange and did not ring true in this authorititive but anonymous BBC article …
was this “Those involved in the attack later received rewards, he said – a general was promoted, and a militia leader was given a new car.”
compared to this “He says in testimony that the attack was targeted using a technique called “bracketing”,
and this “which was “very different from the indiscriminate, systematic waves of shelling usually employed daily by the Syrian forces”.
So generals never get promoted in war?
And militia leaders have access to high class gunnery & support equipment?
And ‘bracketing’ is different to ‘systematic waves of shelling’?
Sorry, but that just doesn’t seem right, it ‘appears all dressed up with nowhere to go’.
Who cares ? Can always get another journo . They choose to be there as glorified tourists of other people’s misery and make money out of them as do their employers . I’ve never been in a war but I’m fairly sure it ain’t nice and ain’t fair .
Fed, I don’t like to see journos killed, imprisoned or silenced in any way if they are good at their job and are not ripping people off. A free, fearless and inquisitive press that has real integrity is a good thing for society, in my view.
However, I remember a film about – I think – James Nachtwey (a photographer) that was broadcast on TV some twenty to twenty-five years ago. The guy came across as a nutter, an adrenaline junkie hooked on the buzz he gets from war. He is not alone. It is as you say.
Marie Colvin, if I recall correctly, spoke honestly about that in a series on BBC Radio 4 not that long before she was killed. She recognised the problem and tried to keep it in check for herself and her family. I would prefer that she was still around.
The journalists who go chasing that sort of thing do not always know the risks. I remember when a youngster got himself killed in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s – doing it to win fame and fortune via each 10×8 used by a newspaper for £25-£30 a print. The wise ones find out about the risks first and evaluate them. Even then things can go wrong with best and most careful of people.
Up – sorry – you can always get another journo – just like getting another politician.
Fed, no, I get your point but can you always get another (good) journo? – See my post below posted at 9.27am today..
I have and it ain’t and it ain’t,but it is a jolly good laxative.
May 6 Speakers Corner : march for freedom of speech, (and no doubt will be infested with a certain religion who already infest the place), protesting for our right to speak freely and demand OUR rights that our forefathers fought and died for
This… is why they get the big bucks…
Watching mr zuckerberg talking to some political dinosaurs is pretty painful even when he is trying to dumb himself down .
I really hope he doesn’t pay any attention to meaningless MPs after glory in their parliamentary committees.
He doesn’t actually look real, he doesn’t look human.
Sod Facebook. I’m still waiting for the instruction manual on the Sky remote control / CD player remote control / my not very smart phone / and for help in figuring out all those little pictures on the top line of my pc keyboard. (there are two with sun symbols and a minus and plus sign – any ideas ?)
“for help in figuring out all those little pictures on the top line of my pc keyboard. (there are two with sun symbols and a minus and plus sign – any ideas ?)”
Sorry Brissles I can’t help you. The only keys I use on that row are “delete” and “prt scn”.
Brissles, thank you. Having looked at that row and the symbols I now know that the little sun makes the screen darker and the big sun makes it brighter. The three speaker keys are for mute, quieter and louder. Now to play with the other keys.
I don’t seem to have these keys, RJ!
One good one is that in Chrome, they sneaked in a ‘repeat last process’ by F4, because everyone moaned a lot!
And I’ve only just worked out how to change my job to ‘Retired’ in LinkedIn; another Friends Reunited sort of place to read about very little worth knowing.
Not on Twitter or Facebook though, just the blog…
Scrobie, whatever happened to Friends Reignited? The Mark 2 version. Is it still going?
Oooh thank you RJ. I suppose I should have pressed them, and yeah ! it works. Sadly I’m the age where I fear pressing buttons in case everything goes into meltdown and then I cant retrieve anything !!
Ooh, you’ve got sun symbols, Brissles. Lucky you.
Perhaps one is the newspaper and the other is the weather report?
Mine start with Esc.
Think it is short for Escape.
I wish I could. Must watch the late Steve McQueen in ‘The Great Escape’ for some ideas.
The picture I saw looked like cross between Uncle Fester and that Judge from ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’.
Well, they were both played by the same actor.
True dat.
But my memories go back further.
I think maybe BBC women should be paid the same as men, like, because their quality…… etc.
Wasn’t this the bint who went to ‘interview’ Zuckerberg and tried to get off with him?
Enjoy this analysis – special chuckle for the 4-inch cushion that Zuckerberg get to sit on so he looks like an adult!
Yet more weigh in.
Rather cute that the U.K. media industry tip toe around this but are desperate for reassurance, and get it from each other.
They set an interesting precedent, in fact series of them.
Previous posts 24 hours ago, 4 began at 9:14am today
BBC Radio 1 announces major schedule changes
Comments could be going better.
– “Phew, when I saw the title I was scared they were going to be giving jobs to white heterosexual men.”
– A bunch of nobodies on a station that few are bothered about.
I liked this one as well
“The demographic target audience for radio 1 are mostly out shooting and stabbing each other so no one will be listening any way.”
Interesting #backendofbusism at the bbc.
Seems their choices of faces for radio are also easy on the eye.
A Have your say is open
“What do you want the BBC to investigate?”
