Here’s some good news..”BBC faces hundreds of job losses”  Now it’s all very well for Jeremy Dear, leader of the NUJ, to whinge about HOW AWFUL it is but let’s face it, we’re all in this together.Thing is that a 20% reduction is not enough, it needs to closer to 100%. There is no way that the cash-stricken UK can afford the indulgence of the State Broadcaster on that multi billion annual fee it charges so alas it’s time for Auntie to visit Dignatas. I’m sure all that world-class impartial talent can find alternative employment without feeding off us.


Can’t wait for the BBC’s coverage of this story. He’s in the Tea Party  (ergo racist), he supports Sarah Palin (ergo racist and also hate inciter) and..oh yes, he’s BLACK. Mark Mardell, are you paying attention?

If you don’t attend Tea Party rallies or listen to political talk radio, the name Herman Cain may not register. Cain intends to rectify that. He’s planning to seek the GOP nomination, so he’s spreading his blustery, relentlessly upbeat right-wing social and economic message, which can be heard weeknights from 7 to 10 on WSB in Atlanta. Cain is so exuberantly confident of his message that he has upgraded its status: he bestows upon audiences not speeches or talking points but “The Hermanator Experience.” He’s even trademarked the phrase. Truth be told, what distinguishes Cain’s message is less its content—“From the standpoint of our conservative beliefs and values, Sarah Palin and I are probably identical,”

Listen, can you hear that sound? Yes, it is the sound of BBC prejudices popping as their bias is challenged …


Anyone catch Ed Miliband being “interviewed” by Andrew Marr this morning? Talk about sycophantic indulgence! Red Ed was allowed to rewrite political and financial history and then lecture the Coalition on effective economic policy. Marr seemed unwilling to pursue ANY angle that would give Miliband discomfort and the body language between the two was fascinating, with Marr as the all to obvious supplicant. From what I saw, Marr was basically doing everything possible to portray Miliband as the next PM which I suppose is the prevailing BBC ideology.


Well, the excruciatingly awful Nicky Campbell “The Big Question” is back. Here are two of the topics chosen today; “Will bankers got to heaven?” and “Is Islam a better guide for life?” Need I say more? BBC in full on anti-Capitalism and anti-Christian mode for a Sunday morning! What would the chances be of the following “big questions” being asked.”Will Trade Unionists go to heaven” and “Is Christianity a better guide for life”?

All in the Mind

Looking again at Justin Webb’s recent remark that US broadcasters see British rules about impartiality as an attack on freedom of speech, I did wonder whether he sees it that way too. I also wondered what he thinks impartiality actually is. Maybe he sees it as not being free to lay his own political views on the table during political interviews. Maybe instead of playing devil’s advocate, he longs to just play devil. But he’s not allowed to, so he dutifully does his job as best he can.
However, as we know, when we criticise the BBC, reining in their personal opinions a little bit is not what we mean by impartiality. We detect it in tone of voice, ‘interruption quotient’, imbalance of subject matter, selectivity of interviewee and expert witness, and much much more. One of its most slippery manifestations, though, is bias by omission, and this shows up particularly in material that has anything to do with Islam.
The fear of “stirring something up” is palpable. The most recent example is the ‘Asian grooming’ issue, which can’t be discussed freely for fear of inciting the BNP, or causing a backlash, or worse, major civil disobedience.
I often link to Elder of Ziyon’s website, which is an invaluable source of information for anybody with an interest in Israel and the Middle East. It tracks the astonishing political shenanigans that take place in the Arab World as well as Israel-related goings-on.
If only the BBC were to tell us of some of the vitally important things they studiously ignore, I could probably hang up my keyboard, and we could live happily ever after. Or maybe not.
There is considerable evidence that most Arabs and their leaders are far from the earnest seekers of peace the BBC would have us believe they are. Their mindset is light years away from ours. We considers duplicity to be a character flaw. In stark contrast, many Arab leaders seem to relish getting away with trickery and deceit. With considerable ingenuity they tailor the speech to suit the audience, proudly providing each party with what it wants to hear, inciting hatred and whipping up self pity and smouldering resentment in front of their Islamic audience.
Mahmoud Abbas for example, our so-called partner for peace, has been telling the West that he wants peace with Israel, while addressing the wider Arab world in Arabic, in speeches calling for their help in eliminating Israel.

