Just over two weeks to the EU MEP elections . The failing Far Left Remainer BBC will kick Project Fear into top gear again with the usual dirt and anti Brexit bias . Maybe they’ll get cause breaking election law – can but hope…
Greta and David Hogg walk into a bar.
“We don’t approve of this,” they say.
The bBC duly reports it.
Greta and David Hogg walk into a bar.
They said “ouch” as they were so thick they hadn’t realised it was an iron bar.
The dyslexic walked into a bra.
Ha ha ha.
Backlinks : It’s always worth checking yesterday’s comments , before starting on today’s
– Tuesday 11am to 10pm was on page 2 of the STW thread
Antifa, Hopenothate and UAF walk into a bar.
Antifa say let’s trash the place
Hopenothate say let’s trash the place and blame it on Tommy Robinson
UAF say do what you like I don’t exist now I’ve served my purpose
Norman Tebbit writes in the Telegraph about how 1300 Tory councillors have been sacrificed at the alter of T May . I don’t know what the detailed article says as I will never pay for ‘news’ but … who gives a damn about any politician representing the Tory party . They sold out – they can pay the price .
The Conservatives deserve to be out of office for a generation. They foist Theresa May upon us and despite her bewildering array of ineptitude they’ve kept her in office.
Brexit has been betrayed. The people have been lied to.
I read (partially) The Daily Mail la couple of weeks ago. Their editorial was essentially a cross between a begging letter and a threat. They were pleading with their readers to keep faith with the party (why,FFS?) and holding up the spectre of Comrade Corbyn waiting in the wings.
Bloody hell; all the Tories have going for them is the utterly appalling opposition.
They’re tired, cowardly, deceitful and broken and never keep their promises.
Fantastic manifesto…
Appalling rubbish now.I stopped buying it when Dacre left and Greig took over with his “kinder, gentler regime” which also meant it was OK to lie to us and support Mays destruction of democracy.
It is interesting apart from the Telegraph (which still sits on the fence in many ways -Juliet Samuel appearing pro remain) pretty much the whole of the printed media went the same way as the broadcasting media and flipped to supporting remain/Theresa s sell out deal pretty much overnight.
I think it shows just how cynical and desperate the elite are to keep their advantage and how much they must truly despise us.
Appalling rubbish? I can’t even rate it that highly now!
I used to be annoyed when people used it as a butt for their pathetic jokes, but now I don’t care. What I do find amusing is that they still persevere with the same kind of mockery, being totally oblivious to the fact that it has totally changed direction.
There seems to be an influx of Guardian type journos now…and their continuing hit-pieces are truly disgraceful. I now despise it… 🙁
Every so often they do mix it up from the Graun…
BBC Breakfast has welcomed Laura Connor to the team as a broadcast journalist, based in Salford. Laura was formerly a features writer at the Daily Mirror. She can be found tweeting @ljconnorjourno
@FedUp Telegraph premium articles are visible via a free account
Once you limit is reached you can use your wife’s account with a different email address in a DIFFERENT browser.
.. Some blocked newspaper stuff shows up when you look in incognito mode
.. Otherwise it’s worth checking twitter to see if someone has tweeted the article.
Often the comments under the tweet ae more informative that the article anyway.
Stew – thanks for the reminder about the ‘free’ bit of the Telegraph – and I’ll get a few of my wives to sign up …
The Main Sewer Media have yet to realise that people know more about political life then the banksters, professional politicians, financial experts etc, as the people are the ones who create the nation in all its panoply. The people are focused on what is good for the nation, while the banks, politicos , journos, NGOs, Climate Change fraudsters (aka AGW consters) etc, are special interest groups.
An interesting case is when the Swiss people were forced by the so called elite, to engage in a referendum whether to join or not to join the EU.
The Main Sewer Media and the rest of the so called elite kept up a barrage of pro-EU propaganda. The Swiss said “NO”.
The Swiss economy jumped up, interest rates fell, unemployment down. So much for the elite.
Switzerland still doing better then the EU. They also have decided( via a referendum, thus cant be annulled by parliament or EU), to send back criminal asylum seekers as well as terrorists who might face the death penalty at home. Swiss lives come first in the view of Swiss people (Clearly racist).
I think the other issue is the demographic of those who appear on the politics programmes – 22 to 35? – PPE types – limited real world exposure apart from ‘ gap ‘ years – the bubble made flesh -just like their politician traitor friends …
Ash Sarkar, Catherine Blaiklock, etc, etc….
I meant Grace Blakely. CB is a thoroughly good egg.
On the day it’s confirmed we will vote in the European elections, who does Newsnight pick to provide an insightful opinion Maitless-style?
It’s that embodiment of political failure, the supremely arrogant, coiffed and slouching My Lord of Heseltine, giving us the benefit of his deeply entrenched and intensely biased opinions, honed and sharpened over decades of huffs, rejections and spiteful resignations. He threatens, without naming names of course – that would suggest some sort of political courage – that he might vote elsewhere. He rejects the 17.4 and promotes the 16. He has the effrontery to suggest that he would put his country before party and that he has done so since his earliest days in politics, as part of Churchill’s team. I wonder if Churchill would have known and recognised him – save as that self-promoting young man with all the hair?
In political terms, that idiot with the blue hat and megaphone in Parliament Square has more integrity.
I have proof that the BBC is filled with crack addicts, because only a crack addict (possibly combined with PCB, and Amphetamine) could have the obnoxious lack of self reflection of these “people”.
