Clare Balding mounts defence of BBC with some black propaganda…..or a distortion of the truth…or a lie if you like.
The photo below was presented to us by Balding as if it were a picture taken in secret by a paparazzi in the bushes and published without consent by a newspaper for dirty old men to ogle…..the truth is entirely different and puts another, completely different, perspective on the story.
The BBC are rattled, very rattled. They are being subjected to the sort of inquisition that they normally dish out to others whom they perceive to have committed some form of misdemeanour.
We have long been witness to the defensiveness of those working for the BBC when their integrity is brought into question….just how prickly does Humphrys get when challenged about BBC reporting…or Campbell or Derbyshire?
There is an unwillingness to accept that the BBC can do anything wrong or to challenge their own perceptions. Which BBC journalist has dared to investigate the Balen Report? Any journalist worth his salt would be digging away at that one….it has the potential to be absolute dynamite if it says what many think it might say.
Rather than fully accept that they maybe got things badly wrong they are lashing out and trying to divide up the ‘guilt’, pointing fingers at others, so as to lessen the BBC’s own part in this saga.
The latest ‘Have I got News For You’ sold its soul and became a mechanism to channel the BBC’s propaganda. Even the doughty Hislop toed the party line, taking the BBC shilling, and rather disengenuously defended the BBC by claiming no one was examining the NHS’s role or that of the Press……the BBC is hard done by and innocent of all wrong doing.
They claimed no one knew about any of Savile’s actions or those of other people….but again that’s not true….as senior staff were informed of ‘goings on’, just as with Liz Kershaw, and they decided to ignore them…..former BBC director David Nicolson told The Sun that a BBC boss had said “That’s the way it is” and “That’s Jimmy” after he reported that Savile was having sex with a young girl in his dressing room.
Hislop said that no one knew the allegations were true…since when has that stopped an investigation into ‘allegations’?…as a BBC journalist himself says…..
“In most newsrooms if you are not quite there [with a story] you would just keep going.”
Did the Press do anything?…..In 1971, according to the Sunday Times, the News of The World ran an expose of the ‘goings on’ off camera at ‘Top Of The Pops’ and the partying and procurement of girls…..nothing was done.
Such behaviour, not just Savile’s, seems to have been pretty endemic, but accepted or brushed under the carpet.
They knew but chose to ignore it.
The fact that similar behaviour by Savile was happening under the eyes of the NHS doesn’t let the BBC off the hook one little bit….and the NHS has come under considerable scrutiny from the rest of the media over this business and so the claim of the BBC being singled out does not stand up at all.
Clare Balding dug out a photo from the Daily Mail Online…from its sidebar…which she calls ‘its sidebar of shame’. However looking at it now the sidebar is entitled ‘Femail Today’…..stories about women for women.
Balding tried to assert that the Mail showing a 14 year old girl in a bikini was somehow tantamount to procuring young girls for the likes of Savile……the reality is that the only readers of that part of the Mail Online is likely to be women…..I’ve read the Online Mail hundreds of times and never once bothered to click on anything on ‘the sidebar of shame’… the photo was for women’s eyes only.
What Balding doesn’t reveal is that the photos were on the girl’s Twitter page….on which she has two million followers….and the fact that she is one of the stars of the US show about the Kardashian family.
The choice of photo is also questionable….the BBC chose a shot that looked as if it had been snapped in secret with a hidden camera…..rather than taken as it was by a family member or friend. The reaction from Merton et al said it all….shock….because they weren’t told the full story of course.
The BBC could have chosen these shots of kylie’s sister, Kendall, from two years ago….taken when she was 14 by a professional photographer as she launched her modelling career….but that wouldn’t have looked half as seedy as the one BBC picked to present the Daily Mail in a damning way…so they chose a very particular photograph in a particular style and presented it with a particular spin.
Balding tries to claim the moral high ground by saying the Mail is peddling stories that are only interested in what women look like….is this from a BBC that mainly employs young, good looking women to front its programmes? Balding is a sports reporter….so exceptions can be made.
The girl in the photo shown by Balding is Kylie Jenner who has a column in 17 magazines giving her (and her sister’s) expertise on ‘fashion, beauty and style’….are those columns all ‘columns of shame’?
I think Balding needs to recognise that there is a big difference between the Mail publishing shots of your cellulite and wobbly bits and the BBC ignoring sex abuse going on on its premises by its employees.
That is an example of the BBC counter attack….using its own programmes to launch a bitter attack on a paper it disdains anyway. The Daily Mail is the bete noire of BBC presenters who all pretend not to read it but undoubtedly do so avidly underneath copies of the Guardian. That photograph did not appear from nowhere….the BBC had to dig around to find that…..and clearly did so with a purpose…..and that is to try and paint others in such a bad light that the BBC comes off better….nowt but BBC black propaganda at work.
However under the slightest scrutiny Balding’s story comes flying apart and it can be seen to be a mess of half truths and deliberate smears that sounded good on the night but turn out to be pretentious, pious, posturing rubbish….however mud sticks and the BBC knows that and are quite happy to have put the boot into the Mail whether the attack was merited or not.
To round off this sad little episode of HIGNFY Merton dragged in Thatcher….Savile spent a Christmas at Chequers with her….or ‘always spent Christmas at Chequers’ as Merton put it. Apparently that might be the answer as to why Savile got away with it for so long. If you were thinking maybe it was the BBC hiding anything sordid that might damage its reputation you’d be barking entirely up the wrong tree!
So then, that’s it, the answer…..Thatcher is to blame for Savile’s long career of abusing young girls and getting away with it.
So that’s three boxes ticked….Defend the BBC, blame Thatcher for the ills of the world, and launch a clearly well planned assault on the Daily Mail.
Comic Gold.