233 Responses to Weekend 10 December 2022

  1. Guest Who says:

    Given the rainbow thing… also impressive.


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC regular?


  2. Guest Who says:

    BBC pr is very loyal.


    • Guest Who says:


    • Banania says:

      “I don’t think I tried to do anything wrong.”
      By definition, if you are trying to do something, you know what that thing is.


  3. Zephir says:

    Kneeler in chief misses penalty


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Been away from stuff ?how is woke United getting on against the French Team ?


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      We were best at the pre match grovel, they didn’t even do it.

      We were also best at our defence passing side to side, they just came at us attacking and didn’t do the sideways passing that we excel at.


  5. Zephir says:

    I could make comments about referees an guide dogs…


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Excellent – sounds like the best team won .

    Keep taking that knee losers ….


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Oh – just seen that the Woke United millionaires could only get a goal from a penalty whereas the French scored proper goals .
    At least as a consequence we might hear a bit less about Woke United and their over woke manager ……who it seems will be in post with his lefty poison for another 2 long years …

    Knighthoods all round …


  8. Jeff says:

    Look, I’m sorry about this, but I’ve got to be honest. I’m glad England lost. There, I’ve got that off my chest…

    It’s not that I’m unpatriotic, or one of those revolting self-loathing liberals, it’s just I can’t stomach all that bloody kneeling. It makes my flesh crawl.

    This is the wokest side in the tournament. No other team is doing this pathetic political posturing. It’s stomach turning.

    On top of that, we all know how that miserable, hectoring sour faced git, Southgate, would love to lecture us all about the benefits of diversity and inclusion if Wokehampton United had somehow managed to win the title, imagine what it would be like. What with him, Gary Neville and lefty-luvvy, Lineker…There would be no end of it.

    It’s called football.

    Keep politics out of it.

    And get off your bleedin’ knees…


    • Eddy Booth says:

      The main thing is they kneed their best,
      it couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of fag hags.


      • Fedup2 says:

        On the upside – at least muslim united now get to beat the Semi muslim French in a couple of days. ….
        Lets blame the scottish referee for the woke millionaires not gettinf past the French defence …

        And all that sickening false nationalism can now be put back in the box . Rashford can start his ‘free heat for all ‘ campaign- via the marxists running his social media account ..


        • BRISSLES says:

          Personally I’m glad the boys of ’66 carry on with their historic title. Yes, they had a fag and a pint before the game, and had ‘proper’ haircuts, but at least they were more relatable to the paying fans than any lot since Agents were hired, and mega bucks transfer deals and obscene wages became the norm. (also quite chuffed that Lineker and Beckham are short of a World Cup medal)


  9. Guest Who says:

    One for Springster?

    Like Marlene and Megharry, Reg and his tv News groupies are learning that craving the spotlight can find demanding attention has downsides.


  10. Fedup2 says:

    The relationship between twitter – the DNC – the feds – biden – seems not to be being reported in the MSM as elon musk releases materials …
    Systematic cancellation of unapproved views seems to be of no importance to the likes of The BbC / guardian. Should i be surprised ?


    • tomo says:

      Should i be surprised ?

      One wonders how similar control is exercised this side of the pond across the media.

      From what we’re seeing stateside the partisan agenda driven manipulation was routine – we know that 77th Brigade + associates + nudge units have been busy in the UK. I wonder if the UK branch office memos and were handled differently?


  11. Guest Who says:

    Luckily, the bbc gets sent the truly profound stuff.

    Next, Amol and Naga on what saw their tv exposure soar.


  12. Guest Who says:

    Worth repeating.

    Seems the only career for such lovely ladies of opinion is the bbc.


  13. tomo says:


  14. tomo says:


  15. tomo says:


  16. Zephir says:

    Still feeling enriched ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      This is pretty regular – as anyone stupid enough to be using London buses after 3pm in the weekdays will testify ….

      …. I stopped using them when I found myself getting very near to ‘dealing with ‘ children school students – promising footballers / trainee human rights ‘ lawyers all ….

      But then I realise Im a 6’4 whitee just ripe for arrest / civil action – so no … no buses….

