We are hearing a great deal about the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot to Islamise secular schools…there are two issues here…one the ‘Islamisation’ and second how that is achieved.
The ‘Islamisation’ attempts have long been an open ‘secret’….the MCB, in 2007, produced this document to ‘advise’ schools on how to treat Muslim pupils and be respectful of their culture and background…to help them integrate you understand….it’s definitely not a case of stealthily imposing a ‘creeping Islamisation’ using the subterfuge of ‘respect and diversity’…….
Meeting the needs of Muslim pupils in state schools
Towards Greater Understanding
Here the BBC reports it in 2007:
Schools advised on Muslim pupils
Here the Express reports it:
DEMANDS for a ban on “un-Islamic” activities in schools will be set out by the Muslim Council of Britain today.
If you think this was all done by stealth you’d be wrong…it was done with the blessing of the Labour government:
The calls for all children to be taught in Taliban-style conditions will be launched with the help of a senior Government education adviser, Professor Tim Brighouse, chief adviser to London schools.
The MCB itself tells us:
The MCB’s contribution in publishing its report, Towards Greater Understanding, is wholly consistent with the government’s “Every Child Matters” strategy, and complementary to it. The result of meeting Muslim needs in mainstream schools is that Islam and Muslims become a normal part of British life and that we become fully integrated in this way.
In that last paragraph is the heart of the matter…The MCB wants non-Muslims to compromise and adapt to Muslim ways and beliefs…so that Islam becomes ‘a normal part of British life’…..then Muslims can ‘integrate’ and feel at home….by making everyone else ‘virtual’ Muslims….by making ‘Britain a normal part of Islam’.
Did anybody take note of the MCB, apart from the government?
This is from Ealing Council:

Ealing Council reproduced the MCB’s advise practically word for word….and you can bet that councils up and down the land did likewise.
So are secular schools being ‘Islamised’? Yes…and it has been seen as perfectly acceptable before now.
The difference now is that some Muslims are trying to impose these beliefs and practises by more forceful methods by taking over management of schools or adopting high pressure tactics to force out staff that won’t comply.
And then there are the Faith Schools themselves of course….is fundamentalist Islam a problem in such schools or not?.
But let’s have a look at some aspects of the BBC’s reporting of the latest events concerning the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot.
The BBC has given a fair bit of airtime to the plot….but seems all too ready to declare the whole thing a hoax……
The letter – which has not been authenticated and which could be a provocative hoax – refers to “Operation Trojan Horse”. This classical allusion refers to using a device to get past the defences and to take over the school system from within.
Victoria Derbyshire (11:52) enthusiastically screeched that it ‘May never have existed or is a fake’ on her show today in a talk with the BBC’s Phil Mackie who stated….
‘It is mindblowing how big this has become ever since the Trojan Horse letter was published…and we’re not even sure if it’s a fake or not.‘
The Guardian is on the case as well:
Alleged Islamic plot to take over Birmingham schools may be hoax
But if you read the explanation you’ll realise the hoax claim is complete tripe and such claims that it might be a hoax are deliberately highly misleading and intended to undermine the whole claim that there is a plot….unfortunately there is massive evidence that backs up those claims of a plot:
Byrne told constituents in a blogpost : “It is important that you know [that] the allegations which triggered the latest inspections were made by former and present staff at Park View, along with parents, and were made BEFORE the so-called Trojan Horse letter appeared in the press.”
The council has received at least 200 letters, emails and telephone calls from past and present school governors, teachers and parents wishing to complain about what they say has been going on, particularly at secular schools allegedly subject to “creeping Islamisation”.
and from the Telegraph:
Muslim parent: Radical school is brainwashing our children
Children at one of the state schools taken over by hardline Muslims are being “programmed” and have been “drilled” by their teachers to lie to Ofsted inspectors investigating the plot, according to a parent.
Mohammed Zabar, the father of a 10-year-old girl attending Oldknow Academy in Birmingham, today becomes the first person to speak openly about events at his daughter’s school.
Mr Zabar, 44, decided to break his silence after The Sunday Telegraph described how teachers at the supposedly secular school led children in anti-Christian chanting, stopped them from celebrating Christmas, organised subsidised trips to Mecca and required all pupils to learn Arabic.

