Is that headline NEWS ?
……. or is it SPECULATION ?
I already told people the second inquest was coming up
with the BLACK family and GREENblob pushing for a YES
.. there is vast POLITICAL pressure to make this the very first death certificate with road pollution on, as main cause of death.
We’ll know the decision AFTER the inquest not before.
Ealing Council officially approved a proposal that *part of* Havelock Road in London’s Southall district should be renamed Guru Nanak Road.
– The British name a road after a general
– 150 years later that suburb has been well and truly taken over by Indian immigration
and the street has a Sikh Temple on.
– Someone shouts #WhiteManBad that general Major General Sir Henry Havelock KCB viciously quelled the 1857 uprising in India .
What exactly does Oliver Dowden, CBE our ‘Culture Secretary’ do for his ‘hard earned’ cash while our heritage is being airbrushed in the interest of Woke Virtue Signallers that will eventuality bring his own government down?
Screenshot of The Neil Oliver article
recommended by Yasser Dasmibehbi, and @LozzaFox clear webpage version
“These islands of ours are rented accommodation whether we like it or not,
and sooner or later we will vacate the place for new occupants.
You don’t burn down the house just because you don’t care for those living in it now.”
It’s aimed at Scottish Nationalists etc.
My local news on Sunday evening, 10.45 BBC1 was reporting about a women’s group set up to provide free sanitary products to women who cannot afford them. The BBC reported the group was set up 2 1/2 WEEKS ago. Somebody in the group must have contacts, to be on tv days after being set up.
We are the wealthiest we have ever been since history began, and sanitary products have only been in existence initially in the late 1800s, but it was the 1920’s/30s when they really got off the ground, and few could afford them. Improvisation was the name of the game.
So compared to those days of real poverty we are awash with money, and I find it astounding and a bit disgusting that women, whatever age, cant find the cash to buy their necessities each month – if they are being given away free its taking away their own responsibility.
A good friend told me last week, that he joined a queue for a single purchase in Tesco, and the woman in front held her hand out to push him further away, as ‘precaution’.
He said nothing, but watched her then buy 100 fags (about fifty quid), so he called across and just told her that they’d do a damned sight more harm than a couple of feet of distancing…
Surprisingly, the future sufferer of nastier breathing problems was lost for words, and fled.
I find the checkout queue to be a key place for both silence and thoughts elsewhere …. took training to achieve that even pre distancing ….
… I avoid noticing someone in front behaving as though they’d never used one before – with issues around paying or needing something called a ‘carrier bag’… you got me started …
Personally, and everyone is, of course, entitled to their own opinion 🙂 , I don’t think that women should have to pay for a major biological inconvenience. There are many biological inconveniences (after getting to my late forties, my little chap refuses to finish p*ssing unless he’s returned to his nice warm pants home, but I wouldn’t expect the state to pay for pants for middle-aged men); women, however, do face something they have virtually no control over for the majority of their lives, and it does seem unreasonable, to me at least, that they have to financially pay for that. Believe me, I’m no feminist – I think this wave of feminism is responsible for many, many of the ills society now faces – but it’s about the only thing, out of the million+ things that most women complain about, where I actually agree with them.
\\Police storm church broadcast in Milton Keynes over ‘loud music’//
“Storm” ? Will the police apply the same tactics with ‘other’ religions and will they be using the SAS next time ?
“When the pastor tried to refer police to the government guidelines on the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic,
and insisted what they were doing was legal, a further seven officers were called, the centre said.”
If Police officers are not competent to understand laws and regulations, they should not be enforcing laws and regulations — ***especially*** so, if the laws and regulations criminalise normal, fundamentally human activities.
The Times newspaper makes a claim that Marcus Rashford and Alex Ferguson are making a joint charity campaign to end child food poverty.
Actually it sounds from the audio that Ferguson has had a couple of drinks before the Times called him up and has simply politely said he admires Rashford for being humble.
Reading between the lines it looks likes Rashfords Twitter output is due to a clever PR agency.
The Times has then put them both as the face of it’s own charity fund raising appeal.
Sir Alex Ferguson has called on more star footballers to use their profiles for good and support Marcus Rashford’s campaign against child hunger, as he pledged to double Times readers’ donations to a food charity as part of our Christmas appeal.
IMHO opinion we pay loads of tax and pay billions in benefits and this should be enough for people to buy food for their kids , cos food is dirt cheap in 2020
The fact that some families run short on money at the end of the week is cos they have allocated money to other priorities
some of that might be due to factors out of their control, like ridiculous rents, but others like goodies will be in their control.
Most families do have an extended family to call on at first instance. etc.
Teaching people to have a culture of care with money is more sustainable than continuously giving them handouts.
And important that Mums are taught to cook and children taught to like wholesome food. Porridge costs pence for a filling breakfast but if a child only has had cocoa pops or sugar puffs then changing their dietary habits takes determination.
My wife and agree with you Deborah, certainly on occasions our three sons, now of course with their own families, would have been provided with such overly sweet cereals, but in the main in winter it was porridge cooked with water not milk and then helped with a spoonful of honey. The Mrs and I still have our porrige at least 3 times a week, provides slow release energy, which we need these days! We are still simply astounded at shelves in supermarkets filled with rubbish foods-ready made mashed pot, ready made scrambled egg, horrid I would think, ready made jellies, goodness how simple it is to make all those things-Can’t say all women or men are lazy, but by heck chief there must be millions of them that have crapy food and consequently bad diets leading most likely to bad health. Processed food is not good eaten every day but if its on the shelves it will be bought, so what can be done to improve? Grandma start teaching your Grandchildren how to cook.
For years I went to school, (then work), on toast and Marmite (love it or hate it, its full of VitB), came home at lunchtime for a proper dinner that Mum cooked, then it was a light tea. Having proper set mealtimes none of us suffered with indigestion, and acid reflux at night had never been heard of !
Now, being of an age where digestion changes, I’ve reverted back to having my main meal in the middle of the day, and nothing after 6.00 pm, and its done wonders for my digestive system.
Same with us Brissles. Yes when between 7-11 my brother and I had what was called ‘Radio Malt’, quite liked it, still it helped in those days 1949-54 to keep us well-also loved Marmite on Fried bread, but very rarely allowed that. Are the youngsters any healthier than we were? Well they should be, however I rather feel that the modern way of living today for many with rushed meals, rubbish food, at least as far as the needed vitamins is concerned, their diet is poor and their immune systems worse. Cars many had none,and Busses cost money, so we were taught to use our legs-two and half miles walk there and back to Church most Sundy’s until I was 13yrs old. I expect like all proceeding generations we can all go on about how the world is changed and how it was in our day…… nevertheless there are some fundemenatl changes in our lives now that could bring about changes we shall not like and that will be veryand one can certain of that. We area class that sticks in their throats, why? because we are true patriots that is why.
The slave trade was abolished over 200 ( two hundred ) years ago .
That’s over twice the length of your existence.
No need to keep fretting over it (and monotonously bring it up in every programme ) .
