Hugely disappointed…been watching the BBC’s ‘Australia With Simon Reeves’ and it had been something different from the normal offerings we get which follow the usual beaten path showing us all the same old touristy sights and sounds.
Reeves put in some effort and dug up some of the more interesting corners of Australia….but then the BBC flipped the switch and we got a BBC ‘Stepford wife’…obedient and mindless, repeating the BBC mantra, the party line….on the subjects of Race and Climate Change.
The BBC is up to its old tricks of ambushing us with its propaganda inserted into ‘normal’ programming…you wouldn’t mind half as much…but it is pure misinformation, factually wrong and highly misleading, and rather blatantly and jarringly levered into place to send us a ‘message’.
36 minutes in we came to issues of race…we were told that Australia was now probably less racist than America or Europe….not Japan, or China, or Nigeria or Pakistan or any non ‘white‘ country? No racism in any other country in the world?…just old whitey again….but despite that…’racial tensions still exist’.
Reeves heads off to Cronulla Beach where he joins up with a team of Muslim women who play Australian rules football.
He gushes along the lines of: ‘Look how fantastically willing they are to engage as Australians…to integrate into society.’
He then gets down to business…in 2005 there were riots at the beach between non-Muslims and Muslims….
Reeves doesn’t bother explaining what caused the riots we were just told that they were ‘race riots’ and the impression given was that it was Muslims who were the innocent victims.
His Muslim ‘witness’ said that the consequences of the riots were that they had reinforced the migrant theory that they didn’t belong in Australia and were not really wanted….totally ignoring all those other immigrants happily making a life for themselves in Australia…..around 6.5% of the population (of 23 million) are now Chinese and 6% are of Indian origin…with many more from the rest of Asia, Africa and the Middle East…as well as the UK of course and New Zealand.
Reeves then asked if she got much hassle for being Muslim and wearing a headscarf…she related a story of her being abused for ‘no reason at all’ at a petrol station…..but there was nothing to substantiate that claim at all.
Nor had there been any other voices to talk about ‘race’ in Australia…it was purely from one perspective…that of the Muslims.
What really happened in Cronulla? The truth puts a completely different spin on things….and it’s not hard to find…it’s all in this police report from the New South Wales Police.
The report shows that groups of ‘Middle Eastern’ men were frequently the cause of violent attacks previous to the riot….and there are plenty of other reports of Muslims assaulting and abusing residents of the area over several years…all of which built up a deep seated feeling of antipathy and resentment against them…which eventually spilled over in 2005.
Was the riot just an attack by ‘whites’ upon Muslims? These text messages intercepted by police show that both sides were looking for a fight:
The following are samples of the text messages that were being distributed:
[From the White side]
“Just a reminder that Cronulla’s 1st wog bashing day is still on this Sunday. Chinks bashing day is on the 27th and the Jews are booked in for early January”
Every fucking aussie. Go to Cronulla Beach Sunday for some Leb and wog bashing Aussie Pride ok”
[From the Muslim side]
“All lebo I wog brothers. Sunday midday. Must be at North Cronulla Park. These skippy aussies want war. Bring ur guns and knives and lets show them how we do it”
“0 fight each Aussie. Yulleh. Lets get hectic and turn gods country into wogs country. Habib will be cookin victory kebabs after. Tell all your cousins”
At the same time intelligence was being received by police from a variety of sources that Caucasian males were planning to converge on Cronulla Beach area on Sunday Ilth December. Also, intelligence was received that Middle Eastern males were going to the same area to engage in a riot.’
From the evidence it looks as if this was a case of Whites ‘defending’ themselves against the racism of ‘Muslims’….rather than the other way round… the very least it was both ‘sides’ equally to blame …it certainly wasn’t a one sided racist assault by white Australians on innocent immigrants that Reeves portrays it as.
Reeves rounds it all up with a pious bit of patronising preaching from the BBC multicultural bible:
‘Racism is an issue that Australia must deal with if the communities are going to be a harmonious society that makes the most of Australia’s position the edge of Asia….other people may see them [Muslims] as outsiders but they see themselves as Aussie to the core and my goodness what amazing young women they are!’
He then moves on to climate change and tells us that Australians are some of the most evil people on the planet…they are one of the worst offenders for polluting the atmosphere with CO2. Not China then or India?
Australia produces around 1.4% of the world’s emissions of CO2, China 23.5%, India around 6%, Iran 1.5%. Per capita Australia is worse but not by other measures…by land mass for example…Australia produces only 0.17% per Sq Km, China 2.6% per Sq Km….take your pick how you compare emissions and ‘guilt’.
Reeves tells us that Australia is a heavy user of energy, a massive user of electricity generated mostly by ‘dirty old coal’…he goes on to say they are among the worst emitters of carbon in the world, that they are among the most polluting people on the planet…charming…especially as he of course flew there, probably with a big BBC crew and is driving around in a large 4×4.
He says it is hard to know what the consequences will be…but will we heed the warnings?…he implies politicians are corrupted by the system…as democracy fails us because they only look to the short term to win votes by appealing to the ‘people’s’ baser instincts…greed and selfishness no doubt.
Reeves tells us we really need to think long term…and that of course entails putting a stop to all that CO2 ‘pollution‘…..Aunty knows best…just shut your eyes and do what you are told.
Funny the BBC’s version of ‘democracy’…it has nothing to do with what the ’people’ want…but what their ‘morally and intellectually superior’ elites, mostly those working in the Media, tell them they must have.
The BBC always sneers at ‘populism’…but isn’t that ‘democracy’?