The Israeli President has suggested that the BBC May no longer be welcome in the country . Certainly it has shown itself too ready to rebroadcast Hamas propaganda – such as the hospital explosion -without verification – on top of its refusal to call terrorists -terrorists although the UK Law , the king , the PM declare Islamic Hamas to be just that . Usually here – we can moan about the woke message – or what is approved in BBC world and what is not – but now – ‘some might say ‘ the world is on the brink . So what the BBC says will have real impact on lives . It seems to set in its’ ways to see that – it has blood on its’ hands .
Weekend 21st October 2023
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I presume Chris Packham would condemn this?
I’m pretty sure it was Leonardo de Vinci who once wrote that a time would come in the future when the death of an animal was talked about more than the death of a man. We’re already there.
BBC Headline:
Gaza hospital images show rows of dead bodies as Israel steps up bombing
BBC not reporting (from the DT):
Met chiefs summoned by ministers for allowing ‘jihad’ chant at Palestine rally
‘Immigration minister will interrogate police for inciting ‘terrorist violence’
The BBC have gone full-on rogue over this now. Let’s hope it is the straw which breaks the camels back and something gets done about them.
Gaza neighbourhood flattened and hospital told to evacuate
Classic bbc editorial conflation. How do you evacuate a flattened hospital per image?
A commenter points out Hamas has a tunnel network the msm treats like ‘reporters’ in hotels not seeing, hearing or smelling Katushyas going off until a Nordic bloke mentions it.
Getting worse
Great news – booom!
Amazon deliveries from China still on time?
Chinese concentration camps still operational?
Xi Jingping still locking up political enemies?
Philomena Cunk appointed BBC head Gaza correspondent
Reach PLC living up to their name – confident the BBC will be running with this.
The fundamental flaw in devolution.
Devolved authority swerve their own responsibilities by saying ‘the government has not given us enough money’ be it assemblies or elected mayors. It works every time.
I’m afraid I’m rather confused. The BBC and all the other liberals are telling me that massive immigration is good for the country as all are willing to work hard and contribute to society. And yet, we are told that the taxes we are paying are an historic high! Surely with all the extra people, 10 million since 1997 isn’t it, paying in, the taxes we, as individuals, pay should go down? Obviously, it can’t be that these immigrants and their offspring are actually costing more in benefits because we would have been told that.
Here’s an idea. ONS can put the argument to bed once and for all. All they have to do is produce a colour-coded map by postcode showing taxes paid against benefits received (excluding pensions of course, that’s got nothing to do with it and would only be used as an excuse to show indigenous people, who on the whole paid for those pensions, are significant beneficiaries as well). Then compare this map against one showing percentage of first and second generation immigrants in these areas.
The Government (and the Opposition, and Civil Service, and Charities, and Universities, and Councils and liberals) can then point out how we benefit from all this immigration.
To quote a well-known meerkat – simples.
Seems like blue labour ministers are more upset about Muslim demonstrators screaming for jihad than the Met plod – which will do whatever it can to appease Islam – including having staff with ‘affiliation ‘ – hence the failure on the streets to challenge more and more extreme language conduct .
Inevitable – having a Muslim as emir of londonistan is a bit of a clue …
Confused? You will be.
By my understanding (accepting state, state media and msm are no longer trustworthy) here in the U.K. we are British.
Recently some Gazans the other side of the Med popped over to Israel and videoed themselves tearing into civilians there. Subsequent claims tbc, but nothing good was done and beyond gratuitous mutilations certainly hostages were taken and are still missing.
So far, so outrageous. Such that even Surkeer, Sleepy and the EU found this a bit off.
Then after a few days of shouting at windmills all round, the Israelis decided to pummel the crossing points and rocket launch sites. Sadly, some Gazans kept their kids there.
The Gazans (who elected Hamas) then got in touch with the BBC about a dodgy misguided missile and some staffers told tales of woe to other staffers.