Even those who view the situation exclusively through BBC’s Palestinian-promoting news-filtering mechanism must view the assumption that peace will automatically follow on from the establishment of a separate Palestinian state with some suspicion. All the violence, terrorism and religious extremism that blights the Islamic world isn’t enough to convince the Western world that the I/P conflict is neither a regional dispute over land, nor a flashpoint that justifies the whole Muslim world’s discontent. We should see Israel as the West’s canary. Its vulnerability symbolises our own, and its potential annihilation would presage our own. Islam is causing trouble everywhere. Pakistan, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey, everywhere.

In Lebanon Jeremy Bowen is too preoccupied with his vineyard story to notice that Hizbollah cannot accept that the UN might hold it responsible for the assassination of the former Lebanese prime minister. A minor detail – they were responsible for it. Much of the trouble emanating form this will be directed at Israel.

Several Qassam rockets have been fired from Gaza recently, but the BBC Twits are too busy tweeting politically-motivated gossip amongst themselves to notice.

A fascinating article on Elder of Ziyon’s blog which originally appeared in a German magazine called Cicero describes an interview with a 23 year old, highly educated resident of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem. She studied here in the UK and has a fetching English accent. It explains that UNRWA has bestowed, exclusively upon Palestinians, everlasting refugee status. For Palestinians alone, this can extend over the generations. This young lady is passionately determined that one day there will be a single state – ‘from the river to the sea’ – where eight million descendants of the 1948 refugees will return to settle in Israel. She will be satisfied with nothing less. She herself has never been there, and she may or may not know that 54% of East Jerusalem Arabs would rather live in Israel than in a future Palestinian state.

This gives a glimpse of the mindset that is making peace unachievable. Another compelling study of the Arab state of mind is set out in the form of an excerpt from an awesome piece of journalism from the 1960s by the redoubtable Martha Gellhorn. I know following links is tiresome and tedious, but please if you only follow one, let it be that one. Elder has selected a passage from Gellhorn’s lengthy and detailed study of the history of Palestinian Arabs. Now that’s Journalism. Is there anyone at the BBC who is capable of undertaking such a project, even if there was a sudden, miraculous, uncharacteristic desire to try?

Question Time LiveBlog 13th January 2011

Tonight the first Question Time of the new year comes from London.

David Dimbleby will be with Michael Gove MP, Diane Abbott MP, Charles Kennedy MP, right-on lesbian novelist and delicatessen owner Jeanette Winterson and Dragon’s Den judge Nazim Khan who now calls himself James Caan since watching “Godfather”.

For those playing the Buzzword Bingo, we’ll be using the Soft On Crime, Soft On The Causes Of Crime Rules so any links to underworld denizens will be score highly tonight. Look out for triple-point references to Ken Clarke, Prison Closures, Control Orders and Prisoner Votes. On the same theme, special prizes tonight if anyone scores references to bang-to-rights Labour criminals Chaytor and Illsley openly on the BBC, and also Phil Woolarse, fire extinguisher lobber Edward Woollard and LibDem on-the-run donor fraudster Michael Brown who owes £2.4m. You’ll notice that Palin has been taken off your bingo cards for this week as it’s too predictable.

The LiveBlog will also cover the unspeakably strange This Week, with Andrew Neil and Michael Portillo and, if enthusiasm levels permit and alcohol levels allow, may stay open for the Oldham and Saddleworth by-election declaration. Maybe.

