The Israeli President has suggested that the BBC May no longer be welcome in the country . Certainly it has shown itself too ready to rebroadcast Hamas propaganda – such as the hospital explosion -without verification – on top of its refusal to call terrorists -terrorists although the UK Law , the king , the PM declare Islamic Hamas to be just that . Usually here – we can moan about the woke message – or what is approved in BBC world and what is not – but now – ‘some might say ‘ the world is on the brink . So what the BBC says will have real impact on lives . It seems to set in its’ ways to see that – it has blood on its’ hands .
Weekend 21st October 2023
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BBC/ PBC featuring the claimed 100,000 plus in the London FarLeft pro-Palestinian demo today. For humanitarian reasons, you understand.
Strangely the same people just could not quite manage to hold a similar humanitarian rally when Hamas terrorists executed 1400 Israeli civilians two weeks ago.
The fifth column.
The fifth column.
A group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within.
According to the BBC’s favourite Imbecile, Russia and Hamas both want to destroy democracy.
Wrong: Putin wants to acquire territory and create a buffer with NATO.
Hamas just wants to kill Jews, eradicate Israel and advance the imposition of the Caliphate on the world.
Which imbecile are you referring to there are so many
The Imbecile in Chief, Biden.
Some time ago, Blair said his withdrawal from Afghanistan was imbecilic.
Takes one to know one.
The disgusting racist BBC brainwashing our children again on the CBBC channel with the ‘catchy British Black History song’. Won’t somebody close them down?
One of the greatest footballers has passed today- Bobby Charlton. Most of today’s multi millionaire players couldnt wipe his boots – and it was a rare sight if he fell to his knees feigning injury, it didn’t happen.
(unless it’s already happened, how long before Beckham is out of the traps with his comments).
RIP Bobby.
Brissels ,
Bobby did ok for himself financially and it was well deserved. But many footballers from that era didn’t , Nobby Stiles and Bobby Moore being prime examples . Both were financially in straitened circumstances for many years before their death. It is a stain on English football that players who won a World Cup , Bobby Moore as captain of course, were so poorly compensated after they retired.
In those days footballers got much less than they deserved , these days footballers get much more than they deserve.
Well said Double. My own dear Dad played for Sheffield Wednesday in the 40s, and I think he got a fiver for a win ! He played in the southern league at the end of his career, and all the players had other jobs to keep themselves afloat to feed their families.
Players today are on lottery win salaries at a young age which promises a secure future (if they dont put it behind the bar, up their nose, or bet it on 4 legs )
Didn’t fall to his knees before kick off either.
Any doubts about police support for the Pallies. Demonstrator climbs scaffold to set off flares. Police helpfully hold his banner and returns it to him when he climbs down.
Two tiers? Shurely shome mishtake?
The Met, already rather in the doghouse for dubious levels of threat assessment in pursuing serious offenders, has dug an even deeper hole.
Thank heavens our family bailed from Khan’s third world hell hole decades ago.
I loved Sir Bobby and Jack Charlton.
I think David Beckham deserves credit though.
A working class boy from East London.
How many people on this site could:
Become a premier leaque professional footballer.
Play for England.
England Captain.
Play for Man united.
Play for Real Madrid.
Play for PSG.
Own a USA football club that signs Messi.
Married to a pop star.
Worth probably £500 million or more.
I take my hat of to him.
I don’t argue he made good, but his millions were made from sponsorship organised by the Spece Girl manager – Simon Fuller, and not his talent on the pitch. He wouldn’t own a football club or sign Messi without the sponsorship money he’s made. I don’t think marrying a pop star is anything to write home about. Never mind, it’s nice to see his eldest has got a good work ethic though, showing his followers on YouTube how to make a fish finger sandwich. (!)
Why bring his family into it.
So it’s all to do with jealousy then.
I’m not 10 years old. I’ve never been jealous of anyone, never had to be !
