Did you catch this VERY hostile and interrupting interview by Evan Davies of Iain Duncan Smith on the BBC this morning? How very dare Government try to limit Welfare! I’ll be on the BBC myself later today (BBC Birmingham  around 12.40) discussing this topic. My view is that whilst the principle of a cap is a good one, £26,000 seems an excessive amount. What about those many people who earn so much less than this? Why did Evan Davies not pursue this line?


In the wake of further acts of Jihad by the Boko Haram Islamists in Nigeria, I was somewhat surprised to hear the Bishop of Durham on the BBC this morning pointing out that the “conflict” there is not really about religion but just as much about the lack of job opportunities for the young. Amazing – the BBC must have dhimmified clerics on speed dial!


It’s becoming an almost daily feature on the BBC. I refer to the “left-leaning” IPPR getting high profile for one of their “reports.” This morning it was all about voters living in England placing more emphasis on their English rather than British identity. Whilst one absolutely welcomes the wishes of English people being giving attention (at last) one also must be careful about where this leads. The EU, for example, would love to see the UK break apart into a mass of small controllable regions, and the encouragement of this via an IPPR study is surely a watch out. The other point is that this study claims most English people would like to see “Devo Max” for Scotland but this is surely a misrepresentation by the IPPR and BBC as to what exactly “Devo Max” actually constitutes? As I understand it, Devo Max will ensure that the taxes from England will still continue to flow north of the border but in addition Scotland can then vary taxes even further.


Well, I think that more than few of us forecast this but because the BBC narrative insists that the “Arab Spring” was a “good” thing, our concerns were swept aside. It was all going to work out swell ;

The final results in Egypt’s first post-Mubarak parliamentary elections confirm an overwhelming victory for Islamist parties. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won the largest number of seats under Egypt’s complex electoral system. The hardline Salafist Nour party came second.

 Is this suggesting that the MB are not “hardline”? Really?  Is this the next phase in the odious contortions the Dhimmified BBC performs. First the prospect of Islamic supremacy was dismissed. Now we are being told that the MB are not hardline! What next – blowing up the Pyramids is showing cultural sensitivity!!?


This is quite an interesting discussion on the issue of the closure of the Mad Mullahs Press TV. I think Evan Davies conducts himself quite well, and in particular in the exchanges with the bizarre Yvonne Ridley. However when he declares that the BBC “is not a mouthpiece for the government” one wonders WHICH Government he refers to? When Labour were in power and following a left wing agenda, the BBC seemed to be quite accepting of what was being done. To this day, the situation prevails and the BBC is a mouthpiece for left wing values.


You want to listen to this if you think the BBC is unbiased in how it covers the topic of Scottish Independence! They even find someone “who is going to have a party” when Lady Thatcher dies. It seems that Scotland  “is fairer, more democratic and more tolerant” than England. I am sure Alex Salmond appreciates what the State Broadcaster is doing.  Listen all the way through, if you dare. The BBC does condemn Scotland for being “too white”, however, so not 100% pro SNP.


Wonder if you caught this item on the BBC this morning on the situation in Nigeria? It is a remarkable instance of pro-Islam propaganda. It talks about the “increasing tension between Christians and Muslins” but the fact is that it is Islamic Jihadists in Boko Haram that is driving the violence and the Emir interviewed talks of an Islam that is not recognisable in this country.


The BBC seems intent to help the SNP choose economic oblivion in 2014. In one sense they are welcome to it but in another it is in clear breach of their code of conduct. Have a listen to this item on Today this morning entitled “Can the Scottish economy stand alone?”. Some wonderful fantasy talk about “Scottish Oil”, of course, and not a mention that Scotland has stunningly high levels of  Sovietised Statism that is only possible care of the huge taxes that flow from south of the border care of the Barnett Formula. The BBC  is cute though, give this Thought for the Day a  listen as John Bell of the Iona community makes a barely concealed plea for Scottish Independence under the guise of religion.


There are certain touchstone issues that inflame BBC bias. I’m sure we can name several of them; Israel, Afghanistan, Global Warming, Capitalism….and Immigration. Today has been relentlessly pushing the line that despite the fact the 370,000 immigrants to the UK are on Welfare this is a big ho-hum because only around 2% of this number are ripping us off by claiming that which they are not entitled to. If you listen here, you will hear Sir Andrew Green (polite cove but not pushing the issue too forcefully) getting dusted up by Matt Kavanagh of the IPPR “Thinktank” and John Humphyrs. (By the way, why wasn’t the IPPR “thinktank”  introduced as left-leaning, in the interests of fairness?) The narrative here was that this is all much ado about nothing. Immigrants bring so much benefit to us that is almost impolite to mention the Big Issue flogging Bulgarians and Romanians who then rip us taxpayers off. It’s a big ho-hum. Kavanagh was virtually yawning with boredom that the issue was even being discussed. The BBC was not finished, however, and Coalition Minister Chris Grayling was then dragged into the Today star chamber to be also given a verbal pounding by Humpyrys. Just listen to the tone of his voice. Unbiased? Also note how the BBC has erased Labour’s pernicious destruction of our borders from 1997 to 2010 and chooses to present unfettered Immigration as an issue that only started in 2010. This enables Labour to then claim some sort of surreal moral superiority on the very problem THEY created. It’s amazing stuff.