Oh hangon, they don’t allow open comments there !
Dear BBC,
Would you “investigate” for me just how the hell you choose your news priorities before you do a news programme or bulletin?
Who decides, who sets the language used, and when why do you decide to neglect to mention it?
Bloke falls from Trump Tower+newsworthy.
Travellers take over Taunton Park and Ride, Sweden in flames, France with train strikes rolling on a weekly basis?=not so newsworthy.
Why so Beeb?
Wow a Black Lives Matter (More than the rest of us) Facebook page
which raised $100K+ for itself was fake
Yet stayed up for 2 years
Yep, a lot of stupid liberals out there.
At least the dosh didn’t go to the real thing.
Michael Portillo‘s jumps to Channel5
His new doc on ‘Hidden Histories of Britain’ starts 20 April on Ch 5 at 9pm.
First episode details #JosephMerrick & #Jacktheripper.
Later there is a prog on abandoned Suffolk atomic base Oxford Ness
Thanks for that info Stew. It should be interesting – I think his railway programmes are excellent and one of the few things worth watching on the BBC. He seems to have really found his feet as a presenter and puts most of the “professionals” to shame.
I enjoy some of them Lobbie, though I find he’s been infected by al Beebus “enrichment” disease (possibly through osmosis) he mentions the “diversity” and “cosmopolitan” nature of certain places he visits. I recall he was always glad and effusive when he (rarely) came across it in Russia, the Ukraine, Georgia and other states in that locale; I don’t remember him mentioning it when he went around India’s railways though.
Joseph Merrick was Jack The Ripper sounds a bit much, even for Channel 5. Now if it was on BBC 3…………….
Orford Ness
Countryfile’s Adam Henson jumps to Channel5
Spring on the Farm starts tomorrow
BBC 2. Great Indian Railway Journeys.
Was quite amused to hear the sheer hypocrisy of Michael Portillo.
How wonderful was the The Swadeshi movement, part of the Indian independence movement and the developing Indian nationalism.
An economic strategy aimed at removing the British Empire from power and improving economic conditions in India Which unfair trade practices, flooding the market causing unemployment, leading to a boycott of English textiles
Anyway , cause of the Indian rebellion.
Not understanding Indian religion and Indian traditions and trampling over and Indian pride….
Doesn’t that remind you af anything now?
Viktor Orban has been voted in THREE times, and has been Hungarys main continual leader now since 1998.
As long as Blair and Aherns /Clintons Good Friday Appease Greasement.
Since Arsene won the League with his Invincibles, i`m reliably informed.
AND, he was quite an important leader and organiser when Hungary shook the Soviet Union off its back in 1989.
So, a bit of a hero really. Sorry Beeb, out of step as ever.
He won in 1998, lost narrowly in 2002 and 2006 and won in style in 2010, 2014 and 2018.
The BBC can’t understand it, but to the rest of us it’s called democracy.
They only deign to understand it when it goes their way.
BBC sneer at the man who thinks Europe has been invaded.
Why not sneer at the woman who thinks Islam is a religion of peace?i
Is it another one of those, “….only Blacks and Asians need apply…..”?
Good Guido comment

“The BBC are far more politically powerful than any party.
They have their own policies and their own agenda.
Driven by several hundred Common Purpose brainwashed managers.”
Ongoing cost counter for BBC
Way back in 2006 Nick Robinson as political editor of BBC news at 10 said on the news about Tony Blair’s speech in Las Angeles “This is what the Prime minister MEANT to say ” Completely candid in showing that he / BBC was manipulating the information. And to add insult to injury the BBC highlighted and distorted a very small part of the speech that related to Israel which had little bearing on the content of the whole speech.
Maybe Nick should have said
“Do not adjust your sets – Normal service from the BBC means you will hear people who are mainly overpaid, virtue signalling, naive, unpatriotic, self satisfied, self hating, sneering, sexually deviant, elitist twats”.
And that,s only in a nutshell
BBC re[lied “As a freelance broadcaster, Radzi is free to take on other work outside of Blue Peter.
Radzi is not a presenter in News and Current Affairs,
where his job would mean he could not talk in public about his political views.
His appearance on Question Time was in a personal capacity
and he was not representing Blue Peter or the BBC Children’s department.”
Not reported in the Media but I have reports about negotiations in Oman between MI6 and the Russians, which have concluded with a deal where the SAS, MI6, CIA and Mossad officers caught in the Jobar-Zamalka pocket are set free in exchange for the surrender of the Douma pocket were its thought many more SAS, CIA and MI6 officers reside. It looks like they have already been put on buses travelling north, with thousands of their Islamic friends. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will then be invited to look at Douma. It looks like the bombing is off, World War Three averted.
Also they took Yulia Skripal from Salisbury District Hospital shortly after my last report on Monday.
Meanwhile, Newsnight interviews a Pro-EU Russian (extremely rare in Russia) who claims that the Russian state poisoned him twice but failed to kill him on both occasions. But the poisonings didn’t seem to make the Russian Pro-EU political parties popular enough to gain any members in the Duma.