Given the stated aim to slaughter all in Israel, the Israelis have maintained a counter offensive to keep this at bay.
So naturally every lefty from JSO to Greta to body positive had grabbed a flag and gone out to ‘protest’. By screaming death to Jews and tearing down missing child posters, smashing stuff up and appearing on tv shows. In the U.K. nowhere near the other end of the Med.
So thanks to a small % of the population going out to scream in a few cities, the forces of law have fun for cover, the leader of the opposition has flip flopped again in a blatant lie, and the supposed government is nowhere to be found.
And a supposed senior member of the likely next government has made a bee line for ‘community leaders’ of a certain faith to ‘reassure’ them.
Most Israelis are Jews. Some are even Muslims. Many of those kidnapped are Western nationals.
Most in Gaza are Muslim.
Few in the U.K. are Palestinian.
Why is Lisa Nandy pandering to a niche faith group of supposed British here over an internecine war between two countries thousands of miles away?
Did Saudi by the pols too stupid to realise that any money they have is useless when you can’t enjoy it anywhere? And are in fear of life constantly when out just for not signing up to the nastiest team around?
There are more Muslim votes than Jewish votes up for grabs, now governments starting with NewLabour have allowed millions of them into our country
SirKeer flip-flopping is therefore vote-winning
Pop eye.
What an excellent idea.
Perhaps the ONS could also show the GDP figures by year for the same areas.
Because we keep hearing about how low growth has been for the last 10, 15, 20 years. Which just happens to co-incide with the mass immigration.
Surely GDP should have risen strongly.
Baroness Token of tickbox …
TWotWeeee Watch #1 – Huhhh?!!!
I come home late, 20 mins of TWotWeeee have gone so I don’t know what ‘weighty’ matters have been discussed in the first two-thirds of the programme. No doubt some attention has been paid to soccer with the death of one of my long-time heroes, Sir Bobby Charlton, being announced yesterday.
As I start to listen a gentleman with a middle-Eastern accent is speaking. He is I think the ambassador for one middle Eastern nation. Then the BBC presenter asks Peter Lerner, spokesman for the Israeli Defence Force (sorry Peter, I’ve forgotten your rank) to contribute but while he is speaking the BBC presenter cuts him off. “We are almost out of time.”
The BBC have something much more pressing than war in the Middle East: it is the Stirling Prize for Architecture.
That is so essential it could not have been held over for another week.
Despicable BBC.
head shaking, teeth grinding WTF moment for me
Have Mossad got his address?
An Islamic hate preacher has applied for £73-a-week benefits that he once called the ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’. Anjem Choudary, 51, wants to pocket tax-payers’ cash just days after he was released from Belmarsh Prison.3 Nov 2018,was%20released%20from%20Belmarsh%20Prison.
If this government and this countries crap police had any morals whatsoever they would haul this dangerous cunt off to prison before deporting him to Gaza, no ifs, no buts…..
‘You’ve picked your side!’ Ex-Israeli PM tears apart BBC live on air in brutal attack
The former Israeli premier insisted there is not a “balance” between Israel and Hamas and accused the BBC of taking sides in the bad-tempered clash.
The BBC was accused of “lacking moral clarity” by former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett in a heated interview this morning.
The ex-Israeli PM claimed the broadcaster had taken “the Gazan side” during the fiery exchange on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg which stand-in host Victoria Derbyshire insisted was “not true.
Mr Bennett erupted after Derbyshire quoted articles from the Geneva Conventions on protecting civilians amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.
He said: “That’s exactly what we’re doing, that’s exactly why we are allowing the civilians to evacuate before pounding them. We’re doing the opposite of what Hamas did.”
Derbyshire pressed: “It’s not exactly what you’re doing…”
Mr Bennet said: “You asked the question, would you let me answer?
