In the past few days, I caught a couple of BBC stories which did little for my blood pressure.
On BBC NI, they ran an item explaining the the “traveller” community was the most discriminated against in Northern Ireland. This was based in feedback from..the travelling community! Honestly, you couldn’t make it up although I suspect the Travellers do.
I then heard another story elsewhere on the BBC network explaining that the Arts Council was DEMANDING that those who it sponsors (with taxpayers money) MUST ensure more racial “diversity” or else funding will be cut. This was portrayed as a “good thing” with no contrary opinion expressed. It appears quality comes second to diversity and the pursuance of inverted racism.
Watching the BBC is not good for your spirit or your health!
Here we go, an overdue Open Thread! BBC went into food bank frenzy yesterday. I was invited into the BBC NI studio to take part in a discussion on such. My view is that Food Banks are street theatre agitprop sponsored by the left. To my amusement, the BBC in Belfast put on a caller from Cheltenham (!) who gave a tale of woe and explained how Food Banks saved his life. The particularity becomes the generality in the eyes of the BBC, as they do everything possible to help Labour. With an improving economy and falling unemployment the Left need SOMETHING to keep the gospel of despair going so welcome to the great Food Bank meme.
The world wide web, where climate change is most vociferously debated, is predominantly an Anglo-Saxon medium.
For we native English speakers who’ve never needed to become fluent in other tongues but speak the language of climate change daily, this raises an intriguing question: is it possible that we’re getting a distorted view of the “climate debate” globally, simply because we’re missing what’s going on elsewhere?
“The weight of this study would suggest that, out of this wide range of factors, the presence of politicians espousing some variation of climate scepticism, the existence of organised interests that feed sceptical coverage, and partisan media receptive to this message, all play a particularly significant role in explaining the greater prevalence of sceptical voices in the print media of the USA and the UK.”
To those who despair of the success of sceptical lobbying, the message is clear: learn one of the languages of Brazil, China or India.
Thanks to the blog of the irrepressible Hilary Ostrov, a long-time WUWT commenter, I found out about a poll gone either horribly wrong or totally predictably depending on your point of view. It’s a global poll done by the United Nations, with over six million responses from all over the planet, and guess what?
The revealed truth is that of the sixteen choices given to people regarding what they think are the important issues in their lives, climate change is dead last. Not only that, but in every sub-category, by age, by sex, by education, by country grouping, it’s right down at the bottom of the list. NOBODY thinks it’s important.
Now, people are always saying how the US is some kind of outlier in this regard, because polls in the US always put climate change down at the bottom, whereas polls in Europe generally rate it somewhat higher. But this is a global poll, with people chiming in from all over the planet. The top fifteen countries, in order of the number of people voting, were Mexico, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Philippines, Thailand, Cameroon, United States, Ghana, Rwanda, Brazil, Jordan, and Morocco … so this appears to be truly representative of the world, which is mostly non-industrialized nations.
So the next time someone tries to claim that climate change is “the most important challenge facing the world” … point them to the website of the study, and gently inform them that the rest of the world doesn’t buy that kind of alarmist hogwash for one minute.
The Media’s hypocrisy is quite stunning, the BBC’s most of all of course as it tells us it holds itself to a higher standard and is the news organisation that sets the standards for the rest of the pack to follow.
Recently they have been shouting a lot about how dishonest politicians are, asking why politicians, especially the Tories, won’t tell us about the true state of the nation’s finances.
Of course, in reality, that is the last thing the BBC wants you to know as it would be hard to justify its barrage of anti-austerity propaganda that it pumps out daily if the economy is ‘utterly terrible’.
Similarly the same goes for immigration and Europe…the BBC has hidden the truth about immigration for years, steadfastly refusing to examine it in detail and consistently ignoring the downsides to immigration…only recently having to tackle the subject with any degree of honesty because many politicians have had to at least pay lip service to the concerns of the population about immigration……and forced to do so by one man and his party…Nigel Farage and UKIP.
Now when you hear the BBC moaning about the ‘dishonesty of politicians’ just remember this is the BBC that tried, still tries, to undermine and finish off UKIP as a political force, that tried to shut Farage and UKIP up.
The BBC had no interest in talking about immigration until forced to do so…..and will rapidly revert to that position given half a chance.
Farage forced the pace and set the ball rolling on immigration.
“Over the past few years I have been following the work of UKIP and Nigel Farage and I feel that he is changing British politics for the better. I am delighted to be able to add my experience to his team. He has been one of the best, most hardworking and most normal political figures I have worked with, and trust me I have seen the lot”.