Thank you Richard Pinder. I have followed your notes with great interest and admiration. No one has mentioned these SAS, MI6, CIA and Mossad officers. I wonder if their many Islamic friends will find their way to Britain where few questions will be be asked about their immigration status.
Richard, I have always agreed with your messages in here, especialy on the media reporting of climate.
But please tell me where these reports are from and where I can see them.
It I get emails, but Googling the key details I get this which was posted on Sunday:
It looks like it could involve at least 6 SAS officers, or even more than 100.
Richard, how many SAS are/were in Syria?
Similarly, how many MI6? Are they full operatives or ‘locals’ on the payroll?
‘I’m not having children because I want to save the planet’
The devious traitors at Al Beeb couldn’t find a BAME example to use for this article!
Darwin would be proud.
Not, perhaps, in a way she or the bbc might appreciate.
Notice how the BBC always use white people to promote not having children and to destroy the nuclear family but when they show Muslims they love showing a big Muslim nuclear family?
They may as well just come out with it and say “white people stop breeding to help multiculturalism take over quicker”.
Their pals are equally selective with the images too.
What on earth is it with Rhod Sharpe on R5Dead?
Couldn’t sleep so switched on earphones and from the start, he spent nearly half an hour dredging up every leftie journo he could muster to denigrate President Trump, Macron and finally, in exasperation, Treeza, posing leading questions, ignoring answers as usual!
The bloke’s a nutter!
Rhod Sharpe used to be a great broadcaster
… but he became infected with libmob mentality, so now his progs are very biased.
And once long ago Dr Karl was a nice guy who was usually right.
(Rhod Sharpe rarely says but his show is always broadcast from his house in Connecticut, USA))
The national broadcaster of the U.K. shows why it is so unique.
Leaky US rapper bums.
Save the Children investigated over handling of harassment claims
An ex-chief executive apologised after three female staff made claims of inappropriate behaviour.
Who is this “ex-chief executive” they speak of? Why have they not mentioned his name? Why no mention of the chief strategist who resigned too for grabbing woman by their neck and sticking his thumb into their mouth?
Classic BBC omission of news. Compare that to the over reporting of Harvey Weinstein who got mentioned in just about any BBC article until he became a household name.
“Why have they not mentioned his name?”
It’s what Jo would have wanted.
@Tabs “the ex-chief executive” perv is Justin Forsyth (formerly No10 worker for Gordon Brown)
The “Save The Children’s Chief Strategist” perv is Brendan Cox (got his job cos of friendship with Forsyth)
as mentioned “In 2015/16, a serious incident involving a senior staff member was flagged up to the Commission “
Yorkshire Post does mention Cox
But it trying to spin its next bit “A commission in loneliness set up by Mrs Cox has been wound up. The work will be continued through a parliamentary group led by Rachael Reeves…
… Turn to pg7 blah, blah, to constituency of MP Jo Cox, murdered by a RIGHT WING FANATIC Thomas Mair ….tribute to …….Post’s campaign praised …blah..blah.. Editorial : …shape the work of Jo Cox”
Ironic libmob claim to care about loneliness, when “Giving false witness” as they monster political opponents with boo-wood labels like “far right” is their MO.
Times article mentions from beginning Cox 3 times
Note the white guy with the expensive camera in the top right-hand corner taking photos of the enrichment. BBC provocateur with pocket money from Soros?
Orban has always maintained that he is ensuring his country remains Christian. Sadly he could find his country becoming a little oasis surrounded by neighbours who have become governed by Islamic extremists in the coming decades.
The Today programme bigging up (encouraging) air-strikes on Syria following the most recent gas attack on E. Douma. However, there has been no proper questioning as to the perpetrator of those attacks whch, in my judgement, might well have been made by the jihadist ‘rebels’ who have been proved to possess them. The immediate presence of their friends, the so-called White Helmets, was suspicious, and the staged event of a few people being hosed down was ludicrous and unbelievable. In her interview with an Army general, who outlined how he would destroy Assad’s chemical weapons (!), the Hussein woman failed to ask him how he would get rid of the chemical weapons held by the jihadists.
Toady watch
Al beeboids fixated with Facebook . Assumed every one uses it – which in Blighty is not the case. If you are stupid enough to put your life into a computer you deserve what happens to it. I am conscious of the files on me being harvested on this site so every so often I might disinform… but not lie to you fellow reader. For instance I might claim to be a Moscow centre troll dedicated to the otherthrow of the West – or maybe I’m not …
They sent that gob shite Robinson to the EUreich HQ . Didn’t listen to it all but it seemed the krauts will lose out more than Blighty as they make stuff and we don’t. The city of London always adapted despite rabid warnings .,
Bias as always – anti brexit is a given. Even when the beeboid asked plaintively whether we might change our mind and stay in the kraut politician sounded like he wanted to say “ what a dumb question you smug git”
The UN is against the real people of the World equally as much as any, “Rebel”, if not more.
Fear you are right, Martin. And now the Russians say they will retaliate against the Western launch source/s, or sites. So we could be sliding into WWIII over the next few days or weeks.
Get your panic buying in early – push up that tesco share price.,at least the next big shooting war won’t last long. I’m guessing we re a fairly low value target these days apart from the American based . But I hope the Russian targeting committee has a sense of humour ., I d be happy to make a few suggestions ….
