Jihadi John was a ‘beautiful person’…so said the extremists of Cage.
Apparently they were right. Muslim extremists (when not being Churchill, Ghandi or Mandela) are, according to the BBC….kind, clever, angry and idealistic….and of course victims themselves of a tyrannical British state.
Kind of think the BBC has totally lost the plot….more so than ever I should add.
How would you persuade a young Muslim from becoming more devout and turning to fundamentalist Islam before heading off to Syria to fight the good fight?
Would you try to counter the narrative that he has been fed in the mosques, on-line and in the left-wing media?
Or…would you praise him and tell him he is right but just shouldn’t use violence, tell him he is kind, clever, angry, idealistic and that going to Syria would be dangerous so he’d had better stay ‘here’ where it’s safe and where you can fight the injustices, inequalities and persecution that drives you into the hands of the Extremists?
The BBC, via Shami Chakrabarti, has decided that the second option is the one that works….tell the potential terrorist that he is right to be angry about the grievances that he raises but the way is not to go to Syria but to fight them here in the UK.
In other words, the BBC and Shami, are telling us that it is an oppressive British society, the police state, the huge discrimination that Muslims suffer, the lack of jobs for a Muslim with two degrees, that turns a ‘young British Muslim’ into a terrorist murderer.
Not then a religion that tells Muslims they are superior to everyone else, that all who do not submit should be killed, that Allah’s religion must rule supreme over all? Not the intolerant, anti-Western preaching in the mosques and madrassas? Not the continuous narrative that the West is at war with Islam that is fed to Muslims via its ‘community leaders’ and the BBC? Not the relentless claims that Muslims are discriminated against and are kept on the fringes of society, marginalised and disenfranchised by Islamophobia and racism? Again a discourse spoonfed to Muslims by the BBC.
Shami has two targets in her short little playlet (so now we know what she intends to do now she has retired from Liberty….I would advise her to get the day job back). The first target is those who want to control immigration, the second, as indicated above, is to turn Muslim terrorists into victims…victims of British society.
This is how those ‘kind, clever, angry, idealistic’ ISIS Muslim victims treat Christians…even the kids…
![A child is photographed, waiting to be killed by militants. ISIS uses these images to terrorize others and to glorify their spree of terror. A child is photographed, waiting to be killed by militants. ISIS uses these images to terrorize others and to glorify their spree of terror.](http://www.catholic.org/files/images/ins_news/2014081646.jpg)
…and if you really want to see the truth visit this site...warning very graphic photographs of the victims of those kind young men.
Shami’s little play brings us a mother talking to her son who wishes to leave to join an extremist group abroad. This is in the future, 2041. The mother, naturally, is a single mother, an immigrant who came to where she now lives via ‘The Swamp’ in Calais…of course she has done very well for herself and is now a lovely, successful person who adores her new country. Get it? Let in migrants…they only want to be British citizens who live the place and will bring joy and prosperity to it.
We aren’t told that they are Muslim, we aren’t told which country they are in or where the son intends to go to but as we listen we can draw conclusions that there is going to be a ‘twist’ at the end…and Shami doesn’t disappoint…revealing that she fled a terrible war in Britain…a war that was a result of ‘greed, division, fear and hate as people turned in on themselves and on each other’….you are supposed of course to imagine you are a refugee fleeing war….empathise darlings, empathise and realise just how mean you’re being.
Ah yes…I am suitably chastised….wanting to limit mass migration is ‘greedy’, making a reasoned and evidence based analysis as to what such mass migration might bring to the country is spreading ‘fear’ based, not upon that reason, but upon the hate and racism of those insular beings who turned in on themselves…you know…the ‘Little Englanders’ of left-wing legend….and hence started a civil war.
Hmmm….the war might actually not be ‘civil’ but between the immigrants who try to impose their ideology upon Britain and the Brits who refuse to submit. A completely different and far more honest assessment of the situation than the one Shami proposes.
Shami ticks every box in the race-baiter’s list of pet grievances that they know the BBC et al will lap up and put on the Frontpage. Every complaint that Muslim agitators give voice to Shami puts into this piece…and doesn’t dispute or counter them at all….in fact she claims they are all credible basis for complaint.
She starts the piece with a beached whale (Just when did she write this? Has she churned it out at lightning speed in the past few days and got it on the BBC? It would seem so) We are supposed to equate the whale with immigrants dying on the beaches of Europe….‘They’re coming to clear you away before you offend…no one cares…only that you’re here now and what they’re going to do with you’.
Hmm…OK…how about this beach then?
No clever comment Shami?
Then we get the son who says ‘Everyday I get scanned for who I am, who we are…etc…I’ll never fit in…you don’t see what this country has become….penthouses next to prisons, investment banks and food banks, people who do nothing and people who have nothing….I want to live another way….I’ve no prospects, no privacy, no pride.’
Ah…so extremism is all about economics is it? Jihadi John chopped off heads because he saw the inequality in life and knew he had to do something to change all that?
Curiously this ‘persecuted’ lad has to get a new identity because he is being watched by the security services….but Shami doesn’t bother to enlighten us as to the cause of that surveillance, she prefers instead to suggest the surveillance is just unfair persecution by the police in order to justify his extremism….so he’s not a budding terrorist to start with then?
Shami then goes on to attack Cameron and those who criticise mass, uncontrolled immigration…..apparently people were ‘treated like parasites, insects swarming the country leeching off ordinary, decent folk…scroungers’.
Ah yes the usual lefty diversionary tactic to avoid talking about the real issues…let’s talk about grammar and vocabulary….let’s not call migrants a ‘bunch‘…that’s ‘Quite horrible’.
Oh yes…‘This country is a prison…rife with injustice and discrimination.’...and let’s not mention those painted doors and coloured wristbands so reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
Shami hasn’t really put in much effort here, churning out something that any 14 year old could do in their sleep. It is childish, ill-informed, wrong-headed and dangerous rubbish. She has crammed in every left-wing cliched dogma and Muslim dog-whistle she could manage in 14 minutes. However it is the same old stuff that the BBC has been churning out as news and current affairs analysis for years, so no surprise there.
As said many times before it is about time politicians and the security services started to take a closer look at what the BBC is feeding the Muslim community…..praising and hero worshipping those who entertain ideas of becoming Jihadi warriors setting out to create a Cliphate and a new world under Islamic rule in order to fight Western oppression must surely not be what was intended when the BBC was asked to maintain civil society and cohesion.
Lord Hall Hall should be dragged into court as his organisation glorifies terrorism, not just recklessly but with intent, as this little play seems to demonstrate.
Lest we forget what it is that the BBC ‘understands’, praises and glorifies: