I’m posting this on behalf of “The Aged P”…with thanks to him for nailing this one.

“Probably much consumption of valium at the Beeb this morning as the ONS reported a 36,000 drop in unemployment, the second consecutive quarterly fall. There are now 29.24 million in work against the May 2008 peak of 29.56 million, just before the Blair/Brown regime’s chickens came home to roost (sorry, Mr Balls, before the global banking crisis engineered by those furtive foreigners undermined the Styrofoam foundations of the Brown boom)

Moreover, though earlier today the BBC website told us that youth unemployment was expected to reach one million and had obviously lined up a complete rugby union squad of sorrowful teenagers ready to pin the tail onto the heartless coalition donkey, the latest figures show it flatlining at 935,000.
Imagine the gritting of those BBC molars as they had to include this quote;

“Some observers said the rise in employment was a sign the economic recovery was strengthening. “The strong growth in full-time jobs is especially encouraging, as this is one of the key indicators of a sustainable recovery,” said Ian Brinkley at the Work Foundation.”

That sound? David Dimbleby ripping up predictable Question Time favourite “Tories and their fat cat banking buddies love to grind the unemployed into the dirt” Don’t worry, David, there will be plenty of poverty stricken pizza and beer guzzling students and whingeing public sector workers in the “randomly selected” audience to pour out their sob stories.


Following his whipping in the recent local Council elections and the heavy loss in the AV poll, Lib-Dem leader Nick Clegg evidently feels that he must be seen to be more hostile to the Coalition in which he sits. So he takes that unadulterated object of BBC worship – the NHS – and says he is opposed to the Coalition plan to improve it. The BBC lines up with Clegg on this one since it sustains the meme that the evil Conservatives want to introduce competition into the NHS and as we all know the BBC does not like the concept of competition. It continually misrepresents the very concept of free market competition in true neo-Stalinist style, always suggesting it is about fat-cats trying to make as much money as possible without delivering any advantages to anyone. There’s an interesting debate here on Today you should listen to if you get the chance. I thought Peter Bone did well, mind you. At heart, we all can see the BBC doing what it can to bring about the fall of the Coalition fall – so any chance it can get to chisel out cracks within it are taken up with great relish.


One of the more colourful attack lines the BBC is running against the Conservatives is that it is out for “revenge” against the good and kindly Police Federation ! The hilarious accusation that this Government is out to be “kind to criminals, kick a cop” is solemnly repeated by the BBC and the implication is made that Conservatives are out to undermine UK Policing. Naturally during the Golden Labour years, all was well and the Police were highly motivated by the “tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime” soundbite which Labour decided was a good substitute for actually doing anything. Of course the BBC is very sympathetic to the Police Federation and never more so when it seeks to confront the Conservative Party. That also explains why the oleaginous Sir Hugh Orde gets such an easy ride when he comes on to propagandise on behalf of ACPO. It’s only when Police talk about policing that the BBC starts to feel uncomfortable.


BBC lauding the prospects of an Independent Scotland – cheerleading for Mr Toad look-a-like Alex Salmond. It slyly claims that Salmond would keep the Queen as Head of State and the Pound Sterling. How kind. The BBC has a record of indulgence towards the SNP – after all any political party committed to breaking up the Union will always get BBC hearts a beating. A considered dissection of the SNP position is one thing you will never hear on the BBC which is all the more reason for this site to pick up on it/


BBC loving Her Majesty paying tribute to the “Fenian brotherhood” and the “old IRA” in Dublin. I find the BBC coverage nauseating and, of course, politically contrived. The BBC has been a long time cheer-leader for the appeasement process here and today is a culmination of that.


If there is one kind of Conservative that the BBC almost like, it’s the sort that are Conservative-in-name-only. Take Tim Yeo, please.  This blustering buffoon was on the BBC this morning to discuss why some sort of subsidy for nuclear power was sadly  inevitable. Naturally the BBC does not approve of any form of subsidy to this one form of clean energy whilst favouring as much as possible for windfarms and other loopy ideas. Mention nuclear energy and the BBC go into defence mode betraying their own innate bias on the topic.


What better way to start the week on the BBC with another chance to discuss that hardy perrenial, should drugs be legalised? There’s a discussion at 8.33am  based on a new report from the left-wing Demos propaganda unit. The essence of the debate  is a remarkably mad idea- namely that local Councils and trading standard officers determine what is legal and what is not! You’d have to be ON drugs to think this is a good idea but the BBC seem to be positively wild about it. I wonder why…sniff…