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- Sluff Mar 16, 08:04
Weekend 15th March 2025
Toady on Sunday and the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation playbook is in full swing. First up. An almost ecstatic reporter visiting… - MarkyMark Mar 16, 07:58
Weekend 15th March 2025
650 MPs to form the front line! 800 Lords on the second line. - MarkyMark Mar 16, 07:55
Weekend 15th March 2025
Abbott was later appointed Shadow Minister for Public Health by Ed Miliband, taking shadow responsibility for a range of issues… - MarkyMark Mar 16, 07:50
Weekend 15th March 2025
It is popularly known in Nigerian and Western media as “Boko Haram,” which means “Western education is forbidden” (the word… - MarkyMark Mar 16, 07:47
Weekend 15th March 2025
“What does the Hungarian nation demand from Brussels? Let there be peace, freedom, and unity. 1. We demand a Europe… - MarkyMark Mar 16, 07:46
Weekend 15th March 2025
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First… - Fedup2 Mar 16, 07:45
Weekend 15th March 2025
JohnC – im sure I heard the Russians say if nato troops try ‘peace keeping ‘ they’ll be shot …… - MarkyMark Mar 16, 07:44
Weekend 15th March 2025
“ratchet up pressure…to convince him to come to the negotiating table” ………………… Wealthy Russians flee to Dubai to avoid sanctions… - JohnC Mar 16, 04:27
Weekend 15th March 2025
Military planning for Ukraine peace to begin, says Starmer So what is the opening line for negotiations from Starmer… - StewGreen Mar 16, 00:34
Weekend 15th March 2025
quote “Countryfile. Gardener’s World. Escape to the Country. All programmes I loved. All ruined because ‘climate change’ is mentioned constantly…
agw anti-American anti-conservative anti-Israel anti Israel. pro Palestinian Antisemitism BBC - sickeningly biased at all times. BBC agenda BBC bias bbc bias and balance. bbc bias by omission BBC censorship BBC Question Time BBC selectivity bias Biased BBC climate change dhimmis general thread immigration Islam israel Mark Mardell obama obama bias Obamalove open thread pro-labour pro-palestinian pro EU pro Hamas pro Islam pro Labour bias pro Obama PRO OBAMA AT ALL COSTS. pro Obama BBC agenda question time question time live Richard Black save gordon. USA politics US economy US News US politics US presidential elections
Author Archives: David Vance
Let us praise Julie Kirkbride, she who is now a martyr to the cause of troughing MP’s! Don’t get me wrong – I think that she is a first class disgrace and should follow in her husband’s footsteps and not seek re-election. Her refusal to do so is allowing the BBC to run this story as IF she were the focus of the expenses sleaze and thus provide Labour with some cover, and of course thee BBC treats the Lib-Dem’s as paragons of virtue. It’s interesting to watch the return of Tory Sleaze as the headline grabber on the BBC just one week before the Euro-election and local Council polls. Entirely coincidental, no doubt.
Just to remind everyone that Question Time liveblog will be on tomorrow night at the USUAL time of 10.35PM. There are 25 places for those who want to comment at will (that’s the max coveritlive provides) so come EARLY if you want registered! The panel looks like a good laugh We have Dan Hannan (Hurray!) and Nigel Farage, the creature from the Green Lagoon Caroline Lucas, Minister for Fitness Caroline Flint, Liberal Jo Swinson and finally, former Dome head Pierre-Yves Gerbeau
This is where you can discuss any BBC-related issue that concerns you. Please use it sensibly, no abuse and no trolls!
Glad to read that “the pound has risen above $1.60 for the first time since November, reflecting reduced fears over the outlook for the UK economy”. The BBC further trills that “Signs that the UK economy could be over the worst of the downturn have prompted investors to shift away from dollars, which are deemed a safer investment. Currency markets reflected a more optimistic tone from business organisation the CBI. ” I suppose one could suggest that the weakness of the dollar is more of a feature of Obama’s hapless handling of the American economy but that would be to criticise he who must be fawned over so better to present this as proof positive that Prudence has solved our economic woes.
I happened to catch around 10 minutes of the Clive Anderson hosted “Unreliable Evidence” this evening which considered the following…
“Are our environmental laws robust enough to save the planet for humankind? The Climate Change Act 2008 commits the UK to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, but can this be legally enforced? What law and penalties are available to force industry, individuals and even the government to reduce their carbon footprint?”
The bit I heard was a disgraceful exercise in Internationalist leftism and Gaia worship and one can see why Mr Anderson is so beloved by Auntie.
The EU’s Common Fishing Policy has been an unmitigated disaster from just about every angle one can imagine. It has, of course, decimated the British Fishing Industry, but just as importantly wreaked havoc across our seas. So I found this item this morning to be far too generous to the EU, and I also wondered why the RSPB was chosen to be the voice for opinion? Are there NO British fishermen left that could be interviewed? Yes, I know that Dunne was critical of the politicians micro-management of Fishing policy but his critique did not go far enough in also exposing the vast corruption and cynical manipulation of the CFP. The BBC is reluctant to debate the gargantuan scale of corruption, inefficiency and lawlessness that pervades the EU and today this was just one small example.
I fully accept that there are different opinions on the issue of whether active homosexuals should be Ministers of religion. So the current debate happening in the Church of Scotland merits consideration from both sides. I was disappointed but not surprised to listen to this item on BBC Today this morning which is plainly only offering a PRO-gay lifestyle perspective. Surely the BBC should have provided a debate on the issue rather than a cosy liberal consensus?
BBC coverage of the utterly supine reaction of the US and UN to North Korea nuke tests predictable. It’s amazing how the BBC provides such an easy pass to the International set when it attacked everything Bush tried to do. In this golden era of Obama I presume that UN meetings that produce “stern” communications will substitute nicely for any action being taken. I bet Kim Jong Very Ill and the gang will be devastated to hear that the UN Security Council is – as we speak – thinking about issuing a new even tougher resolution.
Had to laugh at this interview conducted by the BBC this morning with Foreign Office Minister Bill Rammell concerning North Korea’s underground nuke test. Talk about being given an easy ride! North Korea has shown total contempt for the “International Community” and in particular is thumbing it’s nose at Obama and his soft power approach to the issue. But the BBC cannot go too deep into this one since it makes The One look ALMOST as wimpish as Rammell.
I’m not a Roman Catholic but I am sure that any RC who is currently listening to the Nicky Campbell “Big Question” on BBC1 will be outraged at the deliberate manner in which the Church is being demonised following the revelations of abuse carried out by priests in Ireland. The child abuse in the Irish Republic is, of course, utterly appalling but let’s be clear about it – the BBC is jumping on this one in it’s ..shall we call it a crusade? … to marginalise all forms of the Christian faith. I look forward to Nicky Campbell running an item on Islam’s paedophile origins and it’s continued abuse of boys and girls. That should be a must watch programme.