The BBC knows the majority of people in Britain are highly suspicious of Islam if not completely against it.
That being so the BBC has set out to change how you perceive Islam even if it means broadcasting half truths, outright lies and pure Muslim propaganda.
The BBC believes that your views on Islam are as a result of prejudice and misunderstanding….you need to be educated.
Of course the voices we hear and opinions aired must come from trusted sources….hence you will hear no non-Muslims….you will hear Islam is tolerant and peaceful…Islam is the answer…..what you won’t hear is any criticism of Islam.
In this BBC One To One programme…..
Razia Iqbal takes the One to One chair for the next three weeks to try to discover what it means to be a Muslim in Europe in the 21st century. She talks to three people, in three countries, about their identity as Muslims where they live against a context of prejudice and misunderstandings about their faith.
However look at this last paragraph in the introduction……
‘There are fifteen million Muslims in Europe. The continent looks completely different now compared to how it looked two decades ago.’
That’s not what Iqbal said, this is what she said:
‘There are 15 million Muslims in Europe who have altered the cultural and political landscape of the continent.’
Now why would the BBC alter that sentence? Could it be that someone doesn’t want to confirm your belief that Islam is slowly creeping across Europe and gradually and insidiously worming its way into our culture and slowly strangling it to death?
Islam has destroyed countless cultures and societies across history, it has turned rich, vibrant nations into deserts where science and literature are unknown and nothing but misery and slavery to an oppressive religion endure.
Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.
‘To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.’
Muslims should be freed from their slavery to this tyranny some call a religion.
Idque apud imperitos humanitas vocabatur, cum pars servitutis esset.
‘Because they didn’t know better, they called it ‘civilization,’ when it was part of their slavery.’