Midweek Open Thread 24 July 2019

The Biased Far Left BBC knows full well that the new British Prime Minister is no great fan of it . This will lead to a concerted effort to destroy him before he either achieves a successful Brexit and/or turns his attention to reforming a State Broadcaster which has lost its way and is no longer ‘British’.

Obviously making the BBC British and unbiased again can’t be done with the current corrupt Parliament in place . Boris has a long list of issues to repair the damage done by Mrs May to our country . But with help he must start to drain the corrupt swamp including the Biased BBC. Good luck Bo.

Weekend Open Thread 20 July 2019

The Far Left biased BBC , being naturally anti American , will spin the 50th anniversary of the landing of a Man on the Moon in its current propaganda mode .

So it’s all about – waste of money – not green – no Wimmin -no blacks -no gays -no Muslims . Why no disabled astronauts ? Why hasn’t The great EU sent a rocket yet ?

I Still feel pleased to have watched it live on TV live though .

Midweek Open Thread 17 July 2019

The Far Left Failing Biased BBC keeps on giving doesn’t it ? It doesn’t even pretend to be neutral any more . There is just one ‘approved ‘ story ;facts which don’t fit the narrative are minimised or ignored . And people are forced to pay for it .

And if you think the MPs see it as biased – think again – the link below is to the debate on the useless petition about BBC bias
