So Boris cannot use “inflammatory” words like surrender and humbug.
But someone on a stage carrying a Boris head and shouting **** Boris is just fine.
Effigies of Leavers “hanged” in Manchester.
Admittedly condemned by Andy Burnham.
Remainiacs, when we call your leaders traitors, they actually are traitors.
When you call our leaders traitors they are actually patriots, the imagined treason in your tiny heads is anti Marxism.
Please continue, you are losing the argument.
We have been told constantly for decades how women are just the same as men and must have the same outcomes; when we have 50/50 representation in every field utopia will have arrived.
So Jess Phillips et alia have been playing up to the worst stereotypes of women at the most crucial time for our country: instead of getting on with the job they’ve talked for days about their feelings and how weak and overwhelmed they are. Tell them to stay at home if they can’t handle it and that would be the most vile thought crime imaginable, yet they are happy to milk victim status when it is convenient.
If you want the money, power etc that historically has disproportionately lain in the hands of men then you must handle the hassle as well. Trump is the most powerful man in the world but boy does he have a hell of lot on his plate; I would much rather stay at home than be in his shoes.
The truth that dare not speak its name is that most women would not want that level of extreme stress; it is much easier to marry a rich and powerful man instead and enjoy the fruits of his stress with minimal hassle for yourself. Feminists will never acknowledge this crucial hate fact, instead blaming any unequal outcomes on ‘sexism.’ But behind every great man lies a great woman and I am sure pillow talk over the centuries has been more powerful than women like to admit. I doubt many of the greatest achievements could have happened had great men not had the fantastic love and support that only a woman can provide.
So which is it to be feminists? To waste four days talking about hurt feelings in a crisis is unacceptable; it’s most of what Marr spoke to Boris about when we have much bigger fish to fry. (We may even get fried ourselves.) We all know it’s a false narrative to distract from their betrayal but they must not be able to get away with it.
Black slaves are still kept to this day in countries like Mauritania. You’d expect the SJWs to rage about it but as the perpetrators are another group with ‘protected characteristics’ there is a deafening silence.
Backlinks to previous thread from the Weekend
– page 5
– page 4
– page 3
We just did a lot on the 2 Countryfile scandals
How you can do an item about extremism in the countryside and not mention sabs and direct action against farms is amazing
All we got was a vague Project Fear thing about “Far right” in the countryside ,
… no evidence of any law breaking, bad tweets or number of members
And here’s an update on #Mousegate
about how a staged STUDIOlife photo
won their WILDlife photo calendar competition .. #stitchup
And the non-professional winner just has a website which sells her photos
Normally you can see that BBC is using audience
by looking at the number of ive tweets during a show
Countryfile has been slowly declining
but last night I had to wade tru hundrends and hundreds of tweets
mostly complaining about the false photo competition
but maybe a hdred complaining about the shouting Far-right item.
It’s like the BBC has a largely white-people show and they set out to destroy it.
as if to make it a vehicle for urban groups like Extinction Rebellion.
Re Countryfile #Wokefile scary scary there are pro-British groups in the countryside … there is already a rebuttal video out
(I’ve not vetted either)
..they just wouldnt show it today….people would be so offended…its unbelievable really.I think bits of it are genius…amazing that the BBC produced such good comedy
How can you make great comedy if you believe nobody should be offended? South Park is comic genius but spectacularly offensive. So often comedy is at someone else’s expense.
BBC Radio Shrophire have their own self styled antifa presenter Jim Haw kins
During last night’s Countryfile item on “far right in the countryside” he was tweeting excitedly and promising a debate on his show
but today it hasn’t been mentioned
He started the show all about women’s heart attacks, then Dan Walsh folk singe, then poetry, a local jewellery smith
I looked him up he regularly tweets HnH and SJW stuff
He very troll-like, defends BBC to the death, even when people say its righty
.. but when people pin him down and show clear evidence of it’s constant anti-right bias .. he just walks away.
Coming up later we have Jess Phillips coming in for a chat to talk about the inflammatory language being used in parliament !!!!!
That sums up the BBC , Jess Phillips coming in for a “CHAT” !!! Can’t stand to see the “chat” but I can imagine that her own Twitter feed and her own disgusting, divisive , foul mouthed language won’t be brought up or held to account !!!!
Guaranteed to be portraying the victim is our Jess , lapped up by the BBC no doubt .
Any pretence of the state broadcaster being neutral must be gone . From 0710 to now 0740 – it was a line of remainers – Justine greening – remainer John ashworth – labour remain traitor – fairburn from the remain CBI and now – monsuir Grieve – the traitor MP for Brussels . On and on it went
Best question from Tourette’s Robinson to a Tory in Manchester “why aren’t you in Westminster instead of being at the Tory conference ?”
Where who you start with a reply like that ? A very bad banned word came to mind . A traitor parliament so bitter that it won’t stop for a party conference .
OK, but she indulges in inverted -racism content to smear label working-class white people like TR who speak up against grooming gangs as “white-supremacists, far right” etc.
Up2 – I’m cynical enough to be neutral ( at least ) on any one in the bubble but if he manages to get the UK out on 31 October I’d pass judgement then .
The biggest problem I think is that nothing can be done in secret . The civil service and other number 19 support seems to leak like a sieve .
Fed, agreed but the short notice neutralises the leakers. They would have been caught on the back foot. It would be risky cancelling Conference – the opposition would call it ‘weak’ or damaging to the ‘poor’ old north ie. fairly well-to-do central Manchester.
On the plus side: the Tories get to really play the victim card for a change. They, too, can point to the economic damage done to businesses in Manchester but point out “It was not our choice, our decision. It was made in Parliament. Those who voted No are responsible.” In addition, they can point to the extra demand on police, especially in the light of that banner and ‘threats made’ that cancelling had an aspect of safety and public mindedness about it.
The Conservative Party does not really need a Conference right now. They know what’s what and are getting plenty of publicity.
It was a great opportunity to make the opposition squirm, showing them up for what they are. A great follow up to the General Election offer.
I don’t rate him either. Was it in anyway smart to say the negotiations Boris’ team are pretending to carry out are a sham ?
I don’t care who he said it to, there are always leaks of everything to do with the Conservative Party and they should know to say NOTHING in confidence to ANYBODY.
Prince Harry exclusive Conservation is fundamental to our survival and we must overcome greed, apathy and selfishness to make real progress ”
Who are the “we” he’s so concerned about? It’s not me because I couldn’t give a toss about what this woke prat thinks should be done.
If he was actually serious, he’d lead by example, saying something along the lines ” this is what I’m doing to support my beliefs and I hope others will join me”. And then provide evidence by actions that he means what he says. I’d probably still ignore everything he says but at least I might have some respect for him.
I didn’t catch the beginning of her chat but did it say she is not standing as a wet Tory at whatever election comes – and that she would be slaughtered if she did . No wonder so many remainers sound angry . There’ll be another gravy train in which to put her snout ( not ‘Alf ).
It immediately struck me that it was a classic illustration of finger pointing where three out of four fingers are pointing back accusing the person doing the pointing. The BBC currently have very, very, low standards, witness Nick Robinson at Tory Conference in Manchester or any number of scandals of the past..
Robinson seems to have snapped any journo pretence by personally linking various well timed allegations against the PM into a ‘is he fit to govern ?’ Narrative which will get plenty of traction in the Remainer Broadcasting corpse this week because – as we know – they’ll do anything to undermine brexit .
Robinson mentioned the term ‘ collusion ‘ as bad in relation to traitors getting help to stop brexit from foreign enemy governments – instead of replying ‘yes that’s what it is ‘ sajid goes all limp and focuses on his ambition to be PM one day .
Incidentally – I was going to mention in the preamble the number of days it has been since a big majority voted to leave the Reich EU . That number is 1194
1194 days since we voted to leave – I haven’t broken it down to weeks and months yet …
Fed, divide by seven and then by 30, say, on average. 😉
The good thing is that, at last, the BBC are admitting ‘people’ are getting impatient for Brexit and, I note with a tone of reluctance on the part of the BBC (Fairbairn notwithstanding), that business is also starting to get impatient for the UK to be up and out of the EU.
It is time to end Brexit Uncertainty before it becomes a medical complaint and costs the NHS hundreds of millions of £s.
I see the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are planning to allow those in detached homes to add another two stories to them without the issue of planning permission!
The reason the give for this is ‘growing families’ andn it hasn’t taken commentators long to realise who the Tories are aiming this relaxation of UK laws at.
England is being destroyed by building needed to accommodate the insane levels of migration to the country and all the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are doing is sitting back and letting it happen.
The current PM Boris is so far to the left he has attempted to allow Islamic terrorists back from Syria, and has had to be constrained by his own cabinet!
I do agree with you Thoughful; England is being destroyed by building needed to accommodate the insane levels of migraion-which will get uncreasingly worse if we(UK) don’t shut the door firmly irrespective-The UK has now a population in excess of 70 million people with England having by far the greater number. Even so with the creeking levels of sustainability, the authorities are forcing County Councils and of course local councils to find available land on which to contruct housing- madeness-we are running out of land unless it is their policy to completely destroy all landscapes leaving nowhere for people to walk, roam or simply enjoy the wonderful spaces we have in these small but precious islands. Civil strife not that far away.
Our local and county councils were taken over by the yellow and greens in the recent Treezer-backlash.
Now they are starting to suffer a bit from not dealing with potholes but forever declaring climate emergencies.
I am looking forward to the first meeting where I might ask about the rash of ‘affordable homes’ being rushed onto surrounding farmland and the impact of this on the climate.
Contrast the Nuremberg Trial Atmosphere in this mornings BBC interview with Sajid Javid with the Labour Party Political Broadcast and warm welcome handed to Jess Phillips.
Says everything you need to know about the reptiles at the BBC.
I’m afraid I wouldn’t trust her not to have arranged for a rowdy crowd herself. Assuming that’s what it was, I haven’t listened to her to protect my screen from damage. I’m sure she’ll release the video of it shortly.
That poor Phillips family have such limited resources
There is only her MPs salary
her MPs expenses
and the £50K/yr from her husband’s part time job in her MP’s office
“I still can’t believe it. Beyoncé wore a piece of clothing I made.”
Rebecca Zoro designs clothes that she feels reflect the ‘charisma’ of Ivorian women like her and it was that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that caught Beyonce’s eye. ????????????????
Brilliant – he looks just like my collie, who would be inclined to bite those same persons, should she have the misfortune to be subjected to any BBC broadcasts on a daily basis.
“LBC Uncovers Major People Smuggling Ring Bringing Migrants Across Channel To UK”
“French police are helping them get people to the UK.”
I suspect that this has been going on for a long time and will continue to do so unless we secure our borders. It was one of the main reasons that we voted to leave the EU.
Has Al Beeb covered it yet ? Now that this news has broken, will the French Government put Inspector Jacques Clouseau on the case?
TOADY Watch #2 – Deja Damien Vu Green all over again
The BBC (via Rick Nobinson) are keen to keep smearing the current Prime Minister. I wonder if they will keep it going for a fortnight or until resignation like last time?
On the other hand the BBC could ask why it has taken Charlotte Edwardes twenty years to raise this ‘incident’.
The BBC should ask her on to the TOADY Programme and ask her why she did not raise it when Boris Johnson ran for public office, and was elected, as Mayor of London.
The BBC could observe that #MeToo might have been an appropriate time to do it.
Then there was the EU Referendum Campaign and the fuss on the bus. Will the BBC ask Charlotte Edwardes why she did not raise this complaint then?
Boris Johnson has been PM just for a few weeks and that after a leadership contest. The BBC could invite Charlotte Edwardes on to the TOADY programme to ask her about her timing. Why did she remain silent during the Conservative leadership campaign?
Then, the fact of Brexit and the PMs statements about it, The fact that we are within five weeks of a deadline. Charlotte Edwardes timing appears to be highly suspicious to any ordinary person, the ‘person in the street’. Will the BBC mention that? Will the BBC ask her about it?