      As for the driver … huge twitter support …. But the main criticism was that he should not have ‘engaged ‘ and just stayed in the cab not going anywhere til plod arrived – a few hours later ….


  17. Zephir says:


  18. Zephir says:


  19. Zephir says:

    “Eyewitness: Jihadi bride Shamima Begum gave rabble-rousing speeches which ‘incited ISIS suicide bombers’ after joining Islamic State

    Comes as London-born Begum, 23, renews her legal bid to return to the UK
    She claims she was trafficked to the Middle East when she was a schoolgirl 
    Home Office and security services oppose her return as she is a security risk
    Refugee the terror group took prisoner said they saw Begum giving speeches. The account from the Yazidi sex slave comes as London-born Begum renews her legal bid to return to the UK, claiming she was trafficked to the Middle East as a schoolgirl.
    But the refugee’s testimony suggests Begum was active in the terror group ”



    • Thoughtful says:

      Don’t forget that Blue Labour are funding and supporting her return and if they weren’t they could easily put a stop to it.
      Politically they can’t be seen to U turn on this, but if they can get a Judge to do it for them absolving them of responsibility it’s another matter.


      • Up2snuff says:

        T, think you mean the newspapers, one in particular, is funding and supporting her return. HMG are opposed to it.


  20. Zephir says:

    Never to be heard on the bbc


  21. tomo says:

    Canada… – one wonders if NZ will try to one-up and include patients?

    Pretty sure the BBC will add this to their extensive collection of haram topics.


  22. Zephir says:

    Banker with white stick and labrador, presumably,

    wimmin says arabs are not mysoginistic, its white men of course hmmmm

    “EXCLUSIVE: ‘A banker offered me a £5 million indecent proposal to sleep with him in the heart of London’: So don’t tell Amanda Staveley, the woman who brokered Newcastle United’s deal with the Saudis, her Arab clients are the world’s worst misogynists”



  23. Sluff says:

    OK so I’m heartless.

    BBC announce a little girl has been cured of Leukemia in a new type of treatment, summarised by them as follows

    ‘Doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital used “base editing” to perform a feat of biological engineering to build her a new living drug’

    I’m very pleased for the little girl.

    But we need to know how much this treatment costs. And then we need to have the b**** to decide how high we want our taxes to go in order to keep everyone alive until they go gaga and end up drooling in a care home.

    Meanwhile 7 million are on the waiting list, often for cheap and mundane treatment but can’t get to see anyone for months.

    Sentimentality doesn’t pay bills. But no politician seems to have the guts to admit it.
    And then do something about it.


    • Jeff says:

      I really don’t understand your attitude to this story…This isn’t keeping everybody alive in care homes until they go ga-ga.

      This sounds like a revolutionary treatment that might offer hope to parents with children suffering with incurable childhood leukaemia.

      I’m not one for eulogising our sainted NHS and I never once stood on my doorstep clattering pots and pans, but…

      You don’t have to sentimental to think that this could be wonderful news…


      • Sluff says:

        This is on the back of an announcement about a fortnightly antibody transfusion ( or some such) which for a quarter of early stage dementia patients provides about 6 months of extra cogniscence.

        My point is that if the BBC celebrates ever complex healthcare without telling us the cost AND then features endless stories about underfunding then we are not going to get anywhere.

        Life expectancy pre covid was going up three years every decade. The state pension age was not. Twenty or thirty years ago people died of things. Now they survive longer , in the above case at enormous public cost, and often end up with dementia and decreasing life quality. It all has to be paid for but both the politicians and public have their head in the sands and pretend it’s all free of charge.

        Meanwhile even with huge current tax levels there is not enough to pay for basic public services which are all going to rats***.

        No-one seems to want to grasp the nettle.


  24. JohnC says:

    Just laughing at some of the social media jokes against Kane. One had photoshopped the back page of a newspaper to be the headline ‘Kane kills pigeon’.

    Of course he is fair game and people can joke all they like. But if he was black, it would be racist abuse. THAT is the kind of hypocrisy which is why I despise the ethics of the left so much.