We might be on the brink of war led by Trump, Treezer and Macron.
Three leaders who desperately need a war to combat increasing unpopularity at home.
I once had hopes for Trump and objected to the BBC lying about him.
Now I don’t give a damn – he is just another leader ready to waste the lives of his soldiers playing regime change in the Middle East.
Not according to Richard Pinder above – something to do with the SAS, MI6, CIA, Mossad, Russians and Oman – although I can’t make head nor tail of it – all hush hush apparently or maybe the latest conspiracy theory or fake news – difficult to tell.
Ps the BBC itself seem to be fighting with the Syrian Rebels and acting as their propaganda wing.
Yes, thank you. I read Richard Pinder’s piece later and expressed my admiration for his report.
BoBotC, Peter Ford, former ambassador to Syria (see GW’s posted link to a BBC Scotland interview) mentioned one of our soldiers being killed in Syria recently. Think I heard – must have been via the BBC on R4 – that the soldier was one of a small squad of SAS (4?) sent out there as ‘Advisors’ to help in the ISIS ‘clear up’.
Richard P. seems to have a couple of battalions of SAS out there in addition to MI6. Positively crowded in Syria if so. No wonder Assad is winning, there’s no room for any opposition.
Funny how “AGW/Climate Change is the greatest threat we face” but then it is not and “terrorism is the greatest threat we face”. Then, suddenly that, too, is off the agenda and “ISIS is the greatest threat we face”. Then, they are done or done for and we go back to “AGW/Climate Change is the greatest threat we face”.
Funny how a major joint military initiative against Syrian chemical factories and stocks (do they even have many after seven years of war?), however carefully targeted, may, actually almost certainly will aggravate all three of those “greatest problems we face”.
President Assad could go on TV and point all that out and offer the Western ‘allies’ an inspection into the Douma atrocity. I wish he would.
We have endlessly been shown the same few minutes of children apparently battling to breathe/ being hosed down I hope our government knows who they are, who hit them and with what. We have been lied to so often, I wouldn’t believe a thing BBC or Itv tell me.
They all hate Assad. And they don’t like Russia. But boy, have we been turning up the heat with glee.
I wonder how they get anything done in the Middle East and Africa as it seems only young children and women live there.
The men are all in Europe, I guess, BB.
Like you, I don’t believe anything coming out of Syria.
The only friends we have there are the Kurds, and they are currently under attack from our Nato “allies” the Turks.
Why is no-one suggesting we take out the islamist Erdogan before he re-establishes the caliphate? It would make more sense than trying to destroy the Assad regime, which is no threat to us.
Libmob said Obama’s reign would bring racial harmony when in fact race relations got worse under him, perhaps the worst they have been for decades; the weekend where five Police were shot by Black Lives Matter activists was the nadir.
Maybe the race card was just too tempting to play with Obama which made him unaccountable, and accountability is crucial in politics. Nobody dare say anything lest they be accused of racism. Equally with Mayor Khan no satirist would dare criticise his countless flaws lest they be accused of racism or ‘Islamophobia’, even though his ridiculous policy to decrease stop and search has cost lives – mostly those of minorities.
I imagine bad and incompetent people are distributed fairly evenly amongst all groups, but give someone malevolent a weapon as lethal as the race card and they really can wreak havoc.
Of course no research will ever be done into this and to even raise the question is thought crime. Race relations laws violate the principle that all should be equal under the law, the principle anti racists fought so hard for in the first place.
“I imagine bad and incompetent people are distributed fairly evenly amongst all groups..”. But they do seem disproportionately attracted to the ‘livelihood’ of politics though and then onward and upward with their offspring’s joining the gravy train of incompetents.
In one of the countries in Gulliver’s Travels they do not let highly intelligent people work in government, for their potential to do wrong is multiplied immeasurably. Blair is very clever and look what he did to us.
I don’t think Blair was clever. I think “sly” is more the word. Not forgetting “greedy”.
Interesting piece of propaganda on the BBC website today: ‘How ancient DNA is transforming our view of the past’ It’s part of an ongoing series to undermine the concept of European identity by suggesting that there is fundamentally no such thing as ‘White’ people; a previous installment made the ludicrous claim that ancient Britons were dark skinned – see The scientist behind the research has a respectable pedigree, even if you think the subject matter questionable. However, even this is not enough for the fanatics of the BBC, who include a link to a letter published on discredited fake news site, Buzzfeed, by 67 ‘academics’. A number of bizarre, sixth-former arguments are put forward to explain (sic) that race and even gender are just social constructs with no basis in genetic reality; yes, that old chestnut so beloved of Marxist summer schools circa 1985. However, few of the ‘academics’ have relevant credentials, with most being ‘professors’ in such panty-waste subjects as sociology, wimmin’s studies and African-American history. But then, most BBC staff are of such low-calibre as not to understand the difference between scientific research and rants from social networking sites.
Yup. And within the favourite ‘we all came from Africa’ argument lurks the ‘so if Africa came home to Europe, that would be only natural’ conclusion. Or am I being overly cynical?
It fits the current European mindset so nicely -at least that of the political and media elites.