As Independence Day approaches and Project Fear has not worked, the ‘Remainer media’ is becoming more and more desperate in rolling out rubbish stories to try to prevent Brexit and are now behaving like a ‘cornered animal’.
Perhaps Boris did put his hand on a lady’s knee twenty years ago.
If she did not like it, all she had to do was slap his hand. That’s it. It’s how adults behave. They don’t store up some pathetic grudge and then release it two decades later, at a time which has obviously been chosen to try and thwart Brexit.
If a hand on her knee was so traumatic for this poor innocent maiden, maybe journalism wasn’t the right career choice for her. I’m sure there must be a convent which is hiring.
To carry on with all these disgusting things the RSM is accusing Boris of doing decades ago I have a scoop for them.
Remember to insert lots of the usual ‘coulds’ ‘mays’ and other words you use to make the article meaningless.
You can also add the usual ‘far’ ‘extreme’ ‘hard’ right and nazi, fascist misogynist and the rest of the words the lefties use to describe anyone to the right of Stalin, Mao, Corbyn and the bbc.
Here goes.
I have it on good authority that when Boris was 5 years old he didn’t finish his meal and left some broccoli on his plate.
A starving child in Africa could be kept alive for an extra day with that piece of broccoli so you could say that Boris murdered that child by wasting the broccoli instead of somehow letting the child have it.
So then.
Boris is a child murderer.
He is evil incarnate.
Never mind that some lefty now claims he touched her thigh in the last century, now you ‘could’ say he kills children.
Well over the top I know but who could have imagined the crazy goings on happenings now together with the barmy LGBTITVANDBBCETC and all the PC nonsense.
Even Orwell wouldn’t believe how daft things are today.
Your Lordship- I think we will now see with Boris what we have seen with President Trump. The media will ensure a regular supply of wimmin who were groped twenty years ago and ‘shady deals’ coming to the fore.
Prepare for Boris’ taxes to suddenly reveal discrepancies, secret contacts with Russia and/or Ukraine to suddenly be discovered, mysterious blondes suing Boris for x amounts for some form of abuse, etc etc
The bbC will ensure that these are much investigated, debated and run on all beeb news/comment programmes for weeks and months on end.
I realised at 10.00 TV news on beeb 1 last night that we are entering a new no-holds barred campaign by Beeb , Stage 2, which will focus on How Boris is “disobeying the Law”, “lied to the Queen” etc as well as all the many misdemeanours that will be uncovered from the past. By the end of it, we will wonder where the quaint idea of bbc ‘impartiality’ ever came from. But we will see -yet again- how it gets completely carried away on a licence-fee paid ‘hatchet job’. And this one’s gonna get really nasty.
At the same time, beeb will show no embarrassment at all as it publicly co-ordinates the opposition, all masquerading as ‘news’.
Wanna bet?
LBC undercover with people smugglers
Smuggler ‘The French help us time our crossings so that we can avoid UK Border force’
Even if true the French are not all in on it cos the police spend a lot of time physically fighting the immigrants
..I see @Taffman has already posted, but I’ll leave my post
A major LBC investigation has used undercover reporters and covert filming to infiltrate a major people smuggling ring that claims French police are helping them get migrants to the UK.
This is the remarkable story of how LBC's reporter went undercover to infiltrate one of the biggest gangs smuggling migrants into the UK.
I seem to remember Lauren Southern filming Borderless in a far more dangerous Morocco and Spain about a year ago . You Tube removed it almost immediately. MSM reports? Nah.
The left, Antifa, combatting the far right by preventing this Nazi from attending a fascist meeting. Hoping that the BBC and wimmin Labour MPs will take a look and make a comment.
As in the US, antifa in Ontario, Canada assaulted members of the public outside the venue. A handful were detained in a police van then released without charges.
Video recorded on Sunday by the Hamilton Spectator in Ontario, Canada shows masked antifa militants attacking the public, interfering in arrests & harassing the elderly.
They amassed outside Mohawk College to try & shut down
@RubinReport & conservative politician @MaximeBernier
The event is called: Uncensored: The State of Free Speech in Canada – at Mohawk College in Hamilton.
#FreeSpeech Antifa is anti-Free Speech and use the very fascist tactics they claim to oppose
The practical problems of keeping her out are not insurmountable. Welfare cheques can be sent via internet banking, but it might be difficult to supply her with accommodation overseas if we have a no deal Brexit.
The BBC devotes a lot of time in reporting athletic events such as the 2019 World Championships in Doha. Strangely BBC Diversity quotas and positive discrimination are not adhered to in this area.
Very reminescent of the BBC’s coverage of Wimmin’s football matches: the number of competitors/players on the pitch/track is about the same as the number of people watching it.
At the week end – a certain state broadcaster type called frank Gardner – was doing a piece on behalf of the Saudi tourist board on the devalued ‘from our own correspondent ‘ .
The Saudis , it seems , wants western tourists , presumably to bang up to hold as hostages for drinking a bottle of booze or wearing an en – ger – land shirt . Then some tearful sop can spend time touring msm studios bitching about how ‘the British government isn’t doing nuffin’
Here is a link if you want to go to Saudi Arabia for your holidays
You know thirty five years or more ago I was a devoted listener to this programme . That was back in the day when the BBC didn’t ram a liberal agenda down your throat at every opportunity and I still , perhaps naively, trusted most of what was broadcast. These days I can’t bear to listen to or watch the output from thecstate funded broadcaster , it makes my blood pressure increase to dangerous levels. I am sure that getting rid of the BBC would result in a dramatic increase in the health of the nation so reducing the strain on the NHS. Come on BBC do the decent thing for the nation and collectively throw your self off the top of Broadcadting House.
Double – that programme does an hour show called ‘correspondents look ahead ‘ at the end of the year . It used to have a bit of authority and I’d just take it in – now – of course – it’s just a vehicle for Sopel et al to continue their dig at all those they have been biased about all year . What a waste.
Fed, they used to allow JoeListener a chance to follow that end-of-year-special with their comments on an AnyAnswers to AnyQuestions basis.
A few years back, the BBC decided to shut the public out.
It may have been because they were showing the BBC correspondents up and were more knowledgeable and accurate. In the good old days, both programmes were enjoyable and informative.
Frank G was at the prom that I went to. I wonder if he paid for his ticket or whether it was a freebie from the BBC. I paid for my ticket out of taxable income. Just saying.
Imran Kahn sets up a TV Channel that copies the BBC and will also combat Islamophobia.
Way to go. Note the seating arrangements.
Our meeting in which we decided to set up a BBC type English language TV Channel that, apart from highlighting Muslim issues, will also fight Islamophobia.
Seems a bit off having a girl in the room . In my neck of the woods I marvel at the chap walking about 3 paces ahead of the lady wife and little ‘Mohammed s’ in their push chairs but that is Londonistan for you .
Incidentally – if you’re even looking for free entertainment just get on a London bus and witness the ‘battle of the pushchairs ‘ .
Or if you like violence – try a bus between about 3pm and 4pm ….
I know it is stating the obvious that the country is split more or less down the middle on Brexit, except of course that Leave won the referendum by a decisive margin, but what I continue to find remarkable is how the two camps are able to interpret the exact opposites from the same facts. Being a Leaver I usually think that the Remainer Leadership interpretations are standing truth, logic , common sense on their heads and I am convinced that they must know that they are lying to themselves and others and doing this for personal gain of one sort or another. Of course I regard the rank and file Remainers as dupes unable to think for themselves , swallowing whole great heaps of crap and acting against their own best interests with zero understanding of what they are doing. I used to pity them but increasingly I think of them with disdain.
But I am beginning to regard some of the Remain leaders as zealots who actually believe that the EU is something sacred for which they are prepared to sacrifice not only themselves but our democracy as well. It’s a bit like the Gotterdamerung , a funeral pyre of the Gods, they would rather see the country brought to its knees , millions suffering , than see us leave the EU.
If we do leave these powerful people will be highly dangerous because they will want to show how terrible life is outside the EU and must not be allowed to go anywhere near the levers of power because they may well try and do great damage. They must be ostracised, banished from government and no return to public life. There can be no forgiveness or rehabilitation for these folks.
If we do leave, even if only a pretend leave ala May’s capitulation document, the the leavers will be ensuring that there is not much food on the shelves, no petrol at the pumps and chaos on the roads etc.
There are so many ways of causing massive disruption, including calling a general strike, that it wouldn’t be a case of if they try to screw up this country but by how much.
Of course, the reasons they would do it is primarily to blame all things of their making on Brexit, their contempt for the British People and their hate for this country and democracy and freedom.
Any major problems we have after a real Brexit would be deliberately created and not caused by Brexit. The remainiac scum will stoop to any depths such is their complete obsession with the religion of EU membership.
Double – I disagree on the claim that the country is split down the middle . It may have been close to that at the referendum but I think my ‘ ordinary joe ‘ view would now say that the resolve to leave has strengthened just by the lies and deceit of the state .
Project fear hasn’t worked . The state broadcaster goeballs propaganda is failing .
As for your view that some think the ReichEU is ‘sacred ‘ – that’s the truth – it comes from its origins of trying to stop the krauts making panzers again . But that bit died but now the supranational project to enlarge the power and bank balances of those running it take priority .
Even if the UK lands up being locked into the US of Europe it will fail when then next external threat comes . They are a bunch of snowflake more comfortable finding someone to ‘blame ‘ for something than sorting out an issue – such as uncontrolled economic invasion of labour from North Africa .
But I’m guessing the Reich is more likely to be attacked from within through civil war than a fight for resources with another economic block I just hope when the next European civil war happens the UK won’t try and do anything about it – but then again it’s unlikely to last very long ……
These attacks on Boris are just a step by step rehash of the “Bring Down Trump” playbill.
1. Not democratically elected. Check.
2. Dodgy dealings in a previous role. Check.
3. Inappropriate conduct with a woman from donkey’s years ago. Check.
I reckon next will be collusion with a hostile foreign power, probably not Russia as that would be too obvious a copy of the anti-Trump smear-lies. My guess would be Saudi Arabia or China.
I don’t know if the allegations of him touching a woman’s thigh are true or not, but I would guess that the woman was happy to go along with it at the time or she would have reported it to the police or her employer. She is, after all, a journalist.
Charlotte Edwardes, and Jennifer Arcuri (the pole dancer tech entrepreneur) Is it PR or is it news ?
– News : is when some NEW thing comes up an journos investigate STRAIGHT AWAY
– PR : is when info is used at a specific opportune time to support an agenda.
– News has magnitude : Boris is not a hypocrite, who said he not a playboy grabbing a thigh 20 years ago is not news
The witness is Robert Remainer Peston’s partner
– News has extraordinary evidence to support extraordinary claims
he might well have invited his friend to an expenses paid govt conference ..but we’d need to see proper evidence
not just HEARSAY
Justin Trudeau blackface is that news or PR ?
Yes it came up at election time
but it is NEWS cos it was PROOF of immense hypocrisy ..un-PC behaviour from someone ho had weaponised the PC agenda
Javid told ITV reporter he’s not bothered
I asked @sajidjavid, given the last 6 days (Supreme Court ruling PM’s suspension unlawful, PM’s “humbug” response to MPs concerns of death threats, Jennifer Arcuri allegations, now Charlotte Edwardes’ allegation) is he comfortable being Boris Johnson’s chancellor? He said he was.
A time search on Twitter shows no mention of loans to Jennifer Arcuri
until on Sept 23rd a guy wrote
“her company has had a £700k loan to write a book in 2020 on hacking”
.. After a week that info has become a Guardian story saying that she has a £700K loan
It’s perfectly normal that a publisher has given her an advance on her book.
Yep their book Hands-on Hacking is due in March
(Not Hands on Thigh)
The latest in the endless scatter gun mud slinging at Boris comes from journalist Charlotte Edwardes.
Well, here’s my take on it for what it’s worth…
Don’t you think it’s just a tad strange that you wait twenty years to cause a kerfuffle over a squeezed thigh?
She wasn’t an abused child living in terror. She was/is a highly articulate grown up journalist. I don’t know if he did or he didn’t, but I do know the BBC would much rather talk about “Thigh–gate” than more money for hospitals…or how much money we’ll save from leaving the EU…or how well our economy is actually doing despite all the doomsters.
