B-BBC contributor Alan also observes;

“5 Live’s ‘Morning Report’ races to inform the population of impending doom before their ignorance kills them……

‘The cost of flooding in the UK could rise to billions of pounds due to climate change by 2050….also there will be water shortages, drought and diseases.’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b019pq64 (17 mins in)

And who do we get to advise us?.Craig Bennett from Friends of the Earth!

 ‘Food security will suffer, insurance premiums go up, a very different country by 2050…a wake up call …serious implications for our livelihoods

‘The BBC bod is clearly alReady persuaded of the need to have a low carbon economy and implement much bolder action …..

‘Does the average person on the street know what the future holds?….How do you persuade politicians to deal with this?’

Of course just what ‘This’ is is still not clear despite the absolute scientific consensus that driving your car to Tescos is killing Africans in climate change caused droughts and wars just as surely as if they were sucking on your exhaust pipe itself.


B-BBC contributor Alan notes;

“Another explanationfor why the ‘right-on’ Lefty liberals in the BBC hate Maggie Thatcher and are proIslam…and it has a nice symmetry…because it also gives them another reasonfor disliking Jewish people even more… Thatcher admired them:

‘Thatcher had no patience for anti-Semitism. “I simply did not understand it,”Thatcher wrote in her memoirs. Indeed, she found “some of [her] closestpolitical friends and associates among Jews.” “In the thirty-three years that Irepresented Finchley [a constituency in London], I never had a Jew come inpoverty and desperation to one of my town meetings… I often wished thatChristians would take closer note of the Jewish emphasis on self-help andacceptance of personal responsibility.” * Aghast that a golf club in her district consistently barred Jews frombecoming members, she publicly attacked her own party members for supportingthe policy. The Jews of Finchley were “her people,” Thatcher remarked –certainly much more so than the wealthy land barons that dominated her party. * In her desire to change and modernize Britain, Thatcher surrounded herselfwith bright Jewish advisors: Keith Joseph, Alfred Sherman, David Young, NigelLawson, Leon Brittan, Victor Rothschild, Malcolm Rifkind, David Wolfson, DavidHart, and others.’


A B-BBC reader draws our attention to this…

“A talk on sharia and human rights by NSS Council Member Anne Marie Waters’ atQueen Mary University of London was cancelled at the last moment because of anIslamist who made serious threats against everyone there.

… before it started, a man entered the lecture theatre, stood at thefront with a camera and filmed the audience. He then said that he knew whoeveryone was, where they lived and if he heard anything negative about theProphet, he would track them down.”

A search of BBC News site returned no hits for Anne Marie Waters. One canimagine what would have been reported had the aggressor been ‘Christian’ andthe victim Muslim?”


Rather fascinating case  leading to an apology from BBC East Midlands for this;

“Back in January 2010, on the second day of the book injunction trial in Lisbon, BBC East Midlands reporter Mike O’ Sullivan asked the former Judiciary Police coordinator Gonçalo Amaral if his book was hurting the McCanns, Amaral’s answer was “Não, fale com os McCann”, which literally translated means “No, speak with the McCanns”. 

In what appeared to be a pathetic attempt to smear Amaral’s character, Mike O’Sullivan, who clearly doesn’t know Portuguese, decided to bleep Amaral’s reply (see the above video at 0:30) and broadcast to the world that Amaral had said “F*ck the McCanns”. Though several other UK, Portuguese, Spanish reporters were present at the book banning trial Mike O’Sullivan was the only one who made that (intentional?) assumption. It took 16 months and several complaints to the BBC complaints department, to the PCC, and to Ofcom for the BBC to finally admit that Mike O’ Sullivan was wrong [see bellow] and that Gonçalo Amaral reply was twisted, however no formal apology was issued.”

Read the case details here. My thanks to Joana Morais. 


