“These fifty charities account for more than $1.35 Billion in donations. Of that, $970 million went not to victims, but to the people who collected the money”.
With embittered and failed politicians like Milliband getting half a mill a year over there, it doesn’t surprise me at all.
Viva Frei explained in a video
“Gretchen Whitmer’s $27,000 trip to visit her dad. in Florida.
While she locked down Michigan. because Covid. Whitmer is corruption”
She ends up on a private jet to Florida owned by a group of businessmen who are likely to wanting to do her a favour.
‘No I was merely hitch-hiking on a trip that some other org paid for, and did pay a hitch fee myself”
So who paid the rest of the $27K ?
Her defunct not for profit fund that should have been wound up after her transition to governor, paid to lease the jet.
Except the business men, don’t have a license to lease that jet.
So it does look like it was a gift.
Especially now, given media expectations of military with foes confident of media support despite lack of uniforms, false flags, us3 of civilians, etc…
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 9:30am Tuesday morning
Topics included the law being light on pro Palestinian protesters & pro-Palestinian cop
BBC being the vaccine Taliban, BBC being the eco-Taliban, the BBC output being disproportionately black, Angela Rayner projecting,
Finally lawfare against trump
– page 2 started 2pm Monday
Topics : anti-Semitic protesters, BBC refusing to mention that immigrnts have probably brought the Indian variant back to their areas, media being unfair to israel
the normal biasfests like R4today and Newsnight
Israeli PM Netanyahu has vowed to continue hitting Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza, despite at least 200 deaths and international pleas for a ceasefire.
Don’t forget that letter from the Botox Brigade in Variety.
1) Lead the article with the Israeli strikes then mention the Hamas rockets later. Check.
2) Make specific mention of women and children casualties. Check.
3) Avoid any mention of the real war-crime here and the reason for the whole thing : Hamas targeting civilians with unguided munitions. Check.
4) Make sure Hamas are not linked with the word ‘terrorists’ in any way. Check.
4) Make sure that the fact Israel sent trucks of food and medicine for these poor civilians but they came under attack from Hamas is kept under the carpet. Check.
All checked ?. Good : run the article.
What stands out is that the UK is keeping very quiet about it. Seems to me we daren’t say anything because it might upset our resident Muslims. And when they get upset, they get very very nasty indeed.
What a state to have got yourself into.
Indonesia: Climate change destroying world’s oldest animal painting https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57166995
Climate Change ! – Give us some money !.
Full of absolutely meaningless statements like:
‘Other cave motifs in the region depicting hunting scenes and supernatural beings have also crumbled faster as temperatures increase.’
I don’t believe that story for one second.
This chart shows the temperature has been dropping since 1998 https://tradingeconomics.com/indonesia/temperature
And even a prediction estimates 0.2-0.3 degrees rise between 2020 and 2030. Though these are invariably overestimates for political reasons. https://en.antaranews.com/news/128091/indonesia-to-experience-temperature-increase-from-2020–2030-bmkg
The most interesting part of the second link is:
‘However, the high-temperature phenomenon in the Middle East cannot be directly associated with climate change, he stressed. ‘
I suspect is more likely due to them being opened up for tourism.
I was listening to an old Terry Wogan as I was busy today and after anews item on the topic he said ‘If the effect of climate change is so terrible, why do you have to keep making things up and exagerating them into hyperboly all the time. If you just give us the facts, maybe people will believe you’.
The BBC Fact Check team won’t be checking this one.
BBC and the lefty obsession about CO2 is literally going to be the death of the planet.
1. CO2 is the life blood of the planet. It is plant food
2. The universe is a very cold place. All we have is this tiny speck of dust which is marginally warm enough to support life. Most of the universe is cold and lifeless.
3. We need to do the best we can to warm the planet. Unfortunately CO2 is not really a Greenhouse gas. Moreover, its just 0.04% of the atmosphere. Doubling it will have marginal or no effect.
So best thing
1. Light up the BBQ as much as one can.
2. Drive diesel/petrol cars.
3. Electric cars are OK, as their electricity generation is by gas. Though not as efficient for locomotion as petrol cars.
Too, the batteries require large amounts of rare earth minerals . This requires massive mining operations using huge diesel engine driven earth movers. This is not efficient all though it does lead to CO2 production.
Recycling the batteries too is very wasteful of energy. Far easier and efficient to burn the fuel at the point of use, ie the car.
From the above one can argue that electric cars are the best thing for heating the planet. Therefore, as an AGW sceptic, and advocating planet warming, I should cheer on the electric car. But no. I don’t like inefficiency.
Back in the day, a ‘traffic light system’ used to be succinctly described as ‘Green for Go’, ‘Red for Stop’ and ‘Amber for Caution’.
I can’t see that that this same advice doesn’t apply in the current ‘traffic light system’. If you proceed on Amber, you have to be aware of, and prepard for, the possible consequences.
But, of course, the Beeboids (and many other media ‘experts’) are only interested in creating confusion, where none might actually exist.
Er, how did the media get to know she was leaving her job ? did she contact them to say she was available for interview ? Anyway she knew what the pay was like when she came here, so what’s changed ?
Quoting from a BBC article on this, “After the toughest year of my nursing career, I’m taking a step back from the NHS but hope to return in the future.
“I’m excited to start a nursing contract in the Caribbean, before a holiday back home in New Zealand later in the year.”
So, she’s off to the Caribbean on a contract for a few months (lucrative, no doubt) then she’s going to return to NZ for a spell, before she hopes to rejoin the NHS…… you know, the organisation that won’t respect her or pay her what she’s worth ?
Not guilty of ‘mixed messaging’ then (to use a phrase beloved of the BBC today) ? And I wonder what her plan was when she first came to the UK and joined the NHS…..
I’d be willing to bet she never envisaged staying long-term anywhere at this time in her life. It’s the sort of world travelling that many, many New Zealanders do when they are still young – including professionals. Add into the mix that she couldn’t travel during the pandemic, and would have had a bloody hard time even getting back into her native country.
Still, this little ‘stushie’ got her a few minutes more of fame – couldn’t do her any harm, I guess.
I think we should be told. Alternatively, just don’t, we’ve suffered enough.
There are days when one doesn’t simply question the varacity of one or two odd headlines here and there but when, overwhelmed by the wave of tosh, one is obliged to question our entire media output.
Things start on a sour note when my internet browser, Firefox, provides an unwarranted message at the foot of my screen – not as one might expect browsing related tech info and advice, but rather a call to educate my children into a social justice frame of mind: ‘Talking to kids about big issues like gentrification and social activism is tough. This collection of articles, books, podcasts and more can help spark the conversation.‘ – thanks, but no thanks. I’ll leave the job of educating my kids into a leftist way of thought to the teachers, they get paid to do it.
Health is a news subject I’m frankly sick to the back teeth with. Our newspapers are seemingly committed to forcing it down our throats in ever increasing large doses. Seems to me the media have found a sensitive spot and they are going to prod it until it aches. Here’s a couple of headlines I submit to be lies/fabrications/exaggerations/etc motivated by the desire to push policy:
‘Child visists to GPs soar after surge in pollution‘ (Guardian) – have you tried to see your GP lately? If you’re persistent and lucky enough to get past the inhuman automated answering machine and the receptionist named Karen (but I repeat myself) then you’ll likely be asked to text in a mobile phone pic of your sore throat.
So what’s happening with this Guardian headline, are little Peregrine and Evangeline’s parents whisking them off to the doc at the first hint of a cough or sniffle, fearing the precious darlings have been caught in the fallout of the Wuhan Bio Bomb but then reassured by the doc they tested neutral (using the remote home testing kit), their snot and racking cough infact brought on by ingesting a crayon mid-rainbow i-heart the NHS drawing, instead goes down by default as caused by pollution (aka mummy & daddy’s 4 by 4 Chelsea tractor?)
By the way, you have to admire the Guardian headline’s subtle implication that ‘after surge in pollution‘ means to the casual reader we’ve just had one. I could read on and have my priors confirmed (so to speak) by the giveaway phrase ‘according to a study‘ but why waste my breath (figuratively)?
‘Dirty air is known to increase hospital treatment for severe astma attacks‘ – we are told as though we didn’t know, for instance, people can drown in water. I guess our medical experts have given up on ever finding an actual cure for astma?
Having swallowed that pill here comes dubious health headline number two. Proof, were it needed, that the under-worked liberal metropolitan classes that favour the Guardian are not the only suckers for nudge politics messaging wearing a fake stethoscope around its scrawny media neck.
‘Obesity time-bomb 1m admitted to hospital in one year‘ (Daily Express) – what “despite” covid? Gosh, they’ll have to have extra funding to widen the entrance doors down at the local hospital – wherever that might happen to be? I’ve forgotten where mine is. See above for my suspicions about the difficulty of gaining admittance to NHS establishments of late. Or does the Venn diagram of patients counted as having Fatness and those having Chinese Flu-ness overlap somewhat? I think we should be told. Alternatively, stop it with all the health headlines. We’re sick of it.
I reckon you deserve a medal, AsI, having to put up with the ridiculous tosh they splurge in the guardian!
