Start the Week Open Thread 20 May 2019
Over to you
Over to you
spoiler alert – the BBC and the rest of the biased media will do all it can to disrupt democracy by attacking Brexit supporters in the run up to the EU elections …
A week to the EU elections . Tommy Robinson is facing a political show Trial and the failing BBC is rolling out anti British bias as never before- despite having to obey election laws.
The Far Left Failing Biased Remainer BBC is gearing up to be the official opposition to the Brexit Party . Ofcom will look away from the breaches of Election Law the BBC will be committing . Drain the Swamp .
All Yours …
…when a guest gets enthusiastic about the rallies for the Brexit Party. That’s at 0:40 minutes in on this clip on Politics Live, uploaded to YouTube by the eminent True Brit. That made me curious about the lone voice of sanity on the panel. He is Tom Harwood, award-winning journalist and commentator, who writes for Guido Fawkes. Then I checked his opposition out: *Sam Gyimah, Conservative MP and a Remainer. … Continue reading
Just over two weeks to the EU MEP elections . The failing Far Left Remainer BBC will kick Project Fear into top gear again with the usual dirt and anti Brexit bias . Maybe they’ll get cause breaking election law – can but hope… REMEMBERING V.E. DAY TODAY ….
We could witness The Sell Out this week or a General Election date or can kicking again . But even after the Local Elections there has been no change in bias from the Far Left Remainer Failing BBC. The life of a prospective MEP has been threatened . The police are involved . Let’s hope the Main Stream Media supports anyone using the legal democratic process to carry forward their … Continue reading
Will Labour and the Tories stitch up the British people again – aided by the BBC with a sell out to avoid EU election humiliation ? Nearly 1500 labour and Tory councillors have just lost their nice seats . Thousands of voting papers have been spoilt . What next ?
Post created by Up2snuff Had Theresa May had the nerve, the honesty, the decency to accept her Withdrawal Agreement was no good and had gone for a No Deal Brexit on 29 March, she would possibly by now be a hero instead of a villain. In addition, her Chancellor Philip Hammond would have probably been in a position to introduce some groundbreaking tax reforms at the Party Conference in September … Continue reading