David Vance, TheEye and David Mosque will be feeding the guard dogs here from 10:30pm.


Anyone catch Mark Mardell and Justin Webb on “Today” just after 7am? They were discussing Obama’s speech in Tucson, Arizona and boy was it PURE undisguished Obama worship. For starters the BBC neutral headline was “Obama saves his Presidency”….that set the tone. Mardell warbled about the “healer in chief” and explained how deep his words were. When the words “Sarah Palin” were used, there was a visceral sneer (Naturally no coverage of her speech, so I think I will post it below).; This is not political commentary from Webb and Mardell, it is a juvenile fan club that still desperately wants Obama to be President and it is so unbecoming for an organisation that pretends it is impartial. Here’s the speeech the BBC doesn’t want to talk about, why should it when the healer in chief is about?


Justin Webb (Pic:BBC)
I was sent this link by one of our regulars. It concerns Justin Webb – he who is a key presenter on the BBC’s political flagship “Today” programme. Here is Justin writing in The Mirror (natch!) today…

America is a nation of white picket fences, neat flags and have-a-nice-day smiles.


So why do they appear to hate each other so much?

Shortly before Barack Obama was elected, I spoke to a woman outside a Republican rally.

“Why do you dislike Obama?” I asked. “Because he’s a baby killer!” she replied.

The woman’s hatred was bizarre, chilling – and a sign of what was to come.

The right-wing Tea Party Movement is a symptom of this crisis but I do not believe it is necessarily the cause.

Some Tea Party folk hate Obama, but the movement is a symptom of something much deeper and more worrying for all Americans: they kinda hate themselves.

Well, not as much as we hate your rancid bias, Justin. I suggest that with this overt antipathy towards the Tea Party movement, Webb is entirely unfit to be presenting news. His lack of professionalism, combined with his quest for cash (How much did the Mirror pay him for this gibberish?) once more evidences just how removed from reality Helen “Impartiality is In our Genes” Boaden is. Or perhaps it proves how arrogant she, Justin and the rest of the crew really are.

The BBC and the Dreyfus Affair

On January 13, 1898, an open letter by renowned writer Émile Zola was published in the French newspaper L’Aurore. Zola reacting to the unlawful conviction and imprisonment of a Jewish officer in the French Army, Alfred Dreyfus. He accused the government (and, one was meant to extrapolate, the press and society) of anti-Semitism, and declared that this prejudice is what led to Dreyfus’s imprisonment in spite of the facts of the case. It’s still known today as “The Dreyfus Affair”.

In his letter, Zola pointed out judicial errors and highlighted the lack of real evidence in the case. He went on to condemn the general anti-Semitic attitude of the government and many in society which led to the false accusation of espionage. He also stated that the General in charge of the investigation withheld key evidence which would prove the charges were false. In fact, Zola found that another man was to blame for the crime, but since charging him would also have implicated the Army brass, they sat on the story. Someone had to be a scapegoat, and they pointed the finger at someone, simply out of the convenience of prejudice. The Army even tried and acquitted the actual guilty man. Stop me if any of this is starting to sound familiar.

Another dimension to Zola’s point was that the entrenched anti-Semitism in the government, army, and society in general is what caused the crime against Dreyfus. Unfortunately, he was soon convicted of libel for it, and was sentenced to prison. He fled to England, where he stayed until the sitting French Government fell apart. Dreyfus served time at Devil’s Island, but eventually was able to get his case retried. He got a happy result in the end, but it took years and a lot of struggle.

Like the French Army more than a century ago, the BBC is blaming an innocent person for inciting a crime perpetrated by someone else. Even in the face of evidence that the murderer in Tucson had completely different influences, the BBC still accuses Sarah Palin of inciting him to attempt the assassination of a government official. In fact, the BBC tried to censor the news that Jared Loughner was left-wing and had been angry with his intended victim since 2007, long before anyone ever heard of Sarah Palin. In other words, in spite of all the evidence telling them that there’s no possible way the perpetrator of the crime could have been inspired by the words and deeds of Sarah Palin, they accuse her anyway. By extension, they are accusing the Tea Party movement and pundits and leading figures on the political Right for these murders. But they need a scapegoat for the story they want to tell, and found one out of convenience. All in the face of the evidence, and all due to their political and personal prejudices.