In the interests of this site I’ve googled the lady in question and (just being a bloke here) she’s definitely a fine looking lass.
Only one more thing to say on the subject.
Things could have been a lot worse for Boris.
The accuser might have been Vanessa Feltz…
In 1999 a woman alleges she was ‘groped’ by Boris when she sat next to him. Did she report it at the time ? Was Boris adjusting his chair and his hand touched her thigh ? Who knows ? who cares ? Has she dined out on that for years I wonder ?
Ask anyone their movements 6 months/6 weeks/6 days ago, and most would be hard pushed to remember, let alone 20 years ago.
But, before all the Me Too movement got going, I should think that most women have felt a hand on the bum, or eyes focused on a cleavage, when in the close company of blokes in past decades. The word ‘inappropriate’ wasn’t even invented then ! so us girlies would respond accordingly with a backhander or a witty riposte.
Personally I lost count at the number of times I was cornered (back in the mid 60s) by an over amorous young lab scientist, but I soon told him where he could shove is Bunsen Burner !!! I cant even remember his name now, that’s how important – not, it was.
CCBGB just doesn’t cut it .. i wonder if the BBC ever read the replies ?? Maybe if they do they will see that they themselves are playing a very real part in Boris’s 12 point lead in the polls.
They just cannot fathom it can they !!!!! Clueless. Utterly clueless.
Perhaps @BBCNews should report the full story. Robert Peston’s girlfriend remembers an incident with the PM 20 years after it happened and conincides with her first column for newspaper. Coincidence surely
That reply has 47 likes already
The BBC tweets has 93 Retweets & 222 Likes
.. but with 272 replies mostly disagreeing with it, i.t’s on its way to be ratioed
History of the NHS which you won’t hear from the BBC –
“Willink was elected as Member of Parliament (MP) for Croydon North in a wartime by-election on 19 June 1940. There was only one other candidate, an independent, who received a very small vote. In 1940, he was appointed Special Commissioner for the homeless in London.
Willink was made a Privy Counsellor in 1943, the year he became Minister of Health, a role in which he served until the Conservatives lost the 1945 general election. Willink, with John Hawton, was responsible for the 1944 White Paper, following the Beveridge Report, called A National Health Service. It proposed the creation of a fully comprehensive, universal healthcare system, free of charge and available to all citizens irrespective of means.
When Labour came into office in 1945, it presented its own plan in preference to Willink’s, which it had supported”
After the EU referendum many in England, and the UK, believed that the Members of Parliament sitting in the Parliament of the United Kingdom would respect, honour, and implement the result to leave the European Union, how wrong we were.
To some it is evidently clear why many of the MPs sitting in the UK parliament do not want power transferring back to the UK parliament from the Unelected European commission, they wouldn’t know what to do with the new found powers, and being directly accountable to the voter for ALL decisions made on the UK frightens them, no longer could they hide behind EU.
The UK Parliament is not fit for purpose, 2/3rds of MPs want to hand control of the UK to unelected EU Commissioners, whilst voters in 2/3rds of constituencies voted to Leave the EU, they do not represent people’s views, their manifesto’s are now as worthless as their promises.
England overwhelmingly voted to leave, and has had no voice over the fiasco being played out in Westminster, First Ministers of Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland have had plenty to say, whilst England is continually ignored.
We need an English Parliament now more than ever, for England to have Democratic equality with Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland with in the UK, for our voice to be heard and our concerns addressed.
Food for thought.
No, we need to get rid of the these minor talking shops!
We could start with Northern Ireland, whose assembly represents fewer people than some local and regional authorities that we have had on the mainland.
The Welsh Assembly wasn’t exactly welcomed with open arms, ‘only’ 50.3% in favour in that referendum. Clearly the Welsh didn’t know what they were voting for either!
Took a wander over to
The main article: “Slaughter in September, ignored by the world.”
Nine white faces stare back at you, but the list of those murdered runs into 18 for September. Cowardly and brutal murders.
Now this could make a story for the bbc surely?
You’d certainly be hearing from them big time if the races were reversed.
And as for discriminatory legislation? That’s there aplenty, disguised as e.g. BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) and EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) to name but two.
Now this would make a big story for the bbc surely?
You’d certainly hearing from them big time if the races were reversed, and indeed, for many years you did.
But now, only Silence.
Wonder what happened?
Did I hear you say ‘impartial’?
For anyone white and persuaded that ‘racism’ stems only from them, I suggest you have a look at that site.
Find out what happens to minorities when racism and murder really get going.
The beeb certainly won’t tell you, although they may mention the Rohynga, Jamal Kashoggi, etc.
I have a cousin in Swaziland. What she shares from the South of Africa is horrifying, and heartbreaking how those actually living in fear of something are ignored by Western media over grandstanding miserablist moppets in bad hair, and Greta Thunberg.
I see lunchtime beeb TV news is giving Boris the full Trump treatment. Man are they going to town. More mention of ‘thighs’ than at the chicken counter at the supermarket. And ‘groping’? Well, beeb will be making out that the President has competition. Policies? Nope, not interested. Quality reporting from the bbC -leave you to decide what quality.
Norman Smith is there to tell you why it matters: Boris has a ‘woman problem’ and that this could ‘dent his standing with female voters’. Exactly what the beeb is trying to achieve, then?
The written arm of the state broadcaster reports that it is in more doo doo over the upheld complaint against the presenter called ‘naga ‘ – it seems the original complaint was also against the token white bloke but the state broadcaster has denied this upto now saying it was only against the lady .
Anyway – who cares ? If it damages and causes grief to said broadcaster that’s only a good thing . No one will really be affected . They’ll still get paid – although I suspect the chap involved could find himself presenting ‘farming today ‘ or hosting a phone in at 0300 in …. somewhere that isn’t London or Salford ….
As the bbc is fixated on a possible thigh touch during the last century I remembered how the world was again going to come to an end with planes dropping out of the sky and the like because of the millennium bug.
Then what.
Nothing happened.
I bet when we do leave it will be similar and few will notice anything at all.
Maybe the price of pomegranates will increase by 1%.
I am fed up with this blatant scaremongering. Pomegranates are imported from outside the E.U. and won’t be affected by a no deal brexit! Sarc/off????
By the way one of the wome at the centre of ’thighgate’ has now denied it ever happened.
If they are from a non-EU source, they will probably be cheaper. They carry an 8.8% tariff at present. Kazakhstan produces all types so is a good source.
Anyone taken a look at the Twitter feed of the charming Charlotte Edwardes the Boris accuser ?? Dear me, this lady does not like MEN or the Conservatives!!! Blatant smear campaign and one look thru her account can clearly point you in that direction.
The anti Boris sentiment through her own tweets and re-tweets is quite disturbing to be honest. Wonder if anyone at the BBC have looked at it so see if they can spot a agenda or not ????
Piers Morgan this morning said that 80+% of his tweets said Who Gives AF about this 20 year old alleged thigh grasp – the others couldn’t care 🙂
You would have to be an idiot not to see that she just used this to promote her new regular piece in the Times – no evidence, no context , no proof – just her word, which of course for the BBC must be right – and truthful cos she is a lady in media..
I cannot believe even the BBC think this is a good headline. i quite like the more or less programme but clearly some snowflake feminist woke deputy coffee making person was given the job to create a snappy headline..
To save everyone the trouble, they get some woman on to babble on for ages to tell us that most people who are struck by lightning are outside clutching lightning conductors, or anglers, most of whom, it is speculated, self-identify as being men.
In another item they appear to demolish the idea that a third of soldiers on the Western Front in WW1 were ‘black’, explaining that there were other theatres in which the African, (black?) troops and Indian (surely brown?) troops played a major role.
Then just at the end, if I heard them right, they said ‘a third of UK troops being black was a conservative estimate’. I doubt if that would be possible even in these ‘multiracial’ times let alone in 1914-18. I refuse to use ‘BBC Sounds’ so I would be obliged to anyone who has sold their soul to ‘fact check’ this.
The item on the 130,000 ‘tory dead’ was a bit weak too. The result seemed to be ‘not proven’, while admitting that NHS funding hadn’t been cut. There was no mention that we have been importing unhealthy people in recent years, the extended elderly family of immigrants, that surely must have some effect. (Sorry immigrants need no health care and never get old). The best explanation, I thought, was that a ‘glitch’ in reduced cardiac deaths a decade ago meant that at some point the survivors must die, boosting the death rate when that happens.
@jimS yes basically that
But as we know The BBC doesn’t do science
eg the headline “Statistics show that men are four times more likely to be struck by lightning than women”
No they effing don’t !
Do you the correlation is not causation fallacy ?
Yes Of those who are struck by lightning 4 times more are men
I am a man and my sister is a woman.
I am NOT more likely to be struck by lightening than my sister
cos I am a computer bod and she is a gardener
It is the position that makes you vulnerable eg standing by a river out in the open with a giant carbon fibre fishing rod (lighting conductor) in your hand
That stupid female presenter kept wafffling on wasting our time
oh men are taller etc.
FFS go away and do proper maths and then give us your STATISTICS radio prog
you misheard a lot of the prog , most the assertions sere proved false
I have some notes on the show from Friday
item #1
I don’t think I misheard anything and nothing you have written makes me think any differently.
Maybe I misread what you wrote too?
Meanwhile: “Does God hate men? Seems quite a controversial statement but when the statistics show that men are four times more likely to be struck by lightning than women you can’t help but wonder… Tim talks to Timandra Harkness to find out more. “
Timandra Harkness, Tim Harford. Could she be some sort of AI Android?
Now the first two items were a waste of time
#1 *Guardian writer* Ash Sarkar said 130K get killed by austerity
#2 *Guardian writer* George Monbiot said eating lamb account for a huge CO2 value
FFS it’s easy The Guardian is not an organ of truth it and its writer are PR people
I don’t have to waste my time fact checking the Guardian, cos I already knw it is almost always misleading
@JimS what they concluded is that Ash had taken a flawed study and further hyped it up
The fallacy was the “all other things being equal”
They had taken EU countries death rates this century vs the UK’s
but “all other things WERE NOT equal”
The UK had earlier had a huge increase in life cos we had given up smoking earlier than them
So by now of course our lifespan is not increasing
and their’s is
..and there are other variables
basically Ash made the Big Claim ..but didn’t give the Big Evidence
Similarly Monbiots own assumptions and maths were flawed.. he’d assumed lambs are twice as bid as they are
Now about Black soldiers
Strangely that wasn’t on the podcast that I down loaded , so I checked the online edition
It begins “according BBC London historian Louise Raw ..”
STOP right there …we know her
She is that nutter that is always ranting that Tommy is a hate preacher
.. and by the standard rule that a libmobber who throws out label is a person who is projecting themselves
we know that she is the hate preacher and agenda pusher
So even worse than the Guardian.
“A third that fought for Britain in WW1 were black and Asian”
What she means was
‘at that time a third of the people who fought for the British Empire were B or A’
Now since the empire is mostly B or A yes you could get a fairly high number of troops , near their home countries .
So I am not going to dispute her figure too much
She did say at the end her 30% fig could could be conservative cos she doesn’t know how many B & A were living in the UK and went to fight here or in Europe
Tosh .. It’s up to her to provide evidence
Seems to me there were very very few
eg I know the first black man to come to Scunthorpe was in 1913
and he didn’t fight in the war
In historical records in our region we almost only come across British/Irish with the odd north European .
And you can’t just count raw soldiers
If someone gave their life obviously that is an equal count
but you can’t equate a guy who sat in a trench for four years with a guy in a remote are who only saw action for 2 days.
I can imagine a lot of Sikh soldiers fighting for years etc.
but it’s not like a third of commonwealth war graves are for non-whites surely ?
This urgent question about “shorting” the pound being raised.
Could be quite difficult for the Rbc….if they are pressed to question the speaker……….you could have a bit of old fashioned fun with this one……introduce it with those bouncing dwarfs that used to do the weather forecast…..those were the days…..the topless darts!!