My Dad has had a love/hate relationship with football all his life, playing and managing at amateur level well into his forties before becoming a referee in the London Commercial League (no longer in existence).
One of his maxims has always been: “Don’t get into arguments with football fans.”
You’re right Trick, it’s like p….g against the wind.
The wind often changes, and you piss on yourself.
“Rushdi Abu Alouf: My daughters beg for Gaza City return – but our old lives are over”
BBC’s star on the ground in Gaza, the guy who did a video “report” from that damaged hospital car park.
How long before he turns up over here .
In the middle of a war zone, with tales of drone attacks, injuries and and near misses.
But provides an old holiday snap for the article.
“Before this latest escalation, we lived a better life than 99% of Palestinians”
Just the same as any BBC worker anywhere then.
His daughters are still by his side. How nice.
Maybe JezBo can swing the lasses a gig as sandbags for th3 lads in Ukraine?
Israel-Gaza war: How to spot disinformation on social media
The liar is back.
Here she teaches us how to spot false claims on social media about the war in Gaza. Basically she is saying ‘Don’t believe all the bad things you read about Hamas’.
That’s all just chicken feed Marianna. You should be warning us about far more important things – such as don’t believe anything Hamas say or how the BBC report them – because they will kill hundreds of civilians, lie about it and the BBC reporters (who undoubtedly support Hamas and hate Israel because they live in Gaza) will back them up right until the last minute.
Still can’t find the video of those hostages who were shot on the BBC. Perhaps Marianna should be a bit more concerned about what we DON’T see in the media.
But she won’t be because we have learned already she has no problem lying to further her career.
Luckily she can stick to her brief which is purely social media as opposed to the media in general – but of course the BBC HYS when the troll farm is engaged is strictly off-limits. As is disinformation by omission in BBC articles. And all very deliberately so.
She lives in a cubicle sifting stuff for what suits.
This likely does not. Ignored or undermined?
Clearly important context, not least as everyone is doing exactly what Hamas and those who control those naughty boys planned and wanted.
Of course it needs verification, but an idiot blonde in W1A or an idiot pol from the Washington Caucus or Labour’s antisemitism bench of babes is likely not to be too objective any more than JonDon or JezBo.
If it says BBC in the bottom corner, for a start.
Meanwhile in the real world:
Violent protests erupt on the streets of Britain as 150,000 march through cities demanding ‘The state of Israel must go’
The world is at a pivot point about how to deal with the intolerant Muslims. If we choose wrong now, our civilisation as we know it is finished. We are the softest touch of anyone which is why it is happening here.
The worst part is that I have absolutely no faith we will stand up to them. The BBC are infested with the far-Left and they are holding the government to ransom through fear of being destroyed like they did to an actual PM and many other duly elected ministers who threatened the future of the agenda.
The BBC MUST be brought down. The only way to do that is to stop the compulsory license fee.
One of the Gaza Aid trucks is carrying “Much needed” water pipes.
BBC do like their blondes.
Here’s a brunette apparently more loyal to her country and family and defence over sky fairy death faith:
War is hell.
After Pearl Harbor the Yanks interred Japanese Americans for the duration simply for looking wrong.
A good looking media contact got banged up for a few days for undermining the home team and now enjoys BBC promoted album sales.
Are the BBC really this idiotic?
Deborah on the previous page mentioned Smarmer’s response to the question “Westminster or Davos?”, the response, “Davos”. Should we be surprised? I wasn’t. They aren’t involved in Politics for our benefit.
I was reminded of when I wrote to my MP, Stephen O’Brein (now Sir). I had a legal issue resulting from defective legislation. O’Brein is a Solicitor as well as being in Parliament when debated and passed so I assumed he would be interested however he wrote back to say as the case was ongoing he couldn’t help. The next thing I heard of about O’Brein was that David Cameron had put him forward for a UN appointment, United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs. Nice to know where their priorities lie.
The legislation was ammended a few years later.
Thanks for nothing O’Brein.
