I invite you to compare this story with this one.

The European Court of Human Rights has said individual governments can decide how to implement a ban on convicted prisoners voting. The judgement means the UK will be able to decide for itself how to resolve the long-standing row over votes for inmates.

Or then again…

The European Court of Human Rights upheld a previous ruling that a blanket ban on inmates being able to vote was unlawful.

I suppose it’s all about the angle being spun…can you guess which is the BBC story?


The BBC churned out another piece of pro-NHS drivel this morning in a “debate” between chief executive of Nice, Sir Andrew Dillon, and Justine Bold, a woman who’s spent more than £33,000 on fertility treatment at 43. You see the  upper age at which women should receive IVF on the NHS is now being increased from 39 to 40-42. Oh, and it’s also going to be available for gay people. Well, it’s not as if we are in a recession or anything and it’s certainly not as if anyone who opposes such wanton NHS profligacy is ever going to be invited onto the Today programme!


It’s been a great day for those very special BBC non debates, cunningly disguised as debates. Did you catch this simpering debate on Home Secretary Theresa May’s plan to  overhaul the way police tackle antisocial behaviour?

Community activist (ahem, DV) Lesley Pulman says anti-social behaviour has “got a lot worse” over the past decade but that Asbos were a “godsend”. “They empowered us to take ownership of our community,” she told the Today programme. She says the new measures will not make a difference because people “are too fearful to come forward”.

So, well done Labour for the ASBOS – and one in the eye for the evil May, right?

Then we have Simon Edens, ACPO “leader” on anti-social behaviour, who says that Asbos in some cases did not work as the bureaucracy “got in the way”. His drivel is spectacular, and I just love the way he refuses to talk about a Police FORCE. You can tell why ACPO chose him

So, caught between ACPO and Thank God for Asbos. Hope no criminals were listening, they would be inspired….


Did you see this?

The threat of industrial action by BBC journalists and technicians during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee weekend in June has been withdrawn. Unions had balloted for a strike over a “derisory” pay deal. But the NUJ, Bectu and Unite unions have now released a joint statement with the BBC saying they had agreed to “key principles” on pay, performance ratings and redeployment.

I wonder why UNITE get such an easy ride on the BBC…..?


A Biased BBC reader asks for help. Any suggestions for him?

“For years the BBC told us, on travel and business programmes especially, that the Euro was wonderful and that we were denied its advantages by an unholy alliance of retired colonels, Margo&Jerry and the BNP. If I wanted to put together a compilation video of clips from all these ghastly state broadcasts, how would I go about gathering the material?”

Over to you!


Phew, wot a scorcher! Yesterday saw almost 15,000 visits to Biased BBC. Many thanks to you all. We are now well into the relaunched site and all seems to have settled down well. I notice a few old regulars seem to have vanished in transition, no idea why! Hope they find us again. That said, all are welcome here, friend and critics, and the final interesting stat is that since we have moved to this shiny new box, a grand total of almost 500,000 visits have taken place -pretty good news in my book.


Biased BBC contributor Alan writes…

“Pro Europeans fighting back…..Ball’s answer to massive debt is more debt, the BBC answer to Euro implosion is more Europe.

Enoch Powell has for the BBC been a scurrilous, dangerous race baiter whose views on immigration were an outrage to a civilised nation…his warning that mass immigration could result in a rise in race attacks and xenophobia and conflict between communities were evidence of almost criminally racist tendencies. How different the world is today when the BBC sees its European empire dreams go up in smoke and any radical expression of distress and dismay are acceptable in its defence and its frontpage headline is…….

Clegg warns of Europe ‘extremism’
A collapse in the eurozone would create the “ideal recipe for an increase in extremism and xenophobia”, the UK deputy PM says.

And Here’s a glimpse of the BBC mindset concerning the European Project as set out by Will Self…’enthusiastic pro-European’…….

‘I viewed an increasingly united Europe as a necessary counterweight to US world hegemony and Russian idiocy, while also being a handy cosmopolitan stick with which to beat the backs of uptight Little Englanders.’

Isn’t that interesting?  The BBC are enthusiastically anti-nation and embrace the no-borders internationalism of a European identity but  Self’s statement shows that the European Project  wasn’t about getting rid of nations to stop war, it was a plan to make an even bigger nation, an Empire, to compete with the US and the USSR, and now China.

Far from a peaceful project it was all about power and  sabre rattling in one form or another….having ‘peacefully’ subjugated its own new ‘Euro’ citizen first of course.

And how neat that Self also propounds the ideas that such internationalism, cosmopolitanism, is a useful device to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’……wasn’t that exactly Labour’s policy when they opened the floodgates?

Who can doubt that this is the authentic, approved voice of the BBC metropolitian ‘elite’ as well?