About the same time last century that this lass is accusing Boris of touching her thigh, wasn’t major shagging edwina.
What does he (major, a married bloke) think about a single bloke who might have touched a girls thigh last century.
I reckon major having curry every night is worse than a possible touch on the thigh.
It’s almost as bad as calling proroguing unlawful when he done it himself.
Maybe Boris is copying major from his earlier days.
Greta Garbage should concentrate on the one and only thing which has a chance of saving the planet, population control.
I bet she won’t though.
Where’s she off to next? China, Russia?
I don’t think so.
Owen Jones could also go off telling others how to behave.
He could start off somewhere safe like Israel where he can go to high places like Gilboa but if he goes to any of the ‘Stans I would advise him to avoid high places (such as blocks of flats)
Eleanor Rigby going off on Sky about Boris yet everything is “questions are being asked” or “allegations are being made” and similar meaningless newspeak where she gets the message out that Boris is an evil sex maniac but without any grounds or proof.
The lady has made an allegation of indecent assault against the Prime Minister. Since everything now must be referred to the constabulary I think we can assume that Mr Johnson will be arrested like anyone else accused of such a crime after the lady in question has made a full statement .
The arrest of a serving British Prime Minister ( if only in title) may be enough for the traitors to carry through on the coup and go for the vote of no confidence .
Meanwhile the ghouls in the state broadcaster will be ranting about ‘ career ender’ and ‘ damaged whatever the outcome ‘ in that pretty well rehearsed way they have when it is some one they choose not to approve .
Perhaps if BoJo gets bail he will be the first serving PM to wear a tag .
Do you think sad Mister Major might have caught salmonella? They say it’s a nasty bug which can lay dormant for years, but that could certainly account for his strange behaviour now – delusions of grandeur, messiah complex, regarding himself as a statesman and so on. Poor old lad. Is there a cure?
Beltane. I think the symptoms you describe are for Syphilis. Having sexual relations with the mad egg woman will not necessarily lead to Salmonella poisoning. If you like this analogy, thank you for the clap. I’ve been trying to avoid it all my life. Just ask for Blue Unction.
Tonight Radio 4 at 8:30pm: Whiteness It’s on race, whiteness and class.
\\ Bristol-based journalist Neil Maggs talks to Eric Kaufmann about the inevitable decline of white majorities by the end of the century and how to prevent white people falling for far-right conspiracy theories about being wiped out. //
(Isn’t that sentence a contradiction ?
When the Soviets sent Russians to do the top jobs in Eastern Bloc countries wasn’t that a form of the “Great Replacement” ?
Were those natives wrong to feel offended ?
Last week I heard the trailer but couldn’t find the prog
Excited to announce my NATIONAL radio debut! ????????
Put on BBC Radio 4 at 8:30pm on Monday night. Programme is called Analysis.
\\ Whiteness. A trailer for this prog suggested white folks needed to be WOKE to the fact they are white to appreciate how “privileged”
they are – sick joke? //
Yeh when I was getting beaten up at school
when all the tall blokes called Dave take all the women
I think how privileged I am
.. Life is not fair that is the way it is.
Stew- ‘Prof’ Steve Eichhorn is delusional.
I mentioned in an earlier sourced post today what things look like when a white minority has to live under a black majority.
If we moved what is going on in South Africa across to the UK, the following would have occurred:
Whites in the UK would have brutally murdered 18 blacks, in a cowardly fashion, in the month of September ;
The government (in which there would certainly have been only white cabinet ministers) would have proceeded with dispossessing black people of property they might own, based on a policy of Expropriation Without Compensation;
Discriminatory legislation would have ensured that senior positions in ministries, the civil service and any state-run/sponsored enterprise would be white only;
Scores of blacks would have left the UK in the month of September, due to racist legislation and elite looting resulting in infrastructure collapse. Many whites would also have left due to the country falling apart, general insecurity and poor job prospects.
I think before he continues with his drivel, ‘Prof’ Steve Eichhorn has a look at what happens in a reversed reality. He will be astonished to find the racism he thinks he knows so well has a rather different complexion from the one he has identified, and may have to do a fundamental rethink. He may find that it is all about what individuals, groups of individuals and states do in a given situation, that matters; it has nothing to do, in principle, with their RACE and everything to do with their beliefs, attitudes and actions.
Is there anything worse than a guilt-laden, self-loathing whitey?
Stew – I got called a ‘white sumpremacist’ here last week by someone who then said they are leaving the site cos it’s racist – and volunteer moderator.
Never been called that before and had trouble spelling it – but I’m only – thick brexiter so that figures .
It would have troubled me once – but not no more as the threshold for ‘ offence ‘ drops rapidly … when certain types want it to of course ….
I was thinking about the way poor jo cox murder has been used by certain MPs yet other MPs who have met their deaths have been air brushed – Ian Gow and Airey Neve for instance .
The attack on a sitting cabinet by mortar bomb in Downing Street as well as the Brighton bomb doesn’t got much of a mention either …
“prevent white people falling for far-right conspiracy theories about being wiped out”
That will be those people who have seen what the UN has published about what it calls ‘Replacement Migration’, then:
What is striking about the report, which was written at the beginning of the century, is how ‘constrained and moderate’ it is in comparison to the frothing-at-the-mouth enthusiasm now being expressed for the Great Replacement. For instance, it states that Britain’s annual figure of immigration in the preceeding decades had been around 80,000 per annum and that it was sufficient to prevent population decline. Since then, thanks to the extremism of the Blair regime, which was enthusiastically inherited by the Conservatives (sic), it has more than tripled.
Just watching the world athletics on the multi culti beeb where amateurish doesn’t really cover it, as only Michael Johnson from the states seems to know how to speak English.
Anyway we’ve just had an runner in the ladies 200 metres called Seyni from Niger i believe who could have been mistaken for Frank Bruno only with more muscle. Obviously being the beeb no one noticed this.
Mind you if she ends up beating their new golden child Dina Asher, this may change. Hilarious.
Constructive meeting today with @MichelBarnier to discuss Brexit. I stressed Remain is still possible, and by far the best outcome. Patience is required.
And, If Brexit proceeds, the Withdrawal Agreement incl. backstop are minimum necessary to protect our economy and the GFA.
Aah, bless.
‘I stressed we should ignore 17.4 million voters, just as the EU would’
She even has to wedge her big fat arse into the corner of the room to have a photo taken in front of the enemy flag. (Looks more like a dunces hat, how very appropriate!)
Sorry JA, you beat me to it.
I came home from work to find yet another letter from the Telly Goon’s head office . It threatens “Your address has been scheduled for a visit by an Enforcement Officer”.
I have had many of these threatening letters from the Goons. This enforcement officer has threatened this so many times before it has now become a joke. A sick joke at that.
I thought they might be used as evidence of harassment.
What is harassment?
The law states that harassment is when a person behaves in a way which is intended to cause you distress or alarm. The behaviour must happen on more than one occasion. It can be the same type of behaviour or different types of behaviour on each occasion. For example, one text message intended to distress you is not harassment. Two text messages may be harassment. One text message and one phone call may also be harassment.
Taking the advice of one of the posters on this site last week to switch from Radio Al Beeb to LBC.
A bad move! Because today, I encountered a chap called Eddie Mair and he was, and is, running a ‘Bo Jo Hate Fest’. He has opened a ‘safe space’ for groped women to vent their vitriolic comments about BoJo and his alleged ‘Grope’. No men allowed to phone in, its a women only.
Evidently, this chap Mair hates Brexit, and don’t we know it. Bet he was trained at Al Beeb or gets a pension from them?
Off switch, until Nigel comes on at 6 pm.
Eddie Mair hates Boris. He once called him a “nasty piece of work” in what was meant to be an interview, but was just a hit job.
According to John Humphrys in his new book, Eddie Mair is also an egomaniac who cannot work with anyone else. Humphrys reckons he ruined the PM programme when he presented it.
Eddie Mair is also a homosexual activist, which may explain his hatred for Boris, who is certainly not, but it does not excuse it.
who on earth advised that!!!?
LBC arent called ‘Globals Radio’ without a reason.
O Brien/Fogarty/Mair/Swarbrick/Adam/Stadlen…they are ALL heavily left leaning and many EX BBC!!!!…
LBC is so BIAS its unbeleivable……..( I havent a clue why Farage is on there)
Talk Radio is better but not by much.Mike Graham is the only radio show I actually enjoy….and James Whale is Ok
An old story but the lefty rag the Independent has begged that the newspapers ties to Russia and Saudi Arabia NOT BE INVESTIGATED as it would lead to a potential collapse of their financial future.
“The Evening Standard and Independent have asked the government not to investigate the news outlets’ Saudi Arabian investors, saying the UK media industry could become financially unsustainable if officials probe the source of the offshore investments.”
How can they possibly try this argument whilst claiming to be a trusted and “Independent” source of news.
Obviously the Government listened to them as it petered out….
Islamophobia in the Tory Party ?
Still can’t get over Michelle Hussain interviewing a Jewish General about Israels response to a barrage of missiles being fired into Israel :-
” Well there were only 26 Jewish citizens killed ” She calmly retorted.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
So Boris cannot use “inflammatory” words like surrender and humbug.
But someone on a stage carrying a Boris head and shouting **** Boris is just fine.
Effigies of Leavers “hanged” in Manchester.
Admittedly condemned by Andy Burnham.
Remainiacs, when we call your leaders traitors, they actually are traitors.
When you call our leaders traitors they are actually patriots, the imagined treason in your tiny heads is anti Marxism.
Please continue, you are losing the argument.
We have been told constantly for decades how women are just the same as men and must have the same outcomes; when we have 50/50 representation in every field utopia will have arrived.
So Jess Phillips et alia have been playing up to the worst stereotypes of women at the most crucial time for our country: instead of getting on with the job they’ve talked for days about their feelings and how weak and overwhelmed they are. Tell them to stay at home if they can’t handle it and that would be the most vile thought crime imaginable, yet they are happy to milk victim status when it is convenient.
If you want the money, power etc that historically has disproportionately lain in the hands of men then you must handle the hassle as well. Trump is the most powerful man in the world but boy does he have a hell of lot on his plate; I would much rather stay at home than be in his shoes.
The truth that dare not speak its name is that most women would not want that level of extreme stress; it is much easier to marry a rich and powerful man instead and enjoy the fruits of his stress with minimal hassle for yourself. Feminists will never acknowledge this crucial hate fact, instead blaming any unequal outcomes on ‘sexism.’ But behind every great man lies a great woman and I am sure pillow talk over the centuries has been more powerful than women like to admit. I doubt many of the greatest achievements could have happened had great men not had the fantastic love and support that only a woman can provide.
So which is it to be feminists? To waste four days talking about hurt feelings in a crisis is unacceptable; it’s most of what Marr spoke to Boris about when we have much bigger fish to fry. (We may even get fried ourselves.) We all know it’s a false narrative to distract from their betrayal but they must not be able to get away with it.
As Harold Wilson once said, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!”
Maybe that should be “back into the kitchen”, in the case of the perpetually offended Labour women MPs.
I don’t wish to appear picky, but I thought that phrase was attributed to President Harry Truman, some time before Harold Wilson…
You are probably right but I do remember Wilson saying it, even if it was only a recording, and my mother used to laugh about it.
Initial post and my first century of approvals.
400 heart attacks in the Hoc and this will be a perfect day.
Below is a Danish documentary on the barbaric treatment of foreign domestic slaves – sorry, workers – in muslim countries of the Middle East.
The is the sort of tragedy that’s crying out to be reported – and I mean crying – but that our own dearly-behated Al-beeb would never do.
Shame on them.
Black slaves are still kept to this day in countries like Mauritania. You’d expect the SJWs to rage about it but as the perpetrators are another group with ‘protected characteristics’ there is a deafening silence.