Police aren’t up to the job.
Get the army in, live rounds.
“… a video from the Hizb ut-Tahrir protest in which a man can be seen to chant ‘jihad, jihad’ […] recognising the way language like this will be interpreted by the public and the divisive impact it will have, officers identified the man involved and spoke to him to discourage any repeat of similar chanting.”
Jihad does have divisive impact — often by causing a division between someone’s head and their body. But hey at least it’s not divisive like fat shaming or unconscious bias towards black women’s hair.
I do I think the ‘specialist counter terrorist ‘plod are Muslims ?
What do
Rio de Janeiro
Buenos Aires
Have in common?
Answer ; they don’t have Palestinian protests.
Dear anonymous NHS f*ckwit
If covid-19 vaccines are so safe then how come pilots are dying at the controls shortly after takeoff?
P.S. What killed Shane Warne?
“often” but not “safe” certainly not for Covid.
Know anyone who is in remission from Cancer but insists that keeping up with the boosters is imperative? Watch them. This one always votes Socialist. I’m watching with interest.
It has now been revealed that Professor Dalgleish’s’ successful Melanoma patients are now in reverse. Only down to the Covid boosters.
I said at the outset that in my humble view, our ‘Government’ is determined to kill off as many of the population as is possible under the Covid label. My thinking has not changed. Indeed, it has intensified.
A good summary from someone in the public gallary who attended the Friday debate in parliament on XS deaths by Andrew Bridgen:
on 20-Oct-23
Truely Cranebridge is a Rotten Borough
The Parliamentary authorities trying to keep people out of the public gallery for a debate…
In December 2020 BBC Verify ‘debunked the myth’ that the C19 vaccines could alter DNA: “The fear that a vaccine will somehow change your DNA is one we’ve seen aired regularly on social media […] since the pandemic started, the vaccine has been tested on tens of thousands of people around the world and has gone through a rigorous safety approval process.”
And now…
New preprint going up for peer review soon.
“DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events”
Same city, same day, two very different gatherings.
Many of the people in this part of the UK who supported the slaughter of innocents then,
are now supporting this,
Emboldened and empowered, for far too long so foolishly indulged by the louche and lazy idiots in our media and our government, an enemy within.
Great to hear Vince Everett Ellison talk so much sense (like Thomas Sowell). If only more of the Left’s ‘useful idiots’ would wake up and realise they are being played (you do know they were the KKK ?).
Ah new info
“Tucker discussed the testimony of Hennepin County Prosecutor Amy Sweasy, who claimed that an autopsy revealed no evidence of Floyd’s homicide.
According to Carlson, the 46-year-old died from narcotic use.
Sweasy stated in her deposition that Dr. Andrew Baker, the medical examiner who conducted the autopsy on George Floyd, lied about the actual cause of death. He allegedly informed her that the results did not align with the narrative held by the general public
According to the Telegraph, there’s been a Terrorist attack in UK linked to Gaza, that we’re not being told about – least of all by the BBC.
The BBC by-election live blog was stealth edited
3 people say they saw BBC’s Ione Wells post at 3:07am on 20 Oct that the Tory candidate refused to shake hands with the winner
Only to see much later the post was stealth-edited
You’ll notice that all the posts are in chronological order
except the 3:07am sits right at the top of the page so was re-edited after 11am
That same BBC reporter has form for “honest mistake” bias against the Tories
BBC ‘subbed analysis’ joining an already long list of attempted excuses for lying.
Mid-Bedfordshire : BBC’s Helen Catt said the Tory left immediately
Nope he shook the winner’s hand ..BBC photo

By the way her colleague above not only did a stealth edited BBC blog post
but also tweeted the Tamworth Tory guy ran away immediately
when in fact we know he shook the winners hand
Seems she is a investigative reporter… clearly in the Springster mould.
