Only in the final paragraph do they mention that BAME account for 40% of the population in London, the known epicentre of the outbreak.
You’d think this just might be very relevant as it indicates there may be nothing disproportionate at all but in BBC la la land the incessant narrative of ‘underprivileged’ BAME victimhood is clearly more important than relevant facts.
“A genetic variation which evolved to protect people of African descent against malaria has now been shown to increase their susceptibility to HIV infection by up to 40 per cent, according to new research. Conversely, the same variation also appears to prolong survival of those infected with HIV by approximately two years.
Predicting (again) Antiques Roadshow front and centre for some poor bugger selected on basis of skin colour in the name of BBC’s interpretation of diversity during better/best section of the show. My teenage kids were amazed that I got it right for ther last two weeks in a row!
Stew-It’s not Fiona Bruce’s fault. Every aspect of BBC TV presentation is directed by BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept.
BIG BROTHER is going to “educate” us to his , hers or its
values. From the Antiques Road show to the terrible deaths
from the XI JINPING virus.
By the way I would love to ask a question at one of these virus
briefings. ” What are you going to say to the Chinese communist lying
scumbag XI Jinping after the virus is over and there are near
to 200,000 deaths outside China , if we are lucky.”
” What are you going to say to the Chinese communist lying scumbag XI Jinping after the virus is over and there are near to 200,000 deaths outside China , if we are lucky.”
Come on me old China will you please build us a 5G network?
Can you supply us with some Nuclear Power Stations cheaper than the Frogs are building for us?
What are your high speed trains like?
Got it in one. But the world might not be so forgiving. South America and Africa for instance. Also when the good old boys and girls of flyover USA get to thinking they too might have a few ideas of their own. All in all dangerous days ahead.
I have noticed that a disproportionate number of people that find that the watercolour that has been in their family for two hundred years is worth a million pounds don’t say, “Cool!”, “Wicked!”, “Innit!” “Leave it art mate!”, but “Really” in a totally un-surprised way, with the implication that the expert got it wrong and and an extra ‘zero’ might well be in order.
For some strange reason the ‘common people’ only seem to do quite well when their mother was ‘in service’ and they were left a little ‘something’ by their employer. Generally twenty year-old council houses don’t have as many decent antiques as two hundred year-old country houses.
And I’ve lost count over the years how many items were given as ‘payment’ – instead of ‘real’ money no doubt ! or is it too embarrassing to say they were nicked !
Maybe it’s a new lockdown game for all the family -play the Colour game – with special points for adverts ….. I know there is a ‘charity./ – pressure group which keeps figures on non white faces on TV ..pitiful .
According to the BBC 72 migrants “made it” across the channel. Safe to say the BBC issued assurances that the border force where all equipped with PPE !!
“The Home Office said Border Force and all operational staff had personal protective equipment (PPE) available to them”
Surely this PPE, which we are reminded every day is in short even critical supply would be better used to protect the heroic “front line NHS workers”.
I’m also presuming the PPE is to protect the “immigrants” from Covid 19……..
The only PPE the so called “Border Force” need now is a Royal Navy Frigate , with orders to sink and destroy any invading vessels that do not turn back.
Our so called “Border Force” are doing a grand job. Before long they will be taking over from P&O Ferries.
Last week Boris sent out a letter to all the people of the UK telling us “you must stay at home” , yet we have illegal law breaking migrants being ferried across the English Channel giving more work to our stretched and overburdened NHS – “All individuals were being taken to Dover to be assessed for any medical requirements before their cases are considered.”
The “Border Force” has now become a joke and the French must be laughing at us.
The Royal Navy should now be brought in and given orders to destroy the invading craft and take the illegals back from whence shores they left. If they are not dealt firmly now we can expect many more to come as the summer weather approaches.
Taking them back/repelling them and destroying the craft is the obvious thing to do, but have we ever seen or heard an MP or anyone with any authority expressing this (much less anyone actually doing it)? If they cannot even deal correctly with these illegals in the current C-19 climate, then it is clear that they have no intention of ever doing so. It makes a mockery of the lockdown ‘rules’.
Exposing the BBC and the rest of the metroliberals’ trickery is the new national sport
The metroliberal establishment = most of the media, charities and NGO’s
Join the Red-Pilled
It’s a sport anyone can play as it is so obvious what the BBC’s game is. It deserves a short quick demise as it is well past it’s sell-by date and forcing everyone to pay for it should be consigned to history.
The BBC’s hatred of Pres Trump is worse then that of CNN. If America had fallen to Hillary/Obama, the USA would have become a socialist state. The West would be over. That is why the socialist/communists hate Pres Trump, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
As it is, the demographic indicates Muslims will be a majority in two decades or so. Sharia via parliamentary legislation soon after, once the population has forgotten its past history.
“That is why the socialist/communists hate Pres Trump, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.”
Before Pres Trump and working within, they were so close to destroying the US and transforming it into a chinese colony. So, you betcha they’re mad.
Problem is, they might well get there in the end. I’ll be long gone by then.
Always look behind the headlines for motives Farrar was Director of a Research Unit in Ho Chi Minh City Member of German Ministry of Health Board Serves on joint World Bank/WHO Board
Belgium is proportionately worse than the UK
: daily tally +1,351 new cases +327 deaths yesterday
hang on their popn is 11m
Scale up to UK figs at that is 8K and 2,000 in a day
@UP2snuff I have always used J Hopkins stats
and have always said that that the dead body count is the least flaky stat
bu we do have this issue of FROM Covid or WITH Covid
never mind that for most deaths there is only one year of life lost.
“10,000 UK coronavirus deaths: don’t forget that this was preventable
Nesrine Malik
Relocate the pain and recall that this need not have happened. Ten thousand people, in UK hospitals alone, have now died.”
I am astonished that there are any living members of the UK Goverment, or Caucasians in the UK, or in Europe, or anywhere on earth, or anywhere in the universe.
Given that about one thousand million Muslims spend their time, 24/7/365, hating anyone who has not converted to their “Religion of Peace”; hoping that praying to their invisible friend will bring about our justified obliteration.
I do not object to these members of “The Religion of Love” hating us and wishing for our deaths.
I do object to it happening in UK territory.
I’m catching up on tv and am currently watching Liar.
As well as the wife/wife couple there is the obligatory black male white female couple with two mixed race kids.
That got me thinking.
It must be a great time for mixed race child actors.
When all the married couples on tv are black/white (but in the real world these b/w marriages are few and far between) then the actors for mixed race children for the tv marriages must be at a premium.
Are there enough of them to go round.
I think they deserve a clap at the 8 o clock virtue signalling time for the heavy work load they must have
Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, last week – knowing that the first review of Covid Lockdown was coming up on Monday and also knowing that Dominic Raab (standing in for the PM) had suggested that it was unlikely that the Covid Lockdown would be lifted – loudly asked, demanded even, via the BBC, that the Government should let everyone know what their exit strategy is.
Sir Keir: if you are going to be Labour Party leader for much longer, please, please, pay attention to what is going on. Thank you.
Sick to the back teeth of the biased BBC, especially as they twist their mealy mouthed lies around the current situation: Constantly freightening people, running down the country , government and anyone else who doesn’t have the same view as them.
So I want to cancel my licence? Ha, easier said than done. When I try and inform them that I wish to cancel my direct debit, I get the following message:
“We’re sorry but due to the impact of Coronavirus our contact centres are currently closed. Unfortunately, this means we can’t respond to your calls or emails. We appreciate this comes at a very challenging time for many people. Please check our help and advice page, including ways you can manage your licence online”.
So hold on, I thought the BBC were working as normal? Have they not heard of working from home for their admin staff, or is that TOO complicated? Have they furloughed staff, like my employer has done to me?? So what are they doing? Still paying them from my monthly direct debit to do nothing? Is Gary Linekar now receiving the equivalent of £30K per year from the govt furlough scheme? Nope. I’ve taken a drastic cut in salary but I still have to pay his wages! DISGUSTING. Do I have to inform them that I wish to cancel, or do I just cancel my direct debit with my bank?
Chalky – that sounds pretty par for the BBC course . Funny how their consumer programmes climb on the moral high horse but when it comes to their own financial conduct – different rules apply .
I wonder if money box or that other show would carry the story you describe ?
Every day I don’t pay for the poisonous BBC of use it makes for a better day .and I haven’t bought i newspaper for probably 15 years and still can – I think – get The sort of information I want .
We need hundreds of thousands of licence fees to be cancelled to make their system unworkable .
And Sunak will realise soon enough that the hardship being caused by closing the real economy – as opposed to the public sector which lives off of it -will be biting so hard that it will have to open up again – even if they have to build a dozen more trophy hospitals .
Well it’s reassuring that ‘Casualty’ have supplied ventilators to the NHS. How many do you think that is? One or two hundred, or is it one or maybe two? Aren’t they amazing. Its only taken them a month to do this! Gosh, I am thankful to them. Did they plaster this story on their channels expecting a medal? Oh, hold on, I paid for part of it through my licence fee. Do I get a medal?
So hold on, I thought the BBC were working as normal?
The BBC certainly are working as normal, pumping out hate, fear, misandry, xenophilia, EU and globalist propaganda. But the TV licensing operation, which costs considerably more than it generates, is administered on their behalf by Capita. Who don’t work normally even at the best of times.
This could be good news, because of the lockdown Capita will have a lot to catch up with afterwards. Too much to handle perhaps and perhaps some will slip through the net. Just looking on the bright side!
Boris had better be careful, the Labour party may well send him the bill for ‘their NHS’!
Are we to understand that nurses and doctors in other countries have no concern for their patients?