“UKIP is today the place to be if you want to be a part of a party that is changing the face of British politics for the better, and providing a new, clear and honest voice”.
The BBC are being nice to him at present but as one commenter says at Guido it won’t last long…..
Watch the remaining featherbedded stooges turn on him now.
The UK Met Office says the observed temperatures would be highly unlikely without the influence of greenhouse gases produced by humans.
“There is no standstill in global warming.”
Not sure the ‘Central England Temperature Anomaly’ can be describes as ‘all of the UK’ let alone ‘The World’….but let’s not be too critical…we’ll leave that to Christopher Booker:
Led by the BBC, the usual media suspects were quick to trumpet last week’s claims by the Met Office and the World Meteorological Organisation that 2014 is set to be “the hottest year ever”. It’s funny that the rest of us hadn’t noticed; least of all those citizens of North America and Russia whose lives were lately disrupted by record snowfalls. It is true that the temperature records compiled by the avid warmists of the Met Office and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (the one formerly run by climate activist James Hansen) have managed to show this year squeaking just ahead of 2010 as “the hottest year since records began”. But the much more comprehensive and reliable satellite records agree that 2014 is way down the list, with six of the past 16 years ahead of it.
At least there is one real journalist at the BBC who raises a few questions…..
Australia is sometimes the petri dish of climate change – a place where global warming is not just a theoretical concept but a tangible reality.
Environmentalists point to the fact that last year was once again the hottest on record, seeing drought and devastating bush fires. And a late snow has forced the ski industry in places like Mount Buller to rely on artificial snow to keep resorts operating.
Best snowfalls in a decade forecast for eastern Australia. Strap yourselves in for the megablizzard
While Australia rejoices in the heaviest June snowfalls this century, with the majority of lifts at all resorts set to open by the weekend, the Kiwis have barely got two snowflakes to rub together.
“Historically speaking though it is not unusual for us to have no snow on Opening Weekend,” says David McNamara from the Victorian ski resort of Mt Buller.
Ahh…an explanation…the reporter is the never-reliable Jon Donnison telling us that the snow is so late and so thin that artificial snow is needed.
Really? The snow came, in bucket loads, two weeks ‘late’ into the skiing season…..
Experienced weather watchers are calling it the storm of the century. They’re saying it could snow on and off, but mostly on, for the next 10 days.
And now the megablizzard has arrived. The NSW resorts of Thredbo and Perisher received 40cm and 50cm respectively overnight. Hotham, Falls Creek and Mt Buller (pictured below) in Victoria all reported similar totals.
A spokesman for Thredbo confirmed to that as of about 3.30pm, 80cm of snow had now fallen in the past 24 hours.
“It’s an incredible amount for June, I’m not sure it’s a record, but it has set us up for the rest of the season,” he said.
The official Australian ski season started two weeks ago but up till yesterday then, there had been a desperately thin snow base with only a lift or two turning at the NSW resorts of Perisher and Thredbo. Victorian resorts, which are a little lower than their NSW counterparts, had nothing but grass.
That all started to change yesterday and after a brief lull in the early morning hours, the storm appears to be intensifying now.
Here’s what a user called “Snowblowa” said on the forums on leading snow industry website
“Seriously when was the last time we were looking at a potential 100cm event to kick off the season properly with potential mega follow up?!!!!!!! We gotta savour this, it’s gunna be awesome, we might be saying in five years “remember late June in 2014”. Besides, we are so over due, last few years in General have been pretty average.”
So let’s see…that’s deep snow and lots of it.
The BBC is obviously trying hard here…they even drag in Al Gore who tells us he isn’t impressed by Oz PM Tony Abbot who is somewhat sceptical about the extent of the threat that is global warming….that’ll be the Al Gore who made a video with copious ‘errors’ in it that misled viewers about climate change and had to be ‘corrected’….and the same Al Gore who has massive investements in green technology companies reliant on the climate change bandwagon to keep rolling and bringing in the dollars.
Funny old world when a man who expressed so much contempt for the Westminster ‘gang’ as he calls them, now seeks to rejoin as an MP despite, apparently, the fact that the “writing is on the wall for Westminster”.….what’s more curious is that the BBC don’t seem to notice this hypocrisy in their grand analysis…nor do they notice that when the Slippery Salmond says:
“We won’t have any deal with the Tories – they are not trusted by the people of Scotland” he said.