“What Hamas did is they entered roughly 30 communities, they butchered babies, they burnt them alive, they pulled a baby out of a pregnant mum and then beheaded the baby and beheaded the mum, they raped young girls. This is what we’re dealing with.
And with all due respect, I think the Geneva Conventions first and foremost tell a country you need to defend yourself, and we will defend ourselves.
“I know that last week a hospital was fired by Islamic Jihad, they fired a rocket on it, and the BBC said that it was Israel but it wasn’t Israel.
“And I understand that the BBC has taken a side on the Gazan side because all your questions are only about the Gazan civilians, you haven’t asked one question about those children from the very beginning of this interview you just were asking me about them but it seems you care little about our side.”
Derbyshire interrupted: “That’s not true. Mr Bennett that is not true.”
He said: “Oh it is. What question did you ask me about our side?”
Ms Derbyshire replied: “I began by talking about the hostages. And what I’m asking you about now is…”
Mr Bennett said: “I’m not talking about the hostages. I’m talking about the babies that were murdered and you keep on caring only about one side but that is the BBC way.
“If you think there’s a balance here between two equal sides then you are lacking moral clarity and BBC I must say is lacking moral clarity. What you guys did last week shame on you.”
Derbyshire said: “Before we spoke to you I spoke to a veteran Palestinian politician and I asked her about the massacre of Israeli citizens in southern Israel.”
Conservative MP Mark Jenkinson backed Mr Bennett’s criticism of the BBC.
said: “It’s great to see Naftali Bennett calling out Victoria Derbyshire on the BBC’s appalling attempts to draw moral equivalence between Hamas terrorising and Israel’s efforts to defend herself.”
It comes as the BBC has been condemned over its refusal to describe Hamas as “terrorists” under its editorial guidelines.
The corporation was also criticised over its coverage of the Gaza hospital bombing which cited a statement from Hamas claiming Israel was to blame.
Excellent stuff. Brain dead Derbyshire is one of the bBBC most repulsive specimens. Like most of them totally unintelligent and lacking in any journalistic expertise – in other words perfect fit with Springs garbage unit.
I remember back in the day, VD would read the traffic news.
Some wit described her as “Having a face that’s ideal for radio”.
Let me guess. He’s white.
Of no interest to the BBC therefore.
Were I Surkeer and his cabal of silly wimmin I would be very worried.
It’s not just the BBC with a festering cancer inside.
The Palestinian demos on London yesterday, if not also elsewhere, were apparently organised by a group called the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
It’s well worth taking a look at their website and Companies House accounts, which reveal their directors.
Now being a humanitarian outfit, we’d of course expect to see amongst its patrons a range of supporters and celebrities from across the political spectrum. So let’s see who we can find……
Julie Christie
Jeremy Corbyn
Ken Loach
Alexei Sayle
Benjamin Zephaniah
How about former patrons…
Tony Benn
Rodney Bickerstaffe
Bob Crow
Bruce Kent
Harold Pinter
Corin Redgrave
In other words, a totally impartial set of folk.
Or alternatively, the PSO is no less than a Far Left Marxist organisation to be added to all the rest of them (ER, JSO, Stop the War, CND, Stonewall-trans lobby etc etc) on their determined mission to undermine our society, and hope it will collapse to be replaced by a Marxist Nirvana state.
BBC fake news time.
Covering the floods the BBC reports evacuations in the Nottinghamshire town of Retford.
I quote from a report issued 35 minutes ago as at 1610.
‘The river reached record levels on Sunday, with water still rising.’
Which is rather odd. Because on the government river level website, the nearest measuring station. the River Idle at Ordsall, reached a peak height of 1.79m at 0600 this morning and has slowly fallen to 1.68m at 1500 this afternoon.
Try this ..but don’t wait too long.,ri,ti,gr,rf&fid=stations.2156&ext=-0.999605,53.288476,-0.89737,53.342461
A rather anal example no doubt, but just goes to show that our most trusted and impartial broadcaster cannot be trusted to run a whelk stall.