I have always assumed that most people in most countries carrying out any trade or profession are generally competent in that trade or profession, if they weren’t international trade wouldn’t exist.
It’s difficult to investigate misleading stuff on WhatsApp or email and to gage how viral it is, so flagging it to us is really helpful ????Keep sending dubious posts or messages you spot online to me and our disinformation team @BBCtrending@BBCMonitoring@BBCRealityCheck ????????????
Hardly surprising with the BBC endlessly ramping up the hysteria and the fear. Also the negativity is palpable. After this the BBC should be shut down. However many of us are switching it off .
Saw Sir Keith Starmer on BBC tonight demanding the government give details on plans to end the lockdown.I suddenly realised he has so many similarities to Jeremy Corbyn,the robotic voice,the lack of charisma,lack of humour,and lack of sincerity.The only difference between them is that Mr. Starmer has a decent fitting suit,and owns a razor!
It is not often that a Labour Party can come up with a good male leader these days. There is a reason for this and that is the stifling political correctness that they wallow in. White males, being the worst type of humanoid possible must conform to very, very strict criteria before they can considered being an acceptable candidate for leadership. Not only must the be non-sexist, non-rascist, non-homophobic non-trans etc but they have to have no history in their entire life of ever having made a mistake or stepping out of line. What is more they must present themselves in such a fashion that confirms they a complete lack of independent thought, humour and brilliance that ensures they will never step out of the groupthink bubble and only then will they be acceptable to ideologues and feminist dimwits that comprise the bulk of their party.
We are not likely to see a Harold Wilson, Bob Hawke or David Lange these days. Far too unsafe. Bland and cheerless is the requirement. For Labour parties leaders of initiative and heaven forbid, character, have gone with the wind.
Some Labour voters are so thick they don’t even know Labour runs the Welsh NHS. They’re calling for inquiries into the Royal Gwent Hospital & how 50% of the staff have #COVID19.
— CraiginWalesThankGodWeHaveBorisNotCorbyn. (@ghost_wales) April 12, 2020
The BBC must have felt sick when he started talking about hydroxychloroquine. He didn’t mention Trump by name but also highlighted the need for treatments because according to Gates, vaccines normally require 5 – 6 years
[If none of the treatments work then we’re screwed]
We’ll have a vaccine before 2020 is out, provided that the testing and licensing regimes are compressed as much as reasonably practicable. The biggest issue may be logjams in the manufacturing process.
As for treatments, there are at least a couple of promising candidates in addition to the ones regularly mentioned in the media. I’m hopeful that one of them will work, whether as a sole treatment or as part of a ‘cocktail’.
Van, how long did a vaccine take for Mexican Swine ‘flu’ in 2009?
Weeks, if I recall correctly.
Took even less than that for Gordon Brown to waste a few £bn of taxpayers’ money.
OK, to be fair Covid-19 is a novel coronavirus which lengthens the learning curve but big pharma now has some considerable expertise in holding Governments to ransom. 😉
Another reason to not keep looking at the death rate.
According to the BBC’S website, it’s likely that over 500,000 people have, or have had, Covid-19 in Scotland. If that estimate, which I suspect is taken from Patrick Vallance’s observation that it is reasonable to assume that there’s 1,000 cases for every death, holds good for the UK as a whole then it suggests that around 6,000,000 people have already been infected.
IF that figure is somewhere in the ballpark in terms of accuracy, and given that the hospitals have thus far not been overrun by people seriously ill with Covid-19, it seems reasonable to conclude that the vast majority of cases are mild in nature.
As for swine flu, I think it was several months before a vaccine became available. My recollection is that Tamiflu was initially prescribed as a treatment.
Van, I was talking recently with a friend who had been a nurse some years ago in NHS. Knows someone who had a dose. Whole illness episode lasted less than a week, person felt really rough for about three days. Fine now.
In Mexico it started in March/April ’09. It wasn’t until June that fears were really growing it might spread East across the Atlantic. My recollection is that a specialist vaccine was ordered for winter 2009/10 use but could be wrong on that.
It wasn’t until after 2011/12 that we learned that Brown had blown billions on something that had had to be junked because the NHS needed the ‘frige’ space for seasonal ‘flu’ vaccine and that our vaccine for MSF might not have worked, anyway.
In the replies to the BBC tweet, some are smart enough to call the BBC out on the misleading headline compared to what Fauci said in the CNN interview. Most have just read the headline and are angry with Trump, however, and its referred to in the Politico article, there are real concerns for Fauci’s safety.
Should the UK state broadcaster be getting involved in US politics?
Trump retweets an attack on Tony Fauci, two weeks after his officials determined that Fauci needed security protection.
I’ve just finished my twilight shift at the supermarket (yes some of us have to work on Easter Sunday) and if my store is indicative of supermarkets nationwide, then there’s going to be vast quantities of Easter eggs being reduced in price from tomorrow. But the question is, will P.C. Plod let the general public buy any of them?
Thanks Cooper_Man from a fellow Easter Sunday twilight shift worker.My local Morrison’s had loads on the shelf Saturday evening reduced to a pound and buy one get one free so treated myself and Mrs ND to one each.Spookily just as I was leaving the store a police car entered the car park and it did cross my mind if they were there to check peoples bags.
Let me pay my respects to you and all those other supermarket key workers, my wife included. Thank you.
The general public have no idea how difficult your lives have become and we won’t be hearing about it on the BBC, because they spend their time asking celebrities how they’re coping with the stress of not being on our screens.
Back in 2012 the EU were republishing the Olympics medal table to highlight how well the EU was doing. They did it again 2016.
Strangely, I can’t find their Covid-19 medal table, which is really interesting because despite the loss of the UK tally, they’re well in front of the USA and China.
We have two local papers; one county and one town.
Both are dying on their feet, putting out funding/support pleas that are being consummately ignored by the public.
It is perhaps no coincidence that, despite being entirely separate entities, they share ‘Local Democracy’ reporters supplied and propped up by the bbc, who have turned both from useful local sources of info into ideological scolds running political opinion pieces against the government and permanent XR PR.
Guest & Sluff below, I turned on R4 for the Pips and the main news. The way The Bee Lady previewed the News I had a rough idea what was coming up at 8.10 a.m., JustRemainIn Webb’s first words confirmed it. In effect: “Let’s condemn the UK.”
Dija hear the interview just before the 0757 weather? The bee woman interviews Rachael Reeves from the labour front bench. The bee’s question was, what is labour’s plan for the china virus route ahead and what’s the plan for ending isolation? All bee people speak the same language so, in response Reeves starts a long period of ‘buzzing’ about virtually nothing, certainly no answer to the question. So, bee woman asks again – MK2 – Buzzing response resumes. We didn’t ascertain what labours plan would be because, simply, they don’t have one. Bee lady: outbuzzed again.
No I didn’t, G. Was La Reeves’ non-replies delivered at Foghorn Level or has Rachel, back in Shadow Cabinet, discovered that oh so light ‘Thornberry Touch’?
On Toady this morning there was featured the testimony of a person who watched her husband die from Covid. We heard her minute by minute experience as he approached death in hospital.
Why? Why? Why?
What on earth were they trying to achieve?
Why was it any different from a death due to pneumonia? Or moderate dementia? Or lung cancer?
Disgraceful broadcasting, clearly driven by a disgraceful agenda
Also on Toady.
An interesting interview with a top bod from ‘NHS providers’ which is the monolothic entity responsible for procurement and logistics of, among other things, PPE.
The guy explained quite fairly I thought why there can be hiccups in the supply chain. Boxes labelled with the wrong stuff, a batch that fails quality control, late delivery.
Not totally letting them off the hook but anyone with experience in industry will know that this sort of thing happens all the time. Undesirable but not unheard of.
So why oh why oh why does the biased BBC constantly dredge up for interview seemingly every nurse that is missing a pair of gloves and then attack the government for the issue?
Well, apart from being insidious seditious anti-government s***- stirrers whilst treating the NHS itself as untouchable and heroic in every action it takes?
The government may well have screwed up on strategy (informed by ‘the science’) but can they really be held responsible for the stock position of every mask in every hospital in every day?
The BBC and ITV are doing their best to lose even more viewers and listeners….it might just be me but I am fed up with videos of celebs and nobodies taking about how they have ‘coped’ it is a turn off.
And this incessant praise be the doing my little brain in..when they ask how Germany has done such a good’s because the don’t have a central and inefficient NHS!!
Rant over….Happy Easter
Since I jettisoned the licence, I don’t see anything on telly until after the broadcast. I only saw the PM’s hospital exit speech this morning. Was it heavily edited? I was expecting a tip of the hat to “My lovely Wife” or at least a vague “Thank God”. All I heard was something like this:
“Our NHS Our NHS NHS NHS NHS. All hail the mighty NHS. And now I’m going to name two of the foreign nurses who we so proudly gave British jobs away to. All hail the NHS, which needs protecting from YOU. If you fall ill, stay at home and die. Protect the vulnerable NHS. NHS NHS NHS. All hail our mighty NHS.”
I wish Boris a complete recovery from both the virus and this nauseating socialist tic.
Lucy – yes I noticed that..picking up on NZ and Portuguese nurses..I know for a fact the NHS have teams of people who just go to all of these countries to take their health care staff….
The BBC don’t seem to care about that..our NHS can’t be bothered to train staff as it is cheaper to take from others…
I had a friend who trained at their own expense to be a sonographer ( there is a shortage in NHS) and all they needed to work in the NHS was 6 months supervised clinical work…(without pay)
Could they get anyone to offer them a place that? No…the NHS apparently doesn’t have a means to do it…go figure…
Poor old Boris.
