Labour’s anti-Semitism problem….Not a problem for the BBC

    The BBC seems entirely unconcerned, and indeed seems to want to hide, Labour’s problems with anti-Semitism and other extremist beliefs. Last week the BBC ignored a very high profile comment from Cameron on PMQs denouncing Labour for allowing Gerry Downing back into the Party but this week as the storm builds they have had to report a similar instance of someone with very dubious views being, not only … Continue reading

Ungrateful B*******s

  Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt, living up to his name perhaps, says in the comments that…. ‘I don’t rely on Alan to think for me, nor speak for me’ Uhhh…OK…I’ll fold my tent and bugger off to the desert to read the Koran and play with my harem before coming back to separate DDDD from his head….or…..or I could just write a long whinge to the Guardian about how unloved I am and … Continue reading

Holy Mo-Lee…I was funny once.

    The BBC, in its search for edgy, new and original comedians, has turned up someone called Stewart Lee, presumably someone also thought he was a bit ethnic with a name like Lee and booked him having seen him perform….. Only joking…he is of course tried and trusted by the Liberal intelligentsia to be a reliable purveyor of right-on comedy to the Guardianista in-crowd since the 90’s… he is … Continue reading

Thump Trump

  Listening to the BBC’s report this morning on the left wing thugs who disrupted a Trump rally you were led to believe that this was the fault of Trump’s supporters who were ‘angry’ and somehow it was they who caused the violence…and of course, paradoxically, it is Trump’s ‘racist and violent’ rhetoric, his use of ‘hate speech’ and fostering divison, and that incites a reciprocal response from the opposition.  … Continue reading

The EU referendum is an irrelevance……says BCC

  Did you hear Dr Adam Marshall, acting director-general of the BCC, on Wake up to money (34 mins) on Friday?  Interesting what he had to say.  He told us that what really concerned his members was the poor state of the global economy, what’s happening in the emerging economies, China, Russia, Brazil, the oil price, inflation and turmoil in financial markets, all of which ‘weigh the heaviest’ on their … Continue reading

Quizzing Quislings

  We’ve already looked at the BBC’s decision to put on a huge EU referendum debate just two days before the actual vote, concluding that it was likely that the BBC believed that such a circus would benefit the pro-EU campaign persuading, nudging, the ‘don’t knows’ into voting ‘stay’. David Dimbleby front’s the BBC’s EU coverage and will lead a debate to be held at Wembley Arena just two days … Continue reading


It’s quite amazing to read the starry-eyed treatment the BBC affords the latest claims from Chairman Mao fan John McDonnell. Labour insisted that the new rule was not a commitment to spend more money than the present government. Chancellor George Osborne has put in place rules saying that the government will create an overall budget surplus “in normal times”. Labour voted against the rule in Parliament, and Mr McDonnell said any future … Continue reading


An eagle eyed reader sent me this! “Less than 12 hours after first publishing what I would think is a pretty major story, it has now been burried on the bbc news site: ECB stimulus surprise sends stock markets sliding The telgraph are leading with it in their business section: and the Times: The BBC will bury any story that shows the EU as anything less than an … Continue reading