The BBC and other Main Stream Media predicted this week would be ‘ crunch’ time for Brexit – yet on it goes .
And the Far Left BBC and co enjoy banning things – “woman” , clapping , pay differences , armistice remembrance , and , of course, reasoned debate .
Well I am hearing conflicting Brexit stories from different sources which is confusing as usual. Are leaving or not?
Anyway the Tories have a minor lead in the polls so after the PM having another ‘bad week’ things look even worse for Labour. At least the BBC’s pro Corbyn news agenda seems to be ignored by most of the pubic. The BBC’s days are numbered…
Most of the pubic what?
Most of the public ignore the pro Corbyn stories
So I am the first to post and then I only go and double post!
Well I am also second then!
Smoogie you are clearly a vampire !
I even had the opportunity to be third!
This is utter drivel… it’s simply unacceptable that the bbc push this pathetic propaganda using our money.
And here’s the headline, prominently on the News front page.
I’m sure there’s one of these puff pieces every day now.
The preferred weapon of the RoP, male or female, is a knife to the throat.
When the MSM, hides any reference other then “mental issues” of the perp, one can guess the identity of the perp by noting the region of the victim’s body that was attacked. “Neck wounds” generally mean “mental issues” will be problem that is used for public broadcast.
Yep, there appears to be a drive to push a feminist/Islam mashup. Another one was on the home page this week: “Female imam wants ‘new narratives’ on Islam.”
I worked some years ago on a Saudi project. The boss used to come back from meetings in the KSA talking of how the princes spoke of a new, progressive, modern Kingdom on the world stage… but no one dared to raise the issue of women.
Something seems to be shifting in the desert sands, e.g. all the hoopla around lifting the driving ban this year, and we’re going to see a lot more of this at the beloved ﻅﻅﺡ (Propaganda Be Upon It).
Alex -The BBC is just preparing us for when we become part of
the Greater Caliphate. Because of demographics it’s as
sure as night following day. Around three generations in
London and Birmingham and not much more than four
in the rest of the countries.
It will then be intersting to see when programmes in the
morning start with the Adhan ,if BBC employees are still
allowed to wear their pins and badges showing their colleagues and
everybody else that they support LGBT issues.
In the nightmare scenario that is our future, anyone supporting LGBTQ or wearing pins to that effect, will long have vanished in the “night of the long knives”.
I’ve corrected the URL …………… to-fight-back-against-their-muslim-husbands
Toady Watch
The wonderful release of a Christian Pastor by Jonnie Turk – The fiends -manages to turn it into criticism of President Trump by saying no deal was done to free the man .
Al beeb really is frightened of the President – as is The Guardian which describes his successes as the result of a foundation laid down by previous one – it’s quite funny with you read between the lines ….
Of course the BBC is scared witless by Pres Trump. If the Republicans hold the House and Senate, then major changes in America. Very restricted immigration. Illegals, DACA etc out. Chain migration over. Immigration on merit basis only. The dream of the marxist democrats to install socialism/communism using illegal
migrants will be over.
Too the dream that the socialist EU (EUSSR) in alliance with USA(USSA), with Hillary as POTUS, will force Eastern European countries to the toe the line. Global governance via global Climate change taxation will be over.
That was at stake in the Kavanugh confirmation (a 5-4 majority in SCOTUS). Pres rump has one of his major pieces installed. If the Republicans hold in the November mid terms, then Pres Trump will have all the major federal pieces on the board.
Too the lie of the Trump-Russia collusion is unravelling. Its more like Democrats-Russia collusion, with possibility that MI6 was involved – a conspiracy. Very dangerous waters ahead. That is why the democrats and their leftist supporters are turning to violence, and publicly justifying it. This coming from publicly visible Democrats. It may also explain T May’s extreme reluctance to leave the safety of the EU.
Pres Trump rightly sees Islamic immigration as an existential threat.
If all goes Pres Trump’s way, there is going to be a reckoning in 2019. If Brexit goes ahead, then more nations will get out of the EU, with strong backing of Pres Trump. The EU is finished. Germans are champing at the bit too.
The West and its defence policy will then be redefined, not just in economic terms but a cultural one too. We see signs of this in the least expected place.
Appreciate the view … I dearly hope you are right. I referred to The Guardian article where the phenomenon of “Trump Shame” ( my term ) is described –
Punters saying out loud how much they hate him but when it comes to the ballot box the story might be a bit different
Perhaps the polls in the lead up to the midterms will lie in the same way that polls did here once upon a time .
I’m a born pessimist but hope for a second Term , a full brexit and other brave nations such as the Hungarians and Italians seeing the light and further diminishing the ReichEU.
And along the way perhaps the far left BBC will be put to the sword too..
This has been going on a while in Canada.Trudeau is an incredibly dangerous leader…..
Trudeau is an arse. Now and forever.
The dangerous part of their democracy is the bit that elected him. The sheeple. They will get what they deserve.
It was thus in France too, where they had a clear opportunity to elect Le Penn, but chose new-kid-ontheblock Macron ( with his Granny in tow). A brand new party, money from where? The sheeple at fault again.
In Germany? They could have had the AfD, but we still have to put up with Adolf Merkel…What the actual ^%**?
You can always blame the media for misinforming the sheeple, but truly, they shoulder the blame for following the crap they are fed.
I searched the BBC for ‘Kavanaugh’ and received a list of rather, shall we say, unenthusiastic articles, mostly about President Trump ‘apologizing’ to Kavanaugh.
This is almost the most important victory the President can achieve, which is why it was turned into such a s**tfight. The nomination is a lifetime post, will far outlive the President and will shape US politics for a generation.
If the old bat Ruth Bader Ginsburg hands in her dinner pail any time soon, there is a perfect Conservative replacement named Amy Coney Barrett. ….
Also see
The incoming government has promised to ban authority figures — including teachers, police officers, prison guards, Crown prosecutors and Quebec court judges — from wearing conspicuous religious symbols such as hijabs, kippas or crosses.
The new ruling party in Quebec ( of all places), sees no problem in having crucifixes, but will ban any visible presence of other religions.
The argument is that Christianity – Catholic and Protestant, is the basis of the present foundation of Quebec. This must be a dagger in the heart of Justin Trudeau.
Toady Watch Two
Apparently the NHS now wants walking frames and the like returned after use. I have 6 frames . I wanted to give them back but the physio said ‘don’t bother – they are too expensive to recycle … apparently they are £18 each and cost more to clean.
Now it seems according to al beeb news the NHS have been told to get them back..
So many health stories. Such a cop out – they report on this as it does not ‘offend’ anyone. It offends me – they should grow a backbone and report on actual events. A huge part of their hatred of Trump is that he has balls of steel and talks about hugely important issues our elites would rather ignore. He rips them out of their snug, smug bubble when they would rather sit on warm sofas discussing gay marriage in Australia.
Some are returning crutches etc which they no longer use and saving the NHS thousands! We had a full report on this riveting story. Well, stop subjecting us to this garbage and we could all save £3.5 billion.
