Brexit is coming for your biscuits!

Supermarkets ‘raise the price of Christmas biscuits’

Of course, as you already know, Brexit is to blame.

There has been a trend this year of rising food prices, driven by the weakness of the pound which makes imported food more expensive.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Brexiteers engineered this all along. Every time you try to eat a biscuit after we declare war on the EU by leaving it in March 2019, a racist white van man will punch you in the face and shout “NO TO FOREIGN NAMED SNACKS! DON’T YOU KNOW THAT BISCUIT MEANS ‘TWICE-COOKED’ IN FRENCH? YOU TRAITOR TO THE NATION” before robbing your GP of £350m.

But wait a minute…

The report says that a steep rise in butter prices is partly to blame.

What they aren’t telling you is that this is a problem that has developed in the EU, a result of EU interference in the production of butter.

Facts Schmacks!



If you want to hear a BBC presenter completely overwhelmed by inconvenient facts and totally non-plussed listen to Sebastian Gorka [once a deputy assistant to US President Donald Trump in 2017] on World at One [around 30 mins]as he talks about Trump, the Tweets and islam in Europe…and hear the response from the tame expert brought on to counter him….‘yes they may be facts but…facts can be anything…’  but who in the end couldn’t help but follow the logic of Gorka.

Trump and Corbyn….brothers in arms?


Defend the right to demonstrate against Islamism

Corbyn ‘Tweeting’ about apartheid and being harassed by the Establishment…and now a hero of the BBC…will Trump be seen as the same in 30 years time after his fight against Islamism?  Maybe the BBC’s Mark Easton will be referring to Trump, as he did for Muslims extremists, as the next Churchill, Ghandi or Mandela!

Doubt it…because the ‘Establishment’ will be Islamic by then….half way there already so jam-packed is it with grovelling appeasers and apologists.

Muslim population in some European countries ‘could triple’ by 2050′

THE Muslim population in countries across Europe could triple by 2050, a report has suggested.

Finland’s Muslim population alone could increase by more than four times, while the UK could see an increase of 2.65 times in little more than a decade, according to projections made in the study.


Riley, Frankie and Harley top list of this year’s favourite gender-neutral baby names – while Muhammad is Britain’s most popular name for boys

NEU facts


Leave voters are all old, white males…and thus their votes don’t count….and with luck they will all die off soon….let’s hope for a harsh, cold winter eh?  Don’t forget to have your grand kids spit on their graves!

This report gives the lie to two lies of the Remainder camp…..they are driven by the young and diverse…and that Alistair Campbell’s EU propaganda rag, the New European, is a great financial success drawing in a rich selection of advertisers.

The paper currently sells around 20,000 to 25,000 copies each week – on top of its 5,000 subscribers, which Kelly says are growing at several hundred a week.

Given its steady circulation and affluent, AB-heavy readership – 70% are male, 75% are over 45 and 25% earn more than £60,000 a year – it is perhaps surprising that it has struggled to attract attention from advertisers.

So the New European is read by what are most likely old, white, rich men…go figure….Heseltine, Clegg, Clark, Mandelson, Adonis, Lord Hall Hall etc etc….these are the people who run ‘Remain’ and drive the campaign to reverse Brexit…old, rich, white men who are at the heart of the Establishment that Brexit was such a protest against.

The New European tells us….

Craig Nayman, our chief commercial officer, who had the tallest order, selling advertising into a newspaper nobody had ever seen, with a circulation nobody could know and with a polarised audience which might deter some brands. In the event, it was job he managed to carry off and The New European had paid-for advertisers from day one and continues to attract premium rates in the market.

Except that doesn’t seem to be the case….

It is perhaps surprising that it has struggled to attract attention from advertisers……n August 2016, as it entered its second month on newsstands across the UK, The New European opened up its pages to auction and invited media agencies and brands to bid for commercial space – but to little enthusiasm.  “We dropped the bidding model because it didn’t work,” Kelly says. “The advertising market is in such a state of flux that it was a good try to be innovative but the reaction was disappointing. 