    • harry142857 says:

      My mate got the worst available ticket for the England versus France, row z, seat 99. At least he got to catch the ball from Kane’s penalty.


  25. Foscari says:

    I was just was just watching the breakfast programme on the BBC .
    With the BBC presenter agreeing with everything Andy Burnham
    was saying about the train strikes, in agreement with Mick Lynch
    the communist but loquacious leader of the RMT union.
    Some of us are still paying £158 a year to watch an anarchist
    Marxist news TV channel , more fool us !
    Changing the subject. The oil, climate change protesters ,call them what you will. I would not fine them or send them to gaol for a few weeks. Find some empty space for them right now
    and glue them down. With a bit of luck a few would freeze to
    death. And the ones that survive will maybe think about
    , is it really getting that much warmer?
    As for the train drivers. Sack the lot, If the illegal immigrants
    are not going to be sent back to Albania or anywhere else.
    Remove then from their hotels. They could learn how to drive
    a tube train..A 7 year old child or even a crow
    could learn to to drive a tube train in 30 minutes. Not bad
    for well in access of £1000 a week for this ! Learning to
    drive a main line train may take half a day. And
    I don’t think a crow could do it . Or an Albanian until they have
    learnt to understand some English. To follow the signal signs.


  26. AsISeeIt says:

    Have you passed any motions lately edition

    In a scenario about as plausible as England scoring all their World Cup penalty opportunities, the Sunday Telegraph suggests: Labour vows war on health unions

    Perhaps the word went out after Sir Keir noticed some adverse private polling or some spicy focus group feedback perhaps? Xmas strikes cost £4bn …and Blunkett warns voters will blame Labour (Sunday Express)

    On the other hand perhaps Blunkett’s old boss and seasoned triangulator Sir Tony has had a quiet word from afar with one of his former minions: Former Labour Home Secretary… compared today’s industrial strife to the “winter of discontent” in 1978-9 when union militancy ushered in 18 years of Tory rule (Sunday Express)

    Afterall, the feeling is that of the key striking groups – the train drivers are already on a decent wedge and the healthworkers rather enjoyed bringing this present cost of Lockdown crisis down both on themselves and ourselves.

    ‘I think the BMA does doctors no favours when they vote for motions that look like they’re living on a different planet’ (Telegraph) – co-ordinated quote from the Labour present health shadow there – it’s bad news enough when your doc asks you as a patient have you had any motions recently? Now the patient needs to ask the GP the same question before booking any form of in person consultation

    In a world of 7-11 convenience up and coming Labour Blair-child Wes Streeting was apparently ‘horrified’ when the BMA voted for 9 to 5 NHS surgery hours.

    It was Dolly Parton back in 1980 in the persona of the nine to fiver secretary who complained:

    9 to 5
    For service and devotion
    You would think that I
    Would deserve a fat promotion

    Want to move ahead
    But the boss won’t seem to let me
    I swear sometimes that man is
    Out to get me, hmmm

    Women in the workforce, eh?

    Of course this is the NHS, our great national shibboleth, the holy cow, the graven image, our one and only both diverse and at the same time unifying leftist religion about which we are speaking.

    Just ask Danny Boyle with his 2012 London Olympic celebratory show – dozens of fit lythe keen immaculately nostalgicaly uniformed happy and enthusiastic dancers – playing the part of NHS nurses – remember that?

    Perhaps your memory was jogged more recently when that show was rather naffly and amateurishly emulated in miniature with a plethora of TikTok dance routine videos – the scuffy scrub-dressed well-fed apparently with time on their hands in their Locked-down health facilities – in mocking echo of the real Danny Boyle thing.

    ‘We can’t afford to be romantic and misty-eyed about the health service: this is a service not a shrine’ (Telegraph) – blimey, the Labour shadow health sec seems to have read the room hereabouts.

    Do Labour sniff power and now present themselves as rowing back on the woke?

    This criticism of the NHS – call it anti-pot-banging comes on the day following the RCN chief laughably whingeing about the Tory minister supposedly being a misogynist who won’t negotiate – because she’s a lady.