Backlinks to previous thread from the Weekend
– page 5
– page 4
– page 3
We just did a lot on the 2 Countryfile scandals
How you can do an item about extremism in the countryside and not mention sabs and direct action against farms is amazing
All we got was a vague Project Fear thing about “Far right” in the countryside ,
… no evidence of any law breaking, bad tweets or number of members
And here’s an update on #Mousegate
about how a staged STUDIOlife photo
won their WILDlife photo calendar competition .. #stitchup
And the non-professional winner just has a website which sells her photos
Someone just put up a video subtitled version of Countryfile’s shouting Far-Right segment
.. Someone has just opened a discussion,17342.0.html
Normally you can see that BBC is using audience
by looking at the number of ive tweets during a show
Countryfile has been slowly declining
but last night I had to wade tru hundrends and hundreds of tweets
mostly complaining about the false photo competition
but maybe a hdred complaining about the shouting Far-right item.
It’s like the BBC has a largely white-people show and they set out to destroy it.
as if to make it a vehicle for urban groups like Extinction Rebellion.
One other advantage of unique funding is audience numbers do not matter.
Well, until they cancel the TVL.
Re Countryfile #Wokefile scary scary there are pro-British groups in the countryside … there is already a rebuttal video out
(I’ve not vetted either)
and another video from Laura Towler from 2 days ago
The first video could almost be a comedy sketch from “The Day Today”….from 20 years ago!!……….
It is often very hard to distinguish current broadcasts from that great show. I am pretty sure many growing up now watching it would not get the joke.
..they just wouldnt show it today….people would be so offended…its unbelievable really.I think bits of it are genius…amazing that the BBC produced such good comedy
How can you make great comedy if you believe nobody should be offended? South Park is comic genius but spectacularly offensive. So often comedy is at someone else’s expense.
BBC Radio Shrophire have their own self styled antifa presenter Jim Haw kins
During last night’s Countryfile item on “far right in the countryside” he was tweeting excitedly and promising a debate on his show
but today it hasn’t been mentioned
He started the show all about women’s heart attacks, then Dan Walsh folk singe, then poetry, a local jewellery smith
I looked him up he regularly tweets HnH and SJW stuff
He very troll-like, defends BBC to the death, even when people say its righty
.. but when people pin him down and show clear evidence of it’s constant anti-right bias .. he just walks away.
Could he be Maxi?
A new one
Louise Minchin BBC breakfast @ 6.30am.
Coming up later we have Jess Phillips coming in for a chat to talk about the inflammatory language being used in parliament !!!!!
That sums up the BBC , Jess Phillips coming in for a “CHAT” !!! Can’t stand to see the “chat” but I can imagine that her own Twitter feed and her own disgusting, divisive , foul mouthed language won’t be brought up or held to account !!!!
Guaranteed to be portraying the victim is our Jess , lapped up by the BBC no doubt .
Toady watch
Any pretence of the state broadcaster being neutral must be gone . From 0710 to now 0740 – it was a line of remainers – Justine greening – remainer John ashworth – labour remain traitor – fairburn from the remain CBI and now – monsuir Grieve – the traitor MP for Brussels . On and on it went
Best question from Tourette’s Robinson to a Tory in Manchester “why aren’t you in Westminster instead of being at the Tory conference ?”
Where who you start with a reply like that ? A very bad banned word came to mind . A traitor parliament so bitter that it won’t stop for a party conference .
I listen to JHB now instead on Talk Radio. I feel much better. Today programme used to make me go to work feeling furious.
The only criticism I have of JHB is I wish she’d speak a little more slowly, clearly and finish one word before she starts the next one.
OK, but she indulges in inverted -racism content to smear label working-class white people like TR who speak up against grooming gangs as “white-supremacists, far right” etc.
#metroLiberal bubbleworld
She is not too keen on Trump, usually hostile.
Fed, I don’t rate this Cummings guy as a strategist.
Smart move in face of Parliamentary refusal to allow a recess: cancel the Conference.
Up2 – I’m cynical enough to be neutral ( at least ) on any one in the bubble but if he manages to get the UK out on 31 October I’d pass judgement then .
The biggest problem I think is that nothing can be done in secret . The civil service and other number 19 support seems to leak like a sieve .
Fed, agreed but the short notice neutralises the leakers. They would have been caught on the back foot. It would be risky cancelling Conference – the opposition would call it ‘weak’ or damaging to the ‘poor’ old north ie. fairly well-to-do central Manchester.
On the plus side: the Tories get to really play the victim card for a change. They, too, can point to the economic damage done to businesses in Manchester but point out “It was not our choice, our decision. It was made in Parliament. Those who voted No are responsible.” In addition, they can point to the extra demand on police, especially in the light of that banner and ‘threats made’ that cancelling had an aspect of safety and public mindedness about it.
The Conservative Party does not really need a Conference right now. They know what’s what and are getting plenty of publicity.
It was a great opportunity to make the opposition squirm, showing them up for what they are. A great follow up to the General Election offer.
I don’t rate him either. Was it in anyway smart to say the negotiations Boris’ team are pretending to carry out are a sham ?
I don’t care who he said it to, there are always leaks of everything to do with the Conservative Party and they should know to say NOTHING in confidence to ANYBODY.
This headline in the Times rag this morning:
Prince Harry exclusive Conservation is fundamental to our survival and we must overcome greed, apathy and selfishness to make real progress ”
Who are the “we” he’s so concerned about? It’s not me because I couldn’t give a toss about what this woke prat thinks should be done.
If he was actually serious, he’d lead by example, saying something along the lines ” this is what I’m doing to support my beliefs and I hope others will join me”. And then provide evidence by actions that he means what he says. I’d probably still ignore everything he says but at least I might have some respect for him.
Oh, those Hewitts…
(OG’s joking about the parentage of Princes Willm & Harry )
Stew, correction in case maxi is watching: only the latter. The Mk1 is the real deal.
Now then,stop it.
Quite right Manky, those types of comment are illegitimate.
TOADY Watch #1 – Justine Greening has opined
Justin Greening has shared her opinion about the standards to be maintained ‘by those in public life’.
A bit awks.
Other broadcasters?
Anti-democratic MPs?
Former Prime Ministers and their aides who seek to overturn the EU Referendum result?
Prominent Remain campaigners, the Gina Millers, before during and after the EU Referendum?
Journalists writing for papers?
The police?
Oh dear!
I didn’t catch the beginning of her chat but did it say she is not standing as a wet Tory at whatever election comes – and that she would be slaughtered if she did . No wonder so many remainers sound angry . There’ll be another gravy train in which to put her snout ( not ‘Alf ).
I just caught the quote, the soundbite, Fed.
It immediately struck me that it was a classic illustration of finger pointing where three out of four fingers are pointing back accusing the person doing the pointing. The BBC currently have very, very, low standards, witness Nick Robinson at Tory Conference in Manchester or any number of scandals of the past..
Robinson seems to have snapped any journo pretence by personally linking various well timed allegations against the PM into a ‘is he fit to govern ?’ Narrative which will get plenty of traction in the Remainer Broadcasting corpse this week because – as we know – they’ll do anything to undermine brexit .
Robinson mentioned the term ‘ collusion ‘ as bad in relation to traitors getting help to stop brexit from foreign enemy governments – instead of replying ‘yes that’s what it is ‘ sajid goes all limp and focuses on his ambition to be PM one day .
Incidentally – I was going to mention in the preamble the number of days it has been since a big majority voted to leave the Reich EU . That number is 1194
1194 days since we voted to leave – I haven’t broken it down to weeks and months yet …
Fed, divide by seven and then by 30, say, on average. 😉
The good thing is that, at last, the BBC are admitting ‘people’ are getting impatient for Brexit and, I note with a tone of reluctance on the part of the BBC (Fairbairn notwithstanding), that business is also starting to get impatient for the UK to be up and out of the EU.
It is time to end Brexit Uncertainty before it becomes a medical complaint and costs the NHS hundreds of millions of £s.
Up2 – with the deepest respect I haven’t got that many fingers .
LOL x umhh ah, let me see, I think a score of 3 would be fair, maybe 4.
Gave me a cheering chuckle. Ta.
I see the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are planning to allow those in detached homes to add another two stories to them without the issue of planning permission!
The reason the give for this is ‘growing families’ andn it hasn’t taken commentators long to realise who the Tories are aiming this relaxation of UK laws at.
England is being destroyed by building needed to accommodate the insane levels of migration to the country and all the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are doing is sitting back and letting it happen.
The current PM Boris is so far to the left he has attempted to allow Islamic terrorists back from Syria, and has had to be constrained by his own cabinet!
Who needs Labour when you’ve got the Tories?
I do agree with you Thoughful; England is being destroyed by building needed to accommodate the insane levels of migraion-which will get uncreasingly worse if we(UK) don’t shut the door firmly irrespective-The UK has now a population in excess of 70 million people with England having by far the greater number. Even so with the creeking levels of sustainability, the authorities are forcing County Councils and of course local councils to find available land on which to contruct housing- madeness-we are running out of land unless it is their policy to completely destroy all landscapes leaving nowhere for people to walk, roam or simply enjoy the wonderful spaces we have in these small but precious islands. Civil strife not that far away.
Our local and county councils were taken over by the yellow and greens in the recent Treezer-backlash.
Now they are starting to suffer a bit from not dealing with potholes but forever declaring climate emergencies.
I am looking forward to the first meeting where I might ask about the rash of ‘affordable homes’ being rushed onto surrounding farmland and the impact of this on the climate.
Contrast the Nuremberg Trial Atmosphere in this mornings BBC interview with Sajid Javid with the Labour Party Political Broadcast and warm welcome handed to Jess Phillips.
Says everything you need to know about the reptiles at the BBC.
It must be nice to know the BBC has your back.

I’m afraid I wouldn’t trust her not to have arranged for a rowdy crowd herself. Assuming that’s what it was, I haven’t listened to her to protect my screen from damage. I’m sure she’ll release the video of it shortly.
That poor Phillips family have such limited resources
There is only her MPs salary
her MPs expenses
and the £50K/yr from her husband’s part time job in her MP’s office
An MP’s salary is nearly £80,000 a year, plus expenses as you say. Long holidays, privileges, so it’s not that bad.
And it’s still not enough for the delicate little flower to afford a printer for her PC. Such cruelty towards a poor defenceless woman!
any link to “£50K/yr from her husband’s part time job in her MP’s office”
would be useful ammo for someone!!!
BBC….. ‘News’
“I still can’t believe it. Beyoncé wore a piece of clothing I made.”
Rebecca Zoro designs clothes that she feels reflect the ‘charisma’ of Ivorian women like her and it was that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that caught Beyonce’s eye. ????????????????
(via BBC News Africa)
Brilliant – he looks just like my collie, who would be inclined to bite those same persons, should she have the misfortune to be subjected to any BBC broadcasts on a daily basis.
Thankfully, she isn’t. And nor am I.
“LBC Uncovers Major People Smuggling Ring Bringing Migrants Across Channel To UK”
“French police are helping them get people to the UK.”
I suspect that this has been going on for a long time and will continue to do so unless we secure our borders. It was one of the main reasons that we voted to leave the EU.
Has Al Beeb covered it yet ? Now that this news has broken, will the French Government put Inspector Jacques Clouseau on the case?
It’s interesting to see what the EU reports and doesn’t.
Hong Kong versus France and protests. HK will be reported, France won’t.
The obvious reason is that it goes against the BBC’s agenda that the EU is great.
The Royal Marines should be brought into action now that our borders have been compromised . It would give them good amphibious training.
TOADY Watch #2 – Deja Damien Vu Green all over again
The BBC (via Rick Nobinson) are keen to keep smearing the current Prime Minister. I wonder if they will keep it going for a fortnight or until resignation like last time?
On the other hand the BBC could ask why it has taken Charlotte Edwardes twenty years to raise this ‘incident’.
The BBC should ask her on to the TOADY Programme and ask her why she did not raise it when Boris Johnson ran for public office, and was elected, as Mayor of London.
The BBC could observe that #MeToo might have been an appropriate time to do it.
Then there was the EU Referendum Campaign and the fuss on the bus. Will the BBC ask Charlotte Edwardes why she did not raise this complaint then?