Sadly, I’m just off to Waitrose, where I know I’m spending more than a tenner so will get a free paper (you pay for it whether you like it or not, anyway), and the choice is pretty dire, so it’ll have to be a rag with the least rubbish about Ginge and Minge, I suppose…
AISI and Scrobie, there’s more ‘baby surprises’ today. After the Missing Minge Mite* we have Naomi’s menopause-busting Nipper! And with white feet, too – but don’t let’s go there – it brings back bad late-winter 2021 memories of the fall-out for HM of that ‘Oprahatic interview’.
Scrobie, I recommend the Telegraph for your freebie as I find Matt’s cartoons very cheering. Don’t forget to pick up the free Waitrose newspaper and magazine (if available) as well, although you will have to get Senora O’blene to hold your nose for you as you flick past the pages in the BBCWaitrose offerings written by Beeboids topping up their vast salaries. I suppose it is possible to read a newspaper or magazine on a table and turn the pages one-handed. There! I’ve freed up some time for Mrs Scrobie.
* I was informed last night that the photo of Ginge & Minge in the Mail was bang up to date – but it was the BBC telling me, so I don’t know whether to trust the info or not.
In fact, I had firm instructions from the said Senora, not to get The Telegrout, as it really is too large for her delicate arms!
I suggested ‘The Times’, but she retorted that if I did, she certainly wouldn’t read it (might be something Anthony Eden said during Suez or somewhere), so I finished up with the Mail – somehow Waitrose don’t class the Express as a newspaper!
In fact, we always get a free ‘Wealden Advertiser’, which tells us where to get a roofer, and who’s dead locally…
Eliana isn’t the usual bBbc talking-head at all. Not only is she both Jewish and pro-Israel, the bBbc usually seem to only find Jews who are deeply embarrassed by their “homeland”, but she’s also apparently a US Republican voter.
When Trump came into office erroneously and magnanimously forgave Clinton her clear crimes. He should have pursued her as it allowed her a huge platform to keep lying about him.
This is purely political. The fascist left are determined to find ways of stopping him standing again because they suspect he won’t be as generous with them next time. If they do manage to trip him up on some misdemeanour then I hope Cruz takes up the challenge as he has been consistently strong for some time.
Of course the New York AG is going after Trump. They are the same people trying to destroy the NRA. It is all about politics, none of it is about justice. The USA is descending into the pit of hell under the fake Biden presidency. They will do well to avoid civil war at this rate.
That’s an odd analogy. I’ve heard of people waking from a coma and speaking Chinese, but not jazz from falling off a roof ! All I got was 7 stitches in my head when my car ran over me on the drive – – – don’t ask.
What was being described a few days ago in parts of the media as ‘an anti-semitic hate crime’, is now, in the article linked by Guest Who, apparently rationalised by the woke community as ‘wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, robbery, and religiously aggravated criminal damage’.
I wonder what the same community’s reaction would have been if a couple of Jewish people had viciously set upon an imam…….
I bagsy the pedant prize and get to correct stew – it was Chigwell – not Chingford . People from Chigwell look down on the inferior plebs in Chingford …
If we didnt know that this would happen – the mass rapes, shooting, bombings etc, and when all the texts, sayings and actions of the RoP vouch for it, then we have no one to blame but ourselves.
It was this – importing a civil war from elsewhere – that was one of Enoch Powell’s arguments against mass immigration in the post-war period. He had seen India experiencing Hindu v Muslim civil strife as the British prepared to leave, and did not wish to see this imported into Wolverhampton or anywhere else in the UK. The public are left with the BBC/Leftist misrepresentation that “Powell was against Black and Asian people” but of course it was much more complicated and nuanced than that.
Coming our way!
Spain sends troops while we send lifeboats with free tickets to 4 Star hotels.
Illegals escape from a ‘rubbish dump’ to get here and turn our place into a rubbish dump, all with the help of our Tory Government.
Catch it before it disappears.
Now it means stringing a load of trite phrases and current buzzwords together, not necessarily in understandable sentences. They all do it – government, forces, MSM, and broadcasters.
It is all that is necessary to acquire a sinecure for life.
Fair point, well made. What in the name of all that is holy is that supposed to mean? I work for a large (Like very large) American company and our meetings are liberally scattered with tripe like this. For some time now whenever somebody asks to “Reach out” to x, y or z (Pronounced zed, not zee) I always make sure to mention that I will give them a reacharound at a later time. If you are uncertain of the difference, please look it up, but warning – adult content. It rarely receives comment.
TOADY Watch #1 – the elf is goin’ a bit mental, Si!
TOADY had to find a mental health victim for the programme today and guess what? They found a wimmin! It gets better. Guess what – again? It was an American wimmin. Fortunately, she did not have a squeaky voice. The question remains: where and how do the BBC find them?
Another question also remains: how come we let so many Americans come to live and work in the UK? There is an absolute bar on traffic going going the other way unless you can get one of 5,000 Green Cards allotted to the UK every year or one of the extra 1,000 for Scots or irish to claim. How come Americans can waltz in here with apparent freedom?
Lauren detailed her mental health situation during the Pandemic (treated for free on our NHS) and decided it was caused by commuting and meeting people in her office. This, Lauren discovered thanks to the Pandemic, could be avoided by working from home – saves time and money, too – but her then employer wanted her back in the office. She looked for a new job, found one, and starts tomorrow (or was it next week?) so all is tickety boo.
I hope she realises that starting a new job is high up there on the stress and anxiety scale. No?
“TOADY had to find a mental health victim for the programme today and guess what? They found a wimmin! It gets better. Guess what – again? It was an American wimmin.”
Still, it wasn’t Meghan Markle, so be grateful for that.
‘If on one side of the street there is a man who’s CHOSEN to get really drunk
… I can make fun of him and nothing happens
if on the other side of the street there is a man who’s CHOSEN to wear a dress
… I can make fun of him and …. I get arrested for a HATE CRIME”
Webb says that as a former drunk he doesn’t agree with medicalising choices
cos one thing that does is gives certain minorities protections not enjoyed by others.
Non-news that twitter is pushing at me Trending with Demi Lovato
Trending in United Kingdom
Demi Lovato identifies as non-binary and changes pronouns to they/them
The serious issue here is that this is a bBC Newsbeat story. Newsbeat specifically targets young audiences.
“In keeping with its specific targeting of young audiences, Newsbeat has its own set of reporters and studios based at Radio 1 in Broadcasting House in Central London. Many of the stories produced by Newsbeat are reported by other programmes across BBC News.”
It is said that in 1453, as Sultan Mehmed II and his forces laid siege to Constantinople, which eventually fell, resulting in the end of a civilisation and the murder, rape and enslavement of tens of thousands of its citizens, the Byzantine priests were busy speculating on such important topics as ‘how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?’. This narcissistic obsession with personal delusions, fantasies and insecurities is the modern equivalent, with the BBC taking the role of traitors busy looking for gates to open to let the invaders in.
The bat-eared sodomite Evan D has just introduced this story as one of those they will be covering on Radio 4’s ‘PM’, referring to Demi Lovato as “they”. There is to be an explanation of what it is to be non-binary from someone who is non-binary. Bully for “them”.
If Lovato is half-and-half between heteroesexual and homosexual, does this make “them” semi-Demi Lovato or even hemi-Demi Lovato?
Another item was Clive Myrie reporting from France on the difficulty of getting disciplinary action against police who harm ethnics. In the context of the approaching anniversary of the “murder” of George Floyd (manslaughter – if that – more accurately) there was a gripe about someone called Traore who hadn’t had justice. The agenda is unrelentingly biased and divisive, never admitting even the possibility that ethnics commit much more crime than the indigenous people and so will perforce have more contact with the police.
Maybe myrie can do a report on getting overtly biased plod disciplined – kneeling down or actively campaigning for Palestine and its terrorists ?
Or maybe those plod who look the other way when the law is to be enforced against their ethnic friends ….
Although I guess myrie is only interested in his own race
Stew, the BBC appear to have something of a demi-tasse of an obsession with Demi Mk2 (Moore being Mk1), it’s the third or fourth time she/they/it has been on the BBC web-site in the last few months.
Can one of the BBC trolls on this site (Maxi… can you help?) explain how this works in, say, French?
1. Would this person be referred to as ils or elles? If I’m using the stressed pronoun, is it eux or elles?
2. Why is there no Woke campaign against gender-based languages such as French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian etc, calling for them to be banned? If a person can be male or female or other (sic), why is a window always female (la fenêtre) but a supermarket is always masculine (le supermarché)?
The origin of the word “neuter” is ne + uter meaning “neither one nor the other”. It is related to uterus, believe it or not! In an ideal world, it would be simplest if most nouns such as window or bread were neuter, with masculine and feminine reserved for humans, as well as for a few domesticated animals whose gender matters to us, e.g. a cow rather than a bull, a hen as opposed to a cock, etc.
