Truly awful programme on BBC1 this morning where investigative journalist Fern Britton visits Desmond Tutu. It is just plain hero worship with Fern declaring that he is one of the great men who changed the history of the last century. The BBC admires Jew-hating Tutu and this sickening programme allows just one point of view – Tutu worship.

Can you imagine how the BBC will handle the day when Mandela finally pops his clogs – I bet we will have solemn music and dark ties. I am no supporter of the wicked Apartheid system but those like Mandela and Tutu should not be portrayed as latter day saints simply because the political left and their media courtiers declare this to be the case.

"Of course it was climate change what done it."

The final part of a read-it-all post from Burning Our Money:

BOM correspondent NN suffered a seizure while watching a BBC news report on Wednesday about salt traders in Timbuktu. According to the report – a NEWS report note – said traders have apparently had to swap their transport camels for great big climate destroying trucks, because global warming has made the camels too tired and thirsty to do the work (well there is also the small matter of the always biddable truck being able to haul in one week what it takes the moody camels seven to achieve, but the real villain is definitely global warming). After a strong dose of smelling salts, NN emailed – “They sent a sodding reporter and camera crew and translator to sodding Timbuktu for this garbage. By camel? I would be willing to wager that they flew in a nice shiny aeroplane and then carted all their gear on one of the very same evil trucks that cause climate change. At least I hope so. The thought of BBC reporters earning 45 days of per diems while lugging their crap around on 1st century technology is truly alarming. What could have been a really good example of creative destruction and new technologies replacing old for the good of all involved becomes a truly loopy example of green non-thought. And spare a thought for the Tuareg salt-trader. Who wouldn’t rather spend 45 days in blistering heat and thirst with a load of wheezing camels than seven days in an air-conditioned truck listening to Timbuktu FM. Of course it was climate change what done it. Aaaaargh. I think I need to leave the country to escape the madness, – by horse.” We may join him.


A Biased BBC reader alerts us to this story. It concerns the sentencing of a Polish immigrant for the brutal murder of a young girl here in Northern Ireland. Scroll down the story and have a look at the image of the murdered girl.

“Their priority? To airbrush out of the tragic girl’s fingers the cigarette she was smoking when photographed. Is a non-smoker’s life more important than that of a smoker?”

UPDATE; Thanks to DB for making me aware that whilst this is an airbrushed image, the likelihood is that it was her family that did so. That said, when the BBC uses such airbrushed images from whatever source it seems reasonable that we challenge it.

Half the Picture

We are often mocked by our critics for drawing attention to bias by omission, but when it amounts to downplaying the implications for Israel of Iran’s nuclear programme, it’s a significant omission, indicative of a significant bias.

Just Journalism points out that while this topic is covered fairly extensively by the serious press, the BBC gives scarcely a mention to background essential for understanding why Israel might feel particularly threatened. Hat tip Deegee.

Two "gates" and a couple of degrees of separation

A few weeks BC (Before Climategate) there was another “gate” controversy which, I have to concede, generated slightly less interest among the Biased BBC readership. Well, you’ll all be pleased to read that F-Bombgate has just about reached its denouement:

The BBC investigation into the sabotage of an early morning 5 Live sports news bulletin with obscene material has concluded that chief suspect Ben Jacobs will not be offered any more freelance shifts. But the Beeb will be extremely careful with any statement for fear of legal action by Jacobs, who has kept silent since denying any involvement. He claims someone logged on to the BBC computer system in his name.

Now, bear with me here. Via Richard North at EUReferendum I see that Little Green Footballs blogger Charles Johnson (who has apparently re-reinvented himself as the sword of truth against the evil forces of the Right) blames us all for Climategate:

“The CRU theft was a criminal attempt to sabotage the Copenhagen climate summit, and the entire right wing blogosphere is complicit in the crime.”

Apart from his role as the sanctimonious conscience of the blogosphere, Johnson is also a jazz musician who, according to Wikipedia, has featured on a couple of albums by bassist Stanley Clarke. And with that as my tenuous link, here’s the moment once again (possibly for the last time, but I can’t promise) when a blooper reel of BBC racing correspondent Cornelius Lysaght was sneaked into a sports report by person or persons known or unknown:


The BBC is still giving massive prominence to those who, against all the evidence, dismiss Climategate as inconsequential. Have they not read this, which shows that the CRU records were based on the crudest of computer programmes? Meanwhile, as our economy collapses, the jerk Ed Miliband is conspiring to give away billions of our money in the Copenhagen Treaty, not just this year, but forever. Our leaders are about to commit to the largest blank cheque in history, as well as to send us back to the dark ages. What have we told about this by the BBC in all its hot air about AGW? Nothing.

Update: Steven Mitchell, the BBC’s deputy director of news, told Ray Snoddy on the BBC’s Newswatch programme this morning that the BBC has not made a collective decision about the science of ‘climate change’. Minutes later, Richard Black, his environment correspondent, said on the same programme that the way the BBC covered said ‘climate change’ was dictated by the BBC Trustees (he was referring here, I think, to the improbably named ‘From See-saw to Wagon Wheel’), which categorically ruled that the science that proved AGW was “overwhelming”. So put a different way, the man who dictates most aspects of the BBC’s news coverage has not got a clue how his correspondents operate.

Meanwhile, back on Newswatch, Richard Black continued to argue that black was white, by claiming that it is an “urban myth” that the BBC’s coverage of ‘climate’ change’ has been one-sided. If it wasn’t all so serious, you’d have to laugh. The killer fact to emerge (from a disgruntled viewer who was a studio guest) was that one week after the CRU scandal broke, the BBC website search engine found just four mentions of the word Climategate.

(Thanks to several Biased BBC readers for spotting the Newswatch exchange. You can see it here)

Harrabin: media wrong, science not settled!

Make sure you’re sitting down for this one.

BBC environment correspondent Roger Harrabin on Radio Five Live Breakfast this morning:

“There is a sort of misapprehension here that we in the media have probably helped to perpetuate: that the science of climate change, all the details, are settled. In fact there’s a lot of uncertainty about big areas of the science as to what will happen.”

A frank admission from an unexpected quarter. The fallout from Climategate continues.


You’ve got to laugh. Or cry. For two weeks, the internet has been smoking hot with thousands of reports about Climategate and its implications. EU Referendum has a very interesting post this morning showing that, according to an ingenious new method of measuring interest in a particular topic, the public are very interested, too.

What about the BBC? Well, of course, they have virtually ignored it, preferring to concentrate instead on putting their £750m news resources into reporting subjects they like, such as the embarrassment of Tiger Woods and whether we should withdraw from Afghanistan. It’s only when their revered UN weighs in with a promised inquiry – that will no doubt be as much of a whitewash and a charade as everything else the UN does – that the BBC deigns to elevate the matter to lead item. Written, of course, from the UN’s perspective.

Proving yet again, that where the UN leads, the BBC slavishly follows.

Update: the discussion at 8.10am on Today, featuring green fanatic Jonathan Porritt and – miracle of miracles – a “sceptic”, Philip Stott, was an indication of how far on the ropes the warmists are. Porritt admitted through gritted teeth that there was something to investigate in Climategate (though of course still maintaining that “most scientists” say there is a consensus), while Stott skifully painted the picture of why there are major doubts about the causation of warming, and that taxation of CO2 would not in any case solve the problem.

But, and there was a big but, John Humphrys still accepted far too easily that “glaciers melting” was a definite sign that catastrophe was upon us. Who briefs these people? Laughable.