The main story is about breast cancer and now they have a segment about dancers in the NHS helping patients. This is news not the health channel!
I think it is the Health Channel – al beeb and the NHS are so linked in their Statism .
The NHS can do no wrong – killing the elderly , employing corrupt staff , the blood products scandal , yearly negligence , poor cost control –
All get a free pass from al beeb because the Government always get the blame – however many of layers of management there are –
Declaration – I have never been employed by the NHS but had the misfortune of being a victim of it . I go private now if I can
Me too Fed, but having been an employee of the NHS – after many years in the private sector, I saw first hand of the wastage / man hours lost through ‘sickness’ / and incompetency, that wouldn’t be tolerated in the private sector. That’s not counting the amount of ‘manager meetings’ (with food provided by the pharmaceutical companies) that were organised every week !!
I spent six years working with the ‘Heroes of the NHS’ , and yes a lot of ‘stress’ cases were caused by bullying bad management – so the maximum amount of sick leave was taken, but in the main the staff were all pretty laid back, with rarely any sense of urgency.
Manager meetings – all furnished with expensive bottled water as well
Incompetency – The seemingly endless round of departmental relocations accompanied by the mandatory refurbishements
Promotions for non-medical staff – Often on the basis of who you know
Cleaning – Contracting out the excuse for the non-supervision or monitoring of standards by NHS staff.
The list is not exhaustive by any means,
….The seemingly endless round of departmental relocations accompanied by the mandatory refurbishments……
I certainly recognise THAT one !!!! – myself and a couple of colleagues ‘rescued’ 4 high chairs used by the elderly, that were thrown in the skip – they were almost new ! , so we took them home for use by our elderly relatives. At least they found a new home.
Point well taken.
But mentioning selected invitations happily accepted on state media… brave.
You have to laugh…just caught 2 minutes of BBC News Watch and the angle was – do we have too many climate change deniers on??
They showed Evan Davis attacking – not interviewing, one of these dreaded creatures that apparently swarm all over the BBC headlines..
WTF – every morning we are fed a diet of climate change, climate change and they have one ‘alternative view’ and it’s one too many
Anyone noticed that if you don’t agree with espoused BBC wisdom you are a denier…or a dissenter – never just somebody with an alternative opinion or view point…
They probably have never heard of this chap:
Or considered giving this any credence…
I’m still not entirely sure what a “climate denier” is. It’s a nonsense term. I don’t think anyone believes that climate has never changed, doesn’t now, or never will. They just don’t believe that the alarmists are correct when they blame every insignificant thing on humans daring to exist on the planet. Any changes are infinitesimally small, and occur over thousands of years (and have done for billennia), so that rather rules us out, as a probable cause.
Blaming humans for every little change is pure narcissism. Although we may have had a small effect on climate – for instance the extinction of the dodos- most of it is natural causation and cyclical. The most likely cause for climate change is solar activity, which goes up and comes down.
But, back to the original point, the left are full-on narcissists in everything and as they have a collective mind-set they also believe that the collective is the cause of what is, in reality, almost entirely natural. It is true that glaciers across Europe, at least, have been disappearing too quickly but the cause has not been totally established.
If, however, the climate starts a cooling period, as some real climate scientists have predicted, they will attribute that to their “efforts” to force us to control greenhouse gas output. They will then say that we must continue to control what we consume to stop “global warming” returning.
Basically its all about control of the masses. I will start to get worried if they start to show that they actually believe what they say when people like Al Gore stop flying around the world to peddle his book(s). And when they stop having regular climate change conferences around the world bringing thousands to isolated (and expensive) places where the only practical means of travel to and from is to fly.
As any fule know, using the term denier (in relation to the religion of climate change) is carefully done to smear by association.
The association being – of course – “holocaust denial”
Accept this as a spoof article, but it draws attention to the BBC and its use of Denyers as a description.
Earth will be destroyed by 2005 says UN Report.
‘The report definitively concluded that climate change will completely destroy the earth by 2005 if we do not take action now.
“We’ve run all the numbers, and it’s absolutely clear: every inch of dry land on the planet will be totally submerged by the year 2005,” said one member of the panel. “This is an absolute scientific fact.”
When several scientific researchers pointed out that 2005 came and went 13 years ago, they were informed that the earth was actually destroyed, everybody was killed, and we are all actually ghosts.
“Every person on the planet is now a spirit who was killed over a decade ago by climate change,” said a UN spokesperson. “And anyone who does not believe this will be labeled a ghost science denier.”
One of the distinctions Richard Lindzen makes is between weather and climate and this is one of the things lacking from the whole “debate”. Clearly, the BBC either doesn’t understand this distinction or pretends it doesn’t which explains its obsession with presenting extreme weather events as a visible consequence of climate change.
Another point he makes concerns greenhouse gases and how CO2 is a minor player and he backs this up with a quantfication of the effect a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere would have on the radiation of heat into space. It is truly minor.
His articles are well worth a read.
This kind of information is, sadly, lacking from BBC articles and shows the organisation to clearly favour the policies the IPCC proposes to deal with this so-called problem.
There’s a very good book out about this called ‘The Tribe‘, by Ben Cobley, which describes how the entire Left has been captured by what he calls ‘the system of diversity’, whereby people’s opinions are entirely driven by what ‘the system’ demands.
This explains the extent to which ‘system people’ cannot be engaged in debate (not just about climate change), as well as the extent to which they are willing to hand over their ability to think in favour of what are evidentially unsupported, but tribally useful, assertions.
“Climate Change Denial” is not a scientific term. I suppose the scientific term would be “Denial that the Climate Changes”. But then its not known that any of the scientists that the BBC calls “climate change deniers” actually deny that the climate changes. So that means that the BBC is trying to mislead the viewer into thinking that there are scientists who deny that the climate changes. But I think 97 percent of the general public are intelligent enough and Daily Mail and Daily Express readers are informed enough to realise that the scientists are only denying that there is any evidence that carbon dioxide causes climate change. But then, there isn’t any evidence for these scientists to deny. Also the reason that they are not actually denying that the climate changes is because of evidence from Solar Astronomers as to what really causes the climate to change. But then all this is censored by the BBC, proving that W1A morons (Enviro-Morons) are correct in thinking that Black people seem more intelligent than themselves (Enviro-Morons).
As I have heard myself say, and Professor Richard Lindzen quotes something similar from C. P. Snow: “Senior people employed at the BBC (Enviro-Morons), by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated, but how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics”
I also remember similar quotes about the Second Law of Thermodynamics from Piers Corbyn, after a deliberation from the panel of Enviro-Morons who made up the BBC Trust. Also the Labour MP Graham Stringer mentioned the Second Law of Thermodynamics on a science committee where none of the other science committee members knew what he was talking about, because none of the other committee members of the science committee, where scientists. Everyone else was an Enviro-Moron.
