OFCOM is meant to ‘regulate ‘ broadcasters. But when it comes to the State Funded BBC there doesn’t appear to be much control – for instance there is no comment about the refusal of the BBC to call Islamic HAMAS a terrorist group even though it carries out terrorist attacks and is legally a terrorist gang in UK law .
So who is OFCOM ? Does it need to be ended like the BBC? Will any politician fix it ?
Midweek 18th October 2023
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Economic disaster. OMG!!!
BBC 6 pm news.
Inflation is still high.
Featured are parents at the Baby Sensory Club. That’s right. The Baby Sensory Club.
Nope, me neither.
One mother is distraught. Because of inflation, after the Baby Sensory Club plus swimming for babies there will be no money left for other children pastimes. How will they survive?
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Truly a BBC Islingtonia problem from their weird parallel universe for the entitled.
Let’s call it what it is:
bbc muzzies
a racist hatred of jews
jews attacked in Oxford Street ? its their fault
muslim rape gangs ? local news
We may have inflation but the BBC can feel good about a new theatre opening in Manchester.
Yours for only £240 million of taxpayers money.
Which is £120 million over budget.
But hey. It’s the Arts. Normal rules do not apply.
Just to add to the Verify pile-on, here’s a typical waste of pixels from our favourite ‘highly specialised team with a range of forensic capabilities’:
“We consulted experts to establish whether the available evidence – including the size of the explosion and the sounds heard beforehand – could be used to determine its cause. So far the findings are inconclusive. BBC Verify has shown the evidence to a number of weapons experts, some of whom say it is not consistent with what you would expect from a typical Israeli airstrike.”
— Dad, I’m stuck with my homework. What’s going on?
— Dunno son; looks to me like six of one, half a dozen of the other.
— Ok I’ve not got a clue but I’ll keep telling everyone I’ve been working on it all night so they don’t think I’m an utter waste of space.
— Dad can you lend me a fiver for a frappucino?
Carrying on from TM:
Gaza hospital: What video, pictures and other evidence tell us about Al Ahli hospital blast
What a joke : ‘BBC Verify’ run through all the things they can find in videos and what other people said and have lots of evidence that it was a faulty rocket and no evidence that it was anything else but still feel unable to ‘verify’ to us it was a rocket launched by Hamas.
Instead we get:
‘Amid the claim and counter-claim, getting to the truth is harder than ever.’
No it’s not. Why are ‘BBC Verify’ even listening to ‘claims’ : I thought they only relied on evidence ?.
It’s clear they know that if they blame Hamas, they will upset the people on the side they support – and also a lot of their ‘friends’ over here. So they keep quiet. I’m sure a conclusion would have been reached by now if Israel had actually bombed it.
They still have their video up of their ‘BBC reporter’ (a Gaza local who will be avout as partial and biased as you can get)) who calls it a ‘massacre’ which is basically saying Israel did it on purpose:
‘A massacre is an event of killing people who are not engaged in hostilities or are defenseless. It is generally used to describe killing of civilians en masse by an armed group.’
The only plausible explanation I can see now is that many people were gathered in the car park when a faulty rocket landed on it and most of it’s propellant went up with the warhead and killed such large numbers of them.
Aside from all that, what a truly tragic accident and a terrible way for those people to die – what are the chances of that happening ?. Perhaps they could ask Allah why he did it.
I’m still not sure what the purpose of ‘BBC Verify’ is. When it suits them, they just ‘verify’ something (like a video) to tell us if it’s true or not without regard to what it is about. Then other times they try to do some investigation to find out the truth of an event using what other people say. It all depends on which suits the agenda most.
With this one, they pretend to be working out who did it – but fail to point out that ALL the evidence available points to Hamas. Instead, they are trying to obfuscate that to make people still think it might have been Israel..
On Dewbs the lefty is extolling the virtues of multiculturalism.
I wish one of the others would ask him for an example of multiculturalism working, anywhere in the world, ever!
Imminent US/Saudi/Israeli talks scheduled.
Hamas kibbutz attack.
Biden visits to Israel, Jordan, Riadh scheduled.
Hamas hospital attack.
Jordan and Saudi cancel talks.
Timing evidently of no significance to impartial Lyse and Jeremy.
Back to the chess board . If the Hamas slaughter was aimed at stopping any improved contact between Israel and Saudi Arabia it achieved it . There’s a bit of a list of beneficiaries with Iran and Russia in there .
The bombing of the hospital was aimed at derailing any attempt by Obama Biden to calm things down – no talks ….
What leverage is the US using to stop Israel going all out against Hamas in Gaza ? Unknown ? Is it successful so far ? Yes in so far as the 24 hour ‘leave ‘ order has turned into 4 days – with some supplies …. Has half the population moved ?