Boy aren’t the descendants of those slaves glad they ended up in the USA instead of living in Africa? Of course they are free to return to their roots. Should they so wish.
German Covid charts
Their second wave is worse than their first
Current death rates are about same or higher than UK
Tweets say the actual case count is higher cos 15% of areas haven’t handed in recent data
But they are better – them Germans …. I recall the BBC doing a ‘why are they so good – them Germans ?’ When the PPE thing was going on … maybe not so much now – the stats are all corrupt anyway …
I see the clonking stonkin’ bald Andi Oliver is taking over as host of the Gt British Menu. I enjoyed the programme when Pru Leith was still a judge, then she left and the huge-in-all-departments Oliver replaced her, – call me odd but I cant be doing with a woman who shaves her head; then the Beeb decided a host was needed so Susan Calman was given the job. All boxes ticked, a lesbian, a black and two suspect white blokes. This clearly didn’t work, so Calman got the elbow and gave Oliver the job. We appear to be in the era of the black host regardless of talent.
Quiet news day – mail has a feature about how the BBC is purging male co presenters from the regional news propaganda – apparently 30 have gone …’much loved ‘ ….I guess for the BBC it’s a money saving exercise ….. they might need the money for the outcome of the Bashir Inquiry …
“ most Labour MPs are likely to back the new tiers, but BBC political correspondent Iain Watson says it would be embarrassing for a PM with an 80-seat majority to have to rely on the Opposition. Here’s a reminder of how the new tiers work, and check the rules wherever you are in the UK.”
They do like their ‘buts’.
And if embarrassing ideological foes is the game, the bbc will ignore any context the other way.
Meanwhile BBC American BS ‘reports’ as only they can…
The Trump campaign spent $3 million on the Wisconsin recount. It yielded a net gain of 87 votes for Joe Biden. Recounts have failed. Lawsuits failing. Pressuring local officials and state legislators is failing. Misinformation campaign is failing. GOP leadership yet to concede.
Per Biden pooler @FrancoOrdonez , the president-elect slipped while playing with his dog and twisted his ankle. "Out of an abundance of caution," he is currently on his way to visit an orthopedist in Wilmington.
Hiya Nick – Just for info as you wont know this …but … if you look you WILL see things
The Wisconsin recount is not about finding mistakes in the count, it is about finding people who have voted illegally, and that case will be brought after the recount is over, on Monday or Tuesday. We have found many illegal votes. Stay tuned!
Never forget that this woman is a United States congresswoman-elect from the GOP and this is open bigotry – “Islamic invasion”. As ever, though, there is little or no penalty for anti-Muslim bigotry in Washington D.C. sadly.
The lady the bbc like to bring on writes, impartially…
BBC licence fee settlement: Further cuts will wound the sector
Enders Analysis released this research on 30 November 2020. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
The BBC’s licence fee settlement process for 2022 to 2027 is now underway. This time there seems to be greater transparency than the previous negotiations in 2010 and 2015 which led to outcomes that effectively reduced licence fee income by c. 30%
It comes at a pivotal time for the BBC, and by extension the creative community across the UK which it supports. Recovery of this important sector relies heavily on the ability of the BBC to operate in the way that its remit requires: with investment, skills, intellectual property and talent flowing to the wider environment
But with £1.6 billion falling due over the next decade on its pension obligations and its Nations & Regions footprint alone, there is little room for manoeuvre if there are further reductions in revenues or top-slicing. The result will be less investment on the screen and a wound to a struggling sector
As I reported in the previous thread, last night I sat through about 20 minutes of Countryfile last night where a copse of trees was described as a ‘small forest’ and we were encouraged to buy a £3.00 pine tree. They said it didn’t matter if it died but it would save the planet. I cannot imagine the cost in fuel for tree miles, to transport them, produce the pot etc. The programme seemed aimed at primary aged children and probably Reception class.
But I digress. I watched this rubbish because I thought I wanted the weather for the week. They couldn’t even get this morning right. It wasn’t supposed to rain until later today so what all those droplets on my window are, I couldn’t even imagine.
Pine trees solve absolutely nothing. Broad leafed deciduous trees may help, a bit, but you’d need to cover the whole of the Former UK with them. That wouldn’t sit well with the current housing, solar and wind farm plans, would it?
Here’s an admission, we like it when they talk thirty.
The tabloid newspaper the Sun, I mean: ‘Pop star Rita Ora breached lockdown laws by hosting a lavish 30th birthday party. Thirty people attended the secret bash at a restaurant in West London on Saturday. A hospital worker said “Do they think the rules don’t apply to them as they’re rich and famous?”‘
Yep, that’s about the size of it.
Wokipedia tells me our Rita is a bit of a gun for hire when it comes to charity. Besides doing benefits for cancer and ebola charities she’s backed Syrian refugee causes and is a UNICEF ambassador.
I don’t listen to her music but it seems she makes all the right noises.
Meanwhile on a front page not too far far away, in fact on the same tabloid frontpage: ‘Vadar star in corona death’ – no, it’s not the title of some new Philip K Dick or Ray Bradbury space adventure novel. ‘Darth Vader actor Dave Prowse died of coronavirus his daughter said yesterday’ – I do hope she is medically qualified to say that and that the testing was up to scratch and the diagnosis was true. It wouldn’t be the first time the former Green Cross Man has lent his name to a Government propaganda campaign.
It just so happens that this morning’s Guardian headlines with: ‘NHS to use celebrities in drive to encourage Covid vaccine take-up’
The typical Guardianista is more a denison of organic wine bars than the regular public house. Organic wine bars by the way are really a thing. “Natural and organic wine bars stock and serve wines produced with a sustainable low-intervention process” – so there!
Even so, John Harris in the Guardian channels Joni Mitchell and her line – you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone – as he laments: ‘Our pubs are in peril. We’ll miss them if they go’ – mind you, I don’t think I’d enjoy a congenial hour down the pub with our John. He’s a great reset chap who doesn’t want to go back to our pre-covid society. He’s a white guy but he’s all about Black Lives Matter and reviving the Corbyn revolution and has previously written how he abhores the notion of a restoration of “…politics to a state of everyday tedium…” Up the Revolution, Comrade!
‘Don’t risk a third wave’ screams the giveaway Metro quoting Dominc Raab.
Formula One finally became interesting: ‘F1 driver survives fireball horror in Bahrain’ (Telegraph)
The Daily Star has: ‘Cyber lies targeted. Army to smash vaccine bandits’
There’s a new angle to the Maradona story in the freebie Metro: ‘Maradona doctor in death probe. Was it manslaughter?’
Can you imagine it, a world where you can’t trust your doctor?
You didn’t mention that the doctors’ name is ‘Shipman’ and also treated Michael Jackson ( possible false news )
On a quiet day the BBC website goes a bit rich by having a big feature about “The Grand Tour “ – formerly known as “top gear ‘.
Obviously it’s a bit rich because the BBC destroyed a valuable brand because some minor beeboid could not man up to a clump ….
………that s as much as I know about either show as I gave up years ago as clarkson became too much ….