As you say, “they” is gender-neutral in English but this doesn’t work in some other languages. “It” would be rather brutal as a replacement for “he/she”. Gender distinction actually matters in the case of the German ‘die See’ and ‘der See’ (the sea, or the lake, depending on the gendered pronoun used). Some languages such as Italian and especially Romanian have nouns that are masculine in the singular but feminine in the plural (e.g. Rom. ‘trenul’ = the train, masc. sing., but ‘trenurile’ = the trains, fem. pl.)
Grammatical gender is a vexed question, even for familiar and characterful things such as the Moon (fem. in French and Romance generally but masc. in German) and the Sun (masc. in French but fem. in German!) Then there’s the use of neuter where diminutives have been added to German nouns, hence girl and young woman are actually neuter (das Madchen and das Fraulein, with umlauts needed over the modified stem ‘a’s.
Donors? Does that include everyone who visits?
The last few times I’ve been to the “free entry” Science Museum (pre-covid), somebody at a desk has asked for a “voluntary” £5 donation and my email before admitting me!
What a nice fellow, I’m sure Twitter and Facebook won’t delete his accounts, will they?
Of course the one little problem with his theory is that the Arab armies tried to destroy the “Zionist entity” in 1947, 1956, 1967 and 1973, and it didn’t exactly go well for them. I don’t think there will be any takers for another go in 2021. Looks like the fanatics of Hamas will have to keep firing their rockets, which should at least keep this loony happy, insh’allah.
The Lincolnshire Poster
As I was bound apprenticed in far off Lincolnshire,
I served my master truly for over seven year,
And I took up a posting, as you will plainly hear,
For it’s my delight in the shiny night in the season of the year.
As me and my companions were setting of a scare,
The moderator was watching us, for him we didn’t care,
For we can mangle grammar my boys, jump into topics anywhere,
For it’s my delight in the shiny night in the season of the year.
As me and my companions were posting off four or five,
Talking rot again, my boys, we saught a site to deprive.
We saught a site to deprive my boys, and through the weeds did veer
For it’s my delight in the shiny night in the season of the year.
We trashed their reputation and sense we made we not
Disconnected jotting, a load of tommy rot;
We filled their pages with slang and links that went nowhere
For it’s my delight in the shiny night in the season of the year.
Now good luck to every gentleman that lives in Lincolnshire
Success to every poster who wants to be a trollier
Bad luck to every moderator who will not his rules make clear
For it’s my delight in the shiny night in the season of the year.
Season of the year!
Guido lists Angela Rayner’s recent donors
£234K total
£110K from unions, £62K from 3 guys with Muslim names, 10K from a biz
So half her money comes from individuals and half that seems from Muslims
Last night on the Drama channel I was watching Last of the Summer Wine. Compo, Clegg and the tall one were hitching a lift. The car drove straight passed and Compo said! ‘I bet he votes Tory’. I wonder if it was in the script as it didn’t appear in the subtitles. The programme was made by the BBC in 1999. I have heard Compo do some of these asides in the early programmes. The actor was a vehement Labour man and he disliked Michael Bates who wasn’t.
But it was obvious that he was not upbraided for these comments and they were left in.
Debbie, there’s a wonderful sequence at the beginning of ‘Getting on Sidney’s Wire’ (fourth series – Brian Wilde had replaced Michael Bates – but not his Conservatism) that reminds me of three friends of mine.
Unless you are very stupid the news this week :
+ of thousands of muslim migrants storming the Spanish enclaves in North Sfrica
+ the hugely provocative gesture by Muslim footballers of parading Palestinian flags around grounds
+ the chanting of chillingly violent slogans by Muslim demonstrators in London
must once again make your blood run cold.
We already have a few million of these medieval nutcases in our country and we yet have some non Muslim lunatics demanding we take more. Muslims already demand and are granted all manner of special privileges, those demands will continue to increase. Sharia law is already tacitly permemitted in some places.
The French and several other EU countries are beginning to push back against any further Muslim immigration and any further Islamification of their countries. In the UK no politician dare even talk about it. How much worse will things have to get , how many more privileges will have to be granted , how many girls raped, soldiers decapitated , children blown up, before the British people wake up and force politicians to take notice and do something. Currently the commentariat complacently say that the UK is handling things much better than France. They seem to forget the long list of Muslim atrocities that have occurred in the UK.
At present the people of this country remind me of the frog placed in a pan of cold water on top of a gas ring. It’s great when it is just a bit warmer but by the time the frog thinks it’s getting too hot it’s to late!
Biden: "The vast majority of economists left right and centre from Wall Street to the… to the.. private private eh… ah ha… economic um… polling initiative… the economist as I said left right and centre…"
The disingenuous left wing apologists always feign outrage over these examples, and claim Biden has a stammer which is a disability and therefore you are making fun of the disabled!
This is in spite of the fact biden is clearly capable of pronouncing words without a hint of a stammer and is apparantly suffering confusion.
What next he’s suffing from senile dementia which is a medical condition and how dare you make fun of the disabled ?
It’s a bit like ‘emperors ‘ new clothes – although no MSM wants to mention this poor old mans’ mental health – but perhaps he reflects the mental health of his country – and maybe The West ( see the wokes )
Given the Hamas slaughter rate beard on beard that is idiotic enough, but it reminds me of a Star Trek where ‘civilised’ protagonists shovel citizens in vapourising booths based on computer modelling.
As a reminder of mindsets at play…
Shocking phone call of IDF calling to warn a building owner where children are present. A heartbreaking response.
One thing you can be sure of, there is a good reason the building is being targeted and it’s the same reason it has children in it. Hamas terrorists.
The MSM have all switched to using the word ‘children’ wherever they can, even when it’s a complete non-story like this one. They are clearly desperate because Israel is in the right and the ones they want to portray as ‘victims’ are actually terrorists.
But it’s how they have done it simultaneously which stands out. Exactly like they did when they started adding ‘false claim’ to anything Trump said without possibly being able to know it was false.
It’s nothing less than internet-age fascist control by the Left and it stinks to high heaven.
And when he stares like that (which is all the time), he is reading from an autocue.
How long can people like the BBC ignore it ?. If it were Trump, it would be huge news asking if this man was fit to be President.
Massive double standards on behalf of the left. As usual.
Not the BBC – but a new favourite – catherine Newman / person asking Mathew Handcock about sending aid to India . Q is it coming out of the aid budget ?A yes Q why ? A because it is aid … poor Cathy …
She’s doing the aid budget as lead on C4 news tonight – they found a red Tory ( not difficult )to compete with the Andrew Mitchell ‘give our money to Johnny Foreigner budget ….
I think this is excellent news – and maybe one day we can end the aid budget and keep the taxpayers ‘cash here – or Unborrowed . But now we are just mugs .
C4 news spent 15 minutes on this … cheered me up to know the overseas giveaway budget is being eroded away …
They had that lefty Tory Andrew Mitchell on to give away our money
Fed “They had that lefty Tory Andrew Mitchell on to give away our money” – he does appear to be obsessed with his old job – either that – or one of the Serpents has something on him.
I thought he is just trying to rebuild his brand and unique selling point in order to get a job on some international Quango when the time comes .
I don’t understand how his constituents keep him when he spends most of his time bleating over people who don’t pay taxes to the UK …
Delighted to be moderating this panel for the @UN about vaccine misinformation online – having spent the past few months investigating its impact for BBC News.
Utter drivel. WTF is a communication practitioner in non BS terms. I am sure her superiors have drafted her speech well in advance. A complete waste of time and hot air.
Or piranhas; or failing that, Doug and Dinsdale Piranha of Monty Python fame. “Bon appetit!” as James Bond once quipped as some villain got eaten alive.
BBC local news : female Beverley vicar gets female sculptors to replace high up statues with images of female here’s
They didn’t dwell on 2 or 3 being black
Seacole, Rosa Parks etc.
Vicar replaces religious carvings at Yorkshire church with BAME icons No wonder no one is going to church much these days … https://t.co/Xr9DFRFINF
Why oh why do intelligent organisations keep letting these nutcases get into positions of influence? Are they really so shit scared of the utter twats behind them?
While every normal balanced person can clearly see that Israel is under sustained and indiscriminate bombardment by a crazy bunch of zealots under the banner of a particularly nasty branch of Islam. How in the name of simple humanity can the BBC possibly defend these disgusting animals who are happy to see their own children die for brownie points?
I am just perplexed and equally disgusted by the lack of basic understanding shown by these media idiots.
I hope they enjoy discussing it over their Lattes in their W1A coffee joints while real people are getting blown to bits..
This problem will still be ongoing when we’re dead and buried. There will always be turmoil in the world when land grabs are made in the name of religion. Its been happening for centuries, we had it on our own doorstep with Ireland, which isn’t truly settled, so how the hell are we supposed to deal with a crisis that’s been ongoing since 1948 in the middle east ?
I too am perplexed by the lack of understanding of the Israel/Palestine issue.
I agree with you that any normal, balanced person should be able to see that Israel is merely defending itself against its duplicitous and murderous foes. Iran is using its terrorist proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, to not just attack Israel but to test the mettle of a cognitively impaired US president, now that the strong and clear-sighted Donald Trump is gone.
