Some interesting observations here from a B-BBC reader….

“Anyone hear John Pienaar on the BBC this morning getting over excited and giving us his version of events?Cameron says he had no inappropriate conversations with News Corp. people. Pienaar essentially claims Cameron is lying. Pienaar states that Cameron has spoken about BSkyB with the Murdochs based solely on the way Cameron phrased his answer.

To me it was quite clear…he had not spoken of the BSkyB deal.

Pienaar then went on to allege News International is acting like a rogue state having serious repercussions for our culture and society.

Nicky Campbell this morning was just as bad.suggesting that Cameron has done a deal with Murdoch to cut the BBC budget. (The horror of it!) His reporter came on to say there was no proof of this (letting it hang of course that well, it might be true) but that the thing was that it reminds people of the value of public service broadcasting. Nothing like being able to slander your rivals and promote yourself!

I also believe it was Dame Nicky who asked one of the 7/7 families ‘how long had your phone been hacked for?’. So their phone was definitely hacked? Really? Any proof? As far as I am aware there is absolutely no proof or evidence that shows any 7/7 or 9/11 families had their phones hacked. Their phone numbers and addresses were in the private investigator’s files, but then they would be as the newspaper needs to get in touch with them in the normal course of reporting events….mere possession of the numbers means nothing.

This is the BBC at its worst feeding into the conspiracies and half truths that are designed to attack the Murdochs, the BBC’s commercial and ideological rivals. Far from being a professional news broadcasting organisation with high standards of behaviour and ethics it has become a platform for any wild accusation to be shouted out to the world by anyone with a grudge against News international and lending the authority and credibility of the BBC to those people and their prejudiced rantings.”


So, on the day of the Show Trials being held in the Star Chamber, who better for the BBC to give a prime time bully pulpit to but a blast from the past..Neil Kinnoch. Yes, the Welsh windbag was afforded an opportunity to bash Murdoch “an enemy of the Labour movement” as he helpfully put it and was sympathetically defined by Humphrys as “a victim” of the evil empire. Earlier in the morning, BBC favourite and staunch opponent of the Coalition, Sir Hugh Orde, was allowed to subtly put in his CV to succeed Stephenson. The BBC is clear – it wants to see the breakup of Murdoch’s media empire and it looks like nothing can stop it. In this regard, it validates Melanie Phillip’s view that it is the BBC which is the single biggest threat to our freedoms.


Monday morning and time to tell George what you think about the BBC. Please do not hold back as we are all adults here and we want to cast as much light as possible on the antics of the Corporation.


She has become a virtually omnipresent presence on BBC TV and Radio in recent days; I refer to the elfin Yvette Cooper. Her job is to open the attack line on Cameron via Coulson and this is exactly what she did on Today this morning if you listen here. The mission is “Get Cameron” and in one way I have no sympathy for him ever since he bottled any chance of reforming the State Broadcaster and gave us Chris Patten as the new Chairman of this malignant organisation. But that is NOT the only part of the BBC mission. Robert Peston is leading the charge against Murdoch Stateside, constantly recycling the notion that an investigating is pending over there with so many leading politicians (All Dems + Peter King) champing at the bit to try and dismantle Fox News. The self induced media storm is not going away as it claims victim after victim, remarkably confining itself to News International with nary a mention of wrong doing by ANY other media organisation. It is as if all the world’s ills are contained in NI and that is exactly the aim of those leading this jihad in the BBC. They are desperate to see Murdoch crushed and Cameron weakened – and I regret to say that these objectives look so much closer this week than just 7 days ago. Leaving aside my personal views of Cameron and Murdoch (not keen on either) I cannot help but repeat my sense of revulsion at the sight of the patronising BBC daring to allege that others are guilty of abuse of power when it is the biggest abuser of all, extorting £££billions from us each year and pumping out a toxic brew of liberal bias daily.


First, News of the World folds.
Then, Rebekah Wade and Les Hinton resign
Now Sir Paul Stephenson resigns.
Cameron next and whither a general election? With Labour ahead in the polls and the BBC declaring Miliband has found his voice the question is whether the BBC/Guardian axis of hypocrisy is moving in for the kill and does the Prime Minister represent their ultimate target in the UK (In the US we know it is Fox News they want to destroy)
This is shocking stuff, a perfect media sustained storm.
Could the BBC/Guardian actually bring the Coalition down and if this is even a possibility doesn’t it prove that it is THIS axis which is the biggest threat facing the UK?


