Biased BBC contributor Alan bravely visits the BBC’s print arm aka The Guardian.

“The BBC ‘in print’, ie The Guardian, does have a cartoon section…..though they call it ‘Comment is Free’…and being highly educated sophisticates for them a thousand words are better than a line drawing to arrange and display your finest thoughts for public consumption and adulation.

You could I suppose, if you were being mean, compare it to the freak shows in the American travelling circuses where people came to gawk at the odd creatures that put themselves on display. It’s always good for a laugh to peruse the CiF section…hopefully its not catching……or compare its ruminations to the fetid swamp gas that belches up out of the ground amusing and intriguing them with dancing ‘fairy lights’ or ‘will-o- the wisps’ before overcoming unwary travellers with the stench of rotting delusions.

Behavioural psychologists must have a field day between CiF and the stories in the Daily Mail that examine the rich variety of the human condition. CiF is gloriously irony free and demonstrates the complete isolation from the real world of most of its contributors.

Polly Toynbee is the Grand Dame of course and is allowed to pen her stuff on the main stage of the real paper…..but not only that…there are occasions when she is freed from the constraints of the printed page and the limitations that places upon her….especially the one that allowed her time to think ( assuming she does put some thought into it…scary though if she does) before pressing the ‘send’ button….however she freed herself from these constraints and went free range this morning giving her mouth a chance to outrun what little brain she possibly has as she leapt from the printed page onto the squawk box and R4’s ‘Today’ discussing the Queen’s Speech and of course the Coalition’s lack of a ‘plan for growth’.

Not to bore you with the ins and outs I’ll go straight for the kill….Toynbee’s solution to growth…..borrow oodles and oodles of money, spend it on stuff and then we’ll have growth to spend on more stuff….because spending on stuff generates growth of the economy.

Not sure how building a school on borrowed money generates growth… gives a builder a job….but his wages are paid for by borrowing…and that has to be paid back with interest…so how is that growth? Is that adding wealth to the economy? No.
Only exports generate real growth…ie new income….a closed economy merely circulates the same money and ‘stuff’.

And of course buying lots of ‘stuff’ is an evil Guardianistas and the BBC denounce as ‘Consumerism.’

Happily today we have a prime example of the attitude that prevails amongst the chattering classes who look down upon the rest of us…..

By Suzanne Moore in CiF:
‘It is all rather like fashion advice: just buy the timeless classic, don’t Primark yourself up. The ambition is to have less, just as it is to be thin. Excess is somehow trashy.
Those who cannot filter out what is important cannot afford professional declutterers. They cannot work out which stuff of all the stuff they have needs to be kept. They slide into chaos, trying to fill the emotional void but it cannot be plugged by any amount of material possessions. The categories between what is rubbish and what isn’t have broken down. Their stories revolt and fascinate us because we glimpse ourselves in these dysfunctional relationships to things. Even broken things. In times of austerity we sneer at those who have too much. Although all they have is rubbish.’

Isn’t that gloriously snobbish and elitist….and what you hear in between the lines whenever one of the BBC brigade sneer at the ‘dark side of consumerism’… you and me buying the same stuff as them only cheaper….we’re trashy, too stupid to know better, dysfunctional with emotional needs we try to meet by buying cheap T-shirts from Primark or TK Maxx….but we make great TV for the chattering classes to sneer at in times of austerity….I’m sure Toynbee is ‘in this together’ with us.”

If only one had bought one really super quality, classy pair of sports shoe (trainer to you mate) one wouldn’t need to keep on yearning for the next ‘blingtastic’ Nike model…..and we’d have no more riots!

You don’t see rich people rioting after all do you…that’s because they buy quality first….and make it last.

Wonder what Toynbee does with all that money she earns from sitting on her backside pumping out Marxist tripe if she doesn’t spend it? “


A Biased BBC reader sent me this…

“I watched both Sky and BBC News yesterday to compare their respective ‘takes’ on the Asian rape gang subject. Both reported the sentences and both reported the Judges suggestion that there might have been racial overtones.

BBC interviewed the ex head of Dr Barnardos who reported that there was a known Asian dimension to the matter. And this had been known for some years.

However, Sky interviewed Mohammed Shafiq, the chief executive and a founding member of the Ramadhan Foundation. He made it clear that there is a problem specifically with Pakistani men who detest white girls and consider them useless. Whereas they look up to, and protect girls of their own race. He made it clear that he wanted his views to be spread far and wide, even though they would be unpopular with Pakistanis. He said that ‘Pakistanis need to stand up and be counted on this issue.’

The BBC must have had the same opportunity to report Mr Sadiq’s views, but desided not to do so. Yet this is clearly in the public interest. Once again we see the Corporation in fear of offending any Moslem minority regardless of truth. I have never quite understood what constitutes as hate crime. However, if Mr Sadiq is correct, then surely this atrocity should be considered as one.”





Another recurrent BBC theme at the moment is the idea that the shareholders are revolting…..against the “big bosses” and their pay and bonus schemes. In fact they are prepared to go to the ends of the Earth to prove it, in this case, Australia.

The government is to set out in the Queen’s Speech how it plans to give shareholders more power to control executive pay. Vas Kolesnikoff, chief executive of the Australian Shareholders’ Association, explains how similar legislation was introduced last year in Australia.