    Our BBC meanwhile is more than happy to see the quacks tinker with our DNA: Base editing: Revolutionary therapy clears girl’s incurable cancer… doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital used “base editing” to perform a feat of biological engineering to build her a new living drug – naturally, one is pleased to see the girl cured – if that’s what this represents. One can see the Beeb keen to blow smoke up the experts’ arses. But the BBC’s blyth unquestioning welcome to this uncertain future world of ‘biological engineering‘ and: …new way of altering DNA – ought to be just a bit concerning?

    Suppose the experts made something nasty on purpose or perhaps by mistake that then leaked out of a lab?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think you have got the NHS thing the wrong way round . All those hard working – poorly paid – medical mafia deserve to have their weekends off – no one should have to work weekends or nights …. If punters are stupid enough to have accidents or get ill at weekends they should have consideration and ‘flatten the curve ‘ like during the Chinese virus .


      • Khaa2091 says:

        Would you like a copy of my December rota?
        I am leaving my 1 yr with her grandparents in order to work the resident nights of 23rd / 24th / 25th Dec. I’m not complaining, because it is part of my job as an NHS consultant, but at least get your facts right.


  27. Guest Who says:

    A socialist state funded fifth column trying to get its mates installed. That is what the BBC is like.

    Revisionist twats.


    • Guest Who says:

      Workers who work, and pay taxes.

      Workers who work, get paid well, pay taxes and nifty pensions.

      BBC workers who promote politicians and Union Leaders and NGO directors..


    • andyjsnape says:

      The man in the picture is saluting Hitler with the wrong arm. Its a wonder the bBC didn’t pick that up and suggest they are Far Right 🙂


  28. Guest Who says:


    Justin and John Kerry built a Lear igloo yet?


  29. Sluff says:

    Good results in the footie for the BBC.

    Morocco through.
    England lose.

    Let’s hope the staffers don’t trip on the Champagne bottles.


    • Charlie Farley says:

      England let in 2 Dinghys to the back of the Net !


      • Fedup2 says:

        It looks like Woke United now have competition on worship as the BBC pivots towards supporting Morocco and ensuring every know that it’s not just an African team – but a Muslim one – the mostly peaceful riot in Paris after the woke United game was mostly covered and apparently mostly happens quite regularly ….
        Anyway – when the Muslim United play Croatia on Tuesday they’ll all do that Bowing to Mecca thing before the start .
        The referee and VAR will be Muslims as allah wills it …

        So glad woke United are out – but it looks like Southgate is gonna keep the job so the mediocrity will continue ….

        But – who cares ?


        • Foscari says:

          Fedup- I consulted for FIFA compliance for a short while.
          Now with VAR it is very difficult for the referees and VAR
          to show ” influence” outside 40-60% decisions, as we saw last
          night with the second English penalty. The referee HAD to
          give the penalty, after VAR made him look it it. In 2002 one of ” Blatters Boys” Byron Moreno had carte blanche as referee to make
          whatever decisions he liked against Italy when FIFA wanted
          South Korea to progress for financial reasons, The fact that
          Moreno finished up in a US gaol for 5 years for heroin
          smuggling later on in his career, is another story.
          55-45% decision last night such as Saka being fouled before
          the first French goal, could be got away with.
          The” dealings ” of Michel Platini the French head of UEFA
          with Qatar could only be used as a conspiracy theory why
          the Colombian referee seemed to be lenient towards
          the French. By the way Sen Moreno was from next door
          Fed Up when I write a book about what I know about the
          the “dark arts” in football. I will send you a signed copy.
          It will make the ” Godfather”look like a fairy tale.
          I must of been the only one who laughed out loudly when
          one of the pundits in the World Cup made a “freudian slip”
          in commentary. But I have heard these parapraxis , plenty
          of other times during the World Cup. As Deep Throat
          tells Bob Woodward in ” All the President’s Men ” ” Just
          follow the money.”


          • Fedup2 says:

            Foscari – thanks – I look forward to the book . I take it as a ‘given ‘ that much of international footy is fixed for either political or economic corruption –
            As long as the likes of the FIFA mafia stay out of the clutches of the US DOJ they must think they can do what they want – after all – they got away with Qatar ….