Fell straight into the trap.
Now the NHS will be even more untouchable, un reformable, protected, and immune to criticism.
In fact everything we don’t need in a monolithic, nationalised, industry.
Lucy, for the UK the NHS has become a god to be worshiped.
One TftD (Thought for the Day – Fed) contributor a few Saturdays back said that he thought the first ever Thursday Clap for the NHS had been a religious experience. This contributor is (was?) – nominally – a Christian.
Think another example came on this R4 programme that I listened to yesterday after the lunchtime TWTW. It was Three Vicars Talking. Actually two Vicars and a non-Conformist: Giles Fraser & Richard Coles and Kate Bottley. I think I heard Kate suggest that if churches lose their congregations because of the Covid Lockdown that the NHS might become the new religion.
“When the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth?” “I will say to them, go away from me, I don’t know you.”
CORRECTION: Kate Bottley is in the Church of England and is a Vicar. Snuffy must pay better attention. It was an enjoyable half-hour on R4 (for a change) and was quite revealing in its own way.
Thank you for the abbreviation thing – I finally worded out about the ‘As Far As I Know ‘ one which some people use here .
I think somewhere in the gospels the boss warns of ‘false Gods ‘ and I think 2020 has delivered one . Redesign of the NHS will take a long time and receive as much – if not even more -resistance than Brexit ; with the added hazard for politicians that the emotional flag will be waved coupled with the
‘ I received great treatment from the NHS ‘ – a Line I always treat with surprise .
I suppose high politics will get in the way as usual – any inquiries will be scripted to have the ‘right ‘ outcome and recommendations . The government can’t be held culpable .
It echoes what seems to be going on in the states where the US intelligence monolith started picking up warning signs in November – but appeared to not see the virus as the threat to national security that it has become . It’s always good to have someone around with a Nobel prize for hindsight .
Perhaps impeachment got in the way there and Brexit got in the way here….
Fed, I think there were real glimmers of faith from all three of them. Richard Coles surprised me most of all in that department. Giles Fraser may be a raving ‘Wrongist’ (think he claims he’s the only Marxist Priest in the CoE – I could have mis-remembered that. How he reconciles atheistic Marxism with Christianity is a whole other year of Sundays.) but he definitely believes in his Boss, even if he sometimes tries to shape him into his own design. And Kate, too, she didn’t say that she was in favour of the NHS replacing the Church of England, just that it might or could happen.
I always remember Tony Benn observing that DIY shops had replaced the churches on Sundays . I don’t know much about the C of E as I’m from the wrong side of the tracks with an outfit still holding back from convenient ‘changes’ to make this or that pressure group ‘happy ‘.
I think I’ve finally broken my BBC habit and look forward to reading others’ ‘toady watch’ which I don’t think I’ll be doing any more .
OT, but looks like the MSM is stamping its dainty feet. What’s she trying to say (blocked)?
Because the span of human understanding is severely limited unless ministers go on C4 News to be shouted at by belligerent people with political axes to grind. Remind me how Jon Snow behaved at Glastonbury? Or are we supposed to be so stupid that we don't remember?
I really don’t get the plaudits being given to Germany over their ‘wonderful’ Covid testing regime.
Testing is supposed to reduce the number of cases so how come Germany has 127,000 cases and UK 84,000??
I accept that more testing shows up more cases and Germany has a bigger population.
But, and it is a very big but, the testing has absolutely nothing to do with the Death rates, which of course are miraculously lower in Germany. Unless their treatment is very different from the rest of the world it can only be the way the deaths are recorded.
There has been very little publicity for the German death rate and especially asking the question why? Have the journos been told not to ask at the press conferences?
I can only surmise that high testing levels pick up asymptomatic positives who can then self-isolate immediately. And they can then contact trace their contacts.
The result was lower spread rates before lockdown and so lower deaths approx. 28 days later. Death rates, honestly reported, must be relative to a total population of positives and demographics, which in the UK are mostly hidden.
In the UK there are more undiagnosed carriers.
But it’s a guess. If we had a proper broadcaster doing more than scaremongering, human interest reporting, and general s***- stirring, we might find out something useful.
And the government and NHS probably know but would be embarrassed to say, which would never do.
The main reason the German figures are so low is due to the fact the person has to die OF the virus to be registered as such.
In the UK and other countries they add the number who died WITH the virus.
So you can be run over by a bus and still die of the virus if you tested positive.
Will we ever know the true figures, I doubt it.
Love to all
China’s reported death rate is just unbelievably low-would suggest way above 100,000 but as usual they (the dictators) lie about everything. Further the West and particularly the UK should place an embargo on all goods coming from China and cut this country out of any financial involvement, otherwise we will lose our nation. Thise that rule China are very dangerous to us all.
A senior group of Labour staffers actively conspired for the party to lose the 2017 election. That's the headline allegation from the leaked Labour HQ report … this is a Watergate moment, not just for Labour but for British politics 1/…
Labour lost the 2017 election because people saw through Corbyn’s rubbish and the only reason why they picked up a few seats was because of a few bribes towards younger new voters and then some suspicious activity of double voting. Something the BBC never mention but we know was there all along.
2019 was at least a real election with better results yet the BBC are still yet to accept that as well.
O'B: Lucy, where's the halo polish? Mrs O'B: No idea, I never use it, you've always got it out. O'B: Ah, it's OK, it's here, next to my copy of 'Virtue Signalling for Dummies'.
Er, I thought it was the Conservatives that lost their majority in the 2017 General Election? If Mason changed the word Labour to Conservative, I could believe him.
According to Diane Abbott, Labour actually ullumptyfour million more votes than Theresa May.
To all professionals in the film, television, entertainment and arts world, join the challenge to post a photo of you in your job. Just a picture, no description. Copy the text and post a pic. via
Reports that Covid-19 patients at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital are being treated with hydroxychloroquine.
Of course certain people are hoping that the chloroquine doesn’t work. God forbid! Trump might look good If it should it be proven effective. That’s the worst thing in the world that could happen. Far better that it will not be shown to be a cheap and easy remedy or even a wee bit effective. Far better that thousands should die as far as Leftists are concerned.
My Lefty contacts are busy reading up on the negatives and trying to reassure themselves it’s not going to work. They’re worried.
I don’t know if it will prove to be a success or a dud. But what this has revealed is that the leftists and their increasingly sick ideology
are not the sort of people we need to be around.
You are missing my point Piku. I have been reading pro and anti articles all the time. I also have been contacted in discussion with many leftist people who have as little knowledge of microbiology as I have. They are all worked up and hugely partisan about the issue. I can predict what they are going to say. They are not all stupid people but they are prone to group think. The anti-trump hysteria has penetratedtheir brains
Just finishing off the above response as my laptop has deleted most of what I wrote.
In the unlikely event that Jeremy Corbyn or even Jess Phillips came up with a possible ‘game changer’ and suggested it for investigation expect people to look into it and if it were found to be useful I would happily take it.
And I hope it wouldn’t be decried because of who recommended it.
The huge reaction against remedies based on anti-malarials is just boils down to another case of “Orange Man Baaaaaaad”
That article is new and David Gorski the writer sums up his feelings in this tweet.
IMHO there are two bottomlines
#1 Magic dream solutions are usually not mainstream, cos they don’t work.. and that applies to CHQ
#2 That SBM blog, SBM top people reflect the division in the scientific skepticism community between the Old Timer Skeptics and the new Sneering Skeptics who can be very dogmatic
.. eg being so anti-Trump, that they have knee jerk habit of rejecting anything he supports
(SBM like Steve Novella are the second category)
If anything, the data we have now look much LESS promising than the data we had in March. Based on the data we have I’m now 90% sure that #hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work against #COVID19.
EU supertrawlers plunder British waters as UK fleet struggles with impact of coronavirus
— ???????? ???????? ???????? (@BrexitBetrayed) April 12, 2020
Greenpeace UK said it was monitoring the movements of the massive supertrawlers – three from the Netherlands and two from France – off the Scottish coast where they are hauling up tons of fish every day. The campaign group said the vessels had all set off from their home ports after Britain announced its coronavirus lockdown.
Blow them out of the water- yes that is what should happen but woin’t-nevertheless we have to take measures to scare them one way or another otherwise there will a fisherman’s war.
Farts can spread the virus, say doctors.
Today’s question from Laura K berg.
‘Will the Minister apologise for the shortage of fart pads among anychess frontline workers?’
I think yours is the best post of the year so far – in my humble opinion .only added to by the picture which presumably is there to illustrate . I’m sure that is shows a chap who wears nail polish because it is a well known fact that ladies do not ‘do the unmentionable ‘. ….
Yes, I recall during the SARS episode (Mk1 Chinese virus), scientists concluded that some deaths involving individuals incarcerated could only have been infected by ‘drain’ smells from adjoining flats.
Begs the question, ‘can you catch the chinese virus from smelling exhalations from smokers’
anyone remember when the BBC and the MSM all jumped on POTUS for suggesting letting China take so much of word business was a problem and he was going to do something about it?
Seems the media are now agreeing with him :-)..but no admission by them that he might have been right
With all this social distancing it is harder for us to film and report with people at the moment.
So if you're sharing a story or taking part in interviews remotely on a laptop or phone here's top tips about how you can record footage that works on ????
I wonder what woul happen if they are each given a ‘Ive been to Hastings ‘ rock – cuffed with those plastic things , put back on the boats and towed straight back ……
The French know exactly what is happening and they are allowed to leave. They are easy to spot. Also it’s obvious when they will start. They wait till there’s a forecast of about 3 calm days and set off. The last week has been calm and yesterday it was like a lake.