I am conscious that YouTube, for me, has changed discernibly since the US election. I am now presented with many old – chronologically – videos tarted up (given a fresh appearance/makeover) to appear to have been posted over the last day or so. Only getting into them, you realise they’re old and seen before. Also, old regular haunts like, The Duran, Steve Turley have to be searched for rather than appear as a result of my previous views.
Yes G, I also have noticed this. It seems you tube wants me to be interested in celeb culture and cuddly animal stories and is not all that keen on my choice of viewing investigative news.
I noticed before the presidential election how the suggestions changed. Even though I had clicked for notifications, for example Judge Jeanne, a supporter of Trump never appeared and if I searched I got her offerings from several years past; if I searched for Tucker I was also given options from a couple of years ago and adding October 2020 to the search term didn’t always help.
Last night I wanted to watch Guido Talks – the one from about 3 days previous. It wouldn’t come up with a search until I returned to his website, found which edition, and added it to the search term – so I guess it is anything YouTube deem ‘right’ wing (or ‘far right’ as they would describe it they are deliberately making difficult. I wanted to go from Youtube rather than directly from Guido’s website so I could play it full size on my tv.
I might add the rare programme I want to watch through iplayer (and they really are rare), when played through the tv only comes up at about half size. All those technicians at the BBC and I still end up with a duff product.
MSM madly speculating whether ageing false president was victim of murder plot resulting in damaged foot ….. Trump blamed of course…..
In my experience one of the early signs of dementia is temporary loss of balance / falls . Maybe the Biden exit script is already being written ….if he does usurp the presidency watching him trying to recite the oath will take some popcorn …
Just looked at the BBC home page to be invited to some ‘masterclasses’ with some ‘amazing women’.
Despite being a white male I decided to embrace my feminine side to find they are BLM activists of color and… barking Jane Fonda doing a Geriatric Greta number.
Yep, the usual gender-baiting cr*p from the BBC. Now, if the BBC was truly impartial of course, and had no social-change agenda, it would accompany each ‘women are great’/’men are horrible’ story with a ‘men are great’/’women are horrible’ story, yet the only column inches ever devoted to men are negative. It’s more evidence of their increasingly polarising world view and shows that they cannot be funded by a tax payer who is largely sick of their divisive propaganda.
Twitter : Laurence Fox and Katie Hopkins are both trending
It’s difficult to see what started that, cos now the lefties have piled in screaming “Laurence Fox and Katie Hopkins smell”
which causes the names to keep on trending
Katie’s Parl an hour ago
“To the Uni Students of NOTTINGHAM ST PETERS.
I am proud of you. Live. Laugh. Love and lick each other like a salt block.
Also… where was my invite?”
video hows a massive crowded party
Now she’s putting up her old Sky Australia clips
eg “I’ve sold up all my stuff as a way of dealing with attacks, so I can keep my freedom of speech”
The domain name is due for renewal on 17th December so if no-one is paying the bills the site might just go missing.
The hosting server is possibly in Texas, USA.
The identity of the owner is hidden via a third-party, a good idea that came in a few years ago. It essentially hides the ownership information from those with malicious intent while at the same time allowing those with a genuine need to make indirect contact, a bit like dealing through a solicitor.
Laurence Fox triggered the Guardianmob
by tweeting this at 5pm Sunday
(It’s not like Fox/Hopkins dominate twitter, it was just quiet
We are talking about tweet that get 3000 Likes not like TV celeb tweets which get 50K, 100K etc. or popstar 500K)
Just had a large group over to lunch and we hugged and ate and talked and put the world to rights.
It was lovely.
You’ll never take that away from people.
Stay out. Protect your rights.
If the @nhs can’t cope, then the @nhs isn’t fit for purpose.
Got to admit mr Fox’ comments about how we are being controlled on behalf of the inept NHS strike a chord with me – he is more sympathetic to it because I’d sell it to the Americans
Yes the BBC are desperate for a dead coloured ‘victim’ of state repression – so if they can’t get a UK one they’ll trawl the states or France to get a bit of ‘bad whitee ‘ stuff going again …..
They want those fools to be permanently kneeling down ….
I spot Brian of London making a good point
” advertise now on Facebook Google Apple and Twitter. Pay for advertising. Spend cash now. It is important to do it or try to do it now. It will give you important legal options when they ban you.”
Bottomline as a non-paying customer Facebook can ban your posts
But if you are a paying customer, political banning of post is an interference between you and your customers
..and specific US and California laws prevent this.
People have asked about Pat Condell He is active on Parler these days are @Sargon, @PJW, @Milo @zerohedge @BreitbartNews @Dbongino
.. @Mahyartousi a bit
Today’s Ian Collins show is a bit wacky.
He’s come on playing the part of a character who thinks ALL anti-lockdown protesters are “mad conspiracy theorists”
who all support “5G conspiracies, the idea vaccination is a conspiracy, AND the idea that WEF’s Great reset idea influences UK politics (which he describes an impossibility)”
He then said that the idea there is two tier policing is ridiculous, and that the police are merely doing their job.
And in fact it was all the protesters trickery
‘ They are lying down on the floor which forces the police to look rough
whilst their friends video it all and then maliciously edit it
to put it on YouTube and make the police look bad.
And look at the language these people are using “police state”, “fascist policing” this is clearly not the case
.. All protests are banned right now, so all the protesters are wrong’
So the protesters are NOT allowed to use such rhetoric yet he is allowed to use the rhetoric of calling them all conpiracy theorists ?
He failed to mention his second job is frequent compere at police events, something he HAS mentioned in previous progs.
He then continued ‘Here’s my old mate Peter Tatchell you’ll agree that all protests are unsafe right now won’t you ?’
Peter didn’t agree, and went on to say that he himself had just tried a peaceful Aids commemoration in a park where activists would be safely in spaced groups of two, wearing marks walking around the park
but that the police had even put a stop to them.
Collins “I am getting all these tweets saying that I am the wrong one”
Then he went to callers who all said they’d seen the police operated two tier policing
Collins answered back that it was ridiculous to suggest that the police and BBC news do this SELECTIVE stuff.
I attended Saturday’s anti lockdown protest in London. Actually, considering the difficulties imposed on us by plod (we were shunted all over London) it was very well attended.
It’s just bloody daft to say because protests are banned we mustn’t protest. We’re not living in China…well, not yet anyway…
We were a good natured bunch and just attempted to keep away from the police. On the subject of our police force, have you seen this lot? They’re done up like a militia, wearing masks, helmets, body armour and carrying batons. Sirens were screaming along Oxford Street, I thought there must have been a terrorist outrage; surely all this show of force wasn’t for us? It was.
The vast majority of protesters were quite regular folk and just deeply concerned about their businesses going under, the economy being strangled and our few remaining liberties going down the plug-hole.
Just an aside, there was really nice, friendly totty there, which bucked me up no end…
Of course shock jocks like Collins and his ilk, will always latch on to those that promote the urban myths about 5G. It’s an easy and lazy hit.
