Start the Week 20th February 2023
Over to you
Over to you
During the week the Director General of the BBC expressed surprise that so many people still buy a TV licence …. Nuff said
Over to you -Happy Sturgeon Day
Apparently there is dismay at the BBC about the appointment of the Chairman . The Chairman was , apparently , involved in financial dealings with Prime Minister Boris Johnson prior to appointment . There is no suggestion of corruption of course – and no rules were broken . But politicians make the rules …anything undermining the Far Left BBC is good for us eh?
BBC on a war footing – ready to launch waves of biased reporting in Ukraine following the adoration of their President . Victory is certain . Meanwhile the British Army monitors the citizenry searching for the ‘unapproved ‘ .
Let’s hear it for Lucy Fraser . Lucy is the new ‘culture secretary ‘ – the last one lasted about 4 months . Good for your pension Lucy – let’s be sure you’ll be a good / bad as previous ‘culture secretaries ‘ …. It may be a sign that the current socialist government doesn’t care too much about stuff like the BBC or OFCOM or the end of free … Continue reading
Over to you
A good week for those hoping for an unbiased BBC one day – Far Left TV news presenters being effectively fired – numbers listening to BBC radio falling across the board . Gradually we will win .
Although the comrades are striking on Wednesday there appears no solidarity in the Far Left BBC. It will be desperate to create more gloom with one long day of Left Wing propaganda comrades .
Heaven for the Far Left BBC – a fired Conservative Chairman and minister . Inquiries into that ‘Tory’ minister and this ‘Tory ‘ minister . Spoilt for choice . And still no sign of the need for the BBC to br shown to be fair and neutral .