Paxman Gagged

    Jeremy Paxman had some negative things to say about the EU in an article in the Radio Times…he has been forced to withdraw it in light of the BBC’s determination to remain absolutely neutral in the EU referendum debate, no, really. Never mind that Nick Robinson recruited Churchill for the Remain campaign and was allowed to falsely claim that Churchill was the father of the EU or that … Continue reading

Open Thread

  Sadiq Khan is ‘Looking forward to being a mayor of the great city of London’….His priority he says, as that Muslim Mayor of London, will be to take on the Islamist extremists.  He staged his coronation in the Christian Southwark Cathedral….the BBC interpets that as a show of unity and tolerance…you could also interpret it as a display of Muslim dominance … ala Hagia Sofia or Temple Mount. The … Continue reading

Trumpy McTrumpface

  Trumpy McTrumpface…The man who gets so many of the public’s votes and yet the Establishment won’t let him win…they hope.  The BBC certainly does its level best to undermine him in the eyes of whom-ever reads or watches their schmutter. On Wednesday we had Peter Allen leading the anti-Trump mocking and jeering, lots of laughter and eye-rolling all round at the mention of his name.  Just odd how Trump … Continue reading


      The BBC and the Guardian et al have rather short memories.  They have smeared Zac Goldsmith as having run a racist campaign, never mind that his complaint was addressing Khan’s association with extremists, nowt to do with ‘race’, and yet as soon as Khan is elected the first thing the BBC tells us that is noteworthy about Khan’s new found elevation is that… Mr Khan is the … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Manchester. On the panel: Conservative grandee Nigel Lawson, Daily Mail political editor Isabel Oakeshott, chief executive of Ryanair Michael O’Leary, left-wing extremist, Labour eco-loon Lisa Nandy MP (but an MP for a constituency quite near to the QT venue, for once) and poet and writer Benjamin Zephaniah.

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.

Khant, Native informers and Uncle Toms

  It’s amazing, or not…..Labour’s mayoral candidate for London, Sadiq Khan, has called Muslims who don’t agree with conservative or extremist Muslim views ‘Uncle Toms’….and the BBC has ignored this massive ‘racist’ insult that Khan seems to think that ‘moderate Muslims’ are more like hated native informers than anything else….though the BBC does spend a good deal of time not only defending Khan but also his less than moderate sidekick…Suliman … Continue reading

Old McDonnell had no qualms

    John McDonnell having a nice chat with now infamously immoderate Suliman Ghani…boasting how he, McDonnell, set up mosques and a campaign to boycott Israeli goods…..amused to hear from him that local Muslim councillors represent everybody.  LOL…via Guido…..Suspended Labour councillor Shah Hussain has been on the Daily Politics to defend comparing a Jewish footballer to Hitler. Apparently he is the victim of a “witch-hunt”: “I’m a Muslim councillor and therefore … Continue reading

Anti-Semitism in the age of Corbynism

  The BBC seems determined to play down the role Corbyn has in the entry of people with extreme views into positions of power in the Labour Party and his lack of enthusiasm for tackling the anti-Semites. The BBC has finally caught up with events as Labour suspends various members, all Muslim, for their views about Israel but although finally printing the story it gives excuse upon excuse for Corbyn. … Continue reading