There are facts and then there are Remain facts


Interesting to hear Chuka Umunna getting away with it yesterday on Today as he claimed no one had never mentioned we would have to pay any money to the EU and that Boris had said, pre-referendum and several times since, that the EU could ‘go whistle’ for its money.

Hmmm….except Boris only said that earlier this year in response to a question from a fellow Tory and it was in reference to the ‘extortionate’ sum that the EU was saying it wanted…..£100 billion.

Foreign secretary hits out at ‘extortionate’ demands in event of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union

As for no one mentioning a ‘Brexit divorce bill’….Remain were pretty keen to push that cost….here’s Heseltine…

There are two countries – Norway and Switzerland – who are not members of the European Union but have got trading agreements of the sort that we would have to renegotiate with Europe. And, if you actually look at what they pay for their trading agreements, it’s quite obvious that there would be very little saving, if any, for Britain, because we would have to agree as part of the new negotiations the cost of entry to that market.

But the concentration on figures entirely misses the point…this was a referendum on sovereignty and immigration…the only figures Leave voters were interested in were the immigration ones…speaking of which…remember how we were told Leave lied about the EU’s drive to get Turkey in its embrace?  Yesterday we heard this:

European Union Remains ‘Committed’ To Opening Borders to 75 Million Turkish Citizens as ‘Soon as Possible’

The European Union (EU) remains “committed to” giving, and is in the later stages of securing, Turkish citizens visa-free travel in the bloc, as well as handing an extra three billion euros to migrants in the nation by next year, a commissioner has said.

And what of the good lady whom we hear is the next leader of the Labour Party, Emily Thornberry?  She appeared on Emma Barnett’s show on 5 Live [12:10] being interviewed about Trump and his Tweets. Can’t say she has changed my mind about her…arrogant, conceited, contemptuous, lying and childish.  Barnett challenged her on a couple of points but let her get away with several that needed a bit of a ‘reality check’  She claimed Trump had imposed a ‘Muslim travel ban’ when of course he hadn’t…he merely banned travel from countries Obama had already designated as countries of concern due to terrorism.  Then she claimed May had never challenged Trump…and yet may has consistently been prepared to criticise him from when she was Home Secretary…and has done so many times since.  She also claimed that ‘Britain’ didn’t want Trump to visit…Barnett did question that claim…Thornberry’s response?  To say that the British people needed to educate themselves about him….they are wrong.

Funny old world….here’s a woman who is shadow foreign secretary denouncing the President of the United States for raising the issue of Islamic extremism and yet she works for a man, along with his chancellor and shadow home secretary, who supports terrrorism, not just ‘foreign’ terrorism but home grown terrorism aimed at the British government.   And yet Barnett didn’t see fit to ask her about her hypocrisy and double standards.

This is the Thornberry who sneered at people who flew the English flag…and who shows her continuing arrogant contempt for them as she joked about it in PMQs.

Don’t panic on the Brexit Titanic

Image result for corbyn style


Immigration is down [to 2014 levels] and the BBC is in full-on panic mode telling us of a brain drain and a crashing economy #duetoBrexit.

The BBC’s reporting of the latest immigration stats was somewhat doomladen and negative…the drop in immigrants is bad news!  We are fed a constant diet of claims that industry, agriculture, science, the arts and the banks will collapse before our eyes as EU citizens flee home from the ‘nasty and racist place that Britain has become’ #duetoBrexit and no others will want to come here to fill the gaps.

Totally untrue….

The number of people moving to the UK to take up a “definite job” has remained stable, however, fewer people were coming to the UK “looking for work”.

People are still coming for the skilled, high-end jobs as they always will….unless Corbyn manages to keep up the charade long enough to get his foot in No10’s door. [Remember Morgan Stanley say he is a bigger threat to the economy than a ‘hard Brexit’…so must be some threat!]

