Just a reminder that we’ll be live blogging Question Time tomorrow night! There is a welcome in the valley signature to the panel with that most honest of politicians Peter Hain, political editor of the Sun George Pascoe-Watson, Conservative shadow secretary of state for Wales Cheryl Gillan, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Kirsty Williams, and leader of the Plaid Cymru group in Westminster Elfyn Llwyd. We’re all Welsh now – or at least we will be tomorrow night. I bet the audience will be barking as well so it’s one for the connoisseur of sheer awfulness. You are cordially invited!!

General BBC-related comment thread

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


The BBC reports that the EU seeks establish a new pan-Europe Institution to supervise all national institutions such as the City of London. Quelle surprise, another power grab from the overlords in Brussels. BBC correspondent and Billy Bunter look-a-like Mark Mardell thrills that ” supporters of the scheme would like to see national bodies like the UK’s Financial Services Authority made subordinate to the new institution and adds that Prime Minister Gordon Brown has relaxed his previous opposition to tighter regulation at a European level.” Mark seems to have overlooked the salient fact that such is the level of EU financial corruption that EU accounts have not been signed of for fourteen years in a row. Even the BANKS must be envious of that! When it comes to the reporting of EU matters, the BBC is so biased as to be beyond belief. Then again, I guess the fact that the EU helps fund the BBC may account for at least that aspect!



Anyone catch the gushing BBC coverage of the Obamessiah’s speech to Congress? It’s not reporting folks, it’s a fan-club. Justin swoons that “the war on terror is over” (Who won, Justin?) and the rest of the BBC fan base masquerading as journalists seem utterely incapable of dissecting the trangenerational debt policies unveiled as “investment.”



I watched a debate on BBC1 Morning news this morning concerning as to whether it was a good idea for children as young as four to be taught about gay relationships, lesbianism etc. Naturally the BBC had a few pretty militant gay lobbyists to press for this systemic desecration of childhood innocence and to provide balance there was one sensible lady from the Campaign for Real Education who simply asserted that it was entirely inappropriate to be teaching such issues to young kids. However the thing that struck me was the wild-eyed look that entered the presenters eyes when the lady who opposed the teaching of gay propaganda to pre-primary school children stated that, as a matter of fact, gay relationships were “not the norm”! My goodness but they look startled. She said the unspeakable – doubt she’ll be invited back on!


One of my fellow writers, Mike Cunningham, over on A Tangled Web has picked up on a piece by BBC Newnight by reporter/commentator/Hamas publicist Mark Urban. Urban complains about recent damage by Israeli rocket fire to war graves, including that of his great uncle, in in the British War Cemetery in Gaza. Mike addds “I wonder why he doesn’t also go to Hamas and demand some compensation from them. Compensation for having no doubt stationed their rocket, mortar and anti-aircraft gun crews in the same hallowed area, thus bringing down the wrath of Israel’s armed forces when they finally decided that enough was enough!

It’s Liberal Myth Time …

A key liberal myth, the “Myth of the Myth of the Golden Age” holds that crime wasn’t REALLY lower in the past, streets weren’t REALLY safer.”He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” The BBC is one of the main propagators of this myth.

And here’s Jonathan Freedland with today’s “Long View“, the programme which attempts to make history fit today’s liberal narrative, comparing youth crime in Liverpool now and in 1883, when a young lad was beaten to death in a street attack, or as the Beeb put it “a similar fight between gang members”, despite the fact that neither perpetrator or victim were identified as such. You see – kids were being killed then, too ! Nothing’s really changed ! Alas the programme doesn’t give the figures for, say, homicide in Liverpool 1880-1900 as against 1980-2000, a comparison which I’m sure would be instructive, although one of the contributors does point out that witnesses in Victorian times were generally happy to testify, rather than reluctant or unwilling.

The real giveway is in the description of the Michael Burns murder, which started with an arranged fight between two boys and ended with a young spectator being beaten and kicked to death. Burns is on the ground being attacked by a number of boys, when “two adults came upon the scene and the boys scattered“.

Can you imagine that happening today ? The adults would be more likely to scatter. Alas this went straight past Mr Freedland. None so blind as those that will not see.

Bono Nono

Blanket coverage for Bono

Unfortunately with the wrong kind of blanket.

Bono is very busy; hassling world leaders, campaigning, singing in an American accent.

“You may not know much about it, but I bet you RECKON something”

(David Mitchell)

Celebrity opinions are just like any other opinions, but more passionate.


Interested to hear John Humphrys assert this morning that Spring comes earlier each year “because of global warming.” I was wondering on what basis John feels entitled to state this, or was he just making it up as he went along. Give it a listen here, it’s at the very beginning.


Great to see Justin Webb back in good form after all the excitement of his campaigning for Obama to become President! This morning he was suggesting that even Republicans have come around to accepting the idea of the Government nationalising the banks. In fairness though, he added that Obama was having to be careful about how he phrased this since for some pesky reason Americans consider nationalisation as socialisation! It looks like American politicians all accept the importance of the State owning the Banks, certainly if you look through Justin’s left wing prism. Naturally reality is very different to this but Justin is here to help us all accept the growth of the State and he did not disappoint!