The underlying propaganda wasn’t that “under” was it? It’s the same technique used for “ what does it mean to the English / British / fedup ?” You always know where that “ discussion “ will end.
The enemies of white Blighty know there are kids growing up who don’t know what our country was once like when it was ours .
It’s the same technique used for “ what does it mean to the English / British?”
I’ve given up being provoked over that one. When asked I reply that it’s an inate concept, and if they need to have it explained they won’t understand the explanation. So far that’s always shut them up.
TOADY highlights: Nick Robinson is on a taxpayer-funded European tour like some of his BBC colleagues (with the exception of Webb & Naughtie who get to go to north America) and meets a Brit who is a Director at BMW Motorcycles.
Nick wishes to undermine Brexit.
The components for BMW engines, we are told by said Director, whizz around Europe across several borders before the are assembled into the finished product which then – again possibly – journeys across several borders to dealers and the customer. All by diesel fuelled truck.
Our Nick fails to ask at that point about Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change which – our politicians here and in the EU, among other groups, tell us – is ‘the greatest threat we face’. He also neglects to ask about all those nasty NOXies on the effects of European asthma sufferers and others who growing up with health and breathing problems. Oh dear.
Never mind, Nick. At least you have undermined something or other.
It is habitual for all World Leaders to call a new Leader and congratulate him/her. I wonder if Lord Hall Hall did?
Will he be calling into VAG headquarters while he is there to see what fines the EU has placed on a major German company for deceiving (knowingly) emissions test . I believe the fines in the US are in the billions potentially. Are these polluting vehicles being taken off our streets ? Come on BBC why arent you investigating a real story ??
The bias is so clear its unbelievable.
Did Nick Robinson talk about EU’s strong car recycling laws
which result not in cars being recycled, but just disappearing ?
BBC journo engages a nifty bit of ‘one degree of separation’ views not his own….
At the risk of annoying Trump fans on here, I think Sweeney missed some: broadcasters, media manipulators, PR bods …
Some on here use the nickname ‘GameShow’ to refer to a particular TV presenter but it could equally be applied to President Trump.
President Trump knows how various ‘systems’ work and now he’s the one with the power to tweak most of the sliders and push most of the buttons or even rip out the ‘mixing desks’ altogether.
Hey! HEY! Let us be careful our there today.
goodness, gracious – my proof reading has gone to pieces in inverse proportion to my current paper hanky consumption.
Crocodile tears for the BBC?
No. Well, yes, maybe.
But also a hebby code …..
Unlike those beacons of light – Bill & Hilary.
Still think the only reason for the ‘transition period’ is to allow more time for Germany to allocate its surplus “refugees” to the UK. Those the Visegrad 4 refuse to take.
G, you could be right – either that – or for some ‘unprecedented’ event to get in the way of Brexit and get it cancelled.
GUEST- Both NYT and WashPo have to have at least one new anti-Trump story every day. There’s probably a rule it has to be out there before you’re allowed to use the coffee machine.
And if you still don’t have one by end of shift they make you walk home.
And if you’re a new Affirmative Action journo at the beeb, wondering what to write, well, now there’s a BIG help!
If Assad is removed from Syria remember this post
Ann Coulter
5 hrs ·
Retweeted J Burton (@JBurtonXP):
In the violent chaos of post-regime-collapse Syria, all the innocent civilians who will be blown up, shot, beheaded, drowned, burned alive by roving jihadi militias can die with the comforting thought that “Hey, at least I wasn’t killed by a chemical weapon!”
The BBC drone on endlessly about woman’s rights, equal pay, respect and #metoo.
For some strange reason though they don’t seem to like the highly intelligent Ann Coulter.
third, the “BBC drone on endlessly about woman’s rights, equal pay, respect and #metoo” and it seems to tie in with both their eagerness for war and this: .
Strange, isn’t it?
Looking at the photo of Anna, I reckon I could get even money at the bookies that the reason she’s not going to have children is due to the fact that she can’t because she used to be a bloke called Andrew.
third, who knows – in this day and age? The phrase from American cartoons came to mind ‘She ain’t no oil painting’ but she had a winning smile and sense of humour, if not time, on her side.
What I was musing on though was how – in this age of equality – it might work out if we do end up in a World War. Traditionally in the past, women are against war, because their babies are involved. They have carried the boys who go off to fight and die and also have carried the girls who may have no chance of a future husband, assuming, that is, that they do not die in any bombing of their homeland. We ‘are all now equal’ – up to a point – and women are increasingly in the military, including some of my relatives. I wonder if, and how, that maternal instinct will be affected.
I have also been struck how some of the most strident voices for war in the media, well actually the BBC on Radio4 to be precise, are female. Mishal Husain has been mentioned quite a bit on this Thread. She has seemed positively gleeful at times on TODAY about the prospect of the UK being involved in new military action.
A touch of ‘the Nachtweys’? Maybe, in a distant sort of way, although she is unlikely to be sent out to a war zone and will cover it from the safety of her studio.
Perhaps Beeboids of a Labour Party or Left-Libby persuasion, want a Conservative PM to be involved in a war again in order to even things up with the disasters – with the exception of Sierra Leone – of Blair & Brown through 1997-2010?
