An outraged B-BBC reader tells me;

“I could not believe my ears (or perhaps I should have, knowing the BBC) The report covered the truce between Militants (?) and Israel. The report was by Rupert Winfield Hays in the BBC Gaza Office!!! Can I suggest that you listen to pure BBC Bias http://tinyurl.com/6wzarab

Examples .. More than 20 Palestinians killed.. not Militants…And some 200 rockets fired at Targets in Southern Israel.. Targets? What is wrong with the BBC reporting that Israeli civilians were being targeted? Would that not be a war crime by the Palestinian groups? Isn’t that how Syrian/Assad’s operations being described?!! A wasted ‘phone call to the BBC complaining about the report..I know it will be ignored !!”


As you will be aware the BBC is to sell TVprogrammes for download minutes after they broadcast Some might see this as a step forward, but one presumes that this is in addition to, and not instead of paying £145.50pa in advance as well, regardless of use or value. Worse again, the BBC informs us that viewers just can’t wait to lay out even more cash!!! WHO do they think they are fooling?


One of our many readers notes;

“I emailed the below to The Today Programme about BBC correspondents and why Jim Naughtiehad to go to the USA – needless to say I have had no reply except the automaticthankyou email…….

“Jim Naughtie is sent to the US for Super Tuesday, or is it just a jolly?
If I Google LIST OF BBC CORRESPONDENTS I get a Wikipedia page of who is alreadystationed there. There are 22 already, so why do you need to send someone else, unless its ajolly. Flights, hotels, expenses, support. What did all that cost? Why does he know any more than the 22 already there, and what do they cost? There are only three correspondents in Russia but he did not go there and thatwas a proper presidential election, not just selections. Shocking.”

Quite right too. This is just an indulgence and all at our expense.


Interesting catch of a little non-reporting from the BBC by Alan…

“BBC draws a veil over uncomfortable subject….

“A 7 hour stand off by armed police with army bomb disposal experts on hand to check a bag carried by a ‘veiled’ woman acting suspiciously. The Daily Mail reports this with photos of the woman and the reason for the standoff…..
The BBC has no photos of the woman, they mention the bomb squad but don’t reveal why they were on scene. Another occassion when the BBC refuses to report the full facts just in case people get the wrong idea about Muslims…..not bad going for the BBC…twice in one day burying potentially bad news….remember the Imam who died in an arson attack on a Mosque in Belgium today…no?…it’s there….on the BBC website….just you might not notice.
It would be good if the BBC allowed the viewer to make up their own mind about what is happening without the BBC censorship filtering out the inconvenient facts.


Biased BBC correspondent Alan writes;

“You have to look hard to find this story on the BBC website:

Imam dies in mosque arson attack in Belgian capital

It doesn’t make the Homepage (though ironically it does have a report on Le Pen running in the French election), nor even merit a highlighted report on the world news…just a line in ‘Europe’.

Could the reason be for this lack of reaction that the arsonist was another Muslim…a Sunni attacking a Shia Mosque? I’m sure it had nothing to do with religion what so ever though.

Imagine…or in fact just go back through the archives and you can find the BBC reaction to attacks on Mosques by ‘Islamophobess’ or apparently Israelis….where no one died or indeed no serious damage done. The BBC continues to hide the violence done by Muslims whilst highlighting Israeli ‘aggression’ of any nature and measure.

It highlights and goes into spasms of delight when an American goes beserk in Afghanistan but it ignores the cold blooded and deliberate murders of Afghan civilians by the Taliban.

Rewarding Muslim violence with favourable media coverage or at least, coverage that hides motives behind the violence, or the violence itself, will only lead to more violence…it obviously gets results politically and financially as politicians pour money into communities in an effort to look like they care. It’s a clever strategy by Muslims…get people to distrust or hate you…then claim victim status and have politicans falling over themselves to ‘protect’ and develop your community and culture.”


Hi there folks. I wanted to update you on where we are with the appeal to get in the cash to be able to move Biased BBC onto its own dedicated server with the capacity to grow even further in the years ahead without fear or hindrance. In addition, we want to have a first class commenting system that is helpful to you when you seek to add your opinions.

I am delighted with the response which has exceeded all expectations and which has been quite quite frankly overwhelming. This means we can now proceed to do all the things we want, including a site revamp. Please send NO MORE money – you have done enough.

What is so striking to me is the sheer number of people out there who obviously care so passionately about the mission of this site – being to expose and remorselessly challenge BBC bias. To all those who have emailed me – many thanks for the kind words and suggestions.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for your generosity and can assure you that the mission to expose the BBC bias will proceed – with a vengeance.