There is a religiosity to the progressive mindset. People who disagree do not merely have a different opinion but are morally flawed.
I hope that anybody here came out of their -“will you be in on the 10th October”- threatograms unscathed….
Mine arrived last week. Will you be in on the 17th? Actually, no I won’t. I’m following Ian Rushlow’s advice of a couple of weeks ago and am going to Poland for most of the week, including the 17th. Przepraszam (sorry)!
I am actually quite disappointed none of these Capita chimps have ever paid me a visit out in the sticks.. I do wish they would change the wording now I am getting a bit bored with it – “Heres what you can expect in court bla, blah, blah”
On different subject though – but still close to the lying beebs rotten heart –
Good to know Pat is still battling away.
Grab yourself a brew, get comfy and spend 10 minutes watching this little gem. This shows without doubt in what high regard these so called celebrities hold themselves. It’s 10 minutes of the liberal, know it all, holier than thou, my opinion is much more valid than yours , left, getting the mood of the normal folk completely wrong . Lovely . The smarmy little turds.
That’s cheered me up
Moodswing, your comment fits your name. 🙂
Good stuff Doobster.
But there is also a very serious point in all of this.
I am also sure the pro globalist ruling elite have learnt from this – democracy is an uncontrollable risk to the their power as also are people telling the truth like Trump and worse than that actually delivering.
Hence the vigorous amount of energy our government seems to want to put into controlling the media, frustrating Brexit at every twist and turn, keeping our borders open as long as possible to change the demographic, and repress dissent especially by truthtellers like Tommy Robinson.
As Katie Hopkins said – “we are living in very dark times in this country”
Another perfect storm on BBC News Channel this morning
News editors have clearly decided their favourite go to theme is meteotainment. Well, I guess we all needed a short breather from Brexit panic. This excellent wheeze of the named storm narrative is now paying dividends with wall to wall wind coverage, both home and abroad. It’s always going to be worse somewhere on earth. So get used to beta male BBC sofa chimps like Jon Kay observing “I guess we’re getting off lightly here”.
Meanwhile in a month when we discover (not on the BBC) how pranksters have shown how alarmingly easy it is to spoof the academic establishment with peer-reviewed PC-twaddle
– under the headline ‘You can fool some of the academics all of the time’, mind you.
Our very own Samira Ahmed gets a tad shirty, I thought, on climate change on Newswatch and we note the regularising of BBC use of the hate phrase ‘climate denier’ (now officially BBC-speak) and telling us in no uncertain terms that the BBC has resolved it’s cool to hector and lecture their audience over global warming.
The BBC now admits the secret memo dod go round about banning deniers and they seem proud of it. They will have on deniers but apparently only to badger and degrade them like Evan does on Newsnight.
There’s a wonderful 1984 moment when Samira comments about the new policy to her guest BBc chap – so the old policy was wrong? Reply No we were right.
So, 20,000 badges then. And a special one for Owen.
The move is an attempt to tackle what it calls ‘heteronormative culture’ in which being straight is considered normal….
I can’t decide if these are more akin to Hitler Youth badges or kapo badges. Either way, very sinister.
Just noticed the number at right. You’re going to need a bigger counter.
Xmas at Castle Corbyn extra awks this year?
Actually it has been proven that Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse Gas.
In 2009, the paper “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics” by Gerhard Gerlich, used the Second Law of Thermodynamics to prove the carbon dioxide hypothesis was a hoax.
Then in 2011, the “Unified Theory of Climate” by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, worked out the formula for the Greenhouse Effect, using the Second Law of Thermodynamics to prove that Nitrogen was the main greenhouse gas for the Earths Atmosphere.
I remember how after Gerlich’s paper, they started off in 2010, using the Second Law of Thermodynamics to a remarkable finding that the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. Which complies with the radiating temperature of Venus, which is 1.176 times that of the Earth. Bingo, this proves Donald Trump is correct in thinking man-made Climate Change is a Hoax.
As I watch the front lawn get slowly blown to the back… some levity…
Fiona Bruce-late-for-work-mobile?
Teresa May’s new government car
Diane Abbot going for a jog wearing “effnik” jewellery.
‘Diane Abbot going for a jog wearing “effnik” jewellery.’
Well spotted, prize for that, surely.
But seriously, it’s clearly a soviet era radar truck on an elongated tracked chassis. I make this pedantic observation mainly because it bugs the hell out of me when tv reporters refer to ‘tanks’ whenever we see footage of anything tracked… APCs, SPGs etc etc
Mind you, it’s not just the hardware that’s confusing, they also invariably mistake terrorists for something they term ‘militants’
ASI – Lazy journalism. just as whenever the BBC sees someone is demonstrating for Tommy Robinson they are “far right” (obviously objecting to teenagers being raped is now seen “far right”. Since most of the BBC I would consider to be “far left” – makes you wonder what they get up to behind closed doors)
Kaiser, look on the bright side – at least they won’t procreate :0)
Like father, like son. Pete North is worse than his father for throwing insults at anyone who disagrees with him.
Even worse, really?
Bbc comedy detector van
Just when you think things can’t get any stupider I read on the BBC site that the BBC will be employing more gay staff to “combat” “Heteronormative” culture.
I would have thought that there are more important things that needed combatting. Silly me.
It’s there in black and white the latest good cause of the state broadcaster. They will recruit more gays in to the ranks to boldly go forth and send the opposing forces of evil heteronormativism (that’s most of us, folks!) into if not oblivion and least into cowed submission. The wonderful Beeb, righting wrongs wherever they can manufacture them.
Crikey Dick! We know Don Quixote was mad. The people at the Beeb must be stark staring bonkers.
Or perhaps I’m just a grumpy old Heteronormativist.
Perhaps the BBC would like to take up my cause……
I am a discriminated minority.
I am a white woman (now considered elderly at 70)
I am childless (not enough hours to say how I’ve been discriminated against on THAT one, especially parking close to the entrance of super markets !)
I don’t have pierced ears (the trouble I have in getting clip ons – you wouldn’t chuckle, as manufacturers and jewellers don’t even consider me !)
I got the impression the BBC was 50% gay already
True – that’s why they need more.
I thought they the percentage of gay people employed by them was already higher than that of mainstream society. What is the target percentage? What disturbs me, though, is the very notion of combating “Heteronormative Culture” and the lengths the BBC is prepared to go to to do this. Does the BBC intend to stop people talking about their wedding plans if they are straight but encourage such talk if they are gay? Are certain religions to be classed as “Heteronormative”? Who decides what it means?
The BBC, Bisased Bonkers and Cretinous.
This is an outrage!
Denied the opportunity to feed on demand. Or have a diaper changed with an audience.
Has Sadiq Khan commented yet?
Maybe the Mum was only 14.
Why would a mother with a baby take it to the cinema?…Am I missing something?……
She got exactly what she went for.
because she is a selfish git with no thought of anyone else…it’s ‘er right..innit
I see the ARRSE forum has a discussion about JoCo’s ambush interview of Batten
On the matter of Coburn vs. Batten. I found the confrontation quite encouraging. Coburn actually managed to make Kathy Newman of Newman vs. Peterson look an intellectual giant.