Most of the Western media and half our populations seem to be weak-minded dupes, easily manipulated by the emotional blackmail of Hamas who deliberately place their own civilians in the line of fire and cynically use their deaths for propaganda purposes.
These dupes cannot see what is really happening and parrot the leftist lies that Israel is an apartheid state and is engaging in genocide. How can Israel be accused of genocide when they issue one-hour warnings to evacuate the Hamas command and control centres they intend to strike? In my view Israel would be justified in flattening the whole of Gaza. But they display astonishing restraint when dealing with these unprovoked rocket attacks.
Bottom line is that most of the Muslim world does not accept Israel’s right to exist. The Palestinians reject every peace plan they are offered and Hamas doesn’t just want Israel wiped off the map, they want every Jew in the world eliminated.
There is only one side that a decent, fair-minded, freedom-loving observer can support in this conflict.
\\Israel-Gaza: Biden tells Netanyahu he wants ‘path to ceasefire’// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-57168051
I think Biden is confused. He should have been addressing the unelected Hamas terrorists .
Just what would Joe Biden have done if Washington was bombarded with a thousand rockets all in one day?
I cannot begin to understand how the USA have ended up with such a bloody disastrous leader with his bunch of rag-tag anti-American supporters. I am at the point of expecting the USA to totally collapse in the next few years.
I am starting to suspect that China was involved in the election as it is playing right into their hands.
“Universities keeping lectures online into autumn term” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-57150071
We should stop this useless idea of sending all kids to university despite their ability’s,
They would gain more benefit if they went to the University of Life and got a real job .
The so called “pandemic” has shown us all the true nature of our teaching profession. I have never witnessed such an abrogation of duty in any profession ever in our history.
They are all lilly-livered work shy cowards in my opinion.
Good luck young people you are going to need it and your teachers will certainly not be supplying it.
Its not only teacher, but GPs who are digging their heels in at face to face consultations – but GP nurses still have to work on the front line. Bloody disgrace.
“…This is in spite of the fact biden is clearly capable of pronouncing words without a hint of a stammer and is apparantly suffering confusion…”
Not directly bBBC…
But as someone who has had a **stammer/stutter for 70 yrs I know what one looks like. No sign of repeated/extended phonemes (s,t,g,b etc), especially at the beginning of words, and no indication of the physical blocking that can occur. These often result in hasty searches of the vocabulary for fluency, but I don’t think this the reason for the hesitation in Biden’s case.
I do actually feel sorry for him, but then he is (nominally) the most powerful man in the world.
** Just in passing… I have never had to explain that I have this condition in these terms, as in trying to say either of these words it becomes immediately apparent. Oh joy!
Covid-19: More variant hotspots to get surge tests and jabs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57172139
There have been long queues for jabs in Bolton, where the Indian variant now makes up the majority of new cases
Haha have they finally got to the ‘new Brits’?
I’m still puncture free.
I’m holding our for a free transistor radio or something
Eddy, 🙂 – I’m told that you do not even get a cup of tea and a biscuit. You just have to sit there for 15 minutes in case the vaccine has an instant unfortunate effect on you.
Biden is in the White House because the Dems were supported by global activists to cheat.
The pandemic is nowhere near as horrid as we are told.
The true state of illegal immigration into the UK is hidden.
The effect of Muslim influence on the UK government is hidden.
The police are infected with wokeness.
The teaching profession is not fit for purpose as it is political.
The NHS is same as teaching profession.
The UN is instigating global pressure to promote the breakdown of normative society in the West including family, relationships, religion etc. To the benefit of the Muslim World
It would that the Brother of the Manchester suicide bomber brought from Libya at great expense in order to enrich the greedy weasels has been asked to testify at the inquiry.
Despite the fact he has a long sentence he has asked for immunity from prosecution over anything he says i.e. that he shouldn’t have to incriminate himself – there is a chance he might incriminate other Muslims in Manchester dealing drugs who are said to be involved in this.
But because the greedy weasels are like the monkey with its hand down the neck of the jar grasping the nuts it won’t let go of, they are resisting this because they see a second bite of the cherry and more lovely fat fees.
And so because of the lawyers massive greed it appears likely they will get nothing and many drug dealing criminals who need to be locked up regardless of links to Abedi will remain free.
The problems with this sort of garbage is the way society has been manipulated. A few years back some stand up comedian would have reduced this story to the totally bizarre crap it really is but now they are too afraid of their careers and the backlash. We need some comedians with balls to kick this utter shite back into the long grass.
Jeremy Bowen reports that the threat from Sleepy Joe Biden to Netanyahu for a de-escalation in hostilities and ceasefire has been taken, and he will comply
However in the real world, he forgets to report….
‘Netanyahu brushes off Biden call for ‘significant de-escalation’ in Gaza, says Israel ‘determined to continue’
I can’t imagine for a minute they let Joe speak to another world leader directly. I bet my hat that they had some kind of group call where Biden was present and sat looking bewildered while others did the talking while he agreed with them.
If was an actual phone call, I guarantee it was on speakerphone and a group sat around the senile old duffer telling him what to say.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:08 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14481009/Harry-Potter-Doctor-star-dies-aged-63-tributes.html Surprised the…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
I see ‘charity’ or ‘not for profit’ these days, I see all the ways money can be conned out of the credulous to fund nothing worthwhile, tax free.
The BBC sees such as David Miliband or Cammy Batty as an inspiration.
Go figger.
As I’ve never found the interview with a lady who tore the charity myths to shreds, here’s an interesting little fact from a US website…
Nice comment at the end of the list…
“These fifty charities account for more than $1.35 Billion in donations. Of that, $970 million went not to victims, but to the people who collected the money”.
With embittered and failed politicians like Milliband getting half a mill a year over there, it doesn’t surprise me at all.
Viva Frei explained in a video
“Gretchen Whitmer’s $27,000 trip to visit her dad. in Florida.
While she locked down Michigan. because Covid. Whitmer is corruption”
She ends up on a private jet to Florida owned by a group of businessmen who are likely to wanting to do her a favour.
‘No I was merely hitch-hiking on a trip that some other org paid for, and did pay a hitch fee myself”
So who paid the rest of the $27K ?
Her defunct not for profit fund that should have been wound up after her transition to governor, paid to lease the jet.
Except the business men, don’t have a license to lease that jet.
So it does look like it was a gift.
to clarify : Except the business men, don’t have a license to lease-out that jet.
looks like they loaned her the jet for free, then later charged her campaign charity, so that it didn’t look like a gift.
She reminds me of Nurse Ratched. Gives me the creeps.
Interesting discussion on stuff back in the day.
Especially now, given media expectations of military with foes confident of media support despite lack of uniforms, false flags, us3 of civilians, etc…
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 9:30am Tuesday morning
Topics included the law being light on pro Palestinian protesters & pro-Palestinian cop
BBC being the vaccine Taliban, BBC being the eco-Taliban, the BBC output being disproportionately black, Angela Rayner projecting,
Finally lawfare against trump
– page 2 started 2pm Monday
Topics : anti-Semitic protesters, BBC refusing to mention that immigrnts have probably brought the Indian variant back to their areas, media being unfair to israel
the normal biasfests like R4today and Newsnight
BBC ‘despite’ News
Israeli PM Netanyahu has vowed to continue hitting Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza, despite at least 200 deaths and international pleas for a ceasefire.
Don’t forget that letter from the Botox Brigade in Variety.
1) Lead the article with the Israeli strikes then mention the Hamas rockets later. Check.
2) Make specific mention of women and children casualties. Check.
3) Avoid any mention of the real war-crime here and the reason for the whole thing : Hamas targeting civilians with unguided munitions. Check.
4) Make sure Hamas are not linked with the word ‘terrorists’ in any way. Check.
4) Make sure that the fact Israel sent trucks of food and medicine for these poor civilians but they came under attack from Hamas is kept under the carpet. Check.
All checked ?. Good : run the article.
What stands out is that the UK is keeping very quiet about it. Seems to me we daren’t say anything because it might upset our resident Muslims. And when they get upset, they get very very nasty indeed.
What a state to have got yourself into.
The usual leftys on the BBC, pointing out the Israeli response is disproportional.
I’m not sure what they expect Israel to do about it. Too, the same old are demanding America provide Hamas with the Iron Dome or equivalent.
Indonesia: Climate change destroying world’s oldest animal painting
Climate Change ! – Give us some money !.
Full of absolutely meaningless statements like:
‘Other cave motifs in the region depicting hunting scenes and supernatural beings have also crumbled faster as temperatures increase.’
I don’t believe that story for one second.
This chart shows the temperature has been dropping since 1998
And even a prediction estimates 0.2-0.3 degrees rise between 2020 and 2030. Though these are invariably overestimates for political reasons.
The most interesting part of the second link is:
‘However, the high-temperature phenomenon in the Middle East cannot be directly associated with climate change, he stressed. ‘
I suspect is more likely due to them being opened up for tourism.
I was listening to an old Terry Wogan as I was busy today and after anews item on the topic he said ‘If the effect of climate change is so terrible, why do you have to keep making things up and exagerating them into hyperboly all the time. If you just give us the facts, maybe people will believe you’.