And here is the evidence, below the BBC recounts step by step and in horrified tones that there is an “International outcry over Istanbul election re-run”,:
As they explain to us that “The EU and leading member states have sharply criticized a decision in Turkey to re-run Istanbul’s mayoral election,”
Yet the fetid BBC has spent the past three years blatantly pushing for a rerun of the EU referendum, and the EU has pushed several for repeat referendum in various European countries, or for countries to ignore how people have voted.
Only a psychopath or a crack addict could surly have such a lack of understanding of their own profoundly deep hypocrisy as the disgusting BBC.
So true. It doesn’t seem possible that people can be so unaware of their own double standards and hypocrisy, yet the BBC is proof that they can.
Isn’t it in the nature of a hypocrite to be unaware of their own hypocrisy? 🙁
Too, an alcoholic/addict is the last to admit being one.
countryblues and NCBBC,
Yes, I take your points. It’s just that the the BBC objecting to an election being rerun just because the powers that be don’t like the result is such glaring hypocrisy that the BBC itself must surely be aware of it on some level.
jip, something seems to affect the memory cells of the brains of the LibbyLefty-leaning candidates that the BBC recruits from.
The IPCC’s October 2018 was more dramatic than their past utterances and was the equivalent of the one from the so-called ‘Biodiversity Panel’ at the end of last week and over the weekend and into this week. The BBC love to keep some things running and running, don’t they? Meanwhile, other just as important matters slip into oblivion.
This morning on TOADY, Mishal was talking about less crop production, that is vegan farming, in order to save the birds and the bees. Can she have forgotten the Climate and that IPCC Report so soon?
Something must have drained her memory and that of the Editor, today’s Programme Editors and all the others working on the programme. We know that alcohol and cannabis, to name but two ‘recreational substances’, have brain – and hence memory – damaging effects. Something must be the cause.
Or does the BBC have to admit being part of the daily FakeNews/False News churn?
Up2snuff: “something seems to affect the memory cells of the brains…”. The BBC think that the only problem with the earth is that there are people on it… and they need eradicating. However their “plan B” (in case eradication does not work) is to take us back to the stone age with Islam.
Since Pres Trump took America out of the Global scam of AGW/CC, the lefties and their fellow travellers are are getting frantic. America under Obama, was a major contributor to the lefty scam
They are now getting so frantic that they have resorted to exploiting tearful young girls breaking their hearts out on TV, that they have no future as planetary life is going to be Extinct in 12 years or so. Then there are adverts, again with little girls crying that they would like to live in a world with elephants and ponies etc.
And then to bolster this news, another UN IPCC/BD or something BS, conveniently comes out now with species dying out enmasse.
This is beginning to smell like a co-ordinated scam – EU, African governments, the deeply corrupt UN (which is running out of money as Pres Trump loaths anti-semitism and anti-israel UN), and global energy companies, who stand to make hundreds of billions.
Surely all that Erdogan is demanding is a confirmatory ballot? Who could possibly object to that?
Seems the Tory/Labour bunch are so incompetent they can’t even manage an efficient betrayal of Brexit.
I won’t complain. The EU elections are going to be very interesting indeed.
Headline – “Lidgate gas explosion: Two dead in Suffolk bungalow blast”
“gas explosion”, but read on and they report ……………….
“The cause of the explosion is unknown and a joint fire and police investigation is taking place.”
Which is it Al Beeb, gas explosion or unknown ?
Is this a typical example of a “flying gas main” or will they change the headline when they read this post ?
Probably an innocent tragedy, but contrast with the Nostradamus-style reporting style on the cause of the Notre Dame fire, where they had identified it before the fire even took place (sort of).
From today on wards expect the media’s vilification of both Leave parties and their candidates.
The ‘snowflake’s ‘ secret weapon along with their chants of ‘racist’, ‘fascist’, gammon etc. from their safe spaces.
Not BBC related but media..I like Piers Morgan and at least he is promoting Brexit despite acknowledging he voted remain.
BUT Susannah Whatever co host on Piers Morgan was laying into NIgel Farage with all the depth of a puddle..same old chants…no thought just shouting at him. Nigel did well – ignored her until she said – we have a democracy…to which he replied yes and that’s why we should implement Brexit….She is as thick as a plank and embodies most Media remainers…how do they keep their jobs with such low intellect
So the BBC tells us that we will take part in the EU elections… in an article that pretends shed crocodile tears… but has a gloating subtext as they see their undemocratic push in remaining in the EU slowly succeed:
Some might say that in this EU election, pro-Brexit parties will do well. However i am not so sure given the recent local elections… and I am starting to think that the elections are rigged, and this is why:
In the EU referendum over 50% of the electorate voted for leave… all of these people must know that the MSM is replete with lies and smears, because they did not believe the “project fear” BS peddled by the likes of the BBC.
Yet in the recent local elections UKIP lost 145 counselors, and are now down to 31 Councillors… Ostensibly because UKIP has “lurched to the far right” according to the cancerous BBC and their MSM brethren…
However I find it very difficult to believe that leave-voters are buying the MSM “far right” BS narrative and still hanging on to LibLabCon.
Why would leavers suddenly believe the smears of this publicly funded criminal propaganda machine known as the BBC when they saw through the referendum lies?
Are the government, police, courts, civil servants really trustworthy? all of these people colluded to throw Tommy Robinson using a kangaroo court. Can we trust people who got elected on manifestos filled with such cynical sneering lies?
Are these lying snakes really above election rigging?
If the elections were rigged for pro-EU parties would the BBC really investigate that? I very much doubt it,The BBC has zero integrity and they blatantly flout their lack of morals every day.
The upcoming EU elections will be interesting indeed.
We know now that the judiciary and police are no longer to be trusted.