Corbyn is mocked as he looks photoshopped in GQ

Speaking of Corbyn…the BBC has always used the message that he is a principled man who has resolutely stuck to his convictions…..except he hasn’t has he?  He has dumped nearly all of his long professed principles in the drive for Office…not least dress wise…Corbyn obviously having ‘sold out’ and is dressing for the part rather than sticking to his own choice of clothing which he so proudly wore as a mark of his ‘differecne’….

Image result for corbyn style

Image result for corbyn style


And funnily ehough didn’t hear this when a simpering Nihal on 5 Live was interviewing Noel Gallagher….

Noel Gallagher: “Fuck Jeremy Corbyn. He’s a Communist”

Oh Noel Gallagher!!


Doctoring the news


Wonder what the BBC will make of this story:

‘Perhaps we now have the link between vaccination and autism’: Professor reveals aluminium in jabs may cause sufferers to have up 10 times more of the metal in their brains than is safe

Aluminium in vaccines may cause autism, controversial new research suggests. 

Autistic children have up to 10 times more of the metal in their brains than what is considered safe in adults, a study found.

Study author Professor Chris Exley from Keele University, said: ‘Perhaps we now have the link between vaccination and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the link being the inclusion of an aluminium adjuvant in the vaccine.’ 

The researchers speculate autism sufferers may have genetic changes that cause them to accumulate aluminium which healthy people are able to remove.

The findings are controversial after the disgraced gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield said in 1995 that the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is linked to bowel disease and autism. 

Andrew Wakefield is of course now a pariah, driven out of his career and publicly vilified not least on the BBC which will not countenance any suggestion that he may have had a point about the MMR vaccine being linked to autism in some way.  Wakefield is wrong, dangerous and should be ‘shot’ on sight.

You kind of suspect that the ‘authorities’, the medical profession, the government and the likes of the BBC, know he may be right but crushed him for the better good.  What is the likelihood that some of the 100’s of thousands of young children getting a cocktail of drugs will not have some allergic reaction?  Mothers-to-be are told not to drink, smoke, eat certain foods…and yet a cocktail of drugs is 100% safe for very young children? Peanuts and apparently, we learn to day, fish can have tragic consequences for some.

What’s the chance those ‘authorities’ know that some children might develop autism due to the MMR vaccine but because the vast, vast majority do not they have decided that it is better to ‘sacrifice’ those that will become autistic for the good of that vast majority?  They won’t ever admit this as to do so would result in parents not taking a chance and avoiding the MMR jab regardless of the probably miniscule risk.

As with climate change the BBC has decided that the ‘science is settled’ and that means the news is one message only with no further discussion or debate….and that is a political, not scientific, decision.



I came, I saw, I tweeted


Muslim children are being spoon‑fed misogyny

In the Times yesterday….the BBC completely ignored the report.

Image result for nick robinson jayda fransen

Nick Robinson and Jayda fransen from ‘Britain First’


The BBC has gone bananas as Trump retweets some videos that appeared on ‘Britain First’s’ deputy leader’s twitter feed allegedly showing Muslims and immigrants attacking various people.  Whilst Emma Barnett totally ignored a Tory MP being smacked down by the Speaker and told she was ‘disorderly’ she stopped her show for the ‘breaking news’ that Trump had been on Twitter…hold the frontpage….the BBC sensationalised all this by describing the videos as inflammatory anti-Muslim videos….were they just actual videos of real events by Muslims?  And why was the BBC completely uninterested in what was in the videos?….other than to suggest the attackers may not be Muslims…despite two obviously being so…

Donald Trump retweets far-right group’s anti-Muslim videos

Donald Trump has retweeted three inflammatory videos from a British far-right group.

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.

This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.