Oh my. BBC favourite Chuka Umunna seemed almost embarrassed when the issue of RBS CEO Stephen Hester’s rejection of the Bonus to which he was contractually entitled was introduced as “Labour 1, City 0.” The BBC has done everything possible to portray this decision by Mr Hester as some sort of “victory” for Miliband – remarkable when one considers which political party put in place the circumstances which lead to the Bonus concerned! Umunna advances the current war on capitalism and the BBC does nor challenge his spurious commentary. For example, towards the end of the interview, he moans about “other” public sector workers having to take a cut.What about this then, BBC? Some bonus payments more equal than others, perhaps?


With BBC news coverage of the US Presidential race hotting up, it is quite useful to consider what B-BBC’s Alan has to say here;

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”
Martin Luther King, Jr., registered Republican….or to put another way to describe the BBC’s news output….’Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.’ I have just been reminded that Martin Luther King was Republican….as were most Blacks of his era. Why would they be Republican? maybe Mark Mardell would like to explain and expand on that…and maybe not?

Possibly because the Democrats were the people that invented the Klu Klux Klan and opposed all anti-slavery legislation…and later were against much of the civil rights legislation as well. Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860’s to the 1960’s.


‘History of civil rights – In a nutshell
• The Republican Party – From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks.

• The Democratic Party – As author Michael Scheuer stated, the Democratic Party is the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.
Slavery – Democrats fought to expand it, Republicans fought to ban it
Democrats formed the Confederacy, seceded from the Union and fought a Civil War (1861 to 1865) – a war where over 600,000 citizens were killed, including many thousands of blacks – in order to keep blacks in slavery because the Democrats had built their economic base on the backs of black slaves.
Democrats enacted Fugitive Slave laws to keep blacks from escaping from plantations
and instigated the 1856 Dred Scott decision which legally classified blacks as property.

The Party of Lincoln
The Republican Party was started in 1854 as the anti-slavery party by abolitionists opposed to keeping blacks in human bondage, and Republicans, under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, fought to free blacks from slavery.
After the Civil War, Republicans amended the US Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment).
Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 to lynch and terrorize Republicans -black and white and drive Republicans out of the South.


Yes, well, the minute GOP Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich suggested that there could be a manned lunar base which would be American, then this was going to go disputed by the BBC. I laughed at the blatant way in which the BBC sets up Gingrich in this item  Of course when John F Kennedy made pretty much the same sort of speech in 1962, that is hailed by the likes of the BBC as “visionary” whereas when Gingrich makes it then it “delusionary”. But no bias, no sirreee!


A Biased BBC reader contacted me with regard to what he sees is the BBC’s biased attitude to the dog owning community. 

The BBC’s programme, Death Row Dogs, 24th January has raised several hackles, including complaints from Dr Roger Mugford, an eminent expert on canine behaviour who says:

“The BBC should not have screened this programme because it did not inform, entertain or meet any of the other accepted objectives for public broadcast television. Rather, it mislead the viewer into believing that bull breeds and owners of bull breeds were in some sense inferior to the rest of society. Some of the cases they showed had welfare implications and were not your “average” bull breed owner. They chose not to depict any of the ordinary or more affluent Midlanders who take pride in their Staffordshire Bull Terriers and its numerous cross-bred combinations. Significantly, no dangerous dogs (i.e. Section 3) featured in this BBC film, and this was a massively biased defence of the ill-conceived Section 1 breed specific legislation.”

Now, I don’t have a dog in this fight myself, but I am always happy to provide a platform to those concerned about BBC bias.


Biased BBC contributor Alan notes;
Attack: Lord Carey has blasted the bishops who tried to derail the Government's £26,000-a-year benefit cap
“Had the former Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, said Banker’s behaviour was the greatest moral scandal of our time I’m certain the BBC would have trumpeted it like some avenging Herald….but he didn’t say that which is why his words have been sunk in obscurity with no fanfare what so ever by the BBC. Although his comments were in the Daily Mail yesterday morning there has been a blanket silence across the BBC despite his powerful condemnation of the Bishop’s who opposed the cap on benefits….and not even a peep out of the Today programme.”

‘Archbishop blasts clerics who oppose welfare reform and declares the REAL moral scandal is our £1TRILLION debt’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2091331/Welfare-reform-Ex-Archbishop-Canterbury-Lord-Carey-blasts-clerics-oppose-benefits-cap.html#ixzz1kUBHGMsK