Great research & posts, Sluff and vlad, below. Some proper journalism. BBC: match that!
Palestinian / Hamas flag at demos?
No problem.
English flag?
Take that down, you racists.
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
April 26, 2014
Truly appalling. The Met Police has been taken over by Common Purpose as far as I know, at least in the senior ranks and of course the neo-Marxist wokery then filters down through the ranks. I have relatives living in a mainly Muslim neighbourhood of a large northern UK city. It is a hell hole so they tell me. Rubbish in front gardens, rude shop keepers, gang leader who set up a false FB account in my relative’s child’s name (said gang leader shot dead two years later), rude British Iranian dentist who insulted one of my relatives at a recent appointment leading to my relative having to complain to the practice manager, the list goes on. I need to start buying lottery tickets once more, win big and I would give my relatives the money to move to a nicer area. One of the family is seriously ill at present too which is making matters worse. They think that the British Iranian dentist was rude because she may have assumed that my relative was Jewish, given their dark hair and clothing. Glad my town has almost none of these people….for now !
Gaza hospital: Breaking down video of Al-Ahli Arab hospital explosion
Worth a visit to see the output of the ‘BBC Verify’ team and a typical member of their staff.
Despite multiple intelligence agencies around the world accepting it was a malfunctioning rocket, we still get:
‘It is still unclear exactly what happened.’
That is intended to make us think it still might have been Israel – but in reality it means they can’t say EXACTLY what happened – and never will be able to. It’s a deliberate deception.
What a complete and utter joke ‘BBC Verify’ has turned out to be. It’s obviously manned by the useless ‘quota’ staff who had to be given something to do. They literally are like children playing a game while thinking they are serious, professional journalists – and too dumb to realise what they are.
‘”Family of missing UK teen say she was murdered in Hamas attack”
The family of missing British teenager Noiya Sharabi have said she was murdered in the Hamas attack, along with her 13-year-old sister and mother.
Noiya, 16, and Yahel disappeared after Hamas attacked Kibbutz Be’eri in southern Israel and killed her British-born mother Lianne.
Her family told the BBC she had been formally identified.’
Just carpet bomb the Strip..
RIP to these victims of the barbaric, evil Hamas terrorists. Yes, Beeb, terrorists. I hope that the IDF erase every last member of Hamas but of course other enemies of Israel are massing at the borders and waiting to strike. Israel has the right to exist and the right to defend itself at all times. I am so glad that my Jewish ex boyfriend, with whom I remained good friends after he broke it off, and his older brother are no longer alive to witness the Hamas atrocities which started on 7th October. The older brother had volunteered with the IDF in the 1967 war.
“Gaza hospital images show rows of dead bodies as Israel steps up bombing”
Call me paranoid, but does anyone else think that headline sounds like it’s conflating the two, namely Israeli bombing and dead bodies in the Gaza hospital?
Surely the BBC wouldn’t be that devious, would they?
Would they?
5:40pm ITV+1 catchup news prog
Strange moment
As they started to discuss the word “Jihad” the screen went to ITV fault page
an came back 90s later
Don’t know if they actually cut anything
Robert Jenrick was speaking when it resumed
Smethwick sculpture to celebrate women who wear hijabs
19 September
She doesn’t choose, she is ordered to wear. That’s the bit that’s missing!
The late, great Oriana Fallaci was once interviewed Ayatollah Khomeini and ripped off her hijab in front of him, she was woman of great courage who died of cancer aged 77 in 2006. She foretold the problems Muslim immigration in the west would cause, of course she was labelled racist and Islamophobic.
Here’s an expert who won’t be on the BBC anytime soon
“Killing hundreds”… are you sure Marc?
Headline you won`t see on the BBC
“Hamas refuses to surrender despite further civilian deaths”
They don’t even have to surrender, they couldn’t free the 200 hostages as a goodwill gesture, announce a unilateral ceasefire, agree to a 2 state solution, look for ways to grow the Gaza Strip economy,.