Yes, G.W.F. – from the point of view of a Syrian, the West seems to be absurdly fastidious about some methods of killing. But I suppose we are trying to contain the waging of war within vaguely “civilised” boundaries.
But what are we going to do when they cross the red lines? In any Arab/Muslim dispute it is always dangerous for the West to take sides. We should stay out of it, but if we’re going to support anyone, it should be secular regimes like Assad’s. I know he’s a murderous dictator but he isn’t interested in the death of the West like the alternative Shi’ite or Sunni fanatics are.
Listen to the Syrian girl.
It looks as if Trump, Macron and May together with the Saudis and Israel are building up for a sustained war, not a retaliatory strike.
Hear what she says about evidence of the White Helmets – the heroes of our MPs and St Jo.
The BBC home page is a real treasure trove this morning.
Under “More things we love”, we’re offered a ‘beautiful love story [unfolding] between two young Muslims”. Displaying an astonishing lack of sensitivity, they’ve titled it My Jihad: A Bus & A Burka. Synopsis:— ‘To find the girl of his dreams, Nazir goes along to an Islamic speed-dating evening. But all he finds are women keen to know how he’d support a wife financially and, as Nazir isn’t able to support himself financially, it’s all a little disastrous.’
Hmmm. Disastrous like the recent case of Munir Mohammed and Rowadia El-Hassan, who met on the dating site and swapped propaganda and execution videos before being jailed for 26 years? Disastrous like this romantic sojourn in which the lovestruck couple researched how to make ricin and an explosive called ‘Mother of Satan’?
Probably not.
Anyway if that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can read:
— How two gay men were told a bar was for ‘mixed couples only’. It’s the second most important story on the home page.
— How a BBC presenter slipped during an interview with some swimmers (3rd highest story).
— Or how the actress Bryce Dallas Howard “was scared to ask for more pay”. (She’s the daughter of director Ron Howard; net worth estimated on various sites at around $15 Million.)
— Or about someone who “went through the menopause at the age of 11”.
— Or about the secret behind gospel music’s success.
— Or disabled music fans who face ticketing barriers.
— Or the hidden story of India’s ‘abducted grooms’.
— Or about an abortion clinic safe zone imposed by Ealing Council.
Something for everyone today, then.
Terminal, I gather there’s some news around that President Assad has agreed to an inspection in Douma/Duma and that the OPCW Inspectors are already on their way there.
Funny thing, the BBC do not seem to be interested in getting it onto their web-site if it is true.
I wonder why?
The stuff you list is more important to them?
Or they really want a war?
Up2 — good question. I don’t know how deep it all goes. But the BBC are masters in unjoining the dots as we know.
Some revealing info affecting the current Syria situation from General Wesley Clark (former NATO Commander): Regime change in seven Middle East countries planned:
Terminal, yes, I have seen that before. Not sure how I take it or Wesley Clark himself. There definitely does seem to be something strange going on over Syria and its Civil War, especially after all we learned from Afghanistan, Gulf 2 and Libya.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Inescapable, really.
Agree on the strangeness… almost as if ‘all we learned’ failed to feedback into any coherent policy, eh?
I note that the oil price went up over $71pb last night, no doubt on the back of talk of Western military strikes in Syria.
Note to BBC:
You get quite excited once in a while, usually some days after it has happened and the market has turned, about a shift of things like the oil price over its significant markers such as 40, 50, 70, 75, 100, etc.. You might like to think about a comment from your Business or Economic Editors right now?
If you do, you might like to ask them ‘Who benefits from this jump in the oil price?’
The Scot Nats must be praying for a $100 a barrel then it’s off to the referendum races again and salmond can stop selling his soul to RT
Yes, hadn’t initially thought of that, Fed.
But if the West want to rein in Putin, pushing up the oil price is no way to go about it. What do they think paid for the kit his troops are using in Syria?
We’ll always read never ending stories about how stupid Donald Trump is because the stories are written by the MSM and the MSM is overwhelmingly left-wing.
We were told that George W Bush was an idiot and shown non-stop clips of his spoonerisms, Ronald Reagan was shown to be a buffoon of an actor capable only of talking to chimps, even though Maggie Thatcher rated him very highly.
Bill Clinton on the other hand is now lauded as a statesman and brilliant leader even though he was responsible, along with Alan Greenspan, for bringing about the whole financial crisis that engulfed the West ten years ago. He was a philandering sex-pest who lied and lied until he was eventually impeached as POTUS……never mind though, lets make his loving and totally innocent wife the next President.
You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Don Trump has managed to become the most powerful man on the planet and I’m still to read one decent article about him in the MSM.
More fool them.
And don’t forget the ultimate deity, His Holiness St. Barack Obama whose ability to walk on BBC water was without equal.
So because the cowardice of MPs the last time chemical weapons were used Blighty can’t do anything until they vote next week . In the meantime the America’s will be ready to press a few buttons – together with their new best European friends -the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
But maybe that’s a good thing . Particularly if there’s another dodgy dossier about or America wants to get back in the Syria game after Obama ran away taking his red lines with him .