Like others I didn’t really have a view on Batten, but I have one now and based on that it’s not bad. I suspect that Coburn’s contortions amounting to “You are inciting violence towards a whole community” will not reflect on her kindly when viewed over and over as she surely will be on YouTube.
Notwithstanding an excellent performance by Batten, one has to wonder how Coburn would have dealt with the charm and exquisite debating skills of a Douglas Murray on the subject of ideology.
Batten was absolutely on the money to focus his criticism on the ideology rather than individuals, but he could have pressed home his advantage more strongly. Her continual schooling of Batten along the lines that “it’s not an ideology – it’s a religion” was all the more imbecilic as it was not a rhetorical flourish but appeared to be a truly held point of view.
Where shall we start? “Jo dear, imagine living in a land where there is no rule of law – only Islam. Where there are no human rights – only Islam. Where there is no respect for science and no democracy – only Islam. Where there is no art and no music, gay people are persecuted, and women subjugated. And in fact, Jo dear, do you know what Islam means? – Submission. Total and absolute submission. So a more accurate description of Islam is a totalitarian ideology. Like Nazism or communism. Apparently, it is so total that it is a religion too.
The truth is kryptonite to the lefties.
Yes, truly one of the most dim-witted interviews I have ever seen.
A typical definition of “ideology” is “a set of beliefs or principles, especially one on which a political system, party, or organization is based”. The existance of various “islamic republics” based on islamic principles and sharia law is clearly a political system or state based on a set of beliefs. Presumably, even Joke O’ Burn believes that fascist states are based on various fascist principles like theories of racial supremacy, Führerprinzip, legitimacy of violence to enforce the Führerprinzip, etc. Militarism, the police state, state propaganda are then logical consequences of the need to enforce the Führerprinzip. In islam the Führer, the ultimate source of authority, is supposed to be a “supernatural entity” but the effects in the real world are just the same. In these cases “il Duce a sempre ragione”. Ideological enemies, the kuffar must be eliminated. The secularist BBC is usually very sneery about religions based on “revealed truth”, yet Joke seems to think that you “can’t criticise a religion”, for some reason. Rees Mogg is continually mocked and vilified for being against abortion. Yet the beliefs of muslims, in particular or in general, are “sacrosanct”. Is Joke a secret believer? Normally, shd would have no compunction in criticising “religion” – is it because she believes islam is the “true religion” and would blaspheme to criticise it?
Porgy and Bess at the London Coliseum is getting good reviews. Fine.
As far as I can see from photographs though, colour blind casting seems to have been overlooked on this occasion. I don’t think the Gershwin Estate’s insistence on black singers covers the entire cast.
I trust the BBC will be covering this anomaly in due course? (Between a black Henry V and black Robin Hood, or some such.)
BBC are rubbish on the current news, but Sky are even worse. All morning they’ve been banging on about re-introducing oysters into Scottish waters !!!!! wtf ????
Halal oysters no doubt.
“…. demanding British sanctions against Saudi Arabia.” That’ll be banning incoming finance to mosques uni’s and extreme islamic groups. That’ll thwart their plans for a short while…………
Have you heard!
Nick Griffin and David Duke (KKK) have come out backing Jeremy Corbyn.
Some video he appeared on a few years ago.
It’s true.
I now await a complete media frenzy over this led by the bbc and it’s print version the guardian.
Any time now…………
OK I’ll do the backlinks about yesterdays posts
: Friday’s began near the top of page 2
: Page 3 : Friday evening ,
The big thing was the MetroLib media’s war on Tommy Robinson
which is just turning into a pantomime
“The unhinged left” might be an appropriate word.
I listed the latest attacks at the end of the page .. crucially showing how Sammy Woodhouse saying she’d be maliciously edited by Newsnight.
I did think to copy the posts over to the Sept 26 thread The Treatment of Tommy Robinson by the media
… but that’s already been closed.
Jo Coburns interview with Batten was disgusting. She seems to believe Tommy Robinson is evil on a par with Hitler for reporting on industrial scale rapes. Lets hope she interviews the Corbyn lefty types just as visciously over their links to arab terrorists and obvious anti semitism.
@Panda there is the real world and there is the false view of the world that’s promoted by GuardianLand.
– Viewers who watched Sky’s fabricated piece, Newsnight’s hitjob could believe that Tommy Robinson is a White supremacist who calls for the death of brown skin people at his every rally, and that there are are masked angry figures there tossing smokebombs
– Of course in the real world those masked angry figures tossing smokebombs are the antifa,
Whereas the TR crowd is far far from white-supremacist and includes minorities.
Its tone is peaceful, with crowd and stewards quickly intervening if one their own raises fists at antifa provocation.
The media obeying some mad NUJ rules stand there not reporting the peaceful main, but rather looking to get a photo of any aggravation.
#1 It is possible that some London people like Jo Coburn are so naive, that they believe the GuardianLand view, but anyone who watches the unedited livestreams quickly knows that the real world is different.
#2 It seems many media people must be aware of the real world but are being devious by pushing the false GuardianLand worldview
Of course there is a civilised way of asking questions on Tommy Robinson things as you should be able to question anything, but the media are coming across as devious and unhinged.
The False GuardianLand view goes on and on
BBCPolitics tweet with video
Actually it’s more accurate to say Battens word’s began at 0m45s as “Your producer asked me onto this programme to talk about Brexit and sad TR might come up and I said OK”
Rob Burley replied that this was a lie
Well Batten only tweeted once about the show before it began and did NOT mention TR or Islam
just “Hopefully, talking about Brexit.”
Rob going to need to be very selective who he engages with or ignores over all this to avoid digging an even deeper hole.
Bet he wishes that blocking hiatus hadn’t been announced after it was successfully used to blow off a TVL prosecution.
Rob has a get out, he points out that earlier UKIP tweeted this
“UKIP Leader @GerardBattenMEP will be on BBC One’s Politics Live this Friday at 12.15 discussing UKIP, Brexit and Tommy Robinson’s photo with British Army recruits.”
That still does not explain why GB didn’t get to say anything about Brexit
..and rather that the opening question was about something TR allegedly said in 2005
Arthur Troof points out
Stew, the highlight for me came at approx 1:40 into the clip when Batten offered to talk about the TR photo with the cadets. Coburn howled ‘No’. It was obvious at that point that her ambush had failed. She hadn’t the guts to allow a genuine discussion about TR. She just wanted to damage Batten and UKIP. When Batten used good debating skills to counter her line of questioning, Coburn folded.
So the topic of “Tommy Robinson’s photo with British Army recruits” was not allowed by JoCo
Arthur has said JoCo did at the very end go to the topic of the army lads, briefly.
Rob Burley is confirmed as the liar whichever way you look at it.