Anyone going to watch Three Little Birds tonight ITV. Lenny Henry’s relatives spawned a drama about their life after Windrush. I’ll give it a miss. I want my tv to entertain me, in a good way.
Military analysis Ukraine/Russia:
Ukraine war: Six postal workers killed in Kharkiv missile strike
‘Six postal workers have been killed and a further 16 injured after a missile hit a distribution centre in eastern Ukraine late on Saturday night.’
I’d say that’s really good news for Ukraine if just 6 people getting killed when a postal centre was hit is the headline news at the BBC.
Does it mean hundreds of men on both sides have NOT been killed in the heavy fighting I thought was going on – but clearly isn’t ?.
The more I read what the BBC decides to push in front of me, the more I would like to know who is the one responsible for deciding what it is. Very often the choice is so bizarre and seemingly insignificant, it must be pushing some kind of BBC narrative.
As Gaza rises, so Ukraine fades.
Military strategic opportunism to regroup, or media driven carnage?
Give blue ‘PRESS’ Flak jackets a chance.
Cohen was born in Westminster, the son of middle-class Jewish intellectuals.
Not exactly an unbiased view there, is it.
I fear your religious bias and all-consuming hatred of the BBC has got the better of you.
TBH, I dislike both sides, probably more the muslims – especially after witnessing the protests around the world in the heart of Western nations.
But, until the last 2 days or so, the BBC has – for once – presented a mostly balanced view of the events over there.
Blind hatred is just that. It is wrong to assume that everything the BBC does is wrong.
On a follow-up side note from one of my previous posts, the Jewish are one of the biggest backers of immigration in other countries apart from their own…
Take action with JCJ
Call on the United States to welcome the refugee, the immigrant, and the asylum seeker
Join us as we mobilize Jewish communities and pro-democracy people of faith in support of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.
Millions of migrants and refugees are displaced by violence, persecution, and economic instability. America isn’t doing enough to welcome them.”
Also, if you have the time, research who was behind the New Zealand-based shipping company that illegally shipped the Windrush immigrants to the UK – much to the surprise of the British Government, which was promoted in Jamaica by the Jewish-owned Gleaner.
And what religion do you think the minster was who bought into law the allowance of Commonwealth immigrants to settle in the country in the 1950’s.
Also, see what religion the minister and barristers that drew up the Race Relations Act that gave disproportionate powers to immigrants was.
Perhaps we can have a few more “wipe them (Palatines) off the face off the earth” statements. Just like some say the Nazis wanted to do to the Jews, and he Gypsies, and the Jehovah Witnesses, and the LGBT, and the Communists.
Hey, FedUp, you can drop a mod note about comparing different political regimes, but not about inclement to genocide – which is an offence and has occurred multiple times on this site of late.
In fact, I would go as far as to remove all those past posts that are inciting genocide as even though this domain is not owned by you, you are technically legally responsible for the publishing contents. And I doubt very much that any of the posters that have made these incitements have used a VPN or TOR browser like myself.
Al it would take is for Maxicony to read those and they could bring you down.
Incitement to genocide is a crime under international law which prohibits inciting (encouraging) the commission of genocide. An extreme form of hate speech, incitement to genocide is considered an inchoate offense and is theoretically subject to prosecution even if genocide does not occur, although charges have never been brought in an international court without mass violence having occurred. “Direct and public incitement to commit genocide” was forbidden by the Genocide Convention in 1948. Incitement to genocide is often cloaked in metaphor and euphemism and may take many forms beyond direct advocacy, including dehumanization and accusation in a mirror. Historically, incitement to genocide has played a significant role in the commission of genocide, including the Armenian genocide, the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.
both Public and Direct incitement has occurred and that is classed as extreme hate crime.
Rightside .
I try to moderate with the lightest of fingers and have winced at some comments but different people have the variety of views .personally many of my own views cannot be written here ( note 77 brigade ) …..
I don’t know enough about the way Israel has been expanding its population / building programme and the ownership of disputed land / water ….