The BBC Fact Check team won’t be checking this one.
Alex Belfield taking the fight to the BBC in a full-frontal assault.
The financial shenanigans, the wastage, the corruption, the bias, the intimidation.
(I think he’s touristing in London and couldn’t resist a visit to Broadcasting House to shoot a short clip.)
Something like his lawyers are in court today fighting an injunction Jeremy Vine is trying to get against him.
I have to say that I cannot even bear the sound of Jeremy Vines voice any more.
BBC Moaning e… oh… why bother….?
Government’s pandemic plans criticised | Unsolved murder report delay | Trump inquiry now ‘criminal’
I fibbed. Saw this…
Need something different?
How would you heat your home or have hot water if you couldn’t have a new gas boiler fitted? We’ve had a look into it…
Ah, the ‘we’ is Rog. So… pass.
Interestingly, despite….
‘Ecuadoran Ministry of Environment said it was due to “natural erosion”.’
… the happy holiday diverse couple below have bought a bargain 32 bed mansion next door for a song.
Keeping Rog’s contact handy for future ‘story’ lines.
BBC and the lefty obsession about CO2 is literally going to be the death of the planet.
1. CO2 is the life blood of the planet. It is plant food
2. The universe is a very cold place. All we have is this tiny speck of dust which is marginally warm enough to support life. Most of the universe is cold and lifeless.
3. We need to do the best we can to warm the planet. Unfortunately CO2 is not really a Greenhouse gas. Moreover, its just 0.04% of the atmosphere. Doubling it will have marginal or no effect.
So best thing
1. Light up the BBQ as much as one can.
2. Drive diesel/petrol cars.
3. Electric cars are OK, as their electricity generation is by gas. Though not as efficient for locomotion as petrol cars.
Too, the batteries require large amounts of rare earth minerals . This requires massive mining operations using huge diesel engine driven earth movers. This is not efficient all though it does lead to CO2 production.
Recycling the batteries too is very wasteful of energy. Far easier and efficient to burn the fuel at the point of use, ie the car.
From the above one can argue that electric cars are the best thing for heating the planet. Therefore, as an AGW sceptic, and advocating planet warming, I should cheer on the electric car. But no. I don’t like inefficiency.
Young Beeboids cite old Beeboids citing…
Soooooo sweet.
Soon… “no one told us Covid can mutate overseas!”
Be nice if they could book a dozen or so, and bugger off for good…
IMO those who prefer Fuerteventura to Norfolk should live in Fuerteventura, or similar, permanently.
Stand by for a huge spending boom on things like holidays.
All paid for by furlough. By which I mean taxpayers such as myself who didn’t get a penny.
Toenails should ask them.
All with their local media gob editorial line handy…
This is the UK : the land of 48% selfish, greedy b@st@rds.
Amber means everyone else ‘Stop’. But not you.
Back in the day, a ‘traffic light system’ used to be succinctly described as ‘Green for Go’, ‘Red for Stop’ and ‘Amber for Caution’.
I can’t see that that this same advice doesn’t apply in the current ‘traffic light system’. If you proceed on Amber, you have to be aware of, and prepard for, the possible consequences.
But, of course, the Beeboids (and many other media ‘experts’) are only interested in creating confusion, where none might actually exist.
How refreshing and unusual to see the portrayal of a mixed race couple!
And there was me thinking it meant wait.
Silly, unnuanced, sensationalist, reductionist bbc.
Pure selfishness. I bet they’re panic buyers too.
As usual the pair – Black male and White female.
The BBC mindset is predictable.
It’s OK, he’s off bikes and on 5.
Placards ‘R Us must love him.
Sounds like she’ll be happier back in her native NZ then.
“Ms McGee, originally from New Zealand, now plans to work abroad and spend time in her home country.”
Er, how did the media get to know she was leaving her job ? did she contact them to say she was available for interview ? Anyway she knew what the pay was like when she came here, so what’s changed ?
Quoting from a BBC article on this, “After the toughest year of my nursing career, I’m taking a step back from the NHS but hope to return in the future.
“I’m excited to start a nursing contract in the Caribbean, before a holiday back home in New Zealand later in the year.”
So, she’s off to the Caribbean on a contract for a few months (lucrative, no doubt) then she’s going to return to NZ for a spell, before she hopes to rejoin the NHS…… you know, the organisation that won’t respect her or pay her what she’s worth ?
Not guilty of ‘mixed messaging’ then (to use a phrase beloved of the BBC today) ? And I wonder what her plan was when she first came to the UK and joined the NHS…..
I’d be willing to bet she never envisaged staying long-term anywhere at this time in her life. It’s the sort of world travelling that many, many New Zealanders do when they are still young – including professionals. Add into the mix that she couldn’t travel during the pandemic, and would have had a bloody hard time even getting back into her native country.
Still, this little ‘stushie’ got her a few minutes more of fame – couldn’t do her any harm, I guess.
This comes from worshipping the NHS.
I think we should be told. Alternatively, just don’t, we’ve suffered enough.
There are days when one doesn’t simply question the varacity of one or two odd headlines here and there but when, overwhelmed by the wave of tosh, one is obliged to question our entire media output.
Things start on a sour note when my internet browser, Firefox, provides an unwarranted message at the foot of my screen – not as one might expect browsing related tech info and advice, but rather a call to educate my children into a social justice frame of mind: ‘Talking to kids about big issues like gentrification and social activism is tough. This collection of articles, books, podcasts and more can help spark the conversation.‘ – thanks, but no thanks. I’ll leave the job of educating my kids into a leftist way of thought to the teachers, they get paid to do it.
Health is a news subject I’m frankly sick to the back teeth with. Our newspapers are seemingly committed to forcing it down our throats in ever increasing large doses. Seems to me the media have found a sensitive spot and they are going to prod it until it aches. Here’s a couple of headlines I submit to be lies/fabrications/exaggerations/etc motivated by the desire to push policy:
‘Child visists to GPs soar after surge in pollution‘ (Guardian) – have you tried to see your GP lately? If you’re persistent and lucky enough to get past the inhuman automated answering machine and the receptionist named Karen (but I repeat myself) then you’ll likely be asked to text in a mobile phone pic of your sore throat.
So what’s happening with this Guardian headline, are little Peregrine and Evangeline’s parents whisking them off to the doc at the first hint of a cough or sniffle, fearing the precious darlings have been caught in the fallout of the Wuhan Bio Bomb but then reassured by the doc they tested neutral (using the remote home testing kit), their snot and racking cough infact brought on by ingesting a crayon mid-rainbow i-heart the NHS drawing, instead goes down by default as caused by pollution (aka mummy & daddy’s 4 by 4 Chelsea tractor?)
By the way, you have to admire the Guardian headline’s subtle implication that ‘after surge in pollution‘ means to the casual reader we’ve just had one. I could read on and have my priors confirmed (so to speak) by the giveaway phrase ‘according to a study‘ but why waste my breath (figuratively)?
‘Dirty air is known to increase hospital treatment for severe astma attacks‘ – we are told as though we didn’t know, for instance, people can drown in water. I guess our medical experts have given up on ever finding an actual cure for astma?
Having swallowed that pill here comes dubious health headline number two. Proof, were it needed, that the under-worked liberal metropolitan classes that favour the Guardian are not the only suckers for nudge politics messaging wearing a fake stethoscope around its scrawny media neck.
‘Obesity time-bomb 1m admitted to hospital in one year‘ (Daily Express) – what “despite” covid? Gosh, they’ll have to have extra funding to widen the entrance doors down at the local hospital – wherever that might happen to be? I’ve forgotten where mine is. See above for my suspicions about the difficulty of gaining admittance to NHS establishments of late. Or does the Venn diagram of patients counted as having Fatness and those having Chinese Flu-ness overlap somewhat? I think we should be told. Alternatively, stop it with all the health headlines. We’re sick of it.
I reckon you deserve a medal, AsI, having to put up with the ridiculous tosh they splurge in the guardian!
Sadly, I’m just off to Waitrose, where I know I’m spending more than a tenner so will get a free paper (you pay for it whether you like it or not, anyway), and the choice is pretty dire, so it’ll have to be a rag with the least rubbish about Ginge and Minge, I suppose…
AISI and Scrobie, there’s more ‘baby surprises’ today. After the Missing Minge Mite* we have Naomi’s menopause-busting Nipper! And with white feet, too – but don’t let’s go there – it brings back bad late-winter 2021 memories of the fall-out for HM of that ‘Oprahatic interview’.
Scrobie, I recommend the Telegraph for your freebie as I find Matt’s cartoons very cheering. Don’t forget to pick up the free Waitrose newspaper and magazine (if available) as well, although you will have to get Senora O’blene to hold your nose for you as you flick past the pages in the
BBCWaitrose offerings written by Beeboids topping up their vast salaries. I suppose it is possible to read a newspaper or magazine on a table and turn the pages one-handed. There! I’ve freed up some time for Mrs Scrobie.* I was informed last night that the photo of Ginge & Minge in the Mail was bang up to date – but it was the BBC telling me, so I don’t know whether to trust the info or not.