It’s time to start a campaign against the importation of disease coming across the Channel…perhaps the BBC can start a charity called “UK in Need Appeal To Keep Illegals Out ” ….all proceeds to the appeal as usual !
In BBC land – Labour speak for the country. Their word is taken as gospel on EVERYTHING and cannot be challenged. Everyone hates the Tory Government. Boris and co are inept at sorting the Covid-19 pandemic. Every other country done everything better than the UK.
Yet in the REAL world – Polls show the majority APPROVE of the governments handling of the virus and Boris approval rating up and Tories well ahead in polls.
BUT, the BBC speak for the nation ????????? Puzzling hey ?
I bet the bBC were seriously narked when Boris called the NHS “this country’s greatest national asset” since they believe that accolade belongs to them.
Actually a much better interview than last week’s shout fest.
I think someone must have had a word with Mike Graham.
He even apologised for getting his facts so completely wrong regarding the number of deaths there have been in Japan. Last week he told us that the figures were huge. In fact it’s over 100, which is low by most other country’s standards.
Worth a listen.
“And on the left we have Tamsin, who is the mother of Jade, who is the half-brother of Jason, who might be the son of Alan but Tasmin says isn’t”. [Applause]
“And on the right we have Michelle, Sara and Jane, mother, father and mother of Susan”. [Applause]
George Galloway called it ‘softball journalism’. I think ‘cahoots’ is better noun.
So, given the disconnect between my reality and the one continually presented to me through the BBC and MSM, I’d like any who read this to consider the following statement by Matt Hancock made 27th January 2020
The Chief Medical Officer continues to advise that the risk to the UK population is “low” and has concluded that while there is an increased likelihood that cases may arise in this country, we are well prepared and well equipped to deal with them.
The UK is one of the first countries in the world to have developed an accurate test for this coronavirus and PHE is undertaking continuous refinement of this test. PHE has this morning confirmed to me that it can scale up this test so we are in a position to deal with cases in this country if necessary.
Mr Speaker, I want to stress that the NHS remains well prepared. The NHS has expert teams in every ambulance service and a number of specialist hospital units with highly trained staff and equipment ready to receive and care for patients with any highly infectious, disease including this one.
The NHS practices and prepares its response to disease outbreaks and follows tried and tested procedures, following the highest safety standards possible for the protection of NHS staff, patients and the public. Specific guidance on handling the Wuhan coronavirus has been shared with NHS staff.
Madame Speaker this is a timely reminder we have a first-class health care system.
This is why I don’t believe anything our government says and why I have utter contempt for our media, led by the BBC.
There is no forensic questioning, no accountability, nothing. Flights continue from infected countries. Our figures are a disaster (and they don’t include care home deaths!), the tubes are full, our people don’t have the right PPE. it’s a joke.
But, please, when you consider the risk taken by bus drivers, supermarket staff or doctors. Or the 10,000 (probably near 20K) dead, focus like the BBC on the plight of Migrants in Calais, not the glaring journalistic open goals in neon lights.
Painful stuff .
HMG is using the “ we were told by experts “ line to justify their decisions . As I’ve said here before – we are being made to sacrifice our freedom so deserve much more from politicians and experts – including the truth ( I know it won’t happen ) .
The powers that be / BBC must be re assured that they can condition people into clapping at the required time in the required way . Goebells would be proud .
I’m waiting for images of ‘ overwhelmed ‘ hospitals to add to the daily ‘ gotchas’ .
Oxygen shortages seem to be the latest addition to the ineptitude of the NHS to manage itself .
As an aside – there’s a snip of a sky interview with some ‘expert ‘ who was introduced as a member of the Labour Party -to which said expert takes umbrage and claims not to have been a member for ‘ over a year ‘ .
I know being a member of the Labour Party indicates a certain ‘ defect’ but I didn’t know it amounted to being a ‘ guilty secret ‘ these days
Sky was applauded ( by guido )for informing the audience about the nature of some ‘ expert’ – a practice the BBC could copy but won’t .
Something which won’t be reported on The BBC . The editor of The Economist – one Chris Lockward / lockdown – has had to go big on twitter apologising for twittering that’s BOJo wasn’t suffering from the Chinese virus .
Obviously he deleted the original tweets but enough screenshots exist .
Nice to see Remainer magazines getting their just deserts . As I say not one for the MSM
Trouble in Anderlecht.
‘Les Jeunes’ in France. for anyone with a smattering of French and it’s only going to get worse.
(Apols for being unrelated to bbbc)
We are told by BBC correspondents in China that
they don’t know why the XI JINGPING virus is far
less prevalent and deadly in China than in Europe and the USA.
I am isolated sitting in my very small office in my house
in North London and I KNOW why China has only just
over 3000 deaths from the virus !
It would save the BBC and the license fee payers a load
of dosh that instead of sending these correspondents to
all corners of the earth to tell us they don’t know anything .
I will tell BIG BROTHER and would not care if he ,she or it
labelled me a racist. THE CHINESE ARE LYING about their
figures.Not even adding one zero on to the total would get
to the true total . It’s nearer to two more zeroes.
The man is clearly irate that the police have smashed in his door and he berates them with foul language throughout.
The four officers, who clearly don’t have a warrant, then proceed to check the house as the man continues to swear at them and tell them to leave.
via PJW
Stew – having watched that on the Twitter -if there is not more to it then these plod have committed a criminal offence ? Criminal damage and trespass ?
I think they knew it too as they didn’t go for their tazers when he started swearing at them .
And as someone on twitter said – they formed their own ‘ social gathering ‘ .
Maybe they’d be better spent going after people with caravans ..
After my brush with dishonest police back in October 2017, I looked at this issue. As I keep certain ‘items’ which would likely be confiscated and taken for testing by the police firearms team if these slimy individuals gain access to your home with your consent to enter which gives them the licence they need to search your property. I concluded that faced with dishonest police on the doorstep again and being granted access, as soon as I realised that their purpose was not what was declared outside, I would curtail the dialogue and demand they leave my property. If they were equipped with a baton or tazer, that would amount to being armed. Hence, ‘aggravated trespass’
I reported here in the last thread that the forefathers of the EU decided to take decades as planned, to introduce the concept of the United States of Europe because they knew the peoples of Europe would reject it. So, it is not beyond the realms of reality to assume that the UK destination is totalitarian. Slip in a few million muslims and other objectionable savages against the will of the people, then introduce ever tightening legislation to deal with the ‘deplorables’ who object, even by speech. A nice series of step-changes all designed progressively to tighten the noose on the way and pave it. Fertile ground. There will be no going back.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
Surely not.
Biased BBC still bigging up the ‘disproprtionate’ impact of Coronavirus on BAME residents.
Only in the final paragraph do they mention that BAME account for 40% of the population in London, the known epicentre of the outbreak.
You’d think this just might be very relevant as it indicates there may be nothing disproportionate at all but in BBC la la land the incessant narrative of ‘underprivileged’ BAME victimhood is clearly more important than relevant facts.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 5 started 1:30pm Sunday ..wound up at 7pm
– page 4 started 7:30pm Saturday
– page 3
Also HIV
“A genetic variation which evolved to protect people of African descent against malaria has now been shown to increase their susceptibility to HIV infection by up to 40 per cent, according to new research. Conversely, the same variation also appears to prolong survival of those infected with HIV by approximately two years.
Predicting (again) Antiques Roadshow front and centre for some poor bugger selected on basis of skin colour in the name of BBC’s interpretation of diversity during better/best section of the show. My teenage kids were amazed that I got it right for ther last two weeks in a row!
– Yep the very opening shot follows BTTF rule
and later this shot they also tweeted
Yep the South Asian lady in the green dress was asked to speak.
Here’s a PR shot used on the recuitmen page
Stew-It’s not Fiona Bruce’s fault. Every aspect of BBC TV presentation is directed by BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept.
BIG BROTHER is going to “educate” us to his , hers or its
values. From the Antiques Road show to the terrible deaths
from the XI JINPING virus.
By the way I would love to ask a question at one of these virus
briefings. ” What are you going to say to the Chinese communist lying
scumbag XI Jinping after the virus is over and there are near
to 200,000 deaths outside China , if we are lucky.”
” What are you going to say to the Chinese communist lying scumbag XI Jinping after the virus is over and there are near to 200,000 deaths outside China , if we are lucky.”
Come on me old China will you please build us a 5G network?
Can you supply us with some Nuclear Power Stations cheaper than the Frogs are building for us?
What are your high speed trains like?
Got it in one. But the world might not be so forgiving. South America and Africa for instance. Also when the good old boys and girls of flyover USA get to thinking they too might have a few ideas of their own. All in all dangerous days ahead.
“….What are you going to say to the Chinese communist lying
scumbag XI Jinping after the virus is over….”
Why do so many Antiques Roadshow
shots follow the “BAME to the front” rule ?
cos people like this #BiasedBBC producer demand it.
See he tweeted in both Sept and Oct 2019
I have noticed that a disproportionate number of people that find that the watercolour that has been in their family for two hundred years is worth a million pounds don’t say, “Cool!”, “Wicked!”, “Innit!” “Leave it art mate!”, but “Really” in a totally un-surprised way, with the implication that the expert got it wrong and and an extra ‘zero’ might well be in order.
For some strange reason the ‘common people’ only seem to do quite well when their mother was ‘in service’ and they were left a little ‘something’ by their employer. Generally twenty year-old council houses don’t have as many decent antiques as two hundred year-old country houses.