After the diplomatic failure will Israel get on with it ? I suppose Bibi has to – to meet public opinion . Will they succeed ? Limited – and at a cost …. And Iran will tel hezbollah to go for it for the 2nd front ….and how does Israel react to that ?
I wonder what it would have been like if president Trump had carried on with what he achieved in his presidency ? At least the Iranians and the rest wouid have known he was committed enough to be taken seriously . … but Obama – Biden – plane home tomorrow – who knows – another ‘accidental ‘ explosion in a hospital …..
Good comment. If Trump were still in the White House, Putin would never have invaded Ukraine and Hamas probably would not have attacked Israel on 7th October. Biden’s appeasement of Iran is sickening, he has blood on his hands. The worst President in US history, which is saying something.
US talks scheduled in the Middle East
Hello Dublin,
I would just like to say, its about time you South Americans got on with each other
I look forward to further trading agreements with New Zealand
you know, my old mother used to say to me
“you’re thick as shit”
And, I can tell you
she hasn’t changed a bit
Understanding the Disinformation produced by BBC Verify:
(1) BBC: Biased left-wing Terrorist supporting Broadcasting Corporation
(2) Marianna Spring: An anti-Semitic Disinformation specialist
(3) Hospital: Hamas Headquarters
(4) Freedom Fighters: Left-wing Terrorists
(5) Right-Wing Terrorists: People who complain about BBC left-wing bias
(6) Palestinian Officials: Terrorist leaders
(7) Israeli strike: Rockets fired by Hamas
(8) Pro-Hamas marches: Anti-Semitic protests
(9) Balen Report: Secret report detailing anti-Semitism at the BBC
(10) Nazi Ideology: Nationalism, Anti-Zionism and Islamism
Covid inquiry:
Neil Ferguson told @covidinquiryuk he did not overstep the line & say “we need to do this now”. That’s odd. His 16 March paper explicitly concludes: “We therefore conclude that epidemic suppression is the only viable strategy at the current time”
Ferguson may now regret his stance, but that he argued for lockdown in March 2020 is a matter of record. Will the @covidinquiryuk let this attempted re-write of history stand unchallenged?
Obviously too much to hope perfessr pantsdown has been reassigned to a KFC drive through bin emptying gig – more attuned to he’s clairvoyant “skills”
Biden’s address part two
“You know, there’s an old saying where I come from,
I don’t know what it is but it’s old”
My old father, he used to say
“your mother says you’re thick as shit, but I just think you’re a moron”
But then again, brothers and sisters often disagree
🚨 13 Labour councillors have resigned – either from the party or as a councillor – in opposition to Starmer’s position on Israel/Palestine.
Not helping Labour’s chances, guys.
New Islamic Party in 3,2,1 …. link to image from twitter https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8vagRNXoAAk01S?format=jpg&name=900×900
How I wish all those countries including ours had figures like those of Poland, Hungary or Romania. How terrible to have these Hamas-supporting zealots in our country. Has one single Muslim leader from around the world condemned what Hamas did on 7th and 8th October ?
Remember when Trump warned Sweden about immigration, crime and terror?
Oh how the BBC laughed. Violence? What violence?
Well, Sweden’s not laughing now.
“Sweden to call in military to help crack down on gangs”
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has blamed “irresponsible immigration policy and a failed integration” for the violence.
Donald Trump has enraged the gangs and it is his fault! BBC verified fact.
TWatO Watch #1 – the Montacutie has swapped places with the Bee Lady
And took the opportunity to rubbish Bibi Netanyahu who the BBC really do not like because the Israeli PM is considered by the Lefty BBC to be Far, Far Hard Right.
Radio 4 described Jim Jordan, a US Republican Congressman and candidate to be Speaker in the House of Rep’s, as “hard Right”, in their 6pm news.
Jordan always strikes me as a sensible, approachable, true conservative; nothing more than that. So, why the scare label of “hard Right”? And is there anyone to whom the BBC would ever apply the label “hard Left”? A rhetorical question of course, when for the BBC there are few/no enemies on the Left.
Very good point. Corbyn is of course hard Left, an Anti-Semitic Marxist who wants to be Mayor of London. Perish the thought. The Labour party is riddled with anti-Semites. Staggering to think that Labour are apparently so far ahead in opinion polls, but is it perhaps a question of more right-leaning folks keeping their intentions hidden, or are only lefties asked to take part in the polls ? Loved that moment in 2016 when the Beeb had to announce the result of the EU membership referendum, Dimbleby looked in a state of shock. I hope that millions of licence payers cancel, as I have done this week.
Of course it’s not just the BBC who lie about Israel / Hamas: the US NYT and CNN are in on it too.
Part of the same group think …same career path ….