At the 2010 General Election, the SNP polled 19.9 per cent and won 491,386 votes, while the Conservative Party polled 16.7 per cent and won 412,855 votes. Yet it is the SNP that has been allowed to set the agenda in Scotland, and to call the shots on the possible future of the Union, while the Conservatives have been painted as pariahs, and deemed about as welcome in Scotland as a nationwide dose of the clap.
But then the BBC has always had a soft spot for anyone who wants to destroy the United Kingdom…be it Communists, Muslim fundamentalists, Brussels Bureaucrats or the SNP.
Apologies, no time to do this justice but here’s some rough workings to get your teeth into….
Labour’s spending as a proportion of GDP in 1998? 36%
The Coalition’s projected spending in 2019-20? 35.2%
Hardly an enormous difference and yet apparently ‘utterly terrifying’ according to the BBC.
There is an election coming and the BBC has been running a campaign to disparage everything the government does.
The BBC has been extraordinarily critical, not to say dishonest, in its reporting of the Autumn Statement…..telling us we are heading back to a 1930’s depression era economy.
The BBC’s Norman Smith saying:
“While there was a lot of enthusiasm on the Conservative benches and political joy at a lot of the popular measures, when you sit down and read the Office for Budget Responsibility report it reads like a book of doom.
“It is utterly terrifying, suggesting that spending will have to be hacked back to the levels of the 1930s as a proportion of GDP.
“That is an extraordinary concept, you’re back to the land of Road to Wigan Pier.”
Today the book seems curiously relevant to our own distressed times. An Old Etonian prime minister, in a cabinet stuffed with public school boys, has embarked upon the most radical reduction of public spending in generations, making cuts that have prompted robust criticism of their pace and scale. North and south are pulling apart once more – not yet to the extent where Orwell could describe his journey as if “venturing among savages”, but getting there.
Here is a verdict on Orwell’s book….and probably one that could be recycled for the BBC’s reporting…an enormous pile of piffle…..
Jack Hilton, the man who set him [Orwell] on the road to Wigan, hated the book, judging it a failure and falling out with the author. “So George went to Wigan and he might have stayed at home. He wasted money, energy and wrote piffle,” was his damning verdict.
Evan Davis (Labour) on Newsnight tells us that:
“You have to go back to the depression of the 1930s to find a crisis comparable to the one we are in — it is one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences.”
Government consumption of goods and services falls to its lowest share of GDP since at least 1948 – when comparable National Accounts data begins – and since 1938 using a historical dataset compiled by the Bank of England
But note this:
The UK’s National Accounts data have been revised substantially since our March forecast. In addition to the usual annual revisions process, the ONS has implemented the 2010 European System of Accounts (ESA10). The main consequence has been to increase the measured size of the economy. Relative to the data available at the time of our March forecast, nominal GDP in 2013 has been revised up by 6 per cent (around £90 billion)
So we are not comparing like with like….the GDP figure has been inflated by new accounting rules from Europe and so any cut in spending as a ratio of GDP will look worse.
Not only that but in 1998 Labour took us to similar low levels of spending….the OBR says…
As Chart 1.1 illustrates, total public spending is now projected to fall to 35.2 per cent of GDP in 2019-20
Labour’s spending in 1998 was 36%…a 0.8% difference then….hardly a massive difference….was that ‘utterly terrifying’ in 1998?
The BBC has been telling us that the Tories must answer the important, critical, question about how they will find the cuts, or savings, in government spending…apparently ‘critics’ and ‘people’ were asking this question….hmmm…does the BBC mean ‘Labour’ are asking the question and the BBC is doing Labour’s dirty work for them?…..however when it comes to Labour they actually praise Ed Ball’s refusal to answer claiming that he is intent on analysing the situation and will not be rushed into making a judgement…in other words he hasn’t got a plan and certainly doesn’t intend to let the Public know about one if he did have any thoughts on the subject….
The OBR report is more honest about what the parties say…curious the BBC missed this bit:
The recovery now looks stronger, with real GDP regaining its pre-recession peak in the third quarter of 2013, three quarters earlier than in the previous vintage of data. The Conservatives have said they would look to cut welfare spending by more, so that they could cut public services by less. And the Liberal Democrats have said that they would be willing to borrow more to finance capital spending that would increase growth, and also to increase taxes on the relatively well-off. Labour has said that it would “balance the books and deliver a surplus on the current budget and falling national debt in the next Parliament. How fast we can go will depend on the state of the economy and the public finances we inherit.”
