The BBC is cunning. During the past week as it became clear that Chris Patten was destined to become next Chairman of the BBC Trust the BBC propaganda line has been to suggest he is some sort of far right capitalist loving Tory who might smash them! As Neil Hamilton puts it…
“THE BIGGEST joke of the week was the BBC cowering in terror at the prospect of Lord Patten as chairman. Patten, the most wringing-wet member of the Eighties Tory governments, was the apotheosis of anti-Thatcher, euro-fanatic, social-liberal political correctness. When he lost his seat to the Lib-Dems in 1992, Rightwing wags called it a Tory gain “Patten has spent his life as a political insider and bureaucrat, moving from one Establishment job to another.”
I might add that Patten’s endless vicious criticism of Israel, his pathetic pandering to the IRA, his obnoxious opposition to the war on terror – all this always plays directly into the BBC meme so it really IS farcical when the BBC pretends that a tough Conservative is now likely to challenge its “impartial values”. What really sickens me is that the likes of Jeremy Hunt is cheer-leading for this appointment. Patten is as much of a Conservative as John Bercow – namely one in name only.
Furthermore I heard Hunt on Marr bleating about how trusted the BBC is. Trusted to undermine everything decent and good about our country, trusted to attack beacons of democracy like Israel, trusted to elevate Islam, trusted to damn Israel. The BBC seeks to cloak itself in order to carry on the relentless bias and Patten is just another awfully convenient way to do this. I am at a loss to understand WHY the Conservatives play along with this sham.