Long Weekend Open Thread 24 May 2019

The Far Left Pro EU Pro Islam BBC Cannot , by law , say anything which might influence voting in any part of the EU until 2200 on Sunday 26th . So it gives us the opportunity to record breaches of the law as the BBC makes unlawful comments .

Out Election Voting papers are in the hands of a pro remain civil service . Will the results be fiddled ?

Mid Week Open Thread 22 May 2019

Having looked at the average turn out for EU elections the UK average is about 35% against an EU average of 42%. All indications are that the turn out will be far higher for the UK this time . But notice something – no public leader debates on the TV – and possible breaches of election law by the BBC in their coverage .

We wont find out the results of the EU Elections until Sunday the 26th May . The bigger the vote for The Brexit Party – the bigger the distraction exercise by the BBC …

Oh Yes – and if you vote – please use a pen .

Start the Week Open Thread 6 May 2019

We could witness The Sell Out this week or a General Election date or can kicking again  . But even after the Local Elections there has been no change in bias from the Far Left  Remainer Failing BBC.

The life of a prospective MEP has been threatened . The police are involved . Let’s hope the Main Stream Media supports anyone using the legal democratic process to carry forward their view as opposed to the mob..