Now the BBC’s Adam Parsons told us that Labour had in fact, if you look closely, announced more plans to make cuts than the Tories….but he failed to lay out exactly what they were….and the OBR clearly doesn’t agree with the BBC on that.
The BBC doesn’t bother with this from the OBR:
On our central forecast, the Coalition Government is on track to meet its fiscal mandate – to borrow only what it needs to pay for investment, adjusting for the state of the economy, at the end of the five-year forecast – with £50.6 billion to spare. This implies an 80 per cent probability of success given the accuracy of past forecasts
The Telegraph does a fine job in critiquing the BBC’s coverage…Danny Cohen will be upset:
Danny Cohen tells us that the BBC is an intrinsic part of the democratic process…I think it could be argued that it is the opposite and indeed encourages and supports terrorists and race hustlers who are intent on creating racial and religious conflict where they can for their own political purposes.
The BBC still hasn’t reported on that savage killing…however they do try to play politics with it….trying to make out that any criticism of the lack of coverage is merely a ‘conservative’, right wing conspiracy theory that is completely unjustified in this ironic article…..
The BBC completely accepts, without evidence, that the thug who died in Ferguson was killed purely because he was black. The white officer was clearly racist in their opinion….when as said, there’s no evidence of that at all.
Well, slavery may have long gone, but apprehending someone because they could be up to no good, simply because they’re black is still police policy in much of the land.
The killing in St Louis of white man is automatically assumed to have no racial motive, and it probably hasn’t, but that isn’t the point…the point is the BBC’s different reaction to both stories.
The BBC one again reports this from one point of view…that if a black man dies being arrested by white police officers those officers killed him because he was black….the BBC totally accepts the premise that the officers are racist.
The BBC has been reporting all day on the radio that the police had the man in a chokehold and he died because of it… they have been playing a recording of the arrest and misled listeners to believe that the alleged ‘chokehold’ is still in place when the man says repeatedly ‘I can’t breathe’ and was the cause of his death.
The video of the arrest shows that the hold was in place the first time the man gave a strangulated cry that he couldn’t breathe and the officer released the hold but Eric Garner continued to say, loudly and clearly, that he couldn’t breathe as the officers restrained him….but why was he having trouble breathing?
The death is unfortunate but the main cause of death, as the BBC reports, was…..
The city’s medical examiner’s office found in the summer that Mr Garner’s death was caused by “the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police”.
Garner’s acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypertensive cardiovascular disease were contributing factors, the medical examiner determined.
The BBC merely says….
The detainee, who is asthmatic, can be heard shouting repeatedly, “I can’t breathe!”.
The BBC places undue emphasis on the chokehold…
New York’s medical examiner had already ruled that the death of Eric Garner was a homicide, and that the chokehold contributed to it.
Yes, indeed he did say that…but as shown above he said a lot more besides which show that the chokehold wasn’t the main cause of death, if a cause at all… why is the BBC still associating the ‘chokehold’ with his death and emphasisng it above all else?… the chokehold was said to be a contributory factor…but as he died a while after the hold was used, and used for a short period, that must be a minimal factor…his own heatlh problems being the relevant factor.
Eric Garner was being arrested for selling cigarettes illegally on the street and from the video you can hear he has been, at the very least, advised not to continue with that trade in the past….he then resists arrest and the officers apply the hold to restrain him.
Would they have done that if he was white? The BBC is suggesting not…but on what evidence? Eric Garner was a large man and not too happy in the video, he wasn’t going to ‘come quietly’….were the police supposed to just walk away because he was black?
This is not evidence of white police officers being racist but of the BBC’s own racism in their assumption that the police were racist. It is also evidence of the BBC’s own tendency, a dangerous one, to incite racial conflict and inflame tensions…..undoubtedly this will be getting a large audience in Black communities in the UK and will be feeding into that grievance mindset with a stereotype fed to them by the likes of the BBC that white people are all racist and out to oppress them.
Well, slavery may have long gone, but apprehending someone because they could be up to no good, simply because they’re black is still police policy in much of the land.
“Homicide” in this context doesn’t mean what you think. It’s one of five categories medical examiners use to label causes of death and it indicates that “someone’s intentional actions led to the death of another person,” says Gregory G. Davis, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners. The other four labels are suicide, accident, natural, and undetermined, Davis says.
‘Intentional actions’ does not mean ‘intending to kill’…but their intent to restrain leading to the death…even if an accidental and unintended result.
The BBC’s use of that word without explanation of the context can only lead to the wrong impression of the verdict on the police’s action..careless use of words or intended by the BBC?
Search Biased BBC
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