            I suppose the complexion of the referees ( VAR Crew ) in the final games will be an indicator of what FIFA wants ….

            France to beat the Argies in the Final . If Muslim United get to the final and win we could see some ….. fun …. As that evil ‘religion ‘ comes up against the civilisation of footy …

            .. more mostly peaceful riots …


  30. Thoughtful says:

    Blue Labour are spending £7 Bn of our money on woke stupidity and those few remaining conservatives are not happy about it.


    Given the state of this extreme Left Wing party could Red Labour be any worse?


    • G says:


      “The Seven Principles of Public Life” 1995, aka, “The Nolan Principles”. Remember that?


      Failed on every Principle. That being the case, a taxpayer has no obligation to pay taxes to fuel their own demise. Starve the bastards out I say. ‘no money, no nonsense’.


      • Fedup2 says:

        1 don’t get caught
        2 don’t get caught
        3 don’t get caught
        4 don’t get caught
        5 don’t get caught
        6 don’t get caught
        7 what I did was within the rules ….


        • tomo says:

          Rules do not matter – it’s what happens to the rule breakers that matters – and in the case of the public sector that amounts to 1/1000 of feck-all.

          I’d point you to the CRAG act of 2010 which purportedly puts the Civil Service into a constitutional framework whereby wrongdoing can be properly dealt with.

          Only there’s some stuff missing ……… there are no sanctions for wrongdoing / misbehaviour beyond extant criminal law which is notoriously difficult to get CPS to enforce – even if you’re lucky enough to have the police investigate.

          That said, The Civil Service Code of Conduct is filled with what appear to be reasonable rules for the behaviour of Civil Servants – BUT -> shock horror <- there's no menu / tariff of punishments for individuals found to have broken the rules and caused harm – as in none, nada, zip….

          The Civil Servant’s Code of Conduct specifies that decision taking must be objective – a condition that caused a bitter laugh at tomo Towers.


  31. andyjsnape says:

    Laura Kuenssberg: Putin set UK on search for new friends

    What a load of rubbish – firstly blaming “Filling up your car” So Russia has been in Ukraine for 20+ years! The consumer has been ripped off for years

    Heating prices. It wasn’t the home owner who decided to stop buying Russian oil/gas!

    Maybe, just maybe the bBC isn’t being honest (AGAIN) with this biased reporting

    Lets face it the exchequer is happy with higher prices and the revenue this generates, every little helps to pay off for the covid debt. Publicly keeps blaming Russia, honestly!

    As for friends, the world is far bigger than the west. Russia is still friends with India, China etc. India buying Russian oil and selling it back to the west at a profit

    We are truly mugs in the west, and something has to change


    • Up2snuff says:

      ajs, if you look on the BBC’s own web-site Business > Market Data you will see that the oil and gas prices started rising in autumn 2021, nothing to do with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (Click on the item head and then set 5 years for the price info.) Ask yourself, what could possibly have been going on in late autumn/early winter 2021? Something that the UK media, especially the BBC, were making a big fuss about.

      Even the BBC noticed but the BBC got the cause wrong.


  32. andyjsnape says:

    A film on bBC iplayer,

    Its one to definitely Not watch

    PS For those that do, dont forget to keep funding this, in the form of the tele tax. Personally the likes of the ex British BC will never get a penny from me again

    The bBC tries to cater for the “minority” but the minority already has its own loyalties, and just alienates the people the organisation was setup for


  33. pugnazious says:

    Gareth Southgate…such a racist.

    Interesting to hear the BBC quoting Gareth Southgate’s comments on the diversity of the ‘English’ team…apparently they’re not fully ‘English’….they’re mixed heritage and that’s a strength…naturally! So they’re sort of ‘English’ but they’re also Afro-Caribbean or whatever…even if born and bred here.

    Hmmm…so why was it such a crime to ask Marlene Headley what part of Africa her heritage came from?….which was what Lady Hussey was most likely asking…we of course don’t have any proof of what she actually said just the bigoted and prejudiced ‘quotes’ of the delightful ‘Ngozi Fulani’ playing the victim/race card for full value and effect.