Ha ha ha, Snuffy!
In fact, I had firm instructions from the said Senora, not to get The Telegrout, as it really is too large for her delicate arms!
I suggested ‘The Times’, but she retorted that if I did, she certainly wouldn’t read it (might be something Anthony Eden said during Suez or somewhere), so I finished up with the Mail – somehow Waitrose don’t class the Express as a newspaper!
In fact, we always get a free ‘Wealden Advertiser’, which tells us where to get a roofer, and who’s dead locally…
Terrific read. Thank you
BBC #questionasaheadline ‘News’
America is often viewed as Israel’s strongest ally. But is social media changing young people’s views?
With added BBC editorial pre-vetting…
Israel-Gaza: Young Americans on the conflict – and online activism
Sam finds typical young, female, activist… Americans… of color.
I wonder if they are off on holiday together to Lesbos too?
Eliana isn’t the usual bBbc talking-head at all. Not only is she both Jewish and pro-Israel, the bBbc usually seem to only find Jews who are deeply embarrassed by their “homeland”, but she’s also apparently a US Republican voter.
It seems that Sam has allowed the lovely Eliana to slip through the “impartial” net at least twice. How have the bBbc allowed that?
Maybe Sam’s not such a bad spud after all. No, I’m joking, he works for the bBbc.
The “but” in that headline is typical journalism. They will squeeze one in regardless of sense. (Cf. “as”.)
Interestingly JezBo and Springster have gone coy, whilst Soapy regresses to juvenility still further… hiding behind others…
When Trump came into office erroneously and magnanimously forgave Clinton her clear crimes. He should have pursued her as it allowed her a huge platform to keep lying about him.
This is purely political. The fascist left are determined to find ways of stopping him standing again because they suspect he won’t be as generous with them next time. If they do manage to trip him up on some misdemeanour then I hope Cruz takes up the challenge as he has been consistently strong for some time.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the more likely candidate.
Of course the New York AG is going after Trump. They are the same people trying to destroy the NRA. It is all about politics, none of it is about justice. The USA is descending into the pit of hell under the fake Biden presidency. They will do well to avoid civil war at this rate.
9am R4 will Jane Garvey try to shoehorn racism into her prog
just like she did last week ?
That’s an odd analogy. I’ve heard of people waking from a coma and speaking Chinese, but not jazz from falling off a roof ! All I got was 7 stitches in my head when my car ran over me on the drive – – – don’t ask.
Yesterday’s R4 9am prog was also a black guy saying how he’d made it through
“There’s a large body of opinion on the Left and the more extreme fringes of Islam which holds all Jews responsible for the actions of Israel.”
Only ‘the more extreme fringes of Islam’ – you sure about that Richard?
Its doctrinal. Its in the text.
BBC recalling their Falklands teams to ‘analyse’ more to calm Mishal down?
Phew; not two men called Mo.
What was being described a few days ago in parts of the media as ‘an anti-semitic hate crime’, is now, in the article linked by Guest Who, apparently rationalised by the woke community as ‘wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, robbery, and religiously aggravated criminal damage’.
I wonder what the same community’s reaction would have been if a couple of Jewish people had viciously set upon an imam…….
“Abderrahman Brahimi, 25, and Souraka Djabouri, 18, from Ilford, charged after Rabbi beaten up in Chingford, Essex.”
via OldHolbern
I bagsy the pedant prize and get to correct stew – it was Chigwell – not Chingford . People from Chigwell look down on the inferior plebs in Chingford …
@Fedup i absolutely don’t mind being correcting
but I was just quoting @OldHolborn
Stewgreen – yes I know – but the opportunity was too good to miss – and who cares if it was Chingford or Chigwell – they look more or less the same ….
This is an imported civil war.
If we didnt know that this would happen – the mass rapes, shooting, bombings etc, and when all the texts, sayings and actions of the RoP vouch for it, then we have no one to blame but ourselves.
It was this – importing a civil war from elsewhere – that was one of Enoch Powell’s arguments against mass immigration in the post-war period. He had seen India experiencing Hindu v Muslim civil strife as the British prepared to leave, and did not wish to see this imported into Wolverhampton or anywhere else in the UK. The public are left with the BBC/Leftist misrepresentation that “Powell was against Black and Asian people” but of course it was much more complicated and nuanced than that.
“Ceuta: Spain sends troops as 8,000 migrants enter enclave”
Coming our way!
Spain sends troops while we send lifeboats with free tickets to 4 Star hotels.
Illegals escape from a ‘rubbish dump’ to get here and turn our place into a rubbish dump, all with the help of our Tory Government.
Catch it before it disappears.
It used to be known as “balderdash”.
Now it means stringing a load of trite phrases and current buzzwords together, not necessarily in understandable sentences. They all do it – government, forces, MSM, and broadcasters.
It is all that is necessary to acquire a sinecure for life.
Fair point, well made. What in the name of all that is holy is that supposed to mean? I work for a large (Like very large) American company and our meetings are liberally scattered with tripe like this. For some time now whenever somebody asks to “Reach out” to x, y or z (Pronounced zed, not zee) I always make sure to mention that I will give them a reacharound at a later time. If you are uncertain of the difference, please look it up, but warning – adult content. It rarely receives comment.
Long time since that waste of space actually nicked anyone, I should imagine.
Is it about Glider flying and how to get uplift in a thermal?
She is going to be the new MET commissioner.
Nah, it’s an advert for Wonder bra.
It means (uplift )allows us to (spotlight )(wicked issues) by working in partnership across (policing) to (ensure sustainability )
I’ve put meaningless words in brackets for the hard of hearing …
What is a wicked issue?
11am the series about race riots in northern towns
is it by any chance given from the Labour Party view ?
“Barnie also talks to the then Home Secretary David Blunkett and Baron Khan of Burnley who was on the frontline of the tensions as a taxi operator.”
TOADY Watch #1 – the elf is goin’ a bit mental, Si!
TOADY had to find a mental health victim for the programme today and guess what? They found a wimmin! It gets better. Guess what – again? It was an American wimmin. Fortunately, she did not have a squeaky voice. The question remains: where and how do the BBC find them?
Another question also remains: how come we let so many Americans come to live and work in the UK? There is an absolute bar on traffic going going the other way unless you can get one of 5,000 Green Cards allotted to the UK every year or one of the extra 1,000 for Scots or irish to claim. How come Americans can waltz in here with apparent freedom?
Lauren detailed her mental health situation during the Pandemic (treated for free on our NHS) and decided it was caused by commuting and meeting people in her office. This, Lauren discovered thanks to the Pandemic, could be avoided by working from home – saves time and money, too – but her then employer wanted her back in the office. She looked for a new job, found one, and starts tomorrow (or was it next week?) so all is tickety boo.
I hope she realises that starting a new job is high up there on the stress and anxiety scale. No?
Oh dear.
“TOADY had to find a mental health victim for the programme today and guess what? They found a wimmin! It gets better. Guess what – again? It was an American wimmin.”
Still, it wasn’t Meghan Markle, so be grateful for that.
Simon webb’s new video https://youtu.be/QmCm2qwua_s
‘If on one side of the street there is a man who’s CHOSEN to get really drunk
… I can make fun of him and nothing happens
if on the other side of the street there is a man who’s CHOSEN to wear a dress
… I can make fun of him and …. I get arrested for a HATE CRIME”
Webb says that as a former drunk he doesn’t agree with medicalising choices
cos one thing that does is gives certain minorities protections not enjoyed by others.
Non-news that twitter is pushing at me
Trending with Demi Lovato
Trending in United Kingdom
Demi Lovato identifies as non-binary and changes pronouns to they/them
never heard of THEM, don’t care
The serious issue here is that this is a bBC Newsbeat story.
Newsbeat specifically targets young audiences.
“In keeping with its specific targeting of young audiences, Newsbeat has its own set of reporters and studios based at Radio 1 in Broadcasting House in Central London. Many of the stories produced by Newsbeat are reported by other programmes across BBC News.”
I’ve never heard of her either.
Sky attempt to do the same on Saturday mornings at 10.30 am. Just an updated version of Andy Pandy.
It is said that in 1453, as Sultan Mehmed II and his forces laid siege to Constantinople, which eventually fell, resulting in the end of a civilisation and the murder, rape and enslavement of tens of thousands of its citizens, the Byzantine priests were busy speculating on such important topics as ‘how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?’. This narcissistic obsession with personal delusions, fantasies and insecurities is the modern equivalent, with the BBC taking the role of traitors busy looking for gates to open to let the invaders in.
Ian Rushlow
Very tragic.
The schism that took place then has still to be healed.
“Demi Lovato identifies as non-binary and changes pronouns to they/them”
It’s an American singer with a long history of drug abuse. How shocking.
What is Demi Lovato and why should I give a 🐀’s a*se?
The bat-eared sodomite Evan D has just introduced this story as one of those they will be covering on Radio 4’s ‘PM’, referring to Demi Lovato as “they”. There is to be an explanation of what it is to be non-binary from someone who is non-binary. Bully for “them”.
