Presidential Debate LiveBlog

Why not? For those staying up real late or are in a more convenient timezone, I’m going to attempt to make some real-time comments on the most important debate in human history (unless the President loses, in which case debates don’t really matter). Regional ale will be involved. Then we can look at the BBC’s own live text coverage and compare.

(NB: Page is set to refresh automatically every two minutes. Apologies in advance if that screws up anyone in the middle of a comment.) (Yeah, like anyone’s even paying attention. Get over yourself. -ed)



“A paedophile ring operating where? At the BBC?” “Yes”

I’ve rattled off a quick transcript from a key part of the Jimmy Savile/Neswnight Panorama. It really doesn’t get much more serious than this.

A: There are now allegations that Top of the Pops was a centre for abuse and that as well as Jimmy Savile others were involved.

B: A group of three have been described, men in their thirties, who would collect girls from the Top of the Pops audience and take them to other parties off the premises of the BBC. And inappropriate things have been described as happening then. Some quite serious.

A: And is it your understanding that these people worked for the BBC?

B: Yes, yes, so you know we’ve had one particular call that has names of people who can be traced on that and that will be passed on to the police.

A: Not all the victims were young girls. Lawyers are now hearing allegations that boys were targeted too.

C: There are some quite serious allegations that there was a paedophile ring operating. These are quite serious allegations.

A: A paedophile ring operating where? At the BBC?

C: Yes.

A: Involving other members of staff?

C: Yes

UPDATE. The Sun – making the most of it:


Compare and contrast the current top stories on BBC and Telegraph:

Subheading in the Telegraph: ‘An al-Qaeda inspired gang of British Muslims planned to carry out “another 9/11” in the UK with up to eight suicide bombers, a court heard today.’

…but on the BBC, they’re just ‘men’. Or ‘Birmingham men’. The only mention of Muslim or Islam is at the end of the story, to tell us that they tricked muslims into giving them cash for bona fide Islamic charities.

Bias? It seems to me the BBC seems determined to obscure inconvenient details.

Hat tip to the Biased BBC reader for the story


Further to Alan’s post below, Savilegate continues to damage the BBC.

“The Newsnight editor responsible for dropping a report into claims Jimmy Savile sexually abused people is stepping aside, the BBC has said. Peter Rippon’s move is for the duration of an inquiry into Newsnight’s handling of the planned report last year. Earlier this month, in a blog, Mr Rippon explained the editorial reasons behind his decision to axe the report. The BBC has now issued a correction, calling the blog “inaccurate or incomplete in some respects”.

Or, if you like straight language, …wrong. The BBC has major questions to answer into WHY it played along with Savile for ALL those years.  There must be DOZENS of people who turned a blind eye to Mr Fix It. It seems like institutionalised avoidance of sexual abuse going on right under their noses.  Time for arrests?


Hi all. Just a quick word re the site.

I know we still seem to have some problems re access and I am passing these on to our technical people for their attention however there are a few things I wanted to say to you directly concerning the site.

Firstly, the purpose of the site is to expose and discuss BBC bias. This site does not have any political agenda and it is not right/left. Yes, I AM clearly someone with right of liberal values, you all know that, but my beef is with the bias. If the BBC was balanced, I would be less irritated by it. That said, it’s very existence bothers me!

Secondly, the genius of the site does not lie in the posts – some are very good and indeed inspired at time of course – but in the quality of the comments of you lot reading this. To that end it is really important that any comment you leave is civil and on topic if at all possible. I am aware that passions can run high and I understand your frustration at the BBC BUT there cannot be any excuse for vicious and ad hominem comments here. I want this site to be full of informed commentary and you provide it 99% of the time but I just want to stop any tendency to political ranting with no real BBC bias focus. Please remember that there are MANY people who would like to see this site characterised as “right wing hate site” ….do not offer them hostages to fortunes please.

Finally, I am aware that in recent times some of our regular writers have stopped posting. That is a shame. In some instances I know the reason, in others I do not. I have always welcomed writers here and have never interfered with them from an editorial point of view. But people do move on and that is fine, c’est la vie. My own work and media pressures have stopped me from posting with the regularity I once did but I am still keen to take the battle to the Beeb. If anyone out there thinks they would like to contribute posts, and keep the focus on the bias, please contact me.

Biased BBC site has been here for some years now and it is going to be around for many years  to come, God willing.  I look upon us as one big team of people, united by a deep concern as to the behaviour and agenda of the State Broadcaster. Let’s keep rolling..

GDP Up or is that OOPs?

On Thursday the latest GDP figures will be released and it is widely expected that they will show a rise.

Whilst GDP was falling, however slightly, and employment rising, the BBC was constantly questioning how employment could go up in a recession…..they concluded that Britain’s industry was failing….productivity must be falling….and therefore government industrial policy was failing….we need a Plan B.

Many others suggested that the GDP figures were wrong…the BBC disimissed this out of hand.

One thing the BBC never did was to ask the businesses themselves that were employing these new recruits just exactly why they were recruiting in a ‘recession’….the BBC preferred to speculate because it could put its own, doom laden, interpretation upon the figures. 

 It will be interesting to see how they react if the GDP figures do go up….will the BBC start to suggest  the figures are not accurate after all…..just as Flanders removed her seal of approval from the OECD when they backed up George Osborne’s plans?

5Live has been advertising its intentions for Thurday….investigating the economy and the businesses and the workers….I’m sure I don’t have to listen to know their conclusions….the economy might look like it is showing some green shoots but it is all a bit of a mirage….keep your bags packed and passports handy…you might have to flee the country in search of a better life…or you could just vote Labour!