This tragedy is bringing the very worst out of the BBC – and shows up the hollowness of OFCOM and the lack of bravery of British MPs in challenging the BBC …..
I think the BBC will adopt a practice of avoiding direct contact with the IDF because the IDF will openly challenge them – which is something they cannot deal with …
The sour hatred in the thumbnail photo of the CNN anchor’s face.
BBC TNI partners?
“Hundreds hold prayer vigil outside Downing Street”
“Hundreds of protesters have attended a vigil outside Downing Street for victims of the deadly blast at the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza
As we’ve been reporting, on a visit to Israel, US President Joe Biden backed Israel’s strong denial of any involvement in an explosion at a hospital in Gaza, saying it was supported by “data” he had seen from the US defence department.
Hamas have blamed the explosion, which killed hundreds of civilians, on an Israeli air strike.
Braving heavy rain on Wednesday evening, protesters gathered in Westminster holding signs which read “stop the massacre” and “stop bombing Gaza”.
Prayers were then held in Arabic, with attendees laying out plastic sheets on the ground to pray on.”
Haha they got a nice shower!
BBC better procrastinate with that VERIFY dissertation some more, if they don’t want to upset the wildlife.
If only the UK Muslims had their own Political Party! Then why would have a voice …..
That’s nearly a decade old, I wonder what % of the UK population are now Muslim?
Googling it, I see the 2021 census reckons 6.5%, which seems a bit low?
“Between 2001 and 2009, the Muslim population increased almost 10 times faster than the non-Muslim population.” Says Wiki.
Not evenly spread across the entire country though, some areas (and cities) definitely much higher % than others.
We could well see some parts of the country entirely Islamified within a decade, or two, I reckon, it’s very plausible, and at some point they will insist on their own laws.
Big Bro, you have to remember that some indigenous Brits have become Muslims so I agree with you that 6.5% seems a low percentage. Still, at 6.5% that is well on the way to 5,000,000.
Mehdi and Champion would make a lovely couple.
United by the BBC.
“So far, the findings are inconclusive. Three experts we spoke to say it is not consistent with what you would expect from a typical Israeli air strike with a large munition…the evidence looks like the explosion was caused by a failed rocket section” – Mehdi Hasan
This is the first open step in making the UK part of the Muslim attempt to takeover this Country and then Europe.
You brought this on yourselves you daft twats. These people do not understand the concept of integration only domination and this is just the beginning!
We will integrate – with Islam!

from order-order.com
Yes, ‘2000+ actors’ signed a letter demanding Israel stops attacking Hamas immediately – they can each put up 500 of the Palestinian refugees in their homes and at their own expense.
Let other Islamic nations take them, like they should have done during the crisis in Syria. Angela Merkel made such a suicidal error in allowing all those so-called refugees into Germany in 2015. Remember all the Muslim men who sexually assaulted German women on a New Year’s Eve ? In another incident a young woman, daughter of a left-leaning German politician, got gang raped by a group of immigrant men. So imbued with the lefty woke ideology was she, that she initially told German police that it was a group of white German men that had attacked her. Is this what is called cognitive dissonance ? Or self-delusion ?
You are so right. In 1989 and 1990 I had a Muslim flat mate, son of an Imam in the north west of England. He was sure that Islam would take over the world one day as the Koran foretold it, he said. Incidentally he was having a relationship with a Hindu girl which he had to conceal from the rest of his family. Jordan Peterson’s interview with Mohammed Hijab on You Tube was scary really, Hijab is clearly a good scholar but is so arrogant and full of himself, he had to have the last word on Jordan and Jordan’s great friend Jonathan Pageau who had gone to a mosque to interview Hijab. He said that Mohammed was the final prophet, meaning that he thought Islam must triumph. He had asked Jordan whether he would convert to Islam at such a time when it was the most dominant religion, Jordan said no, good on him. I love that Canadian psychologist, writer, broadcaster and public intellectual. A beacon of light in a dark, troubled world. Jordan was in New York not long ago and two Orthodox Jews came up to him, shook his hand and called him “Rabbi”, quite a compliment from people who rarely mix with non-Jews.
From Sky regarding the hospital bombing. Sensible reporting?
He sounds like he is doing the weather forecast …
WATCH: ‘People are still collecting body parts’
I see the BBC are still pushing the old video to the top of the news where the ‘BBC Reporter’ (= lives in Gaza, won’t say anything against Hamas, very probably hates Israel) is describing the deaths at the hospital as a ‘massacre’. A massacre implies the deliberate slaughter of civilians by an armed force.
And above it they write:
‘Palestinian officials say the explosion was caused by an Israeli air strike. But the Israeli military say it was the result of a failed rocket launch by Palestinian Islamic Jihad – an accusation the militant group has rejected.’
