Lies, Damn Lies and Media Truth

  At least one media organisation checks those ‘explosive’ facts…….Channel 4’s ‘FactCheck’ : It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau. And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is … Continue reading

The BBC Responsible For Murders In Charleston…Says BBC     A man writes in a blog asking why the media ignores the race of those who kill white people but always mention the race of the killer if the killer is white and the victim black. The BBC thinks this man and his questions about the Media’s ‘disparity of response’ may be responsible for the killings in Charleston….. Disturbing message Was Charleston shooting suspect … Continue reading

Funny Money

    Funny thing…pre-election millionaire revolutionary, Russell Brand, was constantly on the BBC giving us the benefit of his wisdom.  He was the voice of the people who’d all lost trust in politicians (and you know, the political system that meant no one party would ever take a majority again), then he was the man who interviewed Ed Miliband, and then the man who dumped the Revolution and said vote … Continue reading

Creative Lies

  Lord Hall’s main defence of the BBC is that it is the central prop for the creative industries in the UK and without the BBC they would wither and die. You might object to the idea that the BBC has such a dominant role in the media and its programming and that Hall thinks this should be maintained, and you would not be alone in objecting….ITV is objecting strongly … Continue reading

In DeniHall

  Andrew Marr introduced his show with the words that ‘The BBC’s enemies are circling’, a narrative that David Dimbleby also used….that anyone who criticises the BBC or believes it is need of reform is an ‘enemy’… “The BBC has enemies, it has powerful enemies. It has powerful enemies in the press and powerful enemies in Westminster. Some for ideological reasons, some for straight commercial reasons.” Demonising anyone who raises … Continue reading

Stewart Lee…Comic?

  Top Gear seems to hit a raw nerve in the Guardianista Bunker…apparently it is a toxic orifice… a vast, gaping inter-dimensional sphincter, the size of a gothic cathedral rose window, has throbbed and dilated silently at the heart of the BBC buildings on Upper Regent Street, belching fossil fumes and foul thoughts from a dark realm of negative space.  Personally I think Stewart Lee    is the biggest arse … Continue reading

Love Me, Love MY Dog II

  The little private chat some Muslim activists had with James Harding worked a treat….the BBC is now filling the airwaves with pro-Muslim propaganda aimed at making us non-believers realise what lovely chaps Muslims really are and what a beautiful religion Islam is. Love my comedy, love Islam.  Die laughing….a joke….a joke!!! What!!!! British Muslim Comedy Five comedy shorts, written and starring British Muslim comedians, exploring the highs and lows … Continue reading

Love Me, Love My Dog

  Nick Robinson, a somewhat unreliable witness during the election, has tried to smear David Cameron with a claim that Cameron had ‘threatened to close down the BBC’. Robinson tries to escape the charge that he is engaging in some black propaganda on behalf of the BBC in the run up to its charter negotiations by saying that it was hard to know if the comments, which colleagues who were … Continue reading