The whole ongoing Tommy Robinson saga demonstrated the depths the judiciary will now sink to, to put away someone the politicians dont like. And the situation when the police looked the other way when TR was assaulted and subsequently gave the slimey little perpetrator a lift away from the area says it all.
I can see this whole situation going the same way as Pim Fortuyn with Governments and virtue signalling creeps like Johnny Mercer turning a blind eye and even giving a wink a nod as TR is assaulted.
And when they finally get him, they will all be saying “he bought it on himself”
No liars – you bought it upon him.
Tommy Robinson serves the same purpose as Emmanuel Goldstein.
I do not trust those running the elections. There is a very high probability that they will be rigged, with civil servants in charge of them recruited for their political views.
Watch out for incredible swings in favour of remain candidates in areas previously heavily supporting Brexit
All the more reason to make sure you take a PEN come 23.05.
Yeah, remember Farages election… ballot boxes disappeared for hours, and the whole count took a mysteriously long time, much longer than all the rest…. and we know there was criminal overspend from the “Conservatve party”… although the filthy BBC never report on that.
To be fair I think a lot of Brexiteers have moved away from UKIP because of the mess they have created over the last few years and yes because of TR. They have no clear position and their various leaders including the current one have lacked leadership. I am one of those people. If the Brexit party had been in the local elections I think it might have been different. Independents did well because people didn’t want to vote for any party.
@ jip – A relative has been sent a postal ballot paper for the EU elections for the South West Region – a choice of 11 candidates in this alphabetical order –
Change UK
Conservative and Unionist Party
English Democrats
Green Party
Labour Party
Liberal Democrats
The Brexit Party
Maxey L Independent
Rahman M Independent
Seed N Independent
if only THE Brexit Party had not used the definite article they would have been first on the list! The sheer number of candidates is going to cause a lot of confusion.
Still the only one that has the clue in the name.
Confusion ? You’re not insinuating that we are all thick and only vote for the first party on the list are you 😉
Perish the thought. Although still not sure how ChangeUK arrived at their name.
As long as they are first on the list come the result.
His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Mark Sedwill of the Palace of the White Hall, Knight Commander of National Security, Supreme Head of the Home Civil Service and Secretary to the Cabinet Government of the United Kingdom, is taking 15 mandarins to Communist China for a three day visit to sell out Britain’s security to Huawei.
Huawei, Chinese for “Who are we?” are a bunch of rich antidemocratic elitist Chinese people, talking to a gang of rich antidemocratic elitist Europhiles, Mandarins and Lords. All traitors, authorised by that Traitor May and her gang of traitors.
In many ways, China represents the ideal model for the globalists: state-sanctioned monopoly capitalism; people work for low wages; consume a lot; are under constant surveillance and control; dissent is not tolerated; many even accept it willingly as it is an improvement on their historical situation. The dream of Soros/Whitehall/BBC Morlocks is to have a global Eloi based on this model (but definitely without the blonde hair).
IR, “In many ways, China represents the ideal model for the globalists: state-sanctioned monopoly capitalism; people work for low wages; consume a lot; are under constant surveillance and control; dissent is not tolerated; many even accept it willingly as it is an improvement on their historical situation.”
Excellent analysis, Ian, and – pardon the expression – right on the money.
What you say is all true. They tend to have a ‘hive mind’ and I expect the average Chinese person never thinks to question authority.
On the plus side though they have not been taught to loathe their country (as in the UK especially), have not bought into climate hysteria and will not put up with any nonsense from the religion-which-must-not-be-criticised.
So I can’t help but wonder..is it better to be a freedom-less drone in a functioning society that generally looks after its citizens, or be free in a chaotic crime-ridden idiocracy – that only cares about stupid fads and has given up the idea of sensible governance.
The PRC model of corporate capitalism, with the state as the only corporate player, is a model that the current neo-socialists are seeking. The only problem is that the PRC does not believe in the RoP.
Is it still true that political agents can decipher each vote, and find out who voted for who by poking around in the votes and cards?
I’m sure I remember Old Holborn, or another worthy commenter who knows his stuff, finding this out.
I hope they do, because the hatred I feel for the mendacious snake-oil salesmen and women we have in pubic office is even lower than it was before the expenses scandal, which is hitting the headlines today!
I’ll be welcoming the Brexit MEP candidate with open arms (as long as he or she doesn’t support the local issue in Tunbridge Wells, where the Tories want to spend over £100m on a ‘people’s palace’, with plush council offices and a second rate theatre, in a much-loved public park – I will be stuck then…)!
Richard, above; the reason he’s going there is to get enough cheap phones for Joe Corribin to bribe the snowflakes and sjws at the next GE.
“Is it still true that political agents can decipher each vote, and find out who voted for who by poking around in the votes and cards?”
Yes. Each voter, registration card and ballot paper are individually identifiable. The term ‘secret ballot’ means what you do in the polling booths is secret from your neighbours, rather than from the authorities.
Fast forward to 2029: Now Scroblene… We see that you voted for the wrong candidate in the 2019 European Elections. We’d like to have a word with you about that…
Ha ha ha, Ian! Thank you for this!
I can see the headlines now: – ’81 year-old Senor Conrad Roberto O’Blene doorstepped by blokes with clubs, working for the Joe Corribin Memorial Group’, belts them all over their respective lids with an axe, and tells their ugly partners to f**k off as well’!
That’ll learn ’em!
Envy of the world.
Moving on…
Toady watch
The nice bee lady interviewed the nice chap from the nice Green Party – which is producing its nice MEP manifesto today .
It has a strap line – ‘yes to Europe no to climate change’ I prefer no to Europe yes to climate change’ and will vote accordingly
The bee lady was concerned that the Remain vote will be split – this is true because the vast majority of candidates across the piece will be remainer traitors .