A statement weighted heavily against Israel. Perhaps adding ‘despite there being no evidence consistent with an airstrike’ would have been helpful. The BBC would certainly have used it if it suited the agenda.
Even now when it’s quite clear what happened, the BBC are pushing their pro-terrorist rhetoric and using careful wording to imply it was probably Israel. They are STILL refusing to concede Hamas did it.
Jeremy Bowen was boasting yesterday how all the Muslim country leaders use the BBC for their news. This kind of bias and weasel wording to be careful not to say anything they won’t like is exactly why. He seems to be extremely proud of it.
The Imbecile-in-Chief is to give $100 million to the Palestinians, aka Hamas, so they can buy more arms… or perhaps paragliders.
The Hamas Broadcasting Corporation haven’t announced it yet – perhaps the’re too embarrassed by the folly of ‘their man’.
Apparently after he had his dinner last night the current king stood up and talked about the way Jews are treated in Blighty .
This morning Comrade Robinson interviews some wet lettuce who is the ‘multi culture czar ‘ ….the word ‘Islam ‘ or ‘Muslim’
Wasn’t mentioned – nor the attitude of the BBC towards Israel / Jews .
It was one of those non conversations where they danced around the reality of a too big population of Muslims in Britain living a separate existence paid for by the taxpayer and every so often popping up to rape children or bomb and kill infidels …..
I wonder if the president of Israel will mention the anti Israel BBC to the green card PM when he pops in today ….?
That’s one hell of a sharp mind – ‘leaders ‘ must look at him and think ‘WTF – get Obama on the phone ‘….
Clearly he is on the downer after the drugs they now have to give him to make him sound lucid during they day.
It really is that bad. And the media know but keep quiet because the alternative is Trump.
Notice his minders and advisors looking extremely worried and standing ready to intervene the moment he goes off script and says some BS that could trigger WW3.
With Trump instead of Biden, we would not have had Afghanistan, Ukraine, the Hamas terror attack, and whatever comes next.
Well done Normies, well done Libtards, well done BBC for your small part in getting the Imbecile elected.
The inevitable court case for corruption, bribery and money laundering with his son?
A plea of not being in possession of his faculties on the cards? End of case.
I did one of those ‘laugh out load ‘ things when I heard they are going to fill in potholes in the road from Egypt to Gaza . …
… the tender has been won by ‘Thames water ‘ – the time scale is
Survey and stick up a sign
Health and safety assessment
Deliver barriers – leave for a week
Bring in digger and leave for a week
Start digging Friday morning
Leave site Friday lunchtime – pub
Come back Monday afternoon
Do nothing for a week or two
Come back finish digging
Leave hole for a week or 2
Christmas holiday
Then new year
Mid January start filling hole
February finish up
March -take away road restrictions
April survey – not fixed properly
Start again …..
BBC Verify need more funding?
I talked to BBC #PoliticsLive about the #WestminsterDeclaration. You don’t improve democracy by militantly labelling speech as misinformation. @shellenberger @toadmeister @MrWinMarshall
Politics Live gets in the old guard too.
I spoke to BBC Politics Live yesterday about the dangers of regional escalation and domestic tension. Short summary 1/2: Israel has a right to self-defence; don’t invade Gaza, do supply aid, don’t legitimise expulsions of Palestinians from Gaza…
Next, Corbyn?
Back in the USA >>> Insurrection!
Israel-Hamas protesters arrested at US Capitol
Extremely short article+video on the BBC and only shows them sat peacefully in a circle.
And very quickly buried (due to above comparisons I suspect).
you betcha!
From the DT:
Jenrick compares BBC reporting of Gaza hospital blast to ‘blood libel’ against Jews
Robert Jenrick has compared the BBC’s reporting of the deadly Gaza hospital blast to “21st century blood libel”.
‘Immigration minister launches blistering attack on coverage of rocket strike, accusing broadcaster of ‘ignorance and irresponsibility”
‘In a blistering attack on the broadcaster’s coverage, the immigration minister said Jewish people in Britain and in Israel would suffer as a result of its “carelessness, ignorance and irresponsibility”.’
‘It comes as James Cleverly, the Foreign Secretary, urged the media to prioritise accuracy over speed after a BBC reporter speculated that Israel was responsible for the catastrophic explosion at Ahli Arab Hospital.’
No doubt Jenrick will be the subject of more civil servant leaks when this dies down and will eventually be forced to resign after a week of daily headlines attacking him by the BBC.
The government are impotent against the BBC and their institutional support from the organisations who have been infested by the Left.
The REAL problem here is that it should be OFCOM chastising the BBC for their bais yet they remain silent. They are totally unfit for purpose.
How many are going to die because of the BBC’s false reporting ?. The hands of these scum are covered in the blood due to the consequences of their lies on a global scale. But Leftist activists don’t care one bit about that. The agenda is more important.