As for the bubble dwellers being merely naive – it really beggars belief.
I often wonder how much HM knows about the demise of her realm. Surely she would be horrified?
Perhaps she should start following this site to get the real ‘news’.
Sue over at ITTB has picked up on the Newsnight malicious editing
As for the Batten thing, the whole thing is the fallcy of guilt by association a pure Ad Hom against Batten
If Batten has actually done something racist , then put that do him.
Don’t state ‘oh your friend TR said something against Muslims in 2005’
That’s like the loaded question “Has your friend stopped beating his wife ?”
The schizophrenic Rob Burley
: Tweeting to Sky ‘Tommy Robinson is not newsworthy’
: Then on his own show the Politics Live, Rob decides that Tommy Robinson is SO NEWSWORTHY he makes : what Tommy said, the only topic of the Gerrard Batten interview
@MonkeyBrains said
One thing I noted on another thread: how does Burley explaining telling us one moment that Tommy Robinson is not newsworthy (about 10 days ago I think)
but now says he is completely newsworthy.
Or when he said he wouldn’t have Tommy Robinson on PL, was that because of some other reason apart from news values?
Not a chance,
A good BBC put down by PJW.
Proof if needed that the BBC are insane
A video I made on the week’s financial news:
“THERE IS NOT RIGHT OR WRONG. JUST SHADES OF GREY” – Graham Norton on the BBC Radio 2 Show.
I listened to the farming programme Radio 4 this morning and it started with a repeat of itself for 15 minutes at least .
To save you time I’ll condense it to the message it was trying to give ; Brexit is bad .
The BBC are always getting expert this or spokesman that on to explain difficulties , but never anyone who can show a way round the drawbacks .Or tell us how what looks like a negative might actually turn positive .
Seemingly forever the BBC , other media , the Greens and liberal/left have been ignoring lorry drivers and haulage or castigating us for being in excistence ,now their worried that we might not be moving .
What a shame the Powers That Be never took an interest in haulage matters especially international freight when there was a British workforce doing it .
When we joined the EEC we were told by the government that food prices would rise and they were right. Surely if we leave the EU they should fall?
I am sure the French, Spanish, Dutch and Polish road hauliers are going to be over the moon if the EU traps half their fleet in queues on both sides of the channel! (Are the French making preparations for these EU-inspired barriers to trade?)
A couple of weeks on the recommendation of a poster on this site I watched Ch5 documentaries and found them impressive and free from any political agenda which so distorts their equivalents on the BBC. Sadly I have to report that they have been unable to maintain this PC Free Zone. I watched One about York presented by Alice Roberts , of the BBC, in it she claimed that once York was firmly in Viking hands they settled down and lived happily with the local Anglo Saxons . So far so good , but she rather glossed over the fact that this time of relative peaceful co existence was preceded by a couple of centuries of bloody warfare between these two populations. Then she went hyper PC, probably forgetting she wasn’t on the BBC , and ludicrously claimed that this was a blue print for the multicultural society we have today and that it inspired her and made her so happy to see it all turned out so well.
Then I had the strange experience of watching another Ch5 documentary about the assassination of Julius Ceaser . In this one there were plenty of crowd scenes and scenes of Roman senators in their togas. The dusky population of Rome was about 50% of the total. A small detail but nonetheless a telling one about the PC mind set of the producers. Additionally a black actor who had played Brutus in a recent RSC production of Shakespeare’s play was appeared repeatedly giving his opinions as to the mind set of Brutus for all the world as if he wasn’t an actor but a historian whose opinion was to be valued. Why did he appear? We all know the reason why, just part of the liberal left establishment’s attempt to brainwash us into accepting the multyculty society they are trying to force down our throats.
I am afraid that Ch5 isn’t as free from PC as I thought. A pity.
No, it was a temporary aberration. Normal service has now been resumed.
Doublethinker – I saw Alice Roberts in another documentary recently claiming there was no conflict between the Saxons and the Celts and the story of King Arthur was pure invention. This on the basis that no graveyards full of slain warriors have been found from the period 400-600 CE. Okay, so perhaps the archaeology hasn’t found evidence of huge battles. Maybe there were few or no battles. But that doesn’t mean there was no conflict. Britons fled across the channel in such numbers that they named a huge area of France “Brittany”. Why? Because they wanted to retire and spend their twilight years there? Were all the Celts happy that their customs and language were displaced and pushed out to the outlying areas of Cumbria, Wales and Cornwall? She thinks that archaeological evidence is the only evidence that matters and a liberal progressive mindset will fill in any gaps. I might be wrong but I can’t imagine that every Celt welcomed newly-arrived diversity and multiculturalism with the same enthusiasm as Alice Roberts does today.
Yes I saw that one too. I’m surprised that Alice didn’t use the opportunity to claim that the Celts were victims of genocide and to have announced that research of ancient texts , the Koran , has proved beyond doubt that it was only by the charitable intervention of an early Islamic naval task force that any of them were able to cross the channel to Brittany.
I went off ‘Prof’ (sic) Alice Roberts after seeing her talk live, vastly over rated bit of fluff to be honest… and what does she know about history anyway? She’s a (long out of practice) medical type FFS!
Have heard this argument about the Romano-Britons/Celts getting along in a friendly fashion with the Saxon/Angle/Jute/Dane/Irish/Scots/Norse hordes that turned up by the shipload waving their axes (in a friendly fashion) before. According to this happy clappy hypothesis they all got along really well in the big multi-culti, melting pot that was Dark Age Briton. Can’t think why they’d like to revise our history in that way… hmm?
There is a reason why the SAXON shore forts were called that and why they were built big and strong all around the South and East coasts and equipped with beacons to warn locals when to run for their shelter with their families and livestock… or were they running to meet the lovely visitors from overseas?
There is a reason Bronze Age hill forts across the land were suddenly repaired and reinhabited, en masse after centuries of neglect under the Pax Romana.
There is a reason we have the much beloved and long lived, handed down tales of the heroic King Arthur and his men making a last stand against the barbarian hordes from over the seas.
There is a reason why there was a mass exodus of Britons to the West and to Brittany (the clue there is in the name!).
There is a reason it was called the DARK ages and monks huddled around candles writing it all down so future generations would be warned not to make the same mistakes.
But, hey, why don’t we ignore all the: archaeological evidence, written histories, and oral folklore under our noses because it doesn’t agree with what we want it to, hey? Perhaps if we stick our fingers in our ears and sing la-la-la very loudly, anyone who says what we don’t want to hear will shut up and go away? Or maybe we could have them arrested?
An excellent summary. Thank you.
BBC’s Alice Roberts is one of a band seeing themself as a TV celebrity scientist. This is enough to make one carefully examine everything she says. Their ilk is all at it and includes such luminaries as Mary Beard and Bryan Cox to name just two among many others. I wouldn’t call them good scientists as once they get onto TV they seem to place the values of PC above those of cause and effect
I don’t think she was forgetting she wasn’t on the BBC, rather auditioning for future programmes.
