Here are a few great examples of BBC professional neutrality.

First, here’s BBC employee Mary Walker…

When I joined the team of “Living Islam” (the BBC series) two years ago, my perception of Islam was dominated by prejudice and ignorance, and I found its treatment of women abhorrent. To me the veil symbolised the oppression of women, making them invisible, anonymous and voiceless, and the cause of this oppression lay in the will to perpetuate the family and maintain a patriarchal framework – the very basis of an Islamic society. I thought women were entirely submerged by divine justification of their role as wife and mother.

Ah, but that was then. She knows so much better now. Give it a read here. And then, lest we think lovely Islam-loving Mary is alone in her admiration for the Religion of Peace, there’s posh Ed Stourton bending the knee…

In a feature about a ‘woman friendly mosque’, in Manchester. Ed Stourton interviews Sabina Hammed, who says she has ‘the very rare privilege of being able to come and go as she pleases’ at the Mosque. She notes the separate entrances and boys as young as eleven being banned from the women’s room inside. Stourton never challenges her about sexual segregation in Islam or the attitude of other Mosques which are breaking English law by keeping women out. At one point she trots out the ‘It’s cultural, nothing to do with Islam,’ argument. Later there is a report about a discount coat store being turned into an Islamic community centre/mosque only two blocks away from Ground Zero in New York. Stourton tells us: ‘There are strident voices attacking the proposal and using it as a vehicle to strike at Islam.’ A BBC reporter goes on: ‘Islam is once more under fire from a noisy minority who see the Koran as suspect.’


I listened to William Hague interviewed on the Marr programme and, to be honest I cringed at his evasions and ameliorations. This man is not a Conservative as I recognise it. To think that the Conservative Party will ever tackle the BBC hegemony is pure folly.


I am so busy that sometimes I don’t get the time to read all that you folks write here on the topic of BBC bias but I came across this and wanted to share more broadly. It’s by Biased BBC reader Dave S and you should all give it a read;

Without any hope of enlightenment I listened to the “debate” on BBC Radio4 on immigration at 10.15pm. 

Pointless apart from Douglas Murray attempting to try to move the debate into the real world and being ignored.  I suppose the BBC thought it was being bold by discussing a matter usually well off limits. What I did glean from the vapid drivel spouted was that;

1. Immigration is primarily an economic matter and what is good for GB PLC is by definition good for us all. 

2. That England Wales and Scotland do not and have never really existed let alone possess indigineous peoples and very defined and particular cultures. Apparently Britain is a place on the world’s surface unique in not possessing ,or allowed to possess, a defined culture created by the flow of generations. It is now always year one of the libbie dream state. 

3. We have no history other than that the libbies deem “appropriate” and following from that we can safely ignore any achievements of our past generations that might lead us to maintain a sense of identity and pride in ourselves. 

Be tolerant or else was the message and anyway you can’t do anything about it. 

I wonder how the dull monocultural country they castigated that was old England ever managed to make such a mark in the world for so many centuries? No doubt when they have rewritten the history books I will learn the truth.


Anyone catch moonbat Amanda Foreman on with Brillo Pad on “This Week” last night? I was impressed by the utter delusionalism of her analysis of the US Mid-terms and one can understand WHY the BBC lined her up. With Jacqui Smith and Portillo lining up to mostly agree with Foreman, we had the BBC view manifest. Obama won, the Tea Party lost. All is well. You couldn’t make it up