The BBC seem almost GIDDY with delight that Chancellor Osborne is up against it when it comes to making his update on the UK economy today. Evan Davies and Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders were chuckling and making all sorts of sarcastic comments about “Plan A” now becoming “Plan B” on Today. It’s truly pathetic stuff butt all we can expect from the BBC. They WANT Labour back.


As the Public Sector strike draws nigh, a Biased BBC reader generously provides us with the sort of insight which the State Broadcaster conspicuously ignores;


If you want irrefutable evidence of the real cost of public sector pensions a public sector trade union has unwittingly provided a convincing example of the mammoth cost from its annual accounts. An example that is substantive, not speculative.

In accordance with an agreement with their staff trade union, the Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance (NIPSA – 46,000 members) provides pension benefits for its employees comparable to those of the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS). NIPSA, has however to invest its employer contributions with insurance companies to obtain comparable superannuation benefits for its retiring staff.

In Northern Ireland, and in GB (with its Principal Civil Service Superannuation Scheme or PCSPS), civil servants who joined before 2008 contribute nothing toward their pensions which are unfunded, inflation-proofed and based on final salary. NIPSA’s employees are however, like those civil servants, required to pay a contribution of 1.5% (refundable) towards the cost of dependents’ benefits.

In its 2009 valuation, NIPSA’s actuary assessed a shortfall in its pension scheme funding of some £1.9m and recommended the employer contribution rate should be 39.3% from 2010 with a contribution of £210,000 p.a. to recover the funding shortfall. The employer rate, previously 40.8%. (see 2009 accounts) was insufficient to bring the scheme out of deficit!

Presumably other trade unions who match civil service pensions for their staff are experiencing the same shortfalls despite an employer contribution of 40% of staff salaries.

So there you have indisputable evidence-based proof: We pay at least 40% on top of a civil servant’s salary to provide them with their pensions and lump sums (3 x annual pension rate).

And they are on strike because they are being asked to pay 3% more.

In fairness it should be 35% more. “

I do hope the BBC will ensure that important fact based data like this is properly reflected in the debate and my thanks again for the contribution.


Here’s a wonderful example of some BBC dissembling. Remember those deplorable summer riots? Guess who is “to blame”? That’s right – the Police!

A lack of confidence in the police response to the initial riots in London in August led to further disturbances across England, a report has concluded. The Riots, Communities and Victims Panel found it had “encouraged people to test reactions in other areas”. The panel found there was no single cause of the riots but said it was shocked at the “collective pessimism” among the young people it spoke to.It warned that such riots would happen again unless action was taken.

Right then, so people were forced to “test reactions” in other areas of the UK because the Met held back? I see. Not only that but with all this pessimism about, how on Earth could anyone be expected to hold back from looting and arson? The Panel that has produced this nonsense is allowed to pontificate with NO voice of response on the BBC report.


A Biased BBC reader notes;

“A new article on the BBC website headlined CO2 climate sensitivity ‘overestimated’ By Jennifer Carpenter, starts off hopefully with the statement; “Global temperatures could be less sensitive to changing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels than previously thought, a study suggests.”
Then we immediately get in the next paragraph; “The researchers said people should still expect to see “drastic changes” in climate worldwide, but that the risk was a little less imminent.” And as we near the end we get; “The results of this paper are the result of the analysis of [a] cold climate during the glacial maximum (the most recent ice age),” he told BBC News. “There is evidence the relationship between CO2 and surface temperatures is likely to be different [during] very cold periods than warmer.” Scientists, he said, would therefore prefer to analyse periods of the Earth’s history that are much warmer than now when making their projections about future temperatures.”

This comes across to me as a blatant admission that they won’t look at data that won’t support their point of view.


Well just as the Occupy jamboree outside St Paul’s is disappearing off radar, up pops the BBC to tell us about the Occupy Leeds “camp.” Evan Davies takes a remarkably relaxed view of the “aims” of the rabble in Leeds doing his best to portray their support for Big Government, their hatred of the free market, their envy of those who actually work for a living and are successful, as “reasoned”.  He then gets a response from market town of Skipton to evaluate what support the protesters have from those who are not protesting,as the BBC carefully puts it. But since the anarcho-communist rabble have only the most convoluted of “ideas”, surely Davies is acting as more of a cheerleader for their alleged objectives.