And I take your note about ‘encouragement ‘ for immigration to other countries which I do not agree with . But Jewish populations in various countries are now on the receiving end of hoards of ‘new arrivals ‘ – and that’s only going to get worse however much better minds warn against it .
So yes – in the Start The week thread I will warn against ‘immoderate ‘ expressions – particularly because of what the Palestinian population is about to get – even after such a horror couple of weeks .
Every country can be criticised – even Israel .
As for the BBC – after they stoked war by blaming Israel without evidence – even their arrogance has been tempered …. Still want them gone from state funding though … and BBCOFCOM – where is it ?
Free speech is…. Variable.
No comments enabled.
Novara was once a BBC go to puddle of wisdom but their boss nudged a bit too far, so now mere unattributed staff get the run of W1A.
It has been noted that an ego-nursing Met might already be gunning for JK Rowling to appease the baying hoards.
Something for BBC Verify? Except they block as selectively as they ‘investigate’.
Taking down BBBC would likely be easy to inspire. Harder to deal with.
“Every country can be criticised – even Israel .”
No, I think not. Even your reply is pro-Israel. I’ve seen the responses I’ve received to my attempts at presenting a balanced and informed perspective, and it has been the full spectrum of copes.
The absolute pro-Israel view that 99% of the poster here have taken has somewhat dented my faith in this place. How so many posters can be so blind-spotted by Israel propaganda – yet can so clearly see the newspeak churned out by the BBC and MSM on other major issues – has come as a shock.
But hey, I dont really care as nothing Ive posted can get me arrested should somebody decide to report it.
Rightside – yes – a large proportion of posters here are pro Israel ~but surely after what Islamic Hamas did is going to get huge support – if only because of the emotional response Hamas wanted to achieve by public online slaughter ….
I am pro Israel and anti Islam – I might be a volunteer moderator but I know which side of that fence would want to kill me . I believe the Islamic system wants to destroy the Judeo Christian West – and its well on its ‘ way to doing so. I know some history so I’m very dangerous …
I can’t see a way out of the clash in the Middle East other than a lot of death and suffering – if it doesn’t spread wider that will be an achievement .
As for ‘exchanges of views ‘on the internet – surely criticism / challenge is to be expected . Over the time I’ve been moderating I’ve ’allowed ‘ non BBC related subjects to be vented here – at the start I was tougher – so debates about Israel will – I think – always evince strong views – to use a term I hate – ‘it is what it is ‘….
I fear our current time .
Well, would you look at that, there’s an awful lot of white chaps pictured on the frontpages of our newspapers: Forever a hero… Pride of England: Bobby raises Wolrd Cup with teammates after 1966 win at Wembley (Sunday People); Our Hero… Tears for World Cup legend Sir Bobby Charlton (Daily Star Sunday); The hero of 1966 every Englishman wished was his son (Mail on Sunday)
Martin Samuel in the Sunday Times catches the mood: With his passing, a little piece of England has died
They tend to attribute American author and wit Mark Twain with that famous calling out of popluar media claims: ‘The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated’
Yet one need only look across the Times frontpage to their main news headline for confirmation of the demise of our old England: Hamas chief lives in British council house
Further corroboration of our collective national giving up of the ghost is evident in the Sunday Telegraph: Police under fire for allowing ‘jihad’ chant at protest… rally in London… Ministers are understood to be “deeply concerned”
If England isn’t dead yet then it’s certainly on life support with an NHS medic poised looming over our sick bed with a dose of opioid and benzodiazepine at the ready
At times like these Mr AsI always tends to reflect on veteran Grub Street hack Kelvin Mackenzie’s former appearance on BBC Newsnight. He memorably criticised that monstrous battalion of female foreign correspondents and their obsessive prediliction for ramming down the throats of the collective news audience lashings of what he termed Foreign-Bang-Bang.