I’m looking for promotion from my armchair general rank . Whatever happens al beeb will blame brexit
You could make a very good argument that Obama and his complete disaster of a foreign policy was directly responsible for the mess that we now see in Syria.
Seems to have been missed by the highly trained professionals at the BBC.
Obama’s red line. with chemical weapons and his lack of action……it’s been mentioned by a few people during interviews over last few days on R4, by the interviewees not the BBC interviewers and what is the BBC response – they just ignore it and carry on with the discussion. Why’s that then?
And this morning Ms Hussain discussing potential action over chemical weapons was talking to chap (seemed sensible) who was making the point we need to check our facts first, he then went on to explain we had a poor record of on ground facts, mentioned Iraq..Ms Hussain cut him off and said can we stick to the point…how dumb is she?
Fortunately he came back to his point..’we need better on the ground info before making a decision’ – based on our past actions (Mr Blair)
It really is shocking how gormless the work experience girl is . Never listens to an answer or does a logical follow up – just reads the questions on the clipboard .
JA, did they mention, let alone discuss, the past UN Inspections that were carried out in Syria, after Obama’s ‘Red Line’?
I thought not.
I wonder why?
Miss Hussein is a token. Can’t expect much better.
Or does our Mishal have an agenda, like colleague Carolyn Quinn, and prefers to forget those inspections and the surrendering of various chemicals by Assad?
Let’s just assume that Assad did not think too carefully and actually surrendered the chemicals to the UN Inspectors instead of destroying them in front of said Inspectors. If that is the case (I’m not saying it was, btw) do we have evidence of their destruction by the UN?
Actually, I do not think that President Assad would be that stupid but sometimes strange things happen when people are put under different pressures. The UN Inspectors may well have pointed at legitimate stocks in Assad’s pharma enterprises and have said “That, that, this and oh, that over there, they could be used to make ABC Nerve Agent or XYZ gas. They must go.”
Well, there’s the recipe. It’s known to the Inspectors. Maybe others are around at the time (not necessarily all totally on the side of the President, then and/or now) and it is known to them. Careless talk and the recipe gets passed on until it falls into (the wrong) hands that carry out the Douma attack for reasons know, unknown or reasonably assumed.
It is very like the Skripal poisoning. Many possible culprits, many possible motives.
Never mind carefully finding out facts, seeking the truth. Wild assumptions, a wild rush to execute judgement. It’s Putin and Assad ‘wot dun it’.
Been thinking – meeshelll should get lessons from Cathy – so what you’re saying is – Newman
Lots of posts above about how the state funded leftist BBC is more powerful then any single political party, perfectly true of course. In the USA although there is no DIRECT state funding but most of the leftist media eg CNN are run as loss leaders by large corporations who get rewarded by Democratic politicians for their uncompromising leftism by favourable deals in the various states.
The parallels between the attempts to get rid of President Trump and Brexit are striking. In the USA , the democrats have completely subverted the legal system in their attempts to get him. It’s is astonishingly brazen and yet the corrupt MSM only support the never ending groundless attacks and never mention the corruption behind what is going on.
Over here the Remainiacs elite are not quite so brazen but their aim is the same, to subvert the democratic choice of the people and the BBC is at the forefront of this.
What do these anti democrats think will happen when they succeed in thwarting the will of the people? Are they so arrogant that they haven’t even considered it? Or do they think that all those denied their democratic rights by a powerful elite will meekly comply and carry on as before? I wonder if it has ever crossed their minds that there might be resistance to their wishes and , having seen democracy trampled in the mud , this resistance may not necessarily be nice, well behaved, polite protest but something much nastier. If it is they will have only themselves to blame.
Hey – loosi Mandela memorial funeral – wonder if they’re gonna light up a few tyres to celebrate ?
DJ Nick ( “its our job to educate them”) Robinson played the useful idiot to The Germans on his Licence Tax funded jolly to Berlin, from where he spewed forth this morning.
First up was an ex personage of the British Museum offering an insight to the general disbelief of Germans that the referendum result on Brexit could not simply be overturned !
He went on to BMW as mentioned earlier to hear a tale of extensive journeys a fairly simple part of a BMW motorcycle takes across many borders wandering it would seem aimless as a cloud … future implying ( post Brexit )to become stuck at Customs posts.
Logistically, any buyer sourcing a part with such tortuous journeys would simply be replaced………Rous……..pronto like.
Nick deserves a future standing alongside the EDSTONE!
Al beeb tried to big up the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday agreement . Didn’t hear too much about terrorist murderers being given a free pass .
In fact thankfully it went by unnoticed -.probably because of the amoral Blair and Clinton being involved. Neither will ever realise our toxic they are.
Al beeb will always love them though .
pedant alert “Bitte, raus, nicht rous. ‘schön.”
Funny thing but the Beeb did a thing on R4 the other day about Kubrick and his ‘2001 – A Space Odyssey’.
Nick ‘standing’ alongside the Edstone? Yes, think you are on to something there.
I used to carry parts for Steyr to and from Austria when it was outside of the EU . There was paperwork (T forms ) but the only problem would be lazy bullying customs officers .
Danke Up2………..which reminds me on the theme of ” The Germans” that a colleague had the job of welcoming a visiting German academic to a conference in Glasgow. He was named Gerhard Lippe.