Earlier the bee lady talked to a chap from altzeimers UK who is calling for a £2 billion pot to support the 850 000
British people suffering from dementia . At the moment many have to pay £900 A WEEK for a place in a dementia care home .
No one suggested using the £13 billion wasted on overseas give aways ….I am
My old man was a decorated WW2 Merchant Seaman who served on the Atlantic Crossings 39-42, Suez 43, and Far East 44-45.
He was sank three times and survived.
All his life savings went to pay for his Dementia care in a home where the majority of residents paid nothing.
Yes … Thatcher … it makes you want to spit doesn’t it ? (shakes head in disbelief)
Fed, a little climate change here would be nice today – I have had to turn the GCH up as I was out all day yesterday and the house got cold.
In May!
Toady BBC favourites on display today
Liverpool FC
Queer bloke from the navy
Some terrorist from South Africa
Standard Remain Propaganda
Is anyone surprised?
I’m sure we’ll see the results any day now of the media dirt-digging on Brexit Party candidates. Sargon from UKIP yesterday was just a foretaste.
It is fascinating isn’t it?
The framing of the narrative and the “Manufacture of Consent”.
The difference now is that the great mass of the people now have the means of seeking alternative viewpoints via the interwebby thing. Most now know how they are being manipulated.
Best it be shut down then I guess…..
Too late though.
less GP’s per 100,000 people
or to put it another way …
I flicked between Toady and Ferrari on LBC this morning. Both stations telling the listener about the industrial increase of patient numbers for GPs but not saying why there was an increase in patient numbers.
How about this for a reason:
A massive increase in the UK’s population due to uncontrolled immigration from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and parts of the EU where they don’t have electricity or running water.
Where ‘immigrants’ and ‘refugees’ bring with them all their ailments and diseases, as well as a desire to have large families (see: Islam) and more than one wife. Oh yes, and the new additions to the population bringing hoards of their extended families into the country when they settle in the UK.
(Note to Cassie, don’t forget to mention the physically and mentally ill children produced as a result of their muslim parents marrying their first cousins.)
Feel free to develop and apply these arguments with regard to housing, education and law enforcement.
Strangely enough, these reasons were not discussed.
There’s another elephant in the room..positive discrimination has resulted in a greater number of female GPs who only work part time..they still earn more than most people on a full time job..the Medic (male) who pointed this fact out a few years ago got slammed as a sexist….not a realist
A friend whose husband is a doctor was telling me nearly all the intake of students he lectures to are female and by time they reach 30 they are on maternity leave followed by part time work, leaving the remaking women and the few men under such a heavy work load, they leave. Then they wonder why we are short of doctors.
I also know a woman of 40 with three very young children who has just been accepted for medical school. What chances of her completing her studies?
“or to put it another way …”
“Declining birth rate, ageing population…………” So, its nothing to do with millions arriving then? The ‘Elephant in the room’ or, I guess to mention that would be, ‘racist’.
Yes Tories are so inept at presentation. The number of patients being treated is obviously of great relevance but of even more relevance is the fact that if our population had increased due to normal population expansion ie couples producing 2.4 children, we would have been able to keep up with the requirements not only of the National Health, but housing, food production, water services, power production etc etc. The reality is our population has increased dramatically in a VERY short time due to unregulated and unsustainable immigration. How are we supposed to educate and train the personnel required to fulfil demands created by what amounts to instant population overload.
Sky have composed quite a favourable feature on the Brexit Party.
BBC have not.
Perhaps Sky see the future, and its the Brexit Party?
“”Brexit: The conditions are ripe for the biggest backlash imaginable””
“”Lewis Goodall says Britain’s true populist revolt is yet to come – even if Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn strike a Brexit deal.””
Piece on the shortage of GPs and how overworked they are on the bBBC this morning . Conclusion …an aging population . No mention of uncontrolled access granted to millions of migrants or health tourism. No just old people being a burden.
The medical mafia are just like the muslims; they both treat us like shit when they have the upper hand but play the victim card when they want something from us.
Under the Blair contract (even the GPs union advised him against it!) GPs can do very nicely working a couple of days a week. That’s no home visits and no out of hours emergency calls. They can, if they wish work elsewhere in their ‘spare’ time as locums and get paid over the odds.
There are committed GPs who work very hard indeed (like in days gone by) but they are truly the exception.
Nurses, hospital Juniors and not forgetting the ‘invincible’ laboratory scientists, without whom the former could not operate, are far more worthy of consideration.
I was working in a GP surgery at the time of Blair’s new contract. The Gps were walking around grinning ear to ear for a week. They couldn’t believe their luck – immediately stopped the Saturday morning surgeries which were very popular with working people.
I was never clear on workloads and safety with junior doctors when one seemed able to manage to be both one such and a Labour MP.
The ‘expert’ on Toady said that most of the GP’s time was taken up treating arthritic problems (old people) so the problem could be alleviated by employing more physiotherapists.
Question is, what happens when the new replacement population gets old?
Round here to surgery seems mostly rammed with pregnant young Eastern Europeans and drug abusers with various ailments affecting their enjoyment of a morning Stella bought at the Spar using benefits money.
Likely different areas have other burdens, perhaps through overweight diabetics chugging booze on public transport, or promising doctors not completing or even starting studies through street-based surgery practice?
Dont forget the gutbucket sunday footballers with twisted ankles, although they mostly block the A and E depts every weekend
Often other sources can suggest links that the BBC may miss, or choose to.
Where are these physiotherapists coming from? It’s a four month wait to see an NHS one where I am, and presumably the same elsewhere.