“They (the BBC) are totally unfit for purpose.”
Not according to Tom Tugengdhat. I listened to his interview with Toenails earlier and his gushing accolade for our, “Worlds most trusted broadcaster” during that interview was breath-taking. More of a eulogy even a brief silence from Toeneails afterward in warm reverence as he absorbed the significance of Tugengdhat’s lies.
Wow – Tom tookanhart? – Tory minister – sticks it to comrade nick Robinson about the broadcast directly after the hospital explosion in which Israel was accused of a rocket attack – and the consequences ….
After this – comrade Robinson went straight ‘to the weather ‘. – ie Jeremy ( love me ) bowen talking like a man with a hang over in a way you get bored with hearing .
Clearly the BBC is fully aware it effed up bigly on that hospital – and has cause international consequences – in real life and not just effing hurty words .
Unfortunately even Tory MPs with a bit of backbone can’t say it fully as it is – that the BBC is now an embarrassment to the UK and is not part of it . It is cursed – damned .,..
And if you still pay for it – please – just don’t …
BTW – the usual practice of getting another bbc journo to ‘re interpret ‘ what the minister has just said has died back a bit …. And it certainly didn’t happen for toocanhart….
The toady editors literally went to ‘look squirrels ‘ to try to erase the kicking they just got ….
I reckon that Hamas supporting BBC reporter will be doing countryfile or that antique show pretty soon – and get a TV award from Islamic Hamas …
Anyone know what this eloquent and brave young woman’s name is please?
Wonder what his plans for her are?
Being Hasan, it won’t end well.
The deliberately misleading BBC reports are coming thick and fast now.
‘Several dozen’, not hundreds, killed in hospital blast – Israel
Yet again they show the video of their reporter at the hospital calling it a massacre.
‘With lack of access to the site for independent organisations, the number is difficult to verify.’
But you have an actual BBC reporter at the hospital BBC !!!. Surely his job is to report what he finds – and the difference between 500 and 50 bodies is well within his capabilities.
Unless of course he doesn’t want to tell us it’s only 50 bodies.
Same Live update feed:
‘Cause of hospital blast not certain – UK MP’
Not 100% certain BBC. 99% certain. Not 50/50 as you want people to think.
‘Although our findings are inconclusive, three experts told us the aftermath was “not consistent with what you would expect from a typical Israeli air strike with a large munition”.’
Why not just say it is ‘consistent with a Hamas rocket and not an Israeli air strike’ BBC ?. Why make the admission so complicated ?. More obfusation of things they don’t want to tell us.
The BBC should really have a big problem now – coupled with the refusal to call terrorists – terrorists – . But it won’t – BBCoFcOm is busy with Fox and Steyn and getting GBnews shut down , and we know there are Hamas anti semitic people in control of BBCOFCOM – same with the BBC ….
… but …. I think there is a residual ‘respect ‘ for the BBC internationally . It’s still seen as ‘aunty ‘ – following on from those WW2 broadcasts ….
… if anything can be done to diminish that image – and deliver the truth – that can only be a good thing …
In comparison to the utterly and completely corrupt news in all those shitholes, the BBC are saints.
Developed countries see them for what they are.
Leftists see them for what they are – but are such monstrous hypocrites, they don’t care because they support the bias and so claim they are impartial. Ethically barren activists like Sopel for example.
Colombian sauce AI sourced edition
How Storm Babet and other UK storms get their names (BBC) – frankly, I’m more inetrested in the why and how come rather than the how storms have suddenly been attributed a persona by some recent official anthropomorphic dictat
The practice has long been established in the US, dating back to the 1950s. (BBC) – But “Toto, we’re not in Kansas!” – is there anything in hegemonic American culture we can claim exemption from these days? Black Lives Matter, Black History Season, Statue Toppling, Iraq War, Woke Campus Culture, Ukraine War… Foreign Policy – must we always act in colonial lap dog lockstep?: Joe Biden visists Israel… US president arrives at most dangerous point in war so far as full regional conflict looms. (Telegraph); Rishi Sunak lands in Israel as world leaders seek de-escalation (BBC)
The idea was to make it easier for people to engage with weather forecasts, as naming storms and other major weather events makes them more relatable – and easier to discuss and compare over time. (BBC) – clearly this represents nothing more than a
global warmingclimate change psy-opDerrick Ryall, from the Met Office, told BBC Newsround: “We have seen how naming storms elsewhere in the world raises awareness of severe weather
before it strikes.” (BBC) – that last phrase is simply post hoc justification. We’re not really at significant general risk from British storms – they just want you to think we are.On a lighter note, there’s no Daily Star frontpage in the BBC online press line-up so, jonesing for a jokey blokey take on the news, one has, perforce, to head to the Star’s website for a quick dose of the organ tag lined: Home of Fun Stuff
So while our over-earnest BBC frets over: Water firm admits to years of illegal sewage spills – and beneath the generalised surface headline lurks the specific: Welsh Water admits illegally spilling sewage for years
The home of fun stuff also reveals incidents of naughtiness that have been going on in our waters: Couple caught ‘having sex’ in the sea near families with ‘thrusts’ sparking fury… The 18-second clip shows the man and woman kissing passionately in the crystal blue sea next to a tourist boat. (Star)
The reference to a tourist boat and to a crystal blue sea suggest this amorous pair got it on, so to speak, in sunnier climes – far distant from our own brass monkey chilly shores, bounded as they are by our grey briny moat – breached as it is with uncanny regularity by potential illegal dinghy voyeurs: People smuggler jailed… 11 years for £50m UK dinghy kingpin (giveaway freebie Metro)
One viewer fumed: “Why didn’t anyone report them? It’s a shame they didn’t beat them up for being disrespectful pigs.” (Star)
Now admittedly, we Brits – especially post-Lockdowns – have our fair quota of what the Yanks would term Karens. Think of the attitude of a pernickety maiden aunt crossed with the authoritarian fervour of a local council parking enforcement officer and with a tinge of the snide self-righteousness of an East German Stazi informer.