If Lovato is half-and-half between heteroesexual and homosexual, does this make “them” semi-Demi Lovato or even hemi-Demi Lovato?
The BBC – promoting degeneracy at your expense.
Another item was Clive Myrie reporting from France on the difficulty of getting disciplinary action against police who harm ethnics. In the context of the approaching anniversary of the “murder” of George Floyd (manslaughter – if that – more accurately) there was a gripe about someone called Traore who hadn’t had justice. The agenda is unrelentingly biased and divisive, never admitting even the possibility that ethnics commit much more crime than the indigenous people and so will perforce have more contact with the police.
I’m sick to death of the f^(king BBC traitors.
Maybe myrie can do a report on getting overtly biased plod disciplined – kneeling down or actively campaigning for Palestine and its terrorists ?
Or maybe those plod who look the other way when the law is to be enforced against their ethnic friends ….
Although I guess myrie is only interested in his own race
Stew, the BBC appear to have something of a demi-tasse of an obsession with Demi Mk2 (Moore being Mk1), it’s the third or fourth time she/they/it has been on the BBC web-site in the last few months.
Think she’s a s
winger.Can one of the BBC trolls on this site (Maxi… can you help?) explain how this works in, say, French?
1. Would this person be referred to as ils or elles? If I’m using the stressed pronoun, is it eux or elles?
2. Why is there no Woke campaign against gender-based languages such as French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian etc, calling for them to be banned? If a person can be male or female or other (sic), why is a window always female (la fenêtre) but a supermarket is always masculine (le supermarché)?
Twitter is upon it as the BBC has again run this epic story.
The origin of the word “neuter” is ne + uter meaning “neither one nor the other”. It is related to uterus, believe it or not! In an ideal world, it would be simplest if most nouns such as window or bread were neuter, with masculine and feminine reserved for humans, as well as for a few domesticated animals whose gender matters to us, e.g. a cow rather than a bull, a hen as opposed to a cock, etc.
As you say, “they” is gender-neutral in English but this doesn’t work in some other languages. “It” would be rather brutal as a replacement for “he/she”. Gender distinction actually matters in the case of the German ‘die See’ and ‘der See’ (the sea, or the lake, depending on the gendered pronoun used). Some languages such as Italian and especially Romanian have nouns that are masculine in the singular but feminine in the plural (e.g. Rom. ‘trenul’ = the train, masc. sing., but ‘trenurile’ = the trains, fem. pl.)
Grammatical gender is a vexed question, even for familiar and characterful things such as the Moon (fem. in French and Romance generally but masc. in German) and the Sun (masc. in French but fem. in German!) Then there’s the use of neuter where diminutives have been added to German nouns, hence girl and young woman are actually neuter (das Madchen and das Fraulein, with umlauts needed over the modified stem ‘a’s.
All in all, a minefield!
What is wrong with “he” used inclusively? Isn’t inclusiveness supposed to be good thing?
The grammar is wrong. ‘They’ need to invent new pronouns.
All people are equal
but YOU are not allowed to use a museum
unless Extinction Rebellion have approved of the donors
XR protest blocking the road at the Science Museum now
The way these guys try to dictate our lives is SNOBBERY.
… https://twitter.com/heylittlemy/status/1394957208002125825
Donors? Does that include everyone who visits?
The last few times I’ve been to the “free entry” Science Museum (pre-covid), somebody at a desk has asked for a “voluntary” £5 donation and my email before admitting me!
A peaceful activist.
Golda Meier knew.
Femi knows f-all.
Who the BBc decries and who the BBC entertains… in a nutshell.
Sorry, is this peace activist a BBC reporter or a constable from the Metropolitan Police?
Or is he the dimwit that appeared on the show that used to be called The Pledge ?
How many times do you want your Arab army’s arse kicked into submission ?
Who let these POS’s into the UK?
I’m sure the Left and the BBC would wholeheartedly agree with the peaceful sentiments expressed.
What a nice fellow, I’m sure Twitter and Facebook won’t delete his accounts, will they?
Of course the one little problem with his theory is that the Arab armies tried to destroy the “Zionist entity” in 1947, 1956, 1967 and 1973, and it didn’t exactly go well for them. I don’t think there will be any takers for another go in 2021. Looks like the fanatics of Hamas will have to keep firing their rockets, which should at least keep this loony happy, insh’allah.
Something odd going on across the pond and in W1A.
All the lefty rags including the BBC and Guardian trumpeted the story earlier today about NY going after a “criminal” inquiry into Trump….
Then half an hour later it’s all vanished!!!!
Did they realise that they were unwittingly aiding an abetting the marxist mafia in NY by any chance?
Britain’s borders: wide open to Covid, slammed shut for people in need
says George Monbiot in the Guardian.
Quite obviously too thick to join the dots and realise that they could be one and the same thing!
Guido lists Angela Rayner’s recent donors
£234K total
£110K from unions, £62K from 3 guys with Muslim names, 10K from a biz
So half her money comes from individuals and half that seems from Muslims
What is all this money for though? Campaign expenses or personal income?
Last night on the Drama channel I was watching Last of the Summer Wine. Compo, Clegg and the tall one were hitching a lift. The car drove straight passed and Compo said! ‘I bet he votes Tory’. I wonder if it was in the script as it didn’t appear in the subtitles. The programme was made by the BBC in 1999. I have heard Compo do some of these asides in the early programmes. The actor was a vehement Labour man and he disliked Michael Bates who wasn’t.
But it was obvious that he was not upbraided for these comments and they were left in.
Debbie, there’s a wonderful sequence at the beginning of ‘Getting on Sidney’s Wire’ (fourth series – Brian Wilde had replaced Michael Bates – but not his Conservatism) that reminds me of three friends of mine.
Er ….. . . .
. . . . . …….. and me.
Unless you are very stupid the news this week :
+ of thousands of muslim migrants storming the Spanish enclaves in North Sfrica
+ the hugely provocative gesture by Muslim footballers of parading Palestinian flags around grounds
+ the chanting of chillingly violent slogans by Muslim demonstrators in London
must once again make your blood run cold.
We already have a few million of these medieval nutcases in our country and we yet have some non Muslim lunatics demanding we take more. Muslims already demand and are granted all manner of special privileges, those demands will continue to increase. Sharia law is already tacitly permemitted in some places.
The French and several other EU countries are beginning to push back against any further Muslim immigration and any further Islamification of their countries. In the UK no politician dare even talk about it. How much worse will things have to get , how many more privileges will have to be granted , how many girls raped, soldiers decapitated , children blown up, before the British people wake up and force politicians to take notice and do something. Currently the commentariat complacently say that the UK is handling things much better than France. They seem to forget the long list of Muslim atrocities that have occurred in the UK.
At present the people of this country remind me of the frog placed in a pan of cold water on top of a gas ring. It’s great when it is just a bit warmer but by the time the frog thinks it’s getting too hot it’s to late!
The disingenuous left wing apologists always feign outrage over these examples, and claim Biden has a stammer which is a disability and therefore you are making fun of the disabled!
This is in spite of the fact biden is clearly capable of pronouncing words without a hint of a stammer and is apparantly suffering confusion.
What next he’s suffing from senile dementia which is a medical condition and how dare you make fun of the disabled ?
Senile dementia, seems to me most of the left suffer from juvenile dementia.
It’s a bit like ‘emperors ‘ new clothes – although no MSM wants to mention this poor old mans’ mental health – but perhaps he reflects the mental health of his country – and maybe The West ( see the wokes )
JezBo seems oddly vague on stuff today, tweeting Israeli warning messages.
I thought BBC Nnnnnnnnaaaaa BS was too, but Katty has RT’d a daft effort from President Dayitis.
I also read a wheeze was to give both Iron Domes.
Given the Hamas slaughter rate beard on beard that is idiotic enough, but it reminds me of a Star Trek where ‘civilised’ protagonists shovel citizens in vapourising booths based on computer modelling.
As a reminder of mindsets at play…
One thing you can be sure of, there is a good reason the building is being targeted and it’s the same reason it has children in it. Hamas terrorists.
The MSM have all switched to using the word ‘children’ wherever they can, even when it’s a complete non-story like this one. They are clearly desperate because Israel is in the right and the ones they want to portray as ‘victims’ are actually terrorists.
But it’s how they have done it simultaneously which stands out. Exactly like they did when they started adding ‘false claim’ to anything Trump said without possibly being able to know it was false.
It’s nothing less than internet-age fascist control by the Left and it stinks to high heaven.
And when he stares like that (which is all the time), he is reading from an autocue.
How long can people like the BBC ignore it ?. If it were Trump, it would be huge news asking if this man was fit to be President.
Massive double standards on behalf of the left. As usual.
Not the BBC – but a new favourite – catherine Newman / person asking Mathew Handcock about sending aid to India . Q is it coming out of the aid budget ?A yes Q why ? A because it is aid … poor Cathy …
Fed, she has a nice smile when she has been caught out.
She’s doing the aid budget as lead on C4 news tonight – they found a red Tory ( not difficult )to compete with the Andrew Mitchell ‘give our money to Johnny Foreigner budget ….