And I’ve lost count over the years how many items were given as ‘payment’ – instead of ‘real’ money no doubt ! or is it too embarrassing to say they were nicked !
update : another 3 hits
and one against Newsnight ..
direct link
Maybe it’s a new lockdown game for all the family -play the Colour game – with special points for adverts ….. I know there is a ‘charity./ – pressure group which keeps figures on non white faces on TV ..pitiful .
According to the BBC 72 migrants “made it” across the channel. Safe to say the BBC issued assurances that the border force where all equipped with PPE !!
“The Home Office said Border Force and all operational staff had personal protective equipment (PPE) available to them”
Surely this PPE, which we are reminded every day is in short even critical supply would be better used to protect the heroic “front line NHS workers”.
I’m also presuming the PPE is to protect the “immigrants” from Covid 19……..
No PPE for the UK. Sharia is not far for the uk.
The only PPE the so called “Border Force” need now is a Royal Navy Frigate , with orders to sink and destroy any invading vessels that do not turn back.
No PPE for the UK. Sharia is not far for the uk.
Our so called “Border Force” are doing a grand job. Before long they will be taking over from P&O Ferries.
Last week Boris sent out a letter to all the people of the UK telling us “you must stay at home” , yet we have illegal law breaking migrants being ferried across the English Channel giving more work to our stretched and overburdened NHS – “All individuals were being taken to Dover to be assessed for any medical requirements before their cases are considered.”
The “Border Force” has now become a joke and the French must be laughing at us.
The Royal Navy should now be brought in and given orders to destroy the invading craft and take the illegals back from whence shores they left. If they are not dealt firmly now we can expect many more to come as the summer weather approaches.
Taking them back/repelling them and destroying the craft is the obvious thing to do, but have we ever seen or heard an MP or anyone with any authority expressing this (much less anyone actually doing it)? If they cannot even deal correctly with these illegals in the current C-19 climate, then it is clear that they have no intention of ever doing so. It makes a mockery of the lockdown ‘rules’.
That does sound like a civil service prepared response.
I am sure that all Border Force personnel afloat have access to PPE… life jackets, waterproofs and wellies!
Who pays for the NHS ?
Who are seemingly under house arrest to protect the NHS ?
Is it
A; Moldovians
B; Vulcans
C; Asians
D; Africans
E; Europeans
F ; the British people .
Who should have access to ” our ” NHS
1; all of the above
2; none of the above
3 ; the British people .
Many ethnic English over 70 really think they would be left on their own if they fall ill with this virus.
The NHS is the new religion of UK, the Golden Calf. Along with Islam.
Thank God for Her Majesty’s Easter message.
Exposing the BBC and the rest of the metroliberals’ trickery is the new national sport
The metroliberal establishment = most of the media, charities and NGO’s
Join the Red-Pilled
The BBC’s hatred of Pres Trump is worse then that of CNN. If America had fallen to Hillary/Obama, the USA would have become a socialist state. The West would be over. That is why the socialist/communists hate Pres Trump, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.
As it is, the demographic indicates Muslims will be a majority in two decades or so. Sharia via parliamentary legislation soon after, once the population has forgotten its past history.
Mark Steyn
“That is why the socialist/communists hate Pres Trump, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.”
Before Pres Trump and working within, they were so close to destroying the US and transforming it into a chinese colony. So, you betcha they’re mad.
Problem is, they might well get there in the end. I’ll be long gone by then.
Business Secretary Alok Sharma floundered when Sir Jeremy’s comments were put to him on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show.
Belgium is proportionately worse than the UK
: daily tally +1,351 new cases +327 deaths yesterday
hang on their popn is 11m
Scale up to UK figs at that is 8K and 2,000 in a day
that trends to 4,000 deaths on April 18 !
Belgium is using the hard lockdown technique
Have been puzzling over that, Stew. Why Belgium in the Top Ten. Switzerland I can understand. But Belgium …. ?
As you said
.. it depends how hard a country counts Covid19 deaths
So comparing a country like the UK at one end
vs China at the other is hard.
Stew, not deaths cases. See here: Johns Hopkins Uni
@UP2snuff I have always used J Hopkins stats
and have always said that that the dead body count is the least flaky stat
bu we do have this issue of FROM Covid or WITH Covid
never mind that for most deaths there is only one year of life lost.
“10,000 UK coronavirus deaths: don’t forget that this was preventable
Nesrine Malik
Relocate the pain and recall that this need not have happened. Ten thousand people, in UK hospitals alone, have now died.”
I am astonished that there are any living members of the UK Goverment, or Caucasians in the UK, or in Europe, or anywhere on earth, or anywhere in the universe.
Given that about one thousand million Muslims spend their time, 24/7/365, hating anyone who has not converted to their “Religion of Peace”; hoping that praying to their invisible friend will bring about our justified obliteration.
I do not object to these members of “The Religion of Love” hating us and wishing for our deaths.
I do object to it happening in UK territory.
I’m catching up on tv and am currently watching Liar.
As well as the wife/wife couple there is the obligatory black male white female couple with two mixed race kids.
That got me thinking.
It must be a great time for mixed race child actors.
When all the married couples on tv are black/white (but in the real world these b/w marriages are few and far between) then the actors for mixed race children for the tv marriages must be at a premium.
Are there enough of them to go round.
I think they deserve a clap at the 8 o clock virtue signalling time for the heavy work load they must have
Its actually a long time since I have seen a white child in an ad.
You mean white male child ?
There is a frequent advert with a little girl footballer and the father is blind.
Don’t forget that white girl in the Expedia ad.You know the one where her father is shacked up with that black lady and her two kids.
How to Get Off to a Good Start #1.2
Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, last week – knowing that the first review of Covid Lockdown was coming up on Monday and also knowing that Dominic Raab (standing in for the PM) had suggested that it was unlikely that the Covid Lockdown would be lifted – loudly asked, demanded even, via the BBC, that the Government should let everyone know what their exit strategy is.
Sir Keir: if you are going to be Labour Party leader for much longer, please, please, pay attention to what is going on. Thank you.
Sick to the back teeth of the biased BBC, especially as they twist their mealy mouthed lies around the current situation: Constantly freightening people, running down the country , government and anyone else who doesn’t have the same view as them.
So I want to cancel my licence? Ha, easier said than done. When I try and inform them that I wish to cancel my direct debit, I get the following message:
“We’re sorry but due to the impact of Coronavirus our contact centres are currently closed. Unfortunately, this means we can’t respond to your calls or emails. We appreciate this comes at a very challenging time for many people. Please check our help and advice page, including ways you can manage your licence online”.
So hold on, I thought the BBC were working as normal? Have they not heard of working from home for their admin staff, or is that TOO complicated? Have they furloughed staff, like my employer has done to me?? So what are they doing? Still paying them from my monthly direct debit to do nothing? Is Gary Linekar now receiving the equivalent of £30K per year from the govt furlough scheme? Nope. I’ve taken a drastic cut in salary but I still have to pay his wages! DISGUSTING. Do I have to inform them that I wish to cancel, or do I just cancel my direct debit with my bank?
Chalky, ask your bank to cancel. You may (possibly) be able to do it yourself online.
Thanks, I will try tomorrow.
Chalky – that sounds pretty par for the BBC course . Funny how their consumer programmes climb on the moral high horse but when it comes to their own financial conduct – different rules apply .
I wonder if money box or that other show would carry the story you describe ?
Every day I don’t pay for the poisonous BBC of use it makes for a better day .and I haven’t bought i newspaper for probably 15 years and still can – I think – get The sort of information I want .
We need hundreds of thousands of licence fees to be cancelled to make their system unworkable .
And Sunak will realise soon enough that the hardship being caused by closing the real economy – as opposed to the public sector which lives off of it -will be biting so hard that it will have to open up again – even if they have to build a dozen more trophy hospitals .
Well it’s reassuring that ‘Casualty’ have supplied ventilators to the NHS. How many do you think that is? One or two hundred, or is it one or maybe two? Aren’t they amazing. Its only taken them a month to do this! Gosh, I am thankful to them. Did they plaster this story on their channels expecting a medal? Oh, hold on, I paid for part of it through my licence fee. Do I get a medal?
“…..even if they have to build a dozen more trophy hospitals .”
Yes, the 10,000 so far, could be seen as, ‘low hanging fruit’.
So hold on, I thought the BBC were working as normal?
The BBC certainly are working as normal, pumping out hate, fear, misandry, xenophilia, EU and globalist propaganda. But the TV licensing operation, which costs considerably more than it generates, is administered on their behalf by Capita. Who don’t work normally even at the best of times.
This could be good news, because of the lockdown Capita will have a lot to catch up with afterwards. Too much to handle perhaps and perhaps some will slip through the net. Just looking on the bright side!
I’m probably being a bit slow; not for the first time and not for the last time I’m sure; but what does ” protect the NHS” mean?
I could understand it if we were being asked to protect people or the functioning of something but is it possible to protect an abstract entity?
Boris had better be careful, the Labour party may well send him the bill for ‘their NHS’!
Are we to understand that nurses and doctors in other countries have no concern for their patients?
I have always assumed that most people in most countries carrying out any trade or profession are generally competent in that trade or profession, if they weren’t international trade wouldn’t exist.
I wonder if Marianna likes greengauges?
One for her and the gang.
Thommo still the boss?
Is the BBC ‘coming clean’ and now acknowledging that it has ‘disinformation’ reporters?
“This is Jon Sopel, US Dis-information reporter, handing you back to the Bronzed Strumpet in the studio”.
Risking the Editor in Chief’s acronymiphobia, her apposite descriptive seems entirely appropriate for most ‘news’.
Sounds so Orwellian doesn’t it – “Misinformation and Social Media Reporter.
Sounded more LynneTrussian to me… it’s a job spec that covers most bbc news staff.