Did you see that the BBC has apologised for it’s biased coverage of the Dale Farm fiasco on the excreable The One Show? Well, sort of!

The popular early evening show had been accused of unbalanced journalism over its February report about the proposed site’s pending clearance.After the five minute piece was broadcast, council officials complained to the public broadcaster, accusing the show of being ”inaccurate, misleading and biased in favour of the travellers”. On Thursday, the BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee (ESC) published its finding on the five-minute report following a lengthy investigation. 

The investigation concluded the show had been ”duly accurate” and ”had not knowingly and materially misled its audiences”. But it found the BBC One programme had ”failed to clarify that the site had been developed on green belt land”

The BBC Trust will now offer an apology to the local authority. But it is understood The One Show will not have to make an on-air apology. As a result of its finding, editorial procedures have been “reviewed” and “strengthened” at the show, the BBC said. The report also said it had been ”unfair” to the council in allowing a traveller to allege the local authority was ”throwing us out on the road” with ”nowhere to go” without giving it a right of reply.

So, that’s OK then….?


Biased BBC has been contacted by a student atthe University of St. Andrews Conservative & Unionist Society.

“If youhaven’t been aware recently, the BBC have done an absolute assassination onthis organisation over the past few days. You can see here for more details: is the side of the story the BBC avoids giving

“Now, every year, the Conservative Society here holds a tongue-in-cheek”heretic burning”. This usually involves someone from the left-wing,that we think has contributed most to irritating us. It’s usually on 5thNovember, because it’s essentially updating the Guy Fawkes tradition. It hasbeen run, without ‘scandal’ or obsessive media coverage for the past sixtyyears.

The idea of ‘Heretic Burning’ is to be infantile and to let our hair down. Weusually have fireworks, mulled-wine, light-hearted debate, marshmallows andbanter. During the year we burnt the Rt. Hon Ed Milliband, the left-wingsocieties collaborated to respond by burning David Cameron. This was on thesame beach, and everyone treated it as a good laugh.

If you’d listened to the BBC coverage, however, you’d have thought we hadperformed a modern-day lynching. There were lies galore – such as the notionthat we’d wrapped him in an EU Flag [that appeared on the BBC for at least 36hours] (this was to be done separately; however our president forgot to bringthe EU flag in question). Another lie was parroted from our Student President,Patrick O’Hare, that we could’ve chosen Gaddafi. He wasn’t nominated at anystage, and thus wasn’t considered or burnt. The candidates were – as far as Iremember – Obama, Balls, Cooper, Cable and Clegg (and maybe one or two more).


Thereasons we chose Obama were numerous. We’ve disliked his disrespect towardsWinston Churchill, and his silence over the inalienable right of BritishSovereignty to the Falkland Islands. We also dislike his socialist domesticpolicies (i.e. pork-barrel spending funded by equally ruinous quantitativeeasing), which are threatening the UK’s Economic Recovery.

Moreover, we have many republican members from the USA. Being an open andtolerant society, we accept people with a wide-range of views. They voted forObama for obvious reasons. This was done at an EGM (and not at a committeevote, as the BBC also initially reported, before deleting it).

If you’d listened to the BBC, however, the word “racist” appearedcountless times. The accusation was – without the BBC saying it publicly – thatwe were somehow racist for burning an effigy of the US’ first mixed-racepresident. Apparently, Obama isn’t a politician in his own right, to be judgedlike anyone else would be – Obama must be disliked only because people areracist and stupid and right-wing.

Look, I’m not saying that what we did was big or clever, and if we’d have knownthat it would have caused such offence – we wouldn’t have even contemplated it.However, the way that it’s been reported by the Liberal media, led by the BBC, is completelyinaccurate and wrong.” 


Did you see that BBC climate change activist Richard Black has concluded that there is little demand for  nuclear energy?

“There is little public appetite across the world for building new nuclear reactors, a poll for the BBC indicates. In countries with nuclear programmes, people are significantly more opposed than they were in 2005, with only the UK and US bucking the trend. Most believe that boosting efficiency and renewables can meet their needs. Just 22% agreed that “nuclear power is relatively safe and an important source of electricity, and we should build more nuclear power plants”.”

It’s interesting to see the BBC take such an active interest in this and I am sure the fact that the poll results facilitate the eco-wacko agenda is purely coincidental.