What has transpired with the actor who played Brutus is nothing new either. Just as absurd was the way Patrick Stewart’s role in The Next Generation was used to give him a voice in speaking against Brexit which demonstrates perfectly the BBC’s difficulties in the sepraration of fact from fiction.
Fri 12 Oct 2018 13.14 BST Guardian Opinion
“My family died in a tsunami. I know Indonesia can recover too – with help Sonali Deraniyagala”
With help, out with the begging bowls again.
Every time there is a natural event of this type, the same reaction.
Dozens of states whose dictators have billions in foreign banks, who have the finest military equipment available have, made inadequate or no preparations.
Indonesia in the largest earthquake zone on earth, why the surprise? Provide your own emergency equipment, then use it efficiently.
Time the West said no to this blackmail and looked after our own.
Start by removing the charitable status of “charities” like Oxfam who are anti British.
I haven’t given a penny to Oxfam since years ago they refused to sell Christmas cards depicting the religious theme.
An interesting litte aside away from the main cut and thrust of politics. Carol Ann Duffy has used her her final collection as poet laureate to “skewer” the politicians who led to Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. Apparently she’s not a fan of either…Well blow me down!
Duffy’s role as poet laureate ends next year and as an arch lefty lesbian (quelle surprise) is having a bit of a pop while anyone still pays attention.
According to our beloved Beeb she uses phrases such as “lemmings going over the white cliffs of Dover” (Brexit) and as regards Trump she says a “thatch fraud” and “news maggot.” Hmm, not a fan, is she?
Aren’t these pretentious twerps just so bloody tedious and predictable!
I’d have choked on my bacon sarnie if she’d said something positive about either of these political phenomenons, but no…
BTW If you were feeling generous and perhaps thinking of sending me a collection of poetry for my Christmas stocking…
Pam Ayres!!
I wish I’d looked after me teeth…
I take it that you won’t be entering Radio 3’s Christmas Carol Competition then? Carol Ann Duffy thinks the message of Christmas is about frozen bees.
Maybe we should learn from our past … “However, instead of honoring and respecting actors as the Greeks had, the Romans had a very different opinion of the acting profession. It might be difficult to imagine how Roman society, infamous for its indulgence and extravagance, would find a single profession as morally unsavory. Actors, in Roman society, were considered to hold a lower, dangerous status and were often avoided.”
Interesting article, MarkyMark. As it says, in Ancient Rome “performers…were perceived as morally unclean.” As in so many things from how to defeat their enemies to how seriously to take arty-farties, the Romans had it all sussed 2000 years ago.
Marky – is the black patch there to prevent marks and Spencer’s knickers being advertised ?
It would be put to better use covering her gob.
It may be a pair of old C & A ones.
I’ll get my coat.
Bit strange. It was on a day that Lily wasn’t wearing pants and had shaved to a small triangle
It’s not sexy
Someone tweeted the photo in Jan 2018
4 months after on May24th she retweeted it with a note
There is an interesting connection, cos The haughty Secret Barrister pitches in and May24th is the DAY BEFORE Tommy was arrested in Leeds when the libs mass retweeted SB’s pronouncing on Tommy, as if he were some kind of genius
… Cos actually the May 24 pitching-in seems naive
SB says “This pervert has committed a criminal offence if you wanted to take this further. Section 33 Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 ”
Naive , cos he’s assuming the tweeter had taken the photo.
Lily had already told him the photo was from 2014 (July 1st actually)
It is not at all clear that applying a 2015 law to a photo widely shared before that date would result in a prosecution.
Following the girls’ hijabs on sale at M&S last week; it seems from some online reviews that CCBGB:
I know that marks and Spencer’s selling of hijabs made it to twitter with same disbelief that was experienced on this Thread .
Has it been on al beeb? I’ve not seen it . …..
Just checked – the above review is no longer there – there are only three – complaining that there too few colours . I’m sure our American friends will be interested that a British company sells medieval clothing aimed as repressing those formerly known as wimmin or wobbles – as there new name shall be in Fed world.
Some people allege that some people are allegedly smearing M and S hijabs with bacon.
If these allegations have any basis I do hope that the police will be informed so that perpetrators of these allegedly offensive activities can be brought to justice.
That would surely see SWAT deployed from every force on the land. Meanwhile…
As exterior adornments go, that seems a bit more menacing than a sausage roll, but the authorities and media reporting appear uncharacteristically sanguine at present.
Not at all intimidating then… unlike leaving a bacon sandwich in a mosque doorway, which completely justified a death sentence for Kevin Crehan.
Does that image look real to you ?
..those heavy knives are barely in the wood yet they stick ?
It would clearly be wrong to smear medieval Muslim headgear with bacon – and definitely not pre cooked bacon from the over priced Marks and Spencer’s food range … halal or otherwise .
Yet to see the TV advert for this product … perhaps it will feature in the coming Christmas advert …
Allegations are a bit streaky at present.
Guardian Opinion
“A Met chief stayed in his car during an attack. That’s not leadership Gaby Hinsliff”
Correct Gaby, for the first time in recorded history.
But it is exactly what we expect from the numerous left wing Common Purpose placemen who infect the public sector with the intention of betraying their country.
The police chief didn’t have the right equipment apparently – including a bravery qualification . I wondered whether – as the murdered officers funeral -he stayed in the car with the central locking on – even he must have known it would look like cowardice – but he ll still get a farewell gong when he retires ….
The police chief was missing his favourite Italian car with 5 reverse gears , his quick exit map, and his how to appease nutters manual.
Would the right equipment have been a pair?
shame the brave dead policeman didn’t move away and usher the murderous toerag straight into parliament
Not sure if this has been posted today but just take a look at this article from today’s Times (sadly not reported on BBC News at 1):
This organisation being funded by our taxes desperately needs disbanding.
To use Corbyn’s expression but slightly modified
The BBC…..for the few not the many!
(for any Times subscribers great to read the comments..the BBC getting a total panning. Not seen one supportive comment)
BBC staff told to use non‑binary pronouns
BBC staff have been told to use non- binary pronouns when addressing gender-fluid or transgender employees to ensure that the corporation does not develop a “heteronormative culture”.
The policy means that BBC workers will be encouraged to refer to non-binary colleagues as “they” or “them”, rather than “he” or “she”.
The broadcaster will also review its “systems and practices” to ensure that they are inclusive of non-binary genders, and will train managers on how to support transgender staff, especially when they are transitioning.
In addition heterosexual BBC staff will be asked to wear badges identifying themselves as “straight allies” to help their LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) colleagues.
The corporation’s television, radio and news teams are also being told to increase the “incidental portrayal of LGBT identities” in their programmes.
The proposals have emerged from a review of career progression and culture for LGBT employees at the BBC. All ten of the review’s proposals, including “unconscious bias training” to ensure that staff do not cause accidental offence to colleagues, have been accepted by the BBC’s executive committee.