The BBC’s future is dystopian.
Hardly surprising with the BBC endlessly ramping up the hysteria and the fear. Also the negativity is palpable. After this the BBC should be shut down. However many of us are switching it off .
Saw Sir Keith Starmer on BBC tonight demanding the government give details on plans to end the lockdown.I suddenly realised he has so many similarities to Jeremy Corbyn,the robotic voice,the lack of charisma,lack of humour,and lack of sincerity.The only difference between them is that Mr. Starmer has a decent fitting suit,and owns a razor!
It is not often that a Labour Party can come up with a good male leader these days. There is a reason for this and that is the stifling political correctness that they wallow in. White males, being the worst type of humanoid possible must conform to very, very strict criteria before they can considered being an acceptable candidate for leadership. Not only must the be non-sexist, non-rascist, non-homophobic non-trans etc but they have to have no history in their entire life of ever having made a mistake or stepping out of line. What is more they must present themselves in such a fashion that confirms they a complete lack of independent thought, humour and brilliance that ensures they will never step out of the groupthink bubble and only then will they be acceptable to ideologues and feminist dimwits that comprise the bulk of their party.
We are not likely to see a Harold Wilson, Bob Hawke or David Lange these days. Far too unsafe. Bland and cheerless is the requirement. For Labour parties leaders of initiative and heaven forbid, character, have gone with the wind.
Of course the bbc knows the Welsh NHS is Labour.
It just tries to blur the issue if possible.
I watched Bill Gates on the iPlayer
The BBC must have felt sick when he started talking about hydroxychloroquine. He didn’t mention Trump by name but also highlighted the need for treatments because according to Gates, vaccines normally require 5 – 6 years
[If none of the treatments work then we’re screwed]
We’ll have a vaccine before 2020 is out, provided that the testing and licensing regimes are compressed as much as reasonably practicable. The biggest issue may be logjams in the manufacturing process.
As for treatments, there are at least a couple of promising candidates in addition to the ones regularly mentioned in the media. I’m hopeful that one of them will work, whether as a sole treatment or as part of a ‘cocktail’.
Van, how long did a vaccine take for Mexican Swine ‘flu’ in 2009?
Weeks, if I recall correctly.
Took even less than that for Gordon Brown to waste a few £bn of taxpayers’ money.
OK, to be fair Covid-19 is a novel coronavirus which lengthens the learning curve but big pharma now has some considerable expertise in holding Governments to ransom. 😉
Another reason to not keep looking at the death rate.
According to the BBC’S website, it’s likely that over 500,000 people have, or have had, Covid-19 in Scotland. If that estimate, which I suspect is taken from Patrick Vallance’s observation that it is reasonable to assume that there’s 1,000 cases for every death, holds good for the UK as a whole then it suggests that around 6,000,000 people have already been infected.
IF that figure is somewhere in the ballpark in terms of accuracy, and given that the hospitals have thus far not been overrun by people seriously ill with Covid-19, it seems reasonable to conclude that the vast majority of cases are mild in nature.
As for swine flu, I think it was several months before a vaccine became available. My recollection is that Tamiflu was initially prescribed as a treatment.
Van, I was talking recently with a friend who had been a nurse some years ago in NHS. Knows someone who had a dose. Whole illness episode lasted less than a week, person felt really rough for about three days. Fine now.
In Mexico it started in March/April ’09. It wasn’t until June that fears were really growing it might spread East across the Atlantic. My recollection is that a specialist vaccine was ordered for winter 2009/10 use but could be wrong on that.
It wasn’t until after 2011/12 that we learned that Brown had blown billions on something that had had to be junked because the NHS needed the ‘frige’ space for seasonal ‘flu’ vaccine and that our vaccine for MSF might not have worked, anyway.
Probably not helped by being pushed by such as HuffPo, Graun, Indy, etc…
How sad.
Never mind…
All hell has just broken out over whether or not lives could have saved if ‘Trump had acted earlier’
There are different versions but all involve ‘what Fauci said’
Trump –
https://twitter dot com/realDonaldTrump/status/1249470237726081030
Trump –
A politico Journalist
https://twitter dot com/ddiamond/status/1249487887562944512
The US media is in attack mode with our wonderful ‘unbiased’ state broadcaster joining the chorus
In the replies to the BBC tweet, some are smart enough to call the BBC out on the misleading headline compared to what Fauci said in the CNN interview. Most have just read the headline and are angry with Trump, however, and its referred to in the Politico article, there are real concerns for Fauci’s safety.
Should the UK state broadcaster be getting involved in US politics?
As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. One just has to see who Mr Fauci hangs around with to know what kind of bird he is.
I’ve just finished my twilight shift at the supermarket (yes some of us have to work on Easter Sunday) and if my store is indicative of supermarkets nationwide, then there’s going to be vast quantities of Easter eggs being reduced in price from tomorrow. But the question is, will P.C. Plod let the general public buy any of them?
Sone supermarkets saw it coming , Sainsbury i think and started donating then to charities , like it was a benevolent gesture.
Thanks Cooper_Man from a fellow Easter Sunday twilight shift worker.My local Morrison’s had loads on the shelf Saturday evening reduced to a pound and buy one get one free so treated myself and Mrs ND to one each.Spookily just as I was leaving the store a police car entered the car park and it did cross my mind if they were there to check peoples bags.
Let me pay my respects to you and all those other supermarket key workers, my wife included. Thank you.
The general public have no idea how difficult your lives have become and we won’t be hearing about it on the BBC, because they spend their time asking celebrities how they’re coping with the stress of not being on our screens.
“Sir James Farrar said the UK had lessons to learn from countries like Germany, which had tested and isolated infected people on a mass scale.”
P.S. If we had remained in the EU I’m sure things would be considerably less bad.
Doc Boo: “P.S. If we had remained in the EU I’m sure things would be considerably less bad.”
“Yeaher roighht!”
Like Spain, Italy and Germany.
Back in 2012 the EU were republishing the Olympics medal table to highlight how well the EU was doing. They did it again 2016.
Strangely, I can’t find their Covid-19 medal table, which is really interesting because despite the loss of the UK tally, they’re well in front of the USA and China.
Am I the only one who missed this?
See also
So, what’s the secret deal now??
We have two local papers; one county and one town.
Both are dying on their feet, putting out funding/support pleas that are being consummately ignored by the public.
It is perhaps no coincidence that, despite being entirely separate entities, they share ‘Local Democracy’ reporters supplied and propped up by the bbc, who have turned both from useful local sources of info into ideological scolds running political opinion pieces against the government and permanent XR PR.
Going swimmingly.
VD goes on a trawl. Lands one almost immediately.
Feel the fear…
BBC News
“This small neighbourhood sample gives an indication of the unprecedented level of fear that we are all living under.”
Guest & Sluff below, I turned on R4 for the Pips and the main news. The way The Bee Lady previewed the News I had a rough idea what was coming up at 8.10 a.m., JustRemainIn Webb’s first words confirmed it. In effect: “Let’s condemn the UK.”
OFF-switch hit.
Dija hear the interview just before the 0757 weather? The bee woman interviews Rachael Reeves from the labour front bench. The bee’s question was, what is labour’s plan for the china virus route ahead and what’s the plan for ending isolation? All bee people speak the same language so, in response Reeves starts a long period of ‘buzzing’ about virtually nothing, certainly no answer to the question. So, bee woman asks again – MK2 – Buzzing response resumes. We didn’t ascertain what labours plan would be because, simply, they don’t have one. Bee lady: outbuzzed again.
No I didn’t, G. Was La Reeves’ non-replies delivered at Foghorn Level or has Rachel, back in Shadow Cabinet, discovered that oh so light ‘Thornberry Touch’?
On Toady this morning there was featured the testimony of a person who watched her husband die from Covid. We heard her minute by minute experience as he approached death in hospital.
Why? Why? Why?
What on earth were they trying to achieve?
Why was it any different from a death due to pneumonia? Or moderate dementia? Or lung cancer?
Disgraceful broadcasting, clearly driven by a disgraceful agenda
Why? Because Al Beeb is determined to bring the government down.
Also on Toady.
An interesting interview with a top bod from ‘NHS providers’ which is the monolothic entity responsible for procurement and logistics of, among other things, PPE.
The guy explained quite fairly I thought why there can be hiccups in the supply chain. Boxes labelled with the wrong stuff, a batch that fails quality control, late delivery.
Not totally letting them off the hook but anyone with experience in industry will know that this sort of thing happens all the time. Undesirable but not unheard of.
So why oh why oh why does the biased BBC constantly dredge up for interview seemingly every nurse that is missing a pair of gloves and then attack the government for the issue?
Well, apart from being insidious seditious anti-government s***- stirrers whilst treating the NHS itself as untouchable and heroic in every action it takes?
The government may well have screwed up on strategy (informed by ‘the science’) but can they really be held responsible for the stock position of every mask in every hospital in every day?
The BBC and ITV are doing their best to lose even more viewers and listeners….it might just be me but I am fed up with videos of celebs and nobodies taking about how they have ‘coped’ it is a turn off.
And this incessant praise be the doing my little brain in..when they ask how Germany has done such a good’s because the don’t have a central and inefficient NHS!!
Rant over….Happy Easter
Since I jettisoned the licence, I don’t see anything on telly until after the broadcast. I only saw the PM’s hospital exit speech this morning. Was it heavily edited? I was expecting a tip of the hat to “My lovely Wife” or at least a vague “Thank God”. All I heard was something like this:
“Our NHS Our NHS NHS NHS NHS. All hail the mighty NHS. And now I’m going to name two of the foreign nurses who we so proudly gave British jobs away to. All hail the NHS, which needs protecting from YOU. If you fall ill, stay at home and die. Protect the vulnerable NHS. NHS NHS NHS. All hail our mighty NHS.”