The problem is that Physio don’t treat true arthritic problems very well and the expert (who was it?) was right in part that a huge element of GP workload is musculo skeletal and GPs know F all of F all about them.
The GP model is out of date and they are all milking it until they all retire..
Cassandra : “Question is, what happens when the new replacement population gets old?”
Arthritis ?
Bit like those ‘medical professionals ‘ who refer to people as ‘bed blockers ‘ – makes it easier to kill them off
Tonight on bBC 4 at 9pm.
Brexit: Behind Closed Doors shows members of the European Parliament’s Brexit coordinating team, led by Belgian Guy Verhofstadt, mocking Britain and launching foul-mouthed rants at the PM.
“YOU’RE SO SLY, GUY Theresa May branded ‘insane’ and ‘pathetic’ by EU’s chief Brexit negotiators in shocking BBC documentary”
Problem is, they’re totally correct………..
They sure are!
I might attempt to watch it.
Is this the first BBC doc that could be construed as being anti-EU?
What are the chances of that (as Harry Hill used to say).
I thought that. What is the advantage for our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster? Can’t see it. If anything it’s brainless and will make the public even more hostile to the EU than most currently are. And that can’t be a bad thing.
I haven’t got a telly so wont be watching the documentary. But I wonder if the BBC was running this as a bit of normal “Tory bashing” forgetting that most of us now despise the treacherous Tories. In addition (even though they were empty words coming from our Quisling PM) , the sight of a group of over fed, over payed continentals – whos countries either caused the war or were the first up with the white flags (whilst the flower of our youth bled themselves white, twice in a generation on European battlefields, sneering at the evocation of the “war spirit” may well not go down too well with many people who have even a basic understanding of history.
Farage tackles BBC head on about its non coverage of massively popular Brexit Part rallies. Watch the vid.
Brilliant! Thanks for posting. TBP obviously have the BBC in their cross-hairs.
I’m surprised he did’nt finish off by muttering, “…..another beauty…”
Missing part of Stonehenge returned 60 years on
The Today Programme
Why is there a shortage of GPs? ????⚕️????⚕️
Doctors not staying in the NHS.
Early retirement.
Pressures on staff.
Unaffordable to stay on.
Helen Buckingham from the Nuffield Trust outlines some of the reasons. https://bbc.in/2H51nJn
Even for the BBC, that is impressive.
I don’t know if the emojis will appear. Two blondes. This could be more of a problem for them than the blatant excising of any factors that do not suit.
Hardly surprising as UK population is going up at a rate of around 400,000 a year with around 180,000 a year of those being immigrants bent on having large families.
Seems to have been missed out on the report…………
Here’s one for you folks, bBC 4 tonight.
Notice the name of Verhoftwat’s sidekick, Guillaume McLaughlin, a new one on me.
Anglo-Irish Brit with a former EU beaurocrat British father and a French or Belgian mother. University of London, SOAS, and then the European School Brussels. Employed by the EU since at least 2005, he has wormed his way through the dung-heap to perch himself at the top of the midden beside the crowing cock that is Guy, no doubt providing an important insight into the like-minded psyche of those other over-promoted pencil-pushers May, Sedwill and Robbins.
A prime and apparently typical example of the type of faceless, unaccountable, unelected, traitorous and conniving little git that infects and succeeds in the civil services that are interchangeable throughout the EU.
Thank you Mr Rushlow. I’ve always thought the vote was never secret because of the tinkering about they do at the table when you go in. Writing your name against numbers on the counterfoil and the numbers on the back of the ballot paper, and so on. But that would explain it. It would be easy to go through the votes of the lesser parties When they say it’s a secret ballot, they mean from your neighbour but not the authorities. I’m going to tell my friends now.
As someone who has been involved over many years in “the tinkering at the table”, AS, I can confirm that this is done to create an audit trail for every vote cast at the polling stations. I believe it is done to prevent, or at least deter personation, stealing someone else’s vote. Working in a mainly rural English constituency, this has happily never occurred at one of my polling stations, so I have not had to issue a special tendered ballot paper to the second John Smith who turns up. To my very limited knowledge the senior election officers for the constituency have never been required to carry out an audit check on voter identities and would never give a political party access to the voting records in order to extract individual voting records. After a certain number of years I believe the election records are destroyed. I’m sure a Freedom of Information Act request to your local government electoral authority would provide you with more information on this if you require it.
Election procedures in this country have long operated on the principle that “an Englishman’s word is his bond.” Whether it makes good sense in our present day and age is debatable.
The People’s Prime Minister, Lord Blair of Windrush, increased the possibility of personation by encouraging more postal voting and there is reliable evidence that voter fraud has occurred in recent years in certain inner city wards and constituencies, where there may be less inhibitions about how votes can be amassed. I am aware of at least one book published about British voter fraud and the government has recently reported on it here, https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/239973/Fraud-allegations-data-report-2017.pdf.
My daughter works in Tower Hamlets for the local authority. “An Englishman’s word is his bond” has no meaning whatever in such places.
PS. I think Election Officials have put the number of spoilt ballot papers in the local elections at 39,000.
What about the papers that are not spoilt but are valid but corrupt? I wonder how many of them there are.
It’s only to be expected that the BBC will trivialise the EU elections, harp on about the wasted costs and seek – with the best of intentions, of course – to deter potential voters. That potential is to send an unequivocal message signaling a massive political upheaval and a fundamental change.
Will they be happy at the prospect? Expect the ultimate contradiction, a stream of negativity coupled with a lack of coverage.