Yes, we British would disapprove and happily report this lude behaviour to the autorities – we would certainly spill the beans – just as quick as the couple had shot their load. But the reference to a beating and their being disrespectful swine? That just doesn’t sound British.
King Charles plea to the nation: Don’t let acrimony and rancour of social media debate corrode our national life (Daily Mail) – quite right too, your Maj. Now tell the BBC to stop trawling their news content from Twitter (?X) and our politicians to stop taking their hot takes off the campaigning lefty chatterati frequented social media.
Another [viewer of the over-sexed couple’s antics] added: “There is no longer respect or discretion, these are reprehensible actions.” (Star) – that might well have been our monarch speaking there.
But was Charles really speaking for and to his true-born native British subjects?
King calls for ‘civility and tolerance’ amid rising tensions over Gaza (Telegraph) – one would assume his words were in fact aimed at what we like to term communities – rather than we English, Scots, etc, who don’t in all honesty have a dog in this latest Middle Eastern flair up.
So where was this sex in the sea happening? Cholon in the Rosario Islands, Colombia (Daily Star)
A fourth critic commented: “Moral values and respect for others are lost.” Meanwhile, a fifth questioned: “No one said anything? Maybe they were enjoying it too much.” (Star) – some journo was rather thorough with the post incident vox pops weren’t they? – Or am I being naive and in reality they simply gleaned all those below the line comments from under the video posting on social media (see above)? Think that’s bad? Maybe the situation in terms of journalism has deteriorated even further (*see below)
However, some people had a different view as one local argued: “They always show us images of wars, why not also love? The world needs more love and less war.” (Star)
Cue John Lennon:
Let me tell you now
Ev’rybody’s talking ’bout
Revolution, evolution, masturbation, flagellation, regulation, integrations
Meditations, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
* This article was crafted with the help of an AI tool, which speeds up Daily Star’s editorial research. (Daily Star) – Mr AsI needs to get himself one of those.
AI poses catastrophic risks, leaders warn (Telegraph) – Climate catastrophy, Pandemic, Ukraine War, Inflation, Housing Crisis, Cost of Living Crisis, Gaza War, NHS Winter Crisis… how bad could it get?
And if you enjoyed all that, why not have a look at: Randy couple caught bonking at work as silhouettes expose office romp to street below… One bystander who copped an eyeful outside the headquarters of the Central Wholesale Market in Medellin, Colombia, filmed the pair in action on their phone (Daily Star)
That bit about welch sewage ( name change ) ‘spilling ‘ sewage illegally for years is one of those marketing jobs .
Using a word like ‘spilling ‘ has an image of ‘just a bit ‘ – not the industrial scale method used – nor much about doing it 200 days out of 365 every year – that’s not spilling – that’s just common practice .
If they wanted to save money avoiding treating sewage surely just say so ….
Comrade Robinson – in one of those characteristic failures to be self aware – ended Toady with an long advert for something called a ‘podcast ‘ which he and the Asian one are doing –
Robinson quoted the current king about not being divisive – or some other crap – the very thing ugly arrogant monsters like Robinson -is .
I’d given up on Toady / the BBC to help my mental health – but I’m back with it now – in the run up to the coming world war so that when that blinding flash and hypersonic blast hits – I’ll have a millisecond to know the BBC is gone too …
BTW – I make reference to ‘my mental health ‘ in a jocular way because I have seen enough badness in the world directly without being affected by Far Left rubbish like the BBC …
I notice they are dragging the King into the news more and more because sooner or later he is going to start upsetting people – particularly when the BBC focus on selected parts of what he says.