Boris Johnson has been PM just for a few weeks and that after a leadership contest. The BBC could invite Charlotte Edwardes on to the TOADY programme to ask her about her timing. Why did she remain silent during the Conservative leadership campaign?
Then, the fact of Brexit and the PMs statements about it, The fact that we are within five weeks of a deadline. Charlotte Edwardes timing appears to be highly suspicious to any ordinary person, the ‘person in the street’. Will the BBC mention that? Will the BBC ask her about it?
I wonder … . . . . .
As Independence Day approaches and Project Fear has not worked, the ‘Remainer media’ is becoming more and more desperate in rolling out rubbish stories to try to prevent Brexit and are now behaving like a ‘cornered animal’.
Perhaps Boris did put his hand on a lady’s knee twenty years ago.
If she did not like it, all she had to do was slap his hand. That’s it. It’s how adults behave. They don’t store up some pathetic grudge and then release it two decades later, at a time which has obviously been chosen to try and thwart Brexit.
If a hand on her knee was so traumatic for this poor innocent maiden, maybe journalism wasn’t the right career choice for her. I’m sure there must be a convent which is hiring.
Is this the Charlotte Edwardes, who just happens to be the partner of a certain Robert Peston? That would explain the timing of this.
To carry on with all these disgusting things the RSM is accusing Boris of doing decades ago I have a scoop for them.
Remember to insert lots of the usual ‘coulds’ ‘mays’ and other words you use to make the article meaningless.
You can also add the usual ‘far’ ‘extreme’ ‘hard’ right and nazi, fascist misogynist and the rest of the words the lefties use to describe anyone to the right of Stalin, Mao, Corbyn and the bbc.
Here goes.
I have it on good authority that when Boris was 5 years old he didn’t finish his meal and left some broccoli on his plate.
A starving child in Africa could be kept alive for an extra day with that piece of broccoli so you could say that Boris murdered that child by wasting the broccoli instead of somehow letting the child have it.
So then.
Boris is a child murderer.
He is evil incarnate.
Never mind that some lefty now claims he touched her thigh in the last century, now you ‘could’ say he kills children.
Well over the top I know but who could have imagined the crazy goings on happenings now together with the barmy LGBTITVANDBBCETC and all the PC nonsense.
Even Orwell wouldn’t believe how daft things are today.
If we take two examples of “News” that the BBC is currently pushing.
A woman has made an accusation that Boris groped a journalist nearly 2 decades ago. For some reason this is now “news”
Or that a decade ago, there was financial impropriety whilst he was Mayor. For some reason this is now “news”
Of course the BBC won’t mention anything about the delay or that the complaints come from remainers who are motivated against the UK for the EU
If we take two examples of “News” that the BBC is currently pushing.
A woman has made an accusation that Boris groped a journalist nearly 2 decades ago. For some reason this is now “news”
Or that a decade ago, there was financial impropriety whilst he was Mayor. For some reason this is now “news”
Of course the BBC won’t mention anything about the delay or that the complaints come from remainers who are motivated against the UK for the EU
Your Lordship- I think we will now see with Boris what we have seen with President Trump. The media will ensure a regular supply of wimmin who were groped twenty years ago and ‘shady deals’ coming to the fore.
Prepare for Boris’ taxes to suddenly reveal discrepancies, secret contacts with Russia and/or Ukraine to suddenly be discovered, mysterious blondes suing Boris for x amounts for some form of abuse, etc etc
The bbC will ensure that these are much investigated, debated and run on all beeb news/comment programmes for weeks and months on end.
I realised at 10.00 TV news on beeb 1 last night that we are entering a new no-holds barred campaign by Beeb , Stage 2, which will focus on How Boris is “disobeying the Law”, “lied to the Queen” etc as well as all the many misdemeanours that will be uncovered from the past. By the end of it, we will wonder where the quaint idea of bbc ‘impartiality’ ever came from. But we will see -yet again- how it gets completely carried away on a licence-fee paid ‘hatchet job’. And this one’s gonna get really nasty.
At the same time, beeb will show no embarrassment at all as it publicly co-ordinates the opposition, all masquerading as ‘news’.
Wanna bet?
fnw, at least they cannot accuse Boris Johnson (like they tried with President Trump, of misogyny.
LBC undercover with people smugglers
Smuggler ‘The French help us time our crossings so that we can avoid UK Border force’
Even if true the French are not all in on it cos the police spend a lot of time physically fighting the immigrants
..I see @Taffman has already posted, but I’ll leave my post
There is a second LBC page
Why has it taken the media so long to get around to doing such an investigation ?
Why no undercover report from around grooming gang communities ?
I seem to remember Lauren Southern filming Borderless in a far more dangerous Morocco and Spain about a year ago . You Tube removed it almost immediately. MSM reports? Nah.
The left, Antifa, combatting the far right by preventing this Nazi from attending a fascist meeting. Hoping that the BBC and wimmin Labour MPs will take a look and make a comment.
context it’s Canada .Mohawk College, conservative event
Video recorded on Sunday by the Hamilton Spectator in Ontario, Canada shows masked antifa militants attacking the public, interfering in arrests & harassing the elderly.
They amassed outside Mohawk College to try & shut down
@RubinReport & conservative politician @MaximeBernier
The event is called: Uncensored: The State of Free Speech in Canada – at Mohawk College in Hamilton.
#FreeSpeech Antifa is anti-Free Speech and use the very fascist tactics they claim to oppose
Antifa: more fascist than the fascists.
And loved by the bbc.
Caller just made the point that for her own safety Begum should be kept outside the UK
.. cos to nutters she’d be a prime vigilante target.
The practical problems of keeping her out are not insurmountable. Welfare cheques can be sent via internet banking, but it might be difficult to supply her with accommodation overseas if we have a no deal Brexit.
The BBC devotes a lot of time in reporting athletic events such as the 2019 World Championships in Doha. Strangely BBC Diversity quotas and positive discrimination are not adhered to in this area.
As well as the diversity the crowds are amazing!
Maybe in Doha they hide to show their enthusiasm for the event.
Very reminescent of the BBC’s coverage of Wimmin’s football matches: the number of competitors/players on the pitch/track is about the same as the number of people watching it.
At the week end – a certain state broadcaster type called frank Gardner – was doing a piece on behalf of the Saudi tourist board on the devalued ‘from our own correspondent ‘ .
The Saudis , it seems , wants western tourists , presumably to bang up to hold as hostages for drinking a bottle of booze or wearing an en – ger – land shirt . Then some tearful sop can spend time touring msm studios bitching about how ‘the British government isn’t doing nuffin’
Here is a link if you want to go to Saudi Arabia for your holidays
You know thirty five years or more ago I was a devoted listener to this programme . That was back in the day when the BBC didn’t ram a liberal agenda down your throat at every opportunity and I still , perhaps naively, trusted most of what was broadcast. These days I can’t bear to listen to or watch the output from thecstate funded broadcaster , it makes my blood pressure increase to dangerous levels. I am sure that getting rid of the BBC would result in a dramatic increase in the health of the nation so reducing the strain on the NHS. Come on BBC do the decent thing for the nation and collectively throw your self off the top of Broadcadting House.
Double – that programme does an hour show called ‘correspondents look ahead ‘ at the end of the year . It used to have a bit of authority and I’d just take it in – now – of course – it’s just a vehicle for Sopel et al to continue their dig at all those they have been biased about all year . What a waste.
Fed, they used to allow JoeListener a chance to follow that end-of-year-special with their comments on an AnyAnswers to AnyQuestions basis.
A few years back, the BBC decided to shut the public out.
It may have been because they were showing the BBC correspondents up and were more knowledgeable and accurate. In the good old days, both programmes were enjoyable and informative.
I don’t bother listening now.
Frank G was at the prom that I went to. I wonder if he paid for his ticket or whether it was a freebie from the BBC. I paid for my ticket out of taxable income. Just saying.
Meanwhile in Saudi, the Religion of Peace and Beheading keeps on giving…
“The secret tapes of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder”
The BBC moaning emole managed to get upset on behalf of Saudi in one story and then decry it in the next. The BBC is nothing if not two-faceted.
Imran Kahn sets up a TV Channel that copies the BBC and will also combat Islamophobia.
Way to go. Note the seating arrangements.
Yep, that’s one thing the beeb are good at: islamic propaganda.
Seems a bit off having a girl in the room . In my neck of the woods I marvel at the chap walking about 3 paces ahead of the lady wife and little ‘Mohammed s’ in their push chairs but that is Londonistan for you .
Incidentally – if you’re even looking for free entertainment just get on a London bus and witness the ‘battle of the pushchairs ‘ .
Or if you like violence – try a bus between about 3pm and 4pm ….
It seems pretty much BBC exactly just in that image.
I know it is stating the obvious that the country is split more or less down the middle on Brexit, except of course that Leave won the referendum by a decisive margin, but what I continue to find remarkable is how the two camps are able to interpret the exact opposites from the same facts. Being a Leaver I usually think that the Remainer Leadership interpretations are standing truth, logic , common sense on their heads and I am convinced that they must know that they are lying to themselves and others and doing this for personal gain of one sort or another. Of course I regard the rank and file Remainers as dupes unable to think for themselves , swallowing whole great heaps of crap and acting against their own best interests with zero understanding of what they are doing. I used to pity them but increasingly I think of them with disdain.
But I am beginning to regard some of the Remain leaders as zealots who actually believe that the EU is something sacred for which they are prepared to sacrifice not only themselves but our democracy as well. It’s a bit like the Gotterdamerung , a funeral pyre of the Gods, they would rather see the country brought to its knees , millions suffering , than see us leave the EU.
If we do leave these powerful people will be highly dangerous because they will want to show how terrible life is outside the EU and must not be allowed to go anywhere near the levers of power because they may well try and do great damage. They must be ostracised, banished from government and no return to public life. There can be no forgiveness or rehabilitation for these folks.
If we do leave, even if only a pretend leave ala May’s capitulation document, the the leavers will be ensuring that there is not much food on the shelves, no petrol at the pumps and chaos on the roads etc.
There are so many ways of causing massive disruption, including calling a general strike, that it wouldn’t be a case of if they try to screw up this country but by how much.
Of course, the reasons they would do it is primarily to blame all things of their making on Brexit, their contempt for the British People and their hate for this country and democracy and freedom.
Any major problems we have after a real Brexit would be deliberately created and not caused by Brexit. The remainiac scum will stoop to any depths such is their complete obsession with the religion of EU membership.
Double, it could be said that the EU is almost satanic in that it seems to totally possess some people like Blair & Major & Campbell, etc..
Makes you wonder ….. . . .
Double – I disagree on the claim that the country is split down the middle . It may have been close to that at the referendum but I think my ‘ ordinary joe ‘ view would now say that the resolve to leave has strengthened just by the lies and deceit of the state .
Project fear hasn’t worked . The state broadcaster goeballs propaganda is failing .
As for your view that some think the ReichEU is ‘sacred ‘ – that’s the truth – it comes from its origins of trying to stop the krauts making panzers again . But that bit died but now the supranational project to enlarge the power and bank balances of those running it take priority .
Even if the UK lands up being locked into the US of Europe it will fail when then next external threat comes . They are a bunch of snowflake more comfortable finding someone to ‘blame ‘ for something than sorting out an issue – such as uncontrolled economic invasion of labour from North Africa .
But I’m guessing the Reich is more likely to be attacked from within through civil war than a fight for resources with another economic block I just hope when the next European civil war happens the UK won’t try and do anything about it – but then again it’s unlikely to last very long ……
These attacks on Boris are just a step by step rehash of the “Bring Down Trump” playbill.
1. Not democratically elected. Check.
2. Dodgy dealings in a previous role. Check.
3. Inappropriate conduct with a woman from donkey’s years ago. Check.
I reckon next will be collusion with a hostile foreign power, probably not Russia as that would be too obvious a copy of the anti-Trump smear-lies. My guess would be Saudi Arabia or China.
I don’t know if the allegations of him touching a woman’s thigh are true or not, but I would guess that the woman was happy to go along with it at the time or she would have reported it to the police or her employer. She is, after all, a journalist.