Let’s get the first line of defense out of the way. The BBC believes itself to be a special organization, one which stands apart from the rest of the worlds’ media. It’s at least part of their justification for the license fee. Thus, I would say that it would be unacceptable for them to claim that, as the rest of the media is making the story about political rhetoric, so too should the BBC, and that it’s perfectly acceptable for them to ignore the facts of the case and change the story to suit the Narrative.

If we’re to accept the BBC is what they claim it to be, then we expect that the BBC ought to rise above petty politics in the case of a tragedy which was so clearly due to mental illness. Mark Mardell should have followed his own advice from back when that Muslim Major committed mass murder at Ft. Hood, and demurred from pointing fingers at easy targets. The BBC News producers should have held their staff back from declaring a Right-wing cause for this crime in the exact same manner in which they restrained their staff from immediately blaming Islamic Jihad on such crimes when reporting on that Palestinian with a bulldozer, the attempted bombing of Times Square, the attempted bombing of that London night club, when MP Stephen Timms was stabbed, and Maj. Nidal. In those cases, the BBC was among the last to associate the crimes with the influence of Islamic Jihad, and often even warned against such a connection. All in stark contrast to the way they’ve reported on this case in Tucson.

Or did they not have to be reminded of their duty to journalistic integrity in those cases? Is there an instinctive move to defend in some cases, but attack in others, regardless of the facts involved?

Now, the BBC seems to be relentless in this attack of convenience on their political enemies. In spite of the evidence that Loughner was clearly mentally disturbed and dangerous, and had targeted Rep. Giffords since 2007, the BBC still wants to make the story about Sarah Palin, the Tea Party movement, and many others on the Right of the political spectrum. They surely haven’t failed to take advantage of a crisis. A weak attempt to make this about the larger issue of the nature of political rhetoric in the US doesn’t alter the basis of their reporting, or the overall tone of the coverage across the spectrum.

I submit that this behavior is due to an inherent political prejudice at the BBC, specifically in the News department. I include World News in this, as they all share footage and resources so much as to be virtually indistinguishable when reporting on international stories. They all sign off as reporting for BBC News in any case.

In spite of known facts that the murderer in Tucson had no connection to Sarah Palin or the Tea Party movement or Fox News, and was in reality mentally disturbed and had a wide range of influences, they are making the story about the non-Left elements only. Why not discuss his interest in Mein Kampf or the Communist Manifesto, BBC? Why not use this as an opportunity to discuss how society needs to improve the way we look after the mentally ill? No, instead the BBC uses this as a chance to attack their political enemies.

The fact that the BBC is now giving air time to Keith Olbermann, someone who is known not for his journalistic integrity but almost exclusively these days for his venomous political vitriol, tells you all you need to know about the bias at the BBC.

It’s an intellectual failure, and a failure of integrity. It’s not enough to start admitting after two or three days of stories focusing exclusively on blaming political rhetoric from the Right that the murderer had other issues. The damage is done, and the real story buried deep beneath a mass of political attacks. The BBC has done an equivalent of the Dreyfus Affair here by accusing and convicting Sarah Palin and Right-wing pundits of directly inciting murder, in the face of known evidence to the contrary. They leapt to accuse before the facts were out, then ignored and suppressed the facts which pointed in another direction, simply because that would hurt the Narrative, the story they wanted to tell.

In short: BBC, j’accuse!

Nothing short of an apology from the BBC is going to fix this, and nothing short of a wholesale change in personnel at BBC News is going to prevent this from happening again and again in the future. They should start with those in the US.