    Headley said she was ‘British…born here…so that’s it…British through and through!’ No other heritage or roots apparently…Lady Hussey was ‘denouncing her Britishness’ claimed Headley….who dressed like a pseudo-African, appropriates an African type name and often pronounces how proud she is of her African heritage…lol….seems like she doesn’t want to be British herself.

    Sooo…how is it not ‘racist’ to deny the English team players their ‘Britishness’ and claim some other loyalty for them on their behalf?

    Different rules for different people it seems.


    • Jeff says:

      Yes indeed, just imagine how this ghastly creep and the BBC would have carried on if England had actually won the bloody tournament. FFS, we’d never hear the end about the benefits of “diversity”…

      “War is peace”…”Freedom is Slavery”…”Ignorance is our strength”… and the latest, “Diversity is unity”.

      Southgate, Lineker and the equally obnoxious Gary Neville love to spew this self-righteous, multicultural bilge at every opportunity.

      Kneeling Englishmen? supporting the Marxist spivs of BLM, that was started by the death of a black drug abuser in the USA, but say sweet FA (pun intended) about Pakistani grooming gangs and the mass rape of under-age English girls.

      Still, look on the bright side…

      Harry may have missed the penalty, but his kneeling was first class.


      • Kinell says:

        I saw a Frankie Bolye ‘clip’ somewhere saying, that if the England players wanted to show real solidarity they should suck each overs ***** as they’re on their knees already.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Why is it only those of colour who decide to call themselves double barrelled heritage names ? Afro-Caribbean, Anglo-Indian, British Muslim et al. I’ve yet to hear of the British-Scandinavian, Canadian-Ozzie, (ok there is a French Canadian I grant you), but not in as much abundance as our coloured friends.


  34. pugnazious says:

    The BBC, the Downtrodden’s champion, the People’s voice, the social justice warriors holding Power to account…usually by demanding lots more money…suddenly not so much as the Downtrodden go on strike for more money and better terms and conditions.

    Much of the BBC’s commentary and reporting seems quite negative and unsupportive of the Unions and the strikers.

    Postal workers have been striking and mounted a big rally in Parliament Square on Friday…according to the union their biggest rally ever….but you’d hardly know from the BBC which has all but ignored it….as well as telling little porkies that side with the management.

    The rally made for quite impressive photos but astonishingly the BBC didn’t publish one…instead choosing a grumpy looking postman at a different and smaller rally at Mount Pleasant….which it mentioned first and dismissed as ….

    ‘Workers carrying placards demanding the removal of Royal Mail’s chief executive Simon Thompson gathered outside the Mount Pleasant Mail Centre in London.’


    Only much later do they mention the rally in Parliament Square….almost as an after thought….

    ‘Members of the CWU also staged a rally on Friday afternoon outside Parliament in central London.’

    And that’s it basically…not even a photo of the rally. If only they’d been all gay or all black posties..or better still all gay and black….and were demanding ‘equality’…the BBC would have made it front-page news.

    And here’s a little lie…

    ‘Inside the sorting office, parcels and letters continued to be sorted by a skeleton crew of 100 people….Joy, who has been with Royal Mail for 28 years, told the BBC he had chosen to come to work on a strike day because “I want to please my customers because of the peak time”.

    He said that firms are worried about business after the height of the pandemic. “They need their letters and their mail ASAP,” he said.”I want to keep moving the mail.”‘

    Good old Joy….coming in to work to help his customers…er…hold on…who is Joy really? In a later BBC report we find out….

    ‘For Joy, who is a manager at the plant, it is important “to keep moving the mail” even if it doesn’t leave the centre until striking posties return to work. ‘

    Ah…he’s a manager….so not in the CWU and definitely not going to be on strike….so not bravely breaking the strike to help out his customers then?

    The BBC looks to be downplaying the strike, the reasons for it and the support for it whilst misrepresenting the facts and portraying a a manager as an heroic front-line postie out to please his customers when he’s in fact doing all he can to undermine the strike and make sure the workers are even more downtrodden it would seem.