This problem was caused by our useless MSM who have been deplorable. They created an information vacuum because they haven’t asked any really relevant questions. It’s always the same when they question Boris; “Why didn’t you lockdown earlier?” and “Why didn’t you lockdown harder?” We could write them ourselves.
They haven’t even attempted to hold the government to account by questioning the validity of lockdown in the first place. Essentially they’ve been cheer leaders for lockdown. I don’t see any of them questioning it.
Those growing band of brave scientists who have put their heads above the parapet to offer sane and sensible alternatives to the parliamentary meme have been viciously maligned. Usually by the likes of Podgy Pies Morgan. This loathsome oaf is piped into people’s homes every weekday breakfast. We’ve had months of endless brainwashing. Anyone that questions the narrative is a “Granny killer.”
When it comes to shock jocks on Talk Radio, what can I say?
I’m neither surprised nor disappointed by Ian Collins.
He’s an old BBC man.
Friendly totty ? When’s the next one – I might breach my 14 day house arrest to attend …. thanks for the report -mid did enjoy the chap getting away from plod in Whitehall …..
Good news today from the ZOE CSS app as new cases across all UK regions continue to drop more rapidly – with an R around 0.8 and less than 24,000 cases daily – 40% less than peak last month. Stay ahead of the curve with the ZOE app daily reports and keep sharing !
When you enter the mad world of beeboid’s Twitter like Nihal’s tweets
Nihal claims Laurences Fox’s tweet is homophobic
cos he doesn’t pay for a broadcaster that prioritises LGBT reporting
My family and I have been sent racist and homophobic abuse following the below screenshot of me being posted. I am fine – but I will let the police take over. 1/3
If my name was Hunte then I would stay off the BBC, as they have ‘form’.
(But then maybe it is pronounced ‘Huntay’? We white supremacist, colonialists are so inherently racist that we just assume the received English pronunciation).
LozzaFoxes later tweet Hard left attack strategy manual.
1 – Call someone a racist
2 – If there’s no evidence whatsoever for the allegation, say you are being racially abused by someone’s followers and then blame them for other peoples actions.
3 – encourage pile on.
4 – Destroy lives.
5 – repeat.
His point is right. If Hunte has received great threats then that is a police matter
but big claims need big evidence
yet no evidence has been supplied
So it looks like weaponising playing the victim
Hunte should supply evidence.
“Covid: Alcohol ban for Welsh pubs and restaurants from Friday”
‘Snakeford’ has gone bonkers! He got his ‘circuit breaker’ wrong and this is his reaction – blame it on something else.
He’s clutching at straws . Someone please get rid of the Welsh Assembly because It will be the ruin of Wales.
Well done, there will be more.
Unless the Tory MPs stand up in Parliament tomorrow and be counted they will lose their seats and become jobless, just like many of their own constituents.
Taff, I think you’ve pretty much nailed it.
I had concerns when I voted Conservative, but never in a million years did I think they’d be this bad.
I’ve just received an email from my MP, Crispin Blunt. He’s voting these new restrictions through.
That’s it as far as I’m concerned. I didn’t vote Conservative because I wanted to tank our economy and imprison our population. Nor am I obsessed with windmills and bloody electric cars. If I’d wanted any of this nonsense I’d have voted Green. I didn’t.
October official death stats aren’t super high
with Covid at about 300/day that would be about 9,000
plus lockdown deaths
So I might expect 15,000 extra deaths in the system
minus the people who already died early this year.
In fact last October had about the same number of deaths
as it was higher than average as well.
We ended up with about 90 extra deaths/day more than 5 year average about 6% up
And even that 6% can’t die twice so will counteracted b an 6% fall over a future month.
Weird that Wales had about 30% more deaths in October 2001
Something to do with increasing lifespan maybe ?
There might be something to do with population demographics.
You have to factor in a decrease due to WW2, but an increase due to later immigration. etc.
Yesterday the cumulative number of official deaths reportedly due to coronavirus was 58,245. Today we are told there have been 205 further deaths, bringing the total to 58,448. It’s only a discrepancy of 2, but this is not an isolated occurrence. You would think the Civil Service would give the job to someone capable of simple arithmetic.
As every week wears on, I learn that much more about that evil barsteward, Soros. Whether it be, US politics and elections or the EU / ECHR he’s meddling, along with Microsoft in most things, probably in league with the chinese as well.
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
Fedup2Mar 4, 06:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Tomo – I’ve been watching Cruz and Hawley and Kennedy regularly eviserserating federal judicial candidates put forward by Biden for…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
First again??
Nah … it’s gonna be Biden
Yep !
Make it a hat trick.
Da iawn. (well done)
First…No…Release the Kraken
Catchup links to last posts on the weekend thread
– page 3 started 1pm on Sunday
– page 2
Now then back to business …………..Where have Al Beeb’s Trolls gone ?
Long time posting …
BBC News
A new inquest into the death of Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah could list air pollution as a cause of her death.
The BBC would do poorly without that word.
Al Beeb would do poorly without any word.
Viewing figures are tanking, yet our ‘Woke Joke Tory Government’ are still afraid of them.
Is that headline NEWS ?
……. or is it SPECULATION ?
I already told people the second inquest was coming up
with the BLACK family and GREENblob pushing for a YES
.. there is vast POLITICAL pressure to make this the very first death certificate with road pollution on, as main cause of death.
We’ll know the decision AFTER the inquest not before.
Ealing Council officially approved a proposal that *part of* Havelock Road in London’s Southall district should be renamed Guru Nanak Road.
– The British name a road after a general
– 150 years later that suburb has been well and truly taken over by Indian immigration
and the street has a Sikh Temple on.
– Someone shouts #WhiteManBad that general Major General Sir Henry Havelock KCB viciously quelled the 1857 uprising in India .
– Petitions are made lets rename it after Guru Nanak the founder of Sikhism and is the first of the ten Sikh Gurus.
– Council gives the OK
– When you fact check you find it is ONLY PART of the road not the entire road
Dammit Stew, how many times do we have to tell you not to let facts get in the way of a good narrative!!
What exactly does Oliver Dowden, CBE our ‘Culture Secretary’ do for his ‘hard earned’ cash while our heritage is being airbrushed in the interest of Woke Virtue Signallers that will eventuality bring his own government down?
Screenshot of The Neil Oliver article
recommended by Yasser Dasmibehbi, and @LozzaFox
clear webpage version
“These islands of ours are rented accommodation whether we like it or not,
and sooner or later we will vacate the place for new occupants.
You don’t burn down the house just because you don’t care for those living in it now.”
It’s aimed at Scottish Nationalists etc.
While the lying BBC continues to stick its head firmly in the sand, the FBI is, at last, starting to show some interest in the election fraud.
“FBI requests group’s election fraud data that shows ‘hundreds of thousands’ of fraudulent ballots”
That cartoon reminds me of Boris and the British economy?
My local news on Sunday evening, 10.45 BBC1 was reporting about a women’s group set up to provide free sanitary products to women who cannot afford them. The BBC reported the group was set up 2 1/2 WEEKS ago. Somebody in the group must have contacts, to be on tv days after being set up.