Unravel The Savile… ‘Benign Eccentric’

Sort of interesting day if you like to listen to the BBC relentlessly eviscerating itself  whilst at the same time  they try to apply a field dressing to the gaping wound and carry on as if nothing happened.

There are though still plenty of attempts to play down the Savile affair and the subsequent Newsnight bungle.

Nicky Campbell suggested that no one knew a thing about Savile, not a clue…the general view at the BBC was that he had been a ‘benign eccentric’.

 If you ever wondered why complaining to the BBC Governors or the BBC Trust rarely resulted in any meaningful action you only had to listen to Sir Christopher Bland and Sir Michael Lyons telling us what a load of old hooey over nothing very much all this is…..Lyons tells us it is all really just the Press kicking up sand and taking a swipe at the BBC.

Not that the BBC ever engaged in attacking Murdoch’s or any other news papers.

Richard Bacon dragged in the man with a distant relationshiop to the truth, Kevin Marsh, yet again, and also Ben Fenton from the lefty FT….who also suggested a similar line to Lyons…no story really just the Press trying to lessen the case for regulation under Leveson  because if good old Aunty Beeb can make mistakes well so can anyone….so no need for tighter regulation says Fenton…its a tabloid agenda not a real story about the BBC and Savile.

He tells us, and Bacon jumps aboard, what happened was only a series of marginal mistakes…sins of ommission not commission…unlike the evil Murdoch papers who plotted their nefarious deeds deliberately.

However I would suggest if you knew something about Savile, and it seems many did KNOW, then to look away and do nothing is not ommission it is commission…you have decided to ignore abuse.

It does look, before Panorama goes to air, that George Entwistle was either remiss in not doing his job or he is lying about not knowing or asking about Newsnight’s investigation.  When Helen Boaden told him he might have to change his programme  schedule because of the Newsnight programme surely he would have to ask her to justify that….or is his trust in Helen Boaden so great that he just bows down before her…in the jealously guarded realms of televison?

Peter Rippon’s future doesn’t look too bright on the evidence so far….inaccurate and incomplete explanation of why he cancelled the Newsnight programme…..and the emails reveal senior management involvement in decision making….long denied by all.

Something else that Rippon said is of interest, and ironic all considered….he was keen to look at the CPS’ reasons for not going ahead with their prosecution…because it showed ‘ institutional failure’…which was a strong story…and more interesting. 

That does shine a little light into the BBC thinking…always keen to undermine other Institutions in the interest of better telly.


All in all not a brilliant day for the management and panjandrums of the BBC….but credit where credit is due…except to Bacon and perhaps Campbell….many have worked hard on digging into the heart of this tale and have not shied away from the bad news.

Can only hope Panorama does a proper job and doesn’t come up with the jaded formula of  ‘Yes we did wrong but it wasn’t all that bad really, the times and culture etc, it happened in alot of other places as well not just the BBC, and we have changed our ways since…unlike the grubby Redtops!’….which has been the constant refrain from the BBC in their own defence so far.




The Making Of Sausages And Labour Party Economic Disasters Should Remain Unseen

In PMQs  Miliband concentrated on the angry exchange Tory Andrew Mitchell had with a police officer…for which Mitchell has apologised, apology being accepted by the Met and by the officer concerned.  Surely that is the end of the matter?

So why does Miliband concentrate on that and not on producing some policies to improve the economy, and why when we come to the wash up by the BBC’s John Pienaar does he also concentrate of this subject rather than just say Miliband is indulging in a shallow point scoring exercise of no real significance….it is school boy stuff when the economy is the real subject of concern.

A far more interesting and relevant point was raised in PMQ’s….and ignored by the BBC……

Q15. [122174] Sir Tony Baldry (Banbury) (Con): Does my right hon. Friend agree that there was no structural deficit at the top of the boom, as claimed by the shadow Chancellor?

The Prime Minister: My hon. Friend makes an important point, which is this. The IMF report out this week shows that the structural deficit in 2007, at the height of the boom, was 5% of our GDP, or £73 billion. The shadow Chancellor said there was no structural deficit. I think this really demonstrates just how little Labour has learnt. We have talked about our plans for the British economy—how we are going to help it compete and succeed. We know Labour’s plans for this weekend: to go on a giant march with its trade union paymasters. That is how the Leader of the Opposition is going to be spending his weekend—on the most lucrative sponsored walk in history.

For a long time Balls has been allowed to get away with saying government policies are increasing the debt and slowing growth and that there was no structural deficit when Labour were kicked out of Office and the economy was bounding back to recovery….the so-called recovery just being Labour’s injection of freshly printed ‘money’ under QE….’virtual’ growth.

Confirmation of Balls’ deception  came this week when it emerged that under Labour the deficit was far higher than thought….something which might explain why economic recovery is dragging its feet.

Wouldn’t that be something of interest to the BBC as the economy is the central battleground for the Parties?  Apparently not….it doesn’t seem to have raised so much as a ripple in the BBC’s coverage….despite a substantial question about the matter in PMQs.

The BBC went to town when the deficit figures reached a record in August…..but evidence of Labour’s foul ups is quietly shelved.

September’s deficit figures are out now…and also a revision, downwards, of August’s.  September’s are lower than expected …but I didn’t hear a peep on the radio….despite this….

‘Public borrowing for the financial year-to-date now stands at £38.6bn, compared with £62.8bn this time last year.’

That would seem to be worth more than just a mention.