It has already started
While campaigning for election as an MEP Tommy Robinson discussed the interpretation of some Koranic verses with a young Muslim woman. It’s a discussion that is a credit to them both and merits a wider audience but it’s the sort of discussion we will rarely, if ever, hear mirrored by the BBC who prefer to shout down or sidestep similar dialogue. They lack any semblance of the courage, vision and desire for truth that Tommy clearly possesses.
Asia Bibi has left the third world Pakistan and gone to Canada . Wise choice – britainistans dominant Muslim population would only kill her for being a Christian ….
I’m guessing she won’t be doing Wimmin a hour or any other of the awful bbc output .
Hey Friends – Its been a while, been busy over the holidays.
Hope we are all well and keeping spirits high.
I’ve made the plunge and Donated my £25 to the brexit party.
Was torn between Brexit Party or UKIP. however UKIP’s messaging is on the right lines, they’re not choosing the right candidates for me. The one who’s been done for a 3yr old rape comment / Post is a nutter, i agree speech is free, but speech doesnt have to be careless because its free.
Me and wife doing it now 🙂 joining TBP
Vonbedda ,I think if you listen to the facts of the case and not the media hype you will come to a different conclusion. Sad because I thought the whole point of this website is to look past the lies of the MSM!
Hey wink1, hope all is well bud.
I’ve seen what I think is the facts to the story and I’ve in the past and current day, viewed some of his youtube channel material, we don’t agree on everything or disagree on everything. however UKIP’s willingness to align themselves with certain individuals thinking they are taking the moral high ground as SPEECH is FREE. Words do hurt individuals, mentally not physically, what is sensitive to one, means nothing to another, however, wise thinking should always be used when expressing free speech.
and this site, in my opinion, is not to come to a conclusion for the reader, but rather more to highlight all facts, discuss and come to your own conclusion. should never lead you behind the curtain only draw it back to see the full picture.
“…been done for a 3yr old rape comment…”
“Been done” is an interesting phrase. He has been falsely accused by the usual suspects of bad conduct. Sarkon (Carl Benjamin) is a good egg; he wouldn’t hurt a flea – yet he quite properly refused to be bullied by the appalling Jess Phillips.
A royal baby called Blaze?
A totally pointless video of schoolkids saying what they think the new royal baby should be called.
The video is nothing more than an opportunity for the BBC to ram their ethnic minority agenda down our throats.
In the 45 second video, we see:
3 clips of white children
6 clips of ethnic minority children
About 30 years ago I had to watch a film called ‘King Ralph’. It was a comedy about an American who became King of Britain after the entire Royal family was wiped out in a photo shoot.
I had no choice. I was on a long bus between Melbourne and Canberra and it was the only film on offer. The driver took a vote on it, with me and Mrs Dasmibehbi voting against but our side lost marginally. (Didn’t call for a second vote)
Anyway the film was as bad as it sounds. The thought of a popular culture Yank on the throne was too ghastly to think about. We did enjoy the bit when it said THE END.
Sadly for the UK reality has imitated ‘art’ and the monarchy have invited Hollywood Meghan in to their midst to blow up the Royal Family not with a bang, but a series of whines and whimpers that will slowly do the job.
Tabs … my favourite was Marlon.
T, this is the true ethnic representation of the UK today, in BBC bubbleworld.
It needs destruction down to its foundations for the lying narrative it constantly peddles and promotes as fact.
Did they come up with any names as ridiculous as the ones that were actually chosen? If William falls under a bus, shall we have a King Archie?
“Some might say” (ha ha) that getting a dose of Corbyn, once the blue Labour Party has been consigned to the dustbin, is what this Country needs. A big shock of communism policies to reset our politics.
A huge danger to this is that Corbyn will probably drop the voting age to something like 16 (or 14), he will give all the eu nationals and everyone else who has arrived here the vote and who knows what else.
This would probably keep red labour in power for decades.
If (when) the Brexit party got in I think they should change the voting system to PR so that labcon can never again have it all their own way. Then, everyone’s vote would count.
It’s UKIP policy to introduce proportional representation for elections.
I have no idea what Mr Farage has in mind. Does the Brexit party have a manifesto? It seems to me the Brexit party is similar to the US vote on, I think it was the TPP ( the Trans-Pacific partnership), you have to vote for it to find out what’s in it.
Keep up John. Farage has been for PR since forever.
The primary object for NOW is to get out of the EU.
As for manifestos – yeah, sure like those of the two main parties – they produced manifestos and see where we are.
Just filled in my postal vote.
I wasn’t sure between UKIP and the Brexit party and in the end put my cross for UKIP.
As it’s PR it’s not such a big deal.
I hope there’s some cooperation between these 2 parties for the next GE to get rid of the liblabcon party.
EG, the D’Hont system of voting is a form of proportional representation but each grouping still requires sufficiently large numbers to win numbers of seats per area. Votes are not transferable from area to area I.e., it is still possible to vote split and let the wrong candidate in if not careful.
Also, whilst on subject, turnout for eu elections has always been low in UK, only managing 35% when UKIP had their day in 2014. Turnout has never reached 40% here.
This time I believe it will be different. The blob will be in full battle cry and the internety waves will be alight to prevent the expected rout.
This truly could be the litmus we have been waiting for. Lets hope we’re not disappointed.
A couple of months ago the clumsy BBc Asian Network in their news mixed up the name of Lord Ahmed and chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal
in reporting the arrest for historic child abuse.
I see that Nazir actually Liked my tweet.
So that shows the power of Twitter communication, compared to writing long complaint letters
BBC Online News:
“” Forty Investigated Over Rotherham Child Sex Claims””
Buried away on the BBC’s regional page.
Front page for Sky.
Is the latter sensing what’s coming down the tracks?