I wish Boris a complete recovery from both the virus and this nauseating socialist tic.
Lucy – yes I noticed that..picking up on NZ and Portuguese nurses..I know for a fact the NHS have teams of people who just go to all of these countries to take their health care staff….
The BBC don’t seem to care about that..our NHS can’t be bothered to train staff as it is cheaper to take from others…
I had a friend who trained at their own expense to be a sonographer ( there is a shortage in NHS) and all they needed to work in the NHS was 6 months supervised clinical work…(without pay)
Could they get anyone to offer them a place that? No…the NHS apparently doesn’t have a means to do it…go figure…
Yes best wishes to Boris…
Poor old Boris.
Fell straight into the trap.
Now the NHS will be even more untouchable, un reformable, protected, and immune to criticism.
In fact everything we don’t need in a monolithic, nationalised, industry.
if the NHS is so badly paid, why do these people from all round the world flock to it
Do they all just hate their own country men??
Lucy, for the UK the NHS has become a god to be worshiped.
One TftD (Thought for the Day – Fed) contributor a few Saturdays back said that he thought the first ever Thursday Clap for the NHS had been a religious experience. This contributor is (was?) – nominally – a Christian.
Think another example came on this R4 programme that I listened to yesterday after the lunchtime TWTW. It was Three Vicars Talking. Actually two Vicars and a non-Conformist: Giles Fraser & Richard Coles and Kate Bottley. I think I heard Kate suggest that if churches lose their congregations because of the Covid Lockdown that the NHS might become the new religion.
“When the Son of Man returns will he find faith on the earth?” “I will say to them, go away from me, I don’t know you.”
Where’s maxi when you need him? AWOL. Again.
CORRECTION: Kate Bottley is in the Church of England and is a Vicar. Snuffy must pay better attention. It was an enjoyable half-hour on R4 (for a change) and was quite revealing in its own way.
“Where’s maxi when you need him?”
He’s self isolating at Broadcasting House .
Thank you for the abbreviation thing – I finally worded out about the ‘As Far As I Know ‘ one which some people use here .
I think somewhere in the gospels the boss warns of ‘false Gods ‘ and I think 2020 has delivered one . Redesign of the NHS will take a long time and receive as much – if not even more -resistance than Brexit ; with the added hazard for politicians that the emotional flag will be waved coupled with the
‘ I received great treatment from the NHS ‘ – a Line I always treat with surprise .
I suppose high politics will get in the way as usual – any inquiries will be scripted to have the ‘right ‘ outcome and recommendations . The government can’t be held culpable .
It echoes what seems to be going on in the states where the US intelligence monolith started picking up warning signs in November – but appeared to not see the virus as the threat to national security that it has become . It’s always good to have someone around with a Nobel prize for hindsight .
Perhaps impeachment got in the way there and Brexit got in the way here….
Sounds like Kate is a bit light in the ‘Christian Faith ‘department – even at Easter . She should have a promising future in the BBC in that case ….
Fed, I think there were real glimmers of faith from all three of them. Richard Coles surprised me most of all in that department. Giles Fraser may be a raving ‘Wrongist’ (think he claims he’s the only Marxist Priest in the CoE – I could have mis-remembered that. How he reconciles atheistic Marxism with Christianity is a whole other year of Sundays.) but he definitely believes in his Boss, even if he sometimes tries to shape him into his own design. And Kate, too, she didn’t say that she was in favour of the NHS replacing the Church of England, just that it might or could happen.
I always remember Tony Benn observing that DIY shops had replaced the churches on Sundays . I don’t know much about the C of E as I’m from the wrong side of the tracks with an outfit still holding back from convenient ‘changes’ to make this or that pressure group ‘happy ‘.
I think I’ve finally broken my BBC habit and look forward to reading others’ ‘toady watch’ which I don’t think I’ll be doing any more .
OT, but looks like the MSM is stamping its dainty feet. What’s she trying to say (blocked)?
I really don’t get the plaudits being given to Germany over their ‘wonderful’ Covid testing regime.
Testing is supposed to reduce the number of cases so how come Germany has 127,000 cases and UK 84,000??
I accept that more testing shows up more cases and Germany has a bigger population.
But, and it is a very big but, the testing has absolutely nothing to do with the Death rates, which of course are miraculously lower in Germany. Unless their treatment is very different from the rest of the world it can only be the way the deaths are recorded.
There has been very little publicity for the German death rate and especially asking the question why? Have the journos been told not to ask at the press conferences?
I can only surmise that high testing levels pick up asymptomatic positives who can then self-isolate immediately. And they can then contact trace their contacts.
The result was lower spread rates before lockdown and so lower deaths approx. 28 days later. Death rates, honestly reported, must be relative to a total population of positives and demographics, which in the UK are mostly hidden.
In the UK there are more undiagnosed carriers.
But it’s a guess. If we had a proper broadcaster doing more than scaremongering, human interest reporting, and general s***- stirring, we might find out something useful.
And the government and NHS probably know but would be embarrassed to say, which would never do.
The main reason the German figures are so low is due to the fact the person has to die OF the virus to be registered as such.
In the UK and other countries they add the number who died WITH the virus.
So you can be run over by a bus and still die of the virus if you tested positive.
Will we ever know the true figures, I doubt it.
Love to all
Bottomline people are making big judgements when we are only 10 minutes into the game.
Is Germany doing well ?
It’s 3,022 so about to pass China in death toll of 3,339
Yesterday’s Germany daily report 151, and before that 131
German graphs don’t follow an obvious one peaked curve
but rather a curve with peaks which then go back up again
China’s reported death rate is just unbelievably low-would suggest way above 100,000 but as usual they (the dictators) lie about everything. Further the West and particularly the UK should place an embargo on all goods coming from China and cut this country out of any financial involvement, otherwise we will lose our nation. Thise that rule China are very dangerous to us all.
The BBC Alumni sane as ever…
Wonder what Sweeney! And Esler are up to?
Labour lost the 2017 election because people saw through Corbyn’s rubbish and the only reason why they picked up a few seats was because of a few bribes towards younger new voters and then some suspicious activity of double voting. Something the BBC never mention but we know was there all along.
2019 was at least a real election with better results yet the BBC are still yet to accept that as well.
Oo… and, of course…
Ah, Sweeney! has activated…
Er, I thought it was the Conservatives that lost their majority in the 2017 General Election? If Mason changed the word Labour to Conservative, I could believe him.
According to Diane Abbott, Labour actually ullumptyfour million more votes than Theresa May.
Ah @Up2snuff is replying to Paul Mason’s tweet 3 posts above.
Must. Resist. Posting.
I presume Hugh’s job is Donkey Poo Collector.
But where is his bucket?
It’s an ass.
Not sure about the equine in the background.
‘Ass’ in the American sense.
8pm doco : “Mark Mardell assesses how President Xi and his government will emerge from the crisis.”
Reports that Covid-19 patients at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital are being treated with hydroxychloroquine.
Let’s hope the reports aren’t true.
Of course certain people are hoping that the chloroquine doesn’t work. God forbid! Trump might look good If it should it be proven effective. That’s the worst thing in the world that could happen. Far better that it will not be shown to be a cheap and easy remedy or even a wee bit effective. Far better that thousands should die as far as Leftists are concerned.
My Lefty contacts are busy reading up on the negatives and trying to reassure themselves it’s not going to work. They’re worried.
I don’t know if it will prove to be a success or a dud. But what this has revealed is that the leftists and their increasingly sick ideology
are not the sort of people we need to be around.
Yasser Dasmibehbi – you haven’t read the article I linked to have you?
You are missing my point Piku. I have been reading pro and anti articles all the time. I also have been contacted in discussion with many leftist people who have as little knowledge of microbiology as I have. They are all worked up and hugely partisan about the issue. I can predict what they are going to say. They are not all stupid people but they are prone to group think. The anti-trump hysteria has penetratedtheir brains
Just finishing off the above response as my laptop has deleted most of what I wrote.
In the unlikely event that Jeremy Corbyn or even Jess Phillips came up with a possible ‘game changer’ and suggested it for investigation expect people to look into it and if it were found to be useful I would happily take it.
And I hope it wouldn’t be decried because of who recommended it.
The huge reaction against remedies based on anti-malarials is just boils down to another case of “Orange Man Baaaaaaad”
That article is new and David Gorski the writer sums up his feelings in this tweet.
IMHO there are two bottomlines
#1 Magic dream solutions are usually not mainstream, cos they don’t work.. and that applies to CHQ
#2 That SBM blog, SBM top people reflect the division in the scientific skepticism community between the Old Timer Skeptics and the new Sneering Skeptics who can be very dogmatic
.. eg being so anti-Trump, that they have knee jerk habit of rejecting anything he supports
(SBM like Steve Novella are the second category)
Greenpeace UK said it was monitoring the movements of the massive supertrawlers – three from the Netherlands and two from France – off the Scottish coast where they are hauling up tons of fish every day. The campaign group said the vessels had all set off from their home ports after Britain announced its coronavirus lockdown.
Blow them out of the water- yes that is what should happen but woin’t-nevertheless we have to take measures to scare them one way or another otherwise there will a fisherman’s war.
Farts can spread the virus, say doctors.
Today’s question from Laura K berg.
‘Will the Minister apologise for the shortage of fart pads among anychess frontline workers?’
I think yours is the best post of the year so far – in my humble opinion .only added to by the picture which presumably is there to illustrate . I’m sure that is shows a chap who wears nail polish because it is a well known fact that ladies do not ‘do the unmentionable ‘. ….