TPTB are intent on keeping the cat bag firmly tied closed.
Zero idea who TPTB are.
May I suggest, “The powers that be”.
At least, I think so…
The Powers That Be, is it.
The Commons staff trying to stop people attending seems to have happened – I wonder if they succeeded and people were refused admission to the Public Gallery?
Is the Hamas/Israel conflict Net Zero? Asking for a potential green voter!
No diesel generators were fired up in this conflict!
No 40 year old cars either.
Only modern green net zero electric missiles were used on both sides.
Got to support the current thing.!
Free Palestine…
Ban Banning to stop bans!
Julia Sutcliffe, Chief Technologist – Air Sector provides an insight into how as a company we are embracing the Net Zero challenge to become a more sustainable business and support our UK customer on the journey.
Hello, I’m Julia Sutcliffe, Chief Technologist for BAE Systems’ Air Sector business.
The green military agenda
Sustainability is an important priority for our customers. (BOOM!) In the 2021 UK Integrated Review and Command Paper, Air Chief Marshall Wigston positioned the RAF at the forefront of the green military agenda (CRASH! BANG!!) with sights set on a low carbon force structure in the 2040 timeframe. (BOMB!BOMB!)
In a traditional sense, 2040 is just around the corner, but there is nothing traditional about this time. We are at this amazing intersection of the fourth industrial revolution and the green industrial revolution – and these two change vectors if harnessed appropriately will completely revolutionize our processes our products and our services.
We will need to work together, more so than ever before as there’s no silver bullet, no single answer to this challenge. It’s a through-life, multi-domain, pan-sector challenge.
Blathering crap!
Paid highly to blather crap! This is amazing – we can bomb you and you will help with Net Zero.
1 day ago … Prince Turki, a widely respected elder statesman in Saudi circles, has publicly condemned both Hamas and Israel for attacking civilians, following Hamas’s 7 October attack on southern Israel and the subsequent Israeli bombardment of Gaza. There were no heroes, he said, only victims.
Such is the groundswell of Arab anger at those Israeli air strikes that Prince Turki, who was addressing a US audience at Rice University in Houston, is a rare Arab voice of criticism of Hamas in the current climate.
‘Fired on like rain’: Saudi border guards accused of mass killings of Ethiopians
This article is more than 2 months old
Report by Human Rights Watch details alleged attacks using explosive weapons and small arms on Saudi Arabia-Yemen border
Witness testimony describes mass killings, with women and children dying in shelling, and dead people and body parts spread along trails.
It would appear that, according to the Biarsed Broadcasting Corporation, those people of a dusky tone actually did get quite a long way north of Africa. The main players in their new programme Vampire are all of that hue. I always thought they came from Transylvania not the Transvaal.
Neil Oliver: We must maintain the courage to stand against all evil, perpetrated by anyone
Neil Oliver: We cannot and must not turn blind eyes or deaf ears to any wrong. We must maintain the courage to stand side by side against evil, any evil, perpetrated by anyone. In the end, all I can say to all those hoping for the best while watching the worst is, I hear you!
Just a reminder who the US VPOTUS is
I loved to hear that the BBC’s attack dog Victoria Derbyshire got a short sharp slab of cold truth from the ex Israeli president.
Apparently she tried to gotcha him with the usual Israel ignoring Geneva conventions shit, quoting some tales of people in Gaza getting their life disrupted.
He quite rightly and angrily said, VD had not mentioned one case of Israelis getting dealt with outside the Geneva convention including one pregnant Israeli woman who had her baby torn from her body, decapitated in front of her before she too was beheaded.
The BBC then did what they do best, they cut the interview.
They are lower than a snakes belly. We really need this poisonous organisation finished.
Omission – or stop viewing – is the greatest lie.