I caught the same story on Sky with the all too familiar reluctance to give specifics. So, we are told that “38 men and 2 women face charges…”
They’re so quick to denounce someone as “far right” and yet tie themselves in knots attempting to camouflage Muslim crimes.
At the most they will describe these paedos as taxi drivers or kebab shop workers, as though these jobs were in some way a reason for these outrages.
Is it any wonder the British public are so suspicious of the media?
We deserve better.
Sentry: not featured at all on the bbc lunchtime news.
It’s all about some McCann bloke….
\\ Parliament’s spending watchdog tried to prevent the public being told
that 377 MPs, including nine Cabinet ministers and Jeremy Corbyn,
have had their official credit cards suspended for breaking the rules on expenses.//
full text of Telegraph article
I don’t understand why politicians aren’t told you will be paid minimum wage rates…as all your travel expenses etc will be claimed back anyway.
Its a joke and smack in the face to the public who work to the bone for there own wages to see MP’s not give a toss and swim in the ealth blood swet & tears of the public they are supposed to serve.
Right Honorable ?
They’re not right and certainly not honorable.
Same with the ‘ other place ‘ I’m pushing for the term ‘ lord ‘ to be abolished –
Except for the Real One ➕
Going to be a bit weird for those who take their news predominantly from the bbc come the EU ELECTIONS.
Will the bbc even mention TBP ? Lessons from Turkey, Russia or China ?
‘Nigel Farage – thought he died.’
‘Brexit what ?’
‘Brexit Party ? – but the party was long ago.’
Going to be a bit weird for those who take their news predominantly from the bbc come the EU ELECTIONS.
Will the bbc even mention TBP ? Lessons from Turkey, Russia or China ?
‘Nigel Farage – thought he died.’
‘Brexit what ?’
‘Brexit Party ? – but the party was long ago.’
Watching PMQ lies – apparently the Parliament is being ‘ decanted’ whilst the place is rebuilt . Why both rebuilding it? Sell it to the Germans or Russians or japs.
It doesn’t represent me and it’s occupants are demonstrating their anti democratic tendencies .
The PM didn’t mention it’s VE Day but did big up some Muslim holiday thing which I have no interest in .
The chamber was less than full again . If MPs can’t be bothered turning up why should voters bother with such a place .
As an aside – it’s best watched on the Parliament channel as opposed to the biased bbc politics .
I’ve found the following link to be a good info point re Parliament, including Committees, which you usually can’t get anywhere else.
Also you don’t have to put up with some idiot telling you what has been said afterwards, as if you couldn’t understand it yourself, and it also bypasses the MSM propaganda by omission.
Shortage of GPs on Jeremy Vine, why could that be? Workload? Aging population?
I don’t think it could possibly do with the profession being feminised and those women retiring at age 35?
Strangely they have found two men to talk about it! Where did they find them?
Lots of our GPs are escaping to Australia, etc..
I was reading an article about a Brexit meeting at which “Lock her up!” was chanted. It’s all happened in the US. Here: zilch, despite vote.
Where is our Trump?
This is as big a load of bullcrap as the dire shortage of teachers.
Time to throw some more money at it ?
I happen to know of a £39 billion going begging.
The existing contract allowed GPs to cut their hours substantially and earn the same. Not hard to figure this one out.
Radio2 after 1pm Vine will have a Brexit debate
“What should the question be for a Second referendum ?
He suggested “May’s Deal vs No-Deal”
Look what pic they choose to Frame the debate .. Steve the Remain Hat man
(psychological priming)
Ah I can’t get that tweet pic to show here , without including the previous tweet as well
Here’s the image
BTW It’s interesting that that BBC page has a date of 11 April 2019
but actually that page and URL was published 14th December 2018
Could be just camera angle of course, but I’d not realised just how tortoise-like the anti-Brexit bawler looks – on which note, it also looks as though he’s been caught peeing down his megaphone.
On balance I think he is helping us; don’t discourage him.
Doesn’t the dope realise that we had one three years ago!
If he uses the bbc – he might not even know what country he’s in or that the war has ended.
bbc lunchtime news covered the South African election.
Black voters and vote boycotters complaining:
No jobs. No this. No that. Lotsa corruption. Venezuela Mark 2.
Not a white face in sight anywhere: beeb has managed to simply edit them out of existence. Or maybe they’ve all left? No one could blame them…
beeb’s ambition for Britain?
The real story of how the corrupt, thieving, looting, racist, ANC have completely destroyed the nation’s infrastructure (eg ESKOM: ‘rolling blackouts’; water polluted by sewerage, etc) is not covered at all. Surprise!
The people who designed and built up that infrastructure have completely vanished from the news! No surprise!
Proof, if proof were needed, that, left alone the blacks will destroy anything. Its a part of their ‘black heritage’.
G -Sad, but true. You need only read the South African newspapers carefully. I say carefully, as initial coverage is on politics i.e. election issues. The infrastructure collapse is more discreetly tucked away.
Look for the story of Eskom as an example. Or the South African Airways story. Or any other. ALL THE THINGS THAT TWENTY YEARS AGO WERE OF 1ST WORLD STANDARDS, BUT ARE NOW THIRD WORLD AND FALLING.
President Ramaphosa admits to the massive ‘state capture’ and corruption, but has lots of nice words on how it’s all going to get better…I challenge the bbc -always admirers of the ANC- to cover this story! Even if they do, which I doubt, the Ramaphosa nice words line will probably follow.
In fact, if you want your hair to stand on end naturally, do a little research into the ‘state capture’ tale!
Doing the research won’t be fashionable (currently we are getting an opposite narrative), but your hair will be!
It’s heresy BUT since we’ve given up the colonies, by and large, they have really not fared well.
