A Biased BBC reader notes… “Check out the five top stories on the BBC website as of right now (screen grab attached). Each one belittling, mocking and dismissing Trump.  You may as well be reading Clinton’s own website it is so skewed and biased. “Independent BBBC journalism” at its very worst”

Child’s play

    The BBC continues to be more an advocate for immigration than a reporter of fact as well as hiding uncomfortable truths. It’s reporting of the conviction of 8 Asian men managed to miss out the vital revelation that they were violent racists [Funny how the BBC doesn’t want to report serious hate crimes by ethnic minorities…and yet crucifies Louis Smith for a prank]…..as the Mail reveals… ‘All white … Continue reading

Fantasy Brexit

  Caught the ever smugger Nick Robinson talking about fantasy football’s Football Manager which plunges into the politics of Brexit as it presents players with different scenarios for Brexit in which to exercise their judgement when buying players from around the world. Robinson told us ‘You heard it here first’…well no, the BBC is well behind the curve…it has been all over the internet for a while now. Have to … Continue reading

Gotta love it

    Nothing to do with BBC bias…you’ve just got to love it….   Trick and field: Imposters wearing PLASTIC medals and claiming to be gold-winning fencers blag their way onto the Team GB victory parade bus and get interviewed on live TV        Upside-down fiver put on eBay by a prankster is now going for more than £60,000     

Nasty BBC

  BBC journalist is suspended after calling the Tories ‘new Nazis’ in a Brexit Facebook rant and branding them ‘racist and xenophobic’ A BBC news presenter has been suspended for allegedly calling the Tory government ‘the new Nazis’ in an online social media rant. BBC Look North’s Danny Carpenter reportedly accused the government of being ‘cynical, vicious, racist and xenophobic’ in a Facebook rant and has now been suspended by … Continue reading


  First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for … Continue reading

Mark This

I think you’ve really got to be careful about stereotyping Trump supporters in the same way I think in the UK, some commentators were guilty of stereotyping Brexit supporters as angry white working class racists   Mark Thompson may have fled to the US but he’s still making waves here as Guido notes: Listen to former director-general Mark Thompson, in a Media Masters interview last week he said: “journalists as a group … Continue reading

Sheepe in Woolfe’s clothing

  Steven Woolfe has apparently gone off bleating about a ‘rotten UKIP’ according to the BBC and the BBC is delighted enough to plaster it over its frontpage as the top story….really?  Not sure why the BBC thinks this merits top news status… MEP Steven Woolfe quits ‘rotten’ UKIP How the BBC must have loved writing that.  Curious Woolfe thinks UKIP so rotten when just a very short while ago … Continue reading

Smoking Gun?

  Odd the BBC’s logic…Boris writes up a puff  ‘pro’ the EU to clarify his thoughts but decides that Brexit is the best course for Britain.  The BBC has decided that Boris’ pro-EU scribblings are the only considerations that should be counted and as such this proves Boris is really a Remainer and that Brexit is therefore a hopeless hoax. Logic of that?  If Boris had decided to nail his … Continue reading