Pound shops sell sanitary products.
How many of these ‘freebies’ will be sent to relations and extended families aboard ?
Ebay – come on…
Ebay – come on…
We are the wealthiest we have ever been since history began, and sanitary products have only been in existence initially in the late 1800s, but it was the 1920’s/30s when they really got off the ground, and few could afford them. Improvisation was the name of the game.
So compared to those days of real poverty we are awash with money, and I find it astounding and a bit disgusting that women, whatever age, cant find the cash to buy their necessities each month – if they are being given away free its taking away their own responsibility.
A good friend told me last week, that he joined a queue for a single purchase in Tesco, and the woman in front held her hand out to push him further away, as ‘precaution’.
He said nothing, but watched her then buy 100 fags (about fifty quid), so he called across and just told her that they’d do a damned sight more harm than a couple of feet of distancing…
Surprisingly, the future sufferer of nastier breathing problems was lost for words, and fled.
Scrob – was your friend ‘Mike Tyson “?
I find the checkout queue to be a key place for both silence and thoughts elsewhere …. took training to achieve that even pre distancing ….
… I avoid noticing someone in front behaving as though they’d never used one before – with issues around paying or needing something called a ‘carrier bag’… you got me started …
Personally, and everyone is, of course, entitled to their own opinion 🙂 , I don’t think that women should have to pay for a major biological inconvenience. There are many biological inconveniences (after getting to my late forties, my little chap refuses to finish p*ssing unless he’s returned to his nice warm pants home, but I wouldn’t expect the state to pay for pants for middle-aged men); women, however, do face something they have virtually no control over for the majority of their lives, and it does seem unreasonable, to me at least, that they have to financially pay for that. Believe me, I’m no feminist – I think this wave of feminism is responsible for many, many of the ills society now faces – but it’s about the only thing, out of the million+ things that most women complain about, where I actually agree with them.
Not, ‘freebies’ – taxpayer funded.
\\Police storm church broadcast in Milton Keynes over ‘loud music’//
“Storm” ? Will the police apply the same tactics with ‘other’ religions and will they be using the SAS next time ?
Police don’t understand the laws
“When the pastor tried to refer police to the government guidelines on the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic,
and insisted what they were doing was legal, a further seven officers were called, the centre said.”
The Times newspaper makes a claim that Marcus Rashford and Alex Ferguson are making a joint charity campaign to end child food poverty.
Actually it sounds from the audio that Ferguson has had a couple of drinks before the Times called him up and has simply politely said he admires Rashford for being humble.
Reading between the lines it looks likes Rashfords Twitter output is due to a clever PR agency.
The Times has then put them both as the face of it’s own charity fund raising appeal.
IMHO opinion we pay loads of tax and pay billions in benefits and this should be enough for people to buy food for their kids , cos food is dirt cheap in 2020
The fact that some families run short on money at the end of the week is cos they have allocated money to other priorities
some of that might be due to factors out of their control, like ridiculous rents, but others like goodies will be in their control.
Most families do have an extended family to call on at first instance. etc.
Teaching people to have a culture of care with money is more sustainable than continuously giving them handouts.
And important that Mums are taught to cook and children taught to like wholesome food. Porridge costs pence for a filling breakfast but if a child only has had cocoa pops or sugar puffs then changing their dietary habits takes determination.
My wife and agree with you Deborah, certainly on occasions our three sons, now of course with their own families, would have been provided with such overly sweet cereals, but in the main in winter it was porridge cooked with water not milk and then helped with a spoonful of honey. The Mrs and I still have our porrige at least 3 times a week, provides slow release energy, which we need these days! We are still simply astounded at shelves in supermarkets filled with rubbish foods-ready made mashed pot, ready made scrambled egg, horrid I would think, ready made jellies, goodness how simple it is to make all those things-Can’t say all women or men are lazy, but by heck chief there must be millions of them that have crapy food and consequently bad diets leading most likely to bad health. Processed food is not good eaten every day but if its on the shelves it will be bought, so what can be done to improve? Grandma start teaching your Grandchildren how to cook.
For years I went to school, (then work), on toast and Marmite (love it or hate it, its full of VitB), came home at lunchtime for a proper dinner that Mum cooked, then it was a light tea. Having proper set mealtimes none of us suffered with indigestion, and acid reflux at night had never been heard of !
Now, being of an age where digestion changes, I’ve reverted back to having my main meal in the middle of the day, and nothing after 6.00 pm, and its done wonders for my digestive system.
Same with us Brissles. Yes when between 7-11 my brother and I had what was called ‘Radio Malt’, quite liked it, still it helped in those days 1949-54 to keep us well-also loved Marmite on Fried bread, but very rarely allowed that. Are the youngsters any healthier than we were? Well they should be, however I rather feel that the modern way of living today for many with rushed meals, rubbish food, at least as far as the needed vitamins is concerned, their diet is poor and their immune systems worse. Cars many had none,and Busses cost money, so we were taught to use our legs-two and half miles walk there and back to Church most Sundy’s until I was 13yrs old. I expect like all proceeding generations we can all go on about how the world is changed and how it was in our day…… nevertheless there are some fundemenatl changes in our lives now that could bring about changes we shall not like and that will be veryand one can certain of that. We area class that sticks in their throats, why? because we are true patriots that is why.
BBC people ,
The slave trade was abolished over 200 ( two hundred ) years ago .
That’s over twice the length of your existence.
No need to keep fretting over it (and monotonously bring it up in every programme ) .
Get over it , as nearly every black person has
Boy aren’t the descendants of those slaves glad they ended up in the USA instead of living in Africa? Of course they are free to return to their roots. Should they so wish.
Here’s an idea. BBC enterprises has a profit of 1.8 bn, going to the BBC.
Lets privatise it. 40 bn on a PE ratio of 12. Plus that 1.8 bn can be taxed raising more money.
Now that does defund the BBC in one swoop.
German Covid charts
Their second wave is worse than their first
Current death rates are about same or higher than UK
Tweets say the actual case count is higher cos 15% of areas haven’t handed in recent data
But they are better – them Germans …. I recall the BBC doing a ‘why are they so good – them Germans ?’ When the PPE thing was going on … maybe not so much now – the stats are all corrupt anyway …
So the poisonous scum at the BBC are trying to blame everyone and anyone, for their disgraceful panorama lies…
Quick doodle and thoughts this week as the Trump case slowly grinds its way through the system.
Coat getting time Calvin ?….thanks
I see the clonking stonkin’ bald Andi Oliver is taking over as host of the Gt British Menu. I enjoyed the programme when Pru Leith was still a judge, then she left and the huge-in-all-departments Oliver replaced her, – call me odd but I cant be doing with a woman who shaves her head; then the Beeb decided a host was needed so Susan Calman was given the job. All boxes ticked, a lesbian, a black and two suspect white blokes. This clearly didn’t work, so Calman got the elbow and gave Oliver the job. We appear to be in the era of the black host regardless of talent.