All went great with the intro until…………………”and now its over to you Herr Lippe.”
BBC off/on BFF makes a punt to get the Editor back on QT.
Last Saturday’s Radio4 FooC contained a pre-Hungarian election report where the correspondent Nick Thorpe @NickFT predicted Orban* would get his comeuppance,
“A twist in the tale”, “No safe seats for Orban”, “there have been many corruption allegations”, “if Orban wins”, “a battered boxer”
Then he admits “Fidez seem unassailable, with over 40%” ..and begs “but if opposition party voters put aside their second preferences and invest in the strongest opposition candidate, the govt could THEORETICALLY lose”
* (The actual spelling has an accent Orbán, but BBC always get that wrong)
– The China correspondent Marcus Ryder went to to see the premiere of the “Black Panther” movie wearing his Obama T-shirt which the crowd admired (I’m not making this up)

Actually he moved from BBC Scotland to work for the Chinese State broadcaster.
Mostly the Beeboids resorted to making themselves the centre of the story instead of the culture they are supposed to telling us about.
Title of show was “Mixed Societies”
Fooc got infected ages ago . Don’t laugh but I used to listen to it religiously since being a kid 40 years ago for a fair opinion of what’s going on in the world . Now it’s just another bias source and an opportunity for beeboids to slip their mates a few bob for cliches about kids wearing Man U shirts and crystal blue seas… and chuck it the anti British theme
Fed, I did too but stopped a year or two back because of Beeb bias.
Has Trump flipped?
Certainly not impressing the more considered of the non-left commentariat. And, without presumption, me.
But then over here we have the BBC fronting up Mishal ‘not enough dead Jews’ Husain to smooth the path for some good ‘ole boy to sit astride his nuke waving a stetson.
Strange, love.
Previously tweeted
and less reported
I don’t listen much to Radio 4 these days, because it’s one agenda after another, so I listen to LBC to and from work. What struck me was the number of callers to both Iain Dale and Nick Ferrari who pointed out the inconsistencies in blaming Assad/the Russians for the chemical attack. Yet neither of them wanted to know – it was clear Assad did it and that was that.
I do take some comfort in that the thinking public don’t seem to be buying it, but I’m not sure why Trump is. Maybe he has access to reports we don’t see, but I’m no longer prepared to accept politicians’ word for it.
Fair enough a knife found in a park might be a weapon

but misplaced gardening equipment often have they been used in crimes ?
Operation Sceptre is about takling knife crime.
Stew – that was – 1 April – right?
Something similar here. Regents Park Police do an Operation Sceptre sweep. American tweeters are incredulous at the “weapons” recovered:
BBC Reporting that
copyright Jake Archer
Image caption
Patrick Hannon and Jake Archer had been for a meal before going to Jake’s Bar in Leeds
A gay couple were refused entry to a bar when bouncers told them they let in “mixed-sex couples” only.
Patrick Hannon, 30, and Jake Archer, 25, had enjoyed a meal before heading to Jake’s Bar in Leeds for a drink at about 22:00 BST on 24 March.
Maybe they should go to Northern Ireland , bake a cake and get a B and B the buggars – . I don’t mind gingers but not pushing – if you get me .
Courtesy BBC w-s:
The World Health Organization says 500 patients showed symptoms after the suspected chemical attack in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta.
Exactly 500.
‘Some people’ might say “500? That’s horrific!”
‘Some people’ might say “500? That’s horrific – are they getting medical help? If not, then we must get some help to them.”
‘Some people’ might say “500? That’s a convenient round number.”
‘Some people’ might say “500? That’s horrific! Assad is a war criminal. We must finish the war there and get him on trial in the Hague.”
‘Some people’ might say “500? That’s horrific. Let’s do some bombing there and teach Assad & Putin a lesson.”
‘Some people’ might say “500? That is awful. We need to establish the facts and then take some action. How can we get an inspection underway there?”
‘Some people might say: ‘Gas’ attack eh? Pretty easy thing to simulate. Hose down a few casualties – but don’t remove any chemically infused clothing, mustn’t risk offending religious sensibilities. Zoom in on children, always good for max emotion. Much arm waving, lots of shouting, 10/12 carriers per stretcher. No dead bodies….
Anyone would think they’d been exposed to Novichok. Still, at least that means they’ll be back on their feet in a week or two.
Oops, sorry forgot that one. Thanks, Beltane.
Blaabe m’ code! Aaaarghhchooo!
“Oh, Mum… “
Just turned on Jeremy Vine to hear him laughing about a religious leader who was found in bed with a married woman – “God told him to do it”. This terrible sect makes women keep quiet in meetings and cover their hair!
Finally the BBC gets to mock Islam!
Hardly, it turns out to be a Christian sect, so that is fair game. Cowards.
bBBC Hospital programme Tuesday evening: Nottingham Hospital rejected patients needing operations for 8 weeks before they finally considered sending them to private hospitals instead.
‘Our’ NHS, ‘envy of the world’.
Londonistan crime. Update
Small stabbing this morning in vibrant East London. No discription of stabber or stabbee so I conclude both non white . Weather improves next week so should be back to the normal killings rate.