Weekend Thread 25 April 2020
Over to you …and Remember Anzac Day
Over to you …and Remember Anzac Day
It’s a month to the day that Boris Johnson made his TV appearance announcing the ‘ lockdown ‘ and that ‘ people will die ‘ . Seems a long time ago . Since then the Biased BBC has been unrelenting in broadcasting bad news and criticism of the Government . We can but dread what effect this has had on the mental health of the UK . Today is a … Continue reading
Parliament returns Tuesday . The Biased BBC will be ready to criticise the PM for either not returning – or returning before he is ready . The continuing lack of support for any government effort is constant across the days . Maybe a few more people are noticing …..
So how is the Far Left Biased BBC going to report the second 3 week closure of the UK – courtesy of the People’s Republic of China ? Will worship of the NHS and condemnation of the government intensify ? Or will it find another bone to chew ?
Surveys of public opinion concerning the performance of the Main Stream Media – including the Biased BBC – are showing great levels of dissatisfaction with the way it is reporting the Chinese Virus . Let’s hope there is a reckoning afterward .
Over to you .
Happy Easter
Over to you .
This site is about the Bias of the BBC …..
Far Left Biased BBC ‘education’ begins on 20th April 2020. Readers will only dream of the propaganda opportunities for the Broadcaster to indoctrinate kids with its preferred view .