BBC bosses say they have acted to ensure that they retain and attract the best LGBT talent, and to appeal to a younger audience as a broadcaster.
James Purnell, the director of radio and education, said: “One of our big challenges currently is around young audiences. In a recent YouGov survey only 51 per cent of 18 to 24-year-olds said that they identified as completely heterosexual. An organisation that appears to have a heteronormative culture is not one that is going to cut ice with them.”
The Times reported in June that the corporation had installed gender-neutral lavatories in its buildings and started offering paid leave to staff changing gender.
The broadcaster has 417 employees who identify as transgender out of a total staff of 21,239, according to diversity statistics released last year. Its workforce also includes 786 gay men, 206 gay women and 365 bisexuals.
Karen Millington and Matt Weaver, who head the BBC Pride staff network, said: “We are particularly excited about the proposal for providing better support for our transgender colleagues and improving visibility with role models throughout the business.”
BBC staff told to use non‑binary pronouns
That will probably equal another million licence fees lost. Our far left Marxist State Broadcaster, (“another beauty”) is seriously out of control. All of its output should be immediately halted.
Let’s hope so. The pendulum is moving our way as people wake up to having to pay our TV tax to an organisation seeking to represent only minorities and to blatantly silence the majority. Every news item (and also increasingly dramas and documentaries) has to tick an ultra left minority spectrum box. In their eyes normal is no more. Shame on them and welcome to Orwellian 1984.
if anyone has a spare Times family member account, pls send me a private message via stew
Ah I’m alright for a couple of months
cos the neighbours boyfriend setcup an £8 trial account, so I’m in.
It would appear that you are expressing a clear intent to commit an offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990.
Ha JimS you must be the secret barrister !
… ( and it’s doubtful that he is an actual barrister )
So, total staff = 21,239
417 Transgender
786 Gay Men
206 Gay Women
365 Bisexuals
Logically that means there are 19,465 who are “Mind your own bloody business”
Or 19465 Gender Fluid? 🙂
Looks like the Another Head of Being Ex Labour at the BBC is going for the Mark Thommo look.
And this stunt should get his DG chances up over left Charlie.
Oh… plot twist…
She of course is the one tilting at Netflix, which gains adoration from dyslexic CBB staff.
Punters, not… well, who cares about them?
Double Whammy.
Science Settled Fran will be thrilled at Woke Left Charlie. Those who believe the BBC is not an agenda driven £4,000,000,000 per annum activist organisation may be a bit disconcerted.
Guessing this means no more something at the local Costa whilst the aid to Indonesian tsunami victims gets quietly washed into the local storm drain unremarked.
So BBC staff should now use the non-binary pronoun to say “are you one of them” instead of “are you a man or a woman”.
I used to have a boss who absolutely f*ckin hated me , he often used to refer to me as “they” or “them” and “that” to other people , it was the highest form of disdain and disrespect the little t*sser could muster
Here is the survey that James Purnell refers to.
Basically people placed themselves on a 0 – 6 scale ranging from heterosexual to homosexual. Those who didn’t identify as exclusively heterosexual (scale 1) mostly marked themselves a ‘1’ or a ‘2’, perhaps just to look ‘cool’ or not too conventional or, “look at me, I’m not opposed to homosexuality”.
The whole idea of the survey is false. It heaps the majority of people who are heterosexual with a very small minority that are homosexual to produce a chart that dips steeply from 0 to 3 and rises slightly from 3 to 6, the large number of people that are heterosexual or mostly heterosexual swamps the smaller number who are homosexual or mostly homosexual. That gives the impression that there is a ‘middle ground’ whereas the chances are that the vast majority are heterosexual or homosexual, either/or, not a ‘scale’.
This survey reminds me very much of an experience that I had as a teenager. I had declared myself to be a non-smoker and my loving mother interrupted to say that that was not true. At the age of seven my friend and I had found a discarded matchbox containing half a cigarette and we took it behind our garage ‘to investigate’. My aunt had seen us sneak around the back and wondered what we were up to and stopped our little experiment. At this distance in time I can’t remember if the cigarette ever touched my lips but in my mother’s eyes I was forever ‘a smoker’!
I would imagine, at this point in time, it would take a very brave teenager to say they had no homosexual feelings at all, for fear of being branded a (evil!) ‘homophobe’. How different to when I were a lad in the 80s, back then even those who very definitely were gay wouldn’t have admitted it publicly for fear of the kicking and ostracism that would have followed. Sad for those poor guys, I will admit, and not right, but is this survey any more honest… I believe not.
“417 employees who identify as transgender”.
What? 90% of all transexuals in the UK are employed by just one organisation?
Dutch philosopher and islam –
Well worth a watch but, a word of warning: there’s nothing here that all here know already. But, nonetheless, momentum is building.
Question: The Russians bring a serious novichok infection into the country where it kills. Treezer persuades the UN to condemn Russia.
Our political elite inport and release a serious infection in the country that has a far more serious impact on the population than the Russian paradigm. Where’s the condemnation? We are expected to live (and be subject to) the infection? Why?
Listen to this from Sept 23, Gabriel Gatehouse talking about us
From Our Home Correspondent 23/09/2018
Gabriel Gatehouse offers a personal reflection on the strong feelings of antipathy recently directed at the BBC – and him – by supporters of Tommy Robinson – for many years associated with the far-right organisation, the English Defence League – and what this says about the changing media landscape.
Is GG mad or bad ?
Bad, cos he goes to a TR rally, but doesn’t mention antifa.
I listened thanks
Mr gatehouse starts by relying on the outdated image al beeb has overseas from a time when it stood for our country and stood for the truth – neither of which it does today
He describes his reception at a TR support March . I’m surprised and a bit pleased that he wasn’t beaten up because he and his beeboid type are now the enemy within – undermining Britain by turning it into a multicultural third world to salve their liberal conscience …
on Monday 11am Radio4 have another prog about us
BBC got a ViceNews guy to make it
\\ Gavin Haynes, editor-at-large of VICE UK, goes in search of this new wave of political thought.
On the internet, and on YouTube specifically, a huge new political movement is taking shape in the shoes of a very old one. Some are calling it classical liberalism, the intellectual dark web, anti-SJW, or the skeptic movement.
…It’s on the right of the political spectrum – but not the right as we knew it.
It’s socially libertarian, economically centrist, nativist – but anti-identitarian.
It’s sympathetic to Trump and to Brexit – yet large parts still don’t consider themselves to be right wing. (so Brexit is right wing ?)
The phenomenon has American roots, but a British contingent has found massive online support.
The 36-year-old self-styled classical liberal Paul Joseph Watson,
….. //
Transport police chief bans poppies on cars.
bet he’s painted cars with rainbows
I bet that DCC has central locking in his car just in case…
Times : “Greens on track to become Germany’s second party”
… I think the mean Bavaria’s
they’re forcast to get 16-17%
BTW Times has retracted it’s Manchester Uni jazz hands story.