Biden – “what’s afoot ?”
Quiet news day – mail has a feature about how the BBC is purging male co presenters from the regional news propaganda – apparently 30 have gone …’much loved ‘ ….I guess for the BBC it’s a money saving exercise ….. they might need the money for the outcome of the Bashir Inquiry …
Just a para from the BME caught the eye…
“ most Labour MPs are likely to back the new tiers, but BBC political correspondent Iain Watson says it would be embarrassing for a PM with an 80-seat majority to have to rely on the Opposition. Here’s a reminder of how the new tiers work, and check the rules wherever you are in the UK.”
They do like their ‘buts’.
And if embarrassing ideological foes is the game, the bbc will ignore any context the other way.
Meanwhile BBC American BS ‘reports’ as only they can…
Meanwhile, in the spirit of editorial integrity, some go places others would not.
Hiya Nick – Just for info as you wont know this …but … if you look you WILL see things
BBC once go to lad Mehdi gets hot under the the starched collar.
He prefers things his way, albeit slow and covert.
Like here.–just-victim-BBC-bias.html
Anyhoo… Jez is supporting the Gaza moped corpse draggers again, so all good.
The lady the bbc like to bring on writes, impartially…
BBC licence fee settlement: Further cuts will wound the sector
Enders Analysis released this research on 30 November 2020. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
The BBC’s licence fee settlement process for 2022 to 2027 is now underway. This time there seems to be greater transparency than the previous negotiations in 2010 and 2015 which led to outcomes that effectively reduced licence fee income by c. 30%
It comes at a pivotal time for the BBC, and by extension the creative community across the UK which it supports. Recovery of this important sector relies heavily on the ability of the BBC to operate in the way that its remit requires: with investment, skills, intellectual property and talent flowing to the wider environment
But with £1.6 billion falling due over the next decade on its pension obligations and its Nations & Regions footprint alone, there is little room for manoeuvre if there are further reductions in revenues or top-slicing. The result will be less investment on the screen and a wound to a struggling sector
As I reported in the previous thread, last night I sat through about 20 minutes of Countryfile last night where a copse of trees was described as a ‘small forest’ and we were encouraged to buy a £3.00 pine tree. They said it didn’t matter if it died but it would save the planet. I cannot imagine the cost in fuel for tree miles, to transport them, produce the pot etc. The programme seemed aimed at primary aged children and probably Reception class.
But I digress. I watched this rubbish because I thought I wanted the weather for the week. They couldn’t even get this morning right. It wasn’t supposed to rain until later today so what all those droplets on my window are, I couldn’t even imagine.
Pine trees solve absolutely nothing. Broad leafed deciduous trees may help, a bit, but you’d need to cover the whole of the Former UK with them. That wouldn’t sit well with the current housing, solar and wind farm plans, would it?
Here’s an admission, we like it when they talk thirty.
The tabloid newspaper the Sun, I mean: ‘Pop star Rita Ora breached lockdown laws by hosting a lavish 30th birthday party. Thirty people attended the secret bash at a restaurant in West London on Saturday. A hospital worker said “Do they think the rules don’t apply to them as they’re rich and famous?”‘
Yep, that’s about the size of it.
Wokipedia tells me our Rita is a bit of a gun for hire when it comes to charity. Besides doing benefits for cancer and ebola charities she’s backed Syrian refugee causes and is a UNICEF ambassador.
I don’t listen to her music but it seems she makes all the right noises.
Meanwhile on a front page not too far far away, in fact on the same tabloid frontpage: ‘Vadar star in corona death’ – no, it’s not the title of some new Philip K Dick or Ray Bradbury space adventure novel. ‘Darth Vader actor Dave Prowse died of coronavirus his daughter said yesterday’ – I do hope she is medically qualified to say that and that the testing was up to scratch and the diagnosis was true. It wouldn’t be the first time the former Green Cross Man has lent his name to a Government propaganda campaign.
It just so happens that this morning’s Guardian headlines with: ‘NHS to use celebrities in drive to encourage Covid vaccine take-up’
The typical Guardianista is more a denison of organic wine bars than the regular public house. Organic wine bars by the way are really a thing. “Natural and organic wine bars stock and serve wines produced with a sustainable low-intervention process” – so there!
Even so, John Harris in the Guardian channels Joni Mitchell and her line – you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone – as he laments: ‘Our pubs are in peril. We’ll miss them if they go’ – mind you, I don’t think I’d enjoy a congenial hour down the pub with our John. He’s a great reset chap who doesn’t want to go back to our pre-covid society. He’s a white guy but he’s all about Black Lives Matter and reviving the Corbyn revolution and has previously written how he abhores the notion of a restoration of “…politics to a state of everyday tedium…” Up the Revolution, Comrade!
‘Don’t risk a third wave’ screams the giveaway Metro quoting Dominc Raab.
Formula One finally became interesting: ‘F1 driver survives fireball horror in Bahrain’ (Telegraph)
The Daily Star has: ‘Cyber lies targeted. Army to smash vaccine bandits’
There’s a new angle to the Maradona story in the freebie Metro: ‘Maradona doctor in death probe. Was it manslaughter?’
Can you imagine it, a world where you can’t trust your doctor?
You didn’t mention that the doctors’ name is ‘Shipman’ and also treated Michael Jackson ( possible false news )
On a quiet day the BBC website goes a bit rich by having a big feature about “The Grand Tour “ – formerly known as “top gear ‘.
Obviously it’s a bit rich because the BBC destroyed a valuable brand because some minor beeboid could not man up to a clump ….
………that s as much as I know about either show as I gave up years ago as clarkson became too much ….
“Clarkson in shock return to BBC Countryfile”
– that’s fake news.
But this is real – from the ‘i’ this morning:
‘Clarkson: Brexit has buggered my barley’
I am conscious that YouTube, for me, has changed discernibly since the US election. I am now presented with many old – chronologically – videos tarted up (given a fresh appearance/makeover) to appear to have been posted over the last day or so. Only getting into them, you realise they’re old and seen before. Also, old regular haunts like, The Duran, Steve Turley have to be searched for rather than appear as a result of my previous views.
Anybody noticed the same?
Yes G, I also have noticed this. It seems you tube wants me to be interested in celeb culture and cuddly animal stories and is not all that keen on my choice of viewing investigative news.
Does “subscribing” still work, or does Google keep unsubscribing you?
I noticed before the presidential election how the suggestions changed. Even though I had clicked for notifications, for example Judge Jeanne, a supporter of Trump never appeared and if I searched I got her offerings from several years past; if I searched for Tucker I was also given options from a couple of years ago and adding October 2020 to the search term didn’t always help.
Last night I wanted to watch Guido Talks – the one from about 3 days previous. It wouldn’t come up with a search until I returned to his website, found which edition, and added it to the search term – so I guess it is anything YouTube deem ‘right’ wing (or ‘far right’ as they would describe it they are deliberately making difficult. I wanted to go from Youtube rather than directly from Guido’s website so I could play it full size on my tv.