Charlotte Edwardes, and Jennifer Arcuri (the pole dancer tech entrepreneur) Is it PR or is it news ?
– News : is when some NEW thing comes up an journos investigate STRAIGHT AWAY
– PR : is when info is used at a specific opportune time to support an agenda.
– News has magnitude : Boris is not a hypocrite, who said he not a playboy grabbing a thigh 20 years ago is not news
The witness is Robert Remainer Peston’s partner
– News has extraordinary evidence to support extraordinary claims
he might well have invited his friend to an expenses paid govt conference ..but we’d need to see proper evidence
not just HEARSAY
Justin Trudeau blackface is that news or PR ?
Yes it came up at election time
but it is NEWS cos it was PROOF of immense hypocrisy ..un-PC behaviour from someone ho had weaponised the PC agenda
Javid told ITV reporter he’s not bothered
A time search on Twitter shows no mention of loans to Jennifer Arcuri
until on Sept 23rd a guy wrote
“her company has had a £700k loan to write a book in 2020 on hacking”
.. After a week that info has become a Guardian story saying that she has a £700K loan
It’s perfectly normal that a publisher has given her an advance on her book.
Yep their book Hands-on Hacking is due in March
(Not Hands on Thigh)
The latest in the endless scatter gun mud slinging at Boris comes from journalist Charlotte Edwardes.
Well, here’s my take on it for what it’s worth…
Don’t you think it’s just a tad strange that you wait twenty years to cause a kerfuffle over a squeezed thigh?
She wasn’t an abused child living in terror. She was/is a highly articulate grown up journalist. I don’t know if he did or he didn’t, but I do know the BBC would much rather talk about “Thigh–gate” than more money for hospitals…or how much money we’ll save from leaving the EU…or how well our economy is actually doing despite all the doomsters.
In the interests of this site I’ve googled the lady in question and (just being a bloke here) she’s definitely a fine looking lass.
Only one more thing to say on the subject.
Things could have been a lot worse for Boris.
The accuser might have been Vanessa Feltz…
You’d need both hands to get round her thigh.
A lasso, more like. And even then…
In 1999 a woman alleges she was ‘groped’ by Boris when she sat next to him. Did she report it at the time ? Was Boris adjusting his chair and his hand touched her thigh ? Who knows ? who cares ? Has she dined out on that for years I wonder ?
Ask anyone their movements 6 months/6 weeks/6 days ago, and most would be hard pushed to remember, let alone 20 years ago.
But, before all the Me Too movement got going, I should think that most women have felt a hand on the bum, or eyes focused on a cleavage, when in the close company of blokes in past decades. The word ‘inappropriate’ wasn’t even invented then ! so us girlies would respond accordingly with a backhander or a witty riposte.
Personally I lost count at the number of times I was cornered (back in the mid 60s) by an over amorous young lab scientist, but I soon told him where he could shove is Bunsen Burner !!! I cant even remember his name now, that’s how important – not, it was.
CCBGB just doesn’t cut it .. i wonder if the BBC ever read the replies ?? Maybe if they do they will see that they themselves are playing a very real part in Boris’s 12 point lead in the polls.
They just cannot fathom it can they !!!!! Clueless. Utterly clueless.
That reply has 47 likes already
The BBC tweets has 93 Retweets & 222 Likes
.. but with 272 replies mostly disagreeing with it, i.t’s on its way to be ratioed
History of the NHS which you won’t hear from the BBC –
“Willink was elected as Member of Parliament (MP) for Croydon North in a wartime by-election on 19 June 1940. There was only one other candidate, an independent, who received a very small vote. In 1940, he was appointed Special Commissioner for the homeless in London.
Willink was made a Privy Counsellor in 1943, the year he became Minister of Health, a role in which he served until the Conservatives lost the 1945 general election. Willink, with John Hawton, was responsible for the 1944 White Paper, following the Beveridge Report, called A National Health Service. It proposed the creation of a fully comprehensive, universal healthcare system, free of charge and available to all citizens irrespective of means.
When Labour came into office in 1945, it presented its own plan in preference to Willink’s, which it had supported”
This is a ‘counter-argument’ but it shows that Churchill was correct
After the EU referendum many in England, and the UK, believed that the Members of Parliament sitting in the Parliament of the United Kingdom would respect, honour, and implement the result to leave the European Union, how wrong we were.
To some it is evidently clear why many of the MPs sitting in the UK parliament do not want power transferring back to the UK parliament from the Unelected European commission, they wouldn’t know what to do with the new found powers, and being directly accountable to the voter for ALL decisions made on the UK frightens them, no longer could they hide behind EU.
The UK Parliament is not fit for purpose, 2/3rds of MPs want to hand control of the UK to unelected EU Commissioners, whilst voters in 2/3rds of constituencies voted to Leave the EU, they do not represent people’s views, their manifesto’s are now as worthless as their promises.
England overwhelmingly voted to leave, and has had no voice over the fiasco being played out in Westminster, First Ministers of Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland have had plenty to say, whilst England is continually ignored.
We need an English Parliament now more than ever, for England to have Democratic equality with Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland with in the UK, for our voice to be heard and our concerns addressed.
Food for thought.
No, we need to get rid of the these minor talking shops!
We could start with Northern Ireland, whose assembly represents fewer people than some local and regional authorities that we have had on the mainland.
The Welsh Assembly wasn’t exactly welcomed with open arms, ‘only’ 50.3% in favour in that referendum. Clearly the Welsh didn’t know what they were voting for either!
Took a wander over to
The main article: “Slaughter in September, ignored by the world.”
Nine white faces stare back at you, but the list of those murdered runs into 18 for September. Cowardly and brutal murders.
Now this could make a story for the bbc surely?
You’d certainly be hearing from them big time if the races were reversed.
And as for discriminatory legislation? That’s there aplenty, disguised as e.g. BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) and EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) to name but two.
Now this would make a big story for the bbc surely?
You’d certainly hearing from them big time if the races were reversed, and indeed, for many years you did.
But now, only Silence.
Wonder what happened?
Did I hear you say ‘impartial’?
For anyone white and persuaded that ‘racism’ stems only from them, I suggest you have a look at that site.
Find out what happens to minorities when racism and murder really get going.
The beeb certainly won’t tell you, although they may mention the Rohynga, Jamal Kashoggi, etc.
I have a cousin in Swaziland. What she shares from the South of Africa is horrifying, and heartbreaking how those actually living in fear of something are ignored by Western media over grandstanding miserablist moppets in bad hair, and Greta Thunberg.
I see lunchtime beeb TV news is giving Boris the full Trump treatment. Man are they going to town. More mention of ‘thighs’ than at the chicken counter at the supermarket. And ‘groping’? Well, beeb will be making out that the President has competition. Policies? Nope, not interested. Quality reporting from the bbC -leave you to decide what quality.
Norman Smith is there to tell you why it matters: Boris has a ‘woman problem’ and that this could ‘dent his standing with female voters’. Exactly what the beeb is trying to achieve, then?
The written arm of the state broadcaster reports that it is in more doo doo over the upheld complaint against the presenter called ‘naga ‘ – it seems the original complaint was also against the token white bloke but the state broadcaster has denied this upto now saying it was only against the lady .
Anyway – who cares ? If it damages and causes grief to said broadcaster that’s only a good thing . No one will really be affected . They’ll still get paid – although I suspect the chap involved could find himself presenting ‘farming today ‘ or hosting a phone in at 0300 in …. somewhere that isn’t London or Salford ….
As the bbc is fixated on a possible thigh touch during the last century I remembered how the world was again going to come to an end with planes dropping out of the sky and the like because of the millennium bug.
Then what.
Nothing happened.
I bet when we do leave it will be similar and few will notice anything at all.
Maybe the price of pomegranates will increase by 1%.
I am fed up with this blatant scaremongering. Pomegranates are imported from outside the E.U. and won’t be affected by a no deal brexit! Sarc/off????
By the way one of the wome at the centre of ’thighgate’ has now denied it ever happened.
If they are from a non-EU source, they will probably be cheaper. They carry an 8.8% tariff at present. Kazakhstan produces all types so is a good source.
Woke Chris Packham is just coming up
.. on woke Jeremy Vine’s radio2 show
Interview ends
..even Vine says at £30 Packham’s book is expensive
Of course this is all way different from Boris favouring Jennifer Arcuri
Next radio2 prog at 2pm has Labour’s Ed Balls on
..#Metroliberal #clique
Anyone taken a look at the Twitter feed of the charming Charlotte Edwardes the Boris accuser ?? Dear me, this lady does not like MEN or the Conservatives!!! Blatant smear campaign and one look thru her account can clearly point you in that direction.
The anti Boris sentiment through her own tweets and re-tweets is quite disturbing to be honest. Wonder if anyone at the BBC have looked at it so see if they can spot a agenda or not ????
Tweets by chedwardes
Sorry. Did not expect it to come out like that …. SORRY !!!
Piers Morgan this morning said that 80+% of his tweets said Who Gives AF about this 20 year old alleged thigh grasp – the others couldn’t care 🙂
You would have to be an idiot not to see that she just used this to promote her new regular piece in the Times – no evidence, no context , no proof – just her word, which of course for the BBC must be right – and truthful cos she is a lady in media..
Envy of the world.
And possibly risking an outrage backlash.
I cannot believe even the BBC think this is a good headline. i quite like the more or less programme but clearly some snowflake feminist woke deputy coffee making person was given the job to create a snappy headline..
To save everyone the trouble, they get some woman on to babble on for ages to tell us that most people who are struck by lightning are outside clutching lightning conductors, or anglers, most of whom, it is speculated, self-identify as being men.
In another item they appear to demolish the idea that a third of soldiers on the Western Front in WW1 were ‘black’, explaining that there were other theatres in which the African, (black?) troops and Indian (surely brown?) troops played a major role.
Then just at the end, if I heard them right, they said ‘a third of UK troops being black was a conservative estimate’. I doubt if that would be possible even in these ‘multiracial’ times let alone in 1914-18. I refuse to use ‘BBC Sounds’ so I would be obliged to anyone who has sold their soul to ‘fact check’ this.
The item on the 130,000 ‘tory dead’ was a bit weak too. The result seemed to be ‘not proven’, while admitting that NHS funding hadn’t been cut. There was no mention that we have been importing unhealthy people in recent years, the extended elderly family of immigrants, that surely must have some effect. (Sorry immigrants need no health care and never get old). The best explanation, I thought, was that a ‘glitch’ in reduced cardiac deaths a decade ago meant that at some point the survivors must die, boosting the death rate when that happens.
@jimS yes basically that
But as we know The BBC doesn’t do science
eg the headline “Statistics show that men are four times more likely to be struck by lightning than women”
No they effing don’t !
Do you the correlation is not causation fallacy ?
Yes Of those who are struck by lightning 4 times more are men
I am a man and my sister is a woman.
I am NOT more likely to be struck by lightening than my sister
cos I am a computer bod and she is a gardener
It is the position that makes you vulnerable eg standing by a river out in the open with a giant carbon fibre fishing rod (lighting conductor) in your hand
Office men are NOT more vulnerable to lightening than office women
It’s just that fishermen and farmers and mast engineers are more likely to be men
That stupid female presenter kept wafffling on wasting our time
oh men are taller etc.
FFS go away and do proper maths and then give us your STATISTICS radio prog
you misheard a lot of the prog , most the assertions sere proved false
I have some notes on the show from Friday
item #1
I don’t think I misheard anything and nothing you have written makes me think any differently.
Maybe I misread what you wrote too?
Meanwhile: “Does God hate men? Seems quite a controversial statement but when the statistics show that men are four times more likely to be struck by lightning than women you can’t help but wonder… Tim talks to Timandra Harkness to find out more. “
Timandra Harkness, Tim Harford. Could she be some sort of AI Android?
