Electricity bills to rocket by 25% because of ‘green’ targets, says Government
Low-carbon technology ‘will not mean big bill rises’
Spot the difference. The fatcat quango the Committee on Climate Change – a supposedly ‘independent'(ho ho ho) body set up to check the government’s climate change policies, but actually stuffed with alarmist zealots – has published a report that purports to dispassionately examine the impact of these fanatical policies on fuel bills. Actually, it can’t avoid the truth completely and says through gritted teeth that some bills are going to rocket, as the first headline – from the Daily Mail – shows. But the eco freaks at the BBC have followed the Commission’s honeyed dissembling entirely and constructed a version of the story designed from beginning to end to deceive. The second headline is from the BBC website. Their reporting of the survey tells us that any fear of rising bills is totally misplaced, and in any case – as the econut head of the Committee declares – we should be grateful because the tipping of billions down the drain on renewables will lead to better “energy security”.
In reality, the report is alarmist claptrap from beginning to end. Anything from Lord Adair Turner should have such words emblazoned on the cover. The BBC have here acted like propaganda whores, recycling the same old tired lies about energy policy that they always do.