I might add the rare programme I want to watch through iplayer (and they really are rare), when played through the tv only comes up at about half size. All those technicians at the BBC and I still end up with a duff product.
Biden assassination attempt
MSM madly speculating whether ageing false president was victim of murder plot resulting in damaged foot ….. Trump blamed of course…..
In my experience one of the early signs of dementia is temporary loss of balance / falls . Maybe the Biden exit script is already being written ….if he does usurp the presidency watching him trying to recite the oath will take some popcorn …
Not a KGB K9 Unit? One of Boris or Vlad the Germ… Russian shepherds.
I hear the N. Koreans are training dolphins for next time he goes skinny dipping in the WH pool.
That old BBC DG magic still at play.
BBC American BS do like to RT their ‘claims’ religiously.
Just looked at the BBC home page to be invited to some ‘masterclasses’ with some ‘amazing women’.
Despite being a white male I decided to embrace my feminine side to find they are BLM activists of color and… barking Jane Fonda doing a Geriatric Greta number.
I was, frankly, amazed, true.
They really are lost now.
Yep, the usual gender-baiting cr*p from the BBC. Now, if the BBC was truly impartial of course, and had no social-change agenda, it would accompany each ‘women are great’/’men are horrible’ story with a ‘men are great’/’women are horrible’ story, yet the only column inches ever devoted to men are negative. It’s more evidence of their increasingly polarising world view and shows that they cannot be funded by a tax payer who is largely sick of their divisive propaganda.
I bet the paki Muslim paedo rape gangs are big fans…
Twitter : Laurence Fox and Katie Hopkins are both trending
It’s difficult to see what started that, cos now the lefties have piled in screaming “Laurence Fox and Katie Hopkins smell”
which causes the names to keep on trending
Katie’s Parl an hour ago
“To the Uni Students of NOTTINGHAM ST PETERS.
I am proud of you. Live. Laugh. Love and lick each other like a salt block.
Also… where was my invite?”
video hows a massive crowded party
Now she’s putting up her old Sky Australia clips
eg “I’ve sold up all my stuff as a way of dealing with attacks, so I can keep my freedom of speech”
Earlier she tweeted the Ruptly video of yesterday demonstration.
and parled the same anti Boris Johnson clip multiple times
Gutsy lady the very best of British
The Mail was talking about “shocking footage” of the party in Nottingham. Aren’t the MSM despicable!
Blog founder David Vance on Parler
How many times Stew? This blog ran for five years before David Vance got involved. Natalie started it in 2003.
David took over in 2008.
I’d love to know how much the running costs are and who picks up the tab ? Maybe the invoice goes to the BBC ….
The domain name is due for renewal on 17th December so if no-one is paying the bills the site might just go missing.
The hosting server is possibly in Texas, USA.
The identity of the owner is hidden via a third-party, a good idea that came in a few years ago. It essentially hides the ownership information from those with malicious intent while at the same time allowing those with a genuine need to make indirect contact, a bit like dealing through a solicitor.
Jim – thanks for that intel – so if the site disappears we ll know why – it will have been – emotional
I have a vague memory of Mr Vance taking over the payment option. Don’t quote me on that though.
A basic WordPress account with unlimited traffic is probably quite cheap to run.
Cheers to whoever it is.
@Tipple “How many times ?”
em cheers, I simply had not seen your reply comment on July 12th 2018
I’d probably been away working
Laurence Fox triggered the Guardianmob
by tweeting this at 5pm Sunday
(It’s not like Fox/Hopkins dominate twitter, it was just quiet
We are talking about tweet that get 3000 Likes not like TV celeb tweets which get 50K, 100K etc. or popstar 500K)
Followed by this tweet at 7pm
Got to admit mr Fox’ comments about how we are being controlled on behalf of the inept NHS strike a chord with me – he is more sympathetic to it because I’d sell it to the Americans
JHB : Are the police taking their Covid powers too far?
Dale Vince coming up on Talk Radio to promote his new book
The presenter is promising to confront him
I may not agree with all Jimmys politics and he is certainly no trump fan , but he is not blind to what biden is and means, unlike the BBC
I don’t condone unnecessary violence by the Police against anyone.
But only the woke/snowflake/BLM BBC race-baiting news editors could deem that this story warrants a FRONT PAGE slot on the webshite
‘French Policeman charged over beating of black man’
And shouldn’t that be ‘person of colour’?
remember all those yellow vests they managed to ignore for so long,
wrong type of police violence obviously
Covid-19: Sheffield shisha bar fined £2,000 for breaching rules
“Officers found 20 people inside…”
No explanation or details given by the BBC as to what a shisha bar is or the people that visit them! Usual omission of facts that we expect.
N info on “the people”
no fines for them, so they must be kids
No info in the photo just pictures of brown paper bags.
Yes the BBC are desperate for a dead coloured ‘victim’ of state repression – so if they can’t get a UK one they’ll trawl the states or France to get a bit of ‘bad whitee ‘ stuff going again …..
They want those fools to be permanently kneeling down ….
Mark drippy Drakeford is laying down the law in Wales again. All cafes and pubs to be closed by 6pm and not allowed to sell alcohol.
“Mince pies are no problem, but mulled wine will not be allowed to be served if it contains alcohol”.
It’s all about control!
I spot Brian of London making a good point
” advertise now on Facebook Google Apple and Twitter. Pay for advertising. Spend cash now. It is important to do it or try to do it now. It will give you important legal options when they ban you.”
Bottomline as a non-paying customer Facebook can ban your posts
But if you are a paying customer, political banning of post is an interference between you and your customers
..and specific US and California laws prevent this.
Same in UK: ‘Tortious interference with a subsisting contractual relationship’.
People have asked about Pat Condell
He is active on Parler these days are @Sargon, @PJW, @Milo @zerohedge @BreitbartNews @Dbongino
.. @Mahyartousi a bit
Just seen a great anti-BBC video blog, worth a visit
Status updates from actual news sources. Ignore the MSM’s gaslighting – Trump has the upper hand and always has done.
Today’s Ian Collins show is a bit wacky.
He’s come on playing the part of a character who thinks ALL anti-lockdown protesters are “mad conspiracy theorists”
who all support “5G conspiracies, the idea vaccination is a conspiracy, AND the idea that WEF’s Great reset idea influences UK politics (which he describes an impossibility)”
He then said that the idea there is two tier policing is ridiculous, and that the police are merely doing their job.
And in fact it was all the protesters trickery
‘ They are lying down on the floor which forces the police to look rough
whilst their friends video it all and then maliciously edit it
to put it on YouTube and make the police look bad.
And look at the language these people are using “police state”, “fascist policing” this is clearly not the case
.. All protests are banned right now, so all the protesters are wrong’
So the protesters are NOT allowed to use such rhetoric yet he is allowed to use the rhetoric of calling them all conpiracy theorists ?
He failed to mention his second job is frequent compere at police events, something he HAS mentioned in previous progs.
He then continued ‘Here’s my old mate Peter Tatchell you’ll agree that all protests are unsafe right now won’t you ?’