Now the first two items were a waste of time
#1 *Guardian writer* Ash Sarkar said 130K get killed by austerity
#2 *Guardian writer* George Monbiot said eating lamb account for a huge CO2 value
FFS it’s easy The Guardian is not an organ of truth it and its writer are PR people
I don’t have to waste my time fact checking the Guardian, cos I already knw it is almost always misleading
@JimS what they concluded is that Ash had taken a flawed study and further hyped it up
The fallacy was the “all other things being equal”
They had taken EU countries death rates this century vs the UK’s
but “all other things WERE NOT equal”
The UK had earlier had a huge increase in life cos we had given up smoking earlier than them
So by now of course our lifespan is not increasing
and their’s is
..and there are other variables
basically Ash made the Big Claim ..but didn’t give the Big Evidence
Similarly Monbiots own assumptions and maths were flawed.. he’d assumed lambs are twice as bid as they are
Now about Black soldiers
Strangely that wasn’t on the podcast that I down loaded , so I checked the online edition
It begins “according BBC London historian Louise Raw ..”
STOP right there …we know her
She is that nutter that is always ranting that Tommy is a hate preacher
.. and by the standard rule that a libmobber who throws out label is a person who is projecting themselves
we know that she is the hate preacher and agenda pusher
So even worse than the Guardian.
“A third that fought for Britain in WW1 were black and Asian”
What she means was
‘at that time a third of the people who fought for the British Empire were B or A’
Now since the empire is mostly B or A yes you could get a fairly high number of troops , near their home countries .
So I am not going to dispute her figure too much
She did say at the end her 30% fig could could be conservative cos she doesn’t know how many B & A were living in the UK and went to fight here or in Europe
Tosh .. It’s up to her to provide evidence
Seems to me there were very very few
eg I know the first black man to come to Scunthorpe was in 1913
and he didn’t fight in the war
In historical records in our region we almost only come across British/Irish with the odd north European .
And you can’t just count raw soldiers
If someone gave their life obviously that is an equal count
but you can’t equate a guy who sat in a trench for four years with a guy in a remote are who only saw action for 2 days.
I can imagine a lot of Sikh soldiers fighting for years etc.
but it’s not like a third of commonwealth war graves are for non-whites surely ?
There are two Wikipedia pages
Europe cemeteries 314,176 (almost all white)
Rest of world 138,062 (mix between African/Indian/ white British/Oz/NZ/Can
I’m guessing of the 452K graves at least 370K were white so her 30% of one third seems way off
internet say 60K Canadian, 60K Australian
counting war graves misses a lot of the dead I guess
many might have died of injuries later
This urgent question about “shorting” the pound being raised.
Could be quite difficult for the Rbc….if they are pressed to question the speaker……….you could have a bit of old fashioned fun with this one……introduce it with those bouncing dwarfs that used to do the weather forecast…..those were the days…..the topless darts!!
Jon has clearly assembled the perfect team.
About the same time last century that this lass is accusing Boris of touching her thigh, wasn’t major shagging edwina.
What does he (major, a married bloke) think about a single bloke who might have touched a girls thigh last century.
I reckon major having curry every night is worse than a possible touch on the thigh.
It’s almost as bad as calling proroguing unlawful when he done it himself.
Maybe Boris is copying major from his earlier days.
Greta Garbage should concentrate on the one and only thing which has a chance of saving the planet, population control.
I bet she won’t though.
Where’s she off to next? China, Russia?
I don’t think so.
Owen Jones could also go off telling others how to behave.
He could start off somewhere safe like Israel where he can go to high places like Gilboa but if he goes to any of the ‘Stans I would advise him to avoid high places (such as blocks of flats)
Eleanor Rigby going off on Sky about Boris yet everything is “questions are being asked” or “allegations are being made” and similar meaningless newspeak where she gets the message out that Boris is an evil sex maniac but without any grounds or proof.
The lady has made an allegation of indecent assault against the Prime Minister. Since everything now must be referred to the constabulary I think we can assume that Mr Johnson will be arrested like anyone else accused of such a crime after the lady in question has made a full statement .
The arrest of a serving British Prime Minister ( if only in title) may be enough for the traitors to carry through on the coup and go for the vote of no confidence .
Meanwhile the ghouls in the state broadcaster will be ranting about ‘ career ender’ and ‘ damaged whatever the outcome ‘ in that pretty well rehearsed way they have when it is some one they choose not to approve .
Perhaps if BoJo gets bail he will be the first serving PM to wear a tag .
Thing is that was a long time ago and twenty years later that thigh will have most probably lost any appeal it might have had at the time.
Do you think sad Mister Major might have caught salmonella? They say it’s a nasty bug which can lay dormant for years, but that could certainly account for his strange behaviour now – delusions of grandeur, messiah complex, regarding himself as a statesman and so on. Poor old lad. Is there a cure?
a good hot curry can work wonders.. so say.
True pertelote, but a poor one gives you bad breath and an overheated anal sphincter – to give its proper definition.
And Major certainly did more that touch Edwina’s thigh.
Beltane. I think the symptoms you describe are for Syphilis. Having sexual relations with the mad egg woman will not necessarily lead to Salmonella poisoning. If you like this analogy, thank you for the clap. I’ve been trying to avoid it all my life. Just ask for Blue Unction.
Tonight Radio 4 at 8:30pm: Whiteness It’s on race, whiteness and class.
\\ Bristol-based journalist Neil Maggs talks to Eric Kaufmann about the inevitable decline of white majorities by the end of the century and how to prevent white people falling for far-right conspiracy theories about being wiped out. //
(Isn’t that sentence a contradiction ?
When the Soviets sent Russians to do the top jobs in Eastern Bloc countries wasn’t that a form of the “Great Replacement” ?
Were those natives wrong to feel offended ?
Last week I heard the trailer but couldn’t find the prog
Eichorn gies his view on one of the 3 guests
“disappointing- Kaufmann is a white supremacist in my view (and others).“
\\ Whiteness. A trailer for this prog suggested white folks needed to be WOKE to the fact they are white to appreciate how “privileged”
they are – sick joke? //
Yeh when I was getting beaten up at school
when all the tall blokes called Dave take all the women
I think how privileged I am
.. Life is not fair that is the way it is.
I look forward to the beeb and the good Prof discussing the “all pervading culture of the majority” that’s supressed non-white people in sports
Stew- ‘Prof’ Steve Eichhorn is delusional.
I mentioned in an earlier sourced post today what things look like when a white minority has to live under a black majority.
If we moved what is going on in South Africa across to the UK, the following would have occurred:
Whites in the UK would have brutally murdered 18 blacks, in a cowardly fashion, in the month of September ;
The government (in which there would certainly have been only white cabinet ministers) would have proceeded with dispossessing black people of property they might own, based on a policy of Expropriation Without Compensation;
Discriminatory legislation would have ensured that senior positions in ministries, the civil service and any state-run/sponsored enterprise would be white only;
Scores of blacks would have left the UK in the month of September, due to racist legislation and elite looting resulting in infrastructure collapse. Many whites would also have left due to the country falling apart, general insecurity and poor job prospects.
I think before he continues with his drivel, ‘Prof’ Steve Eichhorn has a look at what happens in a reversed reality. He will be astonished to find the racism he thinks he knows so well has a rather different complexion from the one he has identified, and may have to do a fundamental rethink. He may find that it is all about what individuals, groups of individuals and states do in a given situation, that matters; it has nothing to do, in principle, with their RACE and everything to do with their beliefs, attitudes and actions.
Is there anything worse than a guilt-laden, self-loathing whitey?
Stew – I got called a ‘white sumpremacist’ here last week by someone who then said they are leaving the site cos it’s racist – and volunteer moderator.
Never been called that before and had trouble spelling it – but I’m only – thick brexiter so that figures .
It would have troubled me once – but not no more as the threshold for ‘ offence ‘ drops rapidly … when certain types want it to of course ….
I was thinking about the way poor jo cox murder has been used by certain MPs yet other MPs who have met their deaths have been air brushed – Ian Gow and Airey Neve for instance .
The attack on a sitting cabinet by mortar bomb in Downing Street as well as the Brighton bomb doesn’t got much of a mention either …
“prevent white people falling for far-right conspiracy theories about being wiped out”
That will be those people who have seen what the UN has published about what it calls ‘Replacement Migration’, then:
What is striking about the report, which was written at the beginning of the century, is how ‘constrained and moderate’ it is in comparison to the frothing-at-the-mouth enthusiasm now being expressed for the Great Replacement. For instance, it states that Britain’s annual figure of immigration in the preceeding decades had been around 80,000 per annum and that it was sufficient to prevent population decline. Since then, thanks to the extremism of the Blair regime, which was enthusiastically inherited by the Conservatives (sic), it has more than tripled.
Just watching the world athletics on the multi culti beeb where amateurish doesn’t really cover it, as only Michael Johnson from the states seems to know how to speak English.
Anyway we’ve just had an runner in the ladies 200 metres called Seyni from Niger i believe who could have been mistaken for Frank Bruno only with more muscle. Obviously being the beeb no one noticed this.
Mind you if she ends up beating their new golden child Dina Asher, this may change. Hilarious.
Another one
I am sorry , who is this MEP to speak for the UK ? The picture looks like she is wearing a dunces hat – do you think Barnier did it intentionally?
Aah, bless.
‘I stressed we should ignore 17.4 million voters, just as the EU would’
She even has to wedge her big fat arse into the corner of the room to have a photo taken in front of the enemy flag. (Looks more like a dunces hat, how very appropriate!)
Sorry JA, you beat me to it.
The chocolatiers of Brussels will be sorry when she’s gone.
I came home from work to find yet another letter from the Telly Goon’s head office . It threatens “Your address has been scheduled for a visit by an Enforcement Officer”.
I have had many of these threatening letters from the Goons. This enforcement officer has threatened this so many times before it has now become a joke. A sick joke at that.
I now have 15 since I started keeping them.
I thought they might be used as evidence of harassment.
Taking the advice of one of the posters on this site last week to switch from Radio Al Beeb to LBC.
A bad move! Because today, I encountered a chap called Eddie Mair and he was, and is, running a ‘Bo Jo Hate Fest’. He has opened a ‘safe space’ for groped women to vent their vitriolic comments about BoJo and his alleged ‘Grope’. No men allowed to phone in, its a women only.
Evidently, this chap Mair hates Brexit, and don’t we know it. Bet he was trained at Al Beeb or gets a pension from them?
Off switch, until Nigel comes on at 6 pm.
Eddie Mair hates Boris. He once called him a “nasty piece of work” in what was meant to be an interview, but was just a hit job.
According to John Humphrys in his new book, Eddie Mair is also an egomaniac who cannot work with anyone else. Humphrys reckons he ruined the PM programme when he presented it.
Eddie Mair is also a homosexual activist, which may explain his hatred for Boris, who is certainly not, but it does not excuse it.
Taffman – I remember Eddie Mair rather well.
He used to read the news at 5pm on Beeb R4.
Was he biased, much?
I shall leave that to your imagination.
who on earth advised that!!!?
LBC arent called ‘Globals Radio’ without a reason.
O Brien/Fogarty/Mair/Swarbrick/Adam/Stadlen…they are ALL heavily left leaning and many EX BBC!!!!…
LBC is so BIAS its unbeleivable……..( I havent a clue why Farage is on there)
Talk Radio is better but not by much.Mike Graham is the only radio show I actually enjoy….and James Whale is Ok
An old story but the lefty rag the Independent has begged that the newspapers ties to Russia and Saudi Arabia NOT BE INVESTIGATED as it would lead to a potential collapse of their financial future.
“The Evening Standard and Independent have asked the government not to investigate the news outlets’ Saudi Arabian investors, saying the UK media industry could become financially unsustainable if officials probe the source of the offshore investments.”
How can they possibly try this argument whilst claiming to be a trusted and “Independent” source of news.
Obviously the Government listened to them as it petered out….
You just couldn’t make this stuff up!
Islamophobia in the Tory Party ?
Still can’t get over Michelle Hussain interviewing a Jewish General about Israels response to a barrage of missiles being fired into Israel :-
” Well there were only 26 Jewish citizens killed ” She calmly retorted.
What connects Robert Peston , Charlotte Edwardes, Bo Jo and Al Beeb ?