Just about in Bavaria. Today’s Bavarian Landtagswahl will be very interesting. The Font of Truth has been citing demonstrations in Berlin and other places as proof that the “tide is turning against the AfD”.
Until now, Bavaria has been he nearest thing to a CSU one-party state and the CSU has only lost on one occasion (1950) since WW2 by 1% to the SPD. Votes above 50 or 60% were commonplace for the party of Franz Josef Strauss.
The strength of the AfD is such that there is talk of various forms of coalition. The Greens’ poll results vary between 19% and 16% while those of AfD between 14% and 10%, but the Freie Wähler are also on 10%. The CSU poll results vary from 50% to 36%.
Only 1 in 6 would be happy with a CSU /Green partnership and another party like the FW might be need for an overall majority.
The SPD aree no more popular now than the FW, AfD or Greens
Anyone who checks Jo Coburn`s recent behaviour when John Mcdowell was on her show will find that she not only did bring his previous quotes about `lynching Ester Mcvey` or how he waould have liked `Mrs Thatcher to be assassinated` but she was all giggly and smiley with him.
Most of the media set have a soft spot for communists and a knee jerk hatred of anyone labelled `right wing `
I think you must mean John McDonnell?
But I agree with you, for the BBC there are no enemies on the Left. We see it all the time. The BBC is a metropolitan, left liberal branch of the civil service. They are all of the same mindset. No-one remotely conservative in their views would ever get a job there.
It’s funny how liberal leftists always employ people who share their views, whilst at the same time attacking the “old boy network” in other walks of life. If I were not in a better mood I’d call them hypocritical scum.
‘Pastor in Turkey spat on way home to US’
The BBC have just released a series of ‘bite-sized revision guides’ on grammar… maybe their ‘world class’ (sic) journalists could learn something from them?
Katy and Andy in America might want to read this article, particularly the end line. If mirrored in the UK, the BBC (and the Govt.) are on the way to oblivion if they keep up the PC direction.
“All of which suggests that woke SJWs aren’t the future – they’re the past. Which is good news for the rest of the country.”
Good news -James Wood on Twitter -reports that our American brothers are really getting stuck into Mr Soros and his activities . I don’t think he’d get past US Immigration nowadays …
Guess JP will be trotting out the BBCWorld #honestmistake or Chris Cook insincere culpa then?
Whenever I see the howling leftist, Soros paid for , mob I wonder if the West , particularly the US and UK, can ever recover democratic values. The leftist politicians are only a hairs breadth away from condoning political murder by the mob. They already quite openly support , indeed encourage, physical intimidation. So far the centre right has responded by condemnation and calling out this behaviour. But this hasn’t had any calming effect. If intimidation isn’t met by a robust response from the authorities it will continue and escalate. In the UK of course we know that our senior police officers will turn tail and run away if anyone even shouts at them. So there isn’t much hope of any action by the authorities in the UK.
It cannot be long before polling stations are surrounded by howling mobs and ordinary voters intimidated. It also can’t be long before the protesting mobs are met by ordinary folks determined not to be intimidated. In the USA this might become a gun battle. Seriously we stand on the edge of a precipice with the left determined to push us all over it.
The timing of your comment is apt . Guido reports that one Nicholas Clegg has had to cancel a speech at the university of Sheffield because a faction has threatened ‘action ‘
Now I have no time for Mr Clegg but he should have the opportunity to speak and it’s a sad country that stops speech because they don’t agree with a view .
And before being accused of hypocrisy with remote to the missing or late ‘maxi’ – he never expressed a view – just smiled at those of others . He should always be given the opportunity to be heard …
Its worrying when somebody is scared of what Nick Clegg has to say?……hes about as threatening as Cleggy from Last of the summer wine?……..
Clegg is descended from the Attorney General of the Imperial Russian Senate, Ignatiy Platonovich Zakrevsky. So the left-wing Labour supporting students are afraid of Russian interference, in his evil attempts to manipulate students into voting LibDem in the next election.
It will be violence that rules the day soon. Could it be that any Government hopes for a ‘private army’ of supporters that will turn to violence at the drop of a hat? Nothing like the Brown Shirts aka islam. Similarly to current day, the Brown Shirts exploits can be seen at work in the UK. Take a look at how they operated. See any similarities?:
I have thought this for a while now.
In truth acting in a civilised fashion is only a very thin veneer which has been built up over centuries of development.
When you have Governments importing millions of uncivilised people into a country who bring all their warlike baggage with them. And you have state actors both turning a blind eye to and in some cases actively encouraging violence against those who want the truth to come out – things can only end in two ways – we surrender or we fight.
I think things have now gone to far for any sort of peaceful resolution. I dearly hope I am wrong. We shall see.
Regarding importing alien cultures; a little thought experiment: How long would it take Polly Toynbee to ‘integrate’ if she suddenly found herself released from a 40′ shipping container in the middle of a Somali village? Does ‘the third world’ have a superior ability to adapt when they land in Europe/the UK?
I’m pretty sure they’re nimbler on their feet, and handier with a hand crafted shiv, than an overweight, pompous 60s throwback like Ms Toynbee.
Wonder if she was locked in a shipping container with a dozen desperate Somalis who would eat whom? Could be a new sport?
10 October 2018
BBC section Formula 1
“Helle Nice: The incredible life story of the first Women’s Grand Prix winner”
There should be an accute accent on the final letter of her adopted Christian name, but that is just BBC racism against the French.
Whilst using its headline to mislead the careless reader into believing she was the first female to win a Grand Prix, whereas she actually won a Grand Prix containg only women drivers.
“Nice took on and beat the great racing drivers of her day, broke the world land speed record”
No statistics whatsoever on how frequently or in what circumstances she beat the great drivers. So she may she have beaten two of them once when their cars developed a fault.
More BBC fake news, her Wikipedia article states “she broke the women’s land speed record”.
A Wikipedia article that refers to this article! Fancy Wikipedia believing the BBC is a reliable source, nobody else does.
“A new motor racing series aimed exclusively at women is to launch in 2019, with the aim of finding the world’s first female Formula One champion.”
This is just sexism, F1 would love to have women on the podium, it might save a dying sport. If any young woman showed the required talent they could virtually pick the car and name the their price.
Well done to them if they succeed. However there may be a barrier, the quicker reaction times of men.
I could only find data on sprinters in athletics which showed this, but my search was not exhaustive.
I hear she had to do a 27 point turn to get out of the pit lane
Al beeb does one of those Blue Peter type travelogues with some kidult presenter who is male and white- very strange for al beeb these days .
The subject is the Mediterranean- Malta – that ReichEU member which has been critical of our brexit but which is as corrupt as an MPs expenses account .
Another good reason for not being in the ReichEU with the mafia – which know doubt control other bits of the ReichEU.
Who, me? The Third Duke of Wimbourne, in the ladies F1 locker room, with some jump leads and nipple grease? After getting all hot and bothered in a sporty little number?
Hot oil anyone . . . ?