Peter didn’t agree, and went on to say that he himself had just tried a peaceful Aids commemoration in a park where activists would be safely in spaced groups of two, wearing marks walking around the park
but that the police had even put a stop to them.
Collins “I am getting all these tweets saying that I am the wrong one”
Then he went to callers who all said they’d seen the police operated two tier policing
Collins answered back that it was ridiculous to suggest that the police and BBC news do this SELECTIVE stuff.
At least there’s ‘no evidence’ to support his wild allegations……….
I attended Saturday’s anti lockdown protest in London. Actually, considering the difficulties imposed on us by plod (we were shunted all over London) it was very well attended.
It’s just bloody daft to say because protests are banned we mustn’t protest. We’re not living in China…well, not yet anyway…
We were a good natured bunch and just attempted to keep away from the police. On the subject of our police force, have you seen this lot? They’re done up like a militia, wearing masks, helmets, body armour and carrying batons. Sirens were screaming along Oxford Street, I thought there must have been a terrorist outrage; surely all this show of force wasn’t for us? It was.
The vast majority of protesters were quite regular folk and just deeply concerned about their businesses going under, the economy being strangled and our few remaining liberties going down the plug-hole.
Just an aside, there was really nice, friendly totty there, which bucked me up no end…
Of course shock jocks like Collins and his ilk, will always latch on to those that promote the urban myths about 5G. It’s an easy and lazy hit.
This problem was caused by our useless MSM who have been deplorable. They created an information vacuum because they haven’t asked any really relevant questions. It’s always the same when they question Boris; “Why didn’t you lockdown earlier?” and “Why didn’t you lockdown harder?” We could write them ourselves.
They haven’t even attempted to hold the government to account by questioning the validity of lockdown in the first place. Essentially they’ve been cheer leaders for lockdown. I don’t see any of them questioning it.
Those growing band of brave scientists who have put their heads above the parapet to offer sane and sensible alternatives to the parliamentary meme have been viciously maligned. Usually by the likes of Podgy Pies Morgan. This loathsome oaf is piped into people’s homes every weekday breakfast. We’ve had months of endless brainwashing. Anyone that questions the narrative is a “Granny killer.”
When it comes to shock jocks on Talk Radio, what can I say?
I’m neither surprised nor disappointed by Ian Collins.
He’s an old BBC man.
It’s what I expect…
Friendly totty ? When’s the next one – I might breach my 14 day house arrest to attend …. thanks for the report -mid did enjoy the chap getting away from plod in Whitehall …..
Latest Covid app tracking data
When you enter the mad world of beeboid’s Twitter like Nihal’s tweets
Nihal claims Laurences Fox’s tweet is homophobic
cos he doesn’t pay for a broadcaster that prioritises LGBT reporting
all I can say is they do themselves no favours with this incessant outrage and looking to find what isn’t there….and who is Ben?
Ben is the brother of Mike
Sounds like Ben wanted to where a ‘victim ‘ badge on it …
If my name was Hunte then I would stay off the BBC, as they have ‘form’.
(But then maybe it is pronounced ‘Huntay’? We white supremacist, colonialists are so inherently racist that we just assume the received English pronunciation).
LozzaFoxes later tweet
Hard left attack strategy manual.
1 – Call someone a racist
2 – If there’s no evidence whatsoever for the allegation, say you are being racially abused by someone’s followers and then blame them for other peoples actions.
3 – encourage pile on.
4 – Destroy lives.
5 – repeat.
His point is right. If Hunte has received great threats then that is a police matter
but big claims need big evidence
yet no evidence has been supplied
So it looks like weaponising playing the victim
Hunte should supply evidence.
“Covid: Alcohol ban for Welsh pubs and restaurants from Friday”
‘Snakeford’ has gone bonkers! He got his ‘circuit breaker’ wrong and this is his reaction – blame it on something else.
He’s clutching at straws . Someone please get rid of the Welsh Assembly because It will be the ruin of Wales.
I have posted this before …………
‘The 2020 Phase shift’.
The Reform Party are the new Tories.
The Tories have become the Libdems
The Libdems have become Labour.*
Labour have become Marxists.
* NB The Labour Party do not offer any effective opposition to the government.
I have signed up.I am a member of the new Reform party.we only need another 25 million or so to wake up…..
Well done, there will be more.
Unless the Tory MPs stand up in Parliament tomorrow and be counted they will lose their seats and become jobless, just like many of their own constituents.
Taff, I think you’ve pretty much nailed it.
I had concerns when I voted Conservative, but never in a million years did I think they’d be this bad.
I’ve just received an email from my MP, Crispin Blunt. He’s voting these new restrictions through.
That’s it as far as I’m concerned. I didn’t vote Conservative because I wanted to tank our economy and imprison our population. Nor am I obsessed with windmills and bloody electric cars. If I’d wanted any of this nonsense I’d have voted Green. I didn’t.
They’ve got to go…
Islamic jihadis attack a Salvation Army Church in Indonesia and murder four Christians in various grisly ways.
Nothing to do with islam, of course.
The BBC appear not to have noticed.
October official death stats aren’t super high
with Covid at about 300/day that would be about 9,000
plus lockdown deaths
So I might expect 15,000 extra deaths in the system
minus the people who already died early this year.
In fact last October had about the same number of deaths
as it was higher than average as well.
We ended up with about 90 extra deaths/day more than 5 year average about 6% up
And even that 6% can’t die twice so will counteracted b an 6% fall over a future month.
ONS said In October 2020, there were 43,265 deaths registered in England. This was similar to the number in October 2019 (eight more deaths), but it was 2,713 more than the five-year average (2015 to 2019) for October.
Of the deaths registered in October 2020, 21,966 were males and 21,299 were females.
flu and pneumonia are about 30% down on 5 yr average
and heart disease and some others down by 6%
Some questions are answered in the ONS thread
Weird that Wales had about 30% more deaths in October 2001
Something to do with increasing lifespan maybe ?
There might be something to do with population demographics.
You have to factor in a decrease due to WW2, but an increase due to later immigration. etc.
oops major typo : “In fact last October *2019* had about the same number of deaths” as this year 2020
Government Statistics
Yesterday the cumulative number of official deaths reportedly due to coronavirus was 58,245. Today we are told there have been 205 further deaths, bringing the total to 58,448. It’s only a discrepancy of 2, but this is not an isolated occurrence. You would think the Civil Service would give the job to someone capable of simple arithmetic.
Somewhere it will say something like there was a minus 2 due to a previous overcount.
As every week wears on, I learn that much more about that evil barsteward, Soros. Whether it be, US politics and elections or the EU / ECHR he’s meddling, along with Microsoft in most things, probably in league with the chinese as well.–the-united-nations
There is also the magic that can be woven by ex-BBC DGs….
Bet he knows Marianna.
\\Environment Secretary George Eustice told LBC Radio that Scotch eggs would constitute such a meal “if there were table service”. //
Useless Eustice , Monty Python could have done better. Spam, spam, spam………..