The same filtering happened in the report on our poor overworked medics. All the people shown were white.
Oh a local Lincoln Uni student has made a Climate doom map
Will BBC local radio and EDP give it maximum publicity ?
Yep of course
But let me take a look at his calendar
..Straight away I see Singapore casino with water lapping up to it
… Doh Singapore casino was only built a few years ago on land which USED to be sea !
(I used to live in Singapore when that bit was sea, and Batam Island after it was built)
Sydney Opera House is the same
“This reclaimed piece of land was originally a fort and then became a tram shed.
The Opera House is supported on 588 concrete piers that are sunk deep into the sea bed – perfect for a structure that looks like a grand set of sails.”
I suspect some others of his 12 pics are also reclaimed land.
The radio piece was at 2h08m
The guy is studying for a degreee in CREATIVE advertising
Hmmm ….. Tricky.
A stitch up, half out deal rushed through or a ‘Peoples Vote’ which they would hope came out Remain.
The only deal they’ll pass will be a pathetic, cowardly device to maintain their two party system.
Re Health costs
See how the BBCnews libsupremacist zombie army just chant the cherrypicked extraordinary stats they hear
..only for BBC More or Less to debunk the same numbers a few weeks later
eg on Insect numbers or glyphosate damage
Also in last week’s prog was a debunk of Bernie Sanders claim about the cost of giving birth in the US
It is nowhere the cost he claimed
However the US cost was higher than Finland
..well it is an apples vs organges comparison
The US has a lot of poor country immigrants, doctors are well paid and has a very litigious culture so hospital insurance costs are high.
that meant something like that each birth in Finland is subsidised by the taxpayer to $6,500
but each birth in Finland is subsidised by the taxpayer to $8,000
Yes a lot of the time the US taxpayer is subsidising the health costs to a greater extent than countries .
Typo Stew, in pre-penultimate line?
The Guardian / BBC must be ready to do an ‘ inside expose ‘ of The Brexit Party for broadcast in the week before the MEP elections .
They’ll probably use ‘Kia Royale’ Sweeney to bribe people with booze like he has done before (TR) .
Judging by the sheer size of audiences at Brexit Party road shows they’ll be bound to find someone to say what they want to hear .
Just pondering ….
Fed up,
I’m sure you are right. They will certainly be trying their best to put off as many as possible from voting for TBP and they will use every ruse they can think of. Remember after the referendum the BBC was contrite because during the campaign itself it was pretty much neutral and it agreed with its critics that this was a huge mistake. It thought that itought to have worked much harder for a Remain.
There is any interesting article on Guido Fawkes by a Sky News reporter in which he very correctly gauges the anger of the Leave electorate and their contempt for all of the established parties. He is predicting that this anger won’t just result in a victory of TBP at the European elections but that it will carry over into the next Westminster elections and will likely do exactly what NF says, prove to be a discontinuity in British politics. I hope that this is true but I also hope that once the constraints of the current liberal Globalist political alignment is broken the British people will be free to say what they think and free to think what they like about whatever topic takes their fancy . I see NF as the catalyst that could bring this about but in my mind once he has broken the mould we need someone like Salvini or Orban to save us.
I’m hoping that whatever fix it put into the UK EUReich elections the anti EU parties across Europe will gain more seats in Brussels and make life hell for the Federalists .
Watching the Blackford SNP character wishing the Wessexes well with their new baby I was trying to work out why a party which wants Scotland as an independent nation so wants to give that independence up to Brussels . ?
Every time that windbag sounds off about how he speaks for the ‘ people of Scotland ‘ I’m reminded that 1.6 million votes remain but 1 million voted Leave . The BBC never mentions how weak his mandate is .
But on the upside at least he is not Alex salmond or crankie .
Here we go again.
note a “green” new deal
funny how this term has suddenly been surfaced in america , Britain and now the EU
Wanna vomit?
Heaton Jones, (CON North Devon) singing the praises of the bbc in parliament, saying how much he loves it! Seems you can’t discuss the bbc without proclaiming your undying love for it first. Interesting.
Now complaining about big salaries and waste!
Followed by Merriman (CON), who also loves the bbc, saying it should be free to decide. A quick virtue signal.
James Cartlidge (CON) addresses the issue of universality – over 75s free TV licence -sounds like he wants it abolished. Says the LICENCE FEE SHOULD BE ABOLISHED…??
Apparently it is now against the law for MP’s to tell lies.
Well that’s the PM, the government and parliament buggered then!
It should be the case that manifesto’s are binding and that politicians cannot do something which is not in the manifesto, nor fail to do something they have included.
BTW if this does set precedent then can we take BLiar to court over the Iraq war and the lies he told, and the Islamisation of the UK through mass immigration as a lie by omission?
Can we proecute Cameron for similar, and May certainly lied about immigration.
Surely manifestos can just be ignored now ? How can either labour or conservative claim to implement manisfesto ‘ pledges ‘ . Neither deserve a brexiters ‘ vote .
so when I put my income down for my mortgage and quoted the gross and not the net did I suddenly defraud the building society
More lies
It isn’t just shameless it’s another outright lie. The Tory leadership and the majority of its MPs are Remainiacs and will never support a full Bexit. Instead they will try and palm us off with a watery Brino at best and pretend that it is the best that could be done and that they have delivered the essentials and complied with the democratic mandate they were given. They and all MPs in both Labour and Conservative who are not supporters of a full Brexit have to go. The Lib Dem’s , who never lied about their opposition to Brexit, can Remain .
Vote them all out. Its time they were taught a lesson.
It is a Harris solution, but in the circumstances, the most appropriate.