The likes of Guerin, Adie and Doucet would envision themselves as replacing the old time chaps with chinos and Leica’s for kevlar and a full unionised licence payer subsidised tv camera crew
Purple Hearts, kudos at the dinner party and in-house nomination for journalism awards all-round
Kirsty Wark was our would-be anchor Walter Cronkite of course – marginally better looking.
Our Kelvin argued how that’s all well and good but not really worthy of the UK audience’s primary concern.
And we could add to this basic objection the fact that over-emphasis in our news media on the Foriegn-Bang-Bang only nowadays serves to rile up the natives, so to speak: BBC ‘bias’ has dangerous consequences for British Jews, says ex-boss… former director of television… Danny Cohen (Sunday Telegraph)
First they came for the directors of television, and I said nothing…?
Police investigate London Tube driver’s pro-Palestinian chant (BBC)
Terror plot to recruit protesters… undercover agents mix with pro-Palestinian marchers to seek out dangerous fanatics (Sunday Express)
How about the cops throw a net over the lot of them?
A man has appeared in court charged with the murder of a 70-year-old in Hartlepool. Terrence Carney died where he was attacked on Tees Street on Sunday and the case is being investigated by counter-terrorism police. Ahmed Alid, 44, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court via video link charged with murder and the attempted murder of a second man. (BBC)
Can someone in authority please join the dots here?
Apparently not: Still not safe enough to evacuate Britons from Gaza, says Cleverly (Sunday Times) – but he don’t mean it isn’t safe for us here in the UK to welcome in with open arms: dual nationals… Hundreds of British passport holders…
Pro-Palestinian protests take place in London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Belfast and Salford
How about this for the greatest understatement of one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in history:
‘Israel cut off supplies of fuel, electricity and water to Gaza after Hamas’s military wing broke through the border into Israel on 7 October, killing people and taking more than 200 hostages.’
And look, in the sea of Muslim faces, the BBC have found the needle in the haystack yet again !. A close shot of a white person !. A little bit of ‘reverse diversity’.
I’ll bet my hat that shot is 100% staged and she knows the BBC are taking pictures. And a cheeky plug for ‘socialist worker’ too. Looks like there are a lot of them there.
These are not ‘real’ protests by ‘normal’ Palestinians, they are well-organised activist groups. Just look at the banners they all have:
Import the third world and you will get the third world .
Sir Lenny Henry has called for the teaching of black history to be incorporated into the curriculum as “a seam all the way through” children’s education
The segment on BLM realty investments and selective footy memorials will be especially poignant.
‘Calls for’ in media werld= #prasnews from desperate managers to credulous media.
BLM : fighting racism with a lot more racism.
ADL got slapped with a reality check
Saz and Lurch been freelancing for BBC Verify NA?
Why Indonesia can’t stop crocodile attacks
This needs a special investigation by Springster. Wear wellies, love.
Do Palestinians call for Hamas to surrender and save lives?
Will the BBC ever ask such questions?
About a week ago the bbc “reported” that Gaza had only 24hours left of fuel
But is still “reporting” the same 7 plus days later
Guess it all adds to the bbc hype, Verify should Verify why
Seems JezBo and JonDon’s minders have let on they are worried they might not have enough reserves to torch Israeli mothers infants next time the go over having been bought another by Everyone from Corbyn to thick kiwi moppets.
Rather clearly the first atrocity did not get the IDF barrelling in soon enough, and Hamas are reissuing press releases to complicit media to get moron the streets.
While the Biden Broadcasting Corporation continues to lie and cover for Sleepy Joe, Mark Levine eviscerates his catastrophic policies that have led directly to Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel/Hamas, economic collapse domestically and chaos internationally.
Instructive I feel to look at the Obamessiah’s policy towards Israel and his working relationship with that country – Joe’s team being comprised of Obama’s peeps
Goblin child Greta reveals her inner self.
Simply a little power mad Nazi through and through!
From The observer
The BBC is offering extra support to staff who are facing abuse and attacks over the corporation’s Israel-Hamas coverage.
