The BBC proselytises for Islam at every opportunity as in this instance drawn to our attention by B-BBC reader Alex;

“In what can only be described as a loathsome article, the BBC exude unbridled pleasure in announcing that Muslims are more efficient at passing on their faith than Christians: what the BBC conspicuously fails to mention is that Islam isn’t slammed on a regular basis by media socialist secularists, the gay rights lobby and those who aggressively and vociferously seek to ban Christian symbols in the work place; all of which will undoubtedly influence young and impressionable minds. It also doesn’t mention that Christians are becoming ever more sidelined by a secularist agenda which is too afraid to treat Islam in the same manner. Oh, they also forget to mention the lovely Madrasa schools where children are beaten into submission as evidenced by Channel 4’s recent documentary. Do Muslim children really have a choice whether or not to continue their forebears religion? If you’re a fan of Islamic groveling then you may wish to read this. Please Note: if you’re easily upset then look away now!”  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-17023858


The danger of BBC bias runs deep at so many levels. Take this example flagged up by one of our many eagle-eyed readers;

“Just thought you’d be interested in this appalling brainwashing on the BBC Bitesize GCSE Religious Studies website. Please Note: compare the following entries for Islam, Christianity and Judaism within the War and Peace section of the site which looks at the role of waging war in each of the religions.

I have highlighted some salient quotes which go some way to conveying the BBC’s differing tone towards each – and guess which one comes out the more positive, peaceful and loving???? Judaism comes the worst, surprise, surprise…. I certainly hope this particular section of the curriculum doesn’t find its way into any Jewish households any time soon!

1)  http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/rs/war/islamrev1.shtml

‘Islam is a religion of peace in which fighting and war are seen only as a last resorts’

(Try telling that to your normal Israeli, American or Londoner!)

2) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/rs/war/christianityrev1.shtml

Most Christians believe that war and fighting are wrong except in the most severe cases and they base their views on Jesus’ teaching about love’

‘Most’ – who are the odd ones out then???

3) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/rs/war/judaismrev1.shtml

Jewish scripture and ‘Just Wars’

‘In the Jewish Scriptures there are examples of wars. Some of these were Holy Wars where the Jews were trying to maintain their religion when other people wanted to make them worship false gods. Others were perhaps ‘Just Wars’ but it could be argued that some of them were wrong and unjustified.’

‘Others were just perhaps wars’  –  Wow, what wonderful scholarship!



Glad to see I am not the only one who found the BBC’s response to the John Terry verdict a few days ago to be somewhat odd; A B-BBC reader notes;

“The BBC were clearly rather miffed that Terry was cleared, and ran a feature on the matter on The World Tonight, Radio Four. This consisted of an immigrant (I didn’t catch the name but he wasn’t a mother tongue English speaker), being invited to sound off about how wrong it was, how such behaviour needs stamping out and how much ‘hurt’ it causes. None of this was challenged by presenter Ritula Shah (surprised?) Nor was any other speaker invited on to give an alternative view or debate the matter. Terry has been found NOT GUILTY, yet the BBC are trying to stir up hatred.


A B-BBC reader notes;

“Read the BBCs blurb for the film Arlington Road showing on BBC 1 tonight. :-

“Conspiracy thriller about a college professor who is prompted to research extreme right-wing groups after his wife is killed in a bungled FBI anti-terrorist operation. When the strange behaviour of his new neighbours leads him to suspect them of being terrorists, he is unsure whether he is being paranoid due to the stress of losing his wife or if something really is terribly wrong.”

I’ve search every description of the films plot that i can find, & the BBCs version is the only one that includes the phrase ‘extreme right-wing groups’



Another example of the BBC giving you half the story, plainly seeking to shill for these vile Muslim paedophiles…

From the BBC….

“Men charged with rape and abduction of girl, 13, in Ipswich. Four men have been charged with the abduction of a 13-year-old girl allegedly raped in Suffolk. Three men from east London, aged 28, 31 and 38, along with a 46-year-old Ipswich man, are due to appear before magistrates in Ipswich on Monday.

Police said the men were charged and held in custody over the alleged offences in Ipswich over the past week. The men aged 46 and 28 have each been accused of child abduction and two counts of rape.

The 38-year-old man is charged with child abduction and sexual assault, while the 31-year-old man faces accusations of child abduction and possession of a controlled drug.


 ..AND then, from SKY News

Four Men Charged Over Alleged Abduction

Suffolk Police accuse four men of abducting a 13-year-old girl.

Four men have been charged with offences relating to the alleged abduction of a 13-year-old girl, according to Suffolk Police. Police have issued a statement confirming the arrests. They said Mohamed Sheikh, a 31-year-old of Seaton Point in London, has been charged with a child abduction offence and with possession of a controlled drug.

Surin Uddin, a 28-year-old of St Matthews Row in London, has been charged with two counts of rape against a girl under the age of 16 and one child abduction offence.

Ali Hamza, a 38-year-old of Chingford Road in London, has been charged with sexual assault and a child abduction offence.

Abdul Hammed, a 46-year-old of Wellington Street in Ipswich, has also been charged with two counts of rape against a girl under the age of 16 and one child abduction offence.

The men are due to face Ipswich Magistrates’ Court on Monday.

http://news.sky.com/story/960483/four-m … -abduction

Hat-tip to Bill.


I invite you to compare the treatment afforded to Justine Greening here with that given to Maria Eagle here on the topic of improving the rail network. Now I am no fan of LibDem Greening but I thought she was harried and bullied during her interview whereas the not so  lovely but very left Maria was allowed to snipe and attack the Coalition in unhurried splendour. By the way, the irony of John Humphrys having a go at the Rail Network because of taxpayer provided subsidy amused me. £3.5BN a year, John, forced from everyone with a TV?  Plank in your own eye…..


A reader writes…

“Have a read of this politically correct article from the BBC touching on just some (understatement) of  the reasons (can you guess which factor of the equation they’ve left out?) why a south London NHS trust has gone into administration – just one of several in the UK over the last few weeks!  The BBC obviously feels that the topic of uncontrolled immigration is simply too sensitive to discuss whenever austerity, unemployment and crumbling public services are hauled in front of the MSM jury. Right, I’m off to pick up my prescription, the front label of which is interpreted into  languages!”


If you want a laugh, I suggest you tune into this programme on BBC Radio 4 this afternoon.

In No Extremists Please- We’re British! Trevor Phillips, the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, conducts a personal investigation into why extremist parties have never gained a significant electoral foothold in Britain; he asks whether there’s something inherent in the mindset of the white working class voter that makes us as a nation immune to the appeal of extremist politics; or is it just a question of time before what’s happening in Europe happens here?

Evidently “extremism” only runs way and does not include those who detonated themselves on our transport systems and who plot daily to find ways to kill us. Maybe Phillips can follow this programme up with “No Jihad please – we’re Muslim?”