So this is what it has come to. The only way to confront and refute the deniers of the Hamas Holocaust on Oct 7 is to show Hamas’s own footage of their barbarity on that terrible day. So be it. At least it will settle the matter.
So, how’s things at W1A?
Really hope Corbyn’s political career ends as all do. If in his case, worse.
And the cartoons off Mohammed which become Islamophobic?
** 3 teachers hide in Batley,UK due to Islam taking offence in 2022.
Digg – I think some one has put it up on this site – or I saw it on twitter – the ‘technical issue ‘ cut off is so obvious it could be soviet broadcaster ….
The lady in question was wearing a green out fit the colour of the Palestinian flag …. I bet they’ve all got little lapel badges ….
BTW – listening to the Talksport coverage of the tootenhsm spurs v the Fulham cottagers – the commentator said that although spurs has banned Israeli flares he counted a good number – spurs- of course having a long relationship with the local Jewish residents ….
Looks like the Far Left is about to lay into the newly elected President of Argentina because he is Definately ‘unapproved ‘.
Last week the Far Left BBc was celebrating that their boy Tusk might be able to put together a ‘coalition ‘ to counter the Polish government – which shamefully wants Poland to stay Poland .
I reckon the idea of a non approved president for Argentina will be fully ignored by the BBC – which will continue to put full effort into criticising and undermining the attempt by Israel to keep its ‘ people safe ….
New thread going up a bit early …
Reasons to worry about previous leaders ….
Jeremy Corbyn hailed by Argentinian president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as ‘a great friend of Latin America’ following leadership win
Argentina’s president, who has repeatedly clashed with Britain over the Falkland Islands, called Corbyn win a ‘triumph of hope’
Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith
Sunday 13 September 2015 11:08
Maybe Israel should bomb Gaza with the Torah?
Books not Bombs! or Bombs of books!
It was his predecessor (Mad Ma Merkal) who let most of them in!
Exactly Pug. Why do you think the Norse could settle and FARM in Greenland (the clue is in the name), then had to leave in the 14th or 15th Centuries, when it got colder and harvests started failing. That was about the same time as British viniculture, which had thrived since the time of the Romans, went into decline, as the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ came to an end.
There was at least one ‘mini ice age’ after that, with some quite chilly dips, arguably one of the reasons people wore so many clothes in the Victorian era – less ‘modesty’, more it was bloody cold. The early 20th C. actually varied quite a bit, with some very warm years – some dare claim warmer than today (heretics!) One of the issues being how we measure temperature has changed drastically, and another being that we have no accurate way of really judging what the temperature was before the mid-20th Century, or (arguably) the 1970s… some might say the 2000s, or even that temperature measurements are so transitory and variable, they don’t really prove much… except perhaps, exactly what you want them to prove.
The recent era of ‘warming’ (if it is getting warmer) might just be a return to ‘normal’ for much of human history, or maybe there never has been a ‘normal’ and the climate has always bounced around a bit – fact is, no one really knows… and yet, we’re told to panic about an ESTIMATED fraction of a degree C difference in the last three or four decades.
I don’t know how the Met police commissioner is hiding behind the letter of the law in failing to challenge jihad supporters . Plod has been hand in glove with the likes of the BBC on social control – trivial language ‘crimes ‘ – yet when it comes to doing something about murdering Islamic terrorists – we don’t do that sez plod …
They really are devaluing – soiling – themselves …
Over in Bethnal Green aka Tower Hamlets, over 40 Palestinian flags have been systematically put up along a main road.
Remarkably, some mix of the council and TfL have pulled them down.
In voxpops the ‘local community’, who are not remotely British irrespective of their legal citizenship, and barely speak English, are not happy about it.
Next story. In the first prosecution of its kind a woman has been successfully prosecuted for sending her daughter to Kenya for a female circumcision.
Welcome to…….England ???????? FFS.
Incredible. Brought to you by the Far Left.