Some staff have reported being targeted online or verbally attacked for working for the BBC, while also dealing with distressing footage from the conflict.
BBC News chief operating officer Sam Taylor told staff in an email: “I know from my experience working on upsetting, running news stories over the years that you can be doing fine, but sometimes that can change, and you need a bit more help or to talk things through. So, in addition to the staff sessions and resources already available, our safety and mental health specialists are offering more targeted support where needed.”
“Sadly the current situation has meant that some people are experiencing abuse, either online or in person,” said Taylor, along with the “trauma caused by viewing specific images, working closely with distressed individuals, or undertaking assignments on the ground”.
Tensions have been heightened for BBC staff after a number of incidents, initially over the corporation’s editorial policy of not using the word terrorist to describe Hamas, saying instead that it is “proscribed as a terrorist organisation by the UK and other governments”.
Then, last Saturday, the BBC’s central London headquarters was sprayed with red paint by a pro-Palestinian protest group, which accused the broadcaster of having “blood on its hands” over its Israel-Hamas coverage.
One BBC insider said “it is proving really stressful” facing the additional “rage” at the BBC’s coverage, as “it’s stressful enough reporting on the [conflict] because … it’s appalling”.
Last week, the Israeli government accused the BBC of perpetuating a “modern blood libel” over the reporting of the explosion at Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza on Tuesday evening.
Immediately after the incident, a BBC reporter said there was a lack of clarity but suggested that Israel might be at fault. The Israeli government claimed that the initial take by the BBC and other media organisations further destabilised the region and led to the cancellation of a summit in Amman between the US president Joe Biden and Egyptian and Palestinian leaders. On the Today programme on Radio 4 on Thursday, security minister Tom Tugendhat said that while the BBC is “incredibly important not just here in the UK but around the world … to see a BBC reporter say that the Israeli military have said they are investigating but it’s hard to see what else this could be other an Israeli air strike … at a time when it was uncertain is really serious”.
The Today presenter and former BBC political editor Nick Robinson responded citing comments from BBC international editor Jeremy Bowen. He said: “Jeremy was on this programme pointing out that viewers of the 10 o’clock news and people across our footage were left in no doubt that there was no clarity about who’d carried it out. I think you’re talking about a broadcast that was in the immediate aftermath of the explosion.”
Robinson, who has faced pressure and intimidation himself (in 2014 he was given a bodyguard after 4,000 people marched on BBC Scotland to demand his resignation), told the Observer it was important for BBC staff to understand why some viewers and listeners were angry.
“We’ve got to recognise that people are feeling not just hurt … but fear for themselves and the people they love. Of course they feel passionate about anything or anybody they don’t think is entirely on their side. It would be odd if they didn’t and we’ve got to allow for that and allow people to express that, and listen.”
The BBC subsequently said the reporter “was wrong to speculate” and on Thursday night at a Media Society event, the director of journalism and BBC News deputy CEO Jonathan Munro acknowledged that “language is critical” and “that on one report about the hospital … that language wasn’t quite right.
“The impression is left that we were speculating [and] it’s important to correct that, which we’ve done … it’s a lesson for all of us. We’re running live coverage literally around the clock in radio, television and online. We’re covering this in 43 different languages – somewhere along the line human beings are going to make a mistake.”
The National Union of Journalists’ ethics council chair Chris Frost said: “We want to support journalists who are trying to ensure they are reporting fairly and presenting both sides. The BBC is quite rightly trying to avoid taking sides.”ENDS
Impartiality, BBC style.
They make a false and extremely damaging claim that suits their agenda live on the prime time news and then when they are banged to rights they issue a pathetic non-apology (‘on one report about the hospital … that language wasn’t quite right’) on the back page of the Nowheresville Weekly Journal.
Morally in the cesspit.
They should have to print their apology with the same weight as their original lie.
So if it was a headline article, so should their apology be.