We are all in it together
Maybe it’s ok if you ‘light’ them!
Yes, I recall during the SARS episode (Mk1 Chinese virus), scientists concluded that some deaths involving individuals incarcerated could only have been infected by ‘drain’ smells from adjoining flats.
Begs the question, ‘can you catch the chinese virus from smelling exhalations from smokers’
anyone remember when the BBC and the MSM all jumped on POTUS for suggesting letting China take so much of word business was a problem and he was going to do something about it?
Seems the media are now agreeing with him :-)..but no admission by them that he might have been right
What the media don’t seem to get is, you don’t get to be a successful billionaire business man like Trump through being an idiot.
Get ready for the next wave.
I wonder what woul happen if they are each given a ‘Ive been to Hastings ‘ rock – cuffed with those plastic things , put back on the boats and towed straight back ……
It’s time to start a campaign against the importation of disease coming across the Channel…perhaps the BBC can start a charity called “UK in Need Appeal To Keep Illegals Out ” ….all proceeds to the appeal as usual !
Are they Dutch?
Here’s a puzzle.
Britain’s reaction to the virus is poor compared to almost any other country.
And yet Our NHS is the envy of the world.
Here’s another
In BBC land – Labour speak for the country. Their word is taken as gospel on EVERYTHING and cannot be challenged. Everyone hates the Tory Government. Boris and co are inept at sorting the Covid-19 pandemic. Every other country done everything better than the UK.
Yet in the REAL world – Polls show the majority APPROVE of the governments handling of the virus and Boris approval rating up and Tories well ahead in polls.
BUT, the BBC speak for the nation ????????? Puzzling hey ?
I heard today that Parliament is working out how to come back into session. Sensible idea.
The BBC reporter wants us to know it’s because Keir Starmer demanded it. He may well of done, but I know many Troy MP’s were asking for it too.
I refer you to my earlier BBC equations.
Good news = all due to wonderful saintly NHS
Bad news = all due to evil heartless Tory government
I don’t envy you the NHS – I’m quite happy with the one I have, in France.
“And yet Our NHS is the envy of the world.”
No, no, no, you’ve got the NHS mixed up with the BBC………..
I bet the bBC were seriously narked when Boris called the NHS “this country’s greatest national asset” since they believe that accolade belongs to them.
BBC Of Color Editors girding their ebony loins?
Would any male be allowed to change a few words and state:
“How women use strategic tears to silence men of any colour.”
A rhetorical question. Then again, if toilet paper gets scarce, there is always The Guardian.
Trailer “Nadiya : On Food Network”
Talk Radio : Peter Hitchens is on after the news
.. Mike Graham will shout at him again.
“The government has created a MONSTER : the shutdown
and cos the public LOVE it
It is difficult to come out of it”
Actually a much better interview than last week’s shout fest.
I think someone must have had a word with Mike Graham.
He even apologised for getting his facts so completely wrong regarding the number of deaths there have been in Japan. Last week he told us that the figures were huge. In fact it’s over 100, which is low by most other country’s standards.
Worth a listen.
1970s popular entertainment – racist, misogynist, homophobic – a noxious lack of diversity and positive role models. What terrible times.
Blimey, the BBC even broadcast show called ‘Ask The Family’
At least we will never see the likes of that ever again.
“And on the left we have Tamsin, who is the mother of Jade, who is the half-brother of Jason, who might be the son of Alan but Tasmin says isn’t”. [Applause]
“And on the right we have Michelle, Sara and Jane, mother, father and mother of Susan”. [Applause]
George Galloway called it ‘softball journalism’. I think ‘cahoots’ is better noun.
So, given the disconnect between my reality and the one continually presented to me through the BBC and MSM, I’d like any who read this to consider the following statement by Matt Hancock made 27th January 2020
The Chief Medical Officer continues to advise that the risk to the UK population is “low” and has concluded that while there is an increased likelihood that cases may arise in this country, we are well prepared and well equipped to deal with them.
The UK is one of the first countries in the world to have developed an accurate test for this coronavirus and PHE is undertaking continuous refinement of this test. PHE has this morning confirmed to me that it can scale up this test so we are in a position to deal with cases in this country if necessary.
Mr Speaker, I want to stress that the NHS remains well prepared. The NHS has expert teams in every ambulance service and a number of specialist hospital units with highly trained staff and equipment ready to receive and care for patients with any highly infectious, disease including this one.
The NHS practices and prepares its response to disease outbreaks and follows tried and tested procedures, following the highest safety standards possible for the protection of NHS staff, patients and the public. Specific guidance on handling the Wuhan coronavirus has been shared with NHS staff.
Madame Speaker this is a timely reminder we have a first-class health care system.
This is why I don’t believe anything our government says and why I have utter contempt for our media, led by the BBC.
There is no forensic questioning, no accountability, nothing. Flights continue from infected countries. Our figures are a disaster (and they don’t include care home deaths!), the tubes are full, our people don’t have the right PPE. it’s a joke.
But, please, when you consider the risk taken by bus drivers, supermarket staff or doctors. Or the 10,000 (probably near 20K) dead, focus like the BBC on the plight of Migrants in Calais, not the glaring journalistic open goals in neon lights.
Painful stuff .
HMG is using the “ we were told by experts “ line to justify their decisions . As I’ve said here before – we are being made to sacrifice our freedom so deserve much more from politicians and experts – including the truth ( I know it won’t happen ) .
Fedup2, I actually think I’d use the word ‘sinister’ to sum the whole thing up.
I cannot believe what I’m witnessing on so many levels and the UK public, in general, just clap along.
The powers that be / BBC must be re assured that they can condition people into clapping at the required time in the required way . Goebells would be proud .
I’m waiting for images of ‘ overwhelmed ‘ hospitals to add to the daily ‘ gotchas’ .
Oxygen shortages seem to be the latest addition to the ineptitude of the NHS to manage itself .
As an aside – there’s a snip of a sky interview with some ‘expert ‘ who was introduced as a member of the Labour Party -to which said expert takes umbrage and claims not to have been a member for ‘ over a year ‘ .
I know being a member of the Labour Party indicates a certain ‘ defect’ but I didn’t know it amounted to being a ‘ guilty secret ‘ these days
Sky was applauded ( by guido )for informing the audience about the nature of some ‘ expert’ – a practice the BBC could copy but won’t .
You can’t go wrong following the governments experts this time.
It’s the NHS and Public Health England.
The media and Labour can’t blame the expert advice without offending “our NHS”.
Something which won’t be reported on The BBC . The editor of The Economist – one Chris Lockward / lockdown – has had to go big on twitter apologising for twittering that’s BOJo wasn’t suffering from the Chinese virus .
Obviously he deleted the original tweets but enough screenshots exist .
Nice to see Remainer magazines getting their just deserts . As I say not one for the MSM
Trouble in Anderlecht.
‘Les Jeunes’ in France. for anyone with a smattering of French and it’s only going to get worse.
(Apols for being unrelated to bbbc)
Perhaps this will do without the need to learn French to know what’s happening:
… and yes there is a lockdown in Belgium for the safety of all citizens.
PJW on picnic crime
The Assange children story
We are told by BBC correspondents in China that
they don’t know why the XI JINGPING virus is far
less prevalent and deadly in China than in Europe and the USA.
I am isolated sitting in my very small office in my house
in North London and I KNOW why China has only just
over 3000 deaths from the virus !
It would save the BBC and the license fee payers a load
of dosh that instead of sending these correspondents to
all corners of the earth to tell us they don’t know anything .
I will tell BIG BROTHER and would not care if he ,she or it
labelled me a racist. THE CHINESE ARE LYING about their
figures.Not even adding one zero on to the total would get
to the true total . It’s nearer to two more zeroes.
The man is clearly irate that the police have smashed in his door and he berates them with foul language throughout.
The four officers, who clearly don’t have a warrant, then proceed to check the house as the man continues to swear at them and tell them to leave.
via PJW
This one has been doing the rounds.
How do these victims always seem to have a Mobly strapped to their foreheads even before it kicked off?
I thought it was a spoof at first, but no… many police persons make shite work.
Stew – having watched that on the Twitter -if there is not more to it then these plod have committed a criminal offence ? Criminal damage and trespass ?
I think they knew it too as they didn’t go for their tazers when he started swearing at them .
And as someone on twitter said – they formed their own ‘ social gathering ‘ .
Maybe they’d be better spent going after people with caravans ..
And if armed in any way, ‘Aggravated Trespass’.
Yes – I wondered about that as well- there has to be more to that piece of twitter . It must be a spoof …….
After my brush with dishonest police back in October 2017, I looked at this issue. As I keep certain ‘items’ which would likely be confiscated and taken for testing by the police firearms team if these slimy individuals gain access to your home with your consent to enter which gives them the licence they need to search your property. I concluded that faced with dishonest police on the doorstep again and being granted access, as soon as I realised that their purpose was not what was declared outside, I would curtail the dialogue and demand they leave my property. If they were equipped with a baton or tazer, that would amount to being armed. Hence, ‘aggravated trespass’
I reported here in the last thread that the forefathers of the EU decided to take decades as planned, to introduce the concept of the United States of Europe because they knew the peoples of Europe would reject it. So, it is not beyond the realms of reality to assume that the UK destination is totalitarian. Slip in a few million muslims and other objectionable savages against the will of the people, then introduce ever tightening legislation to deal with the ‘deplorables’ who object, even by speech. A nice series of step-changes all designed progressively to tighten the noose on the way and pave it. Fertile ground. There will be no going back.