  35. tomo says:

    The DNC affiliated DoJ went after Dinesh D’Souza for a whole lot less than has already been revealed via the Twitter files…..

    At what point will US law enforcement drag these peeps in ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      The BBCNHS news reports a kind offer from the godfather of the nurses’ medical mafia to the sec state for Health (cough) to engage in talks and the mafia will suspend strikes .

      The BBC stance is unquestioningly pro NHS mafia . The nurses will demand 20% ( the Asda discount ) and the nasty blue labour chap will say’ no’.

      So the strike becomes caused by the blue labour lot ….

      It’s a pity they can’t be starved back to work but since obesity is endemic amongst the medical mafia it would be a long strike ….
      There is so much is separating the NHS from the state -funding – even getting £5 per visit would be a start – but there would be so many excluded due to benefits that only mug taxpayers would be picking up the tab ….

      Pity the Government can’t say – ‘this is your funding limit ‘ – stick to the core stuff – cut out the diversity managers and the like and control your waste and corruption and sort your working practices out …

      But no – always more taxpayers’ cash and permanent ‘crisis’…


  36. tomo says:

    Marianna is a brown nosing bottom feeder.

    Fauci is projecting – plain and simple – going after individuals has been a prominent part of his MO for decades – Musk’s prosecute/ Fauci pronouns must have passed the poisonous dim bint by.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      You have to admire her single-minded determination. Or her resistance to critique.

      Her 1980s style mic?



    • Docmarooned says:

      Unbelievable drivel from the low IQ Springster. Fauci is corrupt and has been lying his way through Covid and before as if he is some medical saint. He is the opposite.


    • StewGreen says:

      Physically going after people’s family is wrong
      but did the BBC show any concern when it was Trump’s family ?
      No they stoked it.


      • tomo says:

        As far as Springster is concerned she’s treading the well trodden BBC victimhood path.

        I wonder if she has read any of “The Real Anthony Fauci” – I doubt it.

        Did she interview or contact any of the affected family members? – or did she take the swine’s word on the topic?

        Like I said above – Springster is a brown nosed bottom feeder – trying to run defence/deflection for the indefensible.


  37. Terminal Moraine says:

    A good answer to one of those ‘familiar questions’. So familiar it seems, more and more people are getting fed up with it.


    • StewGreen says:

      The WaPo writer just assumes Argentina has lots of black people
      But the country is not tropical so never had the same amount of black slaves like tropical countries near the Equator have

      Ethnic groupings in Argentina (2022 est.) according to the CIA FactBook.
      European and Mestizo (97.2%)
      Amerindian (2.4%)
      African (0.4%)
      The Wikipedia page is a bit mixed up, listing some sources that claim upto 4%
      But as I said when you are in tropical Latin countries the black population is obvious, but in the colder countries you see very few.


  38. tomo says:

    don’t forget – Khant does what khants do…

    He’s (very) likely still doing this – but just maybe the media herd have been threatened with accreditation removal if they mention any inconvenient hypocrisy.


    • Fedup2 says:

      There is ‘anger ‘ that key workers going into londonistan ( plod) early in the day will have to pay the new £12.50 ULEZ charge if their jalopies fail to grade …
      Administering who and who is not ‘essential ‘ or ‘emergency response ‘ will be a challenge – but no double the NHS will all get a pass ….


  39. tomo says:



  40. Terminal Moraine says:

    Usual drivel reporting on the Moroccan post-football carnage around Europe. All what you’d expect (a small amount of boys responsible; the ‘elder’ community are going to rectify it; the right wing are exploiting it). Photo caption though sums up the BBC bias:

    “This was the scene on Boulevard Lemonnier as Moroccans celebrated victory over Belgium”




    • Zephir says:

      Erm what is that according to the racist bbc?

      A “mostly intact and driveable car” ?

      “Mostly unburnt” ?


  41. StewGreen says:

    CPRE = The Campaign to PROTECT rural England
    Is the new CPRE boss in Guardianlalaland ?
    see his bio

    The charity is supposed to PROTECT rural England
    but got hijacked by climate cultists years ago
    So they support industrialising it on a massive scale
    with wind turbines, solar farms & bio fuel crops replacing food farming.
    .. That increases food imports and the prices of British grown food.