But of course OFCOM are basically the same as the BBC so nobody wants that.
Robinson said:”Of course they feel passionate about anything or anybody they don’t think is entirely on their side.”
How bloody patronizing.
Thought I’d look into who Scott Ritter is, seen him on YouTube before and his opinions have been posted on here a few times recently.
The bottom half of his Wiki page says a whole lot.
Experienced without a doubt, but would anyone really be wise to trust his judgement on anything.
Not just once, but twice?
On Toady on Sunday I was just awake enough to discern a BBC/PBC ‘journalist’ strongly imply the bombing of the Gaza hospital last week was by the Israelis and not by a jihadist terrorist cell whose rocket misfired.
As unbelievable as it is reprehensible.
Our elite counter-terror squad informs us that among the 100, 000 pro-Hamas demonstrators, some may be susceptible to radicalization.
How about 99, 999?
The other one has already been radicalized.
How many of those demonstrators are native of this country?
and the BBC apply what bias they can muster to broadcasting the event.
“Jaw-dropping watching the
out-BBC itself during its coverage of the parliamentary debate on #ExcessDeaths today. No fewer than nine egregious slogans were cycled onscreen throughout MP Andrew Bridgen’s speech, presumably in a failed attempt to undermine the many verifiable statements he was making.
An honest media should be functioning as a watchdog; a line of defence between the public and forces of power and influence; holding said forces to account. Not simply acting as a mouthpiece and propaganda arm for them. We’ve seen the results of the latter over the last three years or more, and it has been disastrous.
The public deserve better than this.”
Once the BBC gets Starmer and his idiot crew in, the country is screwed.
We must urgently scale up the amount of supplies that is going into Gaza as Hamas is running out.
Then we elevate pointless efforts to free the hostages as Hamas are so open to reason.
Longer term we need sustained efforts towards achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.
Just think of this seriously for a moment.
The Labour Party has an international development spokesperson who does not think it is wrong to cut off food and water to millions, half of them children.
Say that out loud.
The country is teetering on a state of civil war.
Starmer briefly caught on, or thought he’d make political capital out of public revulsion.
Then he went back on it, lied, and is no longer trusted by anyone, even those needing Labour to finish the project.
Leadership in politics or media at such times does not need lawyers, PPE wonks and silly girls.
Regarding all these tunnels.
It will be very dangerous to enter them looking for the ‘freedom fighters’
Can Israel not simply shove a few grenades in then block them all off (seal them up)
I’m grateful to @JamesFrith for inviting me to join members of Bury’s Muslim community and express our acute concerns on the humanitarian emergency in Gaza
Labour will do all we can to get aid into Gaza, encourage dialogue in the region and ensure communities in the UK are safe
If this pea brained apology for a U.K. politician does not see the real issue, and problem, her like are enabling and worsening, things are going to spiral.
Each day I go through my sky tv to see which programs I want to record to view later.
If I see something I don’t know I might click on it for more info. You also get a still picture of the program.
I find that if the picture shows non white characters such as one I clicked on today (6 4 or something) which is a detective drama and one is white on the picture and the other isn’t) I will usually not record it.
My reasoning is that if they appear to be putting in characters to tick boxes and do their woke virtue signalling then I can almost always guess who the baddie will be (the white guy) and that one of the non whites will be wrongly suspected.
I expect every marriage to be mixed race.
There will be loads of drinking and swearing but no smoking.
In short, all these new dramas are constructed this way and they are no longer enjoyable.
Compared to older stuff such as Sweeney, Minder or Only fools and horses which all have plenty of mixed race characters, this new stuff is simply crap.
Older mixed race stuff came across as natural but todays is forced.
I find I’m watching very little new tv now and enjoy rewatching things like The Bill.
News wise I only watch GBN and Talk TV. The latter should stop slagging off GB News (they call it the hate channel) because for one, they are very similar and then, if bbbc/Ofcom manage to get GB News removed they will go for Talk TV next.