I think this is excellent news – and maybe one day we can end the aid budget and keep the taxpayers ‘cash here – or Unborrowed . But now we are just mugs .
C4 news spent 15 minutes on this … cheered me up to know the overseas giveaway budget is being eroded away …
They had that lefty Tory Andrew Mitchell on to give away our money
Fed “They had that lefty Tory Andrew Mitchell on to give away our money” – he does appear to be obsessed with his old job – either that – or one of the Serpents has something on him.
I thought he is just trying to rebuild his brand and unique selling point in order to get a job on some international Quango when the time comes .
I don’t understand how his constituents keep him when he spends most of his time bleating over people who don’t pay taxes to the UK …
Springster will be scoring £10k gigs soon.
That the UN reckons she knows anything says more about the UN.
Utter drivel. WTF is a communication practitioner in non BS terms. I am sure her superiors have drafted her speech well in advance. A complete waste of time and hot air.
ITV local news : eco-Taliban preaching : sustainable hairdressing
Mr Kurtajee’s salon
They recycle tiny bits of foil, ask you to bring your own towel.
Yet still use high power hair dyers etc.
If not here, today I recall a Remain clown (Femi?) singing the joys of Spanish civilisation on jabs and stuff.
Have to say, I might yet be persuaded elsewhere.
Fine work
Best we can do is ‘killer sharks seen in Channel’
Or piranhas; or failing that, Doug and Dinsdale Piranha of Monty Python fame. “Bon appetit!” as James Bond once quipped as some villain got eaten alive.
BBC local news : female Beverley vicar gets female sculptors to replace high up statues with images of female here’s
They didn’t dwell on 2 or 3 being black
Seacole, Rosa Parks etc.
Why oh why do intelligent organisations keep letting these nutcases get into positions of influence? Are they really so shit scared of the utter twats behind them?
Terrible. Heartbreaking. Unnecessary.
I am not minded to check, but guessing this is ‘bbc balance’?
That said, the picture of one seems odd.
While every normal balanced person can clearly see that Israel is under sustained and indiscriminate bombardment by a crazy bunch of zealots under the banner of a particularly nasty branch of Islam. How in the name of simple humanity can the BBC possibly defend these disgusting animals who are happy to see their own children die for brownie points?
I am just perplexed and equally disgusted by the lack of basic understanding shown by these media idiots.
I hope they enjoy discussing it over their Lattes in their W1A coffee joints while real people are getting blown to bits..
This problem will still be ongoing when we’re dead and buried. There will always be turmoil in the world when land grabs are made in the name of religion. Its been happening for centuries, we had it on our own doorstep with Ireland, which isn’t truly settled, so how the hell are we supposed to deal with a crisis that’s been ongoing since 1948 in the middle east ?
Digg –
I too am perplexed by the lack of understanding of the Israel/Palestine issue.
I agree with you that any normal, balanced person should be able to see that Israel is merely defending itself against its duplicitous and murderous foes. Iran is using its terrorist proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, to not just attack Israel but to test the mettle of a cognitively impaired US president, now that the strong and clear-sighted Donald Trump is gone.
Most of the Western media and half our populations seem to be weak-minded dupes, easily manipulated by the emotional blackmail of Hamas who deliberately place their own civilians in the line of fire and cynically use their deaths for propaganda purposes.
These dupes cannot see what is really happening and parrot the leftist lies that Israel is an apartheid state and is engaging in genocide. How can Israel be accused of genocide when they issue one-hour warnings to evacuate the Hamas command and control centres they intend to strike? In my view Israel would be justified in flattening the whole of Gaza. But they display astonishing restraint when dealing with these unprovoked rocket attacks.
Bottom line is that most of the Muslim world does not accept Israel’s right to exist. The Palestinians reject every peace plan they are offered and Hamas doesn’t just want Israel wiped off the map, they want every Jew in the world eliminated.
There is only one side that a decent, fair-minded, freedom-loving observer can support in this conflict.
\\Israel-Gaza: Biden tells Netanyahu he wants ‘path to ceasefire’//
I think Biden is confused. He should have been addressing the unelected Hamas terrorists .
Just what would Joe Biden have done if Washington was bombarded with a thousand rockets all in one day?
I cannot begin to understand how the USA have ended up with such a bloody disastrous leader with his bunch of rag-tag anti-American supporters. I am at the point of expecting the USA to totally collapse in the next few years.
I am starting to suspect that China was involved in the election as it is playing right into their hands.
Not a surprise digg, Sleepy and his coke dealer have been in bed with Peking for years.
BBC repeats.
The “liberal” elements in the West have been sucked in by the lies promogated by the hordes of Islam.
Make no mistake, Islam intends to rule the whole World and are using these idiots to support their agenda,
The West urgently needs to wake up to what’s going on and push back.
Israel is just the beginning!
PH has done an article about the BBC’s global warming cricket item with Joe Root.
“Universities keeping lectures online into autumn term”
We should stop this useless idea of sending all kids to university despite their ability’s,
They would gain more benefit if they went to the University of Life and got a real job .
The so called “pandemic” has shown us all the true nature of our teaching profession. I have never witnessed such an abrogation of duty in any profession ever in our history.
They are all lilly-livered work shy cowards in my opinion.
Good luck young people you are going to need it and your teachers will certainly not be supplying it.
Its not only teacher, but GPs who are digging their heels in at face to face consultations – but GP nurses still have to work on the front line. Bloody disgrace.
Thoughtful MAY 19, 2021 AT 6:01 PM
“…This is in spite of the fact biden is clearly capable of pronouncing words without a hint of a stammer and is apparantly suffering confusion…”
Not directly bBBC…
But as someone who has had a **stammer/stutter for 70 yrs I know what one looks like. No sign of repeated/extended phonemes (s,t,g,b etc), especially at the beginning of words, and no indication of the physical blocking that can occur. These often result in hasty searches of the vocabulary for fluency, but I don’t think this the reason for the hesitation in Biden’s case.
I do actually feel sorry for him, but then he is (nominally) the most powerful man in the world.
** Just in passing… I have never had to explain that I have this condition in these terms, as in trying to say either of these words it becomes immediately apparent. Oh joy!
Covid-19: More variant hotspots to get surge tests and jabs

There have been long queues for jabs in Bolton, where the Indian variant now makes up the majority of new cases
Haha have they finally got to the ‘new Brits’?
I’m still puncture free.
I’m holding our for a free transistor radio or something
Eddy, 🙂 – I’m told that you do not even get a cup of tea and a biscuit. You just have to sit there for 15 minutes in case the vaccine has an instant unfortunate effect on you.
We live in interesting times…
The Labour Party reduced to the status of The Big Issue
The Conservative Party looking more and more like woke teachers.
The National Press trying to subvert the nations spirit.
The teaching profession trying to despoil our youngsters.
The medical profession trying to duck responsibility.
I would guess the only route we have now is a total insurrection.
Things we know….
Biden is in the White House because the Dems were supported by global activists to cheat.
The pandemic is nowhere near as horrid as we are told.
The true state of illegal immigration into the UK is hidden.
The effect of Muslim influence on the UK government is hidden.
The police are infected with wokeness.
The teaching profession is not fit for purpose as it is political.
The NHS is same as teaching profession.
The UN is instigating global pressure to promote the breakdown of normative society in the West including family, relationships, religion etc. To the benefit of the Muslim World
Breaking. Again.
It would that the Brother of the Manchester suicide bomber brought from Libya at great expense in order to enrich the greedy weasels has been asked to testify at the inquiry.
Despite the fact he has a long sentence he has asked for immunity from prosecution over anything he says i.e. that he shouldn’t have to incriminate himself – there is a chance he might incriminate other Muslims in Manchester dealing drugs who are said to be involved in this.
But because the greedy weasels are like the monkey with its hand down the neck of the jar grasping the nuts it won’t let go of, they are resisting this because they see a second bite of the cherry and more lovely fat fees.
And so because of the lawyers massive greed it appears likely they will get nothing and many drug dealing criminals who need to be locked up regardless of links to Abedi will remain free.
The problems with this sort of garbage is the way society has been manipulated. A few years back some stand up comedian would have reduced this story to the totally bizarre crap it really is but now they are too afraid of their careers and the backlash. We need some comedians with balls to kick this utter shite back into the long grass.
BBC 10 o’clock News.
Jeremy Bowen reports that the threat from Sleepy Joe Biden to Netanyahu for a de-escalation in hostilities and ceasefire has been taken, and he will comply
However in the real world, he forgets to report….
‘Netanyahu brushes off Biden call for ‘significant de-escalation’ in Gaza, says Israel ‘determined to continue’
I can’t imagine for a minute they let Joe speak to another world leader directly. I bet my hat that they had some kind of group call where Biden was present and sat looking bewildered while others did the talking while he agreed with them.
If was an actual phone call, I guarantee it was on speakerphone and a group sat around the senile old duffer telling him what to say.
Guess Bowen doesn’t know that Iran is behind the whole thing ….and really needs to be ‘dealt with ‘…