One video is clearly a Muslim smashing an ‘idol’…a statue of the Virgin Mary, another is of pro-Morsi Islamists attacking youths in Egypt on a rooftop, the third attacker is claimed not to be a Muslim nor an immigrant…but no mention in the news report either way…

The Egyptian video was widely shown years ago….here in the Daily Mail:

Islamic lynch mob waving Al Qaeda banners throw terrified

This was the moment Islamist thugs threw a teenager head-first off a roof as the vicious riots sweeping Egypt plumbed grisly new depths.

His only ‘crime’ was to have been caught celebrating the ousting of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi by the army last week.

The Telegraph has the video on its Youtube account even now.

So why are the video’s ‘inflammatory’ and ‘anti-Muslim’…they surely just depict what Islamists actually do…if that is showing Islam in a bad light who is to blame?  One video may or may not show what is purported but the BBC has made far worse ‘mistakes’….such as Newsnight fabricating a completely false report about racist Britain and Poles under attack…claiming Nigel Farage had blood on his hands.  If that is not inflammatory not sure what is.  Naturally no apology at all from the BBC for its deliberate and dangerous dishonesty.

The BBC of course is more than ready to post videos of white people being racist to non-whites, not so prepared of course to post stories of non-whites being racist to whites.  Why are these videos not inflammatory and anti-white?

Inflammatory, sensationalist, fake, dishonest, lying, anti-white BBC video…….

The ‘Ugly mood in our country post-Brexit’




A Tulip by any other name would smell as…..


Yesterday we thought that the BBC looked like it was going to completely ignore the disorderly behaviour of a Muslim Labour MP as she was asked by C4 whether she woud intervene and ask her aunt, the PM of Bangladesh no less, to release a man who has been ‘vanished’ by her government.  This resulted in claims from her that C4 were being racist and finished with a somewhat sinister and nasty comment from her wishing ill upon the pregnant C4 producer present at the interview.  Tulip Siddiq apparently headed off to the police to report C4 for something or other…no doubt a ‘hate crime’.

I suggested the BBC might ignore or downplay this.  They ignored it.  A Labour MP with close family connections to  a brutal regime who makes threatening comments to journalists…..and the BBC stays silent.

Then today we had PMQs and Nadine Dorries asked a question relating to this event and was rapidly slapped down by the Speaker who intervened sharply and accused her of being ‘disorderly’ as she hadn’t informed Siddiq that she was going to ask a  question about her in the House.  Probably one of, if not the most, standout point of PMQs.

And yet John Pienaar completely ignored it in his wash up of PMQs immediately afterwards as did Emma Barnett who made no comment at all about such an extraordinary event.  Looking at the website and there is still no story about Siddiq but Nadine Dorries does get a swift mention but no explanation of what was going on….it’s about Dorries not Siddiq….funny the BBC’s priorities….and of course tucked away on the politics page on a sidebar…..

PMQs: Speaker says Nadine Dorries ‘disorderly’ with Tulip Siddiq question

The Speaker tells off Nadine Dorries for not informing Tulip Siddiq ahead of naming her in a question at PMQs.

The Conservative MP made reference to the Labour MP and a TV interview, and her family links to the Bangladeshi prime minister.

And they mention it in this run-down of PMQs…..but note the link they give…it’s to the Daily Mail story about Siddiq and C4…because the BBC hasn’t thought it worth doing one on Siddiq’s behaviour themselves….and again no explanation of those ‘allegations’….

What other subjects came up?

Conservative MP Nadine Dorries brought up allegations about Labour MP Tulip Saddiq, who has apologised for comments about a pregnant Channel 4 journalist.

Naturally not headline news but slipped in under ‘other subjects’ rather than raised as one of the standout moments in this non-descript report about the whole of PMQs…..

Almost as if the BBC were trying to hide this story for some reason.  What if Siddiq’s aunt had been PM of Myanmar and it was a Rohingyan that had been ‘vanished’ by the Buddhists?  Any interest from the BBC do you think?

Front page news.