Mackie also doesn’t like the word ‘extremist’ to describe the people who have been working to impose an Islamic agenda upon these schools…where might he get guidance on the correct language to use?……
Look at what Inayat Bunglawala, chair of Muslims4UK, and once a spokesman for the MCB said:
“The contents of this document are very disturbing. On the face of it this would appear to be part of a radical agenda by a tiny yet highly committed group of activists to impose their very conservative and bleak vision of Islamic teachings in our schools by fomenting division and distrust against the existing school leadership. It constitutes highly objectionable and unethical behaviour.”
Now have a look at what Mackie has written:
The alleged Trojan Horse plot is about claims a small group of Muslims, with strongly held religious beliefs, had co-ordinated takeovers at schools in Birmingham in order to impose a more Islamic style of teaching.
So Mackie, coincidentally, takes the exact same line as someone who is himself an ‘Islamist’ activist? Someone who worked for the extremist MCB….which produced it’s own ‘Trojan Horse’ document, quite openly, but under the guise of being ‘advice’ to schools in 2007:
The Muslim Council of Britain’s new guidelines for schools can help pupils to feel fully and equally valued.
And look who wrote it….Tahir Alam…one of the alleged ‘Islamist’ governors at Park View School….and an MCB member…..’one of the alleged plotters, Tahir Alam – a former chair of the education committee of the Muslim Council of Britain – told the Guardian on Friday evening that the letter was “a malicious fabrication and completely untrue”.’
Mackie is playing the usual BBC game of downplaying the facts in the interests of that good old ‘community cohesion’….claiming dire social consequences if the truth came out:
The latest DfE statement on the issue uses words like “Islamist” and “extremist”.
There is a danger such language could inflame sentiment within a population which already feels isolated and victimised….and put upon.
The authorities in Birmingham have prided themselves on working successfully and closely with the Muslim community, and fear that if there is a heavy-handed intervention from London it might have a detrimental effect.
The refusal to use the word ‘extremist’ is a bit of a U-turn for the BBC, and in fact, by coincidence, is in the same vein as the comments made by Giles Fraser recently when he demanded an absolute commitment to your religion if you are a real believer…..no such thing as a moderate, or extremist Islam, there is just Islam, just Christianity indeed….before such people were called fundamentalists or extremists…now Mackie merely calls them ‘Muslims with strongly held beliefs’.
What Mackie is saying is that these aren’t extremists but merely people who want to live their lives using the fundamental teachings of their religion as a guide.
So how to describe the true followers of a strict Islam if no longer extremist? And what does that make the ‘Muslims’ who were previously classified as ‘moderate’ because they didn’t follow the religious laws to the letter? Are they no longer Muslim? ‘Muslim Lite’ maybe.
Mackie has a history as someone who will massage the message in favour of an ethnic minority:
Mackie tweeted this:
The Romanian Foreign Ministry has told me some of the language being used in the UK about its citizens is “close to being racist”
— Phil Mackie (@philmackie) December 31, 2013
and retweeted this:
Migration: politics of fear – ‘dangerous to play with popular emotions on a matter of important national policy’ http://t.co/HdBYI5BiCQ
— Oana Romocea (@OanaRomocea) December 31, 2013
Perhaps you can get a taste for his views on people who are making these claims about the ‘Trojan Horse plot’ from this:

Below is a short run down of some of the Islamic demands made on schools by the MCB in 2007…essentially that no Muslim should be asked to do anything that he or she doesn’t consider Islamic….they shouldn’t have to compromise their beliefs…..all the very same demands that are being complained of now as imposed by the ‘Trojan Horse’ plotters…‘the school is corrupting their children with sex education, teaching about homosexuals, making their children pray Christian prayers and mixed swimming and sports’ :
Schools are asked to respect these views and principles, which are held sincerely on the grounds of conscience, and to honour parents’ wishes by not placing pupils in situations of religious and moral compromise.
Whilst Muslims have no wish to constrain the freedom of others, they would urge schools to organise and manage physical education so that pupils can choose other acceptable forms of activity, for example, athletics, games, gymnastics, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming within the curriculum.
It is also important, in schools where there are no Muslims, for all pupils to learn about Islam.
It is not permissible for Muslims to actively participate in non-Islamic acts of worship.
Girls should be covered except for their hands and faces, a concept known as ‘hijab’.
The most suitable sportswear for boys and girls that respects the requirements of Islamic
modesty is a tracksuit and in addition for girls a headscarf tied in a safe and secure manner.
Any decision by Muslim pupils to manifest their religion by growing a beard should be respected by their school.
School makes arrangements for their Muslim pupils who wish to perform daily prayers in school.
School allocates a regular place for the daily prayers that fall within school time.
School ensures washing facilities are available, preferably in close proximity to the prayer area.
School builds or adapts a washing facility in the toilet areas where pupils can conveniently make ablution which includes washing of the feet.
Schools can recognise and celebrate the Eid festivals by highlighting the importance of the
message of Eid through collective worship and assemblies. Schools may want to share sweets amongst all children to mark this event. In addition, schools may make the normal school meals a special Eid meal for all the children
Some sports involve physical contact with other team players, for example basketball and football. Most Muslim parents would find it objectionable for boys and girls to play such sports in mixedgender groups. Schools can respond positively to this concern by making sure that contact sports are always in single-gender groups.
Given the choice between mixed or single-sex swimming, Muslim parents would always opt for a wholly single-sex environment for swimming.
Dance is one of the activity areas of the national curriculum for physical education. Muslims
consider that most dance activities, as practised in the curriculum, are not consistent with
the Islamic requirements for modesty as they may involve sexual connotations and messages
when performed within mixed-gender groups or if performed in front of mixed audiences.
Sex and relationship education (SRE) is taught in single-sex groups, by a teacher of the same gender.
The use of sexually explicit videos, pictures and objects are avoided as aids for the teaching of SRE.
School takes account of Muslim sensitivities and sensibilities with respect to sexual morality and includes Islamic moral perspectives when teaching SRE to Muslim pupils.
Schools should consider giving Muslim pupils the opportunity to study Arabic and/or
other languages relevant to their family background.