Radio Solent: serving all sections of the community

BBC Radio Solent (no relation whatsoever!) reports that four animal rights activists have been convicted of blackmail, criminal damage, extortion, bomb threats…

So what is Radio Solent’s response to this?

To give the microphone to a spokeswoman for the criminal group responsible so that she could justify their actions, of course. Listen here; it’s 1 hour 57 minutes in.

Hat tip: Chuffer.



Well, as we approach year end, I thought it might be fun to review 2008 in terms of the worst example of BBC bias that springs to mind! I was looking back over events and I suppose the BBC’s utterly disgraceful one-sided coverage of the US Presidential election campaign stands out – with Justin Webb in particular provoking widespread criticism from this site and its readership. (He has, predictably, been promoted by the BBC as a result of his bias) Then again, we had the “Save Gordon” campaign with the BBC choosing to present our lamentable freak of a Prime Minister as if he were the saviour of the Universe. Funniest moment for me was Gordon confirming in the Commons that he had saved the world! Along the way there has been so much unbalanced left-wing bias from the BBC that it is a veritable target rich environment. So what stands out for YOU, dear reader?


I don’t normally get to hear the main “Today” political interview as I normally otherwise engaged by 8am but this morning I did catch it and what a gem it was. Essentially, it was a ten minute sneer from John Humphyrs. US Ambassador Bob Tuttle was in the studio and the subject was the Bush legacy so you can imagine the vitriol dripping from Humphyrs mouth. To be honest I thought the Ambassador showed remarkable restraint given the relentless provocation from John Humphrys. Every lurid left wing imagination over the past eight years was trotted out to damn the outgoing President. It was a useful insight into how the BBC thinks – and very unpleasant at that! Did you hear it?


I am sure you will have been following the media spat between Metropolitan Assistant Commissioner Bob Quick and the Conservative Party. Quick accuses the Conservatives and their running dogs in the press of running a “corrupt” campaign against him as he uses valuable policing resource to investigate that well known threat to national security Damian Green. He has subsequently withdrawn his use of the word “corrupt” from his tirade but I am sure you all get the general idea. Naturally, the BBC delights in reporting this and presents the entire issue as if it were merely between the bad Conservatives and hard-working Quick. It’s not. The broader issues here include why does Quick believe that investigating Damian Green is a greater policing priority than investigating Islamic terrorism? Is it appropriate for senior Policeman to make overt political attacks? After all, Quick was very quick when it came to offering support to the claims of Jacqui Smith over her 42 day detention bill earlier this year. With such an allegedly clear political bias in favour of the Labour government how can any conservative-inclined citizen feel confidence in the work of the Metropolitan Counter-terrorism Police? These are all questions the BBC has no interest in pursuing since the main point here is to paint the Conservatives as the enemies of effective policing.


Intrigued to listen to an interview on the BBC this morning that pointed out that tyrant Mugabe was cut off from “his feelings” because of a “rough childhood”. I was touched. South African journalist Heidi Holland then went on to equate Mugabe’s belligerent intransigence with the current US position on his failure to share power as explanation as to why there can be no progress here. So, even in Zimbabwe, the US is to blame, eh?

General BBC-related comment thread!

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


It appears that a different set of economic laws prevail in Scotland, if one studies this BBC report. On the one hand it is suggested that Mr Broon’s (utterly pathetic and entirely inadequate) VAT temporary reduction will save some thousands of jobs, but on the other it is argued that if the UK exchequer had just handed over a mere £1bn to Mr Salmond and his SNP pals, this would have “created or saved” (nice weasel words there, btw) double this number of jobs. At every point the working assumption is that Scotland is special and needs more money. Why? I suppose the BBC loves the fact that Scotland has a public sector that provides more than 51% of Scottish GDP and so anything that further builds this dependency will always get a sympathetic hearing.


I’m sure B-BBC readers will have been aware of the fact that twenty years ago this day, Pan Am Flight 103 was blown apart at 35,000 ft over the little Scottish town of Lockerbie. I read this BBC article on it but despite having checked it twice, there appears to be a missing word. It begins with “T”…wonder can you help me find it? Twenty years later, the verminous BBC refuse to call this event for what it was.


The United Kingdom’s small to medium sized businesses (SME’S) are the backbone of our economy. They generate almost 50% of our GDP, and employ millions of people in genuinely wealth-creating jobs (Unlike the State sector, for instance). Yet I picked up this casual report on the Beeb that says more and more of these businesses are planning to take an extra break over Christmas purely to try and save money. The benign report finishes by reassuring us that government “has announced new measures to help small firms in the pre-Budget report, including the ability to spread tax bills, and increased access to loans.” Yes, but the government has also delighted in tangling small business up in endless Brownian-generated expensive bureaucracy; the government has systematically raised taxation on small business; the government has imposed expensive liabilities on small business via its ludicrous “equality” agenda. I’d like the BBC to report the ENTIRE picture as to what Mr Broon has done to our SME’s, not this sanitised version.


I was interested in this BBC report hailing The One’s advice to the bailed out US car-maker’s not to “squander this chance to reform bad management practices”. Well, I fully agree that bad management practises SHOULD indeed be reformed, but how about not squandering this chance to reform extortionate and unaffordable trade union practises, as in those that lie so close to the heart of the UAW and which has made such a devastatingg contribution to the Detroit car manufacturing industry? Why is that Justin Webb sees no reason to ponder on the one-sided nature of the statement made by Obama? Is this the start of what we will now experience for years to come – with the BBC just pliantly going along with the Obama PR machine, just as it has been going along with the Labour PR machine for well over a decade here in the UK?