People should be telling Charlie to stay out of politics completely. The socialists want to drag him in so they can turn the people against him.
Prince Charles denies wrongdoing over $3 million cash handed to him in bags by ex-Qatari leader
JUNE 27, 2022 / 11:47 AM / AP
Who needs a Tardis when we have our own time traveller
The podcast likely has a reduced audience to the show, which gets few anyway.
Amol looking thoughtful. Dude, no worries… even at £350,000 per tvl payer, you are both as golden as that bling.
bbc found a footballer who is an expert of Israeli/Gaza
Mohamed Salah says ‘humanity must prevail’ in Israel-Gaza conflict
‘humanity must prevail’ – Mohamed Salah
Allah’s Messenger said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
‘humanity must prevail’ – Mohamed Salah
As a social media user for news, you see a broad cross section.
And also get when the word has gone out.
From Owen Jones to Hasan, to the Graun to lord knows what NGO doubtless funded by the taxpayer… a significant number of Israelis and/or Jews featured holding up Mamabama’s cardboard sign asking for ‘peace’.
All looking quite healthy in safer places than some unfortunates recently.
Reminds me of…
Yes the Hamas spaceship … but the BBC would say it was Israeli ….
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC unnecessarily emitting Global Warming gases so you have to cancel your holiday and stop driving your car
The surprise is that one of the BBC’s correspondents in Ukraine has turned up in Israel or Gaza. As if the BBC does not have enough people there already. Hugo Bashega has swapped the hazards of Ukraine for the hazards of Israel/Gaza. Best keep the flak jacket/bpv and helmet on, Hugo.
Maybe he is the replacement for ‘Israel missile ‘ man
Jeremy Bowen:
Once the visits stop, I expect the ground invasion to begin
‘Reservists have, in the last few days, been given time off to change their socks, see their families.’
What kind of ‘reporting’ is that ?.
‘So once these visits, where the Israelis will have been explaining what their plans are, are over, I fully expect Israel to go ahead with a ground invasion of Gaza.’
Jeremy seems to have gone into bitter, sulking mode and is making his reports all about him now. Complete narcissist. He has no sense of objectivity in reports like this – only a blatant deep personal disapproval.
Virtually all the BBC reporters have deep-seated anti-jew/Pro Palestinian bias now. No wonder Jeremy is so proud that all the regions Muslim leaders come to him for their news.
All at OUR expense I might add (the licence fee payer that is, not anyone here I hope).
This is England. 85 percent white
But surely Brent is part of that foreign city, Londonistan?
When will they demand independence……………
Looking at the map posted earlier showing the growing Muslim millions in Europe (except places like Poland where terrorist incidents don’t occur) I can’t help thinking that in the UK for example we have a lot of ‘mini Gaza’s’ spread about in places such as Birmingham and the child grooming towns and cities.
They have the advantage of not needing any hostages as there are still some indigenous Brits left but when it all kicks off (when they have enough numbers…in the not too distant future I would think) these will be their power bases and we will be able to do nothing about it.
With our open door mass immigration and the fact they usually have lots of children they will soon reach the no turning back (for us) point and the UK we have known for the last couple of thousand years will be finished.
It’s already starting to happen. Just look at our Capital City. Even the parts not yet no go areas are bad.
Is there any hope of this not happening. The way our ‘leaders’ are behaving I can’t see one.
Enoch was right.
Of course he was. The Scottish Muslim is open to taking in refugees from Gaza, bet his countrymen love that! If surrounding Arab countries won’t take them why should we.
The turning point for the UK becoming a Muslim enclave will be here before the end if this century. Christian churches are closing as frequently as pubs, so it will come that worshippers and drinkers will be doing so behind closed doors while the fundamental Muslims are roaming the streets enforcing Shariah law.
Wish Yousaf would bugger off to Gaza instead. Get rid of the shit that way.
Again, this is England
85 % white
“To do this, along with most local authorities across the country, we have made the difficult decision to increase Council Tax by 4.99%. Along with the Mayor of London’s increase, your bill will rise by 6%.”
The US President Joe Biden has now left Israel on board airforce one after a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister where he asked difficult and searching questions.
Who am I?
What am I doing here?
These aren’t my clothes why is the nurse wearing them?
Please can I go to the toilet?
And what flavour is the ice cream today?
also wonders if he can climb this big zimmerframe into Airforce One without falling 🙁
Well Sleepy has certainly continued to impress to waiting journos with off the cuff comments about Hamas’ aim(s).
Suggesting poorly maintained unguided missiles would be better landing any old where in Israel will likely calm the nutjobs out there down a bit. And BBC Hamas journos.
We have learnt nothing ..