  42. andyjsnape says:

    Elton John quits Twitter blaming change in misinformation policy

    Best to leave the bbc also, over their policy of misinformation


  43. Fedup2 says:

    John redwood – that conservative so hated by the BBC observes on the twitter that 4% of the nations ‘ power is sun/ wind on sunday AM with 73% carbon based .

    He asks the green nazis how wind/sun is going to supply the countrys’ needs ( maybe better draught excluder ?)


  44. StewGreen says:

    Why aren’t yesterdays 6 Brussels corruption arrests in the news ?
    “(Brussels) Greek Vice-President of the European Parliament Eva Kaili was charged with “corruption” on Sunday in Brussels, and imprisoned, in the investigation of a Belgian judge relating to large payments allegedly made by Qatar to influence decisions ”

    Eva Kaili, Antonio Panzeri, an NGO director, and an Italian trade union leader.
    The Brussels federal prosecutor says 4 of 6 people arrested in connection with #Qatargate remain in custody, charged w/”participation in a criminal organization, money laundering & corruption.”

    Farage tweeted
    16 MEPs houses were raided yesterday.
    5 arrests, €600,000 in cash found!

    Eva Kaili, who is a Greek former TV news anchor, was suspended by her party in Greece and the EU assembly’s Socialists and Democrats group.
    She was arrested on FRIDAY !
    Yet the BBC report was put up 30 hours later on Saturday night
    Also Friday “Pier Antonio Panzeri, has been caught with up to 500.000 Euros stashed in cash in his house ”

    See how Euronews use the word Persian in the title but not in the story


  45. tomo says:

    Meanwhile, the anychess blunders onward sustainably


  46. Guest Who says:

    BBC regular?


    • Scroblene says:


      That’s a familiar voice – was he/she often here a couple of years ago? Great poster I recall…

      Senora O’Blene said something pretty well identical, with this
      beeb-searched-for ‘victim’ squirting kids in all directions then whingeing that she can’t afford them!


      • Up2snuff says:

        Scrobie, yes, I miss Pounce, Grant and a few others, too. Lefty Wright and Lobster come to mind. Wonder how Halifax is?

        Pounce has his own site now but also posts on TCW Defending Freedom, especially on military matters where he has experience. If you get hooked up on Twotter, Instagrab and Farcebook, that’s all your spare time gone and some more.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Halifax posted a couple of days ago …. But lobster … where are you ? It’s a long fight …


  47. Guest Who says:

    One for Springster once she’s done fluffing Fauci?

    To check claims made.


    • StewGreen says:

      178 paragraphs in that thread
      So that suggests her charity is so screwed up it takes him that long to unpick it all
      But would have taken 2 minutes for a school magazine to raise a flag.

      He goes thru the grants and says that Sistah Space have a habit of picking stats out of the air and putting them on grant application forms
      Then days later they use completely different figures and claims.

      Grant #9 was £60K from Comic Relief to upgrade the website
      He reckons all they did was move it from one provider to another so it shouldve cost “$5”

      “I want to demonstrate precisely how this was an utter and complete fraud and I hope that pays attention to this part if not anything else. I also hope that Comic Relief pay attention “


  48. Guest Who says:


    • StewGreen says:

      13 months ago when it aired in America on HBO, some black people on Twitter were laughing about it examples
      Some did condemn the show for being obsessed with skin colour.



  49. Guest Who says:


    • StewGreen says:

      she said a BBC interview announcing their engagement was part of an “orchestrated reality show”.

      BBC journalist Mishal Husain, who conducted the interview, said on BBC’s Today programnme on Thursday morning
      : “We know recollections may vary on this particular subject, but my recollection is definitely very much: asked to *do* an interview and do said interview.”
      (BTW Husain’s grammar is weird there
      “asked to do” is past tense
      Then she switches to present tense “do an interview”

      Press Gazette doesn’t allow comments on the article


  50. Guest Who says:

    £5B. 20m staff. Envy of the werld.