Austerity – BBC style.

“The BBC is set to spend thousands on a “comedy conference” at a leading arts venue while its sparkling new multi-million media hub nearby is half empty. It has announced the event will be in The Lowry centre, Salford, parts of which cost more than £7,000 a day to hire, excluding catering. The October conference, close to the Corporation’s flagship northern home in MediaCityUK, where the BBC is struggling to attract staff, will also involve Channel 4, ITV and Sky.”


Biased BBC has readers all over the world. Such is the malign influence of the BBC that it annoys people in places other media providers just can’t reach – take Scotland. North of the border, the BBC is just as annoying as in this instance kindly provided me by a B-BBC reader.

“The BBC are terrified of the SNP and their choice of picture accompanying this item tells it all. 

Rupert Murdoch standing next to Alex Salmond at a 2007 of News International"s Eurocentral printing plant in Motherwell
 The article is actually about the SNP reminding the coming hacking “inquiry” about previous findings that seem to have been ignored. The article then goes on to repeat Labour smears on the SNP and their contacts with NI – talk about pots and kettles!


Is she a woman more spinned against than sinning? The BBC certainly has no interest in finding out.  But why?

“News International, parent company of the best-selling Sunday tabloid said that its chief executive Rebekah Brooks had her own voicemail hacked while she was editor of sister newspaper The Sun. “News International can confirm that Rebekah Brooks was recently shown documents by the police that proved she was a victim of illegal voicemail interception,” the British newspaper arm of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp media empire said. News International said the documents related to a period around 2005 when Brooks, the first female editor of the Sun, was married to actor Ross Kemp, who was famous for playing Grant Mitchell in the long-running BBC soap EastEnders.’

 A fact that is fairly relevant in the context and yet I certainly haven’t heard anything mentioned about it on any discussion about hacking on BBC radio.

The story is buried in a BBC article about Ryan Giggs suing NOTW ..why would she allow herself to be ‘hacked’ if she knew the NoW private investigator was doing such things, especially at a time when she was in the headlines herself.

It might suggest she didn’t know about ‘hacking’…a suggestion the anti Murdoch BBC might not want to propagate. But, of course, were that true, it would be evidence of systemic BBC bias which we all know does not exist since impartiality is in their DNA.

UPDATE; Brooks has now been arrested as this strange non-story created traction between Leftist MSM and Police.


Wasn’t it an unwelcome surprise to see Gordon Brown return to the BBC after some of us had hoped that the electorate had driven a stake through his heart that would see him banished in perpetuity ? A Biased BBC reader informs
“For two days the BBC treated us to Gordon Brown’s rants about the Sun reporting his son’s illness…reported as if every word revealed a sacred truth distilled from the great mind of this economic genius, the moral titan that bestrides British politics, a fallen hero cruelly treated by a world that he saved from economic ruin.

Except that most commentators believed not only was the angry Brown wrong in his assertions but that his intervention destroyed a developing bipartisan relationship across the parties to deal with the developing media crisis. Finally today someone managed to slip in an off message note of outrage at his hijacking of the occasion.

Anna Soubry, a Conservative, talking here on ‘Week in Westminster’ stated that many people in the Commons were extremely angry over Brown’s rant and that it was a setback to the cross party atmosphere developing. She addes that Brown’s speech was merely the settling of old scores, a rewriting of history and a very, very dark moment. Strangely the BBC didn’t seem to pick that up at all.  I wonder why?


Andy Coulson may have authorised payments to police officers or the hacking of phones but he has not been charged or convicted yet….except in the BBC’s kangaroo court where verdict and sentence have already been pronounced and Cameron castigated for bad judgement by the BBC.

The same BBC that, as has been noted before, has quite happily employed Alistair Campbell.
The same BBC that we can see now trying to re-establish Labour’s jacqui Smith in the public’s consciousness as an uporight and respectable person.
The same Jacqui Smith that defrauded the public taxpayer of £116,000. Whilst many of her fellow MPs are now residing in jail she roams free in the corridors of the BBC….once again receiving fat cheques paid for by public generosity.
 She was given a platform to talk about pornography, she has been a regular on the sofa with Michael Portillo on the political programme ‘This Week’ and today appears on ‘Saturday Live’ to talk about her inheritance tracks.
 Hopefully no one will inherit her house (which ever one she decides is her main residence) as it must surely belong to the state now.