Now, no one opposes the idea of shareholders exercising judgement, that is a good thing. But the BBC uses this issue to advance their socialist agenda that “big bosses” are working against the interests of their shareholders, that capitalism is deeply flawed. The item on Today also expressed the concern that large companies would move to recruit shareholders off the UK where more laissez-faire approaches prevail. Such wickedness. Oh, by the way, when do License payers get to vote on the salaries of senior BBC managers and “talent”? Can we vote down what they reward themselves please?


Following in from yesterday’s post about those Pakistani Muslims convicted on grotesque sex crimes against young white girls, I tuned in to Today this morning to see how the BBC would develop this story. It was exactly as feared. They wheeled on the Deputy Children’s Commissioner Sue Berelowitz who explained that the grooming of young girls for sex is a crime going on in every community, not just the Asian community. (7.09am) She was permitted to parrot the official line that this organised grooming of young white girls happens in all faith groups and all ethnicities and it is totally wrong to think this is just an “Asian” or, heaven forbid, Muslim male problem, Phew – that’s alright then. I’m just wondering why the BBC as our State broadcaster seems to spend little time reporting on gangs of marauding Methodists of packs of rampant Presbyterians committing similar vile crimes. The BBC has a dog on this fight – it is out to PROVE that Muslim men do not have a problem here and do no constitute a threat to our society. They will do this despite the evidence that points otherwise.


Defendants in Rochdale grooming trial

I know you have been discussing this on the Open Thread but I wanted to focus on the BBC coverage of the conviction of Nine Muslims in Rochdale for sexual crimes against young girls. For some reason, the BBC sees no reason to point out that they are all Pakistani Muslims, all part of that rich multicultural diaspora.  The Daily Telegraph makes reference to their Pakistani origins and Sky even finds the courage to use the M word!  In fairness to the BBC, the Police and Keith Vaz pile in to point out that this is NOT a race issue. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t? Is it a Islam issue? Seemingly not – or at least that’s not a question the BBC are remotely interested in pursuing.



“Production staff in an English TV crew were dismayed when they lost the chance to work at the World Snooker Championships for the BBC.  But their disappoint turned to anger, when they realised their jobs were still available, but had been replaced under a quota scheme which favoured  employing staff from Scotland.  As a result, Scottish production crews were relocated to England and put up in a hotel – while the previous crews who had built up a specialist knowledge working on the programme were sidelined simply because they were English. “


Biased BBC’s Alan reports  “Always a good morning to hear Justin Webb making a hash of things and getting the wrong end of the stick….that’ll be most mornings then.

He was chortling and enjoying the ‘Shareholder Spring’ and which he suggested was all about a movement against the greed of the Bosses who were being paid for failure….and refuting that old ‘myth’ that the companies couldn’t recruit the best staff if they didn’t pay the best money.

However Peston slapped him down and said no, don’t jump to conclusions, its about performance….or lack of….the bosses haven’t performed and so don’t deserve the high pay…..if they had performed they would get the pay….the big money was still on the table if you jumped through the right hoops. Of course I have some sympathy for Webb because he was only following the argument of his own Boss, Mark Thompson who claimed he was only paid so much because it was necessary to pay the market rate to get the best….presumably he is the best then.

Mr Thompson, who was paid £834,000 last year, insisted that in real terms his pay had decreased since he joined the corporation more than five years ago.
He added that the BBC has to offer competitive salaries to attract top talent if it wants to be the best broadcaster.

Mr Thompson said: “Suppose we want to get the head of HR from a private company, we couldn’t get them because [what we offer is] hundreds of thousands of pounds less than people can get in the private sector. We are so far behind the market.”  ‘

The BBC’s director general has claimed the corporation is finding it ‘extremely hard’ to fill senior roles because of the low wages it pays for management jobs.

Mark Thompson, said it was ‘not true to say there is a long queue of people’ hoping for high-level jobs at the corporation……‘It’s extremely hard now to fill senior jobs in the BBC and increasingly remuneration is a factor.’

He claimed bosses at the BBC are paid substantially less – said to be between 50 per cent and 80 per cent – than they would be elsewhere in the industry.’

I agree, personally I wouldn’t crawl out of bed, especially if it’s raining, and wander down to the job centre for less than a million a year, plus free tickets to ‘The Voice’.


Did anyone else catch Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders on the Today programme this morning discussing the economic policies of Francois Hollande? I was stunned to hear her claim that there is really very little, if any, substantive difference between what the foaming at the mouth Socialist Hollande has in mind and what Sarkzoy was doing. Total nonsense. It is Hollande’s radicalism that won the election (along with people being fed up with Sarkozy and who can blame them?) but to allege that he is a moderate is just plain biased analysis. It’s as if the BBC wants to instantly portray Hollande as a middle of the road centrist, nothing to see, move along. 75% tax rate? Only for the wealthy! Spend what you don’t have? That’s called “growth” or “investment” in these modern times! Maybe economics guru Flanders wants to look at what has happened the Euro since Monsieur Hollande won the poll.  Stephanomics? No – more like Balls economics, if you know what I mean.