Vintage From our own correspondent
Islamic Afgees trying to get to UK from Pakistan – which is throwing them out …. Here have a passport – bring the family
AFD – a political party in Germany which the BBC really doesn’t like – and wants banned …. Def not approved despite a big and growing following
Some green crap
Off switch …
I’m not sure I agree with you here Pug. The US is a fading star thanks to Bidens Democrat maladministration. The US economy is in a debt death spiral, crime is out of control the open Southern border is allowing in all manner of malefactors and the country has ceased to be an effective democracy. Surveillance and oppression is growing and if it wasn’t for the constitution the US would be a monstrously oppressive state.
The US military has been so politicised it’s own senior officers have declared it unfit to operate – especially the Navy.
Corruption has made sure older weapons platforms are still being manufactured because development costs are high and they would rather see the profits. This has meant the US has fallen behind in the arms race. The US has failed to develop hypersonic missile technology and is completely unable to defend against it. Its air defence systems in general are woefully elderly and few in number to the point they are ineffective, because the US has never needed to fight a war on its own shores and only gone up against sandal wearing dessert Muslims in the past.
Make no mistake, Russia and China far outmatch the West in terms of effective fighting capabilities, and two aircraft carriers in the Med? The Turkish Navy have frightened them off from the North of Cyprus, and Putins new air patrols of MIG31s in the Black sea mean those carriers are in range of the Kinzal hypersonic missiles which they have no defence against.
It gets worse though, because whilst the US has it’s face turned to Ukraine, and now Israel little rocket man in N Korea looks like invading the South, Russia looks set to invade Estonia and the Baltics and the Chinese issues over Taiwan are ever present.
The US cannot fight a war on two fronts let alone on five, it’s already bankrupt and heading into a currency collapse, the BRICS are the rising stars coming to replace the USA.
Pug – I’m with Thoughtful too – I think the amount of resources Russia / China is putting into weaponry beats the failing USA – and if it doesn’t develop it itself it just ‘spies ‘( buys it ) for Americans for cash .And even on the intelligence front – it never saw the Hamas attack coming . It’s too busy if woke crap and creating huge amounts of debt .
Don’t worry though – Blighty has got two nice shiny aircraft carriers to ‘ project power ‘…. And help become an even bigger target for the enemy within our shores – and increasing every day ….
Even after the hospital explosion (as I prefer to call it ) we may currently be in the ‘calm ‘ ( yes really ) before a storm – and this one won’t be getting some dumb name …
Ah the two aircraft carrier one of which is SNP government approved as it struggles with the maritime version of gender fluidity and can’t make up its mind if it wants to be an aircraft carrier or a submarine !
Either way it’s as effective as the woke idiocy is and is incapable of putting to sea and will need to be scrapped.
Little old Ukraine as you put it had an army of 500 000 men all of whom are now dead. This is spite of the West supplying Ukraine with not only massive quantities of weapons but also the state of the art intelligence gathered from satelites and aircraft.
It depends on how you define success because we don’t know the current objectives of the Russian forces which could easily sweep across Ukraine to the Polish border, but have not done so yet.
The West have run out of ammunition, Russia is out gunning Ukraine 10 to 1 in 155mm artillery shells It is now producing lancet drones in ridiculous quantities. Ben Wallace admitted in a leaked memo to the useless Rishi Washee that we have nothing left to give them.
What the Russians did was to construct a very effective three tier defence and encouraged the Ukrainians to enter specific weak spots where they anihlated them when they set foot across the boundary.
I don’t know where you get your news Pug but you perhaps need to listen to the interview Col MacGregor did with Tucker Carlson to find what the truth is on the ground, because it’s very different to the Western propaganda you are putting here.
The US is a Major world power, but like all empires it is spread too thin, trying to assert power in too many places and I fear Putin is much more clever a man than either Biden or Sunak and that he is deliberately opening up multiple conflicts the US will have to get involved in, and that will spell the end for the US.
The history of the Ukraine war will be written about in years to come of how utter rank corruption in the Wests political elites brought down a mighty power, and how those who should have prevented it failed to do so out of political ideology.
Greta says the Palestine has reached all it’s Net Zero targets in one day!
Strange that Greta is on bail for public order charges – and gives a home address – in Devon – I understand . Can she be deported if found guilty ? Visa revoked – just like all those Palestinian Hamas supporters …?
Send Greta to Rwanda! First ever deportation!
We all need some light relief and hope in these dark times.
I offer you… a French nun with more balls than our entire constabulary and political class.
It’s only 25 seconds – savour!
(Knowledge of French not required)
Eco protestors destroying pipes – Chris Packham to clap!
Possible captions:
The Flying Nun
Sisters of No Mercy
She’s having nun of it!
Nun on the run
Blue Nun